path: root/xpa/python/PythonXPA
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authorWilliam Joye <>2017-10-26 16:44:17 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-10-26 16:44:17 (GMT)
commit79d64f400391ce81b4eda73977cb40099256b348 (patch)
tree47afaed270cf59335dbaf4eb7965eac64a02a687 /xpa/python/PythonXPA
parent1377ae8b2142276c24d28d65865e459038984c62 (diff)
upgrade XPA
Diffstat (limited to 'xpa/python/PythonXPA')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/README b/xpa/python/PythonXPA/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c803db..0000000
--- a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Hi Eric,
-it's me again. Hope everything is ok with you.
-I started working with python and because python 2.5 comes with ctypes
-included I started to wrap some XPA functionality. In the web I only
-found PyXPA 0.2 which is very alpha. And with ctypes, we don't need any
-c-code linked in, python package is enough.
-Although I have wrapped only the functionality I need for now, I think
-it is already usable. And, of course, when you or anyone is interested
-in it, I can easily add more functionality.
-There is no installation needed. Just adjust the path to your
-in and and optionally adjust NXPA in
-Then you can start stest and run or run and
-issue some xpainfo/get/set commands.
diff --git a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/client/ b/xpa/python/PythonXPA/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e39eb..0000000
--- a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from ctypes import *
-#xpa_t = c_void_p
-#xpa = xpa_t(None)
-c_byte_p = POINTER(c_byte)
-NXPA = 10
-def free_bufs(p_arr, len):
- for i in range(len):
- if p_arr[i]:
- print "freeing [", i, "] ", p_arr[i][0], p_arr[i][1]
-## XPA XPAOpen(char *mode);
-XPAOpen = libxpa.XPAOpen
-libxpa.XPAOpen.restype = c_void_p
-libxpa.XPAOpen.argtypes = [c_char_p]
-## void XPAClose(XPA xpa);
-XPAClose = libxpa.XPAClose
-libxpa.XPAClose.argtypes = [c_void_p]
-## int XPAGet(XPA xpa, char *template, char *paramlist, char *mode,
-## char **bufs, int *lens, char **names, char **messages, int n);
-XPAGet = libxpa.XPAGet
-libxpa.XPAGet.restype = c_int
-libxpa.XPAGet.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \
- c_byte_p*NXPA, c_int*NXPA, c_byte_p*NXPA, c_byte_p*NXPA, \
- c_int]
-## when you want to send something like "hello\0x00 you" use this
-## int XPASet(XPA xpa,
-## char *template, char *paramlist, char *mode,
-## char *buf, int len, char **names, char **messages,
-## int n);
-#libxpa.XPASet.restype = c_int
-#libxpa.XPASet.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \
-# c_byte_p, c_int, c_char_p*NXPA, c_char_p*NXPA, \
-# c_int]
-## when you know, you will send strings only, use this one to avoid conversions
-XPASet = libxpa.XPASet
-libxpa.XPASet.restype = c_int
-libxpa.XPASet.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \
- c_char_p, c_int, c_byte_p*NXPA, c_byte_p*NXPA, \
- c_int]
-## int XPAInfo(XPA xpa,
-## char *template, char *paramlist, char *mode,
-## char **names, char **messages, int n);
-XPAInfo = libxpa.XPAInfo
-libxpa.XPAInfo.restype = c_int
-libxpa.XPAInfo.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \
- c_byte_p*NXPA, c_byte_p*NXPA, \
- c_int]
-## int XPAAccess(XPA xpa,
-## char *template, char *paramlist, char *mode,
-## char **names, char **messages, int n);
-XPAAccess = libxpa.XPAAccess
-libxpa.XPAAccess.restype = c_int
-libxpa.XPAAccess.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \
- c_byte_p*NXPA, c_byte_p*NXPA, \
- c_int]
-#del libxpa
diff --git a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/client/ b/xpa/python/PythonXPA/client/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7111a98..0000000
--- a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-####### testing: #
-####### please start "stest" #
-from XPAClient import *
-import time
-xpa = None
-print xpa
-xpa = XPAOpen("ack=false")
-print xpa
-buff_t = c_byte_p*NXPA
-buffs = buff_t()
-names = buff_t()
-messages = buff_t()
-int_t = c_int*NXPA
-lens = int_t()
-ok = True
-while ok:
- #ok = False
- print "--- XPAGet Test 1"
- n = XPAGet(xpa, "XPA:xpa*", "help", "ack=false", buffs, lens, names, \
- messages, NXPA)
- #########################################################################
- print n
- print buffs[0][0:lens[0]], "\n", buffs[1][0:lens[1]]
- print string_at(names[0]), string_at(names[1])
- for j in range(n):
- ascii_text = string_at(buffs[j], lens[j])
- #ascii_text = ''.join(chr(buffs[j][i]) for i in range(0, lens[j]))
- print "---", j, "---\n>>>\n" + ascii_text + "\n<<<"
- free_bufs(buffs, NXPA)
- free_bufs(names, NXPA)
- free_bufs(messages, NXPA)
- print "--- XPASet Test 1"
- txt = "Hey, you!"
- n = XPASet(xpa, "XPA:xpa", "", "", txt, len(txt), names, messages, NXPA)
- #########################################################################
- print string_at(names[0])
- free_bufs(names, NXPA)
- free_bufs(messages, NXPA)
- #sys.exit(0)
- print "--- XPAGet Test 2"
- n = XPAGet(xpa, "XPA:xpa[12]", "error", "", buffs, lens, names, \
- messages, NXPA)
- #########################################################################
- print n
- print ":::: "
- if names[0]:
- print "\t names[0]: ", string_at(names[0])
- if names[1]:
- print "\t names[1]: ", string_at(names[1])
- free_bufs(buffs, NXPA)
- free_bufs(names, NXPA)
- free_bufs(messages, NXPA)
- print "--- XPAInfo Test 1"
- n = XPAInfo(xpa, "XPA:i_xpa", "hey there", "", names, messages, NXPA)
- #########################################################################
- print n
- if names:
- free_bufs(names, NXPA)
- if messages:
- free_bufs(messages, NXPA)
- n = XPAAccess(xpa, "XPA:*", "", "", names, messages, NXPA)
- #########################################################################
- print n
- for j in range(n):
- print "access ---", j, "--- >>>" + string_at(names[j]) + "<<<"
- if names:
- free_bufs(names, NXPA)
- if messages:
- free_bufs(messages, NXPA)
- #time.sleep(0.010)
-xpa = None
diff --git a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/server/ b/xpa/python/PythonXPA/server/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c46ed3..0000000
--- a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-from ctypes import *
-c_byte_p = POINTER(c_byte)
-## int XPAPoll(int msec, int maxreq);
-XPAPoll = x.XPAPoll
-x.XPAPoll.restype = c_int
-x.XPAPoll.argtypes = [c_int, c_int]
-## typedef struct xparec{
-## /* xpa version */
-## char *version;
-## /* status of this xpa */
-## int status;
-## /* "g", "s", "i" are server types; "c" for client */
-## char *type;
-## /*
-## */
-## struct xparec *next;
-## char *xclass;
-## char *name;
-## char *help;
-## /* and so on */
-## } *XPA;
-# ctypes wrapper
-class xparec(Structure):
- _fields_ = [ ("version", c_char_p), \
- ("status", c_int), \
- ("type", c_char_p), \
- ("next", c_void_p), \
- ("xclass", c_char_p), \
- ("name", c_char_p), \
- ("help", c_char_p) \
- ]
-XPA = POINTER(xparec)
-## int XPAFree(XPA xpa);
-XPAFree = x.XPAFree
-x.XPAFree.restype = c_void_p
-x.XPAFree.argtypes = [XPA]
-## info callback:
-## int info_cb(void *info_data, void *call_data, char *paramlist)
-INFOCBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, XPA, c_char_p)
-### implement like this:
-#def py_infocb_func(a, b, c):
-# print "py_cmp_func", a, b
-# return 0
-#infocb_func = INFOCBFUNC(py_infocb_func)
-## XPA XPAInfoNew(char *class, char *name,
-## int (*info_callback)(),
-## void *info_data, char *info_mode);
-XPAInfoNew = x.XPAInfoNew
-x.XPAInfoNew.restype = XPA
-x.XPAInfoNew.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, INFOCBFUNC, c_char_p, c_char_p]
-## int send_callback(void *send_data, void *call_data,
-## char *paramlist, char **buf, int *len)
-SENDCBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, XPA, c_char_p, POINTER(c_byte_p), POINTER(c_int))
-### implement like this:
-#def py_sendcb_func(a, data, call_data, param, buf, len):
-# print "inside send_callback"
-# return 0
-#sendcb_func = SENDCBFUNC(py_sendcb_func)
-## int receive_callback(void *receive_data, void *call_data,
-## char *paramlist, char *buf, int len)
-RCVCBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, XPA, c_char_p, c_byte_p, c_int)
-## XPA XPANew(char *class, char *name, char *help,
-## int (*send_callback)(),
-## void *send_data, char *send_mode,
-## int (*rec_callback)(),
-## void *rec_data, char *rec_mode);
-XPANew = x.XPANew
-x.XPANew.restype = XPA
-x.XPANew.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \
- c_char_p, c_char_p, \
- c_char_p, c_char_p \
- ]
diff --git a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/server/ b/xpa/python/PythonXPA/server/
deleted file mode 100755
index fe4f1a2..0000000
--- a/xpa/python/PythonXPA/server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-####### testing: #
-from XPAServer import *
-import time
-print "Poll"
-n = x.XPAPoll(10000, 0)
-print "got %d" % n
-EXIT_FLAG = False
-# setting up Info Point #
-def py_infocb_func(a, b, c):
- global EXIT_FLAG
- print ">>> INFO:"
- print "params:", c
- print "info:", a
- print "", b[0].name
- print "<<<"
- if (c[0:4] == "exit"):
- print "setting EXIT_FLAG"
- EXIT_FLAG = True
- return 0
-infocb_func = INFOCBFUNC(py_infocb_func)
-xpa = XPAInfoNew("XPA", "i_test", infocb_func, "my info", "")
-# setting up AccessPoint Get/Set #
-def py_sendcb_func(data, call_data, param, buf, len):
- print "inside send_callback"
- print "param:", param
- print "buf:", string_at(buf)
- buf[0] = cast("this is test only\n", c_byte_p)
- len[0] = 19
- return 0
-sendcb_func = SENDCBFUNC(py_sendcb_func)
-def py_rcvcb_func(data, call_data, param, buf, len):
- print "inside rcv_callback"
- print "param:", param
- print "got %d bytes" % len
- print "buf:", string_at(buf)
- return 0
-rcvcb_func = RCVCBFUNC(py_rcvcb_func)
-xpa2 = XPANew("XPA", "myxpa", "this is great help",
- sendcb_func,
- "SEND_DATA", "freebuf=false",
- rcvcb_func,
- "", "")
-print "Entering loop"
-while EXIT_FLAG == False:
- n = XPAPoll(1000, 1)
- print "got:", n
-print "loop finished"
-print "calling XPAFree"