path: root/ast/ast_tester/testflux.f
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/ast_tester/testflux.f')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/ast_tester/testflux.f b/ast/ast_tester/testflux.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f24629f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/ast_tester/testflux.f
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ program testflux
+ implicit none
+ include 'SAE_PAR'
+ include 'AST_PAR'
+ double precision xin, xout
+ integer status, sf, ff, ff2, mp, fs, sf2
+ status = sai__ok
+ sf = ast_specframe( 'system=freq,unit=GHz', status )
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, ' ', status )
+ if( ast_GetD( ff, 'specval', status ) .ne. 123.0D0 ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'Error 1' )
+ end if
+ if( ast_Test( ff, 'specval', status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'Error 2' )
+ end if
+ call ast_setd( ff, 'specval', 333.3D0, status )
+ if( ast_GetD( ff, 'specval', status ) .ne. 333.3D0 ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'Error 3' )
+ end if
+ if( .not. ast_Test( ff, 'specval', status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'Error 4' )
+ end if
+ call ast_clear( ff, 'specval', status )
+ if( ast_GetD( ff, 'specval', status ) .ne. 123.0D0 ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'Error 5' )
+ end if
+ if( ast_Test( ff, 'specval', status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'Error 6' )
+ end if
+ call checkDump( ff, 'CheckDump 1', status )
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 123.1D0, sf, ' ', status )
+ fs = ast_convert( ff, ff2, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .eq. ast__null ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 8' )
+ else
+ mp = ast_getmapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT, status )
+ if( .not. ast_isaunitmap( mp, status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 9' )
+ end if
+ end if
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/Hz', status )
+ if( ast_GetC( ff, 'System', status ) .ne. 'FLXDN' ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_GetC( ff, 'System', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 10' )
+ endif
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/GHz', status )
+ if( ast_GetC( ff2, 'System', status ) .ne. 'FLXDN' ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_GetC( ff2, 'System', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 11' )
+ endif
+ fs = ast_convert( ff2, ff, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .eq. ast__null ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 12' )
+ else
+ mp = ast_getmapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT, status )
+ if( .not. ast_isazoommap( mp, status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 13' )
+ else if( abs( ast_getd( mp, 'Zoom', status ) - 1.0D-9 )
+ : .gt. 1.0E-24 ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_getd( mp, 'Zoom', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 14' )
+ end if
+ end if
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/m', status )
+ if( ast_GetC( ff, 'System', status ) .ne. 'FLXDNW' ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_GetC( ff, 'System', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 15' )
+ endif
+ sf2 = ast_specframe( 'system=freq,unit=Hz', status )
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D9, sf2, 'unit=W/m^2/Angstrom', status )
+ if( ast_GetC( ff2, 'System', status ) .ne. 'FLXDNW' ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_GetC( ff2, 'System', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 16' )
+ endif
+ fs = ast_convert( ff2, ff, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .eq. ast__null ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 17' )
+ else
+ mp = ast_getmapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT, status )
+ if( .not. ast_isazoommap( mp, status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 18' )
+ else if( ast_getd( mp, 'Zoom', status ) .ne. 1.0D10 ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_getd( mp, 'Zoom', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 19' )
+ end if
+ end if
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/m', status )
+ if( ast_GetC( ff, 'System', status ) .ne. 'FLXDNW' ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_GetC( ff, 'System', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 20' )
+ endif
+ sf2 = ast_specframe( 'system=wave,unit=nm', status )
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 2437337.06D0, sf2, 'unit=W/m^2/Angstrom',
+ : status )
+ if( ast_GetC( ff2, 'System', status ) .ne. 'FLXDNW' ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_GetC( ff2, 'System', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 21' )
+ endif
+ fs = ast_convert( ff, ff2, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .eq. ast__null ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 22' )
+ else
+ mp = ast_getmapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT, status )
+ if( .not. ast_isazoommap( mp, status ) ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 23' )
+ else if( ast_getd( mp, 'Zoom', status ) .ne. 1.0D-10 ) then
+ write(*,*) ast_getd( mp, 'Zoom', status )
+ call stopit( status, 'error 24' )
+ end if
+ end if
+ sf = ast_specframe( 'system=freq,unit=GHz', status )
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/Hz', status )
+ sf2 = ast_specframe( 'system=wave,unit=nm', status )
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 2437337.06D0, sf2, 'unit=W/m^2/m',
+ : status )
+ fs = ast_convert( ff, ff2, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .eq. ast__null ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 25' )
+ else
+ xin = 1.0D-13
+ call ast_tran1( fs, 1,xin, 1,xout, status )
+ if( abs( xout - 5.04649119D0 ) .gt. 1.0D-6 ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 26' )
+ end if
+ end if
+ sf = ast_specframe( 'system=freq,unit=GHz', status )
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/Hz/arcsec**2',
+ : status )
+ if( ast_getc( ff, 'System', status ) .ne. 'SFCBR' )
+ : call stopit( status, 'error 27a' )
+ sf2 = ast_specframe( 'system=wave,unit=nm', status )
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 2437337.06D0, sf2, 'unit=W/m^2/m/deg**2',
+ : status )
+ if( ast_getc( ff2, 'System', status ) .ne. 'SFCBRW' )
+ : call stopit( status, 'error 27b' )
+ fs = ast_convert( ff, ff2, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .eq. ast__null ) then
+ call stopit( status, 'error 27' )
+ else
+ xin = 1.0D-13
+ call ast_tran1( fs, 1,xin, 1,xout, status )
+ if( abs( xout - 65402525.8D0 ) .gt. 1.0 ) then
+ write(*,*) xout - 65402525.8D0
+ call stopit( status, 'error 28' )
+ end if
+ end if
+ ff = ast_Fluxframe( 123.0D0, sf, 'unit=W/m^2/Hz/arcsec**2',
+ : status )
+ ff2 = ast_Fluxframe( 2437337.06D0, sf2, 'unit=W/m^2/m',
+ : status )
+ fs = ast_convert( ff, ff2, ' ', status )
+ if( fs .ne. ast__null ) call stopit( status, 'error 29' )
+ if( status .eq. sai__ok ) then
+ write(*,*) 'All FluxFrame tests passed'
+ else
+ write(*,*) 'FluxFrame tests failed'
+ end if
+ end
+ subroutine stopit( status, text )
+ implicit none
+ include 'SAE_PAR'
+ integer status
+ character text*(*)
+ if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
+ status = sai__error
+ write(*,*) text
+ end
+ subroutine checkdump( obj, text, status )
+ implicit none
+ include 'SAE_PAR'
+ include 'AST_PAR'
+ character text*(*)
+ integer obj, status, next, end, ch, result, ll, overlap
+ external mysource, mysink
+ character buf*25000
+ common /ss1/ buf
+ common /ss2/ next, end, ll
+ if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
+ ch = ast_channel( mysource, mysink, ' ', status )
+ ll = 110
+ next = 1
+ if( ast_write( ch, obj, status ) .ne.1 ) then
+ write(*,*) text
+ call stopit( status, 'Cannot write supplied object to '//
+ : 'channel' )
+ end if
+ next = 1
+ result = ast_read( ch, status )
+ if( result .eq. ast__null ) then
+ write(*,*) text
+ call stopit( status, 'Cannot read object from channel' )
+ end if
+ if( ast_getd( obj, 'specval', status ) .ne.
+ : ast_getd( result, 'specval', status ) ) then
+ call ast_Show( obj, status )
+ call ast_Show( result, status )
+ write(*,*) text
+ call stopit( status, 'Object has changed' )
+ end if
+ end
+ subroutine sink1( status )
+ implicit none
+ include 'SAE_PAR'
+ include 'AST_PAR'
+ logical fsfound, done
+ common /sink1com/ fsfound, done
+ integer status, l
+ character line*200
+ if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
+ call ast_getline( line, l, status )
+ if( index( line( : l ),'Unc =' ) .GT. 0 ) then
+ done = .true.
+ else if( .not. done .and.
+ : index( line( : l ),'FrameSet' ) .GT. 0 ) then
+ fsfound= .true.
+ end if
+ end
+ subroutine mysource( status )
+ implicit none
+ include 'SAE_PAR'
+ include 'AST_PAR'
+ integer status, next, end, ll
+ character buf*25000
+ common /ss1/ buf
+ common /ss2/ next, end, ll
+ if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
+ if( next .ge. end ) then
+ call ast_putline( buf, -1, status )
+ else
+ call ast_putline( buf( next : ), ll, status )
+ endif
+ next = next + ll
+ end
+ subroutine mysink( status )
+ implicit none
+ include 'SAE_PAR'
+ include 'AST_PAR'
+ integer status, next, end, f, l, ll
+ character buf*25000
+ character line*1000
+ common /ss1/ buf
+ common /ss2/ next, end, ll
+ if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
+ line = ' '
+ call ast_getline( line, l, status )
+ call chr_fandl( line( : l ), f, l )
+ buf( next : ) = line( f : l )
+ l = l - f + 1
+ if( next + ll - 1 .ge. 25000 ) then
+ write(*,*)
+ call stopit( status, 'Buffer overflow in mysink!!' )
+ else if( l .gt. ll ) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) buf( next : next + l)
+ write(*,*) 'Line length ',l
+ call stopit( status, 'Line overflow in mysink!!' )
+ else
+ end = next + l
+ buf( end : next + ll - 1 ) = ' '
+ endif
+ next = next + ll
+ end