path: root/ast/ast_tester/timj.native
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/ast_tester/timj.native')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/ast_tester/timj.native b/ast/ast_tester/timj.native
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb54315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/ast_tester/timj.native
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+COMMENT AST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AST
+COMMENT AST WCS information in AST format AST
+COMMENT AST Beginning of AST data for FrameSet object AST
+COMMENT AST ................................................................ AST
+BEGAST_A= 'FrameSet' / Set of inter-related coordinate systems
+NFRAME_A= 4 / Number of Frames in FrameSet
+CURRNT_A= 4 / Index of current Frame
+NNODE_A = 5 / Number of nodes in FrameSet
+NOD1_A = 3 / Frame 1 is associated with node 3
+NOD2_A = 4 / Frame 2 is associated with node 4
+NOD3_A = 5 / Frame 3 is associated with node 5
+NOD4_A = 2 / Frame 4 is associated with node 2
+LNK2_A = 1 / Node 2 is derived from node 1
+LNK3_A = 1 / Node 3 is derived from node 1
+LNK4_A = 1 / Node 4 is derived from node 1
+LNK5_A = 1 / Node 5 is derived from node 1
+FRM1_A = ' ' / Frame number 1
+BEGAST_B= 'Frame ' / Coordinate system description
+TITLE_A = 'Data grid indices; first pixel at (1&' / Title of coordinate system
+CONTINUE ',1) '
+NAXES_A = 2 / Number of coordinate axes
+DOMAIN_A= 'GRID ' / Coordinate system domain
+AX1_A = ' ' / Axis number 1
+BEGAST_C= 'Axis ' / Coordinate axis
+LABEL_A = 'Data grid index 1' / Axis Label
+SYMBOL_A= 'g1 ' / Axis symbol
+UNIT_A = 'pixel ' / Axis units
+FORMAT_A= '%3.1f ' / Format specifier
+ENDAST_A= 'Axis ' / End of object definition
+AX2_A = ' ' / Axis number 2
+BEGAST_D= 'Axis ' / Coordinate axis
+LABEL_B = 'Data grid index 2' / Axis Label
+SYMBOL_B= 'g2 ' / Axis symbol
+UNIT_B = 'pixel ' / Axis units
+FORMAT_B= '%3.1f ' / Format specifier
+ENDAST_B= 'Axis ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_C= 'Frame ' / End of object definition
+FRM2_A = ' ' / Frame number 2
+BEGAST_E= 'Frame ' / Coordinate system description
+TITLE_B = 'Pixel coordinates; first pixel at (-&' / Title of coordinate system
+CONTINUE '128.5,-127.5)'
+NAXES_B = 2 / Number of coordinate axes
+DOMAIN_B= 'PIXEL ' / Coordinate system domain
+AX1_B = ' ' / Axis number 1
+BEGAST_F= 'Axis ' / Coordinate axis
+LABEL_C = 'Pixel coordinate 1' / Axis Label
+SYMBOL_C= 'p1 ' / Axis symbol
+UNIT_C = 'pixel ' / Axis units
+FORMAT_C= '%3.1f ' / Format specifier
+ENDAST_D= 'Axis ' / End of object definition
+AX2_B = ' ' / Axis number 2
+BEGAST_G= 'Axis ' / Coordinate axis
+LABEL_D = 'Pixel coordinate 2' / Axis Label
+SYMBOL_D= 'p2 ' / Axis symbol
+UNIT_D = 'pixel ' / Axis units
+FORMAT_D= '%3.1f ' / Format specifier
+ENDAST_E= 'Axis ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_F= 'Frame ' / End of object definition
+FRM3_A = ' ' / Frame number 3
+BEGAST_H= 'Frame ' / Coordinate system description
+TITLE_C = 'Axis coordinates; first pixel at (38&' / Title of coordinate system
+CONTINUE '4,-381) '
+NAXES_C = 2 / Number of coordinate axes
+DOMAIN_C= 'AXIS ' / Coordinate system domain
+AX1_C = ' ' / Axis number 1
+BEGAST_I= 'Axis ' / Coordinate axis
+LABEL_E = 'R.A. offset' / Axis Label
+SYMBOL_E= 'a1 ' / Axis symbol
+UNIT_E = 'arcsec ' / Axis units (arc-second)
+ENDAST_G= 'Axis ' / End of object definition
+AX2_C = ' ' / Axis number 2
+BEGAST_J= 'Axis ' / Coordinate axis
+LABEL_F = 'Declination offset' / Axis Label
+SYMBOL_F= 'a2 ' / Axis symbol
+UNIT_F = 'arcsec ' / Axis units (arc-second)
+ENDAST_H= 'Axis ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_I= 'Frame ' / End of object definition
+FRM4_A = ' ' / Frame number 4
+BEGAST_K= 'SkyFrame' / Description of celestial coordinate system
+NAXES_D = 2 / Number of coordinate axes
+EPOCH_A = 2002.3822 / Julian epoch of observation
+SYSTEM_A= 'FK5 ' / Coordinate system type
+AX1_D = ' ' / Axis number 1
+BEGAST_L= 'SkyAxis ' / Celestial coordinate axis
+ENDAST_J= 'SkyAxis ' / End of object definition
+AX2_D = ' ' / Axis number 2
+BEGAST_M= 'SkyAxis ' / Celestial coordinate axis
+ENDAST_K= 'SkyAxis ' / End of object definition
+ISA_A = 'Frame ' / Coordinate system description
+PROJ_A = 'gnomonic' / Description of sky projection
+EQNOX_A = 2000.0 / Julian epoch of mean equinox
+ENDAST_L= 'SkyFrame' / End of object definition
+MAP2_A = ' ' / Mapping between nodes 1 and 2
+BEGAST_N= 'CmpMap ' / Compound Mapping
+NIN_A = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_B = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+MAPA_A = ' ' / First component Mapping
+BEGAST_O= 'WinMap ' / Map one window on to another
+NIN_B = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+INVERT_A= 0 / Mapping not inverted
+ISA_C = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+SFT1_A = -129.0 / Shift for axis 1
+SFT2_A = -128.0 / Shift for axis 2
+ENDAST_M= 'WinMap ' / End of object definition
+MAPB_A = ' ' / Second component Mapping
+BEGAST_P= 'CmpMap ' / Compound Mapping
+NIN_C = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_D = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+MAPA_B = ' ' / First component Mapping
+BEGAST_Q= 'MatrixMap' / Matrix transformation
+NIN_D = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+INVERT_B= 0 / Mapping not inverted
+ISA_E = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+M0_A = -1.454441E-5 / Forward matrix value
+M1_A = 1.454441E-5 / Forward matrix value
+FORM_A = 'Diagonal' / Matrix storage form
+ENDAST_N= 'MatrixMap' / End of object definition
+MAPB_B = ' ' / Second component Mapping
+BEGAST_R= 'CmpMap ' / Compound Mapping
+NIN_E = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_F = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+INVA_A = 1 / First Mapping used in inverse direction
+MAPA_C = ' ' / First component Mapping
+BEGAST_S= 'WcsMap ' / FITS-WCS sky projection
+NIN_F = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+INVERT_C= 1 / Mapping inverted
+ISA_G = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+TYPE_A = 'TAN ' / Gnomonic projection
+ENDAST_O= 'WcsMap ' / End of object definition
+MAPB_C = ' ' / Second component Mapping
+BEGAST_T= 'CmpMap ' / Compound Mapping
+NIN_G = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_H = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+INVA_B = 1 / First Mapping used in inverse direction
+MAPA_D = ' ' / First component Mapping
+BEGAST_U= 'SphMap ' / Cartesian to Spherical mapping
+NIN_H = 3 / Number of input coordinates
+NOUT_A = 2 / Number of output coordinates
+INVERT_D= 0 / Mapping not inverted
+ISA_I = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+UNTRD_A = 1 / All input vectors have unit length
+ENDAST_P= 'SphMap ' / End of object definition
+MAPB_D = ' ' / Second component Mapping
+BEGAST_V= 'CmpMap ' / Compound Mapping
+NIN_I = 3 / Number of input coordinates
+NOUT_B = 2 / Number of output coordinates
+ISA_J = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+MAPA_E = ' ' / First component Mapping
+BEGAST_W= 'MatrixMap' / Matrix transformation
+NIN_J = 3 / Number of input coordinates
+INVERT_E= 0 / Mapping not inverted
+ISA_K = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+M0_B = 0.42556998 / Forward matrix value
+M1_B = 0.77373887 / Forward matrix value
+M2_A = 0.46927429 / Forward matrix value
+M3_A = -0.51977523 / Forward matrix value
+M4_A = 0.63350467 / Forward matrix value
+M5_A = -0.57315403 / Forward matrix value
+M6_A = -0.740759 / Forward matrix value
+M7_A = 0.0 / Forward matrix value
+M8_A = 0.67177087 / Forward matrix value
+FORM_B = 'Full ' / Matrix storage form
+ENDAST_Q= 'MatrixMap' / End of object definition
+MAPB_E = ' ' / Second component Mapping
+BEGAST_X= 'CmpMap ' / Compound Mapping
+NIN_K = 3 / Number of input coordinates
+NOUT_C = 2 / Number of output coordinates
+ISA_L = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+MAPA_F = ' ' / First component Mapping
+BEGAST_Y= 'SphMap ' / Cartesian to Spherical mapping
+NIN_L = 3 / Number of input coordinates
+NOUT_D = 2 / Number of output coordinates
+INVERT_F= 0 / Mapping not inverted
+ISA_M = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+UNTRD_B = 1 / All input vectors have unit length
+ENDAST_R= 'SphMap ' / End of object definition
+MAPB_F = ' ' / Second component Mapping
+BEGAST_Z= 'SlaMap ' / Conversion between sky coordinate systems
+NIN_M = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_N = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+NSLA_A = 1 / Number of conversion steps
+SLA1_A = 'FK45Z ' / FK4 to FK5 J2000.0 (no PM or parallax)
+SLA1A_A = 2002.3835 / Besselian epoch of FK4 coordinates
+ENDAST_S= 'SlaMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_T= 'CmpMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_U= 'CmpMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_V= 'CmpMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_W= 'CmpMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_X= 'CmpMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDAST_Y= 'CmpMap ' / End of object definition
+MAP3_A = ' ' / Mapping between nodes 1 and 3
+BEGASTA_= 'UnitMap ' / Unit (null) Mapping
+NIN_N = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_O = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+ENDAST_Z= 'UnitMap ' / End of object definition
+MAP4_A = ' ' / Mapping between nodes 1 and 4
+BEGASTAA= 'WinMap ' / Map one window on to another
+NIN_O = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_P = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+SFT1_B = -129.5 / Shift for axis 1
+SFT2_B = -128.5 / Shift for axis 2
+ENDASTA_= 'WinMap ' / End of object definition
+MAP5_A = ' ' / Mapping between nodes 1 and 5
+BEGASTAB= 'WinMap ' / Map one window on to another
+NIN_P = 2 / Number of input coordinates
+ISA_Q = 'Mapping ' / Mapping between coordinate systems
+SFT1_C = 387.0 / Shift for axis 1
+SCL1_A = -3.0 / Scale factor for axis 1
+SFT2_C = -384.0 / Shift for axis 2
+SCL2_A = 3.0 / Scale factor for axis 2
+ENDASTAA= 'WinMap ' / End of object definition
+ENDASTAB= 'FrameSet' / End of object definition
+COMMENT AST ................................................................ AST
+COMMENT AST End of AST data for FrameSet object AST
+COMMENT AST ---------------------------------------------------------------- AST