path: root/ast/ast_tester/testunitnormmap.f
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/ast/ast_tester/testunitnormmap.f b/ast/ast_tester/testunitnormmap.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 4437f2c..0000000
--- a/ast/ast_tester/testunitnormmap.f
+++ /dev/null
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- program testunitnormmap
- implicit none
- include 'AST_PAR'
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- integer status, map, cmpmap, smap, invmap, nin, i
- logical good, differ
- double precision norm, frompos(3), centre(3), topos(4)
- data centre /-1.0D0, 1.0D0, 2.0D0 /,
- : frompos /-22.0D0, 3.0D0, 0.5D0/
- status = sai__ok
- call err_mark( status )
- call ast_begin( status )
- do nin = 1, 3
- map = ast_unitnormmap( nin, centre, ' ', status )
- if( .not. ast_isaunitnormmap( map, status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 1' )
- if( .not. ast_isamapping( map, status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 2' )
- if( ast_geti( map, 'Nin', status ) .ne. nin )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 3' )
- if( ast_geti( map, 'Nout', status ) .ne. nin+1 )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 4' )
- if( ast_getl( map, 'IsLinear', status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 5' )
- call checkdump( map, status )
- call checkroundtrip( map, frompos, good, status )
- if( .not. good ) call stopit( status, 'Error 6' )
- call checkroundtrip( map, centre, good, status )
- if( .not. good ) call stopit( status, 'Error 6' )
- invmap = ast_copy( map, status )
- call ast_invert( invmap, status )
- cmpmap = ast_cmpmap( map, invmap, .true., ' ', status )
- smap = ast_simplify( cmpmap, status )
- if( .not. ast_isaunitmap( smap, status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 7' )
- if( ast_geti( smap, 'Nin', status ) .ne. nin )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 8' )
- cmpmap = ast_cmpmap( invmap, map, .true., ' ', status )
- smap = ast_simplify( cmpmap, status )
- if( .not. ast_isaunitmap( smap, status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 9' )
- if( ast_geti( smap, 'Nin', status ) .ne. nin+1 )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 10' )
- call ast_trann( map, 1, nin, 1, frompos, .true., nin+1,
- : 1, topos, status );
- norm = 0.0D0
- do i = 1, nin
- norm = norm + (frompos(i)-centre(i))**2
- end do
- norm = sqrt( norm )
- if( differ( norm, topos(nin+1) ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 11' )
- do i = 1, nin
- if( differ( norm*topos(i), frompos(i)-centre(i) ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error 12' )
- end do
- end do
- call testsimplify( status )
- call ast_end( status )
- call err_rlse( status )
-c call ast_activememory( 'testunitnormmap' )
- call ast_flushmemory( 1 )
- if( status .eq. sai__ok ) then
- write(*,*) 'All UnitNormMap tests passed'
- else
- write(*,*) 'UnitNormMap tests failed'
- end if
- end
- subroutine stopit( status, text )
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- integer status
- character text*(*)
- if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
- status = sai__error
- write(*,*) text
- end
- subroutine checkdump( obj, status )
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- include 'AST_PAR'
- integer obj, status, stat, ch, result, nin, i
- logical differ
- double precision in(3), out1(3), out2(3)
- data in /10.0D0, 5.0D0, -12.0D0 /
- if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
- ch = ast_channel( AST_NULL, AST_NULL, 'SinkFile=testdmp', status )
- if( ast_write( ch, obj, status ) .ne.1 ) then
- call stopit( status, 'Cannot write supplied object to '//
- : 'channel' )
- end if
- call ast_clear( ch, 'SinkFile', status )
- call ast_setc( ch, 'SourceFile', 'testdmp', status )
- result = ast_read( ch, status )
- if( result .eq. ast__null ) then
- call stopit( status, 'Cannot read object from channel' )
- end if
- if( .not. ast_isaunitnormmap( result, status ) ) then
- call stopit( status, 'Object read from channel is not a '//
- : 'UnitNormMap')
- else if( ast_geti( result, 'Nin', status ) .ne.
- : ast_geti( obj, 'Nin', status ) ) then
- call stopit( status, 'UnitNormMap have different Nin values' )
- else
- nin = ast_geti( result, 'Nin', status )
- call ast_trann( result, 1, nin, 1, in, .TRUE., nin+1, 1, out1,
- : status );
- call ast_trann( obj, 1, nin, 1, in, .TRUE., nin+1, 1, out2,
- : status );
- do i = 1, nin
- if( differ( out2(i), out1(i) ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Error - Recovered UnitNormMap '//
- : 'differs from suppled UnitNormMap' )
- end do
- end if
- call ast_annul( result, status )
- open( unit=1234, iostat=stat, file='testdmp', status='old')
- if (stat == 0) close(1234, status='delete')
- end
- subroutine checkroundtrip( map, pos, good, status )
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- include 'AST_PAR'
- logical good, differ
- integer status, map, mapinv, cmp, i, nin, nout
- double precision pos(*), rtol, atol, out(7), in(7)
- good = .true.
- if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
- nin = ast_geti( map, 'Nin', status )
- nout = ast_geti( map, 'Nout', status )
- call ast_trann( map, 1, nin, 1, pos, .TRUE., nout, 1, out,
- : status );
- call ast_trann( map, 1, nout, 1, out, .FALSE., nin, 1, in,
- : status );
- do i = 1, nin
- if( differ( in(i), pos(i) ) ) good = .false.
- end do
- mapinv = ast_copy( map, status )
- call ast_invert( mapinv, status )
- cmp = ast_cmpmap( map, mapinv, .TRUE., ' ', status )
- call ast_trann( cmp, 1, nin, 1, pos, .true., nin, 1, in,
- : status );
- do i = 1, nin
- if( differ( in(i), pos(i) ) ) good = .false.
- end do
- end
- subroutine testsimplify( status )
- implicit none
- include 'SAE_PAR'
- include 'AST_PAR'
- integer status, unm1, unm1inv, unm2, unm2inv, shiftmap,
- : winmap1, winmap2, i, j, k, nin, nout, cmpmap,
- : cmpmap_simp
- double precision centre1(3)
- double precision centre2(3)
- double precision shift(3)
- double precision zeros(3)
- double precision ones(3)
- double precision a(3)
- double precision testpoints(3,4)
- double precision outpoints(3,4)
- double precision outpoints_simp(3,4)
- integer map1(7), map2(7)
- character class(7)*30
- logical differ
- data centre1 /2.0D0, -1.0D0, 0.0D0/,
- : centre2 /-1.0D0, 6.0D0, 4.0D0/,
- : shift /3.0D0, 7.0D0, -9.0D0/,
- : zeros /0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0/,
- : ones /1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0/,
- : testpoints / 1.0D0, 3.0D0, -5.0D0, 2.0D0, 3.0D0, 99.0D0,
- : -6.0D0, -5.0D0, -7.0D0, 30.0D0, 21.0D0, 37.0D0 /
- if( status .ne. sai__ok ) return
- unm1 = ast_unitnormmap( 3, centre1, ' ', status )
- unm1inv = ast_copy( unm1, status )
- call ast_setl( unm1inv, 'Invert', .TRUE., status )
- unm2 = ast_unitnormmap( 3, centre2, ' ', status )
- unm2inv = ast_copy( unm2, status )
- call ast_setl( unm2inv, 'Invert', .TRUE., status )
- shiftmap = ast_shiftmap(3, shift, ' ', status )
- do i = 1, 3
- a(i) = ones(i) + shift(i)
- end do
- winmap1 = ast_winmap( 3, zeros, shift, ones, a, ' ', status )
- do i = 1, 3
- a(i) = 2*ones(i) + shift(i)
- end do
- winmap2 = ast_winmap( 3, zeros, shift, ones, a, ' ', status )
- map1(1) = unm1
- map2(1) = unm2inv
- class(1) = 'WinMap'
- map1(2) = shiftmap
- map2(2) = unm2
- class(2) = 'UnitNormMap'
- map1(3) = winmap1
- map2(3) = unm1
- class(3) = 'UnitNormMap'
- map1(4) = winmap2
- map2(4) = unm1
- class(4) = 'CmpMap'
- map1(5) = unm1inv
- map2(5) = shiftmap
- class(5) = 'UnitNormMap'
- map1(6) = unm1inv
- map2(6) = winmap1
- class(6) = 'UnitNormMap'
- map1(7) = unm1inv
- map2(7) = winmap2
- class(7) = 'CmpMap'
- do i = 1, 7
- cmpmap = ast_cmpmap( map1(i), map2(i), .true., ' ', status )
- cmpmap_simp = ast_simplify( cmpmap, status )
- if( ast_getc( cmpmap_simp, 'Class', status ) .ne. class(i) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Simplify error 1' )
- nin = ast_geti( cmpmap, 'Nin', status )
- if( nin .ne. ast_geti( cmpmap_simp, 'Nin', status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Simplify error 2' )
- nout = ast_geti( cmpmap, 'Nout', status )
- if( nout .ne. ast_geti( cmpmap_simp, 'Nout', status ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Simplify error 3' )
- call ast_trann( cmpmap, 3, nin, 3, testpoints, .true., nout,
- : 3, outpoints, status )
- call ast_trann( cmpmap_simp, 3, nin, 3, testpoints, .true.,
- : nout, 3, outpoints_simp, status )
- do j = 1, nout
- do k = 1, 3
- if( differ( outpoints(k,j), outpoints_simp(k,j) ) )
- : call stopit( status, 'Simplify error 4' )
- end do
- end do
- end do
- end
- logical function differ( aa, bb )
- implicit none
- double precision aa, bb, diff
- differ = abs( (aa) - (bb) ) .gt.
- : abs( 0.5D0*( (aa) + (bb) ) )*1.0D-14
- end