path: root/ast/ast_tester/testchebymap.f
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/ast/ast_tester/testchebymap.f b/ast/ast_tester/testchebymap.f
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a0bba..0000000
--- a/ast/ast_tester/testchebymap.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
- program testchebymap
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- include 'AST_PAR'
- include 'PRM_PAR'
- integer status, lstat, cm, cm2, cm3, i, j, nco
- double precision lbnd( 2 ), ubnd( 2 ), dval, lb, ub, xl(2), xu(2)
- double precision tlbnd( 2 ), tubnd( 2 ), dlbnd( 2 ), dubnd( 2 )
- double precision coeffs_1( 4*3 ), xin( 5 ), xout( 5 ), xrec( 5 ),
- : yrec( 5 ), coeffs_4(4*4 ),
- : work( 5 ), coeffs_2( 2*3 ), coeffs_3( 4*5 ),
- : yin(5), yout(5), xi, yi, xv, yv, y, a, x,
- : cofs( 100 )
-C f(x) = 1.5*T0(x') - 1.0*T2(x') + 2.0*T3(x') - 1.3*T4(x')
- data coeffs_1 /1.5D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0,
- : -1.0D0, 1.0D0, 2.0D0,
- : 2.0D0, 1.0D0, 3.0D0,
- : 1.3D0, 1.0D0, 4.0D0 /
-C f(x) = 1.0*T0(x') - 2.0*T1(x')
- data coeffs_2 /1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0,
- : -2.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0 /
-C fx(x,y) = 1.0*T0(x')*T0(y') - 2.0*T1(x')*T2(y') + T1(y')
-C fy(x,y) = 1.5*T0(x')*T0(y') - 2.5*T1(x')*T2(y')
- data coeffs_3 /1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0,
- : -2.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 2.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0,
- : 1.5D0, 2.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0,
- : -2.5D0, 2.0D0, 1.0D0, 2.0D0/
-C fx(x,y) = T1(x') + T1(y')
-C fy(x,y) = T1(x') - T1(y')
-C This has the property that the coeffs of the inverse transformation are
-C equal to the coeffs of the forward transformation.
- data coeffs_4 /1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, 2.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0,
- : -1.0D0, 2.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0 /
- status = sai__ok
- call ast_begin( status )
-C One-dimensional ChebyMaps, order 1: a constant equal to 1.5
- lbnd( 1 ) = -1.0D0
- lbnd( 2 ) = -1.0D0
- ubnd( 1 ) = 1.0D0
- ubnd( 2 ) = 1.0D0
- cm = ast_chebymap( 1, 1, 1, coeffs_1, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- xin( 1 ) = -1.0D0
- xin( 2 ) = -0.5D0
- xin( 3 ) = 0.0D0
- xin( 4 ) = 0.5D0
- xin( 5 ) = 1.0D0
- call ast_tran1( cm, 5, xin, .true., xout, status )
- do i = 1, 5
- if( xout( i ) .ne. 1.5D0 ) call stopit( 0, status )
- end do
-C One-dimensional ChebyMaps, order 3: 2.5 - 2*x*x
- cm = ast_chebymap( 1, 1, 2, coeffs_1, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- call ast_tran1( cm, 5, xin, .true., xout, status )
- do i = 1, 5
- if( xout( i ) .ne. 2.5D0 - 2.0D0*xin( i )**2 )
- : call stopit( 1, status )
- end do
-C One-dimensional ChebyMaps, order 4: 2.5 - 6*x - 2*x*x + 8*x*x*x
- cm = ast_chebymap( 1, 1, 3, coeffs_1, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- call ast_tran1( cm, 5, xin, .true., xout, status )
- do i = 1, 5
- dval = 2.5D0-6.0D0*xin(i)-2.0D0*xin(i)**2+8.0D0*xin(i)**3
- if( xout( i ) .ne. dval ) call stopit( 2, status )
- end do
-C One-dimensional ChebyMaps, order 5
- cm = ast_chebymap( 1, 1, 4, coeffs_1, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- call ast_tran1( cm, 5, xin, .true., xout, status )
- do i = 1, 5
- work( 1 ) = 1.0D0
- work( 2 ) = xin( i )
- do j = 3, 5
- work( j ) = 2.0D0 * xin( i ) * work( j - 1 )
- : - work( j - 2 )
- end do
- if( 1.5D0*work(1) - 1.0D0*work(3) +
- : 2.0D0*work(4) + 1.3D0*work(5) .ne.
- : xout( i ) ) call stopit( 3, status )
- end do
-C Check the IterInverse attribute is zero.
- if( ast_getl( cm, 'IterInverse', status ) ) then
- call stopit( 4, status )
- end if
-c The astPolyTran method on a 1-dimensional ChebyMaps, order 2: 1 - 2*x
- cm = ast_chebymap( 1, 1, 2, coeffs_2, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- cm2 = ast_polytran( cm, .false., 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 5, lbnd,
- : ubnd, status )
- if( cm2 .eq. AST__NULL ) then
- call stopit( 5, status )
- else
- xin( 1 ) = -1.0D0
- xin( 2 ) = -0.5D0
- xin( 3 ) = 0.0D0
- xin( 4 ) = 0.5D0
- xin( 5 ) = 1.0D0
- call ast_tran1( cm2, 5, xin, .true., xout, status )
- call ast_tran1( cm2, 5, xout, .false., xrec, status )
- do i = 1, 5
- if( abs( xrec(i) - xin(i) ) .gt. 1.0D-3*abs( xin(i) ) )
- : call stopit( 6, status )
- end do
- call ast_chebydomain( cm2, .false., dlbnd, dubnd, status )
- if( dlbnd(1) .ne. -1.0D0 )
- : call stopit( 501, status )
- if( dubnd(1) .ne. 3.0D0 )
- : call stopit( 502, status )
- call ast_polycoeffs( cm2, .false., 100, cofs, nco, status )
- if( nco .ne. 1 )
- : call stopit( 503, status )
- if( abs( cofs(1) + 1.0D0 ) .gt. 1.0D-10 )
- : call stopit( 504, status )
- if( abs( cofs(2) - 1.0D0 ) .gt. 1.0D-10 )
- : call stopit( 505, status )
- if( abs( cofs(3) - 1.0D0 ) .gt. 1.0D-10 )
- : call stopit( 506, status )
- end if
-c The astPolyTran method on a 1-dimensional ChebyMaps, order 5.
- lbnd( 1 ) = -100.0D0
- ubnd( 1 ) = 100.0D0
- cm = ast_chebymap( 1, 1, 4, coeffs_1, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd, 1.0D0,
- : 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- cm2 = ast_polytran( cm, .false., 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 10, -5.0D0,
- : 50.0D0, status )
- if( cm2 .eq. AST__NULL ) then
- call stopit( 7, status )
- else
- xin(1) = 0.0D0;
- xin(2) = 10.0D0;
- xin(3) = 20.0D0;
- xin(4) = 30.0D0;
- xin(5) = 40.0D0;
- call ast_tran1( cm2, 5, xin, .true., xout, status )
- call ast_tran1( cm2, 5, xout, .false., xrec, status )
- do i = 1, 5
- if( abs( xrec( i ) - xin( i ) ) .gt. 0.01D0 )
- : call stopit( 8, status )
- end do
- end if
-c ast_equal and ast_copy
- cm3 = ast_copy( cm2, status )
- if( .not. ast_equal( cm2, cm3, status ) ) then
- call stopit( 9, status )
- end if
-c astDump and astLoadChebyMap
- call checkdump( cm2, status )
-c Simple 2d ChebyMap.
-C fx(x,y) = T1(x') + T1(y')
-C fy(x,y) = T1(x') - T1(y')
- lbnd(1) = -1.0D0
- lbnd(2) = -1.0D0
- ubnd(1) = 1.0D0
- ubnd(2) = 1.0D0
- cm = ast_chebymap( 2, 2, 4, coeffs_4, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd,
- : 1.0D0, 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- cm2 = ast_copy( cm, status )
- call ast_invert( cm2, status )
- cm3 = ast_simplify( ast_cmpmap( cm, cm2, .TRUE., ' ', status ),
- : status )
- if( .not. ast_isaunitmap( cm3, status ) ) then
- call stopit( 1000, status )
- end if
- xin(1) = 0.5D0
- xin(2) = 0.0D0
- xin(3) = -0.5D0
- xin(4) = 0.0D0
- yin(1) = 0.0D0
- yin(2) = 0.5D0
- yin(3) = 0.0D0
- yin(4) = -0.5D0
- call ast_tran2( cm, 4, xin, yin, .true., xout, yout, status )
- do i = 1, 4
- xv = xin(i) + yin(i)
- yv = xin(i) - yin(i)
- if( abs( xout(i) - xv ) .gt. 1.0D-6*abs(xv) .or.
- : abs( yout(i) - yv ) .gt. 1.0D-6*abs(yv) ) then
- call stopit( 101, status )
- end if
- end do
- cm2 = ast_polytran( cm, .false., 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 10, lbnd,
- : ubnd, status )
- if( cm2 .eq. AST__NULL ) then
- call stopit( 102, status )
- else
- call ast_tran2( cm2, 4, xout, yout, .false., xrec, yrec,
- : status )
- do i = 1, 4
- if( abs( xrec(i) - xin(i) ) .gt. 0.01D0 .or.
- : abs( yrec(i) - yin(i) ) .gt. 0.01D0 ) then
- call stopit( 103, status )
- end if
- end do
- end if
- call ast_polycoeffs( cm2, .false., 100, cofs, nco, status )
- if( nco .ne. 4 ) then
- call stopit( 104, status )
- else
- do i = 1, 16
- if( abs( cofs(i) - coeffs_4(i) ) .gt. 0.01D0 ) then
- call stopit( 105, status )
- end if
- end do
- end if
- call ast_chebydomain( cm2, .false., dlbnd, dubnd, status )
- if( dlbnd(1) .ne. -2.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 106, status )
- else if( dlbnd(2) .ne. -2.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 107, status )
- else if( dubnd(1) .ne. 2.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 108, status )
- else if( dubnd(2) .ne. 2.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 109, status )
- end if
-* 2-dimensional ChebyMaps: forward transformation
- lbnd(1) = 0.0D0
- lbnd(2) = 0.0D0
- ubnd(1) = 10.0D0
- ubnd(2) = 10.0D0
- cm = ast_chebymap( 2, 2, 5, coeffs_3, 0, 0.0D0, lbnd, ubnd,
- : 1.0D0, 1.0D0, ' ', status )
- xin(1) = 0.0D0
- xin(2) = 2.0D0
- xin(3) = 6.0D0
- xin(4) = 10.0D0
- yin(1) = 2.0D0
- yin(2) = 5.0D0
- yin(3) = 8.0D0
- yin(4) = 0.0D0
- call ast_tran2( cm, 4, xin, yin, .true., xout, yout, status )
- do i = 1, 4
- xi = 2.0D0*( xin(i) - lbnd(1) )/( ubnd(1) - lbnd(1) ) - 1.0D0
- yi = 2.0D0*( yin(i) - lbnd(2) )/( ubnd(2) - lbnd(2) ) - 1.0D0
- xv = 1 - 2*xi*(2*yi**2 - 1) + yi
- yv = 1.5 - 2.5*xi*(2*yi**2 - 1)
- if( abs( xout(i) - xv ) .gt. 1.0D-6*abs(xv) .or.
- : abs( yout(i) - yv ) .gt. 1.0D-6*abs(yv) ) then
- call stopit( 10, status )
- end if
- end do
-* 2-dimensional ChebyMaps: fitted inverse transformation
- tlbnd(1) = 4.0D0
- tlbnd(2) = 4.0D0
- tubnd(1) = 6.0D0
- tubnd(2) = 6.0D0
- cm2 = ast_polytran( cm, .false., 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 10, tlbnd,
- : tubnd, status )
- if( cm2 .eq. AST__NULL ) then
- call stopit( 11, status )
- else
- xin(1) = 4.0D0
- xin(2) = 4.5D0
- xin(3) = 5.0D0
- xin(4) = 5.5D0
- yin(1) = 6.0D0
- yin(2) = 5.5D0
- yin(3) = 5.0D0
- yin(4) = 4.5D0
- call ast_tran2( cm2, 4, xin, yin, .true., xout, yout, status )
- call ast_tran2( cm2, 4, xout, yout, .false., xrec, yrec,
- : status )
- do i = 1, 4
- if( abs( xrec(i) - xin(i) ) .gt. 0.01D0 .or.
- : abs( yrec(i) - yin(i) ) .gt. 0.01D0 ) then
- call stopit( 12, status )
- end if
- end do
- end if
-* Test recovery of coeffs
- call ast_polycoeffs( cm2, .true., 0, 0.0D0, nco, status )
- if( nco .ne. 5 ) then
- call stopit( 13, status )
- endif
- call ast_polycoeffs( cm2, .true., 100, cofs, nco, status )
- if( nco .ne. 5 ) then
- call stopit( 14, status )
- else
- do i = 1, 20
- if( cofs( i ) .ne. coeffs_3( i ) ) then
- call stopit( 15, status )
- end if
- end do
- endif
- call ast_polycoeffs( cm2, .false., 0, 0.0D0, nco, status )
- if( nco .ne. 9 ) then
- call stopit( 16, status )
- endif
- call ast_polycoeffs( cm2, .false., 100, cofs, nco, status )
- if( nco .ne. 9 ) then
- call stopit( 17, status )
- else if( abs( cofs( 1 ) - 5.0000000000000018D0 ) .gt.
- : 1.0E-6 ) then
- call stopit( 18, status )
- else if( abs( cofs( 13 ) - 0.35096188953505458D0 ) .gt.
- : 1.0E-6 ) then
- call stopit( 19, status )
- else if( cofs( 15 ) .ne. 2.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 20, status )
- end if
-* Test recovery of domain bounding box
- call ast_chebydomain( cm, .true., dlbnd, dubnd, status )
- if( dlbnd(1) .ne. lbnd(1) ) then
- call stopit( 21, status )
- else if( dlbnd(2) .ne. lbnd(2) ) then
- call stopit( 22, status )
- else if( dubnd(1) .ne. ubnd(1) ) then
- call stopit( 23, status )
- else if( dubnd(2) .ne. ubnd(2) ) then
- call stopit( 24, status )
- end if
- call ast_chebydomain( cm, .false., dlbnd, dubnd, status )
- if( dlbnd(1) .ne. -2.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 25, status )
- else if( dlbnd(2) .ne. -1.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 26, status )
- else if( dubnd(1) .ne. 4.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 27, status )
- else if( dubnd(2) .ne. 4.0D0 ) then
- call stopit( 28, status )
- end if
- call ast_chebydomain( cm2, .true., dlbnd, dubnd, status )
- if( dlbnd(1) .ne. lbnd(1) ) then
- call stopit( 29, status )
- else if( dlbnd(2) .ne. lbnd(2) ) then
- call stopit( 30, status )
- else if( dubnd(1) .ne. ubnd(1) ) then
- call stopit( 31, status )
- else if( dubnd(2) .ne. ubnd(2) ) then
- call stopit( 32, status )
- end if
- call ast_chebydomain( cm2, .false., dlbnd, dubnd, status )
- if( abs( dlbnd(1) - 0.432 ) .gt. 1.0D-6 ) then
- call stopit( 33, status )
- else if( abs( dlbnd(2) - 1.000816 ) .gt. 1.0D-6 ) then
- call stopit( 34, status )
- else if( abs( dubnd(1) - 1.568D0 ) .gt. 1.0D-6 ) then
- call stopit( 35, status )
- else if( abs( dubnd(2) - 1.9991836D0 ) .gt. 1.0D-6 ) then
- call stopit( 36, status )
- end if
- call ast_end( status )
- call ast_activememory( 'testchebymap' );
- call ast_flushmemory( 1 )
- if( status .eq. sai__ok ) then
- write(*,*) 'All ChebyMap tests passed'
- else
- write(*,*) 'ChebyMap tests failed'
- end if
- end
- subroutine stopit( i, status )
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- integer i, status
- if( status .eq. sai__ok ) then
- write( *,* ) 'Error ',i
- status = sai__error
- end if
- end
- subroutine checkdump( obj, status )
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- include 'AST_PAR'
- integer obj, status, ch, result
- if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
- ch = ast_channel( AST_NULL, AST_NULL, ' ', status )
- call ast_set( ch, 'SinkFile=fred.tmp', status )
- if( ast_write( ch, obj, status ) .ne. 1 ) then
- call stopit( -1, status )
- end if
- call ast_clear( ch, 'SinkFile', status )
- call ast_set( ch, 'SourceFile=fred.tmp', status )
- result = ast_read( ch, status )
- if( result .eq. ast__null ) then
- call stopit( -2, status )
- end if
- call ast_clear( ch, 'SourceFile', status )
- if( .not. ast_equal( result, obj, status ) ) then
- call ast_show( obj, status )
- call ast_show( result, status )
- call stopit( -3, status )
- end if
- end