path: root/ast/pal/palEqgal.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ast/pal/palEqgal.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/ast/pal/palEqgal.c b/ast/pal/palEqgal.c
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index 9df3d09..0000000
--- a/ast/pal/palEqgal.c
+++ /dev/null
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-* Name:
-* palEqgal
-* Purpose:
-* Convert from J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to Galactic
-* Language:
-* Starlink ANSI C
-* Type of Module:
-* Library routine
-* Invocation:
-* void palEqgal ( double dr, double dd, double *dl, double *db );
-* Arguments:
-* dr = double (Given)
-* J2000.0 RA (radians)
-* dd = double (Given)
-* J2000.0 Dec (radians
-* dl = double * (Returned)
-* Galactic longitude (radians).
-* db = double * (Returned)
-* Galactic latitude (radians).
-* Description:
-* Transformation from J2000.0 equatorial coordinates
-* to IAU 1958 galactic coordinates.
-* Authors:
-* PTW: Pat Wallace (STFC)
-* TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
-* {enter_new_authors_here}
-* Notes:
-* The equatorial coordinates are J2000.0. Use the routine
-* palGe50 if conversion to B1950.0 'FK4' coordinates is
-* required.
-* See Also:
-* Blaauw et al, Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.,121,123 (1960)
-* History:
-* 2012-02-12(TIMJ):
-* Initial version with documentation taken from Fortran SLA
-* Adapted with permission from the Fortran SLALIB library.
-* {enter_further_changes_here}
-* Copyright:
-* Copyright (C) 1998 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
-* Copyright (C) 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-* Licence:
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-* version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-* License along with this program. If not, see
-* <>.
-* Bugs:
-* {note_any_bugs_here}
-#include "pal.h"
-#include "pal1sofa.h"
-void palEqgal ( double dr, double dd, double *dl, double *db ) {
- double v1[3];
- double v2[3];
-* L2,B2 system of galactic coordinates
-* P = 192.25 RA of galactic north pole (mean B1950.0)
-* Q = 62.6 inclination of galactic to mean B1950.0 equator
-* R = 33 longitude of ascending node
-* P,Q,R are degrees
-* Equatorial to galactic rotation matrix (J2000.0), obtained by
-* applying the standard FK4 to FK5 transformation, for zero proper
-* motion in FK5, to the columns of the B1950 equatorial to
-* galactic rotation matrix:
- double rmat[3][3] = {
- { -0.054875539726,-0.873437108010,-0.483834985808 },
- { +0.494109453312,-0.444829589425,+0.746982251810 },
- { -0.867666135858,-0.198076386122,+0.455983795705 }
- };
- /* Spherical to Cartesian */
- eraS2c( dr, dd, v1 );
- /* Equatorial to Galactic */
- eraRxp( rmat, v1, v2 );
- /* Cartesian to spherical */
- eraC2s( v2, dl, db );
- /* Express in conventional ranges */
- *dl = eraAnp( *dl );
- *db = eraAnpm( *db );