path: root/ast/plot.c
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1 files changed, 32074 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/plot.c b/ast/plot.c
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index 0000000..368cb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/plot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32074 @@
+* Name:
+* Plot
+* Purpose:
+* Provide facilities for 2D graphical output.
+* Constructor Function:
+c astPlot
+* Description:
+* This class provides facilities for producing 2D graphical output.
+* A Plot is a specialised form of FrameSet, in which the base
+* Frame describes a "graphical" coordinate system and is
+* associated with a rectangular plotting area in the underlying
+* graphics system. This plotting area is where graphical output
+* appears. It is defined when the Plot is created.
+* The current Frame of a Plot describes a "physical" coordinate
+* system, which is the coordinate system in which plotting
+* operations are specified. The results of each plotting operation
+* are automatically transformed into graphical coordinates so as
+* to appear in the plotting area (subject to any clipping which
+* may be in effect).
+* Because the Mapping between physical and graphical coordinates
+* may often be non-linear, or even discontinuous, most plotting
+* does not result in simple straight lines. The basic plotting
+* element is therefore not a straight line, but a geodesic curve
+c (see astCurve, astGenCurve and astPolyCurve). A Plot also provides facilities for
+c drawing markers or symbols (astMark), text (astText) and grid lines
+c (astGridLine). It is also possible to draw curvilinear axes with
+c optional coordinate grids (astGrid).
+f (see AST_CURVE, AST_GENCURVE and AST_POLYCURVE). A Plot also provides facilities
+f for drawing markers or symbols (AST_MARK), text (AST_TEXT) and grid
+f lines (AST_GRIDLINE). It is also possible to draw curvilinear axes
+f with optional coordinate grids (AST_GRID).
+* A range of Plot attributes is available to allow precise control
+* over the appearance of graphical output produced by these
+c functions.
+f routines.
+* You may select different physical coordinate systems in which to
+* plot (including the native graphical coordinate system itself)
+* by selecting different Frames as the current Frame of a Plot,
+* using its Current attribute. You may also set up clipping (see
+c astClip) to limit the extent of any plotting you perform, and
+f AST_CLIP) to limit the extent of any plotting you perform, and
+* this may be done in any of the coordinate systems associated
+* with the Plot, not necessarily the one you are plotting in.
+* Like any FrameSet, a Plot may also be used as a Frame. In this
+* case, it behaves like its current Frame, which describes the
+* physical coordinate system.
+* When used as a Mapping, a Plot describes the inter-relation
+* between graphical coordinates (its base Frame) and physical
+* coordinates (its current Frame). It differs from a normal
+* FrameSet, however, in that an attempt to transform points which
+* lie in clipped areas of the Plot will result in bad coordinate
+* values (AST__BAD).
+* Inheritance:
+* The Plot class inherits from the FrameSet class.
+* Attributes:
+* In addition to those attributes common to all FrameSets, every
+* Plot also has the following attributes:
+* - Abbrev: Abbreviate leading fields?
+* - Border: Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot?
+* - Clip: Clip lines and/or markers at the Plot boundary?
+* - ClipOp: Combine Plot clipping limits using a boolean OR?
+* - Colour(element): Colour index for a Plot element
+* - DrawAxes(axis): Draw axes for a Plot?
+* - DrawTitle: Draw a title for a Plot?
+* - Escape: Allow changes of character attributes within strings?
+* - Edge(axis): Which edges to label in a Plot
+* - Font(element): Character font for a Plot element
+* - Gap(axis): Interval between linearly spaced major axis values
+* - Grf: Select the graphics interface to use.
+* - Grid: Draw grid lines for a Plot?
+* - Invisible: Draw graphics in invisible ink?
+* - LabelAt(axis): Where to place numerical labels for a Plot
+* - LabelUnits(axis): Use axis unit descriptions in a Plot?
+* - LabelUp(axis): Draw numerical Plot labels upright?
+* - Labelling: Label and tick placement option for a Plot
+* - LogGap(axis): Interval between logarithmically spaced major axis values
+* - LogPlot(axis): Map the plot onto the screen logarithmically?
+* - LogTicks(axis): Space the major tick marks logarithmically?
+* - MajTickLen(axis): Length of major tick marks for a Plot
+* - MinTickLen(axis): Length of minor tick marks for a Plot
+* - MinTick(axis): Density of minor tick marks for a Plot
+* - NumLab(axis): Draw numerical axis labels for a Plot?
+* - NumLabGap(axis): Spacing of numerical axis labels for a Plot
+* - Size(element): Character size for a Plot element
+* - Style(element): Line style for a Plot element
+* - TextLab(axis): Draw descriptive axis labels for a Plot?
+* - TextLabGap(axis): Spacing of descriptive axis labels for a Plot
+* - TickAll: Draw tick marks on all edges of a Plot?
+* - TitleGap: Vertical spacing for a Plot title
+* - Tol: Plotting tolerance
+* - Width(element): Line width for a Plot element
+* Functions:
+c In addition to those functions applicable to all FrameSets, the
+c following functions may also be applied to all Plots:
+f In addition to those routines applicable to all FrameSets, the
+f following routines may also be applied to all Plots:
+c - astBBuf: Begin a new graphical buffering context
+c - astBorder: Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot
+c - astBoundingBox: Returns a bounding box for previously drawn graphics
+c - astClip: Set up or remove clipping for a Plot
+c - astCurve: Draw a geodesic curve
+c - astEBuf: End the current graphical buffering context
+c - astGenCurve: Draw a generalized curve
+c - astGetGrfContext: Get the graphics context for a Plot
+c - astGrfPop: Retrieve previously saved graphics functions
+c - astGrfPush: Save the current graphics functions
+c - astGrfSet: Register a graphics routine for use by a Plot
+c - astGrid: Draw a set of labelled coordinate axes
+c - astGridLine: Draw a grid line (or axis) for a Plot
+c - astMark: Draw a set of markers for a Plot
+c - astPolyCurve: Draw a series of connected geodesic curves
+c - astRegionOutline: Draw the outline of an AST Region
+c - astText: Draw a text string for a Plot
+f - AST_BBUF: Begin a new graphical buffering context
+f - AST_BORDER: Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot
+f - AST_BOUNDINGBOX: Returns a bounding box for previously drawn graphics
+f - AST_CLIP: Set up or remove clipping for a Plot
+f - AST_CURVE: Draw a geodesic curve
+f - AST_EBUF: End the current graphical buffering context
+f - AST_GENCURVE: Draw a generalized curve
+f - AST_GETGRFCONTEXT: Get the graphics context for a Plot
+f - AST_GRFPOP: Retrieve previously saved graphics functions
+f - AST_GRFPUSH: Save the current graphics functions
+f - AST_GRFSET: Register a graphics routine for use by the Plot class
+f - AST_GRID: Draw a set of labelled coordinate axes
+f - AST_GRIDLINE: Draw a grid line (or axis) for a Plot
+f - AST_MARK: Draw a set of markers for a Plot
+f - AST_POLYCURVE: Draw a series of connected geodesic curves
+f - AST_REGIONOUTLINE: Draw the outline of an AST Region
+f - AST_TEXT: Draw a text string for a Plot
+* Graphical Elements:
+* The colour index, character font, character size, line style and
+* line width used for plotting can be set independently for
+* various elements of the graphical output produced by a Plot.
+* The different graphical elements are identified by appending the
+* strings listed below as subscripts to the Plot attributes
+* Colour(element), Font(element), Size(element), Style(element)
+* and Width(element). These strings are case-insensitive and
+* unambiguous abbreviations may be used. Elements of the graphical
+* output which relate to individual axes can be referred to either
+* independently (e.g. "(Grid1)" and "(Grid2)" ) or together (e.g.
+* "(Grid)"):
+c - Axes: Axis lines drawn through tick marks using astGrid
+f - Axes: Axis lines drawn through tick marks using AST_GRID
+c - Axis1: Axis line drawn through tick marks on axis 1 using astGrid
+f - Axis1: Axis line drawn through tick marks on axis 1 using AST_GRID
+c - Axis2: Axis line drawn through tick marks on axis 2 using astGrid
+f - Axis2: Axis line drawn through tick marks on axis 2 using AST_GRID
+c - Border: The Plot border drawn using astBorder, astGrid or astRegionOutline
+f - Border: The Plot border drawn using AST_BORDER, AST_GRID or AST_REGIONOUTLINE
+c - Curves: Geodesic curves drawn using astCurve, astGenCurve or astPolyCurve
+f - Curves: Geodesic curves drawn using AST_CURVE, AST_GENCURVE or AST_POLYCURVE
+c - Grid: Grid lines drawn using astGridLine or astGrid
+f - Grid: Grid lines drawn using AST_GRIDLINE or AST_GRID
+c - Grid1: Grid lines which cross axis 1, drawn using astGridLine or astGrid
+f - Grid1: Grid lines which cross axis 1, drawn using AST_GRIDLINE or AST_GRID
+c - Grid2: Grid lines which cross axis 2, drawn using astGridLine or astGrid
+f - Grid2: Grid lines which cross axis 2, drawn using AST_GRIDLINE or AST_GRID
+c - Markers: Graphical markers (symbols) drawn using astMark
+f - Markers: Graphical markers (symbols) drawn using AST_MARK
+c - NumLab: Numerical axis labels drawn using astGrid
+f - NumLab: Numerical axis labels drawn using AST_GRID
+c - NumLab1: Numerical labels for axis 1 drawn using astGrid
+f - NumLab1: Numerical labels for axis 1 drawn using AST_GRID
+c - NumLab2: Numerical labels for axis 2 drawn using astGrid
+f - NumLab2: Numerical labels for axis 2 drawn using AST_GRID
+c - Strings: Text strings drawn using astText
+f - Strings: Text strings drawn using AST_TEXT
+c - TextLab: Descriptive axis labels drawn using astGrid
+f - TextLab: Descriptive axis labels drawn using AST_GRID
+c - TextLab1: Descriptive label for axis 1 drawn using astGrid
+f - TextLab1: Descriptive label for axis 1 drawn using AST_GRID
+c - TextLab2: Descriptive label for axis 2 drawn using astGrid
+f - TextLab2: Descriptive label for axis 2 drawn using AST_GRID
+c - Ticks: Tick marks (both major and minor) drawn using astGrid
+f - Ticks: Tick marks (both major and minor) drawn using AST_GRID
+c - Ticks1: Tick marks (both major and minor) for axis 1 drawn using astGrid
+f - Ticks1: Tick marks (both major and minor) for axis 1 drawn using AST_GRID
+c - Ticks2: Tick marks (both major and minor) for axis 2 drawn using astGrid
+f - Ticks2: Tick marks (both major and minor) for axis 2 drawn using AST_GRID
+c - Title: The Plot title drawn using astGrid
+f - Title: The Plot title drawn using AST_GRID
+* Copyright:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
+* Research Councils
+* Copyright (C) 2009 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Licence:
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+* License along with this program. If not, see
+* <>.
+* Authors:
+* DSB: D.S. Berry (Starlink)
+* RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (Starlink)
+* History:
+* 18-SEP-1996 (DSB):
+* Original version.
+* 25-FEB-1997 (RFWS):
+* Tidied all public prologues.
+* 18-AUG-1997 (DSB):
+* Changes made to ensure that the first label on each axis is
+* never abbreviated, and to avoid segmentation violation when NumLab
+* is set to zero.
+* 1-SEP-1997 (DSB):
+* astGetGap changed so that it returns the default value which will
+* be used (instead of AST__BAD) if no value has been set for Gap.
+* The Border attribute modified so that it is off (zero) by default.
+* 19-SEP-1997 (DSB):
+* o Check that something has been plotted before using the bounding
+* box to determine title and label positions.
+* o Fixed bug which caused a tick mark at the pole to be draw at
+* a random angle.
+* o The size of the increment used to determine the tangent to a grid
+* line at the position to a label has been reduced to make sure the
+* labls are drawn parallel to grid line.
+* o Correct the logic for catering with reversed axes when determining
+* the displacement of a label's reference point from the associated
+* axis.
+* o Corrected logic which determined if two numerical labels overlap.
+* o Corrected logic for determining when to abbreviate numerical
+* labels.
+* o Use of strtok replaced by local function FindWord.
+* o Correct logic which determines which side of the axis to draw
+* tick marks when using interior labelling.
+* o If the base Frame of the FrameSet supplied to astPlot has more
+* than 2 axes, then use a sub-frame formed from the first two axes,
+* instead of simply reporting an error.
+* o If the current Frame of the Plot supplied to astGrid or
+* astBorder has more than 2 axes, then use a sub-frame formed from
+* the first two axes, instead of simply reporting an error.
+* o Default for Border is now to draw the border if exterior
+* Labelling is used, but not to draw it if interior labelling is
+* used.
+* o Public astGet function now returns actual used values for all
+* attributes. Protected astGetXyz functions still return the requested
+* value (which may differ from the used value), or the "unset" value
+* if no value has been set for the attribute.
+* o The defaults for Edge now depend on Labelling. If exterior
+* labelling was requested but cannot be produced using defaults of
+* Edge(1)=Bottom and Edge(2)=Left, then these default Edge values
+* are swapped. If exterior labelling is still not possible, the
+* original default Edge values are re-instated.
+* o Unset attributes which use dynamic defaults are now flagged as
+* "unhelpful" in the dump function.
+* o Added attribute Escape which allows text strings to include
+* escape sequences (see function GrText). This attribute and
+* associated functionality is currently not available for use, search
+* for all occurences of ENABLE-ESCAPE for instructions on how to
+* enable the facilities.
+* o Strings now used instead of integers to represent "choice"
+* attributes externally (eg Edge and Labelling).
+* 24-NOV-1997 (DSB):
+* o Fixed bug in function Grid which caused units to be included in
+* SkyFrame axis labels by default.
+* o Replaced calls to DrawText by calls to astGText, and replaced
+* references to "U" and "D" justifications by "T" and "B". This
+* stops labels drifting to the bottom left when GAIA zooms.
+* 23-MAR-1998 (DSB):
+* Added extra checks on global status into routine Grid to avoid
+* segmentation violations occuring due to null pointers being used.
+* 10-JUN-1998 (DSB):
+* Modify DrawTicks so that ticks are drawn closer to singularities
+* than previously. Also normalise this constraint to the screen size
+* rather than the length of a major tick mark.
+* 28-OCT-1998 (DSB):
+* o Added method astPolyCurve.
+* o Extract the Current Frame from the Plot prior to using Frame
+* methods such as astOffset, astNorm, etc.
+* o PlotLabel modified to ensure labels are abbreviated even if
+* they are next to the "root" label (i.e. the label with most
+* trailing zeros).
+* o Modified description of Width attribute. Width no longer gives
+* the absolute line width in inches. Instead it is a scale factor,
+* where 1.0 corresponds to a "typical thin line" on the device.
+* o Modified LabelUnits attribute so that the default value is zero
+* for SkyAxes and non-zero for other Axes.
+* 10-DEC-1998 (DSB):
+* Modified all calls to the "pow" maths function to avoid using
+* literal constants as arguments. This seems to cause segmentation
+* violations on some systems.
+* 16-JUL-1999 (DSB):
+* Fixed memory leaks in EdgeCrossings and EdgeLabels.
+* 16-SEP-1999 (DSB):
+* Avoid writing out clipping limits if they are undefined.
+* 12-OCT-1999 (DSB):
+* o Modified use of the NumLab attribute so that setting it to zero
+* does not prevent exterior labels from being produced.
+* o Allow length of tick marks to be specified separately for
+* both axes.
+* 13-OCT-2000 (DSB):
+* o Purge zero length sections from CurveData structures.
+* o Increase tolerance for edge labels from 0.0005 to 0.005.
+* 9-JAN-2001 (DSB):
+* o Change argument "in" for astMark and astPolyCurve from type
+* "const double (*)[]" to "const double *".
+* o Check success of astReadString before using the returned
+* pointer.
+* o Change method for choosing default LabelAt values to ignore
+* values which produce no visible labels.
+* 10-JAN-2001 (DSB):
+* o Modified FindMajTick to choose the size of fillable holes in
+* the axis range on the basis of the number of ticks on the axis.
+* This avoids holes being visible in the displayed tick marks when
+* using very small gaps.
+* 22-MAY-2001 (DSB):
+* Added a check when using interior labelling, to ensure that the
+* most appropriate edges are used for text labels.
+* 13-JUN-2001 (DSB):
+* Added public method astGenCurve, astGrfSet, astGrfPop, astGrfPush.
+* Made DrawAxes attribute axis specific.
+* 4-JUL-2001 (DSB):
+* The Crv function used to have a restriction that if *any*
+* subsection was very short, then *none* of the subsections were
+* subdivided. This meant that long subsections which needed
+* subdividing were not subdivided if there was also a very short
+* subsection. To get round this problem the restriction was changed
+* to "if *all* subsections are very short then none are divided.
+* This was implemented by changing dl2_min to dl2_max, and adding
+* a check for very short segments (which are then not sub-divided).
+* 16-AUG-2001 (DSB):
+* Remove the check for very short segments introduced above, as it
+* caused south pole tan projection to include some spurious lines.
+* 20-SEP-2001 (DSB):
+* - Initialize baseframe to NULL in astInitPlot (prevents segvios).
+* - Modified astInitPlot to allow the "frame" argument to the astPlot
+* constructor to be a Plot.
+* 10-JAN-2002 (DSB):
+* - Added axis-specific graphical elements "axis1", "axis2", etc.
+* - FullForm returns a match without ambiguity if the test string
+* matches an option exactly, including length.
+* 31-JAN-2002 (DSB):
+* - Added RejectOOB to reject tick marks which are not in their primary
+* domain.
+* 14-FEB-2002 (DSB):
+* - Relaxed the conditions for equality within the EQUALS macro.
+* Guard aginst no ticks being found.
+* 18-FEB-2002 (DSB):
+* - Make a permanent copy of any old axis format string in TickMarks.
+* Previously a mere pointer into the astGet string buffer was stored,
+* which could be over-written after many calls to astGet.
+* - If a user specifies an axis format, use it whether or not it
+* results in any identical adjacent labels.
+* 4-MAR-2002 (DSB):
+* - Made fairly extesive changes to the creation and use of tick
+* mark values in order to circumvent problems with CAR projections,
+* and "1 to many" mappings (such as 2D cartesian->polar). The
+* policy now is that axis normalization is only performed when
+* necessary (i.e. to create labels for display, etc). Tick mark
+* values are stored and handled as non-normalized values as much as
+* possible.
+* 13-JUN-2002 (DSB):
+* Modified Norm1 to prevent major tick value from being removed if
+* the supplied reference value is out of bounds, resulting in the
+* Mapping producing bad values
+* 14-JUN-2002 (DSB):
+* Re-wrote PlotLabels to improve abbreviation of labels and the
+* choice of which labels not to print.
+* 14-AUG-2002 (DSB):
+* - Added method astBoundingBox.
+* - Added attribute Invisible.
+* - Correct handling of "axis specific" plot elements cuch as
+* (Axis1), (Axis2), etc.
+* 12-SEP-2002 (DSB):
+* - Modified Map1 to remove slow normalization method (it is now
+* faster but the changes result in some longer-than-needed grids
+* lines when (e.g.) plotting pixel coordins in Polar coords).
+* - Modified Axlot so that SkyFrames positions which are out of
+* their normal ranges are not rejected by Map1.
+* 10-OCT-2002 (DSB):
+* grfAttrs:Modified to test element attributes explicitly using the
+* relevant TestUse<attr> functions, instead of relying on the
+* "GetUse<attr>" function returning the NO<attr> constant if not set.
+* - Modified Axplot so that SkyFrames positions which are out of
+* their normal ranges are not rejected by Map1.
+* - Only use tick marks which are within the axis range given by the
+* Bottom and Top Axis attributes.
+* - Norm1: If the normalized current frame coords are bad, do not
+* reinstate the original unnormalized values. For instance, current
+* Frame values which are outside the valid domain of the projection
+* should result in bad values when normalized, not the original
+* good values. The original comment stated "If the normalization
+* produced bad coords (e.g. as may happen if the supplied refernce
+* value corresponds to a point on the line through the tick mark
+* which is outside the valid region of the mapping) leave the original
+* tick mark values unchanged".
+* - GetTicks: Limit maxticks to be no less than 8.
+* 8-JAN-2003 (DSB):
+* - Changed private InitVtab method to protected astInitPlotVtab
+* method.
+* - Use private IsASkyFrame method in place of astIsASkyFrame.
+* - Modify PlotLabels to excluding exponents when counting trailing
+* zeros, and also to pad trailing fields with trailing zeros up to
+* the max number of decimal places when estimating label priorities.
+* - Modified Overlap to ensure that axis labels are speced by at
+* least two spaces.
+* 22-JAN-2003 (DSB):
+* - Modified PlotLabels so that labels are rejected in a regular
+* pattern rather than semi-random.
+* - Modified the way PlotLabels abbreviates leading fields.
+* - Introdued the skipbad parameter for the Crv function, in order
+* to provide some degree of protection against the Crv algorithm
+* skipping over small sections of valid coordinates (such as when
+* a curve crosses the plot very close to a corner of the plot).
+* 25-MAR-2003 (DSB):
+* - Modified FindMajTicks to avoid losing tick marks when dealing
+* with high precision data.
+* 8-AUG-2003 (DSB):
+* - Modified PlotLabels to ensure that the root label for the
+* second axis is not omitted due to it overlapping a label from
+* the first axis (a different root label is now chosen if this would
+* be the case).
+* - Modify FindMajTicks to avoid tick marks which should be at
+* exactly zero being placed at some very small non-zero axis value.
+* 22-OCT-2003 (DSB):
+* - DrawTicks modified to correctly reset graphical attributes and
+* pass on to the next axis if an axis has zero length major and minor
+* tick marks.
+* 9-JAN-2004 (DSB):
+* DrawGrid: Report error if no grid curves can be drawn.
+* AxPlot: Initialise returned CDATA structure before checking argument
+* validity.
+* GetTicks: Calculate the reference value on the other axis using
+* function "Typical" rather than simply using the man of the supplied
+* values (the supplied values may be clustered around 0 and 2*PI if the
+* field is centred on the origin, resulting in the mean being at about
+* 1.PI and therefore inappropriate).
+* 13-JAN-2004 (DSB):
+* - Added LogPlot attribute, and the facility for mapping the base
+* coordinate system logarithmically onto the plotting area instead of
+* linearly.
+* - Added LogTicks attribute, and the facility for spacing the
+* major tick marks logarithmically instead of linearly.
+* - Added LogGap attribute, and the facility for storing separate
+* gap sizes for linear and log tick spacing.
+* 15-JAN-2004 (DSB):
+* - Added LogLabel attribute.
+* - Re-instated the inclusion of escape sequences in strings (see
+* function GrText).
+* 12-FEB-2004 (DSB):
+* - RightVector: Corrected usage of chh and chv.
+* - GQch and GScales: Check that values returned by grf module are
+* usable.
+* - DrawAxis: Extend axis section by one section (if possible) at
+* each end (overcomes problems where the axis does not reach a pole).
+* - DrawAxis: Check axis does not extend beyond a pole.
+* - Labels: Correct logic of loop which plots interior labels
+* (previously it missed out labels if there were only 3)
+* - Allow for some rounding error in FindMajTicks when comparing an
+* axis value with a loweror upper axis limit.
+* 19-FEB-2004 (DSB):
+* - Reduced the dynamic range restriction for log ticks from 2 decades
+* to 1.
+* - Temporarily clear any error status before re-instating the
+* original Format in TickMarks.
+* - Add LogTicks to the GetAttrib function so that the value of the
+* LogTicks attribute can be got by the public.
+* - Modify Crv to include a check that he vector scale has not
+* changed much between adjacent segments.
+* - Modify Crv so that a segment is only subdivided if at least
+* half of the subsegments are longer than the shortest significant
+* length. Also put a restriction on subdivision so that
+* subdivision only occurs if the bounding box of the segment being
+* sub-divided is smaller than the bounding box of its parent
+* segment.
+* 27-FEB-2004 (DSB):
+* - Reduce the default Tol value from 0.001 to 0.01 in order to
+* speed up curve drawing..
+* - Use 0.1*Tol in Boundary because the boundary tracing algorithm
+* seems to produce much worse visible errors than it should do for a
+* given Tol.
+* 2-MAR-2004 (DSB):
+* - Corrected handling of bounding boxes in Crv so that
+* subdivision is allowed if the bounding box shrinks on only 1 axis
+* (previously required shrinkage on both axes but this fails if
+* all the points are on a horizontal or vertical line).
+* - Modified FindMajTicks to use a better algorithm for finding an
+* appropriate nfill value (previously logplot=1 axes could have
+* unfilled holes at the high end).
+* - Modified GetTicks so that FindMajTicks is not called
+* repeatedly with the same gap size.
+* - Modify AxPlot/Map1 so that the axis curve is sampled logarithmically
+* if the corresponding axis is mapped logarithmically.
+* 10-MAR-2004 (DSB):
+* - Modified Typical to give less weight to vaalues close to the
+* edges of the range covered by the plotting area.
+* - Increased minimum angle between curve and edge required to
+* create an edge label from 3 degs to 5 degs.
+* - Modified PlotLabels to ignore duplicate adjacent labels which
+* determining overlap of labels.
+* 17-MAR-2004 (DSB):
+* - Modified Typical to give normal weight to edge bins in
+* histogram if these bins contain all the counts.
+* - Modified DrawTicks to add extra minor ticks below first major
+* tick value and above last major tick value.
+* - Norm1 can reject usable tick mark values because of an
+* inappropriate value being used on the other axis (i.e. one for
+* which the position is undefined in grapics coords). Therfoer
+* Norm1 has been modified to use 3 different reference values
+* in an attempt to find one which gives good axis values.
+* 25-AUG-2004 (DSB):
+* - Correct handling of "fmt" pointer in TickMarks function (identified
+* and reported by Bill Joye).
+* 14-SEP-2004 (DSB):
+* - In EdgeLabels change definition of "distinct labels". Used to
+* be that labels were distinct if they had different formatted
+* labels. Now they are distinct if they have different floating
+* point numerical values. Fixes a bug reported by Micah Johnson.
+* - TickMarks re-structured to optimise the precision (no. of digits)
+* even if a value has been assigned for the Format attribute, but only
+* if the format specifier includes a wildcard precision specifier. For
+* instance, to get graphical separators a format must be specified
+* which included the "g" flag. As things were, this would prevent
+* the optimisation of the digits value. Can now use "dms.*g" to
+* allow the number of digits to be optimised.
+* 29-SEP-2004 (DSB):
+* - In FindMajTicks, begin the process of increasing "nfill" from
+* a value of zero rather than one (in many cases no filling is
+* needed).
+* - In GetTicks (linear tick marks section) ensure that 10
+* *different* gap sizes are used before giving up. Previously, the
+* 10 tests could include duplicated gap values.
+* 8-NOV-2004 (DSB):
+* - In Norm1, try more alternative "other axis" values before
+* accepting that a tick mark value cannot be normalised.
+* 2-FEB-2005 (DSB):
+* - Avoid using astStore to allocate more storage than is supplied
+* in the "data" pointer. This can cause access violations since
+* astStore will then read beyond the end of the "data" area.
+* 15-MAR-2005 (DSB):
+* - Modified GridLines to use appropriate algorithm for choosing
+* start of grid lines in cases where one axis has logarithmic tick
+* spacing and the other has linear tick spacing.
+* 21-MAR-2005 (DSB):
+* - Added the Clip attribute.
+* 12-JUL-2005 (DSB):
+* - Modified AxPlot so that Map1 only normalises if neither axis
+* is a SkyAxis. Previously it normalised if either axis was not a
+* SkyAxis.
+* 7-DEC-2005 (DSB):
+* Free memory allocated by calls to astReadString.
+* 18-JAN-2006 (DSB)
+* Add Abbrev attribute.
+* 14-FEB-2006 (DSB)
+* Correct EdgeLabels to use gap size rather than EQUAL macro when
+* comparing label values.
+* 17-FEB-2006 (DSB)
+* Added escape sequences "%h+" and "%g+".
+* 21-MAR-2006 (DSB)
+* Added extra status checks in TickMarks.
+* 18-MAY-2006 (DSB)
+* Trans: use correct PointSet when tranforming to arbitrary
+* clipping frame.
+* 26-MAY-2006 (DSB)
+* Added LabelAt to TestAttrib.
+* 2-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* - In MAKE_GET2, return the set value if a value has been set
+* without recalculating the defaults.
+* - Fix bug that could cause segvio in Grid if clipping is used.
+* 5-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* Do not change the box returned by astBoundBox as a consequence
+* of calling astGetAttrib.
+* 19-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* Changed the default line 0.0 from zero to 1.0.
+* 22-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* Include axis textual labels and title in the bounding box
+* created by AST_GRID and returned by AST_BOUNDINGBOX.
+* 26-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* Set the Direction attribute in the base Frame of a Plot if an
+* axis is reversed.
+* 29-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* - Guard against astGap calls that reach a minimum gap size.
+* - Sort out splitting of long axis labels (such as date/time
+* strings produced by TimeFrames).
+* 30-JUN-2006 (DSB)
+* If abbreviating labels, display the last field for identical
+* neighbours rather than the whole value.
+* 10-JUL-2006 (DSB)
+* Make astStripEscapes public so it can be used by the NDF library.
+* 7-AUG-2006 (DSB)
+* Increase the number of attempts to find a new gap size from 5 to
+* 25 in GetTicks.
+* 24-OCT-2006 (DSB)
+* Add the ForceExterior attribute so that SPLAT can have external
+* axes even if there are no usable horizontal axis ticks (as requested
+* by PWD). Currently this attribute is not included in the public
+* documentation, as it may cause problems. If it seems to work OK
+* then it can be made public.
+* 25-JAN-2006 (DSB)
+* Do not draw ticks marks that start outside the bounds of the
+* axis they are labelling.
+* 27-FEB-2007 (DSB)
+* - Change nominal Crv_scerr value from 5.0 to 1.5 (this avoids gaps
+* in HPX grid plots being bridged by grid lines).
+* - Double the dimension of the grid used by GoodGrid to avoid
+* missing the pointy bits in a HPX projection.
+* 17-MAY-2007 (DSB)
+* Exclude corner positions when determining the range of axis
+* values covered by the plot. This gives better default gap sizes.
+* 11-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* Plug memory leaks.
+* 20-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* - Add attribute GrfContext.
+* - Pass the GrfContext attribute value to each external grf function.
+* External code that uses the astGrfSet function must be changed
+* so that the external grf functions registered using astGrfSet
+* accept this new parameter.
+* 21-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* - Change GrfContext to be an Object rather than an integer.
+* 22-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* - Do not dump the GrfContext Object since it may cause an
+* infinite dumping loop.
+* - Allow a NULL vtab to be supplied when initialising a Plot
+* structure. This causes the vtab defined locally within this
+* class to be used so that the new object behaves as a simple Plot.
+* 25-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* - Free the graphics context object when then the Plot is deleted.
+* - Fix memory leak in FullForm.
+* - Since the grfcontext object is only used by external code, store
+* a public object identifier for it in the Plot structure rather
+* than a true C pointer.
+* 26-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* Honour the LabelUp attribute value even if labels are drawn
+* around the edges of the plot.
+* 28-JUN-2007 (DSB)
+* - Make all axis attribute arrays 3 elements long rather than 2.
+* - Add the protected methods astCopyPlotDefaults and astMirror.
+* - Add public method astGetGrfContext, remove astSetGrfContext.
+* - Fix memory leak.
+* 6-SEP-2007 (DSB):
+* Dump and load any user-specified tick mark values.
+* 20-OCT-2009 (DSB):
+* - Modify SplitValue so that it only splits long values if
+* previous long values were split, or if the value contains a
+* space.
+* - Take account of zero height bounding boxes in UpdateConcat.
+* - Correct Dump so that it dumps attributes for all available
+* axes (2 for a Plot, 3 for a Plot3D).
+* 12-JAN-2010 (DSB):
+* Fix various memory leaks.
+* 4-MAR-2011 (DSB):
+* - Added grf functions BBuf and EBuf.
+* - Added public method astBBuf and astEBuf.
+* 23-AUG-2011 (DSB):
+* - If exterior labelling was requested but would produced too
+* few labels, only swap to interior labelling if doing so would
+* allow more labels to be drawn (i.e. do not swap to interior if
+* it does not gain us anything).
+* - Slightly decrease the dynamic range of an axis needed to produce
+* logarithmic ticks (this is to avoid problems with round errors).
+* 6-OCT-2011 (DSB):
+* - Prevent grf qch and scales functions being called lots of times
+* during each drawing operation (since the information returned by
+* these functions will not change during the course of a single drawing
+* operation).
+* 11-OCT-2011 (DSB):
+* - Combine multiple continuous polylines into a single polyline
+* before calling the grf polyline function. Reducing the number of
+* calls to the underlying graphics system can make a big difference
+* if the graphics system is written in an interpreted language
+* such as python.
+* - Take account of differing axis scales when rotating vectors by
+* 90 degrees.
+* 12-OCT-2011 (DSB):
+* - Fix the change made yesterday to correct rotation of numerical axis
+* rotations. I forgot that the astGText function in the grf module
+* expects the up vector in equally scaled coords, not graphics coords.
+* - Take account of unequal axis scales when working out the
+* length of each grid curve.
+* 15-OCT-2011 (DSB):
+* Always check that the grf module implements the scales function
+* before trying to invoke the scales function.
+* 21-MAY-2012 (DSB):
+* Correct text strings used to represent the "Labelling" attribute
+* within dumps of a Plot. Previously they were reversed.
+* 7-JUN-2012 (DSB):
+* Speed up plotting of CmpRegion boundaries by splitting the
+* CmpRegion up into a set of disjoint Regions, and plotting each
+* one separately.
+* 16-JUN-2014 (DSB):
+* - Prevent seg fault in PlotLabels caused by accessing
+* uninitialised "atext" field stored within purged labels.
+* - Choose a label with non-negative priority as the fall-back root label.
+* 17-APR-2015 (DSB):
+* Added method astRegionOutline.
+* 20-APR-2015 (DSB):
+* Draw Regions with higher accuracy, because Regions (i.e. Polygons)
+* can be very non-smooth.
+/* Module Macros. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to the header
+ files that define class interfaces that they should make "protected"
+ symbols available. */
+#define astCLASS Plot
+/* Values for constants used in this class. */
+#define CRV_NSEG 14 /* No. of curve segments drawn by function Crv */
+#define CRV_NPNT 15 /* CRV_NSEG plus one */
+#define CRV_MXENT 10 /* Max. no. of recursive entries into function Crv */
+#define MAJTICKS_OPT 10 /* Optimum number of major axiss or grid lines */
+#define MAJTICKS_MAX 14 /* Max. number of major ticks or grid lines */
+#define MAJTICKS_MIN 6 /* Min. number of major ticks or grid lines */
+#define EDGETICKS_DIM 100 /* No. of edge samples used to find tick marks */
+#define LEFT 0 /* Id for the left edge of the plotting area */
+#define TOP 1 /* Id for the top edge of the plotting area */
+#define RIGHT 2 /* Id for the right edge of the plotting area */
+#define BOTTOM 3 /* Id for the bottom edge of the plotting area */
+#define NOSTYLE -999 /* A value which represents a null Style value */
+#define NOWIDTH -99.9 /* A value which represents a null Style value */
+#define NOFONT -999 /* A value which represents a null Style value */
+#define NOCOLOUR -999 /* A value which represents a null Style value */
+#define NOSIZE -99.9 /* A value which represents a null Style value */
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+#define GLOBALS_PROTO , AstGlobals *
+#define GLOBALS_ARG , AstGlobals *AST__GLOBALS
+#define GLOBALS_ARG
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to clear a single value in a multi-valued attribute.
+* Type:
+* Private macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* MAKE_CLEAR(attr,component,assign,nval)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static void Clear<Attribute>( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* and an external interface function of the form:
+* void astClear<Attribute>_( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* which implement a method for clearing a single value in a specified
+* multi-valued attribute for an axis of a Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute to be cleared, as it appears in the function
+* name (e.g. LabelAt in "astClearLabelAt").
+* component
+* The name of the class structure component that holds the attribute
+* value.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to assign to the component
+* to clear its value.
+* nval
+* Specifies the number of values in the multi-valued attribute. The
+* "axis" values supplied to the created function should be in the
+* range zero to (nval - 1). If a value of 0 is supplied, the
+* value of the Plot's Nin attribute is used instead.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_CLEAR(attr,component,assign,nval) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static void Clear##attr( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return; \
+/* Validate the axis index. */ \
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ){ \
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "%s(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for attribute " \
+ #attr " - it should be in the range 1 to %d.", status, \
+ "astClear" #attr, astGetClass( this ), \
+ axis + 1, ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ); \
+/* Assign the "clear" value. */ \
+ } else { \
+ this->component[ axis ] = (assign); \
+ } \
+} \
+/* External interface. */ \
+/* ------------------- */ \
+void astClear##attr##_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return; \
+/* Invoke the required method via the virtual function table. */ \
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Clear##attr))( this, axis, status ); \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to get a single value in a multi-valued attribute.
+* Type:
+* Private macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* MAKE_GET(attr,type,bad_value,assign,nval)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static <Type> Get<Attribute>( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* and an external interface function of the form:
+* <Type> astGet<Attribute>_( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* which implement a method for getting a single value from a specified
+* multi-valued attribute for an axis of a Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute whose value is to be obtained, as it
+* appears in the function name (e.g. Label in "astGetLabel").
+* type
+* The C type of the attribute.
+* bad_value
+* A constant value to return if the global error status is set, or if
+* the function fails.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to be returned. This can
+* use the string "axis" to represent the zero-based value index.
+* nval
+* Specifies the number of values in the multi-valued attribute. The
+* "axis" values supplied to the created function should be in the
+* range zero to (nval - 1). If a value of 0 is supplied, the
+* value of the Plot's Nin attribute is used instead.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_GET(attr,type,bad_value,assign,nval) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static type Get##attr( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+ type result; /* Result to be returned */ \
+/* Initialise */ \
+ result = (bad_value); \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return result; \
+/* Validate the axis index. */ \
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ){ \
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "%s(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for attribute " \
+ #attr " - it should be in the range 1 to %d.", status, \
+ "astGet" #attr, astGetClass( this ), \
+ axis + 1, ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ); \
+/* Assign the result value. */ \
+ } else { \
+ result = (assign); \
+ } \
+/* Check for errors and clear the result if necessary. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) result = (bad_value); \
+/* Return the result. */ \
+ return result; \
+} \
+/* External interface. */ \
+/* ------------------- */ \
+type astGet##attr##_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return (bad_value); \
+/* Invoke the required method via the virtual function table. */ \
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Get##attr))( this, axis, status ); \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to set a single value in a multi-valued attribute
+* for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Private macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* MAKE_SET(attr,type,component,assign,nval)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static void Set<Attribute>( AstPlot *this, int axis, <Type> value )
+* and an external interface function of the form:
+* void astSet<Attribute>_( AstPlot *this, int axis, <Type> value )
+* which implement a method for setting a single value in a specified
+* multi-valued attribute for a Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute to be set, as it appears in the function
+* name (e.g. LabelAt in "astSetLabelAt").
+* type
+* The C type of the attribute.
+* component
+* The name of the class structure component that holds the attribute
+* value.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to be assigned to the
+* component.
+* nval
+* Specifies the number of values in the multi-valued attribute. The
+* "axis" values supplied to the created function should be in the
+* range zero to (nval - 1). If a value of 0 is supplied, the
+* value of the Plot's Nin attribute is used instead.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_SET(attr,type,component,assign,nval) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static void Set##attr( AstPlot *this, int axis, type value, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return; \
+/* Validate the axis index. */ \
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ){ \
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "%s(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for attribute " \
+ #attr " - it should be in the range 1 to %d.", status, \
+ "astSet" #attr, astGetClass( this ), \
+ axis + 1, ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ); \
+/* Store the new value in the structure component. */ \
+ } else { \
+ this->component[ axis ] = (assign); \
+ } \
+} \
+/* External interface. */ \
+/* ------------------- */ \
+void astSet##attr##_( AstPlot *this, int axis, type value, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return; \
+/* Invoke the required method via the virtual function table. */ \
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Set##attr))( this, axis, value, status ); \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to test if a single value has been set in a
+* multi-valued attribute for a class.
+* Type:
+* Private macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* MAKE_TEST(attr,assign,nval)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static int Test<Attribute>( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* and an external interface function of the form:
+* int astTest<Attribute>_( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* which implement a method for testing if a single value in a specified
+* multi-valued attribute has been set for a class.
+* Parameters:
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute to be tested, as it appears in the function
+* name (e.g. LabelAt in "astTestLabelAt").
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to 0 or 1, to be used as the returned
+* value. This can use the string "axis" to represent the zero-based
+* index of the value within the attribute.
+* nval
+* Specifies the number of values in the multi-valued attribute. The
+* "axis" values supplied to the created function should be in the
+* range zero to (nval - 1). If a value of 0 is supplied, the
+* value of the Plot's Nin attribute is used instead.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_TEST(attr,assign,nval) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static int Test##attr( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+ int result; /* Value to return */ \
+/* Initialise */ \
+ result = 0; \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return result; \
+/* Validate the axis index. */ \
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ){ \
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "%s(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for attribute " \
+ #attr " - it should be in the range 1 to %d.", status, \
+ "astTest" #attr, astGetClass( this ), \
+ axis + 1, ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ); \
+/* Assign the result value. */ \
+ } else { \
+ result = (assign); \
+ } \
+/* Check for errors and clear the result if necessary. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) result = 0; \
+/* Return the result. */ \
+ return result; \
+} \
+/* External interface. */ \
+/* ------------------- */ \
+int astTest##attr##_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0; \
+/* Invoke the required method via the virtual function table. */ \
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Test##attr))( this, axis, status ); \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to get a single value in a multi-valued attribute.
+* Type:
+* Private macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* MAKE_GET3(attr,attr,type,bad_value,assign,nval)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static <Type> Get<Attribute>( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* which implements a method for getting a single value from a specified
+* multi-valued attribute for an axis of a Plot. Note, no public
+* interface function is created.
+* The value returned is the value which would actually be used if
+* astGrid was called with the current set of Plot attributes. This
+* includes calculating any dynamic defaults which would be used, and is
+* consequently rather slow.
+* Parameters:
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute whose value is to be obtained, as it
+* appears in the function name (e.g. Label in "astGetLabel"). The
+* string "Used" is added on to the front of the supplied value.
+* type
+* The C type of the attribute.
+* bad_value
+* A constant value to return if the global error status is set, or if
+* the function fails.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to be returned. This can
+* use the string "axis" to represent the zero-based value index.
+* nval
+* Specifies the number of values in the multi-valued attribute. The
+* "axis" values supplied to the created function should be in the
+* range zero to (nval - 1). If a value of 0 is supplied, the
+* value of the Plot's Nin attribute is used instead.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_GET3(attr,type,bad_value,assign,nval) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static type GetUsed##attr( AstPlot *, int, int *status ); \
+static type GetUsed##attr( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) { \
+ type result; /* Result to be returned */ \
+/* Initialise */ \
+ result = (bad_value); \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return result; \
+/* Validate the axis index. */ \
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ){ \
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "%s(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for attribute " \
+ #attr " - it should be in the range 1 to %d.", status, \
+ "astGetUsed" #attr, astGetClass( this ), \
+ axis + 1, ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ); \
+/* If the attribute is set, use its normal accessor. */\
+ } else if( astTest##attr( this, axis ) ) {\
+ result = astGet##attr( this, axis );\
+/* Otherwise, re-calculate dynamic defaults by going through the motions of \
+ drawing the grid. Nothing is actually drawn because we set the protected \
+ attribute Ink to zero first. The calculated values are stored in the \
+ Plot structure. */ \
+ } else { \
+ astSetInk( this, 0 ); \
+ astGrid( this ); \
+ astClearInk( this ); \
+/* Assign the result value. */ \
+ result = (assign); \
+ } \
+/* Check for errors and clear the result if necessary. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) result = (bad_value); \
+/* Return the result. */ \
+ return result; \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to set a single value in a multi-valued attribute
+* for a Plot. This is identical to MAKE_SET except that no external
+* interface function is created.
+* Type:
+* Private macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* MAKE_SET3(attr,type,component,assign,nval)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static void Set<Attribute>( AstPlot *this, int axis, <Type> value )
+* which implements a method for setting a single value in a specified
+* multi-valued attribute for a Plot.
+* Parameters:
+ * attr
+* The name of the attribute whose value is to be obtained, as it
+* appears in the function name (e.g. Label in "astSetLabel"). The
+* string "Used" is added on to the front of the supplied value.
+* type
+* The C type of the attribute.
+* component
+* The name of the class structure component that holds the attribute
+* value.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to be assigned to the
+* component.
+* nval
+* Specifies the number of values in the multi-valued attribute. The
+* "axis" values supplied to the created function should be in the
+* range zero to (nval - 1). If a value of 0 is supplied, the
+* value of the Plot's Nin attribute is used instead.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_SET3(attr,type,component,assign,nval) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static void SetUsed##attr( AstPlot *, int, type, int *status ); \
+static void SetUsed##attr( AstPlot *this, int axis, type value, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return; \
+/* Validate the axis index. */ \
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ){ \
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "%s(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for attribute " \
+ #attr " - it should be in the range 1 to %d.", status, \
+ "astSetUsed" #attr, astGetClass( this ), \
+ axis + 1, ( nval ? nval : astGetNin( this ) ) ); \
+/* Store the new value in the structure component. */ \
+ } else { \
+ this->component[ axis ] = (assign); \
+ } \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to get an attribute value for a class.
+* Type:
+* Protected macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* MAKE_GET2(class,attr,type,bad_value,assign)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static <Type> GetUsed<Attr>( AstPlot *this )
+* which implement a method for getting a specified attribute value for a
+* class. Note, no public interface function is created.
+* The value returned is the value which would actually be used if
+* astGrid was called with the current set of Plot attributes. This
+* includes calculating any dynamic defaults which would be used, and is
+* consequently rather slow.
+* Parameters:
+* class
+* The name (not the type) of the class to which the attribute belongs.
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute whose value is to be obtained, as it
+* appears in the function name (e.g. Label in "astGetLabel"). The
+* string "Used" is added on to the front of the supplied value.
+* type
+* The C type of the attribute.
+* bad_value
+* A constant value to return if the global error status is set, or if
+* the function fails.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to be returned.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave any white
+* space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_GET2(class,attr,type,bad_value,assign) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static type GetUsed##attr( Ast##class *, int *status ); \
+static type GetUsed##attr( Ast##class *this, int *status ) { \
+ type result; /* Result to be returned */ \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return (bad_value); \
+/* If the attribute is set, use its normal accessor. */\
+ if( astTest##attr( this ) ) {\
+ result = astGet##attr( this );\
+/* Otherwise, re-calculate dynamic defaults by going through the motions of \
+ drawing the grid. Nothing is actually drawn because we set the protected \
+ attribute Ink to zero first. The calculated values are stored in the \
+ Plot structure. */ \
+ } else { \
+ astSetInk( this, 0 ); \
+ astGrid( this ); \
+ astClearInk( this ); \
+/* Assign the result value. */ \
+ result = (assign); \
+ } \
+/* Check for errors and clear the result if necessary. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) result = (bad_value); \
+/* Return the result. */ \
+ return result; \
+* Name:
+* Purpose:
+* Implement a method to set an attribute value for a class. This
+* is identical to astMAKE_SET except that it does not create an
+* external interface function, and it does create a private function
+* prototype.
+* Type:
+* Protected macro.
+* Synopsis:
+* MAKE_SET2(class,attr,type,component,assign)
+* Class Membership:
+* Defined by the Plot class.
+* Description:
+* This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function of
+* the form:
+* static void SetUsed<Attr>( AstPlot *this, <Type> value )
+* which implements a method for setting a specified attribute value for a
+* class.
+* Parameters:
+* class
+* The name (not the type) of the class to which the attribute belongs.
+* attr
+* The name of the attribute to be set, as it appears in the function
+* name (e.g. Label in "astSetLabel"). The string "Used" is added
+* to the front.
+* type
+* The C type of the attribute.
+* component
+* The name of the class structure component that holds the attribute
+* value.
+* assign
+* An expression that evaluates to the value to be assigned to the
+* component.
+* Notes:
+* - To avoid problems with some compilers, you should not leave
+* any white space around the macro arguments.
+/* Define the macro. */
+#define MAKE_SET2(class,attr,type,component,assign) \
+/* Private member function. */ \
+/* ------------------------ */ \
+static void SetUsed##attr( Ast##class *, type, int *status ); \
+static void SetUsed##attr( Ast##class *this, type value, int *status ) { \
+/* Check the global error status. */ \
+ if ( !astOK ) return; \
+/* Store the new value in the structure component. */ \
+ this->component = (assign); \
+/* Header files. */
+/* ============= */
+/* Interface definitions. */
+/* ---------------------- */
+#include "channel.h" /* I/O channels */
+#include "cmpmap.h" /* Compound mapping class */
+#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
+#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
+#include "frame.h" /* Coordinate frame descriptions */
+#include "frameset.h" /* Parent FrameSet class */
+#include "grf.h" /* Low-level graphics interface */
+#include "memory.h" /* Memory allocation facilities */
+#include "object.h" /* Base Object class */
+#include "plot.h" /* Interface definition for this class */
+#include "pointset.h" /* Class holding lists of positions */
+#include "keymap.h" /* Hash maps */
+#include "skyaxis.h" /* Sky coordinate axes */
+#include "skyframe.h" /* Sky coordinate frames */
+#include "winmap.h" /* Scale and shift mappings */
+#include "mathmap.h" /* Algebraic mappings */
+#include "wcsmap.h" /* FITS-WCS projectsions */
+#include "unitmap.h" /* Unit mappings */
+#include "permmap.h" /* Axis permutations */
+#include "region.h" /* Frame regions */
+#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
+/* Error code definitions. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+#include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */
+/* C header files. */
+/* --------------- */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Module Type Definitions */
+/* ======================= */
+typedef struct LabelList {
+ double index;
+ char *text;
+ double x;
+ double y;
+ char *just;
+ double upx;
+ double upy;
+ double val;
+ int priority;
+ const char *atext;
+ int saved_prio;
+} LabelList;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Crv function. */
+typedef struct CrvStatics {
+ double *pdl2; /* Pointer to next squared segment length */
+ double *pdx; /* Pointer to next segment X increment */
+ double *pdy; /* Pointer to next segment Y increment */
+ double cosang; /* Cosine of angle between adjacent segments */
+ double d0; /* Distance to start of first sub-segment */
+ double delta; /* Distance between adjacent sub-segments */
+ double dl; /* Segment length in graphics coordinates */
+ double dll; /* Segment length for previous segment */
+ double last_x; /* Graphics X at the end of the previous segment */
+ double last_y; /* Graphics Y at the end of the previous segment */
+ double limit2; /* Shortest acceptable squared segment length */
+ double t1; /* Increment in X */
+ double t2; /* Increment in Y */
+ double t3; /* Squared segment length */
+ double vx; /* X component of unit vector for current segment */
+ double vxl; /* X component of unit vector for previous segment */
+ double vy; /* Y component of unit vector for current segment */
+ double vyl; /* Y component of unit vector for previous segment */
+ int *seg0; /* Pointer to current segment OK flag */
+ int *segm; /* Pointer to previous segment OK flag */
+ int *segp; /* Pointer to next segment OK flag */
+ int all_bad; /* Are all supplied positions bad or clipped? */
+ int el; /* Total sub-segment count */
+ int j; /* Sub-segment index */
+ int last_ok; /* Was the previous position defined? */
+ int nel; /* Total number of sub-segments */
+ int nlong; /* No.of segments longer than limit2 */
+ int nseg; /* Number of segments being sub-divided */
+ int nshort; /* No.of segments shorter than limit2 */
+#ifdef CRV_TRACE
+ int levels[100];
+} CrvStatics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Crv function. */
+typedef struct GetTicksStatics {
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to the current Frame */
+ AstMapping *map; /* Pointer to Base->Current Mapping */
+ AstPointSet *pset; /* Pointer to a PointSet holding physical coords */
+ double **ptr; /* Pointer to physical coordinate values */
+ double defgaps[ 2 ]; /* Initial test gaps for each axis */
+ double typval[ 2 ]; /* Typical value on each axis */
+ double width[ 2 ]; /* Range of used axis values */
+ int maxticks; /* Max. number of ticks on each axis */
+ int mintick; /* Min. number of ticks on each axis */
+ int ngood[ 2 ]; /* No. of good physical values on each axis */
+ int bad; /* Were any bad pixels found? */
+} GetTicksStatics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the EdgeCrossings
+ function. */
+typedef struct EdgeCrossingsStatics {
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to current Frame in Plot */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* Graphics cooords at edge samples */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* Physical cooords at edge samples */
+ AstPointSet *pset4; /* Graphics cooords at offset edge samples */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to graphics coord. data */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to physical coord. data */
+ double **ptr4; /* Pointer to graphics coord. data */
+ double edgehi; /* High bound on varying graphics axis */
+ double edgelo; /* Low bound on varying graphics axis */
+ double edgeval; /* Constant graphics axis value along edge */
+ double limit; /* Three times the RMS step size */
+ int dim; /* Extended number of samples */
+ int edgeax; /* Graphics axis to which edgeval refers */
+ int paxis; /* Axis used in first invocation */
+ int pedge; /* Edge used in first invocation */
+} EdgeCrossingsStatics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Map1
+ function. */
+typedef struct Map1Statics {
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding physical coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical coord data */
+ double *pax; /* Pointer to start of axis data */
+ double *ptr2[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to graphics coord data */
+ double *work1; /* Pointer to work space */
+ double *work2; /* Pointer to work space */
+ double axorig; /* Distance offset */
+ double axscale; /* Distance scale */
+ int neg; /* Negate axis values? */
+ int nl; /* No. of points in pset1 and pset2 */
+} Map1Statics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Map2
+ function. */
+typedef struct Map2Statics {
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding physical coords */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to physical coord data */
+ double *ptr1[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to graphics coord data */
+ int nl; /* No. of points in pset1 and pset2 */
+} Map2Statics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Map3
+ function. */
+typedef struct Map3Statics {
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding physical coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical coord data */
+ double *ptr2[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to graphics coord data */
+ int nc; /* No. of physical axes */
+ int nl; /* No. of points in pset1 and pset2 */
+ double *pos; /* Pointer to memory for a single position */
+} Map3Statics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Map4
+ function. */
+typedef struct Map4Statics {
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding distances */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding physical coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset3; /* PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ int nl; /* No. of points in pset1 and pset2 */
+} Map4Statics;
+/* Structure to hold static data used internally within the Map5
+ function. */
+typedef struct Map5Statics {
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding physical coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical coord data */
+ double *ptr2[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to graphics coord data */
+ int nl; /* No. of points in pset1 and pset2 */
+} Map5Statics;
+/* Structure to hold information about tick marks for a single axis. */
+typedef struct TickInfo{
+ int nmajor; /* No. of major tick marks */
+ int nminor; /* No. of minor tick marks */
+ double *ticks; /* Pointer to array of major tick mark values */
+ double *minticks; /* Pointer to array of minor tick mark values */
+ char **labels; /* Pointer to array of major tick mark labels */
+ double *start; /* Start pos'n on other axis for each curve section */
+ double *length; /* Length on other axis of each curve section */
+ int nsect; /* No. of sections in curve */
+ char *fmt; /* Pointer to format string used to create labels */
+ double gap; /* The gap between major ticks */
+} TickInfo;
+/* Module Variables. */
+/* ================= */
+/* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
+ member of this class. */
+static int class_check;
+/* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
+static void (* parent_removeframe)( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
+static AstPointSet *(* parent_transform)( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int,
+ AstPointSet *, int * );
+static const char *(* parent_getattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static int (* parent_testattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void (* parent_clearattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void (* parent_setattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+static int (* parent_managelock)( AstObject *, int, int, AstObject **, int * );
+/* Strings giving the label for the graphics items corresponding to
+static char *GrfLabels = "Border Curves Title Markers Strings Axis1 Axis2 Axis3 "
+ "NumLab1 NumLab2 NumLab3 TextLab1 TextLab2 TextLab3 "
+ "Ticks1 Ticks2 Ticks3 Grid1 Grid2 Grid3 Axes NumLab "
+ "TextLab Grid Ticks";
+/* Text values used to represent edges externally. */
+static const char *xedge[4] = { "left", "top", "right", "bottom" };
+/* Text values used to represent Labelling externally. */
+static const char *xlbling[2] = { "exterior", "interior" };
+/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
+/* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
+#define GLOBAL_inits \
+ globals->Class_Init = 0; \
+ globals->GrfAttrs_nesting_t = 0; \
+ globals->Crv_nent_t = 0; \
+ globals->Box_lbnd_t[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX; \
+ globals->Box_ubnd_t[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN; \
+ globals->Boxp_lbnd_t[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX; \
+ globals->Boxp_ubnd_t[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN; \
+ globals->Box_lbnd_t[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX; \
+ globals->Box_ubnd_t[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN; \
+ globals->Boxp_lbnd_t[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX; \
+ globals->Boxp_ubnd_t[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN; \
+ globals->Boxp_freeze_t = 0; \
+ globals->Map1_plot_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map1_map_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map1_frame_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map1_origin_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map1_statics_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map2_plot_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map2_map_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map2_statics_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map3_plot_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map3_map_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map3_frame_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map3_origin_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map3_end_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map3_statics_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map4_plot_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map4_map_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map4_umap_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map4_statics_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map5_plot_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map5_region_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map5_map_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Map5_statics_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Poly_n_t = 0; \
+ globals->Poly_x_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Poly_y_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Poly_npoly_t = 0; \
+ globals->Poly_np_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Poly_xp_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Poly_yp_t = NULL; \
+ globals->Curve_data_t.nbrk = -1; \
+ globals->GetAttrib_Buff[ 0 ] = 0; \
+ globals->SplitValue_Buff[ 0 ] = 0; \
+ globals->StripEscapes_Buff[ 0 ] = 0; \
+ globals->Grf_chv_t = AST__BAD; \
+ globals->Grf_chh_t = AST__BAD; \
+ globals->Grf_alpha_t = 0.0; \
+ globals->Grf_beta_t = 0.0;
+/* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
+/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
+#define class_init astGLOBAL(Plot,Class_Init)
+#define class_vtab astGLOBAL(Plot,Class_Vtab)
+#define grfattrs_nesting astGLOBAL(Plot,GrfAttrs_nesting_t)
+#define grfattrs_attrs astGLOBAL(Plot,GrfAttrs_attrs_t)
+#define Crv_limit astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_limit_t)
+#define Crv_scerr astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_scerr_t)
+#define Crv_tol astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_tol_t)
+#define Crv_ux0 astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_ux0_t)
+#define Crv_uy0 astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_uy0_t)
+#define Crv_vxl astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_vxl_t)
+#define Crv_vyl astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_vyl_t)
+#define Crv_xhi astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_xhi_t)
+#define Crv_xl astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_xl_t)
+#define Crv_xlo astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_xlo_t)
+#define Crv_yhi astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_yhi_t)
+#define Crv_yl astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_yl_t)
+#define Crv_ylo astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_ylo_t)
+#define Crv_vxbrk astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_vxbrk_t)
+#define Crv_vybrk astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_vybrk_t)
+#define Crv_xbrk astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_xbrk_t)
+#define Crv_ybrk astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_ybrk_t)
+#define Crv_len astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_len_t)
+#define Crv_ink astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_ink_t)
+#define Crv_nbrk astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_nbrk_t)
+#define Crv_nent astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_nent_t)
+#define Crv_out astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_out_t)
+#define Crv_clip astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_clip_t)
+#define Crv_map astGLOBAL(Plot,Crv_map_t)
+#define Box_lbnd astGLOBAL(Plot,Box_lbnd_t)
+#define Box_ubnd astGLOBAL(Plot,Box_ubnd_t)
+#define Boxp_lbnd astGLOBAL(Plot,Boxp_lbnd_t)
+#define Boxp_ubnd astGLOBAL(Plot,Boxp_ubnd_t)
+#define Boxp_freeze astGLOBAL(Plot,Boxp_freeze_t)
+#define Poly_x astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_x_t)
+#define Poly_y astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_y_t)
+#define Poly_n astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_n_t)
+#define Poly_xp astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_xp_t)
+#define Poly_yp astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_yp_t)
+#define Poly_np astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_np_t)
+#define Poly_npoly astGLOBAL(Plot,Poly_npoly_t)
+#define Map1_ncoord astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_ncoord_t)
+#define Map1_plot astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_plot_t)
+#define Map1_map astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_map_t)
+#define Map1_frame astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_frame_t)
+#define Map1_origin astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_origin_t)
+#define Map1_length astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_length_t)
+#define Map1_axis astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_axis_t)
+#define Map1_statics astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_statics_t)
+#define Map1_norm astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_norm_t)
+#define Map1_log astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_log_t)
+#define Map2_ncoord astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_ncoord_t)
+#define Map2_plot astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_plot_t)
+#define Map2_map astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_map_t)
+#define Map2_x0 astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_x0_t)
+#define Map2_y0 astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_y0_t)
+#define Map2_deltax astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_deltax_t)
+#define Map2_deltay astGLOBAL(Plot,Map2_deltay_t)
+#define Map2_statics astGLOBAL(Plot,Map1_statics_t)
+#define Map3_ncoord astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_ncoord_t)
+#define Map3_plot astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_plot_t)
+#define Map3_map astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_map_t)
+#define Map3_frame astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_frame_t)
+#define Map3_origin astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_origin_t)
+#define Map3_end astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_end_t)
+#define Map3_scale astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_scale_t)
+#define Map3_statics astGLOBAL(Plot,Map3_statics_t)
+#define Map4_ncoord astGLOBAL(Plot,Map4_ncoord_t)
+#define Map4_plot astGLOBAL(Plot,Map4_plot_t)
+#define Map4_map astGLOBAL(Plot,Map4_map_t)
+#define Map4_umap astGLOBAL(Plot,Map4_umap_t)
+#define Map4_statics astGLOBAL(Plot,Map4_statics_t)
+#define Map5_plot astGLOBAL(Plot,Map5_plot_t)
+#define Map5_region astGLOBAL(Plot,Map5_region_t)
+#define Map5_map astGLOBAL(Plot,Map5_map_t)
+#define Map5_ncoord astGLOBAL(Plot,Map5_ncoord_t)
+#define Map5_statics astGLOBAL(Plot,Map5_statics_t)
+#define Curve_data astGLOBAL(Plot,Curve_data_t)
+#define getattrib_buff astGLOBAL(Plot,GetAttrib_Buff)
+#define splitvalue_buff astGLOBAL(Plot,SplitValue_Buff)
+#define stripescapes_buff astGLOBAL(Plot,StripEscapes_Buff)
+#define Grf_chv astGLOBAL(Plot,Grf_chv_t)
+#define Grf_chh astGLOBAL(Plot,Grf_chh_t)
+#define Grf_alpha astGLOBAL(Plot,Grf_alpha_t)
+#define Grf_beta astGLOBAL(Plot,Grf_beta_t)
+static pthread_mutex_t mutex2 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+#define LOCK_MUTEX2 pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex2 );
+#define UNLOCK_MUTEX2 pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex2 );
+/* If thread safety is not needed, declare and initialise globals at static
+ variables. */
+/* Variables used within astGrfAttrs_ */
+static double grfattrs_attrs[ GRF__NATTR ]; /* Saved attribute values */
+static int grfattrs_nesting = 0; /* Nesting level. */
+/* Variables used to pass information to the curve drawing functions. See
+ the prologues of functions Crv and CrvLine for details. */
+static double Crv_limit;
+static double Crv_scerr;
+static double Crv_tol;
+static double Crv_ux0;
+static double Crv_uy0;
+static double Crv_vxl;
+static double Crv_vyl;
+static double Crv_xhi;
+static double Crv_xl;
+static double Crv_xlo;
+static double Crv_yhi;
+static double Crv_yl;
+static double Crv_ylo;
+static float *Crv_vxbrk;
+static float *Crv_vybrk;
+static float *Crv_xbrk;
+static float *Crv_ybrk;
+static float Crv_len;
+static int Crv_ink;
+static int Crv_nbrk;
+static int Crv_nent = 0;
+static int Crv_out;
+static int Crv_clip;
+static void (*Crv_map)( int, double *, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+/* A cache of information calculated by the grf module. */
+static double Grf_chv = AST__BAD;
+static double Grf_chh = AST__BAD;
+static float Grf_alpha = 0.0;
+static float Grf_beta = 0.0;
+/* The lower and upper bounds of the graphics coordinates enclosing all
+ lines and numerical labels drawn by astGrid. */
+static float Box_lbnd[ 2 ] = {FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX };
+static float Box_ubnd[ 2 ] = {FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN };
+/* The lower and upper bounds of the graphics coordinates enclosing all
+ drawn graphics primatives, maintained by functions GLine, GMark and
+ DrawText. */
+static float Boxp_lbnd[ 2 ] = {FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX };
+static float Boxp_ubnd[ 2 ] = {FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN };
+static int Boxp_freeze = 0;
+/* Variables used to stored buffered poly lines (see functions Opoly, Bpoly
+ and Apoly). */
+static float *Poly_x = NULL;
+static float *Poly_y = NULL;
+static int Poly_n = 0;
+static float **Poly_xp = NULL;
+static float **Poly_yp = NULL;
+static int *Poly_np = NULL;
+static int Poly_npoly = 0;
+/* Variables used by function Map1. See the prologue of Map1 for details. */
+static int Map1_ncoord;
+static AstPlot *Map1_plot = NULL;
+static AstMapping *Map1_map = NULL;
+static AstFrame *Map1_frame = NULL;
+static const double *Map1_origin = NULL;
+static double Map1_length;
+static void *Map1_statics = NULL;
+static int Map1_axis;
+static int Map1_norm;
+static int Map1_log;
+/* Variables used by function Map2. See the prologue of Map2 for details. */
+static int Map2_ncoord;
+static AstPlot *Map2_plot = NULL;
+static AstMapping *Map2_map = NULL;
+static double Map2_x0;
+static double Map2_y0;
+static double Map2_deltax;
+static double Map2_deltay;
+static void *Map2_statics = NULL;
+/* Variables used by function Map3. See the prologue of Map3 for details. */
+static int Map3_ncoord;
+static AstPlot *Map3_plot = NULL;
+static AstMapping *Map3_map = NULL;
+static AstFrame *Map3_frame = NULL;
+static const double *Map3_origin = NULL;
+static const double *Map3_end = NULL;
+static double Map3_scale;
+static void *Map3_statics = NULL;
+/* Variables used by function Map4. See the prologue of Map4 for details. */
+static int Map4_ncoord;
+static AstPlot *Map4_plot = NULL;
+static AstMapping *Map4_map = NULL;
+static AstMapping *Map4_umap = NULL;
+static void *Map4_statics = NULL;
+/* Variables used by function Map5. See the prologue of Map5 for details. */
+static AstPlot *Map5_plot = NULL;
+static AstMapping *Map5_map = NULL;
+static AstRegion *Map5_region = NULL;
+static void *Map5_statics = NULL;
+static int Map5_ncoord;
+/* A structure which stores information about the breaks in the last curve
+ drawn using the public methods "astGridLine" and "astCurve". */
+static AstPlotCurveData Curve_data;
+/* Buffers for strings returned by various functions. */
+static char splitvalue_buff[ 200 ];
+static char stripescapes_buff[ AST__PLOT_STRIPESCAPES_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
+static char getattrib_buff[ 200 ];
+/* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
+ as static variables. */
+static AstPlotVtab class_vtab; /* Virtual function table */
+static int class_init = 0; /* Virtual function table initialised? */
+#define LOCK_MUTEX2
+#define UNLOCK_MUTEX2
+/* Macro to reset the cache of values caclulated by the grf module. */
+#define RESET_GRF \
+ Grf_chh = AST__BAD; \
+ Grf_chv = AST__BAD; \
+ Grf_alpha = 0.0; \
+ Grf_beta = 0.0;
+/* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
+/* ======================================== */
+static double GetTol( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestTol( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearTol( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetTol( AstPlot *, double, int * );
+static int GetGrid( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestGrid( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearGrid( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetGrid( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetTickAll( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestTickAll( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearTickAll( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetTickAll( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetForceExterior( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestForceExterior( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearForceExterior( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetForceExterior( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetBorder( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestBorder( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearBorder( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetBorder( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetInvisible( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestInvisible( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearInvisible( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetInvisible( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetInk( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestInk( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearInk( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetInk( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetClipOp( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestClipOp( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearClipOp( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetClipOp( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetClip( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestClip( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearClip( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetClip( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetGrf( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestGrf( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearGrf( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetGrf( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetDrawTitle( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestDrawTitle( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearDrawTitle( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetDrawTitle( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetDrawAxes( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestDrawAxes( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearDrawAxes( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetDrawAxes( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetAbbrev( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestAbbrev( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearAbbrev( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetAbbrev( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetEscape( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestEscape( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearEscape( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetEscape( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static double GetLabelAt( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLabelAt( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLabelAt( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLabelAt( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetNumLabGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestNumLabGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearNumLabGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetNumLabGap( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetTextLabGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestTextLabGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearTextLabGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetTextLabGap( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetCentre( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestCentre( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearCentre( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetCentre( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetGap( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static int GetLabelling( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestLabelling( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearLabelling( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetLabelling( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static double GetMajTickLen( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestMajTickLen( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearMajTickLen( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetMajTickLen( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetLogGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLogGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLogGap( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLogGap( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetTitleGap( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int TestTitleGap( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void ClearTitleGap( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void SetTitleGap( AstPlot *, double, int * );
+static double GetMinTickLen( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestMinTickLen( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearMinTickLen( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetMinTickLen( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static int GetEdge( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestEdge( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearEdge( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetEdge( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetLabelUp( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLabelUp( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLabelUp( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLabelUp( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetLogPlot( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLogPlot( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLogPlot( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLogPlot( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetLogTicks( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLogTicks( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLogTicks( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLogTicks( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetLogLabel( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLogLabel( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLogLabel( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLogLabel( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetNumLab( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestNumLab( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearNumLab( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetNumLab( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetMinTick( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestMinTick( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearMinTick( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetMinTick( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetTextLab( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestTextLab( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearTextLab( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetTextLab( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetLabelUnits( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestLabelUnits( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearLabelUnits( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetLabelUnits( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetStyle( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestStyle( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearStyle( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetStyle( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetFont( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestFont( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearFont( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetFont( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GetColour( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestColour( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearColour( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetColour( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static double GetWidth( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestWidth( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearWidth( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetWidth( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static double GetSize( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestSize( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void ClearSize( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void SetSize( AstPlot *, int, double, int * );
+static const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static int TestAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void ClearAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void SetAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static AstFrameSet *Fset2D( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
+static AstKeyMap *GetGrfContext( AstPlot *, int * );
+static AstPlotCurveData **CleanCdata( AstPlotCurveData **, int * );
+static AstPlotCurveData **DrawGrid( AstPlot *, TickInfo **, int, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static AstPointSet *DefGap( AstPlot *, double *, int *, double *, int *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static AstPointSet *GetDrawnTicks( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static AstPointSet *Trans( AstPlot *, AstFrame *, AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
+static TickInfo **CleanGrid( TickInfo **, int * );
+static TickInfo **GridLines( AstPlot *, double *, double *, int *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static TickInfo *TickMarks( AstPlot *, int, double *, double *, int *, GetTicksStatics **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static char **CheckLabels2( AstPlot *, AstFrame *, int, double *, int, char **, double, int * );
+static char *FindWord( char *, const char *, const char **, int * );
+static char *GrfItem( int, const char *, int *, int * );
+static const char *JustMB( AstPlot *, int, const char *, float *, float *, float, float, const char *, float, float, float, float, float *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static const char *SplitValue( AstPlot *, const char *, int, int *, int * );
+static double **MakeGrid( AstPlot *, AstFrame *, AstMapping *, int, int, double, double, double, double, int, AstPointSet **, AstPointSet**, int, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static double GetTicks( AstPlot *, int, double *, double **, int *, double **, int *, int, int *, double *, GetTicksStatics **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static double GetUseSize( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static double GetUseWidth( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static double GoodGrid( AstPlot *, int *, AstPointSet **, AstPointSet **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static double Typical( int, double *, double, double, double *, int * );
+static int Border( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int Boundary( AstPlot *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int BoxCheck( float *, float *, float *, float *, int * );
+static int CGAttrWrapper( AstPlot *, int, double, double *, int, int * );
+static int CGBBufWrapper( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int CGCapWrapper( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int CGEBufWrapper( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int CGFlushWrapper( AstPlot *, int * );
+static int CGLineWrapper( AstPlot *, int, const float *, const float *, int * );
+static int CGMarkWrapper( AstPlot *, int, const float *, const float *, int, int * );
+static int CGQchWrapper( AstPlot *, float *, float *, int * );
+static int CGScalesWrapper( AstPlot *, float *, float *, int * );
+static int CGTextWrapper( AstPlot *, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float, int * );
+static int CGTxExtWrapper( AstPlot *, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float, float *, float *, int * );
+static int CheckLabels( AstPlot *, AstFrame *, int, double *, int, int, char **, double, int * );
+static int ChrLen( const char *, int * );
+static int Compare_LL( const void *, const void * );
+static int Compared( const void *, const void * );
+static int CountGood( int, double *, int * );
+static int Cross( float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int * );
+static int CvBrk( AstPlot *, int, double *, double *, double *, int * );
+static int DrawRegion( AstPlot *, AstFrame *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int EdgeCrossings( AstPlot *, int, int, double, double *, double **, EdgeCrossingsStatics **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int EdgeLabels( AstPlot *, int, TickInfo **, AstPlotCurveData **, int, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int FindDPTZ( AstFrame *, int, const char *, const char *, int *, int *, int * );
+static int FindMajTicks( AstMapping *, AstFrame *, int, double, double, double , double *, int, double *, double **, int * );
+static int FindMajTicks2( int, double, double, int, double *, double **, int * );
+static int FindString( int, const char *[], const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int Fpoly_ecmp( const void *, const void * );
+static int Fpoly_scmp( const void *, const void * );
+static int FullForm( const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int GCap( AstPlot *, int, int, int * );
+static int GVec( AstPlot *, AstMapping *, double *, int, double, AstPointSet **, AstPointSet **, double *, double *, double *, double *, int *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int GetUseColour( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetUseFont( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GetUseStyle( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int GraphGrid( int, int, double, double, double, double, double **, int * );
+static int HasEscapes( const char *, int * );
+static int IdFind( int, int, int *, int *, int *, int * );
+static int Inside( int, float *, float *, float, float, int * );
+static int IsASkyAxis( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+static int IsASkyFrame( AstObject *, int * );
+static int Labelat( AstPlot *, TickInfo **, AstPlotCurveData **, double *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int Overlap( AstPlot *, int, int, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float, float **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int PopGat( AstPlot *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int TestUseColour( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestUseFont( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestUseSize( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestUseStyle( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int TestUseWidth( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static int ToggleLogLin( AstPlot *, int, int, const char *, int * );
+static int TraceBorder( AstPlot *, AstMapping *, double, double, double, double, int, double, int[ 4 ], const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int Ustrcmp( const char *, const char *, int * );
+static int Ustrncmp( const char *, const char *, size_t, int * );
+static int swapEdges( AstPlot *, TickInfo **, AstPlotCurveData **, int * );
+static void AddCdt( AstPlotCurveData *, AstPlotCurveData *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Apoly( AstPlot *, float, float, int * );
+static void AxPlot( AstPlot *, int, const double *, double, int, AstPlotCurveData *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void BBuf( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void BoundingBox( AstPlot *, float[2], float[2], int * );
+static void Bpoly( AstPlot *, float, float, int * );
+static void Clip( AstPlot *, int, const double [], const double [], int * );
+static void Copy( const AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static void CopyPlotDefaults( AstPlot *, int, AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void Crv( AstPlot *this, double *, double *, double *, int, double *, CrvStatics *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void CrvLine( AstPlot *this, double, double, double, double, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Curve( AstPlot *, const double [], const double [], int * );
+static void CurvePlot( AstPlot *, const double *, const double *, int , AstPlotCurveData *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Delete( AstObject *, int * );
+static void DrawAxis( AstPlot *, TickInfo **, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void DrawText( AstPlot *, int, int, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float, float *, float *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void DrawTicks( AstPlot *, TickInfo **, int, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
+static void EBuf( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void Fpoly( AstPlot *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GAttr( AstPlot *, int, double, double *, int, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GBBuf( AstPlot *, const char *, const char *, int * )__attribute__((unused));
+static void GEBuf( AstPlot *, const char *, const char *, int * )__attribute__((unused));
+static void GFlush( AstPlot *, const char *, const char *, int * )__attribute__((unused));
+static void GLine( AstPlot *, int, const float *, const float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GMark( AstPlot *, int, const float *, const float *, int, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GQch( AstPlot *, float *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GScales( AstPlot *, float *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GText( AstPlot *, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GTxExt( AstPlot *, const char *, float , float, const char *, float, float, float *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void GenCurve( AstPlot *, AstMapping *, int * );
+static void GrfPop( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void GrfPush( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void GrfSet( AstPlot *, const char *, AstGrfFun, int * );
+static void GrfWrapper( AstPlot *, const char *, AstGrfWrap, int * );
+static void Grid( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void GridLine( AstPlot *, int, const double [], double, int * );
+static void InterpEscape( AstPlot *, int, double, float *, float *, float, float, float, float, const char *, float *, double, double, double, double, double, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Labels( AstPlot *, TickInfo **, AstPlotCurveData **, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void LinePlot( AstPlot *, double, double, double, double, int, AstPlotCurveData *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Map1( int, double *, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * GLOBALS_PROTO );
+static void Map2( int, double *, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * GLOBALS_PROTO );
+static void Map3( int, double *, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * GLOBALS_PROTO );
+static void Map4( int, double *, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * GLOBALS_PROTO );
+static void Map5( int, double *, double *, double *, const char *, const char *, int * GLOBALS_PROTO );
+static void Mark( AstPlot *, int, int, int, const double *, int, int * );
+static void Mirror( AstPlot *, int, int * );
+static void Norm1( AstMapping *, int, int, double *, double, double, int * );
+static void Opoly( AstPlot *, int * );
+static void PlotLabels( AstPlot *, int, AstFrame *, int, LabelList *, char *, int, float **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void PolyCurve( AstPlot *, int, int, int, const double *, int * );
+static void PurgeCdata( AstPlotCurveData *, int * );
+static void PushGat( AstPlot *, float, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void RegionOutline( AstPlot *, AstRegion *, int * );
+static void RemoveFrame( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
+static void RightVector( AstPlot *, float *, float *, float *, float *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void SaveTick( AstPlot *, int, double, double, int, int * );
+static void SetTickValues( AstPlot *, int, int, double *, int, double *, int * );
+static void Text( AstPlot *, const char *, const double [], const float [], const char *, int * );
+static void TextLabels( AstPlot *, int, int *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void Ticker( AstPlot *, int, int, double, double *, double, int, int, EdgeCrossingsStatics **, const char *, const char *, int * );
+static void UpdateConcat( float *, float *, float, float, float, float, float *, float *, float, float, float *, float *, float *, float *, int * );
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+static int ManageLock( AstObject *, int, int, AstObject **, int * );
+/* Functions which access class attributes. */
+/* ======================================= */
+/* Implement member functions to access the attributes associated with this
+ class using the macros defined for this purpose in the "object.h" file. For
+ a description of each attribute, see the class interface (in the associated
+ .h file). */
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+* Name:
+* Tol
+* Purpose:
+* Plotting tolerance.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute specifies the plotting tolerance (or resolution)
+* to be used for the graphical output produced by a Plot. Smaller
+* values will result in smoother and more accurate curves being
+* drawn, but may slow down the plotting process. Conversely,
+* larger values may speed up the plotting process in cases where
+* high resolution is not required.
+* The Tol value should be given as a fraction of the minimum
+* dimension of the plotting area, and should lie in the range
+c from 1.0e-7 to 1.0. By default, a value of 0.01 is used.
+f from 1.0E-7 to 1.0. By default, a value of 0.01 is used.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+/* The plotting tolerance. Has a value of -1.0 when not set yielding a
+default value of 0.01. Usable values are in the range 1.0E-7 to 1.0. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Tol,double,0.01,(this->tol == -1.0 ? 0.01 : this->tol))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Tol,( this->tol != -1.0 ))
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+* Name:
+* Grid
+* Purpose:
+* Draw grid lines for a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether grid lines (a grid of curves marking the "major" values
+* on each axis) are drawn across the plotting area.
+* If the Grid value of a Plot is non-zero, then grid lines will be
+* drawn. Otherwise, short tick marks on the axes are used to mark
+* the major axis values. The default behaviour is to use tick
+* marks if the entire plotting area is filled by valid physical
+* coordinates, but to draw grid lines otherwise.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The spacing between major axis values, which determines the
+* spacing of grid lines, may be set using the Gap(axis) attribute.
+/* If non-zero use lines instead of tick marks in a coordinate grid. Has a
+value of -1 when not set yielding a default value of 0. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Grid,int,0,(this->grid == -1 ? 0 : this->grid))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Grid,int,grid,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Grid,( this->grid != -1 ))
+MAKE_SET2(Plot,Grid,int,ugrid,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+* Name:
+* Invisible
+* Purpose:
+* Draw graphics using invisible ink?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of all graphics produced by
+* Plot methods by determining whether graphics should be visible or
+* invisible.
+* If the Invisible value of a Plot is non-zero, then all the Plot
+* methods which normally generate graphical output do not do so (you
+* can think of them drawing with "invisible ink"). Such methods do,
+* however, continue to do all the calculations which would be needed to
+* produce the graphics. In particular, the bounding box enclosing the
+* graphics is still calculated and can be retrieved as normal using
+c astBoundingBox. The default value is zero, resulting in all methods
+f AST_BOUNDINGBOX. The default value is zero, resulting in all methods
+* drawing graphics as normal, using visible ink.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+/* If non-zero use invisible ink. Has a value of -1 when not set yielding
+a default value of 0. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Invisible,int,0,(this->invisible == -1 ? 0 : this->invisible))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Invisible,int,invisible,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Invisible,( this->invisible != -1 ))
+/* TickAll */
+/* ------- */
+* Name:
+* TickAll
+* Purpose:
+* Draw tick marks on all edges of a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether tick marks should be drawn on all edges of a Plot.
+* If the TickAll value of a Plot is non-zero (the default), then
+* tick marks will be drawn on all edges of the Plot. Otherwise,
+* they will be drawn only on those edges where the numerical and
+* descriptive axis labels are drawn (see the Edge(axis)
+* attribute).
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - In some circumstances, numerical labels and tick marks are
+* drawn along grid lines inside the plotting area, rather than
+* around its edges (see the Labelling attribute). In this case,
+* the value of the TickAll attribute is ignored.
+/* If non-zero put tick marks on opposite edges. Has a value of -1 when not
+set yielding a default value of 1. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,TickAll,int,1,(this->tickall == -1 ? 1 : this->tickall))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,TickAll,int,tickall,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,TickAll,( this->tickall != -1 ))
+/* ForceExterior */
+/* ------------- */
+* Name:
+* ForceExterior
+* Purpose:
+* Force the use of exterior labelling?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by forcing
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by forcing
+* labels and tick marks to be drawn round the edges of the plot
+* (rather than across the middle of the plot), even if there appear
+* to be insufficient edge crossings to justify the use of exterior
+* labelling.
+* The default value of zero results in the decision about whether to
+* use interior or exterior labelling being made purely on the basis
+* of the value of the Labelling attribute. If ForceExterior is set to
+* a non-zero value, then the Labelling attribute is ignored and exterior
+* labelling will always be attempted, even if there appear to be
+* insufficient edge labels to justify their use.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The value of this attribute is currently under investigation, and
+* so this attribute prologue is currently marked as protected rather
+* than public (in order to prevent it being included in the public
+* documentation).
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,ForceExterior,int,0,(this->forceexterior == -1 ? 0 : this->forceexterior))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,ForceExterior,int,forceexterior,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,ForceExterior,( this->forceexterior != -1 ))
+* Name:
+* Border
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether a border is drawn around regions corresponding to the
+c valid physical coordinates of a Plot (c.f. astBorder).
+f valid physical coordinates of a Plot (c.f. AST_BORDER).
+* If the Border value of a Plot is non-zero, then this border will
+* be drawn as part of the grid. Otherwise, the border is not drawn
+* (although axis labels and tick marks will still appear, unless
+* other relevant Plot attributes indicate that they should
+* not). The default behaviour is to draw the border if tick marks
+* and numerical labels will be drawn around the edges of the
+* plotting area (see the Labelling attribute), but to omit it
+* otherwise.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+/* If non-zero draw the border. Has a value of -1 when not set, yeilding
+ a default of 1. */
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Border,int,border,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Border,( this->border != -1 ))
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Border,int,1,(this->border == -1 ? 1 : this->border))
+MAKE_SET2(Plot,Border,int,uborder,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+/* Clip */
+/* ---- */
+* Name:
+* Clip
+* Purpose:
+* Clip lines and/or markers at the Plot boundary?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls whether curves and markers are clipped at the
+* boundary of the graphics box specified when the Plot was created. A
+* value of 3 implies both markers and curves are clipped at the Plot
+* boundary. A value of 2 implies markers are clipped, but not curves. A
+* value of 1 implies curves are clipped, but not markers. A value of
+* zero implies neither curves nor markers are clipped. The default
+* value is 1. Note, this attributes controls only the clipping
+* performed internally within AST. The underlying graphics system may
+* also apply clipping. In such cases, removing clipping using this
+* attribute does not guarantee that no clipping will be visible in the
+* final plot.
+c The astClip function
+f The AST_CLIP routine
+* can be used to establish generalised clipping within arbitrary
+* regions of the Plot.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Clip,int,0,(this->clip == -1 ? 1 : this->clip))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Clip,( this->clip != -1 ))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Clip,int,clip,((value>=0&&value<=3)?value:(astError( AST__ATTIN, "astSetClip(Plot): Invalid value %d supplied for Clip attribute", status, value ), this->clip)))
+/* ClipOp */
+/* ------ */
+* Name:
+* ClipOp
+* Purpose:
+* Combine Plot clipping limits using a boolean OR?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls how the clipping limits specified for
+c each axis of a Plot (using the astClip function) are
+f each axis of a Plot (using the AST_CLIP routine) are
+* combined. This, in turn, determines which parts of the graphical
+* output will be visible.
+* If the ClipOp attribute of a Plot is zero (the default),
+* graphical output is visible only if it satisfies the clipping
+* limits on all the axes of the clipping Frame (a boolean
+* AND). Otherwise, if ClipOp is non-zero, output is visible if it
+* satisfies the clipping limits on one or more axes (a boolean
+* OR).
+* An important use of this attribute is to allow areas of a Plot
+* to be left clear (e.g. as a background for some text). To
+* achieve this, the lower and upper clipping bounds supplied to
+c astClip should be reversed, and the ClipOp attribute of the
+f AST_CLIP should be reversed, and the ClipOp attribute of the
+* Plot should be set to a non-zero value.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+/* If non-zero only 1axis need be within the clipping bounds to avoid a
+point being clipped. Otherwise, all axes must be within bounds. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,ClipOp,int,0,(this->clipop == -1 ? 0 : this->clipop))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,ClipOp,int,clipop,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,ClipOp,( this->clipop != -1 ))
+/* Grf. */
+/* ---- */
+* Name:
+* Grf
+* Purpose:
+c Use Grf functions registered through astGrfSet?
+f Use Grf routines registered through AST_GRFSET?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+c This attribute selects the functions which are used to draw graphics by
+c the Plot class. If it is zero, then the functions in the graphics
+c interface selected at link-time are used (see the ast_link script).
+c Otherwise, functions registered using astGrfSet are used. In this
+c case, if a function is needed which has not been registered,
+c then the function in the graphics interface selected at link-time is
+c used.
+f This attribute selects the routines which are used to draw graphics by
+f the Plot class. If it is zero, then the routines in the graphics
+f interface selected at link-time are used (see the ast_link script).
+f Otherwise, routines registered using AST_GRFSET are used. In this
+f case, if a routine is needed which has not been registered,
+f then the routine in the graphics interface selected at link-time is
+f used.
+* The default is to use the graphics interface
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Plot3D
+* The Plot3D class ignores this attributes, assuming a value of
+* zero.
+* Notes:
+* - The value of this attribute is not saved when the Plot is written
+* out through a Channel to an external data store. On re-loading such
+c a Plot using astRead, the attribute will be cleared, resulting in the
+f a Plot using AST_READ, the attribute will be cleared, resulting in the
+* graphics interface selected at link-time being used.
+/* Use Grf routines registered using astGrfSet? Has a
+value of -1 when not set yielding a default of 0. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Grf,int,0,(this->grf == -1 ? 0 : this->grf))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Grf,int,grf,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Grf,( this->grf != -1 ))
+/* DrawTitle */
+/* --------- */
+* Name:
+* DrawTitle
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a title for a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether a title is drawn.
+* If the DrawTitle value of a Plot is non-zero (the default), then
+* the title will be drawn, otherwise it will be omitted.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Plot3D
+* The Plot3D class ignores this attributes, assuming a value of
+* zero.
+* Notes:
+* - The text used for the title is obtained from the Plot's Title
+* attribute.
+* - The vertical placement of the title can be controlled using
+* the TitleGap attribute.
+/* If non-zero add a title to the grid. Has a value of -1 when not
+set yielding a default value of 1. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,DrawTitle,int,1,(this->drawtitle == -1 ? 1 : this->drawtitle))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,DrawTitle,int,drawtitle,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,DrawTitle,( this->drawtitle != -1 ))
+/* LabelUp. */
+/* ------- */
+* Name:
+* LabelUp(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Draw numerical Plot labels upright?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether the numerical labels for each axis of a Plot should be
+* drawn upright or not. It takes a separate value for each
+* physical axis of a Plot so that, for instance, the setting
+* "LabelUp(2)=1" specifies that numerical labels for the second
+* axis should be drawn upright.
+* If the LabelUp value of a Plot axis is non-zero, it causes
+* numerical labels for that axis to be plotted upright (i.e. as
+* normal, horizontal text), otherwise labels are drawn parallel to
+* the axis to which they apply.
+* The default is to produce upright labels if the labels are placed
+* around the edge of the plot, and to produce labels that follow the
+* axes if the labels are placed within the interior of the plot (see
+* attribute Labelling).
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - In some circumstances, numerical labels and tick marks are
+* drawn around the edges of the plotting area (see the Labelling
+* attribute). In this case, the value of the LabelUp attribute is
+* ignored.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "LabelUp" instead of
+* "LabelUp(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the
+* attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the LabelUp(1) value.
+/* Are numerical labels to be displayed on each axis? Has a value of -1 when
+not set yielding a value of 0 (no) for both axes. */
+MAKE_GET(LabelUp,int,0,( this->labelup[axis] == -1 ? 0 : this->labelup[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(LabelUp,( this->labelup[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(LabelUp,int,labelup,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* DrawAxes */
+/* -------- */
+* Name:
+* DrawAxes(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Draw axes for a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether curves representing coordinate axes should be drawn.
+* It takes a separate value for each physical axis of a
+* Plot so that, for instance, the setting "DrawAxes(2)=0"
+* specifies that no axis should be drawn for the second axis.
+* If drawn, these axis lines will pass through any tick marks
+* associated with numerical labels drawn to mark values on the
+* axes. The location of these tick marks and labels (and hence the
+* axis lines) is determined by the Plot's LabelAt(axis) attribute.
+* If the DrawAxes value of a Plot is non-zero (the default), then
+* axis lines will be drawn, otherwise they will be omitted.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - Axis lines are drawn independently of any coordinate grid
+* lines (see the Grid attribute) so grid lines may be used to
+* substitute for axis lines if required.
+* - In some circumstances, numerical labels and tick marks are
+* drawn around the edges of the plotting area (see the Labelling
+* attribute). In this case, the value of the DrawAxes attribute
+* is ignored.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "DrawAxes" instead of
+* "DrawAxes(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the DrawAxes(1) value.
+/* If non-zero draw a curve through the tick marks. Has a value of -1
+ when not set yielding a default value of 1. */
+MAKE_GET(DrawAxes,int,1,( this->drawaxes[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->drawaxes[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(DrawAxes,( this->drawaxes[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(DrawAxes,int,drawaxes,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* Abbrev */
+/* -------- */
+* Name:
+* Abbrev(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Abbreviate leading fields within numerical axis labels?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether matching leading fields should be removed from adjacent
+* numerical axis labels. It takes a separate value for each physical
+* axis of a Plot so that, for instance, the setting "Abbrev(2)=0"
+* specifies that matching leading fields should not be removed on
+* the second axis.
+* If the Abbrev value of a Plot is non-zero (the default), then
+* leading fields will be removed from adjacent axis labels if they
+* are equal.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "Abbrev" instead of
+* "Abbrev(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the Abbrev(1) value.
+MAKE_GET(Abbrev,int,1,( this->abbrev[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->abbrev[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(Abbrev,( this->abbrev[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(Abbrev,int,abbrev,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+* Name:
+* Escape
+* Purpose:
+* Allow changes of character attributes within strings?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of text strings and numerical
+c labels drawn by the astGrid and (for the Plot class) astText functions,
+f labels drawn by the AST_GRID and (for the Plot class) AST_TEXT routines,
+* by determining if any escape sequences contained within the strings
+* should be used to control the appearance of the text, or should
+* be printed literally. Note, the Plot3D class only interprets escape
+* sequences within the
+c astGrid function.
+f AST_GRID routine.
+* If the Escape value of a Plot is one (the default), then any
+* escape sequences in text strings produce the effects described
+* below when printed. Otherwise, they are printed literally.
+c See also the astEscapes function.
+f See also the AST_ESCAPES function.
+* Escape Sequences:
+* Escape sequences are introduced into the text string by a percent
+* "%" character. Any unrecognised, illegal or incomplete escape sequences
+* are printed literally. The following escape sequences are
+* currently recognised ("..." represents a string of one or more
+* decimal digits):
+* %% - Print a literal "%" character.
+* %^...+ - Draw subsequent characters as super-scripts. The digits
+* "..." give the distance from the base-line of "normal"
+* text to the base-line of the super-script text, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %^+ - Draw subsequent characters with the normal base-line.
+* %v...+ - Draw subsequent characters as sub-scripts. The digits
+* "..." give the distance from the base-line of "normal"
+* text to the base-line of the sub-script text, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %v+ - Draw subsequent characters with the normal base-line
+* (equivalent to %^+).
+* %>...+ - Leave a gap before drawing subsequent characters.
+* The digits "..." give the size of the gap, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %<...+ - Move backwards before drawing subsequent characters.
+* The digits "..." give the size of the movement, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %s...+ - Change the Size attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Size as a fraction of the
+* "normal" Size, scaled so that a value of "100" corresponds
+* to 1.0;
+* %s+ - Reset the Size attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %w...+ - Change the Width attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new width as a fraction of the
+* "normal" Width, scaled so that a value of "100" corresponds
+* to 1.0;
+* %w+ - Reset the Size attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %f...+ - Change the Font attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Font value.
+* %f+ - Reset the Font attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %c...+ - Change the Colour attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Colour value.
+* %c+ - Reset the Colour attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %t...+ - Change the Style attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Style value.
+* %t+ - Reset the Style attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %h+ - Remember the current horizontal position (see "%g+")
+* %g+ - Go to the horizontal position of the previous "%h+" (if any).
+* %- - Push the current graphics attribute values onto the top of
+* the stack (see "%+").
+* %+ - Pop attributes values of the top the stack (see "%-"). If
+* the stack is empty, "normal" attribute values are restored.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+/* Has a value of -1 when not set yeilding a default of 1. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Escape,int,1,(this->escape == -1 ? 1 : this->escape))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Escape,int,escape,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Escape,( this->escape != -1 ))
+/* LabelAt(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+* Name:
+* LabelAt(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Where to place numerical labels for a Plot
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* where numerical axis labels and associated tick marks are
+* placed. It takes a separate value for each physical axis of a
+* Plot so that, for instance, the setting "LabelAt(2)=10.0"
+* specifies where the numerical labels and tick marks for the
+* second axis should be drawn.
+* For each axis, the LabelAt value gives the value on the other
+* axis at which numerical labels and tick marks should be placed
+c (remember that Plots suitable for use with astGrid may only
+f (remember that Plots suitable for use with AST_GRID may only
+* have two axes). For example, in a celestial (RA,Dec) coordinate
+* system, LabelAt(1) gives a Dec value which defines a line (of
+* constant Dec) along which the numerical RA labels and their
+* associated tick marks will be drawn. Similarly, LabelAt(2) gives
+* the RA value at which the Dec labels and ticks will be drawn.
+* The default bahaviour is for the Plot to generate its own
+* position for numerical labels and tick marks.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The LabelAt value should use the same units as are used
+* internally for storing coordinate values on the appropriate
+* axis. For example, with a celestial coordinate system, the
+* LabelAt value should be in radians, not hours or degrees.
+* - Normally, the LabelAt value also determines where the lines
+* representing coordinate axes will be drawn, so that the tick
+* marks will lie on these lines (but also see the DrawAxes
+* attribute).
+* - In some circumstances, numerical labels and tick marks are
+* drawn around the edges of the plotting area (see the Labelling
+* attribute). In this case, the value of the LabelAt attribute is
+* ignored.
+/* The constant value on the other axis at which to place labels for
+ each axis. */
+MAKE_TEST(LabelAt,( this->labelat[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+/* Centre(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+/* A value at which to place a tick mark. Other ticks marks are spaced at
+regular distances from this one. AST__BAD is stored if no value is supplied,
+resulting in Plot choosing its own value. */
+MAKE_TEST(Centre,( this->centre[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+/* Ink */
+/* --- */
+/* A protected attribute indicating if astGrid should draw using visible
+ink. The unset value is -1, yeilding a default value of 1. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Ink,int,1,(this->ink == -1 ? 1 : this->ink))
+astMAKE_SET(Plot,Ink,int,ink,( value ? 1 : 0 ))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Ink,( this->ink != -1 ))
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+* Name:
+* Gap(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Interval between linearly spaced major axis values of a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* the linear interval between the "major" axis values of a Plot, at
+* which (for example) major tick marks are drawn. It takes a separate
+* value for each physical axis of the Plot so that, for instance,
+* the setting "Gap(2)=3.0" specifies the difference between adjacent major
+* values along the second axis. The Gap attribute is only used when
+* the LogTicks attribute indicates that the spacing between major axis
+* values is to be linear. If major axis values are logarithmically spaced
+* then the gap is specified using attribute LogGap.
+* The Gap value supplied will usually be rounded to the nearest
+* "nice" value, suitable (e.g.) for generating axis labels, before
+* use. To avoid this "nicing" you should set an explicit format
+* for the axis using the Format(axis) or Digits/Digits(axis)
+* attribute. The default behaviour is for the Plot to generate its
+* own Gap value when required, based on the range of axis values
+* to be represented.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The Gap value should use the same units as are used internally
+* for storing coordinate values on the corresponding axis. For
+* example, with a celestial coordinate system, the Gap value
+* should be in radians, not hours or degrees.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "Gap" instead of "Gap(2)"),
+* then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the attribute
+* value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test" operation
+* will use just the Gap(1) value.
+/* The gap between tick marks on each axis. AST__BAD is stored if no
+value has been supplied, resulting in default values being found. */
+MAKE_TEST(Gap,( this->gap[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+* Name:
+* LogGap(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Interval between major axis values of a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* the logarithmic interval between the "major" axis values of a Plot, at
+* which (for example) major tick marks are drawn. It takes a separate
+* value for each physical axis of the Plot so that, for instance,
+* the setting "LogGap(2)=100.0" specifies the ratio between adjacent major
+* values along the second axis. The LogGap attribute is only used when
+* the LogTicks attribute indicates that the spacing between major axis
+* values is to be logarithmic. If major axis values are linearly spaced
+* then the gap is specified using attribute Gap.
+* The LogGap value supplied will be rounded to the nearest power of 10.
+* The reciprocal of the supplied value may be used if this is necessary
+* to produce usable major axis values. If a zero or negative value is
+* supplied, an error will be reported when the grid is drawn. The default
+* behaviour is for the Plot to generate its own LogGap value when
+* required, based on the range of axis values to be represented.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The LogGap value is a ratio between axis values and is therefore
+* dimensionless.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "LogGap" instead of "LogGap(2)"),
+* then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the attribute
+* value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test" operation
+* will use just the LogGap(1) value.
+/* The logarithmic gap between tick marks on each axis. AST__BAD is stored if
+ no value has been supplied, resulting in default values being found. */
+MAKE_TEST(LogGap,( this->loggap[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+/* LogPlot. */
+/* ------- */
+* Name:
+* LogPlot(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Map the plot logarithmically onto the screen?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of all graphics produced by
+* the Plot, by determining whether the axes of the plotting surface
+* are mapped logarithmically or linearly onto the base Frame of the
+* FrameSet supplied when the Plot was constructed. It takes a separate
+* value for each axis of the graphics coordinate system (i.e. the
+* base Frame in the Plot) so that, for instance, the setting
+* "LogPlot(2)=1" specifies that the second axis of the graphics
+* coordinate system (usually the vertical axis) should be mapped
+* logarithmically onto the second axis of the base Frame of the
+* FrameSet supplied when the Plot was constructed.
+* If the LogPlot value of a Plot axis is non-zero, it causes that
+* axis to be mapped logarithmically, otherwise (the default) the axis
+* is mapped linearly.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The setting of the LogPlot attribute provides the default value
+* for the related LogTicks attribute. By selecting suitable values for
+* LogPlot and LogTicks, it is possible to have tick marks which are evenly
+* spaced in value but which are mapped logarithmically onto the screen
+* (and vice-versa).
+* - An axis may only be mapped logarithmically if the visible part of
+* the axis does not include the value zero. The visible part of the
+* axis is that part which is mapped onto the plotting area, and is
+* measured within the base Frame of the FrameSet which was supplied when
+* the Plot was constructed. Any attempt to set LogPlot to a non-zero value
+* will be ignored (without error) if the visible part of the axis
+* includes the value zero
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "LogPlot" instead of
+* "LogPlot(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the
+* attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the LogPlot(1) value.
+/* Are plot axes to be mapped logarithmically? Has a value of -1 when
+not set yielding a value of 0 (no) for both axes. */
+MAKE_GET(LogPlot,int,0,( this->logplot[axis] == -1 ? 0 : this->logplot[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(LogPlot,( this->logplot[axis] != -1 ),0)
+/* LogTicks. */
+/* ------- */
+* Name:
+* LogTicks(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Space the major tick marks logarithmically?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether the major tick marks should be spaced logarithmically or
+* linearly in axis value. It takes a separate value for each physical
+* axis of the Plot so that, for instance, the setting "LogTicks(2)=1"
+* specifies that the major tick marks on the second axis should be
+* spaced logarithmically.
+* If the LogTicks value for a physical axis is non-zero, the major
+* tick marks on that axis will be spaced logarithmically (that is,
+* there will be a constant ratio between the axis values at adjacent
+* major tick marks). An error will be reported if the dynamic range of
+* the axis (the ratio of the largest to smallest displayed axis value)
+* is less than 10.0. If the LogTicks value is zero, the major tick marks
+* will be evenly spaced (that is, there will be a constant difference
+* between the axis values at adjacent major tick marks). The default is
+* to produce logarithmically spaced tick marks if the corresponding
+* LogPlot attribute is non-zero and the ratio of maximum axis value
+* to minimum axis value is 100 or more. If either of these conditions
+* is not met, the default is to produce linearly spaced tick marks.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The setting of the LogTicks attribute does not affect the mapping
+* of the plot onto the screen, which is controlled by attribute LogPlot.
+* By selecting suitable values for LogPlot and LogTicks, it is possible to
+* have tick marks which are evenly spaced in value but which are mapped
+* logarithmically onto the screen (and vica-versa).
+* - An error will be reported when drawing an annotated axis grid if
+* the visible part of the physical axis includes the value zero.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "LogTicks" instead of
+* "LogTicks(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the
+* attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the LogTicks(1) value.
+/* Are ticksto be spaced logarithmically? Has a value of -1 when
+ not set, yeielding a default value equal to the corresponding
+ LogPlot value. */
+MAKE_GET(LogTicks,int,0,( this->logticks[axis] == -1 ? astGetLogPlot(this,axis) : this->logticks[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(LogTicks,( this->logticks[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(LogTicks,int,logticks,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* LogLabel. */
+/* -------- */
+* Name:
+* LogLabel(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Use exponential format for numerical axis labels?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether the numerical axis labels should be in normal decimal form
+* or should be represented as 10 raised to the appropriate power.
+* That is, an axis value of 1000.0 will be drawn as "1000.0" if
+* LogLabel is zero, but as "10^3" if LogLabel is non-zero. If
+* graphical escape sequences are supported (see attribute Escape),
+* the power in such exponential labels will be drawn as a small
+* superscript instead of using a "^" character to represent
+* exponentiation.
+* The default is to produce exponential labels if the major tick
+* marks are logarithmically spaced (see the LogTicks attribute).
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "LogLabel" instead of
+* "LogLabel(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the
+* attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the LogLabel(1) value.
+/* Are labels to be drawn as 10**x? Has a value of -1 when not set, yeielding
+ a default value equal to the corresponding LogTicks value. */
+MAKE_GET(LogLabel,int,0,( this->loglabel[axis] == -1 ? astGetLogTicks(this,axis) : this->loglabel[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(LogLabel,( this->loglabel[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(LogLabel,int,loglabel,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* MajTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+* Name:
+* MajTickLen(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Length of major tick marks for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* the length of the major tick marks drawn on the axes of a Plot.
+* It takes a separate value for each physical axis of the Plot so
+* that, for instance, the setting "MajTickLen(2)=0" specifies the
+* length of the major tick marks drawn on the second axis.
+* The MajTickLen value should be given as a fraction of the
+* minimum dimension of the plotting area. Negative values cause
+* major tick marks to be placed on the outside of the
+* corresponding grid line or axis (but subject to any clipping
+* imposed by the underlying graphics system), while positive
+* values cause them to be placed on the inside.
+* The default behaviour depends on whether a coordinate grid is
+* drawn inside the plotting area (see the Grid attribute). If so,
+* the default MajTickLen value is zero (so that major ticks are
+* not drawn), otherwise the default is +0.015.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "MajTickLen" instead of
+* "MajTickLen(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the MajTickLen(1) value.
+/* Fractional length of major tick marks. Has a value of AST__BAD when not
+set yielding a default value of 0.015. */
+MAKE_TEST(MajTickLen,( this->majticklen[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+MAKE_GET(MajTickLen,double,0.0,( this->majticklen[axis] == AST__BAD ? 0.015 : this->majticklen[axis]),0)
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* --------- */
+* Name:
+* TitleGap
+* Purpose:
+* Vertical spacing for a Plot title.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* where the title of a Plot is drawn.
+* Its value gives the spacing between the bottom edge of the title
+* and the top edge of a bounding box containing all the other parts
+* of the annotated grid. Positive values cause the title to be
+* drawn outside the box, while negative values cause it to be drawn
+* inside.
+* The TitleGap value should be given as a fraction of the minimum
+* dimension of the plotting area, the default value being +0.05.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Plot3D
+* The Plot3D class ignores this attributes since it does not draw
+* a Title.
+* Notes:
+* - The text used for the title is obtained from the Plot's Title
+* attribute.
+/* Fractional gap between titile and top edge. Has a value of AST__BAD when
+not set yielding a default value of 0.05. */
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,TitleGap,double,0.0,( this->titlegap == AST__BAD ? 0.05 : this->titlegap))
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,TitleGap,( this->titlegap != AST__BAD ))
+/* MinTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+* Name:
+* MinTickLen(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Length of minor tick marks for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* the length of the minor tick marks drawn on the axes of a Plot.
+* It takes a separate value for each physical axis of the Plot so
+* that, for instance, the setting "MinTickLen(2)=0" specifies the
+* length of the minor tick marks drawn on the second axis.
+* The MinTickLen value should be given as a fraction of the
+* minimum dimension of the plotting area. Negative values cause
+* minor tick marks to be placed on the outside of the
+* corresponding grid line or axis (but subject to any clipping
+* imposed by the underlying graphics system), while positive
+* values cause them to be placed on the inside.
+* The default value is +0.007.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The number of minor tick marks drawn is determined by the
+* Plot's MinTick(axis) attribute.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "MinTickLen" instead of
+* "MinTickLen(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the MinTickLen(1) value.
+/* Fractional length of minor tick marks. Has a value of AST__BAD when not
+set yielding a default value of 0.007. */
+MAKE_TEST(MinTickLen,( this->minticklen[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+MAKE_GET(MinTickLen,double,0.0,( this->minticklen[axis] == AST__BAD ? 0.007 : this->minticklen[axis]),0)
+/* Labelling. */
+/* ---------- */
+* Name:
+* Labelling
+* Purpose:
+* Label and tick placement option for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* String.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* the strategy for placing numerical labels and tick marks for a Plot.
+* If the Labelling value of a Plot is "exterior" (the default), then
+* numerical labels and their associated tick marks are placed
+* around the edges of the plotting area, if possible. If this is
+* not possible, or if the Labelling value is "interior", then they
+* are placed along grid lines inside the plotting area.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The LabelAt(axis) attribute may be used to determine the exact
+* placement of labels and tick marks that are drawn inside the
+* plotting area.
+astMAKE_TEST(Plot,Labelling,( this->labelling != -9999 ))
+astMAKE_GET(Plot,Labelling,int,0,(this->labelling == -9999 ? 0 : this->labelling))
+/* Edge. */
+/* ----- */
+* Name:
+* Edge(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Which edges to label in a Plot
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* String.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* which edges of a Plot are used for displaying numerical and
+* descriptive axis labels. It takes a separate value for each
+* physical axis of the Plot so that, for instance, the setting
+* "Edge(2)=left" specifies which edge to use to display labels for
+* the second axis.
+* The values "left", "top", "right" and "bottom" (or any
+* abbreviation) can be supplied for this attribute. The default is
+* usually "bottom" for the first axis and "left" for the second
+* axis. However, if exterior labelling was requested (see the
+* Labelling attribute) but cannot be produced using these default
+* Edge values, then the default values will be swapped if this
+* enables exterior labelling to be produced.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Plot3D
+* The Plot3D class ignores this attributes. Instead it uses its
+* own RootCorner attribute to determine which edges of the 3D plot
+* to label.
+* Notes:
+* - In some circumstances, numerical labels will be drawn along
+* internal grid lines instead of at the edges of the plotting area
+* (see the Labelling attribute). In this case, the Edge attribute
+* only affects the placement of the descriptive labels (these are
+* drawn at the edges of the plotting area, rather than along the
+* axis lines).
+/* The edges of the plotting area on which to place numerical labels
+ for axes 0 and 1. Has a value of -1 when not set yielding a value
+ of 3 (the bottom edge) for axis 0 and 0 (the left-hand edge) for
+ axis 1. */
+MAKE_GET(Edge,int,0,( this->edge[axis] == -1 ? (axis?LEFT:BOTTOM) : this->edge[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_SET(Edge,int,edge,(abs( value % 4 )),0)
+MAKE_TEST(Edge,( this->edge[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET3(Edge,int,uedge,(abs( value % 4 )),0)
+/* NumLab. */
+/* -------- */
+* Name:
+* NumLab(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Draw numerical axis labels for a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether labels should be drawn to represent the numerical values
+* along each axis of a Plot. It takes a separate value for each
+* physical axis of a Plot so that, for instance, the setting
+* "NumLab(2)=1" specifies that numerical labels should be drawn
+* for the second axis.
+* If the NumLab value of a Plot axis is non-zero (the default),
+* then numerical labels will be drawn for that axis, otherwise
+* they will be omitted.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The drawing of associated descriptive axis labels for a Plot
+* (describing the quantity being plotted along each axis) is
+* controlled by the TextLab(axis) attribute.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "NumLab" instead of
+* "NumLab(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect the
+* attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or "test"
+* operation will use just the NumLab(1) value.
+/* Are numerical labels to be displayed on each axis? Has a value of
+ -1 when not set yielding a value of 1 (yes) for both axes. */
+MAKE_GET(NumLab,int,1,( this->numlab[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->numlab[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(NumLab,( this->numlab[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(NumLab,int,numlab,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* NumLabGap. */
+/* --------- */
+* Name:
+* NumLabGap(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Spacing of numerical labels for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* where numerical axis labels are placed relative to the axes they
+* describe. It takes a separate value for each physical axis of a
+* Plot so that, for instance, the setting "NumLabGap(2)=-0.01"
+* specifies where the numerical label for the second axis should
+* be drawn.
+* For each axis, the NumLabGap value gives the spacing between the
+* axis line (or edge of the plotting area, if appropriate) and the
+* nearest edge of the corresponding numerical axis
+* labels. Positive values cause the descriptive label to be placed
+* on the opposite side of the line to the default tick marks,
+* while negative values cause it to be placed on the same side.
+* The NumLabGap value should be given as a fraction of the minimum
+* dimension of the plotting area, the default value being +0.01.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "NumLabGap" instead of
+* "NumLabGap(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the NumLabGap(1) value.
+/* Fractional spacing between numeric labels and axes. Has a value of AST__BAD
+when not set yielding a default value of 0.01. */
+MAKE_GET(NumLabGap,double,0.0,( this->numlabgap[ axis ] == AST__BAD ? 0.01 : this->numlabgap[axis]),0)
+MAKE_TEST(NumLabGap,( this->numlabgap[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+/* MinTick. */
+/* -------- */
+* Name:
+* MinTick(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Density of minor tick marks for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* the density of minor tick marks which appear between the major
+* axis values of a Plot. It takes a separate value for each
+* physical axis of a Plot so that, for instance, the setting
+* "MinTick(2)=2" specifies the density of minor tick marks along
+* the second axis.
+* The value supplied should be the number of minor divisions
+* required between each pair of major axis values, this being one
+* more than the number of minor tick marks to be drawn. By
+* default, a value is chosen that depends on the gap between major
+* axis values and the nature of the axis.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "MinTick" instead of
+* "MinTick(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the MinTick(1) value.
+/* How many divisions are there between major tick marks? Has a value
+of -1 when not set yielding a value of 1 for both axes. */
+MAKE_GET(MinTick,int,1,( this->mintick[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->mintick[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(MinTick,( this->mintick[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(MinTick,int,mintick,( (value < 1)? 1 : value ),0)
+MAKE_SET3(MinTick,int,umintk,( (value < 1)? 1 : value ),0)
+/* TextLab. */
+/* --------- */
+* Name:
+* TextLab(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Draw descriptive axis labels for a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether textual labels should be drawn to describe the quantity
+* being represented on each axis of a Plot. It takes a separate
+* value for each physical axis of a Plot so that, for instance,
+* the setting "TextLab(2)=1" specifies that descriptive labels
+* should be drawn for the second axis.
+* If the TextLab value of a Plot axis is non-zero, then
+* descriptive labels will be drawn for that axis, otherwise they
+* will be omitted. The default behaviour is to draw descriptive
+* labels if tick marks and numerical labels are being drawn around
+* the edges of the plotting area (see the Labelling attribute),
+* but to omit them otherwise.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The text used for the descriptive labels is derived from the
+* Plot's Label(axis) attribute, together with its Unit(axis)
+* attribute if appropriate (see the LabelUnits(axis) attribute).
+* - The drawing of numerical axis labels for a Plot (which
+* indicate values on the axis) is controlled by the NumLab(axis)
+* attribute.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "TextLab" instead of
+* "TextLab(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the TextLab(1) value.
+/* Are textual labels to be displayed on each axis? Has a value of -1
+ when not set yielding a value of 1 (yes) for both axes. */
+MAKE_GET(TextLab,int,1,( this->textlab[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->textlab[axis] ),0)
+MAKE_TEST(TextLab,( this->textlab[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(TextLab,int,textlab,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+MAKE_SET3(TextLab,int,utxtlb,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* TextLabGap. */
+/* ----------- */
+* Name:
+* TextLabGap(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Spacing of descriptive axis labels for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* where descriptive axis labels are placed relative to the axes they
+* describe. It takes a separate value for each physical axis of a
+* Plot so that, for instance, the setting "TextLabGap(2)=0.01"
+* specifies where the descriptive label for the second axis should
+* be drawn.
+* For each axis, the TextLabGap value gives the spacing between the
+* descriptive label and the edge of a box enclosing all other parts
+* of the annotated grid (excluding other descriptive labels). The gap
+* is measured to the nearest edge of the label (i.e. the top or the
+* bottom). Positive values cause the descriptive label to be placed
+* outside the bounding box, while negative values cause it to be placed
+* inside.
+* The TextLabGap value should be given as a fraction of the minimum
+* dimension of the plotting area, the default value being +0.01.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - If drawn, descriptive labels are always placed at the edges of
+* the plotting area, even although the corresponding numerical
+* labels may be drawn along axis lines in the interior of the
+* plotting area (see the Labelling attribute).
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "TextLabGap" instead of
+* "TextLabGap(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the TextLabGap(1) value.
+/* Fractional spacing between numeric labels and axes. Has a value of AST__BAD
+when not set yielding a default value of 0.01. */
+MAKE_GET(TextLabGap,double,0.0,( this->textlabgap[ axis ] == AST__BAD ? 0.01 : this->textlabgap[axis]),0)
+MAKE_TEST(TextLabGap,( this->textlabgap[axis] != AST__BAD ),0)
+/* LabelUnits. */
+/* ----------- */
+* Name:
+* LabelUnits(axis)
+* Purpose:
+* Use axis unit descriptions in a Plot?
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer (boolean).
+* Description:
+* This attribute controls the appearance of an annotated
+c coordinate grid (drawn with the astGrid function) by determining
+f coordinate grid (drawn with the AST_GRID routine) by determining
+* whether the descriptive labels drawn for each axis of a Plot
+* should include a description of the units being used on the
+* axis. It takes a separate value for each physical axis of a
+* Plot so that, for instance, the setting "LabelUnits(2)=1"
+* specifies that a unit description should be included in the
+* label for the second axis.
+* If the LabelUnits value of a Plot axis is non-zero, a unit
+* description will be included in the descriptive label for that
+* axis, otherwise it will be omitted. The default behaviour is to
+* include a unit description unless the current Frame of the Plot
+* is a SkyFrame representing equatorial, ecliptic, galactic or
+* supergalactic coordinates, in which case it is omitted.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - The text used for the unit description is obtained from the
+* Plot's Unit(axis) attribute.
+* - If no axis is specified, (e.g. "LabelUnits" instead of
+* "LabelUnits(2)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all the Plot axes, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the LabelUnits(1) value.
+* - If the current Frame of the Plot is not a SkyFrame, but includes
+* axes which were extracted from a SkyFrame, then the default behaviour
+* is to include a unit description only for those axes which were not
+* extracted from a SkyFrame.
+/* Are textual labels to include a string describing the axis units? Has a
+value of -1 when not set yielding a default of 1. */
+MAKE_TEST(LabelUnits,( this->labelunits[axis] != -1 ),0)
+MAKE_SET(LabelUnits,int,labelunits,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+MAKE_SET3(LabelUnits,int,ulbunit,( value ? 1 : 0 ),0)
+/* Style. */
+/* ------ */
+* Name:
+* Style(element)
+* Purpose:
+* Line style for a Plot element.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer.
+* Description:
+* This attribute determines the line style used when drawing each
+* element of graphical output produced by a Plot. It takes a
+* separate value for each graphical element so that, for instance,
+* the setting "Style(border)=2" causes the Plot border to be drawn
+* using line style 2 (which might result in, say, a dashed line).
+* The range of integer line styles available and their appearance
+* is determined by the underlying graphics system. The default
+* behaviour is for all graphical elements to be drawn using the
+* default line style supplied by this graphics system (normally,
+* this is likely to give a solid line).
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - For a list of the graphical elements available, see the
+* description of the Plot class.
+* - If no graphical element is specified, (e.g. "Style" instead of
+* "Style(border)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all graphical elements, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the Style(Border) value.
+/* Line styles. Has a value of -1 when not set yielding a default of 1. */
+MAKE_GET(Style,int,1,( this->style[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->style[axis] ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_TEST(Style,( this->style[axis] != -1 ),AST__NPID)
+/* Font. */
+/* ----- */
+* Name:
+* Font(element)
+* Purpose:
+* Character font for a Plot element.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer.
+* Description:
+* This attribute determines the character font index used when
+* drawing each element of graphical output produced by a Plot. It
+* takes a separate value for each graphical element so that, for
+* instance, the setting "Font(title)=2" causes the Plot title to
+* be drawn using font number 2.
+* The range of integer font indices available and the appearance
+* of the resulting text is determined by the underlying graphics
+* system. The default behaviour is for all graphical elements to
+* be drawn using the default font supplied by this graphics
+* system.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - For a list of the graphical elements available, see the
+* description of the Plot class.
+* - If no graphical element is specified, (e.g. "Font" instead
+* of "Font(title)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will
+* affect the attribute value of all graphical elements, while a
+* "get" or "test" operation will use just the Font(TextLab)
+* value.
+/* Character fonts. Has a value of -1 when not set yielding a default of 1. */
+MAKE_GET(Font,int,1,( this->font[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->font[axis] ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_TEST(Font,( this->font[axis] != -1 ),AST__NPID)
+/* Colour. */
+/* ------- */
+* Name:
+* Colour(element)
+* Purpose:
+* Colour index for a Plot element.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer.
+* Description:
+* This attribute determines the colour index used when drawing
+* each element of graphical output produced by a Plot. It takes a
+* separate value for each graphical element so that, for instance,
+* the setting "Colour(title)=2" causes the Plot title to be drawn
+* using colour index 2. The synonym "Color" may also be used.
+* The range of integer colour indices available and their
+* appearance is determined by the underlying graphics system. The
+* default behaviour is for all graphical elements to be drawn
+* using the default colour index supplied by this graphics system
+* (normally, this is likely to result in white plotting on a black
+* background, or vice versa).
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - For a list of the graphical elements available, see the
+* description of the Plot class.
+* - If no graphical element is specified, (e.g. "Colour" instead
+* of "Colour(title)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will
+* affect the attribute value of all graphical elements, while a
+* "get" or "test" operation will use just the Colour(TextLab)
+* value.
+/* Colours. Has a value of -1 when not set yielding a default of 1. */
+MAKE_GET(Colour,int,1,( this->colour[axis] == -1 ? 1 : this->colour[axis] ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_TEST(Colour,( this->colour[axis] != -1 ),AST__NPID)
+/* Width. */
+/* ------ */
+* Name:
+* Width(element)
+* Purpose:
+* Line width for a Plot element.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute determines the line width used when drawing each
+* element of graphical output produced by a Plot. It takes a
+* separate value for each graphical element so that, for instance,
+* the setting "Width(border)=2.0" causes the Plot border to be
+* drawn using a line width of 2.0. A value of 1.0 results in a
+* line thickness which is approximately 0.0005 times the length of
+* the diagonal of the entire display surface.
+* The actual appearance of lines drawn with any particular width,
+* and the range of available widths, is determined by the
+* underlying graphics system. The default behaviour is for all
+* graphical elements to be drawn using the default line width
+* supplied by this graphics system. This will not necessarily
+* correspond to a Width value of 1.0.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - For a list of the graphical elements available, see the
+* description of the Plot class.
+* - If no graphical element is specified, (e.g. "Width" instead of
+* "Width(border)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will affect
+* the attribute value of all graphical elements, while a "get" or
+* "test" operation will use just the Width(Border) value.
+/* Line widths. Has a value of AST__BAD when not set yielding a
+ default of 1.0. */
+MAKE_GET(Width,double,1.0,( this->width[axis] == AST__BAD ? 1.0 : this->width[axis] ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_TEST(Width,( this->width[axis] != AST__BAD ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_SET(Width,double,width,(value!=0.00)?value:(astError(AST__ATTIN,"astSetWidth(Plot):Invalid zero value supplied for Width(%s) attribute", status,GrfItem(axis,NULL,NULL, status )),this->width[axis]),AST__NPID)
+/* Size. */
+/* ----- */
+* Name:
+* Size(element)
+* Purpose:
+* Character size for a Plot element.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Floating Point.
+* Description:
+* This attribute determines the character size used when drawing
+* each element of graphical output produced by a Plot. It takes a
+* separate value for each graphical element so that, for instance,
+* the setting "Size(title)=2.0" causes the Plot title to be drawn
+* using twice the default character size.
+* The range of character sizes available and the appearance of the
+* resulting text is determined by the underlying graphics system.
+* The default behaviour is for all graphical elements to be drawn
+* using the default character size supplied by this graphics
+* system.
+* Applicability:
+* Plot
+* All Plots have this attribute.
+* Notes:
+* - For a list of the graphical elements available, see the
+* description of the Plot class.
+* - If no graphical element is specified, (e.g. "Size" instead
+* of "Size(title)"), then a "set" or "clear" operation will
+* affect the attribute value of all graphical elements, while a
+* "get" or "test" operation will use just the Size(TextLab)
+* value.
+/* Character sizes. Has a value of AST__BAD when not set yielding a default
+ of 1.0. */
+MAKE_GET(Size,double,1.0,( this->size[axis] == AST__BAD ? 1.0 : this->size[axis] ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_TEST(Size,( this->size[axis] != AST__BAD ),AST__NPID)
+MAKE_SET(Size,double,size,(value!=0.00)?value:(astError(AST__ATTIN,"astSetSize(Plot): Invalid zero value supplied for Size(%s) attribute", status,GrfItem(axis,NULL,NULL, status )),this->size[axis]),AST__NPID)
+/* Member functions. */
+/* ================= */
+static void AddCdt( AstPlotCurveData *cdt1, AstPlotCurveData *cdt2, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* AddCdt
+* Purpose:
+* Append one AstPlotCurveData structure to another.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void AddCdt( AstPlotCurveData *cdt1, AstPlotCurveData *cdt2, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* The contents of the structure pointed to by "cdt2" is appended
+* to the structure pointed to by "cdt1".
+* Parameters:
+* cdt1
+* Pointer to the AstPlotCurveData structure to be modified.
+* cdt2
+* Pointer to the AstPlotCurveData structure to be appended to cdt1.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - An error is reported if there is insufficient room in "cdt1" to
+* store the information in "cdt2".
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int nbrk, i, j;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get the total number of breaks described by both structures. */
+ nbrk = cdt1->nbrk + cdt2->nbrk;
+/* Report an error if this number of breaks cannot be stored in a AstPlotCurveData
+ structure. */
+ if( nbrk > AST__MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in curve "
+ "exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__MXBRK );
+/* Otherwise, append the information. */
+ } else {
+/* Store the index within "cdt1" of the next break to be added. */
+ j = cdt1->nbrk;
+/* Add each the position and direction information for each of the breaks
+ in "cdt2". */
+ for( i = 0; i < cdt2->nbrk; i++ ){
+ cdt1->xbrk[ j ] = cdt2->xbrk[ i ];
+ cdt1->ybrk[ j ] = cdt2->ybrk[ i ];
+ cdt1->vxbrk[ j ] = cdt2->vxbrk[ i ];
+ cdt1->vybrk[ j ] = cdt2->vybrk[ i ];
+/* Increment the index of the next break in "cdt1". */
+ j++;
+ }
+/* Update the number of breaks in "cdt1". */
+ cdt1->nbrk = nbrk;
+/* Update the length of the curve described by "cdt1". */
+ cdt1->length += cdt2->length;
+/* Update the flag indicating if the entire curve is outside the plotting
+ zone. */
+ if( !cdt2->out ) cdt1->out = 0;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Apoly( AstPlot *this, float x, float y, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Apoly
+* Purpose:
+* Append a another point to a poly line.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Apoly( AstPlot *this, float x, float y, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function appends the supplied point to the current poly line.
+* Parameters:
+* x
+* The graphics x coordinate.
+* y
+* The graphics y coordinate.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ipoint;
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Extend the buffers, and add the supplied point to the end. */
+ ipoint = Poly_n++;
+ Poly_x = astGrow( Poly_x, Poly_n, sizeof(*Poly_x) );
+ Poly_y = astGrow( Poly_y, Poly_n, sizeof(*Poly_y) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ Poly_x[ ipoint ] = x;
+ Poly_y[ ipoint ] = y;
+ }
+/* Update the box containing all plotted lines. */
+ Box_lbnd[ 0 ] = astMIN( x, Box_lbnd[ 0 ] );
+ Box_ubnd[ 0 ] = astMAX( x, Box_ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ Box_lbnd[ 1 ] = astMIN( y, Box_lbnd[ 1 ] );
+ Box_ubnd[ 1 ] = astMAX( y, Box_ubnd[ 1 ] );
+static void AxPlot( AstPlot *this, int axis, const double *start, double length,
+ int ink, AstPlotCurveData *cdata, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* AxPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a curve with constant axis value.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void AxPlot( AstPlot *this, int axis, const double *start, double length,
+* int ink, AstPlotCurveData *cdata, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a section of a curve of the specified length
+* with constant value on a specified axis in the current Frame of the
+* Plot, starting at the specified position. The algorithm used can handle
+* discontinuities in the Mapping between the current Frame and graphics
+* coordinates, and information describing any breaks in the curve
+* (including the start and end of the curve) are returned in the supplied
+* AstPlotCurveData structure.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of an axis within the current Frame of the Plot.
+* The curve has a varying value on this axis.
+* start
+* A pointer to a an array holding the coordinates of the start of the
+* curve within the current Frame of the Plot.
+* length
+* The length of the section of the curve to be drawn, given as an
+* increment along the axis specified by parameter "axis".
+* ink
+* If zero, the curve is not actually drawn, but information about
+* the breaks is still returned. If non-zero, the curve is also drawn.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to a structure in which to return information about the
+* breaks in the curve.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - No curve is draw if the "start" array contains any bad values
+* (i.e. values equal to AST__BAD), or if the "length" value is bad,
+* or if a NULL pointer is supplied for "cdata". No errors are reported
+* in these cases.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ double d[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Offsets to evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double x[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* X coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double y[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Y coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double tol; /* Absolute tolerance value */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+ int ok; /* Are all start coords good? */
+ int gridid; /* Identifier value for element being drawn */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+#ifdef CRV_TRACE
+ printf("AXPLOT: axis %d, start (%.*g,%.*g), length %.*g\n",
+ axis, DBL_DIG, start[0], DBL_DIG, start[1], DBL_DIG, length );
+ getchar();
+/* Initialise any supplied cdata structure to hold safe values. */
+ if( cdata ){
+ cdata->length = 0.0;
+ cdata->out = 1;
+ cdata->nbrk = 0;
+ }
+/* Get the number of axes in the current Frame. */
+ naxes = astGetNout( this );
+/* Check the "start" parameter for bad values. */
+ ok = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < naxes; i++ ) {
+ if( start[ i ] == AST__BAD ){
+ ok = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Check the "length" parameter for bad values. */
+ if( length == AST__BAD ) ok = 0;
+/* Check that the "cdata" pointer can be used. */
+ if( !cdata ) ok = 0;
+/* Only proceed if the parameters are OK, and there has been no error. */
+ if( ok && astOK ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ if( axis == 0 ) {
+ gridid = AST__GRIDLINE2_ID;
+ } else {
+ gridid = AST__GRIDLINE1_ID;
+ }
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gridid, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Ensure the globals holding the scaling from graphics coords to equally
+ scaled coords are available. */
+ GScales( this, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Set up the externals used to communicate with the Map1 function...
+ The number of axes in the physical coordinate system (i.e. the current
+ Frame). */
+ Map1_ncoord = naxes;
+/* See if tick marks are logarithmically or linearly spaced. */
+ Map1_log = astGetLogTicks( this, axis );
+/* A pointer to the Plot, the Current Frame and the Mapping. */
+ Map1_plot = this;
+ Map1_frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+ Map1_map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Physical coords at the start of the curve (dist=0). */
+ Map1_origin = start;
+/* Length of the curve. */
+ Map1_length = length;
+/* The index of the axis which the curve follows. */
+ Map1_axis = axis;
+/* Decide whether to omit points not in their normal ranges. */
+ Map1_norm = !IsASkyAxis( Map1_frame, 0, status ) &&
+ !IsASkyAxis( Map1_frame, 1, status );
+/* Convert the tolerance from relative to absolute graphics coordinates. */
+ tol = astGetTol( this )*astMAX( this->xhi - this->xlo,
+ this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Now set up the external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine function. */
+ Crv_scerr = ( astGetLogPlot( this, 0 ) ||
+ astGetLogPlot( this, 1 ) ) ? 100.0 : 1.5;
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_tol = tol;
+ Crv_limit = 0.5*tol*tol;
+ Crv_map = Map1;
+ Crv_ink = ink;
+ Crv_xlo = this->xlo;
+ Crv_xhi = this->xhi;
+ Crv_ylo = this->ylo;
+ Crv_yhi = this->yhi;
+ Crv_out = 1;
+ Crv_xbrk = cdata->xbrk;
+ Crv_ybrk = cdata->ybrk;
+ Crv_vxbrk = cdata->vxbrk;
+ Crv_vybrk = cdata->vybrk;
+ Crv_clip = astGetClip( this ) & 1;
+/* Set up a list of points spread evenly over the curve. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ){
+ d[ i ] = ( (double) i)/( (double) CRV_NSEG );
+ }
+/* Map these points into graphics coordinates. */
+ Map1( CRV_NPNT, d, x, y, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Use Crv and Map1 to draw the curve. */
+ Crv( this, d, x, y, 0, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* End the current poly line. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* Tidy up the static data used by Map1. */
+ Map1( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* If no part of the curve could be drawn, set the number of breaks and the
+ length of the drawn curve to zero. */
+ if( Crv_out ) {
+ Crv_nbrk = 0;
+ Crv_len = 0.0F;
+/* Otherwise, add an extra break to the returned structure at the position of
+ the last point to be plotted. */
+ } else {
+ Crv_nbrk++;
+ if( Crv_nbrk > AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in curve "
+ "exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK );
+ } else {
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) Crv_xl;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) Crv_yl;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) -Crv_vxl;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) -Crv_vyl;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store extra information about the curve in the returned structure, and
+ purge any zero length sections. */
+ if( cdata ){
+ cdata->length = Crv_len;
+ cdata->out = Crv_out;
+ cdata->nbrk = Crv_nbrk;
+ PurgeCdata( cdata, status );
+ }
+/* Annul the Frame and Mapping. */
+ Map1_frame = astAnnul( Map1_frame );
+ Map1_map = astAnnul( Map1_map );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gridid, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void BBuf( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+c astBBuf
+* Purpose:
+* Begin a new graphical buffering context.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astBBuf( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+c This function
+f This routine
+* starts a new graphics buffering context. A matching call to the
+c function astEBuf
+f routine AST_EBUF
+* should be used to end the context.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - The nature of the buffering is determined by the underlying
+* graphics system (as defined by the current grf module). Each call
+c to this function
+f to this routine
+c to this function
+f to this routine
+* simply invokes the astGBBuf function in the grf module.
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Invoke the active GRF BBuf function. */
+ GBBuf( this, "astBBuf", astGetClass( this ), status );
+static int Boundary( AstPlot *this, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Boundary
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a boundary around regions containing valid physical positions.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Boundary( AstPlot *this, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a boundary around the regions of the plotting
+* area which contain valid, unclipped, physical coordinates, but does
+* not include the intersections with the edges of the plotting area.
+* Broadly, the algorithm is as follows: An initial coarse grid is
+* created covering the entire plotting area. This grid consists of a
+* regular square matrix of points in graphics coordinates, and the
+* corresponding physical coordinates. An array of flags is created,
+* one for each grid cell, indicating if the boundary passes through the
+* cell. This is assumed to be the case if the cell has a mix of good and
+* bad corners (i.e corners which have good or bad physical coordinates).
+* This assumption does not locate all boundary cells though, since if
+* the boundary passes into and out of a cell throught the same edge,
+* the corners of the cell will be either all good or all bad. But for
+* the moment, we just concentrate on the ones found using this simple
+* assumption. For each such cell, a finer grid is then created covering
+* the cell, and the boundary is drawn through this fine grid using
+* TraceBorder. TraceBorder returns a set of four flags indicating which
+* edges of the cell were intersected by the boundary. A check is then
+* made on any of the four neighbouring cells into which the curve
+* passes. If any of these cells were not flagged as boundary cells using
+* the simple assumption described earlier, then they are flagged now
+* (with a different flag value). Once all the cells located using the
+* simple assumption have been processed, any further cells flagged
+* with the new flag value are also processed using TraceBorder in the
+* same way. This process is repeated until no extra boundary cells are
+* found.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A flag indicating if any regions containing invalid physical
+* coordinates were found within the plotting area.
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes the physical coordinate Frame is
+* 2-dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - A value of zero is returned if an error has already occurred, or
+* if this function should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *bfrm; /* Pointer to base Plot Frame */
+ AstFrame *cfrm; /* Pointer to current Plot Frame */
+ AstMapping *map; /* Pointer to Plot mapping (graphics -> physical) */
+ AstMapping *rmap; /* Pointer to Plot mapping (graphics -> physical) */
+ AstRegion *breg; /* Region mapped into base Plot Frame */
+ double blbnd[ 2 ]; /* Lower grid bounds in base frame */
+ double bubnd[ 2 ]; /* Upper grid bounds in base frame */
+ double dx; /* Plotting area width */
+ double dy; /* Plotting area height */
+ double power; /* Exponent in pow call */
+ double rat; /* Ratio by which to reduce DIM */
+ double tol; /* Fractional plotting tolerance */
+ int dim; /* No. of points along each edge of coarse grid */
+ int edges[ 4 ]; /* Flags indicating edges bisected by boundary */
+ int rate_disabled; /* Was the astRate method initially disabled? */
+ int ret; /* Any regions containing bad physical coords? */
+/* Check global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise the answer to indicate that no regions containing invalid
+ physical coordinates have been found. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Get the current Frame from the Plot. */
+ cfrm = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* If it is a region, we use a special method, if possible, to trace the
+ Region boundary. Otherwise, we use a grid tracing method that makes no
+ assumptions about the nature of the Mapping or Frame. */
+ if( !DrawRegion( this, cfrm, method, class, status ) ) {
+/* Each basic element of the boundary drawn by the following algorithm
+ will be drawn at a multiple of 45 degrees to the horizontal. This can
+ cause noticable aliasing. For instance, if the border is a straight
+ line at 50 degrees to the horizontal, it will be drawn at 45 degrees
+ for long sections, followed by a vertical leap to catch up with where
+ it should be. Because of this we use a finer tolerance than for other
+ drawing. */
+ tol = 0.25*astGetTol( this );
+/* Set up the dimension of a coarse grid in graphics coordinates to cover the
+ whole plotting area. This is chosen to give a finer grid for smaller
+ plotting tolerances. Note, putting the power as a literal constant in
+ the call to pow seems to cause a segmentation violation on some systems. */
+ power = -0.666666666;
+ dim = (int) 4*pow( tol, power ) + 10;
+ if( dim > 400 ) dim = 400;
+ if( dim < 3 ) dim = 3;
+/* Store the required plotting tolerance as a distance in graphics
+ coords. */
+ dx = fabs( this->xhi - this->xlo );
+ dy = fabs( this->xhi - this->xlo );
+ tol *= ( ( dx > dy ) ? dx : dy );
+/* Extract the Mapping from the Plot. */
+ map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Select the area covered by the coarse grid. If the current Frame is a
+ Region, we use the bounding box of Region after being mapped into
+ graphics coords. */
+ if( astIsARegion( cfrm ) ) {
+ bfrm = astGetFrame( this, AST__BASE );
+/* Get the Mapping from the current to the base Frame in the Plot, and
+ remove the effects of any Regions. */
+ astInvert( map );
+ rmap = astRemoveRegions( map );
+ astInvert( map );
+/* Map the Region into the GRAPHICS frame. */
+ breg = astMapRegion( cfrm, rmap, bfrm );
+ astGetRegionBounds( breg, blbnd, bubnd );
+ rmap = astAnnul( rmap );
+ bfrm = astAnnul( bfrm );
+ breg = astAnnul( breg );
+ rat = ( ( bubnd[ 0 ] - blbnd[ 0 ] )*( bubnd[ 1 ] - blbnd[ 1 ] ) )/
+ ( ( this->xhi - this->xlo )*( this->yhi - this->ylo ) );
+ rat = sqrt( rat );
+ dim = (int) ( rat*dim );
+ if( dim < 3 ) dim = 3;
+/* If the current Frame is not a Region, use the whole plot. */
+ } else {
+ blbnd[ 0 ] = this->xlo;
+ blbnd[ 1 ] = this->ylo;
+ bubnd[ 0 ] = this->xhi;
+ bubnd[ 1 ] = this->yhi;
+ }
+/* Disable the astRate method in order to improve the speed of
+ evaluating the Mapping in cases where the Mapping includes an
+ AstRateMap. Note the original value of the flag so that it can be
+ re-instated at the end. */
+ rate_disabled = astRateState( 1 );
+/* Draw the boundary. */
+ ret = TraceBorder( this, map, blbnd[ 0 ], bubnd[ 0 ], blbnd[ 1 ],
+ bubnd[ 1 ], dim, tol, edges, method, class, status );
+/* Re-instate the original setting of the "astRate disabled" flag. */
+ astRateState( rate_disabled );
+/* Release the remaining resources. */
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+ }
+ cfrm = astAnnul( cfrm );
+/* If an error has occurred, return 0. */
+ if( !astOK ) ret = 0;
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static int Border( AstPlot *this_nd, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astBorder
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c int astBorder( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a (line) border around regions of the
+* plotting area of a Plot which correspond to valid, unclipped
+* physical coordinates. For example, when plotting using an
+* all-sky map projection, this function could be used to draw the
+* boundary of the celestial sphere when it is projected on to the
+* plotting surface.
+* If the entire plotting area contains valid, unclipped physical
+* coordinates, then the boundary will just be a rectangular box
+* around the edges of the plotting area.
+* If the Plot is a Plot3D, this method is applied individually to
+* each of the three 2D Plots encapsulated within the Plot3D (each of
+* these Plots corresponds to a single 2D plane in the 3D graphics
+* system). In addition, if the entire plotting volume has valid
+* coordinates in the 3D current Frame of the Plot3D, then additional
+* lines are drawn along the edges of the 3D plotting volume so that
+* the entire plotting volume is enclosed within a cuboid grid.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Returned Value:
+c astBorder()
+c Zero is returned if the plotting space is completely filled by
+f .FALSE. is returned if the plotting space is completely filled by
+* valid, unclipped physical coordinates (so that only a
+c rectangular box was drawn around the edge). Otherwise, one is
+f rectangular box was drawn around the edge). Otherwise, .TRUE. is
+* returned.
+* Notes:
+c - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+f - A value of .FALSE. will be returned if this function is invoked
+c with the AST error status set, or if it should fail for any
+f with STATUS set to an error value, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+* - An error results if either the current Frame or the base Frame
+* of the Plot is not 2-dimensional or (for a Plot3D) 3-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the base
+* and current Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the Plot's
+* TranForward attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Plot with no more than 2 current axes */
+ AstPlotCurveData cdata; /* Structure to receive break information */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ int inval; /* Were any bad regions found? */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this_nd);
+/* Store the current method, and the class of the supplied object for use
+ in error messages.*/
+ method = "astBorder";
+ class = astGetClass( this_nd );
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primitives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this_nd );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Get a Plot with a 2D (or 1D) current Frame. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) Fset2D( (AstFrameSet *) this_nd, AST__CURRENT, status );
+/* Check the current Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNout( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the current "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__BORDER_ID, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* We first draw the intersections of the regions containing valid
+ physical coordinates with the edges of the plotting area. First do
+ the bottom edge. */
+ LinePlot( this, this->xlo, this->ylo, this->xhi, this->ylo,
+ 1, &cdata, method, class, status );
+/* Now do the right-hand edge. */
+ LinePlot( this, this->xhi, this->ylo, this->xhi, this->yhi,
+ 1, &cdata, method, class, status );
+/* Now do the top edge. */
+ LinePlot( this, this->xhi, this->yhi, this->xlo, this->yhi,
+ 1, &cdata, method, class, status );
+/* Now do the left-hand edge. */
+ LinePlot( this, this->xlo, this->yhi, this->xlo, this->ylo,
+ 1, &cdata, method, class, status );
+/* Now draw a curve following the boundary through the interior of the
+ plotting area. If the current Frame in the Plot is a Region, we use a
+ shorter method if possible. If this is not possible, we use a longer
+ method. */
+ inval = Boundary( this, method, class, status );
+/* Ensure all lines are flushed to the graphics system. */
+ Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__BORDER_ID, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Annul the 2d plot. */
+ this = astAnnul( this );
+/* Return. */
+ return inval;
+static void BoundingBox( AstPlot *this, float lbnd[2], float ubnd[2], int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astBoundingBox
+* Purpose:
+* Return a bounding box for previously drawn graphics.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astBoundingBox( AstPlot *this, float lbnd[2], float ubnd[2] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function returns the bounds of a box which just encompasess the
+f This routine returns the bounds of a box which just encompasess the
+* graphics produced by the previous call to any of the Plot methods
+* which produce graphical output. If no such previous call has yet
+* been made, or if the call failed for any reason, then the bounding box
+c returned by this function is undefined.
+f returned by this routine is undefined.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c lbnd
+f LBND( 2 ) = REAL (Returned)
+* A two element array in which is returned the lower limits of the
+* bounding box on each of the two axes of the graphics coordinate
+* system (the base Frame of the Plot).
+c ubnd
+f UBND( 2 ) = REAL (Returned)
+* A two element array in which is returned the upper limits of the
+* bounding box on each of the two axes of the graphics coordinate
+* system (the base Frame of the Plot).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not
+* 2-dimensional.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstFrameSet *fset; /* Pointer to the Plot's FrameSet */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Get a pointer to the FrameSet at the start of the Plot. */
+ fset = (AstFrameSet *) this;
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( fset );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "astBoundingBox(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the "
+ "base Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number "
+ "should be 2.", status, astGetClass( this ), naxes,
+ astGetClass( this ) );
+ }
+/* Return the bounding box. */
+ lbnd[ 0 ] = Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ];
+ lbnd[ 1 ] = Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ];
+ ubnd[ 0 ] = Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ];
+ ubnd[ 1 ] = Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ];
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static int BoxCheck( float *bx, float *by, float *cx, float *cy, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* BoxCheck
+* Purpose:
+* See if two boxes overlap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int BoxCheck( float *bx, float *by, float *cx, float *cy, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a flag indicating if two trapezoidal boxes
+* (box "b" and box "c") overlap or not.
+* Parameters:
+* bx
+* Pointer to an array holding the X coordinates at the 4 corners
+* of box "b".
+* by
+* Pointer to an array holding the Y coordinates at the 4 corners
+* of box "b".
+* cx
+* Pointer to an array holding the X coordinates at the 4 corners
+* of box "c".
+* cy
+* Pointer to an array holding the Y coordinates at the 4 corners
+* of box "c".
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero is returned if the boxes do not overlap or an error has
+* already occurred. Otherwise, 1 is returned.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float x2;
+ float y2;
+ int i;
+ int ip;
+ int j;
+ int jp;
+ int ret;
+/* Assume the boxes do not overlap. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Check the inherited status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* Check each corner of box b to see if it is inside box c. */
+ for( j = 0; j < 4 && ret == 0; j++ ){
+ if( Inside( 4, cx, cy, bx[ j ], by[ j ], status ) ) ret = 1;
+ }
+/* Now check each corner of box c to see if it is inside box b. */
+ for( j = 0; j < 4 && ret == 0; j++ ){
+ if( Inside( 4, bx, by, cx[ j ], cy[ j ], status ) ) ret = 1;
+ }
+/* If no overlap has yet been found, we need to see if any of the edges
+ of the boxes intersect. For instance, in the case of a cross formed by
+ a vertical rectangle crossing a horizontal rectangle, the above checks
+ on the corners would not have revealed any overlap. */
+ if( !ret ) {
+/* The following code assumes that the corners with indices 0, 1, 2, 3
+ are adjacent round the edge of the box. This is the case if the line
+ joining corners 0 and 1 does not cross the line joining corners 2 and
+ 3 AND the line joining corners 1 and 2 does not cross the line joining
+ corners 3 and 0. If either of these conditions is not met swap the
+ corners around to correct it. First do box b. */
+ if( Cross( bx[0], by[0], bx[1], by[1],
+ bx[2], by[2], bx[3], by[3], status ) ) {
+ x2 = bx[2];
+ y2 = by[2];
+ bx[2] = bx[1];
+ by[2] = by[1];
+ bx[1] = x2;
+ by[1] = y2;
+ } else if( Cross( bx[1], by[1], bx[2], by[2],
+ bx[3], by[3], bx[0], by[0], status ) ) {
+ x2 = bx[2];
+ y2 = by[2];
+ bx[2] = bx[3];
+ by[2] = by[3];
+ bx[3] = x2;
+ by[3] = y2;
+ }
+/* Now do box c. */
+ if( Cross( cx[0], cy[0], cx[1], cy[1],
+ cx[2], cy[2], cx[3], cy[3], status ) ) {
+ x2 = cx[2];
+ y2 = cy[2];
+ cx[2] = cx[1];
+ cy[2] = cy[1];
+ cx[1] = x2;
+ cy[1] = y2;
+ } else if( Cross( cx[1], cy[1], cx[2], cy[2],
+ cx[3], cy[3], cx[0], cy[0], status ) ) {
+ x2 = cx[2];
+ y2 = cy[2];
+ cx[2] = cx[3];
+ cy[2] = cy[3];
+ cx[3] = x2;
+ cy[3] = y2;
+ }
+/* We now check each edge of box b to see if it overlaps any edge of box c. */
+ for( j = 0; j < 4 && ret == 0; j++ ) {
+/* This edge of box b starts at the corner with index j. Get the index of the
+ corner at which the edge ends. */
+ jp = j + 1;
+ if( jp == 4 ) jp = 0;
+/* Check to see if this edge of box b crosses each edge of box c in turn. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 4 && ret == 0; i++ ) {
+ ip = i + 1;
+ if( ip == 4 ) ip = 0;
+ ret = Cross( bx[j], by[j], bx[jp], by[jp],
+ cx[i], cy[i], cx[ip], cy[ip], status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void Bpoly( AstPlot *this, float x, float y, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Bpoly
+* Purpose:
+* Begin a new poly line.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Bpoly( AstPlot *this, float x, float y, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws any current poly line, and then starts a new one
+* at the supplied position.
+* Parameters:
+* x
+* The graphics x coordinate.
+* y
+* The graphics y coordinate.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int ignore; /* Is the new point the end of the current polyline? */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* See if the new point is co-incident with the end of the current
+ polyline. If so we assume the current polyline is to be re-started,
+ rather than starting a new polyline. */
+ if( Poly_n > 0 ) {
+ ignore = ( astEQUALS( Poly_x[ Poly_n - 1 ], x, 1.0E8 ) &&
+ astEQUALS( Poly_y[ Poly_n - 1 ], y, 1.0E8 ) );
+ } else {
+ ignore = 0;
+ }
+/* If the supplied point is not at the end of the current polyline, draw
+ any existing poly line. This will empty the buffer. Then add the
+ supplied point into the buffer. */
+ if( !ignore ) {
+ Opoly( this, status );
+ Apoly( this, x, y, status );
+ }
+static int CGCapWrapper( AstPlot *this, int cap, int value, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGCapWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GCap Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGCapWrapper( AstPlot *this, int cap, int value, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GCap
+* grf function to enquire or set a graphics attribute value.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* cap
+* The capability to be inquired aboue.
+* value
+* The value ot assign to the capability.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+* Returned Value:
+* Non-zero if the grf module is capabale of performing the action
+* requested by "cap".
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGCapFun) this->grffun[ AST__GCAP ] )( astGrfConID(this), cap, value );
+static int CGAttrWrapper( AstPlot *this, int attr, double value,
+ double *old_value, int prim, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGAttrWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GAttr Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGAttrWrapper( AstPlot *this, int attr, double value,
+* double *old_value, int prim, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GAttr
+* grf function to enquire or set a graphics attribute value.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* attr
+* An integer value identifying the required attribute. The
+* following symbolic values are defined in grf.h:
+* GRF__STYLE - Line style.
+* GRF__WIDTH - Line width.
+* GRF__SIZE - Character and marker size scale factor.
+* GRF__FONT - Character font.
+* GRF__COLOUR - Colour index.
+* value
+* A new value to store for the attribute. If this is AST__BAD
+* no value is stored.
+* old_value
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the attribute value.
+* If this is NULL, no value is returned.
+* prim
+* The sort of graphics primitive to be drawn with the new attribute.
+* Identified by the following values defined in grf.h:
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGAttrFun) this->grffun[ AST__GATTR ] )( astGrfConID(this), attr, value, old_value, prim );
+static int CGBBufWrapper( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGBBufWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GBBuf Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGBBufWrapper( AstPlot *this ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GBBuf
+* grf function to start a new graphics context.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGBBufFun) this->grffun[ AST__GBBUF ])( astGrfConID(this) );
+static int CGEBufWrapper( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGEBufWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GEBuf Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGEBufWrapper( AstPlot *this ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GEBuf
+* grf function to start a new graphics context.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGEBufFun) this->grffun[ AST__GEBUF ])( astGrfConID(this) );
+static int CGFlushWrapper( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGFlushWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GFlush Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGFlushWrapper( AstPlot *this ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GFlush
+* grf function to flush graphics.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGFlushFun) this->grffun[ AST__GFLUSH ])( astGrfConID(this) );
+static int CGLineWrapper( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+ const float *y, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGLineWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GLine Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGLineWrapper( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+* const float *y, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GLine
+* grf function to draw a polyline.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* n
+* The number of positions to be joined together.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGLineFun) this->grffun[ AST__GLINE ])( astGrfConID(this), n, x, y );
+static int CGMarkWrapper( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+ const float *y, int type, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGMarkWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GMark Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGMarkWrapper( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+* const float *y, int type, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GMark grf
+* function to draw markers.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* n
+* The number of positions to be joined together.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+* type
+* An integer which can be used to indicate the type of marker symbol
+* required.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGMarkFun) this->grffun[ AST__GMARK ])( astGrfConID(this), n, x, y, type );
+static int CGTextWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+ const char *just, float upx, float upy, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGTextWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GText Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGTextWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+* const char *just, float upx, float upy, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GText grf
+* function to draw a text string.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* x
+* The reference x coordinate.
+* y
+* The reference y coordinate.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* left to right on the screen.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* bottom to top on the screen.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGTextFun) this->grffun[ AST__GTEXT ])( astGrfConID(this), text, x, y, just, upx, upy );
+static int CGTxExtWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+ const char *just, float upx, float upy, float *xb,
+ float *yb, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGTxExtWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GTxExt Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGTxExtWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+* const char *just, float upx, float upy, float *xb,
+* float *yb, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GTxExt
+* grf function to find the extent of a text string.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* x
+* The reference x coordinate.
+* y
+* The reference y coordinate.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* left to right on the screen.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* bottom to top on the screen.
+* xb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the x coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* yb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the y coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGTxExtFun) this->grffun[ AST__GTXEXT ])( astGrfConID(this), text, x, y, just, upx, upy, xb, yb );
+static int CGQchWrapper( AstPlot *this, float *chv, float *chh, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGQchWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GQch Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGQchWrapper( AstPlot *this, float *chv, float *chh, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GQch
+* grf function to find the extent of a text string.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* chv
+* A pointer to the double which is to receive the height of
+* characters drawn vertically. This will be an increment in the X
+* axis
+* chh
+* A pointer to the double which is to receive the height of
+* characters drawn vertically. This will be an increment in the Y
+* axis
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGQchFun) this->grffun[ AST__GQCH ])( astGrfConID(this), chv, chh );
+static int CGScalesWrapper( AstPlot *this, float *alpha, float *beta, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CGScalesWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Call a C implementation of the GScales Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CGScalesWrapper( AstPlot *this, float *alpha, float *beta, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function is a wrapper for a C implementation of the GScales
+* grf function to find the extent of a text string.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* alpha
+* A pointer to the location at which to return the scale for the
+* X axis (i.e. Xnorm = alpha*Xworld).
+* beta
+* A pointer to the location at which to return the scale for the
+* Y axis (i.e. Ynorm = beta*Yworld).
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status value.
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return ( (AstGScalesFun) this->grffun[ AST__GSCALES ])( astGrfConID(this), alpha, beta );
+static int CheckLabels( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+ double *ticks, int nticks, int force, char **list,
+ double refval, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CheckLabels
+* Purpose:
+* Create tick mark labels and check that adjacent labels are different.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CheckLabels( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frame, int axis, double *ticks,
+* int nticks, int force, char **list, double refval, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function formats the supplied ticks mark values using the
+* astFormat method for the supplied Frame. Unless force is non-zero, it
+* then checks all pairs of adjacent labels. If a pair is found which are
+* identical then the memory holding the labels is released, and a value
+* of zero is returned. Otherwise, a value of one is returned, indicating
+* that adjacent labels are all different and the labels are returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* frame
+* Pointer to the Frame.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of the axis to which the tick marks refer.
+* ticks
+* Pointer to an array holding the tick mark values.
+* nticks
+* The number of tick marks supplied by parameter "ticks".
+* force
+* If non-zero, then no check for identical adjacent labels is
+* performed, and the labels are always considered to be OK.
+* list
+* Pointer to the start of an array of pointers. Each of the
+* elements in this array receives a pointer to a string holding a
+* formatted label. Each of these strings should be freed using
+* astFree when no longer needed.
+* refval
+* A value to use for the other axis when normalizing.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero if any pairs of identical adjacent labels were found. One
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - No error is reported if a pair of identical adjacent labels is
+* found.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should
+* fail for any reason, a value of zero is returned, and the array of
+* pointers identified by "list" is filled with NULL pointers.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *label; /* Pointer to formatted tick value */
+ double val[ 2 ]; /* Workspace for normalizing */
+ int i; /* Tick index */
+ int len; /* Number of characters in curent label */
+ int ok; /* The returned flag */
+/* Fill the supplied label list with NULL pointers. */
+ if( list ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nticks; i++ ) list[ i ] = NULL;
+ }
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise the returned flag to indicate that all adjacent labels are
+ different. */
+ ok = 1;
+/* Normalize and format the first tick mark value. */
+ val[ axis ] = ticks[ 0 ];
+ val[ 1 - axis ] = refval;
+ astNorm( frame, val );
+ label = astFormat( frame, axis, val[ axis ] );
+/* Allocate memory holding a copy of the formatted value, and store a
+ pointer to this copy in the list of labels. */
+ if( label ){
+ len = strlen( label ) + 1;
+ list[ 0 ] = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) label, len );
+ } else {
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+/* Normalize and format each of the tick mark values in this batch. */
+ for( i = 1; i < nticks && astOK && ok; i++ ){
+ val[ axis ] = ticks[ i ];
+ val[ 1 - axis ] = refval;
+ astNorm( frame, val );
+ label = astFormat( frame, axis, val[ axis ] );
+ if( label ){
+/* Unless checks have been supressed, compare this label with the previous
+ label. If they are identical clear the returned flag. */
+ if( !force && !strcmp( label, list[ i - 1 ] ) ) {
+ ok = 0;
+/* Allocate memory holding a copy of the label, and store a
+ pointer to this copy in the list of labels. */
+ } else {
+ list[ i ] = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) label, strlen( label ) + 1 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* If two adjacent labels were identical, or an error occurred, release the
+ memory used to store the labels. */
+ if( !ok || !astOK ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nticks; i++ ){
+ if( list[ i ] ) list[ i ] = (char *) astFree( (void *) list[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+/* Ensure a value of zero is returned if an error has occurred. */
+ if( !astOK ) ok = 0;
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ok;
+static char **CheckLabels2( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+ double *ticks, int nticks, char **old_list,
+ double refval, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CheckLabels2
+* Purpose:
+* Check that labels cannot be shortened.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* char **CheckLabels2( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+* double *ticks, int nticks, char **old_list,
+* double refval, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function formats the supplied ticks mark values using the
+* astFormat method for the supplied Frame. It then compares the labels
+* with the corresponding labels supplied in "old_list". If all of the
+* new labels are shorter than, or equal in length to, the old labels,
+* then memory is allocated to hold the new (shorter) labels, and a
+* pointer to this memory is returned. If any new label is longer than
+* the corresponding old label, then a NULL pointer is returned.
+* No check is performed on whether or not there are any identical
+* adjacent labels.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* frame
+* Pointer to the Frame.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of the axis to which the tick marks refer.
+* ticks
+* Pointer to an array holding the tick mark values.
+* nticks
+* The number of tick marks supplied by parameter "ticks".
+* old_list
+* Pointer to the start of an array of pointers. Each of the
+* elements in this array should hold a pointer to a string holding a
+* formatted label.
+* refval
+* A value to use for the other axis when normalizing.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to an array of pointers. Each of these pointers points to
+* a text string holding a shortened label. If a complete set of
+* shortened labels could not be found (or if an error occurs), a NULL
+* pointer is returned.
+* Notes:
+* - The memory holding the returned shortened labels should be
+* freed by cthe caller, together with the memory holding the pointers to
+* the labels.
+* - No error is reported if a pair of identical adjacent labels is
+* found.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should
+* fail for any reason, a value of NULL is returned.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char **list; /* The returned pointer */
+ const char *label; /* Pointer to formatted tick value */
+ double val[ 2 ]; /* Workspace for normalizing */
+ int i; /* Tick index */
+ int llen; /* Number of characters in curent label */
+ int ok; /* Are the old labels OK to be used? */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Allocate memory to hold the pointers to the new labels. */
+ list = (char **) astMalloc( sizeof( char * )*(size_t) nticks );
+ if( list ) {
+/* Fill this array with NULLs for safety. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nticks; i++ ) list[ i ] = NULL;
+/* Initialise a flag to indicate that all the new labels are
+ shorter than the old labels. */
+ ok = 0;
+/* Normalize and format each of the tick mark values in this batch. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nticks && astOK; i++ ){
+ val[ axis ] = ticks[ i ];
+ val[ 1 - axis ] = refval;
+ astNorm( frame, val );
+ label = astFormat( frame, axis, val[ axis ] );
+ if( label ){
+/* Get the length of the new label. */
+ llen = strlen( label );
+/* Compare this label with the corresponding old label. If the new one is
+ longer than the old one, set the flag and leave the loop. */
+ if( llen > strlen( old_list[ i ] ) ) {
+ ok = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+/* Store the new label. */
+ list[ i ] = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) label,
+ (size_t) (llen + 1) );
+ }
+ }
+/* If the old labels are to be used, or an error occurred, release the memory
+ used to store the new labels. */
+ if( ok || !astOK ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nticks; i++ ){
+ if( list[ i ] ) list[ i ] = (char *) astFree( (void *) list[ i ] );
+ }
+ list = (char **) astFree( (void *) list );
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return list;
+static int ChrLen( const char *string, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* ChrLen
+* Purpose:
+* Return the length of a string excluding any trailing white space.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* int ChrLen( const char *string, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot
+* Description:
+* This function returns the length of a string excluding any trailing
+* white space.
+* Parameters:
+* string
+* Pointer to the string.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The length of a string excluding any trailing white space.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero is returned if a NULL pointer is supplied, or if an
+* error has already occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *c; /* Pointer to the next character to check */
+ int ret; /* The returned string length */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise the returned string length. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Check a string has been supplied. */
+ if( string ){
+/* Check each character in turn, starting with the last one. */
+ ret = strlen( string );
+ c = string + ret - 1;
+ while( ret ){
+ if( !isspace( (int) *c ) ) break;
+ c--;
+ ret--;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static AstPlotCurveData **CleanCdata( AstPlotCurveData **cdata, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CleanCdata
+* Purpose:
+* Release the structures holding curve break information.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPlotCurveData **CleanCdata( AstPlotCurveData **cdata, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function releases the memory used to hold the curve break
+* information returned by function DrawGrid, and returns a NULL pointer.
+* Parameters:
+* cdata
+* Pointer to the information to be freed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A NULL pointer.
+* Notes:
+* - This function attempts to execute even if an error has already
+* occurred.
+/* Return if a NULL pointer has been supplied. */
+ if( !cdata ) return NULL;
+/* Release each of the two structures in turn (if they exist). */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) cdata[ 0 ] );
+ (void) astFree( (void *) cdata[ 1 ] );
+/* Release the memory used to hold the two AstPlotCurveData pointers. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) cdata );
+/* Return. */
+ return NULL;
+static TickInfo **CleanGrid( TickInfo **grid, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CleanGrid
+* Purpose:
+* Release the structures holding grid information.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* TickInfo **CleanGrid( TickInfo **grid )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function releases the memory used to hold the grid information
+* returned by function GridLines, and returns a NULL pointer.
+* Parameters:
+* grid
+* Pointer to the information to be freed.
+* Returned Value:
+* A NULL pointer.
+* Notes:
+* - This function attempts to execute even if an error has already
+* occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to TickInfo structure being freed */
+ int i; /* Axis index */
+ int j; /* Tick mark index */
+/* Return if a NULL pointer has been supplied. */
+ if( !grid ) return NULL;
+/* Release each of the TickInfo structures in turn (if they exist). */
+ for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
+ if( ( info = grid[ i ] ) ){
+/* Release the memory holding major tick mark values. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->ticks );
+/* Release the memory holding minor tick mark values. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->minticks );
+/* Release the memory holding curve section starting positions. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->start );
+/* Release the memory holding curve section lengths. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->length );
+/* If there are any tick mark labels in the structure... */
+ if( info->labels ){
+/* Release the memory holding each tick mark label. */
+ for( j = 0; j < info->nmajor; j++ ){
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->labels[ j ] );
+ }
+/* Release the memory holding the pointers to the tick mark labels. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->labels );
+/* Release the memory holding the format specification string. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info->fmt );
+ }
+/* Release the TickInfo structure. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) info );
+ }
+ }
+/* Release the memory used to hold the two TickInfo pointers. */
+ (void) astFree( (void *) grid );
+/* Return. */
+ return NULL;
+static void ClearAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* ClearAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Clear an attribute value for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void ClearAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the astClearAttrib protected
+* method inherited from the FrameSet class).
+* Description:
+* This function clears the value of a specified attribute for a
+* Plot, so that the default value will subsequently be used.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* attrib
+* Pointer to a null terminated string specifying the attribute
+* name. This should be in lower case with no surrounding white
+* space.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to the Plot structure */
+ char label[21]; /* Graphics item label */
+ const char *class; /* Pointer to class string */
+ int axis; /* Axis number */
+ int id1; /* Plot object id */
+ int id2; /* Plot object id */
+ int id; /* Plot object id */
+ int len; /* Length of attrib string */
+ int nax; /* Number of base Frame axes */
+ int nc; /* No. characters read by astSscanf */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_object;
+/* Get the number of base Frame axis (2 for a Plot, 3 for a Plot3D). */
+ nax = astGetNin( this );
+/* Obtain the length of the "attrib" string. */
+ len = strlen( attrib );
+/* Check the attribute name and clear the appropriate attribute. */
+/* Edge(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+ if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "edge(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearEdge( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "grid" ) ) {
+ astClearGrid( this );
+/* LabelUp */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelup" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearLabelUp( this, axis );
+/* LabelUp(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelup(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLabelUp( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogPlot */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "logplot" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearLogPlot( this, axis );
+/* LogPlot(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "logplot(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLogPlot( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogTicks */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "logticks" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearLogTicks( this, axis );
+/* LogTicks(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "logticks(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLogTicks( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogLabel */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "loglabel" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearLogLabel( this, axis );
+/* LogLabel(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "loglabel(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLogLabel( this, axis - 1 );
+/* NumLab. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "numlab" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearNumLab( this, axis );
+/* NumLab(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "numlab(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearNumLab( this, axis - 1 );
+/* MinTick. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "mintick" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearMinTick( this, axis );
+/* MinTick(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "mintick(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearMinTick( this, axis - 1 );
+/* TextLab. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "textlab" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearTextLab( this, axis );
+/* TextLab(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "textlab(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearTextLab( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LabelUnits. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelunits" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearLabelUnits( this, axis );
+/* LabelUnits(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelunits(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLabelUnits( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Style. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "style" ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astClearStyle( this, id );
+/* Style(label). */
+/* --------------*/
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "style(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astClear", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astClearStyle( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astClearStyle( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astClearStyle( this, id3 );
+/* Font. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "font" ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astClearFont( this, id );
+/* Font(label). */
+/* -------------*/
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "font(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astClear", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astClearFont( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astClearFont( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astClearFont( this, id3 );
+/* Colour. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "colour" ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astClearColour( this, id );
+/* Colour(label). */
+/* ---------------*/
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "colour(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astClear", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astClearColour( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astClearColour( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astClearColour( this, id3 );
+/* Color. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "color" ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astClearColour( this, id );
+/* Color(label). */
+/* --------------*/
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "color(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astClear", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astClearColour( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astClearColour( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astClearColour( this, id3 );
+/* Width. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "width" ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astClearWidth( this, id );
+/* Width(label). */
+/* --------------*/
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "width(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astClear", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astClearWidth( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astClearWidth( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astClearWidth( this, id3 );
+/* Size. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "size" ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astClearSize( this, id );
+/* Size(label). */
+/* -------------*/
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "size(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astClear", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astClearSize( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astClearSize( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astClearSize( this, id3 );
+/* LabelAt(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelat(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLabelAt( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Centre(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "centre(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearCentre( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Gap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "gap" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearGap( this, axis );
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "gap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogGap. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "loggap" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearLogGap( this, axis );
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "loggap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearLogGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* NumLabGap. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "numlabgap" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearNumLabGap( this, axis );
+/* NumLabGap(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "numlabgap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearNumLabGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* TextLabGap. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "textlabgap" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearTextLabGap( this, axis );
+/* TextLabGap(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "textlabgap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearTextLabGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "titlegap" ) ) {
+ astClearTitleGap( this );
+/* MajTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "majticklen" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearMajTickLen( this, axis );
+/* MajTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "majticklen(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearMajTickLen( this, axis - 1 );
+/* MinTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "minticklen" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearMinTickLen( this, axis );
+/* MinTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "minticklen(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearMinTickLen( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Labelling. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelling" ) ) {
+ astClearLabelling( this );
+/* TickAll. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "tickall" ) ) {
+ astClearTickAll( this );
+/* ForceExterior */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "forceexterior" ) ) {
+ astClearForceExterior( this );
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "invisible" ) ) {
+ astClearInvisible( this );
+/* Border. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "border" ) ) {
+ astClearBorder( this );
+/* ClipOp. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "clipop" ) ) {
+ astClearClipOp( this );
+/* Clip. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "clip" ) ) {
+ astClearClip( this );
+/* Grf. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "grf" ) ) {
+ astClearGrf( this );
+/* DrawTitle. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "drawtitle" ) ) {
+ astClearDrawTitle( this );
+/* DrawAxes. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "drawaxes" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearDrawAxes( this, axis );
+/* Abbrev */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "abbrev" ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astClearAbbrev( this, axis );
+/* DrawAxes(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "drawaxes(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearDrawAxes( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Abbrev(axis). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "abbrev(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astClearAbbrev( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "escape" ) ) {
+ astClearEscape( this );
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "tol" ) ) {
+ astClearTol( this );
+/* If the attribute is still not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ (*parent_clearattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
+ }
+static void ClearLogPlot( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* ClearLogPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Clear the value for a LogPlot attribute
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void ClearLogPlot( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function
+* Description:
+* Assigns the default value to the LogPlot attribute of the specified
+* axis, and also re-maps the base Frame of the Plot if necessary.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* axis
+* Zero based axis index.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int oldval; /* Original value of the attribute */
+ int newval; /* Cleared (default) value of the attribute */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Validate the axis index. */
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= 2 ){
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "astClearLogPlot(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for "
+ "attribute LogPlot - it should be in the range 1 to 2.", status,
+ astGetClass( this ), axis + 1 );
+/* Do nothing if the attribute is not currently set. */
+ } else if( astTestLogPlot( this, axis ) ){
+/* Get the original value of the attribute. clear the value, and then get
+ the new (default) value. */
+ oldval = this->logplot[ axis ];
+ this->logplot[ axis ] = -1;
+ newval = astGetLogPlot( this, axis );
+/* If the effective value has changed, attempt to remap the axis. If this
+ fails, re-instate the original value. */
+ if( ( oldval != 0 ) != ( newval != 0 ) ) {
+ if( !ToggleLogLin( this, axis, oldval, "astClearLogPlot", status ) ) {
+ this->logplot[ axis ] = oldval;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Clip( AstPlot *this, int iframe, const double lbnd[],
+ const double ubnd[], int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astClip
+* Purpose:
+* Set up or remove clipping for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astClip( AstPlot *this, int iframe, const double lbnd[],
+c const double ubnd[] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function defines regions of a Plot which are to be clipped.
+f This routine defines regions of a Plot which are to be clipped.
+* Any subsequent graphical output created using the Plot will then
+* be visible only within the unclipped regions of the plotting
+* area. See also the Clip attribute.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c iframe
+* The index of the Frame within the Plot to which the clipping
+c limits supplied in "lbnd" and "ubnd" (below) refer. Clipping
+f limits supplied in LBND and UBND (below) refer. Clipping
+* may be applied to any of the coordinate systems associated
+* with a Plot (as defined by the Frames it contains), so this
+* index may take any value from 1 to the number of Frames in
+* the Plot (Nframe attribute). In addition, the values
+* AST__BASE and AST__CURRENT may be used to specify the base
+* and current Frames respectively.
+* For example, a value of AST__CURRENT causes clipping to be
+* performed in physical coordinates, while a value of AST__BASE
+* would clip in graphical coordinates. Clipping may also be
+* removed completely by giving a value of AST__NOFRAME. In this
+* case any clipping bounds supplied (below) are ignored.
+c lbnd
+* An array with one element for each axis of the clipping Frame
+c (identified by the index "iframe"). This should contain the
+f (identified by the index IFRAME). This should contain the
+* lower bound, on each axis, of the region which is to remain
+* visible (unclipped).
+c ubnd
+* An array with one element for each axis of the clipping Frame
+c (identified by the index "iframe"). This should contain the
+f (identified by the index IFRAME). This should contain the
+* upper bound, on each axis, of the region which is to remain
+* visible (unclipped).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+c - Only one clipping Frame may be active at a time. This function
+f - Only one clipping Frame may be active at a time. This routine
+* will deactivate any previously-established clipping Frame before
+* setting up new clipping limits.
+c - The clipping produced by this function is in addition to that
+f - The clipping produced by this routine is in addition to that
+* specified by the Clip attribute which occurs at the edges of the
+* plotting area
+c established when the Plot is created (see astPlot). The
+f established when the Plot is created (see AST_PLOT). The
+* underlying graphics system may also impose further clipping.
+* - When testing a graphical position for clipping, it is first
+* transformed into the clipping Frame. The resulting coordinate on
+* each axis is then checked against the clipping limits (given by
+c "lbnd" and "ubnd"). By default, a position is clipped if any
+f LBND and UBND). By default, a position is clipped if any
+* coordinate lies outside these limits. However, if a non-zero
+* value is assigned to the Plot's ClipOp attribute, then a
+* position is only clipped if the coordinates on all axes lie
+* outside their clipping limits.
+* - If the lower clipping limit exceeds the upper limit for any
+* axis, then the sense of clipping for that axis is reversed (so
+* that coordinate values lying between the limits are clipped
+* instead of those lying outside the limits). To produce a "hole"
+* in a coordinate space (that is, an internal region where nothing
+* is plotted), you should supply all the bounds in reversed order,
+* and set the ClipOp attribute for the Plot to a non-zero value.
+* - Either clipping limit may be set to the value AST__BAD, which
+* is equivalent to setting it to infinity (or minus infinity for a
+* lower bound) so that it is not used.
+* - If a graphical position results in any bad coordinate values
+* (AST__BAD) when transformed into the clipping Frame, then it is
+* treated (for the purposes of producing graphical output) as if
+* it were clipped.
+* - When a Plot is used as a Mapping to transform points
+c (e.g. using astTran2), any clipped output points are assigned
+f (e.g. using AST_TRAN2), any clipped output points are assigned
+* coordinate values of AST__BAD.
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not
+* 2-dimensional.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *fr; /* Pointer to the clipping Frame */
+ AstFrameSet *fset; /* Pointer to the Plot's FrameSet */
+ int i; /* Axis index */
+ int ifrm; /* The validated frame index */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ ifrm = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the FrameSet at the start of the Plot. */
+ fset = (AstFrameSet *) this;
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( fset );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "astClip(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the "
+ "base Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number "
+ "should be 2.", status, astGetClass( this ), naxes,
+ astGetClass( this ) );
+ }
+/* If clipping is to be switched on, check the supplied frame index and
+ bounds. */
+ if( iframe != AST__NOFRAME && astOK ) {
+/* Report an error if either of the bounds pointers is NULL.*/
+ if( !lbnd ){
+ astError( AST__CLPAX, "astClip(%s): A NULL pointer was "
+ "supplied for the array holding the lower bounds of "
+ "the clipping volume.", status, astGetClass( this ) );
+ } else if( !ubnd ){
+ astError( AST__CLPAX, "astClip(%s): A NULL pointer was "
+ "supplied for the array holding the upper bounds of "
+ "the clipping volume.", status, astGetClass( this ) );
+ }
+/* Validate the clipping frame index. */
+ ifrm = astValidateFrameIndex( fset, iframe, "astClip" );
+/* Get the number of axes in the clipping frame. */
+ fr = astGetFrame( this, ifrm );
+ naxes = astGetNaxes( fr );
+ fr = astAnnul( fr );
+ }
+/* Leave the current clipping information unchanged if an error has
+ occurred. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Remove all clipping information from the Plot. */
+ this->clip_lbnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) this->clip_lbnd );
+ this->clip_ubnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) this->clip_ubnd );
+ this->clip_frame = AST__NOFRAME;
+ this->clip_axes = 0;
+/* If bounds have been supplied, set up new clipping information. */
+ if( iframe != AST__NOFRAME ){
+/* Store the information. */
+ this->clip_frame = ifrm;
+ this->clip_lbnd = astStore( NULL, lbnd, sizeof(double)*(size_t)naxes );
+ this->clip_ubnd = astStore( NULL, ubnd, sizeof(double)*(size_t)naxes );
+ this->clip_axes = naxes;
+/* If an error has occurred, remove all clipping information. */
+ if( !astOK ){
+ this->clip_lbnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) this->clip_lbnd );
+ this->clip_ubnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) this->clip_ubnd );
+ this->clip_frame = AST__NOFRAME;
+ this->clip_axes = 0;
+/* Otherwise, replace any bounds of AST__BAD with suitable default
+ values. */
+ } else {
+ for( i = 0; i < naxes; i++ ){
+ if( this->clip_lbnd[ i ] == AST__BAD ) this->clip_lbnd[ i ] = -DBL_MAX;
+ if( this->clip_ubnd[ i ] == AST__BAD ) this->clip_ubnd[ i ] = DBL_MAX;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static int Compared( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ){
+* Name:
+* Compared
+* Purpose:
+* Compare two "double" values.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Compared( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function compares the two "double" values to which pointers
+* are supplied, and returns an integer indicating which is larger,
+* checking for AST__BAD values. It is intended for use with the C
+* Run-Time-Library sorting function "qsort".
+* Parameters:
+* elem1
+* Pointer to the first "double".
+* elem2
+* Pointer to the second "double".
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero is returned if the values are equal. If the first is larger
+* than the second then +1 is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned.
+* Notes:
+* - Values of AST__BAD are considered to be larger than any other
+* value (other than another value of AST__BAD).
+* - If both values are AST__BAD, then zero is returned.
+* - This function executes even if an error has occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *delem1; /* Pointer to the first "double" value */
+ double *delem2; /* Pointer to the second "double" value */
+ int ret; /* The returned value */
+/* Get pointers to the two "double" values. */
+ delem1 = (double *) elem1;
+ delem2 = (double *) elem2;
+/* Check the values for equality (including both values being AST__BAD). */
+ if( *delem1 == *delem2 ){
+ ret = 0;
+/* If the first is bad, then it is considered to be larger than the
+ second. */
+ } else if( *delem1 == AST__BAD ){
+ ret = 1;
+/* If the second is bad, then it is considered to be larger than the
+ first. */
+ } else if( *delem2 == AST__BAD ){
+ ret = -1;
+/* If the first is larger than the second, return 1. */
+ } else if( *delem1 > *delem2 ){
+ ret = 1;
+/* If the first is smaller than the second, return -1. */
+ } else {
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static int Compare_LL( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ){
+* Name:
+* Compare_LL
+* Purpose:
+* Compare two LabelList structures as used by function PlotLabels.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Compare_LL( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function compares two "LabelList" structures as used by function
+* PlotLabels, and returns an integer indicating which has a larger
+* "index" value. This function is intended to be used with the C
+* Run-Time-Library sorting function "qsort".
+* Parameters:
+* elem1
+* Pointer to the first LabelList.
+* elem2
+* Pointer to the second LabelList.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero is returned if the values are equal. If the first is larger
+* than the second then +1 is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned.
+* Notes:
+* - This function executes even if an error has occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ LabelList *ll1; /* Pointer to the first LabelList */
+ LabelList *ll2; /* Pointer to the second LabelList */
+ int ret; /* The returned value */
+/* Get pointers to the two LabelList structures. */
+ ll1 = (LabelList *) elem1;
+ ll2 = (LabelList *) elem2;
+/* Compare the indices for the two label's. */
+ if( ll1->index < ll2->index ){
+ ret = -1;
+ } else if( ll1->index > ll2->index ){
+ ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static void CopyPlotDefaults( AstPlot *this, int axis, AstPlot *dplot,
+ int daxis, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astCopyPlotDefaults
+* Purpose:
+* Copy used attribute defaults from one Plot to another.
+* Type:
+* Protected virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void astCopyPlotDefaults( AstPlot *this, int axis, AstPlot *dplot,
+* int daxis )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* Some of the attributes used by the Plot class have dynamic default
+* values that are determined during the process of drawing an annotated
+* grid using astGrid. The dynamic default values are stored in a
+* separate set of components within the Plot structure. This function
+* copies these components from one Plot to another.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot containing the values ot be copied.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of the axis within "this" for which the
+* used defaults are to be copied.
+* dplot
+* A pointer to another Plot into which the default attribute
+* values are to be copied.
+* daxis
+* The zero based index of the axis within "dplot" which is to
+* receive the new values.
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ dplot->ulglb[ daxis ] = this->ulglb[ axis ];
+ dplot->ulgtk[ daxis ] = this->ulgtk[ axis ];
+ dplot->uloggap[ daxis ] = this->uloggap[ axis ];
+ dplot->ugap[ daxis ] = this->ugap[ axis ];
+ dplot->ucentre[ daxis ] = this->ucentre[ axis ];
+ dplot->uedge[ daxis ] = this->uedge[ axis ];
+ dplot->ulblat[ daxis ] = this->ulblat[ axis ];
+ dplot->ulbunit[ daxis ] = this->ulbunit[ axis ];
+ dplot->umintk[ daxis ] = this->umintk[ axis ];
+ dplot->utxtlb[ daxis ] = this->utxtlb[ axis ];
+ dplot->umjtkln[ daxis ] = this->umjtkln[ axis ];
+ dplot->ugrid = this->ugrid;
+ dplot->ulbling = this->ulbling;
+ dplot->uborder = this->uborder;
+static int CountGood( int n, double *data, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CountGood
+* Purpose:
+* Coount the number of non-bad values in an array.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CountGood( int n, double *data, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function returns the number of elements in the supplied array
+* which do not have the value AST__BAD.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The total number of elements in the array.
+* data
+* Pointer to the start of the array.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The number of good points in the array.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero is returned if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int i;
+ int ngood;
+ double *value;
+/* Check global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise a pointer to the next array element, and the number of
+ good elements found so far. */
+ value = data;
+ ngood = 0;
+/* Check each element. */
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
+ if( *(value++) != AST__BAD ) ngood++;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ngood;
+static int Cross( float ax, float ay, float bx, float by,
+ float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Cross
+* Purpose:
+* See if two line segments intersect.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Cross( float ax, float ay, float bx, float by,
+* float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function sees if the line segment (A,B) intersects the line
+* segment (C,D).
+* Parameters:
+* ax, ay
+* The coordinates of A.
+* bx, by
+* The coordinates of B.
+* cx, cy
+* The coordinates of C.
+* dx, dy
+* The coordinates of D.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero if the line segments do not cross or if an error has already
+* occurred, and 1 if they do.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+ float m1, m2, denom, num, t1, t2;
+/* Check the inherited status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Get the fraction of the distance from A to B at which the line AB
+ intersects the line CD. */
+ m1 = dx - cx;
+ m2 = dy - cy;
+ denom = (bx - ax)*m2 - (by-ay)*m1;
+ num = (ay - cy)*m1 - (ax - cx)*m2;
+ if( denom != 0.0 ) {
+ t1 = num / denom;
+/* If the the intersection occurs within the segment of the line between A
+ and B... */
+ if( t1 >= 0.0 && t1 <= 1.0 ){
+/* ... then get the fraction of the distance from C to D at which the
+ line CD intersects the line AB. */
+ m1 = bx - ax;
+ m2 = by - ay;
+ denom = (dx - cx)*m2 - (dy-cy)*m1;
+ num = (cy - ay)*m1 - (cx - ax)*m2;
+ if( denom != 0.0 ) {
+ t2 = num / denom;
+/* If the the intersection occurs within the segment of the line between C
+ and D then the line segments intersect. */
+ if( t2 >= 0.0 && t2 <= 1.0 ){
+ ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+/* If the two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect. */
+ } else {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void Crv( AstPlot *this, double *d, double *x, double *y, int skipbad,
+ double *box, CrvStatics *pstatics, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Crv
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a curve.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Crv( AstPlot *this, double *d, double *x, double *y, int skipbad,
+* double *box, CrvStatics *pstatics, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a curve parameterised by the distance from some
+* starting point. The function pointed to by the external variable
+* Crv_map is used to transform distances along the curve into graphics
+* coordinates (X,Y). The supplied function parameters defined the
+* section of the curve to be drawn.
+* The algorithm used needs no knowledge about the nature of the mapping
+* performed by Crv_map, and can handle discontinuities in the curve. It
+* first of all determines if any of the segments of the curve can be
+* adequately represented by simply drawing a straight line through the
+* supplied end points. This decision is based on several requirements such
+* as keeping the angle between adjacent sections low and both ends being
+* defined (i.e. X and Y not equal to AST__BAD). Any segments of the curve
+* which satisfy the requirements are draw as straight lines. If any of
+* the supplied curve segments cannot be drawn in this way, then they are
+* split up into a set of evenly-spaced sub-segments and the graphics
+* coordinates at the ends of these sub-segments are found using Crv_map.
+* This function is then called recursively to draw the sub-segments. This
+* recursion is limited in depth by the requirement that all the
+* sub-segments must be longer than a specified lower limit. If this is not
+* the case, then the curve is assumed to be dis-continuous and and the
+* sub-segments are ignored.
+* Parameters:
+* d
+* Pointer to an array of CRV_NPNT values giving the distance along
+* the curve from the starting point to each of CRV_NPNT points. They
+* should increase monotonically, and should be in whatever units are
+* used by the function pointed to by Crv_map. The curve is drawn from
+* d[0] to d[CRV_NPNT].
+* x
+* Pointer to an array of CRV_NPNT values giving the graphics X
+* coordinate for the positions supplied in the array pointed to by
+* parameter "d".
+* y
+* Pointer to an array of CRV_NPNT values giving the graphics Y
+* coordinate for the positions supplied in the array pointed to by
+* parameter "d".
+* skipbad
+* Controls what happens if all the supplied points are bad or
+* outside the plotting area. If skipbad is non-zero, then it is
+* assumed that the supplied points represent an entirely bad (or
+* out of bounds) section of the curve, and this function will
+* return without attempt to sub-divide any of the supplied points.
+* If skipbad is zero, then it is assumed that we may be able to find
+* some good points between the supplied bad points, and therefore
+* this function will attempt to sub-divide the supplied points.
+* Should be supplied as zero on the initial invocation.
+* box
+* Pointer to an array of 4 doubles houlding a bounding box within
+* which the current segment must reside if it is to be sub-divided.
+* Supplied in the order xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi. May be NULL in which
+* case, no check is made on the bounding box.
+* pstatics
+* Pointer to a structure holding values for variables which were
+* statically defined within this function prior to the thread-safe
+* version of AST. If a NULL pointer is supplied, a new structure
+* is created in dynamic memory and initialised.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* External Variables:
+* Crv_nent = int (Read/Write)
+* The number of recursive entries which have been made into
+* this function. This should be set to zero before entering
+* this function for the first time.
+* Crv_ux0 = double (Read/Write)
+* The X component in graphics coordinates of the unit vector
+* along the previous segment of the curve. This should be set
+* to AST__BAD initially to indicate that the previous section
+* is not defined.
+* Crv_uy0 = double (Read/Write)
+* The Y component of the unit vector along the previous segment.
+* Crv_limit = double (Read)
+* The square of the maximum acceptable residual between the
+* drawn curve and the true curve, in graphics coordinates.
+* Crv_scerr = double (Read)
+* If the ratio of the lengths of adjacent sub-segments is larger
+* than Crv_scerr,then the seub-segments will be sub-divided. Note,
+* if either axis is mapped logarithmically onto the screen, then
+* there will naturally be large changes in scale. Crv_scerr should
+* always be larger than 1.0.
+* Crv_map = void (*)( int n, double *dd, double *xx, double *yy,
+* const char *method, const char *class ) (Read)
+* A pointer to a function which can be called to map "n" distances
+* along the curve (supplied in "dd") into graphics coordinates
+* (stored in "xx" and "yy"). See function "Map1" as an example.
+* Crv_clip = int (Read)
+* Should lines be clipped at the edge of the plotting area?
+* Notes:
+* - The CRV_TRACE conditional compilation blocks in this function
+* provide code which displays the recursive entries made to this
+* function (and also pauses on initial entry until return is pressed).
+* It is useful for investigating the details of the drawing of a
+* curve.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ CrvStatics *statics; /* Pointer to structure holding static values */
+ double *dd; /* Pointer to array holding sub-segment distances */
+ double *pd; /* Pointer to next sub-segment distance */
+ double *px; /* Pointer to next sub-segment x coord. */
+ double *py; /* Pointer to next sub-segment y coord. */
+ double *xx; /* Pointer to array holding sub-segment x coord.s */
+ double *yy; /* Pointer to array holding sub-segment x coord.s */
+ double bbox[4]; /* Bounding box for this segment */
+ double dl2[ CRV_NSEG ];/* Squred segment lengths */
+ double dx[ CRV_NSEG ]; /* X increment along each segment */
+ double dy[ CRV_NSEG ]; /* Y increment along each segment */
+ int i; /* Segment index */
+ int seg_ok[ CRV_NSEG ];/* Flags indicating which segments can be drawn */
+ int subdivide; /* Flag indicating if segments can be subdivided */
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* If required, allocate memory for a structure to hold the static
+ variables need by this function. */
+ if( ! pstatics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( CrvStatics ) );
+ } else {
+ statics = pstatics;
+ }
+/* If this is the first entry, set up the minimum length for a
+ sub-segment in graphics coordinates. If any segment is less than
+ this minimum length, then recursion will stop and the curve will
+ be assumed to be dis-continuous. */
+ if( !Crv_nent ) {
+ statics->limit2 = 20.0*Crv_limit/(CRV_NSEG*CRV_NSEG);
+#ifdef CRV_TRACE
+ statics->levels[ 0 ] = 0;
+ }
+/* Increment the number of entries into this function. */
+ Crv_nent++;
+#ifdef CRV_TRACE
+ for( i = 0; i < Crv_nent; i++ ) {
+ printf("%d ",statics->levels[ i ] );
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ if( getchar() == 'm' ) {
+ float ffx,ffy;
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ) {
+ ffx = x[i]; ffy = y[i];
+ GMark( this, 1, &ffx, &ffy, 2, method, class, status );
+ GFlush( this, method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* ======================================================================
+ The first section of this function sets up some arrays holding
+ information which will be used later on. It looks at each of the segments
+ joing adjacent tabulated points, and finds and stores the increments in
+ X and Y along each segment, and the square of the segment length. It
+ also checks to see if the tabulated points are all bad, or if they are
+ all good. It also finds the lowest squared segment length.
+ ======================================================================*/
+/* Look at the first tabulated point. If it is good, set a flag to indicate
+ that it can be used, store it as "the previous position" (i.e. the start of
+ the current segment). Also set a flag ("all_bad") to indicate if all
+ points looked at so far have been bad, or outside the plotting area. */
+ if( *x != AST__BAD && *y != AST__BAD ){
+ statics->last_ok = 1;
+ statics->last_x = *x;
+ statics->last_y = *y;
+ statics->all_bad = ( *x < Crv_xlo || *x > Crv_xhi ||
+ *y < Crv_ylo || *y > Crv_yhi ) && Crv_clip;
+ } else {
+ statics->last_ok = 0;
+ statics->all_bad = 1;
+ }
+/* Initialise the bouding box for the this segment. */
+ bbox[ 0 ] = DBL_MAX;
+ bbox[ 1 ] = -DBL_MAX;
+ bbox[ 2 ] = DBL_MAX;
+ bbox[ 3 ] = -DBL_MAX;
+/* Store pointers to the X and Y values for the "current position". This
+ is the position at the end of the current segment. This is initially
+ the second tabulated point. */
+ px = x + 1;
+ py = y + 1;
+/* Store pointers to the increments and squared length for the current
+ segment. */
+ statics->pdx = dx;
+ statics->pdy = dy;
+ statics->pdl2 = dl2;
+/* Initialise the number of long and short segments. */
+ statics->nlong = 0;
+ statics->nshort = 0;
+/* Loop round each segment. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NSEG; i++ ){
+/* If the tabulated point marking the end of the segment is good... */
+ if( *px != AST__BAD && *py != AST__BAD ){
+/* Update the bounding box. */
+ if( *px < bbox[ 0 ] ) bbox[ 0 ] = *px;
+ if( *px > bbox[ 1 ] ) bbox[ 1 ] = *px;
+ if( *py < bbox[ 2 ] ) bbox[ 2 ] = *py;
+ if( *py > bbox[ 3 ] ) bbox[ 3 ] = *py;
+/* If the point is within the plotting area, set the "statics->all_bad" flag to
+ indicate that at least 1 point is within the plotting area. */
+ if( !Crv_clip || ( *px >= Crv_xlo && *px <= Crv_xhi &&
+ *py >= Crv_ylo && *py <= Crv_yhi ) ) statics->all_bad = 0;
+/* If the point marking the start of the segment was also good, find and
+ store the increments and squared length for the segment, incrementing
+ the pointers ready for the next segment. */
+ if( statics->last_ok ){
+ statics->t1 = *px - statics->last_x;
+ statics->t2 = *py - statics->last_y;
+ statics->t3 = statics->t1*statics->t1 + statics->t2*statics->t2;
+ *(statics->pdx++) = statics->t1;
+ *(statics->pdy++) = statics->t2;
+ *(statics->pdl2++) = statics->t3;
+/* Count the number of segments which are, and are not, shorter than the
+ minimum significant length. */
+ if( statics->t3 > statics->limit2 ) {
+ statics->nlong++;
+ } else {
+ statics->nshort++;
+ }
+/* If the start was bad, the length of the segment is not defined so store
+ bad values. */
+ } else {
+ *(statics->pdx++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(statics->pdy++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(statics->pdl2++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* The point at the end of the current segment becomes the point at the
+ start of the next segment. */
+ statics->last_ok = 1;
+ statics->last_x = *(px++);
+ statics->last_y = *(py++);
+/* If the tabulated point marking the end of the current segment is bad,
+ the segment length is undefined so store bad values. */
+ } else {
+ *(statics->pdx++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(statics->pdy++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(statics->pdl2++) = AST__BAD;
+/* The point at the end of the current segment becomes the point at the
+ start of the next segment. */
+ statics->last_ok = 0;
+ px++;
+ py++;
+ }
+ }
+/* ======================================================================
+ The next section of this function checks to see lines can be drawn
+ directly through any of the tabulated points. The flags in "seg_ok"
+ indicates if this is the case for each segment.
+ ======================================================================*/
+/* The unit vector along the previous segment is supplied in external
+ variables Crv_ux0 and Crv_uy0. These will be AST__BAD if the direction
+ of the previous segment is undefined. */
+ statics->vxl = Crv_ux0;
+ statics->vyl = Crv_uy0;
+/* The length of the previous segment is initially bad. */
+ statics->dll = AST__BAD;
+/* Set up some pointers used to walk through the arrays holding the lengths
+ of each segment. */
+ statics->pdl2 = dl2;
+ statics->pdx = dx;
+ statics->pdy = dy;
+/* Check each segment in turn to see if it can be drawn as a single
+ straight line. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NSEG; i++ ){
+/* A segment can only be drawn as a single line if both ends are good
+ and the distance between them is not zero. */
+ if( *statics->pdl2 != AST__BAD && *statics->pdl2 > 0.0 ){
+/* Get a unit vector in the direction of the current segment. */
+ statics->dl = sqrt( *statics->pdl2 );
+ statics->vx = *statics->pdx/statics->dl;
+ statics->vy = *statics->pdy/statics->dl;
+/* If a unit vector in the direction of the previous segment is available,
+ we check that the angle between the previous segment and the current
+ segment is not too high. */
+ if( statics->vxl != AST__BAD ){
+ statics->cosang = statics->vxl*statics->vx + statics->vyl*statics->vy;
+/* If the angle is too high, set a flag to indicate that the segment cannot
+ be drawn as a single line. Also, set the flag for the previous segment as
+ well. */
+ if( statics->cosang < 0.8 ||
+ ( *statics->pdl2 )*( 1.0 - statics->cosang*statics->cosang ) > Crv_limit ) {
+ seg_ok[ i ] = 0;
+ if( i > 0 ) seg_ok[ i - 1 ] = 0;
+/* If the angle between this segment and the previous segment is not too
+ high, check that the scale has not changed too much. */
+ } else {
+/* If the scale (=vector length) has changed a lot, set a flag to indicate
+ that the segment cannot be drawn as a single line. Also, set the flag for
+ the previous segment as well. */
+ if( statics->dll != AST__BAD && ( statics->dl < statics->dll/Crv_scerr || statics->dl > statics->dll*Crv_scerr ) ) {
+ seg_ok[ i ] = 0;
+ if( i > 0 ) seg_ok[ i - 1 ] = 0;
+/* If the orientation and scale of this segment has not changed much from
+ the previous segment, the segment can be drawn as a straight line. */
+ } else {
+ seg_ok[ i ] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If no unit vector is available for the previous segment, then assume
+ we are re-starting the curve after a discontinuity. In this case, we
+ can draw it as a straight line. */
+ } else {
+ seg_ok[ i ] = 1;
+ }
+/* Save the unit vector along the current segment for use next time. */
+ statics->vxl = statics->vx;
+ statics->vyl = statics->vy;
+/* Save the length if the current segment for use next time. */
+ statics->dll = statics->dl;
+/* If the length of the current segment is undefined, or zero, we cannot
+ draw it as a single line. Also, there is no direction vector to pass
+ on to the next time, so set them bad. */
+ } else {
+ seg_ok[ i ] = 0;
+ statics->vxl = AST__BAD;
+ statics->vyl = AST__BAD;
+ statics->dll = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Point to the next segment. */
+ statics->pdl2++;
+ statics->pdx++;
+ statics->pdy++;
+ }
+/* Do not allow isolated segments to be OK. If a segment is flagged as being
+ OK, but both its neighbours are not OK, set the segment not OK as well. */
+ statics->seg0 = seg_ok + 1;
+ statics->segm = seg_ok;
+ statics->segp = seg_ok + 2;
+ if( !(*statics->seg0) ) *statics->segm = 0;
+ for( i = 1; i < CRV_NSEG - 1; i++ ){
+ if( !(*statics->segm) && !(*statics->segp) ) *statics->seg0 = 0;
+ statics->seg0++;
+ statics->segm++;
+ statics->segp++;
+ }
+ if( !(*statics->segm) ) *statics->seg0 = 0;
+/* ======================================================================
+ The next section of this function draws the curve. Each segment is drawn
+ as a straight line if the corresponding flag in "seg_ok" is set.
+ Segments for which the flag is not set are drawn by calling this function
+ recursivly.
+ ======================================================================*/
+/* Get the parametric length (i.e. the increment in "d") of the sub-segments
+ within each subdivided segment. */
+ statics->delta = ( d[ CRV_NSEG ] - d[ 0 ] )/(double)( CRV_NSEG*CRV_NSEG );
+/* If we have made the maximum number of recursive entries into this
+ function, or if every supplied point was bad or outside the plotting
+ area, or if most of the segments were very short in graphics space, we will
+ not be attempting to subdivide any segments which cannot be drawn directly
+ as a straight line. If "skipbad" was supplied as zero, we ignore the
+ restriction which says that we must have some good points (since we
+ may find some good poits by a further sub-division). */
+ subdivide = ( Crv_nent < CRV_MXENT &&
+ ( !statics->all_bad || !skipbad ) &&
+ statics->nlong > statics->nshort );
+/* We do not sub-divide if the bounding box of the supplied points
+ is not at least 10% smaller than the supplied bouding box on either axis. */
+ if( box && bbox[ 0 ] != DBL_MAX ) {
+ if( bbox[ 1 ] - bbox[ 0 ] > 0.9*( box[ 1 ] - box[ 0 ] ) &&
+ bbox[ 3 ] - bbox[ 2 ] > 0.9*( box[ 3 ] - box[ 2 ] ) ) {
+ subdivide = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise some pointers to the data defineding the subsegments. */
+ dd = NULL;
+ xx = NULL;
+ yy = NULL;
+/* If we may be subdividing any segments, find which segments they are
+ and set up the offset to each sub-segment. */
+ if( subdivide ){
+/* Initialise the number of segments being subdivided. */
+ statics->nseg = 0;
+/* Loop round each segment. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NSEG; i++ ){
+/* If the segment cannot be drawn directly as a straight line, we will
+ subdivide it. */
+ if( !seg_ok[ i ] ){
+/* Increment the number of segments being subdivided, and let the array
+ of subsegment offsets grow to accomodate it. */
+ statics->nseg++;
+ dd = (double *) astGrow( dd, statics->nseg, sizeof(double)*( CRV_NSEG + 1 ) );
+ if( !astOK ) break;
+/* Append the offset to each new subsegment to the "dd" array. */
+ statics->el = ( statics->nseg - 1 )*( CRV_NSEG + 1 );
+ statics->d0 = d[ i ];
+ for( statics->j = 0; statics->j <= CRV_NSEG; statics->j++ ){
+ dd[ statics->el++ ] = statics->d0;
+ statics->d0 += statics->delta;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If any segments needed subdividing, get room to store the graphics
+ coordinates at each point, and then fill these arrays by calling
+ Crv_map to map the offsets in "dd" into graphics coordinates. */
+ if( statics->nseg > 0 ){
+ statics->nel = statics->nseg*( CRV_NSEG + 1 );
+ xx = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)statics->nel );
+ yy = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)statics->nel );
+ Crv_map( statics->nel, dd, xx, yy, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+ }
+ }
+/* If all has gone OK, we will draw each segment. Initialise pointers
+ used to walk through the "xx", "yy" and "dd" arrays. */
+ if( astOK ){
+ px = xx;
+ py = yy;
+ pd = dd;
+/* Draw each segment in turn. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NSEG; i++ ){
+/* If possible, draw it as a single straight line, and then store the
+ unit vector along the line in the appropriate external variables for
+ use by the next invocation of this function. */
+ if( seg_ok[ i ] ){
+ CrvLine( this, x[ i ], y[ i ], x[ i + 1 ], y[ i + 1 ], method, class, status );
+ statics->dl = sqrt( dl2[ i ] );
+ Crv_ux0 = dx[ i ]/statics->dl;
+ Crv_uy0 = dy[ i ]/statics->dl;
+/* Otherwise, if we are subdividing, and if the current segment is
+ not very short, we call this function recursively to draw the segment.
+ Increment pointers into the "xx", "yy" and "dd" arrays so that they
+ point to the start of the subsegment information for the next segment
+ to be subdivided. If all the graphics positions at this level were
+ bad or outside the plot, tell the next invocation of Crv to do no
+ further sub-divisions if it too finds all graphics positions to be bad or
+ outside the plot. */
+ } else if( subdivide ) {
+#ifdef CRV_TRACE
+ statics->levels[ Crv_nent ] = i;
+ Crv( this, pd, px, py, statics->all_bad, bbox, statics, method,
+ class, status );
+ pd += CRV_NSEG + 1;
+ px += CRV_NSEG + 1;
+ py += CRV_NSEG + 1;
+/* Otherwise, we assume we have hit a discontinuity in the curve. Store
+ bad values for the unit vector along the previous sgment, and do not
+ draw anything. */
+ } else {
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_uy0 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Free any memory used to store subsegment information. */
+ if( dd ) dd = (double *) astFree( (void *) dd );
+ if( xx ) xx = (double *) astFree( (void *) xx );
+ if( yy ) yy = (double *) astFree( (void *) yy );
+/* Decrement the number of recursive entries into this function. */
+ Crv_nent--;
+/* Free the memory holding the static data values if we are leaving the
+ final entry. */
+ if( ! pstatics ) statics = astFree( statics );
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static int CvBrk( AstPlot *this, int ibrk, double *brk, double *vbrk,
+ double *len, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astCvBrk
+* Purpose:
+* Return information about breaks in the last curve drawn by astGridLine,
+* astCurve or astGenCurve.
+* Type:
+* Protected virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int CvBrk( AstPlot *this, int ibrk, double *brk, double *vbrk,
+* double *len )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* Curves drawn by astGridLine, astCurve or astGenCurve may contain breaks
+* for several reasons (for instance, it may go outside the plotting area,
+* or the mapping between physical and graphics coordinates may be
+* discontinuous). This function returns information about such breaks.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* ibrk
+* The index of the break for which information is required. The first
+* break has index 1. An error is reported if no break with the
+* required index exists. The exception to this is that zero can be
+* supplied, in which case the "brk" and "vbrk" parameters
+* are ignored, but all other information is returned.
+* brk
+* A pointer to an array of 2 elements
+* in which to return the X and Y graphics coordinates of the break.
+* vbrk
+* A pointer to an array of 2 elements
+* in which to return the X and Y components of a unit vector in the
+* graphics coordinate system. The vector is tangential to the curve
+* at the requested break, and points back along the drawn section of
+* the curve.
+* len
+* A pointer to a "double" in which to return the
+* length of the drawn curve, in the graphics coordinate system.
+* Returned Value:
+* astCvBrk()
+* The number of breaks which occurred in the curve.
+* Notes:
+* - Currently, this function may not be used to return information
+* about curves drawn using astPolyCurve.
+* - All curves contain at least two breaks; one at the start and one
+* at the end. This is true even if the start and end of the curve are
+* coincident. However, if the entire curve was outside the plotting area
+* (i.e. if the length of the drawn curve is zero), then it will have no
+* breaks.
+* - If no curve has yet been drawn by astGridLine or astCurve, then -1 is
+* returned for the function value, and the function parameter values are
+* left unchanged.
+* - The returned information refers to the most recent curve drawn by
+* astGridLine or astCurve, even if that curve was drawn by a Plot other than
+* the one supplied to this function.
+* - NULL pointers may be supplied for "brk", "vbrk" or "len", in which
+* case the corresponding values are not returned.
+* - Zero is returned by this function if an error has already occurred,
+* or if this function should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int ret; /* The number of breaks in the curve. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Information about the most recent curve drawn by astGridLine or astCurve is
+ stored in the external structure "Curve_data". Get the number of breaks
+ in the last curve. This is initialised to -1 in astInitPlot when the
+ virtual function table for this class is initialised. */
+ ret = Curve_data.nbrk;
+/* If a curve has been drawn, store the length of the drawn curve if
+ required. */
+ if( ret != -1 ){
+ if( len ) *len = (double) Curve_data.length;
+/* If a legal break index has been supplied, return the position and
+ direction at the requested break (if required). */
+ if( ibrk > 0 && ibrk <= ret ){
+ if( brk ){
+ brk[ 0 ] = (double) Curve_data.xbrk[ ibrk - 1 ];
+ brk[ 1 ] = (double) Curve_data.ybrk[ ibrk - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( vbrk ){
+ vbrk[ 0 ] = (double) Curve_data.vxbrk[ ibrk - 1 ];
+ vbrk[ 1 ] = (double) Curve_data.vybrk[ ibrk - 1 ];
+ }
+/* If an illegal break index has been supplied (other than zero), report
+ an error, and set the number of breaks to zero. */
+ } else if( ibrk ){
+ if( ret > 0 ){
+ astError( AST__BDBRK, "astCvBrk(%s): The supplied break index "
+ "(%d) should be in the range [1,%d].", status, astGetClass(this),
+ ibrk, ret );
+ ret = 0;
+ } else {
+ astError( AST__BDBRK, "astCvBrk(%s): The most recent curve "
+ "plotted by method astGridLine or astCurve had no breaks.", status,
+ astGetClass(this) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, return 0. */
+ if( !astOK ) ret = 0;
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static void CrvLine( AstPlot *this, double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CrvLine
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a straight line between two points, with clipping.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void CrvLine( AstPlot *this, double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb,
+* const char *method, const char *class )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This functions draws a straight line from (xa,ya) to (xb,yb), breaking
+* the line at the edges of the plotting area defined by Crv_xlo, Crv_xhi,
+* Crv_ylo and Crv_yhi if Crv_clip is non-zero. If the line does not start
+* at the end of the previous line plotted by this function, then
+* information describing the break in the curve is stored in external
+* arrays.
+* Parameters:
+* xa
+* The graphics X coordinate at the start of the line.
+* ya
+* The graphics Y coordinate at the start of the line.
+* xb
+* The graphics X coordinate at the end of the line.
+* yb
+* The graphics Y coordinate at the end of the line.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* External Variables:
+* Crv_ink = int (Read)
+* If zero then no line is drawn even if the line intersects the
+* plotting space, but break information (etc) is still returned.
+* Crv_clip = double (Read)
+* Clip lines at boundary of plotting space?
+* Crv_xlo = double (Read)
+* Lower x limit of the plotting space.
+* Crv_xhi = double (Read)
+* Upper x limit of the plotting space.
+* Crv_ylo = double (Read)
+* Lower y limit of the plotting space.
+* Crv_yhi = double (Read)
+* Upper y limit of the plotting space.
+* Crv_tol = double (Read)
+* The tolerance for determining if 2 points are coincident.
+* Crv_out = int (Read/Write)
+* Returned as zero if the line intersects the plotting space.
+* Unchanged otherwise.
+* Crv_xbrk = float * (Read/Write)
+* Pointer to the next available element in an array of AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK
+* values containing the graphics X coordinates at which each break
+* in the plotted curve occurred. A break is recorded if the starting
+* point of the current line is not the same as the end point of
+* the previous line.
+* Crv_ybrk = float * (Read/Write)
+* Pointer to the next available element in an array of AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK
+* values containing the graphics Y coordinates at which each break
+* in the plotted curve occurred.
+* Crv_vxbrk = float * (Read/Write)
+* Pointer to the next available element in an array of AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK
+* values containing the X component of the unit vector (within the
+* graphics coordinate system) parallel to the tangent to the curve
+* at each break. The sense is such that the vector always points back
+* along the plotted section of the curve.
+* Crv_vybrk = float * (Read/Write)
+* Pointer to the next available element in an array of AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK
+* values containing the Y component of the unit vector parallel to
+* the tangent to the curve at each break.
+* Crv_nbrk = int (Write)
+* The number of breaks for which information is returned in Crv_xbrk,
+* etc.
+* Crv_len = float (Write)
+* The length of the section of the curve which has been drawn so far.
+* Crv_xl = double (Write)
+* The graphics X coordinate at the end of the last line drawn.
+* Crv_yl = double (Write)
+* The graphics Y coordinate at the end of the last line drawn.
+* Crv_vxl = double (Write)
+* The X component of the unit vector along the last line drawn.
+* Crv_vyl = double (Write)
+* The Y component of the unit vector along the last line drawn.
+* Grf_alpha = float (Read)
+* The factor for scaling graphics X axis values into equal scaled
+* X axis values.
+* Grf_beta = float (Read)
+* The factor for scaling graphics Y axis values into equal scaled
+* Y axis values.
+/* local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ double a1; /* Distance from B to the lower x boundary */
+ double a2; /* Distance from B to the upper x boundary */
+ double a3; /* Distance from B to the lower y boundary */
+ double a4; /* Distance from B to the upper y boundary */
+ double aamax; /* Distance from supplied point B to the plotable point A */
+ double aamin; /* Distance from supplied point B to the plotable point B */
+ double dl; /* Length of plotted line segment */
+ double dx; /* Difference in x between supplied points */
+ double dy; /* Difference in y between supplied points */
+ double t; /* Temporary storage */
+ double xam; /* Modified xa position */
+ double xbm; /* Modified xb position */
+ double yam; /* Modified ya position */
+ double ybm; /* Modified yb position */
+ int plot; /* True if a line can be plotted */
+/* Check inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ dl = 0.0;
+ xam = 0.0;
+ xbm = 0.0;
+ yam = 0.0;
+ ybm = 0.0;
+/* Store the shifts in x and y. */
+ dx = xb - xa;
+ dy = yb - ya;
+/* Do nothing if the line is of zero length. */
+ if( dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0 ) return;
+/* If either end is outside the zone, replace the given coordinates with
+ the end coordinates of the section of the line which lies within the
+ zone. */
+ if( Crv_clip && ( xa < Crv_xlo || xa > Crv_xhi ||
+ xb < Crv_xlo || xb > Crv_xhi ||
+ ya < Crv_ylo || ya > Crv_yhi ||
+ yb < Crv_ylo || yb > Crv_yhi ) ){
+/* Find the distance from point B towards point A at which the
+ line cuts the two x bounds of the zone (distance at point B is
+ 0.0, and at point A is 1.0). */
+ if( dx != 0.0 ){
+ a1 = ( xb - Crv_xlo )/dx;
+ a2 = ( xb - Crv_xhi )/dx;
+/* Ensure that a1 represents the highest plottable offset, and a2 the
+ lowest. */
+ if( a1 < a2 ){
+ t = a1;
+ a1 = a2;
+ a2 = t;
+ }
+/* If the line joining A and B is vertical... */
+ } else {
+/* If the line is within the plottable x range, indicate that all
+ offsets are plottable (as far as the x range is concerned at least). */
+ if( ( xa > Crv_xlo || astEQUALS( xa, Crv_xlo, 1.0E8 ) ) &&
+ ( xa < Crv_xhi || astEQUALS( xa, Crv_xhi, 1.0E8 ) ) ){
+ a1 = DBL_MAX;
+ a2 = -DBL_MAX;
+/* If the line is ouside the plottable x range, indicate that no
+ offsets are plottable. */
+ } else {
+ a1 = 0.0;
+ a2 = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Find the fractional distance from point A to point B at which the
+ line cuts the two y bounds of the zone. */
+ if( dy != 0.0 ){
+ a3 = ( yb - Crv_ylo )/dy;
+ a4 = ( yb - Crv_yhi )/dy;
+/* Ensure that a3 represents the highest plottable offset, and a4 the
+ lowest. */
+ if( a3 < a4 ){
+ t = a3;
+ a3 = a4;
+ a4 = t;
+ }
+/* If the line joining A and B is horizontal... */
+ } else {
+/* If the line is within the plottable y range, indicate that all
+ offsets are plottable (as far as the y range is concerned at least). */
+ if( ( ya > Crv_ylo || astEQUALS( ya, Crv_ylo, 1.0E8 ) ) &&
+ ( ya < Crv_yhi || astEQUALS( ya, Crv_yhi, 1.0E8 ) ) ){
+ a3 = DBL_MAX;
+ a4 = -DBL_MAX;
+/* If the line is ouside the plottable y range, indicate that no
+ offsets are plottable. */
+ } else {
+ a3 = 0.0;
+ a4 = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Find the fractional distances from point A to point B at the ends
+ of the plotable line. */
+ aamin = astMIN( 1.0, astMAX( 0.0, astMAX( a2, a4 ) ) );
+ aamax = astMAX( 0.0, astMIN( 1.0, astMIN( a1, a3 ) ) );
+/* Store the end coordinates of the line joining the plotable points. */
+ if( aamax > aamin ){
+ xam = xb - aamax*dx;
+ yam = yb - aamax*dy;
+ xbm = xb - aamin*dx;
+ ybm = yb - aamin*dy;
+ plot = 1;
+/* Get the unit vector along the line and the length of the plotted section. */
+ dx *= Grf_alpha;
+ dy *= Grf_beta;
+ dl = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+ dx /= dl;
+ dy /= dl;
+ dl *= astMAX( 0.0, aamax - aamin );
+/* Clear the "plot" flag if the line does not intersect the plotting area. */
+ } else {
+ plot = 0;
+ }
+/* If both ends of the line are within the plotting zone, draw the whole
+ line between the supplied end points. */
+ } else {
+ xam = xa;
+ yam = ya;
+ xbm = xb;
+ ybm = yb;
+ plot = 1;
+/* Get the length of the line and the unit vector along the line. */
+ dx *= Grf_alpha;
+ dy *= Grf_beta;
+ dl = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+ dx /= dl;
+ dy /= dl;
+ }
+/* If a line is to be plotted... */
+ if( plot ){
+/* If this is the first line to be plotted in the current curve, save
+ the start of the line as a break, and indicate that some of the curve
+ falls within the plotting zone. */
+ if( Crv_out ){
+ Crv_nbrk = 1;
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) xam;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) yam;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) dx;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) dy;
+ Crv_out = 0;
+/* Set the length of the curve plotted so far to the length of this first
+ segment. */
+ Crv_len = (float) dl;
+/* Start a poly line. */
+ if( Crv_ink ) Bpoly( this, (float) xam, (float) yam, status );
+/* If this is not the first line to be plotted... */
+ } else {
+/* ... increment the length of the curve plotted so far. */
+ Crv_len += (float) dl;
+/* If the start of this line is not coincident with the end
+ of the previous line, save the previous and current positions as
+ breaks in the curve. Note, the previous vector is reversed so that
+ it points back towards the drawn section of the curve. Report an
+ error if the arrays are full. */
+ if( fabs( xam - Crv_xl ) > Crv_tol ||
+ fabs( yam - Crv_yl ) > Crv_tol ){
+ Crv_nbrk += 2;
+ if( Crv_nbrk > AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in plotted "
+ "curve exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK );
+ } else {
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) Crv_xl;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) Crv_yl;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) -Crv_vxl;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) -Crv_vyl;
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) xam;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) yam;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) dx;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) dy;
+ }
+/* Start a poly line. */
+ if( Crv_ink ) Bpoly( this, (float) xam, (float) yam, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Append a section to the current poly line. */
+ if( Crv_ink ) Apoly( this, (float) xbm, (float) ybm, status );
+/* Save the position and vector at the end of the current line. */
+ Crv_xl = xbm;
+ Crv_yl = ybm;
+ Crv_vxl = dx;
+ Crv_vyl = dy;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Curve( AstPlot *this, const double start[],
+ const double finish[], int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astCurve
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a geodesic curve.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astCurve( AstPlot *this, const double start[],
+c const double finish[] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function draws a geodesic curve between two points in the
+f This routine draws a geodesic curve between two points in the
+* physical coordinate system of a Plot. The curve drawn is the
+* path of shortest distance joining the two points (as defined by
+c the astDistance function for the current Frame of the Plot).
+f the AST_DISTANCE function for the current Frame of the Plot).
+* For example, if the current Frame is a basic Frame, then the
+* curve joining the two points will be a straight line in physical
+* coordinate space. If the current Frame is more specialised and
+* describes, for instance, a sky coordinate system, then the
+* geodesic curve would be a great circle in physical coordinate
+* space passing through the two sky positions given.
+* Note that the geodesic curve is transformed into graphical
+* coordinate space for plotting, so that a straight line in
+* physical coordinates may result in a curved line being drawn if
+* the Mapping involved is non-linear. Any discontinuities in the
+* Mapping between physical and graphical coordinates are
+c catered for, as is any clipping established using astClip.
+f catered for, as is any clipping established using AST_CLIP.
+c If you need to draw many geodesic curves end-to-end, then the
+c astPolyCurve function is equivalent to repeatedly using
+c astCurve, but will usually be more efficient.
+f If you need to draw many geodesic curves end-to-end, then the
+f AST_POLYCURVE routine is equivalent to repeatedly calling
+f AST_CURVE, but will usually be more efficient.
+c If you need to draw curves which are not geodesics, see astGenCurve
+c or astGridLine.
+f If you need to draw curves which are not geodesics, see AST_GENCURVE
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c start
+* An array, with one element for each axis of the Plot, giving
+* the physical coordinates of the first point on the geodesic
+* curve.
+c finish
+* An array, with one element for each axis of the Plot, giving
+* the physical coordinates of the second point on the geodesic
+* curve.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+c - No curve is drawn if either of the "start" or "finish" arrays
+c contains any coordinates with the value AST__BAD.
+f - No curve is drawn if either of the START or FINISH arrays
+f contains any coordinates with the value AST__BAD.
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not 2-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the
+* current and base Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the
+* Plot's TranInverse attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Store the current method, and the class of the supplied object for use
+ in error messages.*/
+ method = "astCurve";
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primitives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Draw the curve. The break information is stored in an external structure
+ where it can be accessed by public methods which return information
+ about the most recently drawn curve. */
+ CurvePlot( this, start, finish, 1, &Curve_data, method, class, status );
+/* Ensure all lines are flushed to the graphics system. */
+ Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void CurvePlot( AstPlot *this, const double *start, const double *finish,
+ int ink, AstPlotCurveData *cdata, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* CurvePlot
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a geodesic curve.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void CurvePlot( AstPlot *this, const double *start, const double *finish,
+* int ink, AstPlotCurveData *cdata, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a geodesic curve between the supplied starting and
+* finishing positions. The algorithm used can handle discontinuities in the
+* Mapping between the current Frame and graphics coordinates, and
+* information describing any breaks in the curve (including the start and
+* end of the curve) are returned in the supplied AstPlotCurveData structure.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* start
+* A pointer to a an array holding the coordinates of the start of the
+* curve within the current Frame of the Plot.
+* finish
+* A pointer to a an array holding the coordinates of the finish of the
+* curve within the current Frame of the Plot.
+* ink
+* If zero, the curve is not actually drawn, but information about
+* the breaks is still returned. If non-zero, the curve is also drawn.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to a structure in which to return information about the
+* breaks in the curve.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - No curve is draw if the "start" or "finish" arrays contains any bad
+* values, or if a NULL pointer is supplied for "cdata". No errors are
+* reported in these cases.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ double d[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Offsets to evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double x[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* X coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double y[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Y coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double tol; /* Absolute tolerance value */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+ int ok; /* Are all start coords good? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Get the number of axes in the current Frame. */
+ naxes = astGetNout( this );
+/* Check the "start" and "finish" parameter for bad values. */
+ ok = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < naxes; i++ ) {
+ if( start[ i ] == AST__BAD || finish[ i ] == AST__BAD ){
+ ok = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Check that the "cdata" pointer can be used. */
+ if( !cdata ) ok = 0;
+/* Only proceed if the parameters are OK, and there has been no error. */
+ if( ok && astOK ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__CURVE_ID, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Ensure the globals holding the scaling from graphics coords to equally
+ scaled coords are available. */
+ GScales( this, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Set up the externals used to communicate with the Map3 function...
+ The number of axes in the physical coordinate system (i.e. the current
+ Frame). */
+ Map3_ncoord = naxes;
+/* A pointer to the Plot, the Curretn Frame, and and Mapping. */
+ Map3_plot = this;
+ Map3_frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+ Map3_map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* The physical coordinates at the start of the curve. */
+ Map3_origin = start;
+/* The physical coordinates at the end of the curve. */
+ Map3_end = finish;
+/* The scale factor to convert "dist" values into physical offset values. */
+ Map3_scale = astDistance( Map3_frame, start, finish );
+/* Convert the tolerance from relative to absolute graphics coordinates. */
+ tol = astGetTol( this )*astMAX( this->xhi - this->xlo,
+ this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Now set up the external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine function. */
+ Crv_scerr = ( astGetLogPlot( this, 0 ) ||
+ astGetLogPlot( this, 1 ) ) ? 100.0 : 1.5;
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_tol = tol;
+ Crv_limit = 0.5*tol*tol;
+ Crv_map = Map3;
+ Crv_ink = ink;
+ Crv_xlo = this->xlo;
+ Crv_xhi = this->xhi;
+ Crv_ylo = this->ylo;
+ Crv_yhi = this->yhi;
+ Crv_out = 1;
+ Crv_xbrk = cdata->xbrk;
+ Crv_ybrk = cdata->ybrk;
+ Crv_vxbrk = cdata->vxbrk;
+ Crv_vybrk = cdata->vybrk;
+ Crv_clip = astGetClip( this ) & 1;
+/* Set up a list of points spread evenly over the curve. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ){
+ d[ i ] = ( (double) i)/( (double) CRV_NSEG );
+ }
+/* Map these points into graphics coordinates. */
+ Map3( CRV_NPNT, d, x, y, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Use Crv and Map3 to draw the curve. */
+ Crv( this, d, x, y, 0, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* End the current poly line. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* Tidy up the static data used by Map3. */
+ Map3( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* If no part of the curve could be drawn, set the number of breaks and the
+ length of the drawn curve to zero. */
+ if( Crv_out ) {
+ Crv_nbrk = 0;
+ Crv_len = 0.0F;
+/* Otherwise, add an extra break to the returned structure at the position of
+ the last point to be plotted. */
+ } else {
+ Crv_nbrk++;
+ if( Crv_nbrk > AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in curve "
+ "exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK );
+ } else {
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) Crv_xl;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) Crv_yl;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) -Crv_vxl;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) -Crv_vyl;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store extra information about the curve in the returned structure, and
+ purge any zero length sections. */
+ if( cdata ){
+ cdata->length = Crv_len;
+ cdata->out = Crv_out;
+ cdata->nbrk = Crv_nbrk;
+ PurgeCdata( cdata, status );
+ }
+/* Annul the Frame and Mapping. */
+ Map3_frame = astAnnul( Map3_frame );
+ Map3_map = astAnnul( Map3_map );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__CURVE_ID, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static AstPointSet *DefGap( AstPlot *this, double *gaps, int *ngood,
+ double *frac, int *inval, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* DefGap
+* Purpose:
+* Find default gap sizes for the tick marks on the axes of a 2-D
+* physical coordinate system.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPointSet *DefGap( AstPlot *this, double *gaps, int *ngood,
+* double *frac, int *inval, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function returns default gap sizes for each axis in a 2-D Frame.
+* The values are found by first obtaining a grid of points spread over
+* the region containing good physical coordinates. The physical
+* coordinate values (non-normalized) for each axis are sorted into
+* increasing order.
+* For linearly spaced tick marks, a set of quantile axis values is then
+* found, and the median of the gaps between these quantiles is returned
+* as the default gap for the axis.
+* For logarithmically spaced tick marks, the returned gap size is the
+* ratio between adjacent tick mark values, chosen to give an optimal
+* number of ticks between the maximum and minimum axis values found in
+* the grid.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* gaps
+* Pointer to an array in which to return the default gap value for
+* each axis.
+* ngood
+* Pointer to an array in which toi return the number of good
+* values in the returned PointSet for each axis.
+* frac
+* Pointer to a double in which to return the fraction of the
+* plotting area containing good physical coordinates.
+* inval
+* Pointer to a location at which to return a flag indicating if
+* any bad physical coordinates were encountered.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a PointSet holding the physical coordinate values at a
+* set of points spread across the plotting area. The values on each
+* axis are sorted into increasing order. The values will not have
+* been normalized.
+* Notes:
+* - The returned PointSet should be annulled when no longer needed.
+* - This function assumes that the physical coordinate system is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - Gap sizes of 1.0, zero good points, and a NULL pointer are returned
+* if an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail for
+* any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* Pointer to PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* Pointer to PointSet holding physical coords */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to graphics axis values */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to physical axis values */
+ double dran; /* Dynamic range */
+ double maxv; /* Maximum axis value */
+ double minv; /* Minimum axis value */
+ double qgap[ MAJTICKS_OPT ];/* Gaps between physical coordinate quantiles */
+ int dim; /* Dimension of grid */
+ int dk; /* The number of points between quantiles */
+ int i; /* The quantile index */
+ int j; /* Axis index */
+ int k; /* Index into the sorted array of axis values */
+ int logticks; /* Logarithmically spaced tick marks? */
+ int n; /* Target number fo ticks */
+ int psize; /* Total number of axis value */
+/* Initialise the returned values. */
+ gaps[ 0 ] = 1.0;
+ gaps[ 1 ] = 1.0;
+ ngood[ 0 ] = 0;
+ ngood[ 1 ] = 0;
+ *frac = 0.0;
+ *inval = 0;
+/* Check global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Get two PointSets, one holding a grid of 2D graphics coordinates,
+ and one holding the corresponding (non-normalized) physical
+ coordinates. */
+ dim = 0;
+ *frac = GoodGrid( this, &dim, &pset1, &pset2, method, class, status );
+/* Get pointers to the data values in each PointSet. */
+ ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
+/* Store the number of elements in each PointSet. */
+ psize = astGetNpoint( pset1 );
+/* For each axis... */
+ for( j = 0; j < 2 && astOK; j++ ){
+/* Sort the axis values into increasing order. Any bad values are stored at
+ the end of the array on return. */
+ qsort( (void *) ptr2[ j ], (size_t) psize, sizeof(double), Compared );
+/* Count the number of non-bad values returned. */
+ ngood[ j ] = CountGood( psize, ptr2[ j ], status );
+/* Set the returned flag to indicate if any bad values were found. */
+ if( ngood[ j ] < psize ) *inval = 1;
+/* Report an error if there are too few good points. */
+ if( ngood[ j ] < MAJTICKS_OPT ){
+ astError( AST__VSMAL, "%s(%s): The range of coordinate values "
+ "covered by axis %d is too small to plot.", status, method,
+ class, j + 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+/* Get the maximum and minimum axis value */
+ minv = ptr2[ j ][ 0 ];
+ maxv = ptr2[ j ][ ngood[ j ] - 1 ];
+/* See if ticks on this axis are spaced linearly or logarithmically. If a
+ value has been set for LogTicks used it, otherwise find a default value.
+ The default is 0 unless LogPlot is non-zero, the axis range does not
+ encompass zero and and the dynamic range is 90 or more. Set this
+ default value explicitly so that later functions will pick it up (it will
+ be cleared at the end of the astGrid function). */
+ if( astTestLogTicks( this, j ) ) {
+ logticks = astGetLogTicks( this, j );
+ } else {
+ logticks = 0;
+ if( astGetLogPlot( this, j ) && minv*maxv > 0.0 ) {
+ dran = maxv/minv;
+ if( dran >= 90.0 || dran <= 1.0/90.0 ) logticks = 1;
+ }
+ astSetLogTicks( this, j, logticks );
+ }
+/* If no value has been supplied for LogLabel use the value of LogTicks
+ as the default. */
+ if( !astTestLogLabel( this, j ) ) astSetLogLabel( this, j, logticks );
+/* For linear gaps, find the gaps between adjacent evenly spaced quantiles.
+ The number of quantiles used equals the optimal number of major tick
+ marks. */
+ if( !logticks ) {
+ dk = (int)( (double)ngood[ j ]/MAJTICKS_OPT );
+ i = 0;
+ for( k = dk; k < ngood[ j ] && i < MAJTICKS_OPT; k += dk ){
+ qgap[ i++ ] = ptr2[ j ][ k ] - ptr2[ j ][ k - dk ];
+ }
+/* Find the median of the gaps between adjacent quantiles. */
+ qsort( (void *) qgap, (size_t) i, sizeof(double), Compared );
+ gaps[ j ] = qgap[ i/2 ];
+/* If the test gap size is zero, use a fraction of the total range. Report
+ an error if the total range is zero. */
+ if( gaps[ j ] <= 0.0 ){
+ gaps[ j ] = ( ptr2[ j ][ ngood[ j ] - 1 ] - ptr2[ j ][ 0 ] )/MAJTICKS_OPT;;
+ if( gaps[ j ] <= 0.0 ){
+ astError( AST__VSMAL, "%s(%s): The range of coordinate values "
+ "covered by axis %d is too small to plot.", status, method,
+ class, j + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+/* For logarithmic gaps, use the Nth root of the ratio of the maximum and
+ minimum data value found. */
+ } else if( astOK ) {
+/* Report an error if the max and min values are of opposite signs or
+ zero or equal. */
+ if( maxv*minv <= 0.0 ) {
+ astError( AST__ZERAX, "%s(%s): The range of coordinate values "
+ "covered by axis %d includes the origin and so "
+ "logarithmic ticks cannot be produced.", status, method,
+ class, j + 1 );
+ } else if( maxv == minv ) {
+ astError( AST__VSMAL, "%s(%s): The range of coordinate values "
+ "covered by axis %d is too small to plot.", status, method,
+ class, j + 1 );
+/* Otherwise find the gap to use. */
+ } else {
+/* Store the maximum and minimum number of major tick marks along each
+ axis. These numbers are reduced if only a small part of the plotting
+ area contains valid coordinates, so that the tick marks do not end up
+ to close together. */
+ n = (int) ( 0.5 + MAJTICKS_OPT*sqrt( *frac ) );
+ if( n < 5 ) n = 5;
+/* Choose a gap size which makes this many gaps. */
+ gaps[ j ] = pow( maxv/minv, 1.0/( n - 1.0 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Annul the PointSet holding Graphics coordinates. */
+ pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+/* If an error has occurred, annul the PointSet holding physical
+ coordinates, and return gaps of 1.0. */
+ if( !astOK ) {
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+ gaps[ 0 ] = 1.0;
+ gaps[ 1 ] = 1.0;
+ ngood[ 0 ] = 0;
+ ngood[ 1 ] = 0;
+ *frac = 0.0;
+ *inval = 0;
+ }
+/* Return the physical PointSet. */
+ return pset2;
+static void DrawAxis( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, double *labelat,
+ double *gap, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* DrawAxis
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a curve joining the major tick marks.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void DrawAxis( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, double *labelat,
+* double *gap, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a curve through interior tick marks on both axes.
+* The curve is drawn even if it has already been drawn as part of a
+* grid of curves, because it may have been assigned different graphics
+* attributes to the grid curves.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to a TickInfo structure holding information about
+* tick marks on the axis. See function GridLines.
+* labelat
+* A pointer to a 2 element array giving the constant axis values at
+* which tick marks are put. Element 0 should give the axis 1 value at
+* which tick marks for axis 0 are placed. Element 1 should give the
+* axis 0 value at which tick marks for axis 1 are placed.
+* gap
+* Pointer to array of two values holding the gap between major
+* tick marks on the two axes.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes the current Frame of the Plot is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be called if this is not the case.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *frm; /* Pointer to current Frame */
+ AstPlotCurveData cdata;/* Somewhere to put the unneeded curve information */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to the TickInfo for the current axis */
+ double *value; /* Current tick value */
+ double bot; /* Lowest axis value to be displayed */
+ double diff; /* Difference between adjacent tick marks */
+ double udiff; /* Used section length */
+ double start[ 2 ]; /* The start of the curve in physical coordinates */
+ double tmp; /* Temporary storage */
+ double top; /* Highest axis value to be displayed */
+ int axis; /* Current axis index */
+ int axisid; /* ID value for current axis plotting attributes */
+ int logticks; /* Are major ticks spaced logarithmically? */
+ int tick; /* Current tick index */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Not the id value for the first axis. */
+ axisid = AST__AXIS1_ID;
+/* Get a pointer to the current Frame. */
+ frm = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Consider drawing a curve parallel to each axis in turn. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes for this axis as defined by
+ attributes with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, axisid, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Check the axis is required. */
+ if( astGetDrawAxes( this, axis ) ){
+/* If the tick marks have been placed round the edges of the plotting
+ area, we do not need to draw the curves. */
+ if( labelat[ axis ] != AST__BAD ){
+/* Get the max and min values allowed on this axis. */
+ bot = astGetBottom( frm, axis );
+ top = astGetTop( frm, axis );
+ if( bot > top ) {
+ tmp = top;
+ top = bot;
+ bot = tmp;
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along the current axis. */
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+/* Get a pointer to the axis value at the first major tick mark. */
+ value = info->ticks;
+/* See if the major tick marks are logarithmically spaced on this axis. */
+ logticks = astGetLogTicks( this, axis );
+/* Initialise the difference between major tick marks. */
+ diff = logticks ? 0.0 : gap[ axis ];
+/* Loop round all ticks. */
+ for( tick = 0; tick < info->nmajor; tick++, value++ ){
+/* Update the difference between major tick marks if we are producing
+ logarithmically spaced ticks (in which "gap" is a ratio, not a
+ difference). */
+ if( logticks ) diff = (*value)*( gap[ axis ] - 1.0 );
+/* Note the starting point for this section. */
+ start[ axis ] = *value;
+ start[ 1 - axis ] = labelat[ axis ];
+/* If this is the first tick, draw an axis section going "backwards" in
+ case the first tick isn't at the lower visible bound. Limit the length
+ of this backwards section so that it does not extend beyond the minimum
+ axis value. */
+ if( tick == 0 ) {
+ udiff = *value - bot;
+ if( udiff > diff ) udiff = diff;
+ if( udiff > 0.0 ) {
+ AxPlot( this, axis, start, -udiff, 1, &cdata, method,
+ class, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Limit the length of the section so that it does not extend beyond the
+ maximum axis value. */
+ udiff = ( *value + diff > top ) ? top - *value : diff;
+/* Do not draw zero length sections. */
+ if( udiff > 0.0 ) {
+/* Draw a curve parallel to the current axis, starting at the tick mark,
+ with length equal to the gap between tick marks. Do not draw sections
+ of the curve which are outside the primary domains of the physical axes. */
+ AxPlot( this, axis, start, udiff, 1, &cdata, method,
+ class, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Once the last section has been drawn, draw another axis section in case the
+ last tick isn't at the upper visible bound. Limit the length of this
+ section so that it does not extend beyond the maximum axis value. */
+ udiff = top - start[ axis ];
+ if( udiff > diff ) udiff = diff;
+ if( udiff > 0.0 ) {
+ AxPlot( this, axis, start, udiff, 1, &cdata, method,
+ class, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, axisid, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Set up the id value for the next axis. */
+ axisid = AST__AXIS2_ID;
+ }
+/* Free the pointer to the current Frame. */
+ frm = astAnnul( frm );
+static AstPlotCurveData **DrawGrid( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, int drawgrid,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* DrawGrid
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a grid of lines at the major tick mark positions on both axes.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPlotCurveData **DrawGrid( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, int drawgrid,
+* const char *method, const char *class )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function draw a grid of curves at the major tick mark
+* positions on both axes, and returns information describing the
+* breaks in the curves. If short tick marks are required rather
+* than long curves (as specified by the Grid attribute of the supplied
+* Plot), then the curves are not drawn but the break information is
+* still returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two pointers (one for each axis), each
+* pointing to a TickInfo structure. These describe the positions
+* of the tick marks and should have been produced by function
+* GridLines.
+* drawgrid
+* If non-zero, draw a grid of curves marking the major axis
+* values. Otherwise, tick marks will be drawn at these values later.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to an array of two AstPlotCurveData pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to an array of AstPlotCurveData structures (one for each tick
+* value).
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes that the physical coordinate system is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlotCurveData **cdata;/* The returned pointer */
+ AstPlotCurveData *cdt; /* Pointer to break info. for current tick mark */
+ AstPlotCurveData tcdt; /* Pointer to break info. for current curve section */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Tick mark information for a single axis */
+ double start[ 2 ]; /* Strting position for current curve section */
+ double total_length; /* Total curve length for all axis ticks */
+ int i; /* Axis index */
+ int j; /* Tick mark index */
+ int k; /* Curve section index */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Allocate memory to hold two pointers, each pointing to an array of
+ AstPlotCurveData structure. */
+ cdata = (AstPlotCurveData **) astMalloc( 2*sizeof( AstPlotCurveData *) );
+/* If succesful, initialise the pointers. */
+ if( astOK ){
+ cdata[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ cdata[ 1 ] = NULL;
+/* Draw the curves marking the major tick values on each axis. If no grid is
+ required, we still do this in order to get information about the breaks
+ in the curves which will be used later to decide where to put the labels,
+ but we use "invisible ink". */
+ for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
+/* Get a pointer to the TickInfo structure for this axis holding information
+ about where to put tick marks on this axis. */
+ info = grid[ i ];
+/* Allocate memory to hold information describing the breaks in each tick
+ mark curve. This takes the form of an array of AstPlotCurveData structures,
+ one for each tick mark. */
+ cdata[ i ] = (AstPlotCurveData *) astMalloc( sizeof(AstPlotCurveData)*
+ (size_t) info->nmajor );
+/* Check the pointer can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Initialise a pointer to the first AstPlotCurveData structure for this axis. */
+ cdt = cdata[ i ];
+ total_length = 0.0;
+/* Do each tick mark. */
+ for( j = 0; j < info->nmajor; j++ ){
+/* Store the starting point of the first section of the curve. */
+ start[ i ] = (info->ticks)[ j ];
+ start[ 1 - i ] = (info->start)[ 0 ];
+/* Draw the first section of the curve parallel to the other axis, starting
+ at the values in "start", and extending for a length given in the TickInfo
+ structure. We use invisible ink if short tick marks are required instead
+ of a grid of curves. */
+ AxPlot( this, 1 - i, start, (info->length)[ 0 ],
+ drawgrid, cdt, method, class, status );
+/* Now draw any other sections in the curve. */
+ for( k = 1; k < info->nsect; k++ ){
+/* Modify the starting value on the other axis. The starting value on
+ the current axis remains set to the tick mark value. */
+ start[ 1 - i ] = (info->start)[ k ];
+/* Draw the curve, the information describing the breaks goes into
+ temporary storage in the local structure "tcdt". */
+ AxPlot( this, 1 - i, start, (info->length)[ k ],
+ drawgrid, &tcdt, method, class, status );
+/* Concatenate the break information for this section with the break
+ information describing the previous sections. */
+ AddCdt( cdt, &tcdt, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Increment the total length of curves drawn for all ticks on this axis. */
+ total_length += cdt->length;
+/* Point to the AstPlotCurveData structure for the next tick mark. */
+ cdt++;
+ }
+/* Report an error if the total length of all curves on this axis is zero.
+ This can be caused for instance by bugs in the algorithm for finding
+ major tick values (which may cause AST__BAD tick mark values). */
+ if( total_length == 0.0 && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "%s(%s): No grid curves can be drawn for "
+ "axis %d.", status, method, class, i + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, clean up the returned structures. */
+ if( !astOK ) cdata = CleanCdata( cdata, status );
+/* Return. */
+ return cdata;
+static int DrawRegion( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frm, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* DrawRegion
+* Purpose:
+* Draw the outline of a Region.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int DrawRegion( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frm, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* If the current Frame in the supplied Plot is a Region, this function
+* draws a curve marking the outline of the Region. It returns without
+* action otherwise.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* frm
+* Pointer to the current Frame in the Plot (possibly a Region).
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Non-zero if and only if a Region outline was drawn.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstMapping *map; /* Mapping with Region masking included */
+ AstPlotCurveData cdata; /* Stores information about curve breaks */
+ AstRegion **comps; /* List of component Regions */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ double d[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Offsets to evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double tol; /* Absolute tolerance value */
+ double x[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* X coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double y[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Y coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int icomp; /* Index of component Region */
+ int ncomp; /* Number of component Regions */
+ int result; /* The returned value */
+/* Initialise */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Check the current Frame is a Region, and is of a class that implements
+ the astRegTrace method. */
+ if( astIsARegion( frm ) &&
+ astRegTrace( (AstRegion *) frm, 0, NULL, NULL ) ){
+/* Set up the externals used to communicate with the Map5 function...
+ The number of axes in the physical coordinate system (i.e. the
+ Region). */
+ Map5_ncoord = astGetNaxes( frm );
+/* A pointer to the Plot, the Region, and the Mapping. */
+ Map5_plot = this;
+ Map5_region = (AstRegion *) frm;
+/* Also store a pointer to the Mapping, ensuring that the Mapping does
+ not contain any masking effects from the Region. */
+ map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+ Map5_map = astRemoveRegions( map );
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+/* Convert the tolerance from relative to absolute graphics coordinates.
+ Make the tolerance smaller by a factor of 10 because Regions
+ (specifically Polygonsd) can have very crinkly edges. */
+ tol = 0.1* astGetTol( this )*astMAX( this->xhi - this->xlo,
+ this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Ensure the globals holding the scaling from graphics coords to equally
+ scaled coords are available. */
+ GScales( this, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Now set up the external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine function. */
+ Crv_scerr = ( astGetLogPlot( this, 0 ) ||
+ astGetLogPlot( this, 1 ) ) ? 100.0 : 1.5;
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_tol = tol;
+ Crv_limit = 0.5*tol*tol;
+ Crv_map = Map5;
+ Crv_ink = 1;
+ Crv_xlo = this->xlo;
+ Crv_xhi = this->xhi;
+ Crv_ylo = this->ylo;
+ Crv_yhi = this->yhi;
+ Crv_out = 1;
+ Crv_xbrk = cdata.xbrk;
+ Crv_ybrk = cdata.ybrk;
+ Crv_vxbrk = cdata.vxbrk;
+ Crv_vybrk = cdata.vybrk;
+ Crv_clip = astGetClip( this ) & 1;
+/* Attempt to split the Region into a set of disjoint component Regions. */
+ comps = astRegSplit( (AstRegion *) frm, &ncomp );
+/* Draw each one. */
+ for( icomp = 0; icomp < ncomp; icomp++ ) {
+/* A pointer to the Region. */
+ Map5_region = comps[ icomp ];
+/* Set up a list of points spread evenly over the curve. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ){
+ d[ i ] = ( (double) i)/( (double) CRV_NSEG );
+ }
+/* Map these points into graphics coordinates. */
+ Map5( CRV_NPNT, d, x, y, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Use Crv and Map5 to draw the curve. */
+ Crv( this, d, x, y, 0, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* End the current poly line. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* Tidy up the static data used by Map5. */
+ Map5( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Annul the component Region pointer. */
+ comps[ icomp ] = astAnnul( Map5_region );
+ }
+/* Free the memory holding the list of component Region pointers. */
+ comps = astFree( comps );
+/* Annul the Mapping. */
+ Map5_map = astAnnul( Map5_map );
+/* Indicate the outline was drawn. */
+ result = 1;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return result;
+static void DrawText( AstPlot *this, int ink, int esc, const char *text,
+ float x, float y, const char *just, float upx,
+ float upy, float *xbn, float *ybn, float *drop,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* DrawText
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a character string, potentially including superscripts and
+* subscripts.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void DrawText( AstPlot *this, int ink, int esc, const char *text,
+* float x, float y, const char *just, float upx,
+* float upy, float *xbn, float *ybn, float *drop,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function displays a character string at a given position
+* using a specified up-vector, optionally interpreting any Plot escape
+* sequences contained within the text. It also returns its bounding
+* box.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The plot.
+* ink
+* If zero, nothing is drawn but the bounding box is still returned.
+* esc
+* Should escape sequences be interpreted? They will be printed
+* literally otherwise.
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* x
+* The graphics X coordinate of the label's reference point.
+* y
+* The graphics Y coordinate of the label's reference point.
+* just
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string identifying the
+* reference point for the text being drawn. The first character in
+* this string identifies the reference position in the "up" direction
+* and may be "M", "B", "C" or "T" (for bottom, baseline, centre or
+* top). The second character identifies the side-to-side reference
+* position and may be "L", "C" or "R" (for left, centre or right). The
+* string is case-insensitive, and only the first two characters are
+* significant.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text. Positive values
+* always refer to displacements from left to right on the screen,
+* even if the graphics x axis increases in the opposite sense.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text. Positive values
+* always refer to displacements from left to right on the screen,
+* even if the graphics y axis increases in the opposite sense.
+* xbn
+* An array in which is returned the x coordinates at the corners
+* of the bounding box. The order is: bottom left, top left, top
+* right, bottom right.
+* ybn
+* An array in which is returned the Y coordinates at the corners
+* of the bounding box (see xbn).
+* drop
+* Address of a float in which to return the distance between the
+* bottom of the bounding box and the baseline of normal text. May
+* be NULL.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - The "B" option for the justification in the "up" direction refers
+* to the base-line on which the text is written. Some characters
+* ("y", "p", "g", etc) descend below this line. In addition, if the
+* supplied text string includes any escape sequences which produce
+* sub-scripts, then these will also descend below the base-line. To
+* justify the bottom of the entire string (instead of just the
+* base-line), specify "M" instead of "B" in the justification string.
+* - See function astFindEscape for details of the supported escape
+* sequences.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char *a;
+ char *lt;
+ char cc;
+ const char *lj;
+ double ncol;
+ double nfont;
+ double nsize;
+ double nstyle;
+ double nwidth;
+ float alpha_hi;
+ float alpha_lo;
+ float beta_lo;
+ float beta_hi;
+ float cy;
+ float cx;
+ float dy;
+ float dx;
+ float height;
+ float hmx;
+ float hmy;
+ float ly;
+ float lx;
+ float rx;
+ float rlen;
+ float rise;
+ float rxu;
+ float ryu;
+ float ry;
+ float tdrop;
+ float tybn[ 4 ];
+ float txbn[ 4 ];
+ float ulen;
+ float uyu;
+ float uxu;
+ float uy;
+ float ux;
+ float width;
+ float x0;
+ float y0;
+ int estype;
+ int esval;
+ int got_esc;
+ int grfcap;
+ int i;
+ int nc;
+/* Check the global error status, and that we have something to plot, and
+ the reference position is good, and that the up vector is not zero. */
+ if ( !astOK || !text || !text[ 0 ] || x == AST__BAD || y == AST__BAD ||
+ ( upx == 0.0 && upy == 0.0 ) ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Initialise variables to avoid compiler warnings. */
+ rx = 0.0f;
+ ry = 0.0f;
+ x0 = 0.0f;
+ y0 = 0.0f;
+/* Get an up vector which refers to the graphics coordinates in their correct
+ senses (the supplied values are reversed if the corresponding axis is
+ reversed). */
+ ux = ( this->xrev ) ? -upx : upx;
+ uy = ( this->yrev ) ? -upy : upy;
+/* Find a vector which points from left to right along the text
+ baseline, taking account of any difference in the scales of the x
+ and y axes (is possible). This also scales the up vector so that it
+ has a length equal to the height of normal text, and scales the right
+ vector to have the same length (on the screen) as the up vector. */
+ RightVector( this, &ux, &uy, &rx, &ry, method, class, status );
+/* Create a unit right vector. */
+ rlen = sqrt( rx*rx + ry*ry );
+ rxu = rx/rlen;
+ ryu = ry/rlen;
+/* Create a unit up vector. */
+ ulen = sqrt( ux*ux + uy*uy );
+ uxu = ux/ulen;
+ uyu = uy/ulen;
+/* Some older GRF modules cannot plot strings with vertical justification
+ of "M". Check the capabilities of the grf module, and, if necessary,
+ modify the justification and the coords of the reference point to use
+ "B" instead of "M". This call also returns us the coords at the left
+ end of the baseline of normal text. */
+ lx = x;
+ ly = y;
+ lj = JustMB( this, esc, text, &lx, &ly, upx, upy, just, uxu, uyu, rxu,
+ ryu, &x0, &y0, method, class, status );
+/* Initialise the horizontal and verical limits of the total bounding box. */
+ alpha_lo = FLT_MAX;
+ alpha_hi = -FLT_MAX;
+ beta_lo = FLT_MAX;
+ beta_hi = -FLT_MAX;
+/* Tell the grf module whether or not to interpret escape sequences,and
+ also note if the grf module is capable of interpreting escape
+ sequences. */
+ grfcap = GCap( this, GRF__ESC, esc, status );
+/* Forget the horizontal position remembered by any "%h+" escape sequences
+ from any previous string. */
+ this->hmarkx = FLT_MAX;
+ this->hmarky = FLT_MAX;
+/* If escape sequences are being interpreted and the string contains some
+ escape sequences, but the grf module cannot interpret escape sequences,
+ split the supplied text up into sub-strings delimited by escape sequences
+ and plot each sub-string individually, modifying the reference point and
+ graphics attributes as indicated by the escape sequences. */
+ if( esc && HasEscapes( text, status ) && !grfcap ) {
+/* Take a copy of the supplied text so that we can temporarily terminate
+ each sub-string by poking a null (0) character into it. */
+ lt = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) text, strlen( text ) + 1 );
+/* Indicate that the current baseline is at its normal height. */
+ rise = 0.0;
+/* Get the graphical attribute values for normal text. */
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, AST__BAD, &nsize, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, AST__BAD, &nwidth, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, AST__BAD, &nfont, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, AST__BAD, &nstyle, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, AST__BAD, &ncol, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* The "concatenation point" (cx,cy) is the point where the normal baseline
+ crosses the left hand edge of the substring bounding box. Initialise
+ this to the left edge of the first substring. */
+ cx = x0;
+ cy = y0;
+/* Loop round the whole string, drawing each sub-string. */
+ a = lt;
+ while( *a && astOK ) {
+/* Examine the start of the remaining string and note if it begins with
+ an escape sequence. If so, the type and value of the escape sequnece
+ is returned. In either case the number of characters to the next
+ delimiter is returned. */
+ got_esc = astFindEscape( a, &estype, &esval, &nc );
+/* If the string starts with an escaped percent sign, modify things so that
+ we can draw the percent sign with the normal text drawing code below. */
+ if( got_esc && estype == GRF__ESPER ) {
+ got_esc = 0;
+ a++;
+ nc = 1;
+ }
+/* If the string starts with any other escape sequence, modify the graphics
+ attributes and concatenation point as required by the escape sequence. */
+ if( got_esc ) {
+ InterpEscape( this, estype, (double) esval, &cx, &cy, ux, uy,
+ rx, ry, lj, &rise, nsize, nstyle, nwidth, ncol,
+ nfont, method, class, status );
+/* If the remaining string starts with normal text, draw it. */
+ } else {
+/* Temporarily terminate the sub-string which ends with the next escape
+ sequence. */
+ cc = a[ nc ];
+ a[ nc ] = 0;
+/* We now have to decide on the reference point for this sub-string. If
+ the justification is "BL" then the reference point is just the current
+ concatenation point. */
+ if( lj[ 0 ] == 'B' && lj[ 1 ] == 'L' ) {
+ lx = cx;
+ ly = cy;
+/* Otherwise, the reference point is offset from the concatenation point.
+ It would be simpler to draw all substrings with "BL" justification but
+ this causes problems with some grf modules (such as GAIA) which zoom
+ the display by modifying the position of text strings without also
+ modifying the size of text strings. Using the correct reference point
+ for all sub-strings minimises the drift which occurs when such a grf
+ modules zooms the display. */
+ } else {
+/* Find the width and height of this substring, and the distance between the
+ bottom of the bounding box and the baseline (the drop). We do this
+ by calling this function recursively, using "BL" justification to
+ avoid infinite recursion. */
+/* Forget the horizontal position remembered by any "%h+" escape sequences
+ from any previous string. Save and re-instate the position of the
+ horizontal mark since the call to DrawText may change it. */
+ hmx = this->hmarkx;
+ hmy = this->hmarky;
+ DrawText( this, 0, esc, a, cx, cy, "BL", upx, upy, txbn, tybn,
+ &tdrop, method, class, status );
+ this->hmarkx = hmx;
+ this->hmarky = hmy;
+ dx = txbn[ 0 ] - txbn[ 3 ];
+ dy = tybn[ 0 ] - tybn[ 3 ];
+ width = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+ dx = txbn[ 0 ] - txbn[ 1 ];
+ dy = tybn[ 0 ] - tybn[ 1 ];
+ height = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+/* First move right from the concatenation point by a fraction of the width
+ of the substring (0.5 for "C" and 1.0 for "R"). */
+ if( lj[ 1 ] == 'C' ) {
+ width *= 0.5;
+ } else if( lj[ 1 ] != 'R' ) {
+ width = 0;
+ }
+ lx = cx + rxu*width;
+ ly = cy + ryu*width;
+/* Now move vertically by an amount which produes the requested vertical
+ justification. */
+ if( lj[ 0 ] == 'T' ) {
+ height -= tdrop;
+ lx += height*uxu;
+ ly += height*uyu;
+ } else if( lj[ 0 ] == 'C' ) {
+ height = 0.5*height - tdrop;
+ lx += height*uxu;
+ ly += height*uyu;
+ } else if( lj[ 0 ] == 'M' ) {
+ lx -= tdrop*uxu;
+ ly -= tdrop*uyu;
+ }
+ }
+/* Draw it, and then find its real bounding box (i.e. using the correct
+ reference position found above). */
+ if( ink ) GText( this, a, lx, ly, lj, upx, upy, method, class, status );
+ GTxExt( this, a, lx, ly, lj, upx, upy, txbn, tybn, method, class, status );
+/* Re-instate the orignal value of the terminator character.*/
+ a[ nc ] = cc;
+/* Move the concatenation point to the right (i.e. in the direction of the text
+ baseline) by an amount equal to the width of the bounding box. Also
+ update the total bounding box limits.*/
+ UpdateConcat( txbn, tybn, ux, uy, rx, ry, &cx, &cy,
+ x0, y0, &alpha_lo, &alpha_hi, &beta_lo, &beta_hi, status );
+ }
+/* Move on to the next character. */
+ a += nc;
+ }
+/* Free resources. */
+ lt = astFree( lt );
+/* Reset all attributes to their normal values. */
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, nsize, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, nwidth, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, ncol, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, nfont, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, nstyle, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* If any escape sequences can be interpreted by the grf module, just pass
+ the text string on to the grf module. */
+ } else {
+ if( ink ) GText( this, text, lx, ly, lj, upx, upy, method, class, status );
+ GTxExt( this, text, lx, ly, lj, upx, upy, txbn, tybn, method, class, status );
+/* The corners in the bounding box returned by GTxExt are in no
+ particular order. But this function is contracted to return them
+ in a specified order. So we use UpdateConcat to find the verical and
+ horizontal limits of the box in a form which can be used to produce
+ the correct order. UpdateConcat will also update the concatenation point,
+ but that is irrelevant in this context. */
+ UpdateConcat( txbn, tybn, ux, uy, rx, ry, &lx, &ly, x0, y0, &alpha_lo,
+ &alpha_hi, &beta_lo, &beta_hi, status );
+ }
+/* Return the total bounding box,in the order bottom left, topleft, top
+ right, bottom right. */
+ xbn[ 0 ] = x0 + alpha_lo*ux + beta_lo*rx;
+ ybn[ 0 ] = y0 + alpha_lo*uy + beta_lo*ry;
+ xbn[ 1 ] = x0 + alpha_hi*ux + beta_lo*rx;
+ ybn[ 1 ] = y0 + alpha_hi*uy + beta_lo*ry;
+ xbn[ 2 ] = x0 + alpha_hi*ux + beta_hi*rx;
+ ybn[ 2 ] = y0 + alpha_hi*uy + beta_hi*ry;
+ xbn[ 3 ] = x0 + alpha_lo*ux + beta_hi*rx;
+ ybn[ 3 ] = y0 + alpha_lo*uy + beta_hi*ry;
+/* Return the drop. */
+ if( drop ) *drop = -alpha_lo*ulen;
+/* Free memory.*/
+ lj = astFree( (void *) lj );
+/* If OK, update the box containing all drawn graphics primitives. */
+ if( ink && astOK && !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = astMIN( xbn[ i ], Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] );
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = astMAX( xbn[ i ], Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = astMIN( ybn[ i ], Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] );
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = astMAX( ybn[ i ], Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ }
+static void DrawTicks( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, int drawgrid,
+ double *labelat, double *gap, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* DrawTicks
+* Purpose:
+* Draw tick marks for a 2-D annotated coordinate grid.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void DrawTicks( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, int drawgrid,
+* double *labelat, double *gap, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws major and minor tick marks. It uses a different
+* technique depending on whether the tick marks are to be put along the
+* edges of the plotting area, or along a curve through the middle of the
+* plotting area. The physical axis values at which to put tick marks
+* are supplied in parameter "grid".
+* If the ticks are placed on the edges of the plotting area, The
+* EdgeCrossings function is used to find all points along the edge which
+* have a physical axis value correspoinding to a tick value (there can in
+* general be more than one point on an edge with a given physical axis
+* value). Ticks are put at all such crossings.
+* If ticks are placed within the plotting area, then they are put
+* along a curve defined by the "other axis" values supplied in
+* parameter "labelat".
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to a TickInfo structure holding information about
+* tick marks on the axis. See function GridLines.
+* drawgrid
+* If non-zero, then a grid of curves has been drawn to mark the
+* major axis values.
+* labelat
+* A pointer to a 2 element array in holding the constant axis
+* values at which tick marks are to be put. Element 0 should hold
+* the axis 1 value at which tick marks for axis 0 are placed. Element
+* 1 should hold the axis 0 value at which tick marks for axis
+* 1 are placed. If ticks are to be placed round the edges of the
+* plotting zone instead of within the plotting zone, then values of
+* AST__BAD should be supplied.
+* gap
+* Pointer to array of two values holding the gap between major
+* tick marks on the two axes. This will be the difference between,
+* or the ratio of, adjacent tick mark values, depending on the
+* setting of the LogTicks attribute.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes the current Frame of the Plot is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be called if this is not the case.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to current Frame in Plot */
+ AstMapping *mapping; /* Pointer to graphics->physical Mapping */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* Pointer to PointSet holding physical coords. */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* Pointer to PointSet holding graphics coords. */
+ AstPointSet *pset3; /* Pointer to PointSet holding clipped graphics coords. */
+ EdgeCrossingsStatics *ecstatics = NULL; /* For static data structure */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to the TickInfo for the current axis */
+ double *ptr1[2]; /* Pointer to physical data */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to graphics data */
+ double **ptr3; /* Pointer to clipped graphics data */
+ double *a; /* Pointer to next current axis value */
+ double *b; /* Pointer to next other axis value */
+ double *value; /* Current tick value */
+ double *x; /* Pointer to next X value */
+ double *xc; /* Pointer to next clipped X value */
+ double *y; /* Pointer to next Y value */
+ double *yc; /* Pointer to next clipped Y value */
+ double a0; /* Physical axis value at base of tick */
+ double axmax; /* Upper axis limit */
+ double axmin; /* Lower axis limit */
+ double delta1; /* Increment between minor ticks above major tick */
+ double delta2; /* Increment between minor ticks below major tick */
+ double diff; /* Difference between adjacent major ticks */
+ double dl2; /* Squared increment between points */
+ double dl2_limit; /* Minimum usable squared increment between points */
+ double dl; /* Increment between points */
+ double dx; /* X component of increment along tick mark */
+ double dy; /* Y component of increment along tick mark */
+ double ex; /* X component of increment between points */
+ double ey; /* Y component of increment between points */
+ double lblat2; /* Other axis value part way up each tick */
+ double lblat; /* Other axis value at base of each tick */
+ double mindim; /* Shortest dimension of plotting area */
+ double minval; /* Current axis value at next minor tick */
+ double mjsign; /* Sign of the major tick mark length */
+ double mjtklen; /* Length of major tick marks */
+ double mnsign; /* Sign of the minor tick mark length */
+ double mntklen; /* Length of minor tick marks */
+ double ux; /* X component of unit vector along tick mark */
+ double uy; /* Y component of unit vector along tick mark */
+ double val; /* Major axis value */
+ double x0; /* X at base of tick */
+ double x1; /* X at end of tick */
+ double x2; /* Clipped X at base of tick */
+ double y0; /* Y at base of tick */
+ double y1; /* Y at end of tick */
+ double y2; /* Clipped Y at base of tick */
+ int *majflag; /* Pointer to next major/minor flag */
+ int *majflags; /* Pointer to aray of major/minor flags */
+ int axis; /* Current axis index */
+ int ed; /* Doing a secondary edge? */
+ int edge; /* Index of edge being ticked */
+ int first; /* Is this the first tick to be drawn? */
+ int gelid; /* ID for next graphical element to be drawn */
+ int i; /* Minor tick mark index */
+ int logticks; /* Are major tick marks logarithmically spaced? */
+ int minhi; /* Highest minor tick mark index */
+ int minlo; /* Lowest minor tick mark index */
+ int nedge; /* No. of edges to be ticked for each axis */
+ int nel; /* Actual number of tick marks to draw */
+ int ntot; /* Maximum number of tick marks */
+ int tick; /* Tick index */
+ int lasttick; /* Index of last major tick mark */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ a = NULL;
+ delta1 = 0.0;
+ delta2 = 0.0;
+ lblat2 = 0.0;
+ uy = 0.0;
+ logticks = 0;
+/* Get the minimum dimension of the plotting ares. */
+ mindim = astMIN( this->xhi - this->xlo, this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Information about the drawn tick marks is saved in the Plot structure.
+ Reset this information now so that we are ready to store information
+ about the new ticks that will be drawn by this function invocation. */
+ SaveTick( this, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0, status );
+/* If ticks are to be put round the edges of the plotting area... */
+/* ============================================================== */
+ if( labelat[ 0 ] == AST__BAD || labelat[ 1 ] == AST__BAD ){
+/* Store the number of edges to be ticked for each axis. */
+ nedge = astGetTickAll( this )? 2 : 1;
+/* Do each required edge. */
+ for( ed = 0; ed < nedge; ed++ ){
+/* Initialize the id value for graphical element being drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__TICKS1_ID;
+/* Do each axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Store the length in graphics coordinates of major tick marks for this
+ axis. Use a default of zero if a grid has been drawn. */
+ if( astTestMajTickLen( this, axis ) || !drawgrid ){
+ mjtklen = astGetMajTickLen( this, axis )*mindim;
+ } else {
+ mjtklen = 0.0;
+ }
+/* Store the length in graphics coordinates of minor tick marks. */
+ mntklen = astGetMinTickLen( this, axis )*mindim;
+/* Get the edge to be labelled with the axis values. Edge 0 is the left hand
+ edge. Edge 1 is the top edge. Edge 2 is the right-hand edge. Edge 3 is
+ the bottom edge. */
+ edge = ( astGetEdge( this, axis ) + ed*2 ) % 4;
+ if( edge < 0 ) edge = -edge;
+/* Store a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along this axis. */
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+/* Store a pointer to the axis value at the first major tick mark. */
+ value = info->ticks;
+/* Minor tick marks are drawn on both sides of each major tick mark. They
+ are identified by an index number relative to major tick mark at zero.
+ Store the indices of the first and last minor tick marks. */
+ minlo = ( 1 - info->nminor )/2;
+ minhi = info->nminor/2;
+/* If major ticks are linear, store the difference between minor tick marks.
+ This value will be the same for all major ticks. */
+ logticks = astGetLogTicks( this, axis );
+ if( !logticks ) {
+ delta1 = gap[ axis ]/(double)info->nminor;
+ delta2 = delta1;
+ }
+/* Loop round until all ticks have been done. */
+ for( tick = 0; tick < info->nmajor; tick++ ){
+/* Draw tick marks at all occurrences of the current major tick value on
+ the selected edge of the plotting area. */
+ Ticker( this, edge, axis, *value, gap, mjtklen,
+ 1, ( ed == 0 ), &ecstatics, method, class, status );
+/* If minor tick mark values were not supplied, calculate them as even
+ intervals between the major tick values. */
+ if( !info->minticks ) {
+/* If major ticks are logarithmic, store the difference between minor tick
+ marks. This value will be different for each major tick. Also, since
+ the minor ticks are drawn on either side of the major tick, the minor
+ tick spacing above the major tick will be different to that below the
+ minor tick when using logarathmic ticks. "delta1" is the minor gap
+ above the major value, and "delta2" is the minor gap below the major
+ value. */
+ if( logticks ) {
+ delta1 = (*value) * ( gap[ axis ] - 1.0 )/
+ (double)info->nminor;
+ delta2 = delta1 / gap[ axis ];
+ }
+/* Extra minor tick marks are drawn below the first major tick mark and
+ above the last major tick mark to fill in any gaps caused by axis
+ limits being exceeded. */
+ if( tick == 0 ) {
+ minlo = 1 - info->nminor;
+ } if( tick == 1 ) {
+ minlo = ( 1 - info->nminor )/2;
+ } else if( tick == info->nmajor - 1 ) {
+ minhi = info->nminor - 1;
+ }
+/* Store the axis value at the first minor tick mark. */
+ minval = *value + minlo*delta2;
+/* Loop round all the minor tick marks, storing the physical coordinates
+ defining the tick mark. */
+ for( i = minlo; i <= minhi; i++ ){
+/* Draw tick marks at all occurrences of the current minor tick value on
+ the selected edge of the plotting area. Do not do the minor tick mark
+ with index zero, since this corresponds to the position of the major
+ tick mark. */
+ if( i ) Ticker( this, edge, axis, minval, gap, mntklen,
+ 0, ( ed == 0 ), &ecstatics, method, class, status );
+/* Get the axis value at the next minor tick mark. */
+ minval += ( i < 0 ) ? delta2 : delta1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Point to the next major tick value. */
+ value++;
+ }
+/* If minor tick mark values have been supplied, used them. */
+ if( info->minticks ) {
+ value = info->minticks;
+ for( tick = 0; tick < info->nminor; tick++, value++ ){
+ Ticker( this, edge, axis, *value, gap, mntklen, 0,
+ ( ed == 0 ), &ecstatics, method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Set up the id for the next graphical element to be drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__TICKS2_ID;
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the static resources allocated within EdgeCrossings (called
+ by Ticker). */
+ (void) EdgeCrossings( NULL, 0, 0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, &ecstatics, method,
+ class, status );
+/* If ticks are to put within the interior of the plotting area... */
+/* ============================================================== */
+ } else {
+/* Get the mapping from base Frame (graphics coords) to current Frame
+ (physical coords). */
+ mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get the current Frame from the Plot. */
+ frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Initialize the id value for graphical element being drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__TICKS1_ID;
+/* Do each axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Store the length in graphics coordinates of major tick marks for this
+ axis. Use a default of zero if a grid has been drawn. */
+ if( astTestMajTickLen( this, axis ) || !drawgrid ){
+ mjtklen = astGetMajTickLen( this, axis )*mindim;
+ } else {
+ mjtklen = 0.0;
+ }
+/* Store the length in graphics coordinates of minor tick marks. */
+ mntklen = astGetMinTickLen( this, axis )*mindim;
+/* Indicate that the tick mark lengths should not be negatated. */
+ mjsign = 1.0;
+ mnsign = 1.0;
+/* Store the smallest squared distance in graphics coordinates which
+ can reliably be used to determine the direction of a tick mark. */
+ dl2_limit = 0.0001*mindim;
+ dl2_limit *= dl2_limit;
+/* Store a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along this axis. */
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+/* Store a pointer to the axis value at the first major tick mark. */
+ value = info->ticks;
+/* Get the maximum number of tick marks to be drawn on this axis. */
+ ntot = 0;
+ ntot = info->nmajor;
+ if( info->minticks ) {
+ ntot += info->nmajor + info->nminor;
+ } else {
+ ntot += ( info->nmajor + 1 )*( info->nminor - 1 );
+ }
+/* Pass on to the next axis if no ticks are to be drawn. */
+ if( ntot ) {
+/* Allocate memory to hold the physical coordinates defining all the
+ required tick marks. Each tick mark is defined by 2 points. */
+ ptr1[ 0 ] = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)(2*ntot) );
+ ptr1[ 1 ] = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)(2*ntot) );
+/* Allocate memory to hold a set of flags indicating whether each tick
+ mark is minor or major. */
+ majflags = (int *) astMalloc( sizeof(int)*(size_t)ntot );
+/* Check the pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* If the tick values have been supplied using astSetTickValues, just
+ copy them into the above arrays. */
+ if( info->minticks ) {
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ b = ptr1[ 1 - axis ];
+ majflag = majflags;
+ for( tick = 0; tick <= info->nmajor; tick++ ){
+ val = info->ticks[ tick ];
+ if( logticks ) {
+ diff = val * ( gap[ axis ] - 1.0 );
+ lblat2 = labelat[ axis ] + 0.2*diff;
+ } else {
+ lblat2 = labelat[ axis ] + 0.2*gap[ 1 - axis ];
+ }
+ *(a++) = val;
+ *(b++) = labelat[ axis ];
+ *(a++) = val;
+ *(b++) = lblat2;
+ *(majflag++) = 1;
+ }
+ for( tick = 0; tick <= info->nminor; tick++ ){
+ val = info->minticks[ tick ];
+ if( logticks ) {
+ diff = val * ( gap[ axis ] - 1.0 );
+ lblat2 = labelat[ axis ] + 0.2*diff;
+ } else {
+ lblat2 = labelat[ axis ] + 0.2*gap[ 1 - axis ];
+ }
+ *(a++) = val;
+ *(b++) = labelat[ axis ];
+ *(a++) = val;
+ *(b++) = lblat2;
+ *(majflag++) = 0;
+ }
+/* If the tick values were not supplied using astSetTickValues, then we
+ need to calculate the minor tick positions explicitly. */
+ } else {
+/* Store pointers to the next point on each axis. "a" always refers to the
+ current axis. Also store the value on the other axis at which the tick
+ marks starts, and another value on the other axis which is used to
+ defined the tick mark directions. */
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ b = ptr1[ 1 - axis ];
+ majflag = majflags;
+ lblat = labelat[ axis ];
+/* Store another value on the other axis which is used to defined the tick
+ mark directions, and the difference between minor tick marks. For
+ linearly spaced tick marks these values will be the same for all major
+ ticks. Minor ticks are always drawn above the correponding major
+ value (i.e. minlo == 1 ) and so we do not need to set delta2. */
+ logticks = astGetLogTicks( this, axis );
+ if( !logticks ) {
+ lblat2 = labelat[ axis ] + 0.2*gap[ 1 - axis ];
+ delta1 = gap[ axis ]/(double)info->nminor;
+ }
+/* Store the indices of the first and last minor tick marks, relative to
+ a major tick mark. */
+ minlo = 1;
+ minhi = info->nminor - 1;
+/* Get the axis limits. */
+ axmin = astGetBottom( frame, axis );
+ axmax = astGetTop( frame, axis );
+/* Loop round until all ticks have been done. We include a hypothetical tick
+ at index -1 (i.e. one gap below the first listed tick value) in order
+ to get minor tick marks below the first major tick. But the
+ hypothetical major tick value is not included in the list of major tick
+ values to draw. */
+ lasttick = info->nmajor - 1;
+ for( tick = -1; tick <= lasttick; tick++ ){
+/* Get the major tick value. */
+ if( tick == -1 ) {
+ if( !logticks ) {
+ val = (*value) - gap[ axis ];
+ }else {
+ val = (*value)/gap[ axis ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ val = *(value++);
+ }
+/* Now find the value on the other axis which is used to defined the tick
+ mark directions, and the difference between minor tick marks, in the
+ case of logarithmically spaced tick marks. These values will be
+ different for every major tick. Minor ticks are always drawn above the
+ correponding major value (i.e. minlo == 1 ) and so we do not need to set
+ delta2. */
+ if( logticks ) {
+ diff = val * ( gap[ axis ] - 1.0 );
+ lblat2 = labelat[ axis ] + 0.2*diff;
+ delta1 = diff / (double)info->nminor;
+ }
+/* If major tick marks are required, store the physical coordinates at the
+ start of the major tick mark, and at a point a little way up the major
+ tick mark. */
+ if( tick > -1 ){
+ *(a++) = val;
+ *(b++) = lblat;
+ *(a++) = val;
+ *(b++) = lblat2;
+ *(majflag++) = 1;
+ }
+/* Store the points defining the minor tick marks on either side of
+ this major tick mark. First store the axis value at the first minor
+ tick mark. */
+ minval = val + minlo*delta1;
+/* Loop round all the minor tick marks, storing the physical coordinates
+ defining the tick mark. */
+ for( i = minlo; i <= minhi; i++ ){
+/* Do not do the minor tick mark with index zero, since this corresponds
+ to the position of the major tick mark. Do not do any minor ticks that
+ are outside the axis range. */
+ if( i && minval >= axmin && minval <= axmax ){
+ *(a++) = minval;
+ *(b++) = lblat;
+ *(a++) = minval;
+ *(b++) = lblat2;
+ *(majflag++) = 0;
+ }
+/* Get the axis value at the next minor tick mark. */
+ minval += delta1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Adjust the size of the arrays to exclude any unused space. */
+ nel = a - ptr1[axis];
+ ptr1[axis] = (double *) astRealloc( (void *) ptr1[axis],
+ sizeof(double)*nel );
+ ptr1[1-axis] = (double *) astRealloc( (void *) ptr1[1-axis],
+ sizeof(double)*nel );
+/* Create a pointset holding these coordinates. */
+ pset1 = astPointSet( nel, 2, "", status );
+ astSetPoints( pset1, ptr1 );
+/* Transform these physical coordinates into graphics coordinates, without
+ doing any clipping (this is so that tick marks are still drawn even if
+ they extend into the area containing clipped physical coordinates). */
+ pset2 = astTransform( mapping, pset1, 0, NULL );
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
+/* Transform them again this time with clipping. */
+ pset3 = Trans( this, NULL, mapping, pset1, 0, NULL, 0, method, class, status );
+ ptr3 = astGetPoints( pset3 );
+/* Check the pointers can be used.*/
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Store pointers to the next point on each axis. */
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ x = ptr2[ 0 ];
+ y = ptr2[ 1 ];
+ xc = ptr3[ 0 ];
+ yc = ptr3[ 1 ];
+ majflag = majflags;
+/* Loop round all ticks (major and minor). */
+ ux = AST__BAD;
+ first = 1;
+ for( tick = 0; tick < nel/2; tick++ ){
+/* Store the physical axis value at the base of the tick mark (skip over
+ the physical axis value at the point up the tick mark). */
+ a0 = *(a++);
+ a++;
+/* Store the x and y coordinates at the base of the tick mark. */
+ x0 = *(x++);
+ y0 = *(y++);
+/* Store the x and y coordinates at a point up the tick mark. */
+ x1 = *(x++);
+ y1 = *(y++);
+/* Store the clipped x and y coordinates at the base of the tick mark. */
+ x2 = *(xc++);
+ y2 = *(yc++);
+/* Skip over the clipped x and y coordinates at the point up the tick mark. */
+ xc++;
+ yc++;
+/* Check they are all valid, and that the start of the tick mark is within
+ the plotting area. */
+ if( x0 != AST__BAD && y0 != AST__BAD &&
+ x1 != AST__BAD && y1 != AST__BAD &&
+ x2 != AST__BAD && y2 != AST__BAD &&
+ x0 <= this->xhi && x0 >= this->xlo &&
+ y0 <= this->yhi && y0 >= this->ylo ){
+/* Get the increments in X and Y beyween the two points, and the squared
+ distance between the two points. */
+ dx = x1 - x0;
+ dy = y1 - y0;
+ dl2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+/* Check the two points are not co-incident. */
+ if( dl2 > dl2_limit ){
+/* Store the distance between the two points. */
+ dl = sqrt( dl2 );
+/* If this is the first tick to be drawn on this axis, decide which
+ direction to draw the tick mark so that they will appear on the right
+ hand side of the axis as seen by someone moving along the axis in the
+ positive direction (the numerical labels are also drawn on the same
+ side). */
+ if( first ){
+ first = 0;
+/* If the next tick mark is not defined, make an arbitrary decision by
+ leaving the sign of the tick mark length unchanged. */
+ if( tick + 1 < nel/2 &&
+ *x != AST__BAD && *y != AST__BAD &&
+ a0 != AST__BAD && *a != AST__BAD ){
+/* Form the vector joining this tick mark to the next. */
+ ex = *x - x0;
+ ey = *y - y0;
+/* Ensure this vector is in the positive direction of the axis. */
+ if( *a < a0 ) {
+ ex = -ex;
+ ey = -ey;
+ }
+/* If a positive tick mark length would put the marks on the wrong side,
+ negate the tick mark length. */
+ if( ex*dy > ey*dx ){
+ mjsign = -1.0;
+ mnsign = -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Store the unit vector in the direction of the tick mark. This is used
+ as the default vector for the next tick mark if the direction of the
+ next tick mark is indeterminate. */
+ ux = dx/dl;
+ uy = dy/dl;
+ }
+/* Only draw this tickmark if its direction is known. */
+ if( ux != AST__BAD ) {
+/* Get the position of the end of the tick mark. The length of the tick
+ mark depends on whether it is a major or minor tick mark. */
+ if( *majflag ){
+ x1 = x0 + mjsign*mjtklen*ux;
+ y1 = y0 + mjsign*mjtklen*uy;
+ } else {
+ x1 = x0 + mnsign*mntklen*ux;
+ y1 = y0 + mnsign*mntklen*uy;
+ }
+/* Save and draw the tick mark. */
+ SaveTick( this, axis, x0, y0, *majflag, status );
+ if( x0 != x1 || y0 != y1 ) {
+ Bpoly( this, (float) x0, (float) y0, status );
+ Apoly( this, (float) x1, (float) y1, status );
+ Opoly( this, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Point to the next major/minor flag. */
+ majflag++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the memory holding the physical coordinates. */
+ ptr1[ 0 ] = (double *) astFree( ( void *) ptr1[ 0 ] );
+ ptr1[ 1 ] = (double *) astFree( ( void *) ptr1[ 1 ] );
+ majflags = (int *) astFree( (void *) majflags );
+/* Annul the PointSets. */
+ pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+ pset3 = astAnnul( pset3 );
+ }
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Set up the id for the next graphical element to be drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__TICKS2_ID;
+ }
+/* Annul the pointers to the Mapping and Frame. */
+ mapping = astAnnul( mapping );
+ frame = astAnnul( frame );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void EBuf( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+c astEBuf
+* Purpose:
+* End the current graphical buffering context.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astEBuf( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+c This function
+f This routine
+* ends the current graphics buffering context. It should match a
+* corresponding call to the
+c astBBuf function.
+f AST_EBUF routine.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - The nature of the buffering is determined by the underlying
+* graphics system (as defined by the current grf module). Each call
+c to this function
+f to this routine
+* simply invokes the astGEBuf function in the grf module.
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Invoke the active GRF EBuf function. */
+ GEBuf( this, "astEBuf", astGetClass( this ), status );
+static int EdgeLabels( AstPlot *this, int ink, TickInfo **grid,
+ AstPlotCurveData **cdata, int force, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* EdgeLabels
+* Purpose:
+* Attempts to display labels for the major tick values around the edges
+* of the plotting area.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int EdgeLabels( AstPlot *this, int ink, TickInfo **grid,
+* AstPlotCurveData **cdata, int force, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function determines how many major tick value labels could be
+* placed on the specified edges of the plotting area, and then if
+* requested, and if sufficient such labels are found (more than 3 on
+* each axis), they are drawn. To place a label on an edge, the curve
+* defining the major tick value must cross the edge at a reasonably
+* angle (at least 3 degrees). Labels are not drawn which would overlap
+* other, previously drawn, labels. A flag is returned indicating if
+* edge labels were (or could be) drawn.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* ink
+* If zero, then no labels are drawn, but the decision whether or
+* not to draw them is still made and indicated in the returned function
+* value.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to a TickInfo structure holding information about
+* tick marks on the axis. See function GridLines.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to an array of two AstPlotCurveData pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to an array of AstPlotCurveData structure (one for each
+* major tick value on the axis), holding information about breaks
+* in the curves drawn to mark the major tick values. See function
+* DrawGrid.
+* force
+* If non-zero, then an attempt is made to draw edge labels even if
+* it looks like insufficient edge labels can be produced.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* If edge labels were drawn, 1 is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to current Frame */
+ AstPlotCurveData *cdt; /* Pointer to the AstPlotCurveData for the next tick */
+ LabelList *labellist; /* Pointer to a ingle list of labels to be plotted */
+ LabelList *ll; /* Pointer to next label to be plotted */
+ LabelList *llist[2]; /* Pointers to both lists of labels to be plotted */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to the TickInfo for the current axis */
+ const char *just[ 2 ]; /* Justification string */
+ const char *text; /* Pointer to label text */
+ double edgeval; /* Axis value at the labelled edge */
+ double mindim; /* Minimum dimension of the plotting area */
+ double oppval; /* Axis value on the edge opposite to the labels */
+ double tol; /* Max. distance between a break and the edge */
+ double txtgap; /* Absolute gap between labels and edges */
+ float *box; /* Pointer to array of label bounding boxes */
+ float *vxbrk; /* X component of unit vector at current break */
+ float *vybrk; /* Y component of unit vector at current break */
+ float *xbrk; /* X coord. of current break */
+ float *ybrk; /* Y coord. of current break */
+ float xref; /* X coordinate at label's reference position */
+ float yref; /* Y coordinate at label's reference position */
+ int axis; /* Current axis index */
+ int brk; /* Current break index */
+ int edge; /* The edge to be labelled */
+ int edgeax; /* Index of axis parallel to the labelled edge */
+ int edgelabs; /* Can edge labels be produced? */
+ int esc; /* INterpret escape sequences? */
+ int gelid; /* ID for next graphical element to be drawn */
+ int ii; /* Index into existing labels */
+ int maxlab; /* Number of distinct edge labels */
+ int medge[2]; /* No. of distinct edge labels for each axis */
+ int naxlab; /* Number of edge labels */
+ int near; /* Draw a label on the near edge? */
+ int nedge[2]; /* No. of edge labels for each axis */
+ int ok; /* Can the current tick mark be labelled on the edge? */
+ int labfound; /* Label value has already been used? */
+ int tick; /* Tick index */
+ int upright; /* Draw all labels upright? */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ xref = 0.0;
+ yref = 0.0;
+/* See if escape sequences in text strings are to be interpreted. */
+ esc = astGetEscape( this );
+/* Initialise the returned flag to indicate that edge labels cannot be
+ produced. */
+ edgelabs = 0;
+/* Get the minimum dimension of the plotting ares. */
+ mindim = astMIN( this->xhi - this->xlo, this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Set up the tolerance for curve breaks occuring on an edge of
+ the plotting zone. */
+ tol = 0.005*mindim;
+/* First, we get a list of all the labels which can be produced on each
+ axis. The list includes the labels reference position in graphics
+ coordinates, and the index of the major tick value which it
+ represents. We do not yet know whether enough of the grid lines cross
+ the required edge to make it feasable to use edge labelling, so we do
+ not yet draw the labels.
+ =====================================================================*/
+/* Initialise pointers to arrays of structures holding information
+ about the labels which can be draw round the edge for both axes. */
+ llist[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ llist[ 1 ] = NULL;
+/* Indicate that no labels can yet be drawn on either axis. */
+ nedge[ 0 ] = 0;
+ nedge[ 1 ] = 0;
+/* The "nedge" array counts the number of labels on each edge. But some
+ of these labels may be for the same tick mark (if the tick mark curve has
+ more than 1 intersection with the edge). The "medge" array counts the
+ number of *distinct* tick mark labels (i.e. the number of tick mark
+ values which have 1 or more interesections with the edge). */
+ medge[ 0 ] = 0;
+ medge[ 1 ] = 0;
+/* For each axis, identify the the usable edge labels. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+/* See if labels for this axis are to be drawn upright. */
+ if( astTestLabelUp( this, axis ) ) {
+ upright = astGetLabelUp( this, axis );
+ } else {
+ upright = 1;
+ }
+/* Store the required gap between the label text and the axis. */
+ txtgap = astGetNumLabGap( this, axis )*mindim;
+/* Get the edge to be labelled with the axis values. Edge 0 is the left hand
+ edge. Edge 1 is the top edge. Edge 2 is the right-hand edge. Edge 3 is
+ the bottom edge. */
+ edge = astGetEdge( this, axis ) % 4;
+ if( edge < 0 ) edge = -edge;
+/* If edge labels for the current axis are to go on the left hand edge of
+ the plotting area... */
+ if( edge == 0 ){
+/* Choose the justification based on the sign of the text gap. */
+ if( !upright ) {
+ just[ axis ] = "BC";
+ } else if( txtgap > 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "CR";
+ } else if( txtgap < 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "CL";
+ } else {
+ just[ axis ] = "CC";
+ }
+/* Store the constant X axis value at the edge being labelled. Also store
+ the X value to use for the reference position for all labels. Take into
+ account whether or not the X axis is displayed reversed (i.e. with high
+ X values at the left hand side of the screen ). */
+ if( !this->xrev ){
+ edgeval = this->xlo;
+ oppval = this->xhi;
+ xref = (float)( edgeval - txtgap );
+ } else {
+ edgeval = this->xhi;
+ oppval = this->xlo;
+ xref = (float)( edgeval + txtgap );
+ }
+/* Indicate that the "edgeval" value refers to axis 1 (the X axis). */
+ edgeax = 1;
+/* Do the same if the labels are to go on the top edge. */
+ } else if( edge == 1 ){
+ if( txtgap > 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "BC";
+ } else if( txtgap < 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "TC";
+ } else {
+ just[ axis ] = "CC";
+ }
+ if( !this->yrev ){
+ edgeval = this->yhi;
+ oppval = this->ylo;
+ yref = (float)( edgeval + txtgap );
+ } else {
+ edgeval = this->ylo;
+ oppval = this->yhi;
+ yref = (float)( edgeval - txtgap );
+ }
+ edgeax = 0;
+/* Do the same if the labels are to go on the right-hand edge. */
+ } else if( edge == 2 ){
+ if( !upright ) {
+ just[ axis ] = "BC";
+ } else if( txtgap > 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "CL";
+ } else if( txtgap < 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "CR";
+ } else {
+ just[ axis ] = "CC";
+ }
+ if( !this->xrev ){
+ edgeval = this->xhi;
+ oppval = this->xlo;
+ xref = (float)( edgeval + txtgap );
+ } else {
+ edgeval = this->xlo;
+ oppval = this->xhi;
+ xref = (float)( edgeval - txtgap );
+ }
+ edgeax = 1;
+/* Do the same if the labels are to go on the bottom edge. */
+ } else {
+ if( txtgap > 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "TC";
+ } else if( txtgap < 0.0 ){
+ just[ axis ] = "BC";
+ } else {
+ just[ axis ] = "CC";
+ }
+ if( !this->yrev ){
+ edgeval = this->ylo;
+ oppval = this->yhi;
+ yref = (float)( edgeval - txtgap );
+ } else {
+ edgeval = this->yhi;
+ oppval = this->ylo;
+ yref = (float)( edgeval + txtgap );
+ }
+ edgeax = 0;
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along this axis. */
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ breaks in the curve which is parallel to the other axis and passes
+ through the first major tick mark. */
+ cdt = cdata[ axis ];
+/* Initialise the pointer to the list of text strings to be drawn. */
+ labellist = NULL;
+/* Initialise the number of labels which can be placed on the near edge of
+ the plotting zone (some of which may be the same). */
+ naxlab = 0;
+/* Initialise the number of distinct labelled tick mark values. */
+ maxlab = 0;
+/* Loop round each of the major tick marks on the current axis. */
+ for( tick = 0; cdt && info && tick < info->nmajor; tick++ ){
+/* Store pointers to the values giving the position and unit direction
+ vector of the curve at the first break. */
+ xbrk = cdt->xbrk;
+ ybrk = cdt->ybrk;
+ vxbrk = cdt->vxbrk;
+ vybrk = cdt->vybrk;
+/* Loop round each of the breaks in the curve which passes through the
+ current major tick mark, and is parallel to the other axis. */
+ ok = 0;
+ for( brk = 0; brk < cdt->nbrk; brk++ ){
+/* A label can be produced on the near edge of the plotting zone if the
+ current break occurs on, or close to, the edge, and the curve is not
+ nearly parallel to the axis (limit is 5 degs). */
+ near = ( ( edgeax == 0 &&
+ fabs( (double) *ybrk - edgeval ) < tol &&
+ fabs( (double) *vybrk ) > 0.09 ) ||
+ ( edgeax == 1 &&
+ fabs( (double) *xbrk - edgeval ) < tol &&
+ fabs( (double) *vxbrk ) > 0.09 ) );
+/* Get the label text. */
+ if( info->labels ) {
+ text = (info->labels)[ tick ];
+ } else {
+ text = NULL;
+ }
+/* If a label can be produced, record the information needed to draw the
+ label. */
+ if( near && text ){
+ labellist = (LabelList *) astGrow( (void *) labellist, naxlab + 1, sizeof(LabelList) );
+ if ( !astOK ) break;
+ if( edgeax == 0 ){
+ (labellist + naxlab)->index = (double) *xbrk;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->x = (double) *xbrk;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->y = (double) yref;
+ } else {
+ (labellist + naxlab)->index = (double) *ybrk;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->x = (double) xref;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->y = (double) *ybrk;
+ }
+ (labellist + naxlab)->text = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) text, strlen(text) + 1 );
+ (labellist + naxlab)->just = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) just[ axis ], strlen(just[ axis ]) + 1 );
+/* The up vector depends on which edge is being labelled and whether all
+ labels are being drawn upright or not. */
+ if( edge == 1 || edge == 3 || upright ) {
+ (labellist + naxlab)->upx = 0.0;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->upy = 1.0;
+ } else if( edge == 0 ) {
+ (labellist + naxlab)->upx = -1.0;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->upy = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ (labellist + naxlab)->upx = 1.0;
+ (labellist + naxlab)->upy = 0.0;
+ }
+ (labellist + naxlab)->val = (info->ticks)[ tick ];
+ naxlab++;
+/* If this label has not already been included in the label list, indicate
+ that we have found another usable label. */
+ labfound = 0;
+ for( ii = 0; ii < naxlab-1; ii++ ) {
+ if( fabs( (info->ticks)[ tick ] -
+ (labellist + ii)->val ) < 0.2*info->gap ) {
+ labfound = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !labfound ) ok = 1;
+ }
+/* Increment the pointers to the values giving the position and unit direction
+ vector of the next break. */
+ xbrk++;
+ ybrk++;
+ vxbrk++;
+ vybrk++;
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, break out of the loop. */
+ if( !astOK ) break;
+/* If one or more labels could be produced for this tick mark value,
+ increment the number of labeled tick marks found. */
+ if( ok ) maxlab++;
+/* Get a pointer to the curve through the next major tick mark. */
+ cdt++;
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, break out of the loop. */
+ if( !astOK ) break;
+/* Store the number of labels for this axis, and the pointer to the
+ drawable labels. */
+ nedge[ axis ] = naxlab;
+ medge[ axis ] = maxlab;
+ llist[ axis ] = labellist;
+ }
+/* We now know how many labels would be produced on each axis if edge
+ labelling were to be used. We also know what those labelled values are,
+ and where the labels would be drawn. We now take the decision as to
+ whether there are enough of these labels to make edge labelling
+ feasable. If so, we carry on and draw the labels. There need to be
+ at least 3 labels on each axis for linear tick spacing and 2 for log
+ tick spacing (or a non-zero value supplied for "force")...
+ ================================================================= */
+ if( astOK && ( ( medge[ 0 ] > ( astGetLogTicks( this, 0 ) ? 1 : 2 ) &&
+ medge[ 1 ] > ( astGetLogTicks( this, 1 ) ? 1 : 2 ) )
+ || force ) ) {
+/* Set the returned flag to indicate that edge labelling is being used. */
+ edgelabs = 1;
+/* Initialise the pointer to the memory holding the bounding boxes for
+ all labels (used by function Overlap). */
+ box = NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the current Frame in the Plot. */
+ frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Initialize the id value for graphical element being drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__NUMLAB1_ID;
+/* If required, draw the labels for each axis in turn. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2 && ink; axis++ ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 1, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Plot them. */
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+ PlotLabels( this, esc, frame, axis, llist[ axis ], info->fmt,
+ nedge[ axis ], &box, method, class, status );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 0, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Set up the id for the next graphical element to be drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__NUMLAB2_ID;
+ }
+/* Free the memory used to hold the bounding boxes. */
+ box = (float *) astFree( (void *) box );
+/* Annul the pointer to the Frame. */
+ frame = astAnnul( frame );
+ }
+/* Free the memory used to store the label information. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+ ll = llist[ axis ];
+ if( ll ) {
+ for( tick = 0; tick < nedge[ axis ]; tick ++ ) {
+ ll->text = (char *) astFree( (void *) ll->text );
+ ll->just = (char *) astFree( (void *) ll->just );
+ ll++;
+ }
+ llist[ axis ] = (LabelList *) astFree( (void *) llist[ axis ] );
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the flag indicating if edge labels were produced. */
+ return edgelabs;
+static int EdgeCrossings( AstPlot *this, int edge, int axis, double axval,
+ double *gap, double **cross,
+ EdgeCrossingsStatics **pstatics, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* EdgeCrossings
+* Purpose:
+* Find all occurrences of a given physical axis value on an edge of the
+* plotting area.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int EdgeCrossings( AstPlot *this, int edge, int axis, double axval,
+* double *gap, double **cross,
+* EdgeCrossingsStatics **pstatics,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function finds all occurences of a given physical axis value
+* along a specified edge of the plotting area. Firstly, a set of evenly
+* spaced points ("edge samples") are placed along the edge and the
+* corresponding physical coordinates are found. These physical coordinates
+* are then offset slightly from their original positions in the direction
+* of the "other" axis (i.e. index [ 1 - axis ] ), and transformed back
+* into graphics coordinates. These coordinates give the tangent vector
+* at each of the edge samples.
+* To find the crossings, the supplied axis value is compared with the axis
+* value at each sample in turn, starting from one end of the edge and
+* working through to the other end. When a crossing is found, linear
+* interpolation is used between the two adjacent edge samples to find a
+* more accurate estimate of the crossing. The vector at the crossing
+* is also estimated by linear interpolation between the vectors at the two
+* adjacent samples.
+* This basic algorithm fails if there is a discontinuity in the axis
+* values along the edge. For instance, if the edge covers a range of
+* Right Ascension from 23h to 1h, there will be a discontinuity at 0h
+* at which the RA values suddenly jump from 2*PI to zero. This jump
+* encompasses all normalised RA values and so every axis value would be
+* given a crossing at this point. To avoid this, a bad sample is
+* interposed between the two samples on either side of the
+* discontinuity. This prevents any crossings from being placed at the
+* discontinuity.
+* There is a second problem related to discontinuities. If the supplied
+* axis value is zero (using the above RA example again), then no
+* crossings will be found, not only because of the extra bad sample,
+* but also because the samples will not quite cover the range of axis
+* values covered by the discontinuity because of the discrete nature
+* of the samples). To get round this, the sections on either side
+* of the discontinity are extended by a single sample. These extra
+* samples are assumed to be conincident with the neighbouring sample,
+* except that the value for the searched axis is modified to be a
+* linear extension from the neighbouring samples.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot. Supply a NULL pointer to release resources.
+* edge
+* The edge of the plotting area to be used. Edge 0 is the left hand
+* edge. Edge 1 is the top edge. Edge 2 is the right-hand edge. Edge 3
+* is the bottom edge.
+* axis
+* The index of the axis to which "axval" refers.
+* axval
+* The physical axis value to be searched for.
+* gap
+* Pointer to array of two values holding the gap between major
+* tick marks on the two axes.
+* cross
+* A pointer to the location at which to return a pointer to an
+* array of doubles holding the crossing information. Each crossing
+* is described by 4 doubles. The first pair are the graphiucs (x,y)
+* coordinates of the point on the edge at which the crossing occurs.
+* The second pair represents a unit vector in graphics coordinates
+* which is tangential to the curve of constant axis value at the
+* crossing. The memory allocated within this function to hold this
+* data should be freed using astFree when no longer needed. If no
+* crossings are found a NULL pointer is returned.
+* pstatics
+* Address of a pointer to a structure holding values for variables
+* which were statically defined within this function prior to the
+* thread-safe version of AST. If the pointer is supplied as NULL,
+* then a new structure is allocated and initialised. Any supplied
+* structure is freed if a NULL pointer is supplied for "this".
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Return Value:
+* The number of crossings found.
+* Notes:
+* - This function allocates static resource on the first invocation
+* which should be freed when no more calls are to be made, by making a
+* final call with a NULL pointer supplied for "this". All other parameters
+* are then ignored.
+* - The static resources are re-initialised each time "edge" or
+* "axis" changes, and so the calling function should be structure in
+* order to minimise the number of times these parameter values change.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should
+* fail for any reason, zero is returned, and a NULL pointer is stored at
+* "cross".
+/* Local Variables: */
+ EdgeCrossingsStatics *statics; /* Structure holding static data */
+ AstMapping *mapping; /* Pointer to graphics->physical mapping */
+ AstPointSet *pset1a; /* Physical cooords at offset edge samples */
+ AstPointSet *pset2a; /* Physical cooords at offset edge samples */
+ AstPointSet *pset3; /* Physical cooords at offset edge samples */
+ AstPointSet *pset4a; /* Physical cooords at offset edge samples */
+ double **ptr1a; /* Pointer to physical coord. data */
+ double **ptr2a; /* Pointer to physical coord. data */
+ double **ptr3; /* Pointer to physical coord. data */
+ double **ptr4a; /* Pointer to physical coord. data */
+ double *data; /* Pointer to next item of crossing information */
+ double *p1; /* Pointer to graphics axis with constant value */
+ double *p1a; /* Pointer to graphics axis with constant value */
+ double *p2; /* Pointer to graphics axis with varying value */
+ double *p2a; /* Pointer to graphics axis with varying value */
+ double *q1; /* Pointer to physical axis being searched */
+ double *q1a; /* Pointer to physical axis being searched */
+ double *q2; /* Pointer to other physical axis */
+ double *q2a; /* Pointer to other physical axis */
+ double *v1; /* Pointer to vector component on axis 0 */
+ double *v2; /* Pointer to vector component on axis 1 */
+ double *v1a; /* Pointer to vector component on axis 0 */
+ double *v2a; /* Pointer to vector component on axis 1 */
+ double dd; /* The gap between edge samples */
+ double diff; /* Squared differences between adjacent edge samples */
+ double dl2; /* Squared vector length */
+ double dl; /* Vector length */
+ double dx; /* Vector X component */
+ double dy; /* Vector Y component */
+ double f; /* Weight for the current edge sample */
+ double offset; /* Physical offset */
+ double pp2; /* Varying graphics axis value at previous sample */
+ double pq1; /* Required physical axis value at previous sample */
+ double pv1; /* Previous vector component on axis 0 */
+ double pv2; /* Previous vector component on axis 1 */
+ double sum; /* Sum of squared differences between adjacent edge samples */
+ double value; /* The current graphics axis value */
+ double vx; /* Vector component on axis 0 at crossing */
+ double vy; /* Vector component on axis 1 at crossing */
+ double z; /* Varying graphics axis value at crossing */
+ int i; /* Edge sample index */
+ int iter; /* Iteration index */
+ int larger; /* Is current axis value larger than target? */
+ int logticks; /* Are major ticks logarithmically spaced? */
+ int ncross; /* No. of crossings */
+ int ndisc; /* No. of discontinuities along the edge */
+ int nsum; /* Number of values summed in "sum" */
+ int plarger; /* Was previous axis value larger than target? */
+/* Get a pointer to the supplied statics object. */
+ statics = *pstatics;
+/* If a NULL Plot pointer has been supplied, release the static
+ resources, and return. */
+ if( !this ){
+ if( statics ){
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ if( statics->pset4 ) statics->pset4 = astAnnul( statics->pset4 );
+ if( statics->frame ) statics->frame = astAnnul( statics->frame );
+ *pstatics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Initialise the number of crossings found, and the pointer to the place
+ to store them. */
+ ncross = 0;
+ *cross = NULL;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* If no statics structure was supplied, create one now and initialise it. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( EdgeCrossingsStatics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->frame = NULL;
+ statics->pset1 = NULL;
+ statics->pset2 = NULL;
+ statics->pset4 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr1 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr4 = NULL;
+ statics->paxis = -1;
+ statics->pedge = -1;
+ *pstatics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ pp2 = 0.0;
+ pv1 = 0.0;
+ pv2 = 0.0;
+ plarger = 0;
+/* See if the major ticks on the other axis are logarithmically or
+ linearly spaced. */
+ logticks = astGetLogTicks( this, 1 - axis );
+/* Ensure that "edge" is in the range 0 - 3. */
+ edge = edge % 4;
+ if( edge < 0 ) edge = -edge;
+/* If the edge or axis has changed since the last invocation, or if this is
+ the first invocation, initialise some static data. */
+/* ======================================================================*/
+ if( statics->pedge == -1 || statics->pedge != edge || statics->paxis != axis ){
+/* Save the edge and axis. */
+ statics->pedge = edge;
+ statics->paxis = axis;
+/* Annull any previous static data objects */
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ if( statics->pset4 ) statics->pset4 = astAnnul( statics->pset4 );
+ if( statics->frame ) statics->frame = astAnnul( statics->frame );
+/* Store some values so that the code does not need to consider each edge
+ separately. First deal with the left hand edge. */
+ if( edge == 0 ){
+ statics->edgeax = 0;
+ if( this->xrev ){
+ statics->edgeval = this->xhi;
+ } else {
+ statics->edgeval = this->xlo;
+ }
+ statics->edgehi = this->yhi;
+ statics->edgelo = this->ylo;
+/* Now deal with the right hand edge. */
+ } else if( edge == 2 ){
+ statics->edgeax = 0;
+ if( this->xrev ){
+ statics->edgeval = this->xlo;
+ } else {
+ statics->edgeval = this->xhi;
+ }
+ statics->edgehi = this->yhi;
+ statics->edgelo = this->ylo;
+/* Now deal with the bottom edge. */
+ } else if( edge == 3 ){
+ statics->edgeax = 1;
+ if( this->yrev ){
+ statics->edgeval = this->yhi;
+ } else {
+ statics->edgeval = this->ylo;
+ }
+ statics->edgehi = this->xhi;
+ statics->edgelo = this->xlo;
+/* Finally deal with the top edge. */
+ } else {
+ statics->edgeax = 1;
+ if( this->yrev ){
+ statics->edgeval = this->ylo;
+ } else {
+ statics->edgeval = this->yhi;
+ }
+ statics->edgehi = this->xhi;
+ statics->edgelo = this->xlo;
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the current Frame in the supplied Plot. */
+ statics->frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get a pointer to the mapping from base to current Frame in the supplied
+ Plot. */
+ mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the graphics coordinates at a set of
+ regularly spaced points along the specified edge of the plotting area. */
+ pset1a = astPointSet( EDGETICKS_DIM, 2, "", status );
+ ptr1a = astGetPoints( pset1a );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding physical coordinates. */
+ pset2a = astPointSet( EDGETICKS_DIM, 2, "", status );
+ ptr2a = astGetPoints( pset2a );
+/* Check they can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Set up the graphics coordinates. */
+ dd = ( statics->edgehi - statics->edgelo )/(double)( EDGETICKS_DIM - 1 );
+ value = statics->edgelo;
+ p1 = ptr1a[ statics->edgeax ];
+ p2 = ptr1a[ 1 - statics->edgeax ];
+ for( i = 0; i < EDGETICKS_DIM; i++ ){
+ *(p1++) = statics->edgeval;
+ *(p2++) = value;
+ value += dd;
+ }
+ }
+/* Transform the graphics coordinates to physical coordinates,
+ *without* normalising them into their normal ranges. */
+ (void) Trans( this, statics->frame, mapping, pset1a, 1, pset2a, 0, method, class, status );
+/* Find the RMS step size along the axis. This is used to locate
+ discontinuities along the edge. Do three rejection iterations. */
+ statics->limit = DBL_MAX;
+ for( iter = 0; iter < 3; iter ++ ){
+ q1 = ptr2a[ axis ];
+ pq1 = AST__BAD;
+ sum = 0.0;
+ nsum = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < EDGETICKS_DIM; i++ ){
+ if( *q1 != AST__BAD && pq1 != AST__BAD ){
+ diff = *q1 - pq1;
+ if( fabs( diff ) < statics->limit ){
+ sum += diff*diff;
+ nsum++;
+ }
+ }
+ pq1 = *(q1++);
+ }
+ if( nsum == 0 ) break;
+ statics->limit = 3.0*sqrt( sum/(double)nsum );
+ }
+/* Now create another PointSet holding positions slightly offset from the
+ physical coordinates at the edge samples. The offset is in the direction
+ of the other physical axis. These positions are used to determine the
+ vector at the crossings. */
+ if( nsum > 0 ){
+ pset3 = astPointSet( EDGETICKS_DIM, 2, "", status );
+ ptr3 = astGetPoints( pset3 );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding graphics coordinates. */
+ pset4a = astPointSet( EDGETICKS_DIM, 2, "", status );
+ ptr4a = astGetPoints( pset4a );
+/* Check they can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Copy the physical coordinates from PointSet 2 to PointSet 3, offseting
+ them slightly along the other axis. */
+ p1 = ptr2a[ axis ];
+ p2 = ptr2a[ 1 - axis ];
+ q1 = ptr3[ axis ];
+ q2 = ptr3[ 1 - axis ];
+ offset = 0.2*gap[ 1 - axis ];
+ pq1 = AST__BAD;
+ for( i = 0; i < EDGETICKS_DIM; i++ ){
+ if( *p1 != AST__BAD && *p2 != AST__BAD ){
+ if( logticks ) offset = 0.2*(*p2)*( gap[ 1 -axis ] - 1.0 );
+ *(q2++) = *p2 + offset;
+ } else {
+ *(q2++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ pq1 = *(p1++);
+ *(q1++) = pq1;
+ p2++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Transform the physical coordinates to graphics coordinates. */
+ (void) Trans( this, NULL, mapping, pset3, 0, pset4a, 0, method, class, status );
+/* Check they can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Modify the contents of PointSet 4 to represent the unit vector in
+ graphics coordinates at each edge sample. */
+ p1 = ptr1a[ 0 ];
+ p2 = ptr1a[ 1 ];
+ q1 = ptr4a[ 0 ];
+ q2 = ptr4a[ 1 ];
+ for( i = 0; i < EDGETICKS_DIM; i++ ){
+ if( *p1 != AST__BAD && *p2 != AST__BAD &&
+ *q1 != AST__BAD && *q2 != AST__BAD ){
+ dx = *q1 - *p1;
+ dy = *q2 - *p2;
+ dl2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+ if( dl2 > 0.0 ){
+ dl = sqrt( dl2 );
+ *q1 = dx/dl;
+ *q2 = dy/dl;
+ } else {
+ *q1 = AST__BAD;
+ *q2 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *q1 = AST__BAD;
+ *q2 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ p1++;
+ p2++;
+ q1++;
+ q2++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Annul the PointSet holding offset physical cooridnates. */
+ pset3 = astAnnul( pset3 );
+/* Discontinuities in the axis values can cause problems. For instance,
+ using the above PointSets, no tick mark could be put at 0 hours RA
+ because of the discontinuity there. To get round this, 3 extra samples
+ are added at each discontinuity, the first extends the continuous section
+ which ends at the discontinuity, and the third extends the secion which
+ starts at the discontinuity. This results in the two sections overlapping
+ by one sample. The second is placed between these two and has a bad
+ axis value. It prevents crossings from being found in between the values
+ at the ends of the two sections.
+ First count the number of discontinuities in the axis values.
+ Discontinuites are defined as steps of more than 9 times the RMS step
+ size. */
+ q1 = ptr2a[ axis ];
+ pq1 = AST__BAD;
+ statics->limit *= 3.0;
+ ndisc = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < EDGETICKS_DIM; i++ ){
+ if( *q1 != AST__BAD && pq1 != AST__BAD ){
+ if( fabs( *q1 - pq1 ) > statics->limit ) ndisc++;
+ }
+ pq1 = *(q1++);
+ }
+/* Store the size of the new PointSets holding the extra samples. */
+ statics->dim = EDGETICKS_DIM + 3*ndisc;
+/* If there are no discontinuities, just clone the existing PointSets. */
+ if( !ndisc ){
+ statics->pset1 = astClone( pset1a );
+ statics->pset2 = astClone( pset2a );
+ statics->pset4 = astClone( pset4a );
+ statics->ptr1 = astGetPoints( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->ptr2 = astGetPoints( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->ptr4 = astGetPoints( statics->pset4 );
+/* Otherwise, create new PointSets. */
+ } else {
+ statics->pset1 = astPointSet( statics->dim, 2, "", status );
+ statics->ptr1 = astGetPoints( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->pset2 = astPointSet( statics->dim, 2, "", status );
+ statics->ptr2 = astGetPoints( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->pset4 = astPointSet( statics->dim, 2, "", status );
+ statics->ptr4 = astGetPoints( statics->pset4 );
+/* Set up pointers used to walk through the arrays in the original
+ PointSets and the new PointSets. */
+ p1 = statics->ptr1[ 0 ];
+ p2 = statics->ptr1[ 1 ];
+ q1 = statics->ptr2[ axis ];
+ q2 = statics->ptr2[ 1 - axis ];
+ v1 = statics->ptr4[ 0 ];
+ v2 = statics->ptr4[ 1 ];
+ p1a = ptr1a[ 0 ];
+ p2a = ptr1a[ 1 ];
+ q1a = ptr2a[ axis ];
+ q2a = ptr2a[ 1 - axis ];
+ v1a = ptr4a[ 0 ];
+ v2a = ptr4a[ 1 ];
+/* Initialise the axis value at the previous sample. */
+ pq1 = AST__BAD;
+/* Check all samples in the original PointSets. */
+ for( i = 0; i < EDGETICKS_DIM; i++ ){
+/* If this is the first point after a discontinuity... */
+ if( *q1a != AST__BAD && pq1 != AST__BAD ){
+ if( fabs( *q1a - pq1 ) > statics->limit ) {
+/* Insert an extra sample with the coordinates of the previous sample,
+ but with an axis value which is linearly extrapolated from the previous
+ samples. */
+ *(p1++) = p1a[ 0 ];
+ *(p2++) = p2a[ 0 ];
+ *(v1++) = v1a[ -1 ];
+ *(v2++) = v2a[ -1 ];
+ *(q2++) = q2a[ -1 ];
+ if( i > 1 && q1a[ -2 ] != AST__BAD ){
+ *(q1++) = 2.0*pq1 - q1a[ -2 ];
+ } else {
+ *(q1++) = pq1;
+ }
+/* Insert an extra sample with bad coordinates. */
+ *(p1++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(p2++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(v1++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(v2++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(q2++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(q1++) = AST__BAD;
+/* Insert an extra sample with the cooridnates of the current sample,
+ but with an axis value which is linearly extrapolated from the
+ subsequent samples. */
+ *(p1++) = p1a[ -1 ];
+ *(p2++) = p2a[ -1 ];
+ *(v1++) = *v1a;
+ *(v2++) = *v2a;
+ *(q2++) = *q2a;
+ if( i < EDGETICKS_DIM - 1 && q1a[ 1 ] != AST__BAD ){
+ *(q1++) = 2.0*(*q1a) - q1a[ 1 ];
+ } else {
+ *(q1++) = pq1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Save the current axis value. */
+ pq1 = *q1a;
+/* Copy the current input values to the new PointSets, and move on the next
+ point in the original PointSets. */
+ *(p1++) = *(p1a++);
+ *(p2++) = *(p2a++);
+ *(q1++) = *(q1a++);
+ *(q2++) = *(q2a++);
+ *(v1++) = *(v1a++);
+ *(v2++) = *(v2a++);
+ }
+ }
+/* Anull the original PointSets. */
+ pset4a = astAnnul( pset4a );
+/* If all the physical coordinates are bad, indicate this by setting the
+ limiting step size bad. */
+ } else {
+ statics->limit = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Anull the original PointSets. */
+ pset1a = astAnnul( pset1a );
+ pset2a = astAnnul( pset2a );
+/* Annul the pointer to the mapping from base to current Frame. */
+ mapping = astAnnul( mapping );
+ }
+/* ======================================================================*/
+/* The initialisation has now been done. Check the physical coordinate data
+ can be used. */
+ if( astOK && statics->limit != AST__BAD ){
+/* Store pointers to the graphics and physical coordinates at the first
+ edge sample. */
+ p1 = statics->ptr1[ statics->edgeax ]; /* Graphics axis with constant value */
+ p2 = statics->ptr1[ 1 - statics->edgeax ]; /* Graphics axis with varying value */
+ q1 = statics->ptr2[ axis ]; /* Physical axis values to be searched */
+ q2 = statics->ptr2[ 1 - axis ]; /* The other physical axis */
+/* Store pointers to the components of the unit vector at the first
+ edge sample. */
+ v1 = statics->ptr4[ 0 ];
+ v2 = statics->ptr4[ 1 ];
+/* Inidicate that there is currently no "previous sample". */
+ pq1 = AST__BAD;
+/* Check each point in turn... */
+ for( i = 0; i < statics->dim; i++ ){
+/* Skip this point if the physical coordinates are undefined. */
+ if( *q1 != AST__BAD && *q2 != AST__BAD ){
+/* Get a flag indicating if the required axis value has been exceeded at
+ the current edge sample. */
+ larger = ( *q1 > axval );
+/* If the state of this flag has changed since the previous edge sample,
+ and if we know where the previous sample was, we have found a
+ crossing. */
+ if( pq1 != AST__BAD && larger != plarger ){
+/* Find the distance from the previous physical axis value to the required
+ axis value, as a fraction of the distance from the previous axis value
+ to the current axis value. Since the flag has changed, we know that the
+ q1 value at this edge sample and the previous one must be different, so
+ we know that the denominator is not zero. */
+ f = ( axval - pq1 )/( *q1 - pq1 );
+/* Use linear interpolation to estimate the graphics axis value at the
+ crossing. */
+ if( f != -1.0 ){
+ z = pp2 + f*( *p2 - pp2 );
+/* Use linear interpolation to estimate the two components of the unit
+ vector at the crossing. */
+ if( *v1 != AST__BAD && pv1 != AST__BAD &&
+ *v2 != AST__BAD && pv2 != AST__BAD ){
+ vx = pv1 + f*( *v1 - pv1 );
+ vy = pv2 + f*( *v2 - pv2 );
+/* Normalise the vector. */
+ dl2 = vx*vx + vy*vy;
+ if( dl2 > 0.0 ){
+ dl = sqrt( dl2 );
+ vx /= dl;
+ vy /= dl;
+ } else {
+ vx = AST__BAD;
+ vy = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ vx = AST__BAD;
+ vy = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Grow the returned array to hold another crossing. */
+ ncross++;
+ *cross = (double *) astGrow( (void *) *cross, ncross,
+ 4*sizeof( double ) );
+/* If succesful, store the crossing. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+ data = *cross + 4*( ncross - 1 );
+ if( statics->edgeax ){
+ *(data++) = z;
+ *(data++) = statics->edgeval;
+ } else {
+ *(data++) = statics->edgeval;
+ *(data++) = z;
+ }
+ *(data++) = vx;
+ *(data++) = vy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Save the flag for use on the next pass through this loop. */
+ plarger = larger;
+ }
+/* Save the varying graphics axis value and the required physical axis
+ value at the current edge sample (also save the vector). */
+ pp2 = *p2;
+ pq1 = *q1;
+ pv1 = *v1;
+ pv2 = *v2;
+/* Point to the next edge sample. */
+ p1++;
+ p2++;
+ q1++;
+ q2++;
+ v1++;
+ v2++;
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, free the array holding the crossings, and
+ indicate that there are zero corssing. */
+ if( !astOK ) {
+ *cross = (double *) astFree( (void *) *cross );
+ ncross = 0;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ncross;
+int astFindEscape_( const char *text, int *type, int *value, int *nc, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astFindEscape
+* Purpose:
+* Check if a string starts with a graphics escape sequence.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int astFindEscape( const char *text, int *type, int *value, int *nc )
+* Description:
+* This function returns a flag indiciating if the first character in
+* the supplied string is the start of a graphics escape sequence. If
+* so, the type and associated value (if any) of the escape sequence
+* are returned in "type" and "value", and the number of characters
+* occupied by the escape sequence is returned in "nc". If the
+* supplied text string does not begin with an escape sequence, the
+* number of characters before the first escape sequence is returned in
+* "nc" (the length of the string is returned in "nc" if the string
+* contains no escape sequences).
+* This function can be used by grf modules which wish to implement
+* interpretation of escape sequences internally, rather than allowing the
+* Plot class to do the interpretation.
+* Parameters:
+* text
+* Pointer to the string to be checked.
+* type
+* Pointer to a location at which to return the type of escape
+* sequence. Each type is identified by a symbolic constant defined
+* in grf.h. The returned value is undefined if the supplied text
+* does not begin with an escape sequence.
+* value
+* Pointer to a lcation at which to return the integer value
+* associated with the escape sequence. All usable values will be
+* positive. Zero is returned if the escape sequence has no associated
+* integer. A value of -1 indicates that the attribute identified by
+* "type" should be reset to its "normal" value (as established using
+* the astGAttr function, etc). The returned value is undefined if the
+* supplied text does not begin with an escape sequence.
+* nc
+* Pointer to a location at which to return the number of
+* characters read by this call. If the text starts with an escape
+* sequence, the returned value will be the number of characters in
+* the escape sequence. Otherwise, the returned value will be the
+* number of characters prior to the first escape sequence, or the
+* length of the supplied text if no escape sequence is found.
+* Returned Value:
+* A non-zero value is returned if the supplied text starts with a
+* graphics escape sequence, and zero is returned otherwise.
+* Escape Sequences:
+* Escape sequences are introduced into the text string by a percent
+* "%" character. The following escape sequences are currently recognised
+* ("..." represents a string of one or more decimal digits):
+* %% - Print a literal "%" character.
+* %^...+ - Draw subsequent characters as super-scripts. The digits
+* "..." give the distance from the base-line of "normal"
+* text to the base-line of the super-script text, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %^+ - Draw subsequent characters with the normal base-line.
+* %v...+ - Draw subsequent characters as sub-scripts. The digits
+* "..." give the distance from the base-line of "normal"
+* text to the base-line of the sub-script text, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %v+ - Draw subsequent characters with the normal base-line
+* (equivalent to %^+).
+* %>...+ - Leave a gap before drawing subsequent characters.
+* The digits "..." give the size of the gap, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %<...+ - Move backwards before drawing subsequent characters.
+* The digits "..." give the size of the movement, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text.
+* %s...+ - Change the Size attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Size as a fraction of the
+* "normal" Size, scaled so that a value of "100" corresponds
+* to 1.0;
+* %s+ - Reset the Size attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %w...+ - Change the Width attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new width as a fraction of the
+* "normal" Width, scaled so that a value of "100" corresponds
+* to 1.0;
+* %w+ - Reset the Size attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %f...+ - Change the Font attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Font value.
+* %f+ - Reset the Font attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %c...+ - Change the Colour attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Colour value.
+* %c+ - Reset the Colour attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %t...+ - Change the Style attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Style value.
+* %t+ - Reset the Style attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %h+ - Remember the current horizontal position (see "%g+")
+* %g+ - Go to the horizontal position of the previous "%h+" (if any).
+* %- - Push the current graphics attribute values onto the top of
+* the stack (see "%+").
+* %+ - Pop attributes values of the top the stack (see "%-"). If
+* the stack is empty, "normal" attribute values are restored.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int result;
+ const char *a;
+ const char *b;
+ int nd;
+ const char *perc;
+/* Initialise */
+ result = 0;
+ *type = GRF__ESPER;
+ *value = 0;
+ *nc = 0;
+ perc = NULL;
+/* Check inherited status and supplied pointer. */
+ if( !astOK || !text ) return result;
+/* Loop round, looking for percent signs. Break out of the loop when a
+ complete escape sequence has been found and read, leaving the "b" pointer
+ pointing to the first character following the escape sequence. */
+ b = NULL;
+ a = text;
+ while( ( a = strchr( a, '%' ) ) ) {
+ perc = a;
+/* Compare the following character to each known escape sequence type. */
+ a++;
+ if( *a == '%') {
+ *type = GRF__ESPER;
+ b = a + 1;
+ break;
+ } else if( *a == '^') {
+ *type = GRF__ESSUP;
+ } else if( *a == 'v') {
+ *type = GRF__ESSUB;
+ } else if( *a == '>') {
+ *type = GRF__ESGAP;
+ } else if( *a == '<') {
+ *type = GRF__ESBAC;
+ } else if( *a == 's') {
+ *type = GRF__ESSIZ;
+ } else if( *a == 'w') {
+ *type = GRF__ESWID;
+ } else if( *a == 'f') {
+ *type = GRF__ESFON;
+ } else if( *a == 'c') {
+ *type = GRF__ESCOL;
+ } else if( *a == 'g') {
+ *type = GRF__ESG;
+ } else if( *a == 'h') {
+ *type = GRF__ESH;
+ } else if( *a == 't') {
+ *type = GRF__ESSTY;
+ } else if( *a == '-') {
+ *type = GRF__ESPSH;
+ b = a + 1;
+ break;
+ } else if( *a == '+') {
+ *type = GRF__ESPOP;
+ b = a + 1;
+ break;
+/* If the next character is illegal, skip to the next percent sign. */
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+/* The escape sequence looks legal so far, so move on to the next
+ character (if any). */
+ if( *(++a) ){
+/* If the next character is a "+" sign, the attribute needs to be reset
+ to its "normal" value. Indicate this by returning a value of "-1" (all
+ usable values will be positive). */
+ if( *a == '+' ) {
+ *value = -1;
+ b = a + 1;
+ break;
+/* Otherwise, to be a legal escape sequence, this character must be the
+ first in a sequence of digits, terminated by a "+" sign.*/
+ } else if( (nd = 0, astSscanf( a, "%d%n+", value, &nd ))) {
+ b = a + nd + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Was a usable escape sequence found at the start of the supplied text?
+ If so, return a function value of 1 and store the number of characters in
+ the escape sequence. */
+ if( b && perc == text ) {
+ result = 1;
+ *nc = b - perc;
+/* Otherwise, return the preset function value of zero. If an escape
+ sequence was found later in the text, return the number of characters
+ prior to the escape sequence. */
+ } else if( b ) {
+ *nc = perc - text;
+/* Otherwise, if no escape sequence was found, return the length of the
+ supplied text. */
+ } else {
+ *nc = strlen( text );
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static int FindMajTicks( AstMapping *map, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+ double refval, double width, double gap, double *cen, int ngood,
+ double *data, double **tick_data, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* FindMajTicks
+* Purpose:
+* Place the major tick marks for a physical coordinate axis.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int FindMajTicks( AstMapping *map, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+* double refval, double width, double gap, double *cen, int ngood,
+* double *data, double **tick_data )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The caller supplies an array of axis values (non-normalized), sorted
+* into ascending order (with any bad values at the end), together with
+* the gap size for the axis. The array of axis values is assumed to cover
+* the entire range which the axis can take within the plotting zone. The
+* first tick mark is placed just below the smallest axis value, at a
+* position which is an integral number of gaps away from the value
+* supplied in "cen" (if a value of AST__BAD is supplied for "cen" then
+* "cen = 0.0" is assumed). Notionally, tick marks are then placed at
+* intervals given by "gap" all the way upto, and just beyond, the
+* largest axis value. However, it could be that large sections of the
+* axis are not actually present within the plotting zone. For instance,
+* an RA axis covering the two hour range from 23h to 1h (centred on
+* 0h), will have some values at zero and some at 23.999.., but there
+* will be a large range inbetween these limits which is not represented
+* in the plotting area (i.e. the 22h range from 1h to 23h centred on
+* 12h). For this reason, tick marks are removed if there are no axis
+* values inbetween the tick mark and either of its neighbours. However,
+* small "holes" in the axis coverage are allowed, and ticks marks are
+* returned covering such small holes. Extra tick marks are also placed
+* at each end of the range to guard against the supplied array of axis
+* values not entirely covering the range of axis values in the plotting
+* area.
+* For SkyFrames, positions which have latitude values outside the
+* normal ranges are ignored. Longitude ranges are not checked to
+* avoid problems with CAR projections.
+* The returned tick mark values are placed into their primary domain
+* using the Norm1 method, but are NOT normalised using the astNorm
+* method for the supplied Frame. Duplicate tick marks values are
+* removed from the returned list.
+* Parameters:
+* map
+* Mapping from the Plot Base Frame to Plot Current Frame.
+* frame
+* Pointer to the Frame.
+* axis
+* Zero-based index of the axis being used.
+* refval
+* Value to use for the other axis (index [1-axis]) when placing
+* the tick mark values into their primary domain.
+* width
+* Range of used values on the other axis (index [1-axis]).
+* gap
+* The supplied value for the gaps between ticks on the axis.
+* cen
+* Pointer to the supplied axis value at which to put a central tick.
+* Other ticks will be placed evenly on either side of this tick. If
+* AST__BAD is provided, a value will be used which would put a tick
+* at an axis value of zero. The used value is returned.
+* ngood
+* The number of good values in the array pointer to by "data" (i.e.
+* values not equal to AST__BAD).
+* data
+* A pointer to an array holding sorted axis values (non-normalized)
+* covering the entire plotting area.
+* tick_data
+* A pointer to a place at which to store a pointer to an array
+* holding the returned tick mark values for the axis.
+* Returned Value:
+* The number of major tick mark values stored in the array pointer to
+* by "*tick_data".
+* Notes:
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned in "tick_data", and zero
+* is returned for the function value.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *r; /* Pointer to next tick value to be read */
+ double *ticks; /* Pointer to the axis values at the major tick marks */
+ double *w; /* Pointer to last tick value to be written */
+ double bot; /* Lowest axis value to be displayed */
+ double centre; /* The axis value at the first tick mark */
+ double delta; /* A safe distance from an axis limit */
+ double f; /* The nearest acceptable tick mark index */
+ double tmp; /* Temporary storage */
+ double top; /* Highest axis value to be displayed */
+ int inc; /* This times increase in nticks */
+ int k; /* Tick mark index */
+ int linc; /* Last times increase in nticks */
+ int lnfill; /* Last used value for nfill */
+ int nfill; /* No of tick marks to extend by at edges of coverage */
+ int nsame; /* Number of equal inc values there have been */
+ int nticks; /* Number of major tick marks used */
+ int ntnew; /* This times new value of nticks */
+ int use_nfill; /* nfill value which started this run of equal inc values */
+/* Initialise the returned pointer. */
+ *tick_data = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ nsame = 0;
+ use_nfill = 0;
+/* Decide where to put the first major tick. Use any value supplied by
+ the caller. Otherwise put it an integral number of gaps away from the
+ origin. This would result in the origin being at a major tick mark. */
+ if( cen && *cen != AST__BAD ) {
+ centre = *cen;
+ } else {
+ centre = astCentre( frame, axis, data[ 0 ], gap );
+ if( cen ) *cen = centre;
+ }
+/* Find the number of candidate tick marks assuming an nfill value of 0. */
+ nfill = 0;
+ nticks = FindMajTicks2( nfill, gap, centre, ngood, data, &ticks, status );
+/* Loop round increasing the nfill value until an unreasonably large value
+ of nfill is reached. The loop will exit early via a break statement when
+ all small holes in the axis coverage are filled in. */
+ lnfill = nfill;
+ linc = -100000;
+ while( nfill < 100 && astOK ){
+/* Increment the number of ticks added as "padding" at the edges of any
+ gaps in the coverage of axis values. */
+ nfill++;
+/* Form a new set of tick mark values using this new nfill value */
+ ticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) ticks );
+ ntnew = FindMajTicks2( nfill, gap, centre, ngood, data, &ticks, status );
+/* We need to know if the rate of increase of nticks has settled down to
+ a constant value. Inititially increasing nfill will cause the total
+ number of ticks (nticks) to increase rapidly. But this rate of
+ increase will get less as any small gaps in axis coverage are filled in.
+ We break out of the while loop when the rate of increase has settled
+ down to a constant value (indicating that only very large holes are left
+ in the axis coverage). Find the increase in the number of ticks caused by
+ the increase in the nfill value made in this loop. If this increase is the
+ same as the increase caused by the previous loop, increment the number of
+ equal increases there have been. If the increase is different to last time,
+ reset the number of equal increases to zero. */
+ inc = ntnew - nticks;
+ if( inc == linc ) {
+ nsame++;
+ } else {
+ nsame = 0;
+ use_nfill = nfill;
+ }
+/* If the past 3 increases in nfill has not caused any change in the rate
+ of increase of nticks, then re-create the ticks for the value of nfill
+ which started the current run of equal increment values, and leave the
+ loop. */
+ if( nsame == 3 ) {
+ ticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) ticks );
+ nticks = FindMajTicks2( use_nfill, gap, centre, ngood, data, &ticks, status );
+ break;
+ }
+/* Save this times values for use in the next loop. */
+ linc = inc;
+ nticks = ntnew;
+ }
+/* Remove ticks which are not within the axis ranges to be displayed.
+ Ticks which are very close to the limit are moved to a safe (but
+ visually negligable) distance away from the limit). */
+ bot = astGetBottom( frame, axis );
+ top = astGetTop( frame, axis );
+ if( bot > top ) {
+ tmp = top;
+ top = bot;
+ bot = tmp;
+ }
+ delta = 0.05*gap;
+ r = ticks;
+ for( k = 0; k < nticks; k++ ){
+ if( *r != AST__BAD ) {
+ if( fabs( *r - bot ) < delta ) {
+ *r = bot + delta;
+ } else if( fabs( *r - top ) < delta ) {
+ *r = top - delta;
+ } else if( *r < bot || *r > top ) {
+ *r = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+ r++;
+ }
+/* Use the Mapping to place each tick mark value in its primary domain.
+ This is a sort of normalization, similar but different to that performed
+ by the astNorm method. */
+ Norm1( map, axis, nticks, ticks, refval, width, status );
+/* Check for success. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Ensure that all ticks marks are offset from the "centre" value by an
+ integer multiple of the gap size. This is done by changing each tick
+ value to the closest acceptable value. Also ensure that values close to
+ zero (i.e. less than 1E-10 of the gap size) are set exactly to zero. */
+ r = ticks;
+ for( k = 0; k < nticks; k++ ){
+ if( *r != AST__BAD ) {
+ f = floor( 0.5 + ( *r - centre )/gap );
+ *r = f*gap + centre;
+ if( fabs( *r ) < 1.0E-10*gap ) *r = 0.0;
+ r++;
+ } else {
+ r++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Sort the tick values into increasing order. */
+ qsort( (void *) ticks, (size_t) nticks, sizeof(double), Compared );
+/* Remove any duplicate or BAD tick values by shuffling the higher unique
+ values down to over-write them. We subtract the centre value of both
+ tick values before comparing them for equality in order to avoid
+ unnecessarily removing tick marks in high precsion data. */
+ r = ticks + 1;
+ w = ticks;
+ for( k = 1; k < nticks && astOK; k++ ){
+ if( *r != AST__BAD && !astEQUALS( *r-centre, *w-centre, 1.0E8 ) ){
+ w++;
+ *w = *r;
+ }
+ r++;
+ }
+/* Modify the number of ticks to exclude the duplicate ones. */
+ nticks = (int) ( w - ticks ) + 1;
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, free the memory holding the major tick mark
+ values, and indicate that zero tick marks have been found. */
+ if( !astOK ){
+ ticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) ticks );
+ nticks = 0;
+ }
+/* Store the pointer to the major tick mark values. */
+ *tick_data = ticks;
+/* Return the number of major ticks. */
+ return nticks;
+static int FindMajTicks2( int nfill, double gap, double centre, int ngood,
+ double *data, double **tick_data, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* FindMajTicks2
+* Purpose:
+* Find candidate major tick marks for FindMajTicks.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int FindMajTicks2( int nfill, double gap, double centre, int ngood,
+* double *data, double **tick_data, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* A service routine for function FindMajTicks.
+* Parameters:
+* nfill
+* Number of tick marks to extend by at edges of coverage
+* gap
+* The supplied value for the gaps between ticks on the axis.
+* centre
+* The supplied axis value at which to put a central tick.
+* ngood
+* The number of good values in the array pointer to by "data" (i.e.
+* values not equal to AST__BAD).
+* data
+* A pointer to an array holding sorted axis values covering the
+* entire plotting area.
+* tick_data
+* A pointer to a place at which to store a pointer to an array
+* holding the returned tick mark values for the axis.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The number of major tick mark values stored in the array pointer to
+* by "*tick_data".
+* Notes:
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned in "tick_data", and zero
+* is returned for the function value.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *ticks; /* Pointer to the axis values at the major tick marks */
+ int i; /* Index of current axis value */
+ int j; /* Index of filled in tick */
+ int k; /* Tick mark index */
+ int klast; /* Index of the previous tick mark */
+ int nticks; /* Number of major tick marks used */
+/* Initialise the returned pointer. */
+ *tick_data = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ nticks = 0;
+/* Reserve memory to hold a reasonable number of tick mark axis values.
+ This memory is later extended as necessary. */
+ ticks = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*( 6*nfill + 14 ) );
+/* Check that the pointer can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Put the first tick marks just below the lowest axis value (in case
+ the grid did not sample the entire range of the axis). */
+ k = floor( ( data[ 0 ] - centre )/gap );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nfill; i++ ){
+ ticks[ i ] = gap*(double)( k - nfill + i ) + centre;
+ }
+ ticks[ nfill ] = gap*(double)( k ) + centre;
+/* Initialise the number of major tick marks found so far. */
+ nticks = nfill + 1;
+/* Loop round each of the remaining good ordered axis values. */
+ klast = k;
+ for( i = 1; i < ngood && astOK; i++ ) {
+/* Find the tick marks enclosing the axis value. The tick mark placed at
+ "centre" is called tick mark zero, and tick marks are indexed (positive
+ or negative) from an origin at "centre". Find the index of the more
+ negative of the two tick marks enclosing the axis value. */
+ k = floor( ( data[ i ] - centre )/gap );
+/* Ensure that the tick marks enclosing the current axis value are used.
+ Some extra tick marks are used at the start and end of any gaps in
+ the axis coverage. This is done to "fill in" small holes caused by the
+ grid of physical coordinate values not completely covering the
+ plotting area. Large holes, such as occur on an RA axis covering the 2
+ hour range from 23 hours to 1 hour are left without any tick marks in
+ them (the "hole" in this case is the 22 hours range from 1 hour to 23
+ hours). */
+ for( j = 0; j < nfill + 1; j++ ){
+ if( k - klast > nfill + 2 - j ) {
+ ticks = (double *) astGrow( ticks, nticks + 1, sizeof( double ) );
+ if( astOK ) ticks[ nticks++ ] =
+ gap*(double)( klast + nfill + 1 - j ) + centre;
+ }
+ if( k - klast > nfill - j ) {
+ ticks = (double *) astGrow( ticks, nticks + 1, sizeof( double ) );
+ if( astOK ) ticks[ nticks++ ] =
+ gap*(double)( k - nfill + j ) + centre;
+ }
+ }
+/* Save the index of the current tick mark. */
+ klast = k;
+ }
+/* Add extra tick marks beyond the end in case the grid did not sample
+ the entire range of the axis. */
+ ticks = (double *) astGrow( ticks, nticks + nfill + 1, sizeof( double ) );
+ for( i = 0; i < nfill && astOK; i++ ){
+ ticks[ nticks++ ] = gap*(double)( klast + i + 1 ) + centre;
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, free the memory holding the major tick mark
+ values, and indicate that zero tick marks have been found. */
+ if( !astOK ){
+ ticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) ticks );
+ nticks = 0;
+ }
+/* Store the pointer to the major tick mark values. */
+ *tick_data = ticks;
+/* Return the number of major ticks. */
+ return nticks;
+static int FindDPTZ( AstFrame *fr, int axis, const char *fmt,
+ const char *text, int *ndp, int *ntz, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* FindDPTZ
+* Purpose:
+* Find the number of decimal places and trailing zeros in a label.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int FindDPTZ( AstFrame *fr, int axis, const char *fmt,
+* const char *text, int *ndp, int *ntz, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied label is split into fields using the astFields method of
+* the supplied frame. The number of decimal places in the last
+* field is returned in *ndp, and the total number of trailing zeros
+* (excluding exponents) is returned in *ntz.
+* Parameters:
+* fr
+* The frame.
+* axis
+* The axis index to which the label applies.
+* fmt
+* The format string used to format the label.
+* text
+* The text of the label.
+* ndp
+* Pointer to an int in which to return the number of decimal
+* places in the final field.
+* ntz
+* Pointer to an int in which to return the number of trailing zeros.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Non-zero if and only if a non-zero digit is found in any field.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define MAXFLD 10
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char *fields[ MAXFLD ];
+ const char *a;
+ const char *dot;
+ const char *ff;
+ double junk;
+ int fnc;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int l;
+ int mxnd;
+ int nc[ MAXFLD ];
+ int nf;
+ int result;
+/* Initialise */
+ *ndp = 0;
+ *ntz = 0;
+ result = 0;
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Split the label up into fields. */
+ nf = astFields( fr, axis, fmt, text, MAXFLD, fields, nc, &junk );
+ if( nf > 0 ) {
+/* Search the last fields (assumed to be the least significant) for a
+ decimal point. */
+ ff = fields[ nf - 1 ];
+ fnc = nc[ nf - 1 ];
+ dot = strchr( ff, '.' );
+ if( dot && ( ff - dot >= fnc ) ) dot = NULL;
+/* Find the number of digits following the decimal point. */
+ if( dot ) {
+ *ndp = strspn( dot + 1, "0123456789" );
+ mxnd = fnc - ( dot - ff ) - 1;
+ if( *ndp > mxnd ) *ndp = mxnd;
+ } else {
+ *ndp = 0;
+ }
+/* Loop through all the fields, from least significant to most significant,
+ counting the number of trailing zeros. */
+ *ntz = 0;
+ for( i = nf - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ l = strspn( fields[ i ], "-+0123456789." );
+ if( l > nc[ i ] ) l = nc[ i ];
+ a = fields[ i ] + l - 1;
+ for( j = l - 1; j >= 0; j--,a-- ){
+ if( *a == '0' ) {
+ (*ntz)++;
+ } else if( isdigit( *a ) ) {
+ result = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( j >= 0 ) break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+/* Undefine local constants: */
+#undef MAXFLD
+static int FindString( int n, const char *list[], const char *test,
+ const char *text, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* FindString
+* Purpose:
+* Find a given string within an array of character strings.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int FindString( int n, const char *list[], const char *test,
+* const char *text, const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function identifies a supplied string within a supplied
+* array of valid strings, and returns the index of the string within
+* the array. The test option may not be abbreviated, but case is
+* insignificant.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of strings in the array pointed to be "list".
+* list
+* A pointer to an array of legal character strings.
+* test
+* A candidate string.
+* text
+* A string giving a description of the object, parameter,
+* attribute, etc, to which the test value refers.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages. It should
+* start with a lower case letter.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The index of the identified string within the supplied array, starting
+* at zero.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of -1 is returned if an error has already occurred, or
+* if this function should fail for any reason (for instance if the
+* supplied option is not specified in the supplied list).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret; /* The returned index */
+/* Check global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return -1;
+/* Compare the test string with each element of the supplied list. Leave
+ the loop when a match is found. */
+ for( ret = 0; ret < n; ret++ ) {
+ if( !Ustrcmp( test, list[ ret ], status ) ) break;
+ }
+/* Report an error if the supplied test string does not match any element
+ in the supplied list. */
+ if( ret >= n ) {
+ astError( AST__OPT, "%s(%s): Illegal value '%s' supplied for %s.", status,
+ method, class, test, text );
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static char *FindWord( char *ptr, const char *d, const char **p, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* FindWord
+* Purpose:
+* Return a copy of the next word in a supplied string.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* char *FindWord( char *ptr, const char *d, const char **p, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function locates the start and end of the first word in the
+* string pointed to by *p, and returns a copy of the word. The pointer
+* *p is modified to point to the start of the following word (if any).
+* The characters which delimit words are supplied in string "d".
+* Parameters:
+* ptr
+* A pointer to a character string in which to store the returned
+* word. The memory holding this string should have been allocated
+* using one of the functions in the AST "memory" module. The memory
+* area will be modified in size to fit the returned word. A NULL
+* pointer may be supplied if no memory has yet been allocated.
+* Any memory pointed to by ptr is freed if a NULL pointer is
+* returned by this function (i.e. if no word is found).
+* d
+* A string holding the characters which are to be used as word
+* delimiters.
+* p
+* The address of a character string pointer. On entry, this pointer
+* identifies the start of the string to be searched. On exit, it is
+* modified to point to the start of the following word. It is
+* returned NULL if there are no more words.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a dynamically allocated character string holding the
+* next word, or NULL if no word could be found.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *a, *b, *c;
+ char *ret;
+ int nc;
+/* Free any allocated memory and return if any of the supplied pointers
+ (except ptr) is NULL, or if an error has occurred. */
+ if( !astOK || !d || !p || !*p ) {
+ (void) astFree( (void *) ptr );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the first character which is not in "d". Terminate
+ the loop if a null character is encountered. */
+ a = *p;
+ while( *a && strchr( d, (int) *a ) ) a++;
+/* Get a pointer to the next character which is in "d". Terminate
+ the loop if a null character is encountered. */
+ b = a;
+ while( *b && !strchr( d, (int) *b ) ) b++;
+/* Get a pointer to the next character which is not in "d". Terminate
+ the loop if a null character is encountered. */
+ c = b;
+ while( *c && strchr( d, (int) *c ) ) c++;
+/* Adjust the supplied pointer so that it points to the start of the next
+ word. */
+ if( *c ){
+ *p = c;
+ } else {
+ *p = NULL;
+ }
+/* Get a null-terminated copy of the word between a and b. */
+ nc = b - a;
+ if( nc > 0 ) {
+ ret = (char *) astStore( (void *) ptr, (void *) a, (size_t) (nc + 1) );
+ ret[ nc ] = 0;
+ } else {
+ ret = astFree( (void *) ptr );
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const char *SplitValue( AstPlot *this, const char *value, int axis,
+ int *split, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* FormatValue
+* Purpose:
+* Format a coordinate value for a Frame axis.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* const char *SplitValue( AstPlot *this, const char *value,
+* int axis, int *split )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function
+* Description:
+* This function splits long formatted values (such as the date/time
+* format produced by the TimeFrame class) if possible onto two lines
+* by inclusion of Plot escape sequences.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* value
+* The formatted coordinate value.
+* axis
+* Indicates whether or not short lines should be split by
+* including a blank first line. If zero, and if "*split" is non-zero,
+* then short lines are put onto the second line,and the first line
+* is blank.
+* split
+* Pointer to an integer that controls behaviour:
+* 0 - Split the line if it is too long, and return a value of +1
+* in *split.
+* 1 - Split the line even if it does not need splitting, making
+* the first line blank and the second line containing all the
+* supplied text (*split is unchanged on exit).
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a static buffer containing a null-terminated string
+* holding the (possibly split) formatted value. This will be a copy of
+* the supplied pointer if the string does not need to be split.
+* Notes:
+* - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char *d;
+ const char *result;
+ float rsp;
+ int aft_end;
+ int aft_start;
+ int bef_end;
+ int bef_start;
+ int i;
+ int id;
+ int idmin;
+ int imin;
+ int l;
+ int naft;
+ int nbef;
+ int nlong;
+ int nshort;
+ int nsp;
+/* Initialise */
+ result = value;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Do nothing more if the formatted value already contains graphical
+ escape sequences, or if graphical escapes sequences are not being
+ interpreted. */
+ if( value && astGetEscape( this ) && !HasEscapes( value, status ) ) {
+/* Attempt to find a space close to the centre of the formatted string. */
+ l = strlen( value );
+ idmin = 2*l;
+ imin = -1;
+ for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if( isspace( value[ i ] ) ) {
+ id = abs( i - l/2 );
+ if( id < idmin ) {
+ idmin = id;
+ imin = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* We split the line if previous lines have been split (i.e. if *split was
+ non-zero on entry) or if this line is long AND it contains a space. This
+ means that a sequence of long labels will not be split unless they contain
+ spaces. */
+ if( *split || ( l > 9 && imin != -1 ) ) {
+ *split = 1;
+/* Initialse the pointer into the returned buffer at which the next
+ character will be placed. */
+ d = splitvalue_buff;
+/* If no spaces were found... */
+ if( imin == -1 ) {
+/* If axis is zero, we add a blank first line. */
+ if( axis == 0 ) {
+/* Fill the first line with spaces. */
+ for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) *(d++) = ' ';
+/* Add an escape sequence that moves down by one character height. */
+ d += sprintf( d, "%%v170+" );
+ }
+/* Add the whole of the supplied text. */
+ for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) *(d++) = value[ i ];
+/* If a space was found... */
+ } else {
+/* Find the first and last non-blank characters before the mid-space. */
+ bef_start = -1;
+ bef_end = -1;
+ for( i = 0; i < imin; i++ ) {
+ if( !isspace( value[ i ] ) ) {
+ if( bef_start == -1 ) bef_start = i;
+ bef_end = i;
+ }
+ }
+/* Find the first and last non-blank characters after the mid-space. */
+ aft_start = -1;
+ aft_end = -1;
+ for( i = imin + 1; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if( !isspace( value[ i ] ) ) {
+ if( aft_start == -1 ) aft_start = i;
+ aft_end = i;
+ }
+ }
+/* How many significant characters before and after the space? */
+ nbef = bef_end - bef_start + 1;
+ naft = aft_end - aft_start + 1;
+/* Get the lengths of the longer and shorter line. */
+ if( nbef > naft ) {
+ nlong = nbef;
+ nshort = naft;
+ } else {
+ nlong = naft;
+ nshort = nbef;
+ }
+/* Find the fractional number of spaces before the significant text of the
+ shorter line.*/
+ rsp = 0.5*( nlong - nshort + 1 );
+/* If the top line is the shorter line, put some spaces in at the start. */
+ if( nbef < naft ) {
+ nsp = (int) rsp;
+ for( i = 0; i < nsp; i++ ) *(d++) = ' ';
+ }
+/* Add the significant text from the top line. */
+ for( i = bef_start; i <= bef_end; i++ ) *(d++) = value[ i ];
+/* Add an escape sequence that moves down by one character height. */
+ d += sprintf( d, "%%v100+" );
+/* Add an escape sequence that moves to the left by the required amount. */
+ d += sprintf( d, "%%<%d+", (int) ( 60.0*( (float) nlong - rsp )) );
+/* Add the significant text from the bottom line. */
+ for( i = aft_start; i <= aft_end; i++ ) *(d++) = value[ i ];
+ }
+/* Terminate it. */
+ *d = 0;
+/* Return a pointer to the buffer. */
+ result = splitvalue_buff;
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clear the returned value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = NULL;
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static void Fpoly( AstPlot *this, const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Fpoly
+* Purpose:
+* Flush all stored poly lines to the graphics system.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Fpoly( AstPlot *this, const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function sends all previously drawn poly lines to the graphics
+* system for rendering, and frees the memory used to hold the poly
+* lines. It attempts to reduce the number of graphics calls by
+* concatenating continuous polylines together.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float xmid;
+ float xt;
+ float ymid;
+ float *xnew;
+ float *ynew;
+ int polylen;
+ float *xp1;
+ float *xp2;
+ float *yp1;
+ float *yp2;
+ float yt;
+ int *ekey;
+ int *p;
+ int *skey;
+ int *drawn;
+ int ihi;
+ int ikey;
+ int ilo;
+ int imid;
+ int ipass;
+ int ipoint;
+ int ipoly;
+ int jpoly;
+ int kpoly;
+ int *polylist;
+ int npoly;
+ int np;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Output any pending polyline. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* If there is just one polyline to output, just draw it and then free
+ the memory used to hold the polyline. */
+ if( Poly_npoly == 1 ) {
+ GLine( this, Poly_np[ 0 ], Poly_xp[ 0 ], Poly_yp[ 0 ], method, class,
+ status );
+ Poly_xp[ 0 ] = astFree( Poly_xp[ 0 ] );
+ Poly_yp[ 0 ] = astFree( Poly_yp[ 0 ] );
+ Poly_np[ 0 ] = 0;
+/* If there are multiple polylines to output, see if any of them can be
+ combined before drawing them. */
+ } else if( Poly_npoly > 1 ) {
+/* No polyline buffer allocated yet. */
+ xnew = NULL;
+ ynew = NULL;
+/* Allocate an array to hold the order in which polylines should be
+ concatenated. Each value in this array will be the index of one of the
+ original polylines. A positive index indicates that the polyline
+ should be appended in its original order. A negative index indicates
+ that the polyline should be appended in reversed order. Polyline zero
+ is always appended in its original order. */
+ polylist = astMalloc( Poly_npoly*sizeof( int ) );
+ npoly = 0;
+/* Create an array of drawn, one for each individual polyline. The flag
+ is zero if the corresponding polyline has not yet been drawn. */
+ drawn = astCalloc( Poly_npoly, sizeof( int ) );
+/* Create two sorted keys for the polylines - one that sorts them into
+ increasing x at the start of the polyline, and another that sorts them
+ into increasing x at the end of the polyline. */
+ skey = astMalloc( Poly_npoly*sizeof( int ) );
+ ekey = astMalloc( Poly_npoly*sizeof( int ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ p = skey;
+ for( ipoly = 0; ipoly < Poly_npoly; ipoly++ ) *(p++) = ipoly;
+ qsort( skey, Poly_npoly, sizeof(int), Fpoly_scmp );
+ p = ekey;
+ for( ipoly = 0; ipoly < Poly_npoly; ipoly++ ) *(p++) = ipoly;
+ qsort( ekey, Poly_npoly, sizeof(int), Fpoly_ecmp );
+ }
+/* Continue to search for separate polylines that can be combined together
+ until we know there are no more. */
+ while( astOK ) {
+/* Search for the first polyline that has not already been drawn. */
+ for( ipoly = 0; ipoly < Poly_npoly; ipoly++ ) {
+ if( !drawn[ ipoly ] ) break;
+ }
+/* Leave the loop if no more polylines remain to be plotted. */
+ if( ipoly == Poly_npoly ) break;
+/* Initialise the list of polylines to hold the polyline found above, in
+ its forward sense. */
+ polylist[ 0 ] = ipoly;
+ npoly = 1;
+ drawn[ 0 ] = 1;
+/* Initialise the concatenation point to be the end of the polyline found
+ above. Also, initialise the total number of points in the combined
+ polyline (polylen). */
+ ipoint = Poly_np[ ipoly ] - 1;
+ xt = Poly_xp[ ipoly ][ ipoint ];
+ yt = Poly_yp[ ipoly ][ ipoint ];
+ polylen = ipoint + 1;
+/* Loop until we can find no more polylines to append to the list.
+ A polyline can be appended if it starts or ends at the current
+ concatenation point. */
+ while( astOK ) {
+/* On the first pass through the next loop, search for a polyline that
+ starts at the concatenation point. If no such polyline is found, do
+ a second pass in which we search for a polyline that ends at the
+ concatenation point. Do not include any previously drawn polylines
+ in the search. */
+ for( ipass = 0; ipass < 2; ipass++ ) {
+/* We use a binary chop to find a polyline which starts (or ends) at the
+ x value of the concatenation point. */
+ jpoly = -1;
+ ilo = 0;
+ ihi = Poly_npoly - 1;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ imid = ( ilo + ihi )/2;
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ jpoly = skey[ imid ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ jpoly = ekey[ imid ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( astEQUALS( xmid, xt, 1.0E8 ) ) {
+ ikey = imid;
+ break;
+ } else if( xmid > xt ) {
+ if( ihi == imid ) {
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ jpoly = skey[ ilo ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ jpoly = ekey[ ilo ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( !astEQUALS( xmid, xt, 1.0E8 ) ) jpoly = -1;
+ ikey = ilo;
+ break;
+ }
+ ihi = imid;
+ } else {
+ if( ilo == imid ) {
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ jpoly = skey[ ihi ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ jpoly = ekey[ ihi ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( !astEQUALS( xmid, xt, 1.0E8 ) ) jpoly = -1;
+ ikey = ihi;
+ break;
+ }
+ ilo = imid;
+ }
+ }
+/* If found, there may be more than one such polyline. So we now search
+ for a polyline that also has the y value of the concatenation point. */
+ if( jpoly != -1 ) {
+/* If the polyline found above starts (or ends) at the same Y value as the
+ concatenation point, then we have found the required polyline. */
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ ymid = Poly_yp[ jpoly ][ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ ymid = Poly_yp[ jpoly ][ Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( astEQUALS( ymid, yt, 1.0E8 ) && !drawn[ jpoly ] ) break;
+ jpoly = -1;
+/* Otherwise, search down the list, starting at the polyline found above. */
+ if( imid > 0 ) {
+ for( ikey = imid - 1; ikey >= 0; ikey-- ) {
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ kpoly = skey[ ikey ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ kpoly ][ 0 ];
+ ymid = Poly_yp[ kpoly ][ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ kpoly = ekey[ ikey ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ kpoly ][ Poly_np[ kpoly ] - 1 ];
+ ymid = Poly_yp[ kpoly ][ Poly_np[ kpoly ] - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( astEQUALS( xmid, xt, 1.0E8 ) ) {
+ if( astEQUALS( ymid, yt, 1.0E8 ) && !drawn[ kpoly ] ) {
+ jpoly = kpoly;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( jpoly != -1 ) break;
+ }
+/* Now search up the list, starting at the polyline found above. */
+ if( imid < Poly_npoly - 1 ) {
+ for( ikey = imid + 1; ikey < Poly_npoly; ikey++ ) {
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ kpoly = skey[ ikey ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ kpoly ][ 0 ];
+ ymid = Poly_yp[ kpoly ][ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ kpoly = ekey[ ikey ];
+ xmid = Poly_xp[ kpoly ][ Poly_np[ kpoly ] - 1 ];
+ ymid = Poly_yp[ kpoly ][ Poly_np[ kpoly ] - 1 ];
+ }
+ if( astEQUALS( xmid, xt, 1.0E8 ) ) {
+ if( astEQUALS( ymid, yt, 1.0E8 ) && !drawn[ kpoly ] ) {
+ jpoly = kpoly;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( jpoly != -1 ) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If a polyline was found that can be combined with the total polyline,
+ increment the total number of points in the total polyline, add it to
+ the list, and update the concatenation point. Note, we can omit the
+ start or end point of the new polyline since it will already be
+ present in the total polyline, hence the " - 1 " below. */
+ if( ipass < 2 ) {
+ ipoint = Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1;
+ if( ipass == 0 ) {
+ polylist[ npoly++ ] = jpoly;
+ xt = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ ipoint ];
+ yt = Poly_yp[ jpoly ][ ipoint ];
+ } else {
+ polylist[ npoly++ ] = -jpoly;
+ xt = Poly_xp[ jpoly ][ 0 ];
+ yt = Poly_yp[ jpoly ][ 0 ];
+ }
+ polylen += ipoint;
+/* Indicate the polyline has been drawn. */
+ drawn[ jpoly ] = 1;
+/* If we cannot find any polyline that starts or ends at the
+ concatenation point, then we have completed the total polyline. So break
+ out of the loop, and move on to draw the total polyline. */
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If a single polyline is to be drawn, just draw it. */
+ if( npoly == 1 ) {
+ jpoly = polylist[ 0 ];
+ GLine( this, Poly_np[ jpoly ], Poly_xp[ jpoly ],
+ Poly_yp[ jpoly ], method, class, status );
+/* If more than one polyline is to be drawn, ensure we have arrays that
+ are large enough to hold all the vertices in the combined polyline. */
+ } else {
+ xnew = astRealloc( xnew, polylen*sizeof( float ) );
+ ynew = astRealloc( ynew, polylen*sizeof( float ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Loop round all the polylines that are to be combined to form the total
+ polyline, and copy all the vertex coordinates into the above arrays. */
+ xp1 = xnew;
+ yp1 = ynew;
+ for( ipoly = 0; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++ ) {
+/* Index of the next polyline to include in the total polyline. */
+ jpoly = polylist[ ipoly ];
+/* The jpoly value is positive if the polylline is to be inclued in its
+ original direction. */
+ if( jpoly >= 0 ) {
+/* Use the whole of the first polyline. */
+ if( ipoly == 0 ) {
+ np = Poly_np[ jpoly ];
+ xp2 = Poly_xp[ jpoly ];
+ yp2 = Poly_yp[ jpoly ];
+/* Omit eh first point of subsequent polylines since it will be the same
+ as the last pointy already in the total polyline. */
+ } else {
+ np = Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1;
+ xp2 = Poly_xp[ jpoly ] + 1;
+ yp2 = Poly_yp[ jpoly ] + 1;
+ }
+/* Copy the vertex values in their original order, and update the
+ pointers to the next element of the total polyline. */
+ memcpy( xp1, xp2, np*sizeof(float) );
+ memcpy( yp1, yp2, np*sizeof(float) );
+ xp1 += np;
+ yp1 += np;
+/* The jpoly value is negative if the polyline is to be included in its
+ reversed direction. */
+ } else {
+ jpoly = -jpoly;
+/* Get the number of points to copy. Omit the last point if this is not
+ the first polyline, since it is already in the total polyline. */
+ if( ipoly == 0 ) {
+ np = Poly_np[ jpoly ];
+ } else {
+ np = Poly_np[ jpoly ] - 1;
+ }
+/* Copy the individual values in reversed order. */
+ xp2 = Poly_xp[ jpoly ] + np - 1;
+ yp2 = Poly_yp[ jpoly ] + np - 1;
+ for( ipoint = 0; ipoint < np; ipoint++ ) {
+ *(xp1++) = *(xp2--);
+ *(yp1++) = *(yp2--);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* And finally, draw the total polyline. */
+ GLine( this, polylen, xnew, ynew, method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Free all the individual polylines. */
+ for( ipoly = 0; ipoly < Poly_npoly; ipoly++ ) {
+ Poly_xp[ ipoly ] = astFree( Poly_xp[ ipoly ] );
+ Poly_yp[ ipoly ] = astFree( Poly_yp[ ipoly ] );
+ Poly_np[ ipoly ] = 0;
+ }
+/* Free other resources. */
+ polylist = astFree( polylist );
+ drawn = astFree( drawn );
+ xnew = astFree( xnew );
+ ynew = astFree( ynew );
+ skey = astFree( skey );
+ ekey = astFree( ekey );
+ }
+/* Indicate that all polylines have been sent to the graphics system. */
+ Poly_npoly = 0;
+static int Fpoly_ecmp( const void *a, const void *b ){
+* Name:
+* Fpoly_ecmp
+* Purpose:
+* Compare two polylines ending X position
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Fpoly_ecmp( const void *a, const void *b )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function is designed to be used as a comparison function with
+* the "qsort" function. It is used in function Fpoly.
+* If orders the two polylines on the basis of the X coordinate at
+* their ends.
+* Parameters:
+* a
+* Pointer to an int holding the index of the first polyline.
+* b
+* Pointer to an int holding the index of the second polyline.
+* Returned Value:
+* -1 if the first polyline ends at a lower X than the second.
+* +1 if the first polyline ends at a higher X than the second.
+* 0 if the two polylines end at the same X.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float xa; /* X at end of first polyline */
+ float xb; /* X at end of second polyline */
+ int result = 0; /* Returned value */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Get the x coord at the end of the two polylines. */
+ xa = Poly_xp[ *( (int *) a) ][ Poly_np[ *( (int *) a) ] - 1 ];
+ xb = Poly_xp[ *( (int *) b) ][ Poly_np[ *( (int *) b) ] - 1 ];
+/* Compare them. */
+ if( xa < xb ) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else if( xa > xb ){
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int Fpoly_scmp( const void *a, const void *b ){
+* Name:
+* Fpoly_scmp
+* Purpose:
+* Compare two polylines starting X position
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Fpoly_scmp( const void *a, const void *b )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function is designed to be used as a comparison function with
+* the "qsort" function. It is used in function Fpoly.
+* If orders the two polylines on the basis of the X coordinate at
+* their starts.
+* Parameters:
+* a
+* Pointer to an int holding the index of the first polyline.
+* b
+* Pointer to an int holding the index of the second polyline.
+* Returned Value:
+* -1 if the first polyline starts at a lower X than the second.
+* +1 if the first polyline starts at a higher X than the second.
+* 0 if the two polylines starts at the same X.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float xa; /* X at start of first polyline */
+ float xb; /* X at start of second polyline */
+ int result = 0; /* Returned value */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Get the x coord at the start of the two polylines. */
+ xa = Poly_xp[ *( (int *) a) ][ 0 ];
+ xb = Poly_xp[ *( (int *) b) ][ 0 ];
+/* Compare them. */
+ if( xa < xb ) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else if( xa > xb ){
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+static AstFrameSet *Fset2D( AstFrameSet *fset, int ifrm, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Fset2D
+* Purpose:
+* Create a FrameSet with no more than 2 dimensions for a given Frame.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstFrameSet *Fset2D( AstFrameSet *fset, int ifrm, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function checks a specified Frame in the supplied FrameSet.
+* If the Frame has more than 2 dimensions, a new Frame is added to
+* the FrameSet containing just the first two axes of the specified
+* Frame. A PermMap is used to connect this Frame to the specified
+* Frame, which supplied bad values for any missing axes. If the
+* specified Frame is the base Frame in the supplied FrameSet, then the
+* new Frame becomes the base Frame in the returned FrameSet. Like-wise,
+* if the specified Frame is the current Frame, then the new Frame
+* will be the current Frame in the returned FrameSet.
+* If the specified Frame does not have more than 2 axes, then a clone
+* of the FrameSet pointer is returned, otherwise the returned pointer
+* points to a copy of the supplied FrameSet with the new 2-D Frame
+* added.
+* Parameters:
+* fset
+* Pointer to the FrameSet.
+* ifrm
+* The index of the Frame to check. This should be AST__BASE or
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a FrameSet in which the Frame with index given by ifrm
+* has no more than 2 axes.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *frm;
+ AstFrame *newfrm;
+ AstFrameSet *ret;
+ AstPermMap *map;
+ double zero;
+ int *inperm;
+ int axes[2];
+ int i;
+ int ic;
+ int nax;
+/* Check the inherited status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ map = NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the requested Frame in the supplied FrameSet. */
+ frm = astGetFrame( fset, ifrm );
+/* See how many dimensions the specified Frame of the supplied FrameSet
+ has. */
+ nax = astGetNaxes( frm );
+/* If it is more than 2-dimensionbal, create a 2D Frame by picking
+ axes 1 and 2 from the original Frame. */
+ if( nax > 2 ) {
+ axes[ 0 ] = 0;
+ axes[ 1 ] = 1;
+ newfrm = astPickAxes( frm, 2, axes, NULL );
+/* Create a PermMap to describe the mapping between the two Frames.
+ Use zero as the value for unknown axes (the optional mapping which
+ can be returned by astPickAxes uses AST__BAD for unknown axes). */
+ inperm = (int *) astMalloc( sizeof(int)*(size_t) nax );
+ if( astOK ){
+ inperm[ 0 ] = 0;
+ inperm[ 1 ] = 1;
+ for( i = 2; i < nax; i++ ) inperm[ i ] = -1;
+ zero = 0.0;
+ map = astPermMap( nax, inperm, 2, axes, &zero, "", status );
+ inperm = (int *) astFree( (void *) inperm );
+ }
+/* Get a copy of the supplied FrameSet. */
+ ret = astCopy( fset );
+/* Add the new Frame to the FrameSet (it becomes the current Frame). */
+ ic = astGetCurrent( ret );
+ astAddFrame( ret, ifrm, map, newfrm );
+ newfrm = astAnnul( newfrm );
+/* If the new Frame was derived from the base frame, set the new base
+ Frame, and re-instate the original current Frame */
+ if( ifrm == AST__BASE ){
+ astSetBase( ret, astGetCurrent( ret ) );
+ astSetCurrent( ret, ic );
+ }
+/* If the specified Frame in the supplied FrameSet is 2-dimensional, just
+ return a clone of it. */
+ } else {
+ ret = astClone( fset );
+ }
+/* Annul the pointer to the original Frame. */
+ frm = astAnnul( frm );
+ return ret;
+static int FullForm( const char *list, const char *test, const char *text,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* FullForm
+* Purpose:
+* Identify the full form of an option string.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int FullForm( const char *list, const char *test, const char *text,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function identifies a supplied test option within a supplied
+* list of valid options, and returns the index of the option within
+* the list. The test option may be abbreviated, and case is
+* insignificant.
+* Parameters:
+* list
+* A list of space separated option strings.
+* test
+* A candidate option string.
+* text
+* A string giving the context in which the supplied test option
+* was supplied. For instance, this may be an attribute setting string.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The index of the identified option within the supplied list, starting
+* at zero.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of -1 is returned if an error has already occurred, or
+* if this function should fail for any reason (for instance if the
+* supplied option is not uniquely specified in the supplied list).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char *option; /* Pointer to a copy of the next option */
+ const char *p; /* Pointer to the start of the next word */
+ int i; /* Current option index */
+ int len; /* Length of supplied option */
+ int nmatch; /* Number of matching options */
+ int ret; /* The returned index */
+/* Initialise the answer to indicate that the option has not been
+ uniquely identified. */
+ ret = -1;
+/* Check global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* Save the number of characters in the supplied test option (excluding
+ trailing spaces). */
+ len = ChrLen( test, status );
+/* Compare the supplied test option against each of the known options in
+ turn. Count the number of matches. */
+ nmatch = 0;
+ p = list;
+ option = FindWord( NULL, " ", &p, status );
+ i = 0;
+ while( option ){
+/* If the test string and the current option are identical (including
+ length). use the current option. */
+/* If every character in the supplied label matches the corresponding
+ character in the current test label we have a match. Increment the
+ number of matches and save the current item index. If the test string
+ and the current option are identical (including length), use the
+ current option. */
+ if( !Ustrncmp( test, option, len, status ) ) {
+ ret = i;
+ if( ChrLen( option, status ) == len ) {
+ nmatch = 1;
+ option = astFree( option );
+ break;
+ } else {
+ nmatch++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the next option. */
+ option = FindWord( option, " ", &p, status );
+ i++;
+ }
+/* Report an error if no match was found, and return -1. */
+ if( !nmatch ){
+ astError( AST__OPT, "%s(%s): Option '%.*s' is unknown in '%.*s'.", status,
+ method, class, len, test, ChrLen( text, status ), text );
+ ret = -1;
+/* Report an error if the label was ambiguous, and return -1. */
+ } else if( nmatch > 1 ){
+ astError( AST__OPT, "%s(%s): Option '%.*s' is ambiguous in '%.*s'.", status,
+ method, class, len, test, ChrLen( text, status ), text );
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static void GAttr( AstPlot *this, int attr, double value, double *old_value,
+ int prim, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GAttr
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GAttr Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GAttr( AstPlot *this, int attr, double value, double *old_value,
+* int prim, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GAttr grf function to enquire or set a
+* graphics attribute value. It either calls the version registered using
+* astGrfSet, or the version in the linked grf module. The linked version
+* is used if the Grf attribute is zero, or if no function has been
+* registered for GAttr using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* attr
+* An integer value identifying the required attribute. The
+* following symbolic values are defined in grf.h:
+* GRF__STYLE - Line style.
+* GRF__WIDTH - Line width.
+* GRF__SIZE - Character and marker size scale factor.
+* GRF__FONT - Character font.
+* GRF__COLOUR - Colour index.
+* value
+* A new value to store for the attribute. If this is AST__BAD
+* no value is stored.
+* old_value
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the attribute value.
+* If this is NULL, no value is returned.
+* prim
+* The sort of graphics primitive to be drawn with the new attribute.
+* Identified by the following values defined in grf.h:
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. Also return if there is nothing to do. */
+ if ( !astOK || ( !old_value && value == AST__BAD ) ) return;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GATTR ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GAttr ) )( this, attr, value, old_value, prim, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGAttr( attr, value, old_value, prim );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGAttr. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+static AstKeyMap *GetGrfContext( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astGetGrfContext
+* Purpose:
+* Return the KeyMap that describes a Plot's graphics context.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c AstKeyMap *astGetGrfContext( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function
+f This routine
+* returns a reference to a KeyMap that will be passed to any drawing
+c functions registered using astGrfSet.
+f routines registered using AST_GRFSET.
+* This KeyMap can be used by an application to pass information to
+c the drawing functions
+f the drawing routines
+* about the context in which they are being called. The contents of
+* the KeyMap are never accessed byt the Plot class itself.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Returned Value:
+c astGetGrfContext()
+* A pointer to the graphics context KeyMap. The returned pointer
+* should be annulled when it is no longer needed.
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Ensure that a grfcon KeyMap exists. */
+ (void) astGrfConID(this);
+/* Return a cloned pointer to the KeyMap. */
+ return astClone( this->grfcontext );
+AstKeyMap *astGrfConID_( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astGrfConID
+* Purpose:
+* Ensure a GrfContext KeyMap exists and return an ID for it.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstKeyMap *astGrfConID( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function creates a GrfContext KeyMap if the Plot does not
+* currently have one, and returns an ID for it.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* Returned Value:
+* ID for the GrfContext KeyMap.
+ if( !this->grfcontext ) {
+ this->grfcontext = astKeyMap("", status );
+ this->grfcontextID = astMakeId( astClone( this->grfcontext ) );
+ astExempt( this->grfcontextID );
+ }
+ return this->grfcontextID;
+static void GScales( AstPlot *this, float *alpha, float *beta,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GScales
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GScales Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GScales( AstPlot *this, float *alpha, float *beta,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GScales grf function, either calling the
+* version registered using astGrfSet, or the version in the linked grf
+* module. The linked version is used if the Grf attribute is zero, or if
+* no function has been registered for GScales using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* alpha
+* A pointer to the location at which to return the scale for the
+* X axis (i.e. Xnorm = alpha*Xworld).
+* beta
+* A pointer to the location at which to return the scale for the
+* Y axis (i.e. Ynorm = beta*Yworld).
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* if we already have the required values, return them. */
+ if( Grf_alpha != 0.0 && Grf_beta != 0.0 ) {
+ if( alpha ) *alpha = Grf_alpha;
+ if( beta ) *beta = Grf_beta;
+ return;
+ }
+/* Check that the grf mdoule can give us scales information. */
+ if( GCap( this, GRF__SCALES, 1, status ) ) {
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GSCALES ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GScales ) )( this, &Grf_alpha, &Grf_beta, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGScales( &Grf_alpha, &Grf_beta );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Check neither value is zero. */
+ if( grf_status && ( Grf_alpha == 0.0 || Grf_beta == 0.0 ) ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "astGScales: Returned axis scales are %g and %g "
+ "but zero is illegal!", status, Grf_alpha, Grf_beta );
+ grf_status = 0;
+ }
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong, and return safe values. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGScales. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ Grf_alpha = 1.0;
+ Grf_beta = 1.0;
+ }
+/* If the grf module is not capable of giving us scale information, then
+ just assume the the axes are equally scaled, except for any axis reversal
+ indicated in the supplied Plot. */
+ } else {
+ Grf_alpha = ( this->xrev ) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ Grf_beta = ( this->yrev ) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ }
+/* Store them for future use. */
+ if( alpha ) *alpha = Grf_alpha;
+ if( beta ) *beta = Grf_beta;
+static int GCap( AstPlot *this, int cap, int value, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GCap
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GCap Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GCap( AstPlot *this, int cap, int value, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GCap grf function to inquire a capability
+* of the grf module, either calling the version registered using
+* astGrfSet, or the version in the linked grf module. The linked
+* version is used if the Grf attribute is zero, or if no function
+* has been registered for GCap using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* cap
+* The capability to be inquired aboue.
+* value
+* The value ot assign to the capability.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Non-zero if the grf module is capabale of performing the action
+* requested by "cap".
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int result; /* Value retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GCAP ] ) {
+ result = ( *( this->GCap ) )( this, cap, value, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ result = astGCap( cap, value );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static void GenCurve( AstPlot *this, AstMapping *map, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astGenCurve
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a generalized curve.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astGenCurve( AstPlot *this, astMapping *map )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function draws a general user-defined curve defined by the
+f This routine draws a general user-defined curve defined by the
+* supplied Mapping. Note that the curve is transformed into graphical
+* coordinate space for plotting, so that a straight line in
+* physical coordinates may result in a curved line being drawn if
+* the Mapping involved is non-linear. Any discontinuities in the
+* Mapping between physical and graphical coordinates are
+c catered for, as is any clipping established using astClip.
+f catered for, as is any clipping established using AST_CLIP.
+c If you need to draw simple straight lines (geodesics), astCurve
+c or astPolyCurve will usually be easier to use and faster.
+f If you need to draw simple straight lines (geodesics), AST_CURVE
+f or AST_POLYCURVE will usually be easier to use and faster.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c map
+f MAP = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to a Mapping. This Mapping should have 1 input
+* coordinate representing offset along the required curve,
+* normalized so that the start of the curve is at offset 0.0,
+* and the end of the curve is at offset 1.0. Note, this offset
+* does not need to be linearly related to distance along the curve.
+* The number of output coordinates should equal the number of axes
+* in the current Frame of the Plot. The Mapping should map a
+* specified offset along the curve, into the corresponding
+* coordinates in the current Frame of the Plot. The inverse
+* transformation need not be defined.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not 2-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the
+* current and base Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the
+* Plot's TranInverse attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ double d[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Offsets to evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double tol; /* Absolute tolerance value */
+ double x[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* X coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double y[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Y coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Store the current method, and the class of the supplied object for use
+ in error messages.*/
+ method = "astGenCurve";
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Only proceed if there has been no error. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primitives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__CURVE_ID, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Ensure the globals holding the scaling from graphics coords to equally
+ scaled coords are available. */
+ GScales( this, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Set up the externals used to communicate with the Map4 function... */
+ Map4_ncoord = astGetNout( this );
+ Map4_plot = this;
+ Map4_map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+ Map4_umap = map;
+/* Convert the tolerance from relative to absolute graphics coordinates. */
+ tol = astGetTol( this )*astMAX( this->xhi - this->xlo,
+ this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Now set up the external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine function. */
+ Crv_scerr = ( astGetLogPlot( this, 0 ) ||
+ astGetLogPlot( this, 1 ) ) ? 100.0 : 1.5;
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_tol = tol;
+ Crv_limit = 0.5*tol*tol;
+ Crv_map = Map4;
+ Crv_ink = 1;
+ Crv_xlo = this->xlo;
+ Crv_xhi = this->xhi;
+ Crv_ylo = this->ylo;
+ Crv_yhi = this->yhi;
+ Crv_out = 1;
+ Crv_xbrk = Curve_data.xbrk;
+ Crv_ybrk = Curve_data.ybrk;
+ Crv_vxbrk = Curve_data.vxbrk;
+ Crv_vybrk = Curve_data.vybrk;
+ Crv_clip = astGetClip( this ) & 1;
+/* Set up a list of points spread evenly over the curve. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ){
+ d[ i ] = ( (double) i)/( (double) CRV_NSEG );
+ }
+/* Map these points into graphics coordinates. */
+ Map4( CRV_NPNT, d, x, y, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Use Crv and Map4 to draw the curve. */
+ Crv( this, d, x, y, 0, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* End the current poly line. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* Tidy up the static data used by Map4. */
+ Map4( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* If no part of the curve could be drawn, set the number of breaks and the
+ length of the drawn curve to zero. */
+ if( Crv_out ) {
+ Crv_nbrk = 0;
+ Crv_len = 0.0F;
+/* Otherwise, add an extra break to the returned structure at the position of
+ the last point to be plotted. */
+ } else {
+ Crv_nbrk++;
+ if( Crv_nbrk > AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in curve "
+ "exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK );
+ } else {
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) Crv_xl;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) Crv_yl;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) -Crv_vxl;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) -Crv_vyl;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store extra information about the curve in the returned structure, and
+ purge any zero length sections. */
+ Curve_data.length = Crv_len;
+ Curve_data.out = Crv_out;
+ Curve_data.nbrk = Crv_nbrk;
+ PurgeCdata( &Curve_data, status );
+/* Annul the Mapping. */
+ Map4_map = astAnnul( Map4_map );
+/* Ensure all lines are flushed to the graphics system. */
+ Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__CURVE_ID, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static int GetLabelUnits( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetLabelUnits
+* Purpose:
+* Return the value of the LabelUnits attribute for a Plot axis.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GetLabelUnits( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function returns the value of the LabelUnits attribute for a
+* Plot axis, supplying a suitable default if not set.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* axis
+* The axis index (zero based).
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The attribute value.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *fr; /* The current Frame in the Plot */
+ AstFrame *primframe; /* The primary Frame holding the requested axis */
+ AstSystemType system; /* The SkyFrame System attribute */
+ int primaxis; /* Index of requested axis in the primary frame */
+ int ret; /* The returned value */
+/* Initialise. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Check global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* If a value has been set, return it. */
+ ret = this->labelunits[ axis ];
+/* If no value has been set, find a default. */
+ if( ret == -1 ) {
+/* Assume "no" for any SkyAxis axes within the current frame of the Plot,
+ and "yes" for other axes. Get a pointer to the current Frame of the
+ Plot. */
+ fr = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* The current Frame may be a CmpFrame. So find the primary Frame containing
+ the requested axis. The primary Frame is guaranteed not to be a CmpFrame. */
+ astPrimaryFrame( fr, axis, &primframe, &primaxis );
+/* If the primary Frame is a SkyFrame representing ICRS, equatorial, ecliptic,
+ galactic or supergalactic coords, use a default of "no" for LabelUnits.
+ Otherwise use a default of "yes". */
+ ret = 1;
+ if( IsASkyFrame( (AstObject *) primframe, status ) ) {
+ system = astGetSystem( primframe );
+ if( system == AST__ICRS ||
+ system == AST__FK4 ||
+ system == AST__FK4_NO_E ||
+ system == AST__FK5 ||
+ system == AST__GAPPT ||
+ system == AST__ECLIPTIC ||
+ system == AST__GALACTIC ||
+ system == AST__SUPERGALACTIC ) ret = 0;
+ }
+/* Annul the frame pointers. */
+ primframe = astAnnul( primframe );
+ fr = astAnnul( fr );
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static void GBBuf( AstPlot *this, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GBBuf
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GBBuf Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GBBuf( AstPlot *this, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GBBuf grf function to begin a new graphics
+* context, either calling the version registered using astGrfSet, or
+* the version in the linked grf module. The linked version is used
+* if the Grf attribute is zero, or if no function has been registered
+* for GBBuf using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GBBUF ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GBBuf ) )( this, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGBBuf();
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGBBuf. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+static void GEBuf( AstPlot *this, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GEBuf
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GEBuf Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GEBuf( AstPlot *this, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GEBuf grf function to end the current graphics
+* context, either calling the version registered using astGrfSet, or
+* the version in the linked grf module. The linked version is used
+* if the Grf attribute is zero, or if no function has been registered
+* for GEBuf using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GEBUF ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GEBuf ) )( this, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGEBuf();
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGEBuf. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+static void GFlush( AstPlot *this, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GFlush
+* Purpose:
+* Call the Gflush Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GFlush( AstPlot *this, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the Gflush grf function to flush graphics, either
+* calling the version registered using astGrfSet, or the version in the
+* linked grf module. The linked version is used if the Grf attribute
+* is zero, or if no function has been registered for Gflush using
+* astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GFLUSH ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GFlush ) )( this, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGFlush();
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGFlush. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+static void GLine( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+ const float *y, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GLine
+* Purpose:
+* Call the Gline Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GLine( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+* const float *y, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the Gline grf function to draw a polyline, either
+* calling the version registered using astGrfSet, or the version in the
+* linked grf module. The linked version is used if the Grf attribute
+* is zero, or if no function has been registered for Gline using
+* astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* n
+* The number of positions to be joined together.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* Do not draw anything if we are using "invisible ink". */
+ if( astGetInvisible( this ) ) {
+ grf_status = 1;
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ } else if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GLINE ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GLine ) )( this, n, x, y, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGLine( n, x, y );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGLine. ", status, method,
+ class );
+/* Otherwise, update the box containing all drawn graphics primitives. */
+ } else if( !Boxp_freeze ){
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = astMIN( x[ i ], Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] );
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = astMAX( x[ i ], Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = astMIN( y[ i ], Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] );
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = astMAX( y[ i ], Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ }
+static void GMark( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+ const float *y, int type, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GMark
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GMark Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GMark( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x,
+* const float *y, int type, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GMark grf function to draw markers, either
+* calling the version registered using astGrfSet, or the version in the
+* linked grf module. The linked version is used if the Grf attribute
+* is zero, or if no function has been registered for GMark using
+* astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* n
+* The number of positions to be joined together.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+* type
+* An integer which can be used to indicate the type of marker symbol
+* required.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* Do not draw anything if we are using "invisible ink". */
+ if( astGetInvisible( this ) ) {
+ grf_status = 1;
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ } else if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GMARK ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GMark ) )( this, n, x, y, type, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGMark( n, x, y, type );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGMark. ", status, method,
+ class );
+/* Otherwise, update the box containing all drawn graphics primitives. */
+ } else if( !Boxp_freeze ){
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = astMIN( x[ i ], Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] );
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = astMAX( x[ i ], Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = astMIN( y[ i ], Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] );
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = astMAX( y[ i ], Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ }
+static void GQch( AstPlot *this, float *chv, float *chh, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GQch
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GQch Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GQch( AstPlot *this, float *chv, float *chh, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GQch grf function, either calling the
+* version registered using astGrfSet, or the version in the linked grf
+* module. The linked version is used if the Grf attribute is zero, or if
+* no function has been registered for GQch using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* chv
+* A pointer to the double which is to receive the height of
+* characters drawn with a vertical baseline . This will be an
+* increment in the X axis.
+* chh
+* A pointer to the double which is to receive the height of
+* characters drawn with a horizontal baseline. This will be an
+* increment in the Y axis.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* if we already have the required values, return them. */
+ if( Grf_chh != AST__BAD && Grf_chv != AST__BAD ) {
+ *chh = Grf_chh;
+ *chv = Grf_chv;
+ return;
+ }
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GQCH ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GQch ) )( this, chv, chh, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGQch( chv, chh );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Check neither value is zero. */
+ if( grf_status && ( *chh == 0.0 || *chv == 0.0 ) ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "astGQch: Returned text heights are %g and %g "
+ "but zero is illegal!", status, *chv, *chh );
+ grf_status = 0;
+ }
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong, and return safe values. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGQch. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ *chh = 1.0;
+ *chv = 1.0;
+ }
+/* Store them for future use. */
+ Grf_chh = *chh;
+ Grf_chv = *chv;
+static void GText( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+ const char *just, float upx, float upy,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GText
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GText Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GText( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+* const char *just, float upx, float upy,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GText grf function to draw a text string, either
+* calling the version registered using astGrfSet, or the version in the
+* linked grf module. The linked version is used if the Grf attribute
+* is zero, or if no function has been registered for GText using
+* astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* x
+* The reference x coordinate.
+* y
+* The reference y coordinate.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* left to right on the screen.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* bottom to top on the screen.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* Do not draw anything if we are using "invisible ink". */
+ if( astGetInvisible( this ) ) {
+ grf_status = 1;
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ } else if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GTEXT ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GText ) )( this, text, x, y, just, upx, upy, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGText( text, x, y, just, upx, upy );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGText. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+static void GTxExt( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+ const char *just, float upx, float upy, float *xbn,
+ float *ybn, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GTxExt
+* Purpose:
+* Call the GTxExt Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void GTxExt( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y,
+* const char *just, float upx, float upy, float *xbn,
+* float *ybn, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot private function.
+* Description:
+* This function calls the GTxExt grf function to find the extent
+* of a text string, either calling the version registered using
+* astGrfSet, or the version in the linked grf module. The linked
+* version is used if the Grf attribute is zero, or if no function
+* has been registered for GTxExt using astGrfSet.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* x
+* The reference x coordinate.
+* y
+* The reference y coordinate.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* left to right on the screen.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics world
+* coordinates. If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* bottom to top on the screen.
+* xbn
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the x coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* ybn
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the y coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - The corners are returned in no particular order.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int grf_status; /* Status retruned from Grf function */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Since we are about to call an external function which may not be
+ thread safe, prevent any other thread from executing the following code
+ until the current thread has finished executing it. */
+/* If the Grf attribute is set to a non-zero value, use the Grf function
+ registered using astGrfSet (so long as a function has been supplied).
+ This is called via a wrapper which adapts the interface to suit the
+ language in which the function is written. */
+ if( astGetGrf( this ) && this->grffun[ AST__GTXEXT ] ) {
+ grf_status = ( *( this->GTxExt ) )( this, text, x, y, just, upx, upy,
+ xbn, ybn, status );
+/* Otherwise, use the function in the external Grf module, selected at
+ link-time using ast_link options.*/
+ } else {
+ grf_status = astGTxExt( text, x, y, just, upx, upy, xbn, ybn );
+ }
+/* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
+/* Report an error if anything went wrong. */
+ if( !grf_status ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Graphics error in astGTxExt. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+static const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Get the value of a specified attribute for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the protected astGetAttrib
+* method inherited from the FrameSet class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a pointer to the value of a specified
+* attribute for a Plot, formatted as a character string.
+* The value returned is the value which would actually be used if
+* astGrid was called with the current set of attribute values. This
+* may not always be the same as the value set by the user. For
+* instance, if Labelling is set to "exterior" by the user, it may not
+* be possible to produce exterior labels, in which case interior labels
+* will be produced. If this function is used to get the value of
+* Labelling in this situation, then the value actually used (i.e.
+* interior) will be returned instead of the requested value (i.e.
+* exterior).
+* Some attributes have dynamic defaults, (i.e. the behaviour if not
+* set depends on the values of other attributes). If the value for
+* such an attribute is enquired using this function, then the dynamic
+* default value actually used will be returned if no value has been
+* set explicitly for the attribute.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* attrib
+* Pointer to a null terminated string containing the name of
+* the attribute whose value is required. This name should be in
+* lower case, with all white space removed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* - Pointer to a null terminated string containing the attribute
+* value.
+* Notes:
+* - The returned string pointer may point at memory allocated
+* within the Plot, or at static memory. The contents of the
+* string may be over-written or the pointer may become invalid
+* following a further invocation of the same function or any
+* modification of the Plot. A copy of the string should
+* therefore be made if necessary.
+* - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to the Plot structure */
+ const char *result; /* Pointer value to return */
+ char label[21]; /* Graphics item label */
+ double dval; /* Double attribute value */
+ int axis; /* Axis number */
+ int ival; /* Int attribute value */
+ int len; /* Length of attrib string */
+ int nax; /* Number of base Frame axes */
+ int nc; /* No. characters read by astSscanf */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this_object);
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_object;
+/* Obtain the length of the attrib string. */
+ len = strlen( attrib );
+/* Get the number of base Frame axis (2 for a Plot, 3 for a Plot3D). */
+ nax = astGetNin( this );
+/* Indicate that the current bound box should not be changed during the
+ execution of this function (this may happen if a grid is drawn to get
+ the default value for an attribute such as Labelling). */
+ Boxp_freeze = 1;
+/* Compare "attrib" with each recognised attribute name in turn,
+ obtaining the value of the required attribute. If necessary, write
+ the value into "getattrib_buff" as a null terminated string in an appropriate
+ format. Set "result" to point at the result string. */
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+ if ( !strcmp( attrib, "tol" ) ) {
+ dval = astGetTol( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "grid" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedGrid( this, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* TickAll. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "tickall" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetTickAll( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* ForceExterior. */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "forceexterior" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetForceExterior( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "invisible" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetInvisible( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Border. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "border" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedBorder( this, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* ClipOp. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "clipop" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetClipOp( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Clip. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "clip" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetClip( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Grf. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "grf" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetGrf( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* DrawTitle. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "drawtitle" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetDrawTitle( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "escape" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetEscape( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LabelAt(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelat(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedLabelAt( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Centre(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "centre(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedCentre( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Gap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "gap" ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedGap( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "gap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedGap( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogGap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "loggap" ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedLogGap( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "loggap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedLogGap( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* NumLabGap. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "numlabgap" ) ) {
+ dval = astGetNumLabGap( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* NumLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "numlabgap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = astGetNumLabGap( this, axis - 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* TextLabGap. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "textlabgap" ) ) {
+ dval = astGetTextLabGap( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* TextLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "textlabgap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = astGetTextLabGap( this, axis - 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LabelUp. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelup" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetLabelUp( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LabelUp(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelup(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = astGetLabelUp( this, axis - 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogPlot. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "logplot" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetLogPlot( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogPlot(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "logplot(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = astGetLogPlot( this, axis - 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogLabel. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "loglabel" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLogLabel( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogLabel(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "loglabel(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLogLabel( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogTicks. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "logticks" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLogTicks( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LogTicks(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "logticks(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLogTicks( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* NumLab. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "numlab" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetNumLab( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* NumLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "numlab(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = astGetNumLab( this, axis - 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* MinTick. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "mintick" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedMinTick( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* MinTick(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "mintick(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedMinTick( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* TextLab. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "textlab" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedTextLab( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* TextLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "textlab(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedTextLab( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* DrawAxes. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "drawaxes" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetDrawAxes( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* DrawAxes(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "drawaxes(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetDrawAxes( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Abbrev. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "abbrev" ) ) {
+ ival = astGetAbbrev( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Abbrev(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "abbrev(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetAbbrev( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LabelUnits. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelunits" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLabelUnits( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LabelUnits(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelunits(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLabelUnits( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Style. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "style" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseStyle( this, AST__BORDER_ID, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Style(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "style(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseStyle( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astGet", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Font. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "font" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseFont( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Font(label). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "font(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseFont( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astGet", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Colour. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "colour" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseColour( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Colour(label). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "colour(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseColour( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astGet", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Color. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "color" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseColour( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Color(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "color(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseColour( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astGet", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Width. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "width" ) ) {
+ dval = GetUseWidth( this, AST__BORDER_ID, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Width(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "width(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUseWidth( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astGet", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Size. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "size" ) ) {
+ dval = GetUseSize( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Size(label). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "size(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUseSize( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astGet", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "titlegap" ) ) {
+ dval = astGetTitleGap( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* MajTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "majticklen" ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedMajTickLen( this, 0, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* MajTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "majticklen(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = GetUsedMajTickLen( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* MinTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "minticklen" ) ) {
+ dval = astGetMinTickLen( this, 0 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* MinTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "minticklen(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ dval = astGetMinTickLen( this, axis - 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, dval );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* Labelling. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelling" ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedLabelling( this, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ result = ival ? xlbling[1] : xlbling[0];
+ }
+/* Edge(axis). */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "edge(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ ival = GetUsedEdge( this, axis - 1, status );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ if( ival == LEFT ){
+ result = "left";
+ } else if( ival == RIGHT ){
+ result = "right";
+ } else if( ival == TOP ){
+ result = "top";
+ } else if( ival == BOTTOM ){
+ result = "bottom";
+ } else {
+ result = "<bad>";
+ }
+ }
+/* If the attribute name was not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ result = (*parent_getattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
+ }
+/* Unfreeze the bound box so that it may be updated by subsequent
+ plotting functions. */
+ Boxp_freeze = 0;
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static AstPointSet *GetDrawnTicks( AstPlot *this, int axis, int major, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astGetDrawnTicks
+* Purpose:
+* Return information about the ticks last drawn by astGrid.
+* Type:
+* Protected virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPointSet *GetDrawnTicks( AstPlot *this, int axis, int major )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a PointSet holding information about the
+* tick marks (either major and minor) that were drawn by the previous
+* invocation of astGrid. A NULL pointer is returned if astGrid has
+* not yet been invoked.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* axis
+* The zero-based axis of the axis for which tick mark information
+* is required.
+* major
+* Supply a non-zero value if information about the major tick
+* marks is to be returned, and zero if information about the minor
+* tick marks is to be returned.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointSet with one point for every tick of the requested type drawn
+* by astGrid for the specified axis. Each point has 2 coordinate values,
+* being the graphics coordinates at the start of the tick mark. The
+* returned PointSet pointer should be annulled when no longer needed.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPointSet *result = NULL;
+ double *ptr[ 3 ];
+ int n;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Report an error if the supplied axis value is incorrect. */
+ if( axis < 0 || axis > 1 ) {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "astGetDrawnTicks(Plot): Supplied \"axis\" "
+ "value is %d - should 0 or 1 (internal AST programming "
+ "error).", status, axis );
+ n = 0;
+/* If OK, get the number of stored tick marks. */
+ } else {
+ n = major ? this->majtickcount[ axis ] : this->mintickcount[ axis ];
+ }
+/* Check that information is available. */
+ if( n > 0 && astOK ) {
+/* Create a PointSet with the required size. */
+ result = astPointSet( n, 2, "", status );
+/* Store pointers to the arrays within the Plot that hold the required
+ tick marks positions and types. */
+ ptr[ 0 ] = major ? this->majtickgx[ axis ] : this->mintickgx[ axis ];
+ ptr[ 1 ] = major ? this->majtickgy[ axis ] : this->mintickgy[ axis ];
+ astSetPoints( result, ptr );
+ }
+/* Return the PointSet. */
+ return result;
+static double GetTicks( AstPlot *this, int axis, double *cen, double **ticks,
+ int *nmajor, double **minticks, int *nminor,
+ int format_set, int *inval, double *refval,
+ GetTicksStatics **pstatics, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GetTicks
+* Purpose:
+* Obtain a list of logarithmically or linearly spaced tick mark values for
+* a single axis in a 2-D physical coordinate Frame.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* double GetTicks( AstPlot *this, int axis, double *cen, double **ticks,
+* int *nmajor, double **minticks, int *nminor,
+* int format_set, int *inval, double *refval,
+* GetTicksStatics **pstatics, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* For linearly spaced major ticks the "gap" returned by this function
+* is the constant difference between adjacent major tick marks. For
+* logarithmically spaced major ticks the "gap" returned by this
+* function is the constant ratio between adjacent major tick marks.
+* If a gap size has been specified using attribute Gap (or LogGap for
+* logarithmic ticks) supplied, the specified value is returned, and used
+* to determine the tick values. If no gap size is supplied, a default
+* gap size is used and returned.
+* All this is over-ridden if the astSetTickValues method has been
+* called to store explicit tick mark values in the Plot structure.
+* In this case, the values supplied using astSetTickValues are
+* returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot. Supplying a NULL pointer will cause statics resources
+* to be released.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of the axis to use.
+* cen
+* Pointer to the supplied axis value at which to put a single
+* central tick. Other ticks will be placed evenly on either side
+* of this tick. If AST__BAD is provided, a value will be used
+* which would put a tick at an axis value of one. The used value
+* is returned.
+* ticks
+* Pointer to a place at which to return a pointer to the memory in
+* which are stored the major tick values to be used. This pointer
+* should be freed using astFree when no longer needed. The number of
+* values in the array is given by the value returned by parameter
+* "nmajor".
+* nmajor
+* A pointer to a location at which to return the number of major
+* ticks.
+* minticks
+* Pointer to a place at which to return a pointer to the memory in
+* which are stored the minor tick values to be used. This pointer
+* should be freed using astFree when no longer needed. The number of
+* values in the array is given by the value returned by parameter
+* "nminor". The minor tick marks values returned in this array are
+* the ones stored in the Plot via a call to the astSetTickValues
+* function. If this function has not been called, then a NULL
+* pointer is returned, and the "nminor" value is returned holding the
+* number of divisions between major ticks.
+* nminor
+* A pointer to a location at which to return either the number of
+* division into which each gap should be divided when drawing minor
+* tick marks (if "*minticks" is returned holding NULL), or the
+* total number of minor tick values stored in "*minticks" (if
+* "*minticks" is returned non-NULL). The number of divisions
+* between major tick values is one more than the number of minor
+* tick marks.
+* format_set
+* Indicates if an explicit format has been set for the axis. If
+* not, "cen" is always assumed to be AST__BAD, and any specified
+* Gap value is rounded to the nearest "nice" value. This has
+* to be done because the algorithm for choosing a format avoiding
+* unnecessary precision only works if the gap size causes 1 digit to
+* change between adjacent labels.
+* inval
+* A pointer to a location at which to return a flag indicating if
+* any invalid physical coordinates were encountered.
+* refval
+* A pointer to a location at which to return a value for the other
+* axis which can be used when normalizing the returned tick mark
+* values.
+* pstatics
+* Address of a pointer to a structure holding static data values
+* used within this function. A NULL pointer should be supplied on
+* the first invocation (dynamic memory will then be allocated to
+* hold ths structure). The memory is freed when a NULL value for
+* "this" is supplied.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The used gap size.
+* Notes:
+* - This function allocates some static resources on its first
+* invocation, which should be released when no longer needed, or when
+* a different Plot is supplied, by calling this function with a NULL
+* pointer for parameter "this". All other parameters are ignored.
+* - This function assumes that the physical coordinate system is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - An error is reported if the region containing valid physical
+* coordinates is too small to use.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned in "ticks", zero
+* is returned for the number of major and minor ticks marks.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ GetTicksStatics *statics; /* Pointer to statics structure */
+ double *tick; /* Pointer to next tick value */
+ double cen0; /* Supplied value of cen */
+ double dran; /* Dynamic range of axis values */
+ double frac; /* Fraction of plot area holding good coords */
+ double gap; /* Supplied value for Gap or LogGap */
+ double log_used_gap; /* Log10( the used gap size ) */
+ double maxv; /* Max axis value */
+ double minv; /* Min axis value */
+ double new_used_gap; /* New value for the used gap size */
+ double old_used_gap; /* Old value for the used gap size */
+ double test_gap; /* Trial gap size */
+ double used_cen; /* Used value of cen */
+ double used_gap; /* The used gap size */
+ int findcen; /* Find a new centre value? */
+ int gap_too_small; /* Test gap too small? */
+ int gap_too_large; /* Test gap too large? */
+ int i; /* Axis index */
+ int ihi; /* Highest tick mark index */
+ int ilo; /* Lowest tick mark index */
+ int nochange; /* No. of ineffective attempts to change gap size */
+/* Initialise the returned information. */
+ *ticks = NULL;
+ *minticks = NULL;
+ *nmajor = 0;
+ *nminor = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the supplied statics object. */
+ statics = *pstatics;
+/* If a NULL pointer has been supplied for "this", release the resources
+ allocated on the first call to this function, and return. */
+ if( !this ){
+ if( statics ) {
+ if( statics->map ) statics->map = astAnnul( statics->map );
+ if( statics->pset ) statics->pset = astAnnul( statics->pset );
+ if( statics->frame ) statics->frame = astAnnul( statics->frame );
+ *pstatics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0.0;
+/* If no statics structure was supplied, create one now and initialise it. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( GetTicksStatics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->pset=NULL;
+ *pstatics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ maxv = 0.0;
+ minv = 0.0;
+ used_cen = 0.0;
+ used_gap = 0.0;
+ ihi = 0;
+ ilo = 0;
+/* If this is the first call to this function, do some initialisation. */
+ if( !statics->pset ){
+/* Get the Mapping from Base to Current Frame in the Plot. */
+ statics->map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get a pointer to the current Frame from the Plot. */
+ statics->frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get initial guesses at suitable gaps for each axis. A PointSet is
+ returned holding sorted values (non-normalized) for the physical axes. */
+ statics->pset = DefGap( this, statics->defgaps, statics->ngood, &frac, &statics->bad, method, class, status );
+/* Store the maximum and minimum number of major tick marks along each
+ axis. These numbers are reduced if only a small part of the plotting
+ area contains valid coordinates, so that the tick marks do not end up
+ to close together. */
+ statics->maxticks = (int) ( 0.5 + MAJTICKS_MAX*sqrt( frac ) );
+ statics->mintick = (int) ( 0.5 + MAJTICKS_MIN*sqrt( frac ) );
+ if( statics->mintick < 3 ) statics->mintick = 3;
+ if( statics->maxticks < 8 ) statics->maxticks = 8;
+ if( statics->maxticks < statics->mintick ) statics->maxticks = statics->mintick;
+/* Get a pointer to the data in the PointSet. */
+ statics->ptr = astGetPoints( statics->pset );
+/* Find a typical value on each axis. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 2 && astOK; i++ ){
+ statics->typval[ i ] = Typical( statics->ngood[ i ], statics->ptr[ i ], -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX,
+ statics->width + i, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the flag indicating if any regions of invalid physical coordinates
+ were found. */
+ *inval = statics->bad;
+/* Return the typical value on the other axis. */
+ *refval = statics->typval[ 1 - axis ];
+/* See if any tick marks values have been stored in the Plot structure
+ using astSetTickValues. If so, copy the tick mark values to the
+ returned arrays and exit with a gap size determined by the first two
+ ticks. */
+ if( this->nmajtickval[ axis ] > 0 ) {
+ *ticks = astStore( NULL, this->majtickval[ axis ],
+ this->nmajtickval[ axis ]*sizeof(double) );
+ *minticks = astStore( NULL, this->mintickval[ axis ],
+ this->nmintickval[ axis ]*sizeof(double) );
+ *nmajor = this->nmajtickval[ axis ];
+ *nminor = this->nmintickval[ axis ];
+ if( *nmajor > 1 && (*ticks)[ 0 ] != AST__BAD &&
+ (*ticks)[ 1 ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ used_gap = fabs( (*ticks)[ 1 ] - (*ticks)[ 0 ] );
+ } else {
+ used_gap = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ return used_gap;
+ }
+/* See if the user has specified a gap size. The default for astGetLogTicks is
+ determined in DefGaps, so we can now decide whether to use attribute Gap
+ or LogGap to get the user-supplied gap size. Obtain the requested gap
+ attribute values for both physical axes. */
+ if( astGetLogTicks( this, axis ) ) {
+ gap = astGetLogGap( this, axis );
+ } else {
+ gap = astGetGap( this, axis );
+ }
+/* Find the maximum and minimum value in the plotting area. DefGap will
+ have reported an error if minv*maxv is negative or zero. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+ maxv = statics->ptr[ axis ][ statics->ngood[ axis ] - 1 ];
+ minv = statics->ptr[ axis ][ 0 ];
+ }
+/* First deal with logarithmically spaced ticks. */
+ dran = ( minv != 0.0 ) ? maxv/minv : 0.0;
+ if( astGetLogTicks( this, axis ) ) {
+/* If the ratio of max and min data value is not larger than 10, report an
+ error. */
+ dran = ( minv != 0.0 ) ? maxv/minv :0.0;
+ if( dran < 10.0 && dran > 0.1 ) {
+ astError( AST__VSMAL, "%s(%s): Cannot produce logarithmically "
+ "spaced major tick marks on axis %d since the dynamic "
+ "range of the axis is too small.", status, method, class, axis + 1 );
+ }
+/* Should we find a new value for "cen"? */
+ findcen = !cen || *cen == AST__BAD || !format_set;
+/* Try to find a "nice" gap size, so long as the caller has not supplied
+ a gap size. The default gap size obtained above is our initial guess. */
+ if( gap == AST__BAD && astOK ){
+/* Start off using the default gap found during the initialisation. */
+ test_gap = statics->defgaps[ axis ];
+/* Loop round until a gap size is found which gives an acceptable number
+ of tick marks. Upto 10 gap sizes are tried. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 10 && astOK; i++ ){
+/* Find a "nice" gap size close to the current test gap size. Also find
+ the number of minor tick marks to use with the nice gap size. Gaps for
+ logarithmic axes are always powers of ten. */
+ log_used_gap = (int) ( log10( test_gap ) + 0.5 );
+ if( log_used_gap == 0.0 ) {
+ log_used_gap = ( test_gap > 1.0 ) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ }
+ *nminor = 9;
+ used_gap = pow( 10.0, log_used_gap );
+/* If no value has been supplied for *cen, choose a value which would put
+ a major tick mark at the value 1 (or -1), and which is mid way between
+ the maximum and minimum axis value. */
+ if( findcen ) {
+ used_cen = pow( used_gap, (int) ( 0.5*log10( maxv*minv ) /
+ log_used_gap ) );
+ if( maxv < 0 ) used_cen = -used_cen;
+ } else {
+ used_cen = *cen;
+ }
+/* Find the index of the highest tick which is not larger than the lowest
+ axis value. */
+ if( log_used_gap > 0.0 ) {
+ ilo = floor( log10( minv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ } else {
+ ilo = ceil( log10( minv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ }
+/* Find the index of the lowest tick which is not less than the highest
+ axis value. */
+ if( log_used_gap > 0.0 ) {
+ ihi = ceil( log10( maxv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ } else {
+ ihi = floor( log10( maxv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ }
+/* Find the total number of tick marks. */
+ *nmajor = ihi - ilo + 1;
+/* If the number of ticks is unacceptable, try a different gap size. If the
+ gap was too large to produce any ticks, try using half the gap size. */
+ if( *nmajor <= 0 ) {
+ test_gap = sqrt( test_gap );
+/* If there were some ticks, but not enough, decrease the gap size in
+ proportion to the shortfall. */
+ } else if( *nmajor < statics->mintick ){
+ test_gap = pow( test_gap, (double)( *nmajor )/(double)( statics->mintick ) );
+/* If there were too many ticks, increase the gap size in proportion to the
+ excess. */
+ } else if( *nmajor > statics->maxticks ){
+ test_gap = pow( test_gap, (double)( *nmajor )/(double)( statics->maxticks ) );
+/* If the number of ticks is acceptable, break out of the loop early.*/
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Increase the tick coverage by one at each end to cover up the gaps. */
+ ilo--;
+ ihi++;
+ *nmajor += 2;
+/* If an explicit gap size was supplied, use it. */
+ } else if( astOK ) {
+/* Check it is usable. */
+ if( gap == 0.0 && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__ATTIN, "%s(%s): Invalid value zero given for "
+ "attribute LogGap(%d).", status, method, class, axis + 1 );
+ } else if( gap < 0.0 && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__ATTIN, "%s(%s): Invalid negative value %f given for "
+ "attribute LogGap(%d).", status, method, class, gap, axis + 1 );
+/* If necessary, take its reciprocal in order to ensure that the absolute
+ tick mark values get smaller or larger as required. */
+ } else {
+ used_gap = gap;
+ if( fabs( maxv ) < fabs( minv ) ) {
+ if( gap > 1.0 ) used_gap = 1.0/gap;
+ } else {
+ if( gap < 1.0 ) used_gap = 1.0/gap;
+ }
+/* Find the nearest power of 10 ( do not allow 10**0 (=1.0) to be used). */
+ log_used_gap = (int) ( log10( used_gap ) + 0.5 );
+ if( log_used_gap == 0.0 ) {
+ log_used_gap = ( gap > 1.0 ) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ }
+ used_gap = pow( 10.0, log_used_gap );
+/* We always use 9 minor intervals. */
+ *nminor = 9;
+/* If no value has been supplied for *cen, choose a value which would put
+ a major tick mark at the value 1 (or -1), and which is mid way between
+ the maximum and minimum axis value. */
+ if( findcen ) {
+ used_cen = pow( used_gap, (int) ( 0.5*log10( maxv*minv ) /
+ log_used_gap ) );
+ if( maxv < 0 ) used_cen = -used_cen;
+ } else {
+ used_cen = *cen;
+ }
+/* Find the index of the highest tick which is not larger than the lowest
+ axis value. */
+ if( log_used_gap > 0.0 ) {
+ ilo = floor( log10( minv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ } else {
+ ilo = ceil( log10( minv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ }
+/* Find the index of the lowest tick which is not less than the highest
+ axis value. */
+ if( log_used_gap > 0.0 ) {
+ ihi = ceil( log10( maxv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ } else {
+ ihi = floor( log10( maxv/used_cen )/log_used_gap );
+ }
+/* Find the total number of tick marks. */
+ *nmajor = ihi - ilo + 1;
+ if( *nmajor < 2 && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__ATTIN, "%s(%s): Unusable value %f given for "
+ "attribute LogGap(%d).", status, method, class, gap, axis + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Allocate memory to hold the tick values themselves. */
+ *ticks = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double )*( *nmajor ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Store them. */
+ tick = *ticks;
+ for( i = ilo; i <= ihi; i++, tick++ ) {
+ *tick = used_cen*pow( used_gap, i );
+ }
+ }
+/* Store returned centre value. */
+ if( cen ) *cen = used_cen;
+/* Now deal with linearly spaced ticks */
+ } else {
+/* Store the supplied value of cen. */
+ cen0 = ( cen ) ? *cen : AST__BAD;
+/* If no format has been set for the axis, ensure AST__BAD is used for cen. */
+ if( !format_set ) cen0 = AST__BAD;
+/* Try to find a "nice" gap size, so long as the caller has not supplied
+ a gap size. The default gap size obtained above is our initial guess. */
+ if( gap == AST__BAD ){
+ old_used_gap = AST__BAD;
+/* Start of using the default gap found during the initialisation. */
+ test_gap = statics->defgaps[ axis ];
+ used_gap = 0.0;
+/* Initialise flags saying the test gap is too large or too small */
+ gap_too_large = 0;
+ gap_too_small = 0;
+/* So far, there have been no ineffective attempts to change the gap
+ size. */
+ nochange = 0;
+/* Loop round until a gap size is found which gives an acceptable number
+ of tick marks. Upto 10 gap sizes are tried. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 10 && astOK; i++ ){
+/* Find a "nice" gap size close to the current test gap size. Also find
+ the number of minor tick marks to use with the nice gap size. */
+ new_used_gap = astGap( statics->frame, axis, test_gap, nminor );
+/* Find the number and positions of major tick marks which would result
+ from using this gap size. Annul the memory used to hold any previous tick
+ data first. Only do this if the gap being used has actually changed,
+ otherwise we just retain the values created from the previous run with
+ this gap size. */
+ if( new_used_gap != used_gap ) {
+ nochange = 0;
+ old_used_gap = used_gap;
+ used_gap = new_used_gap;
+ if( *ticks ) *ticks = astFree( *ticks );
+ if( cen ) *cen = cen0;
+ *nmajor = FindMajTicks( statics->map, statics->frame, axis, *refval, statics->width[ 1-axis ],
+ used_gap, cen, statics->ngood[ axis ],
+ statics->ptr[ axis ], ticks, status );
+/* If the gap size has not changed do an extra pass through this loop,
+ but only do this a maximum of 25 times in succession. */
+ } else if( nochange < 25 ) {
+ nochange++;
+ i--;
+ } else if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__VSMAL, "%s(%s): Cannot produce enough major "
+ "tick marks on axis %d using the current axis "
+ "format (\"%s\").", status, method, class, axis + 1,
+ astGetFormat( statics->frame, axis ) );
+ break;
+ }
+/* If the number of ticks is unacceptable, try a different gap size. If the
+ gap was too large to produce any ticks, try using half the gap size. */
+ if( *nmajor == 0 ) {
+ test_gap *= 0.5;
+ gap_too_large = 1;
+ gap_too_small = 0;
+/* If there were some ticks, but not enough... */
+ } else if( *nmajor < statics->mintick ){
+/* If the previous test gap produced too many ticks, use the current gap
+ size. */
+ if( gap_too_small ) {
+ break;
+/* Otherwise, decrease the gap size in proportion to the shortfall. */
+ } else {
+ test_gap *= (double)( *nmajor )/(double)( statics->mintick );
+ gap_too_large = 1;
+ gap_too_small = 0;
+ }
+/* If there were too many ticks... */
+ } else if( *nmajor > statics->maxticks ){
+/* If the previous test gap produced too few ticks, use the previous gap
+ size. */
+ if( gap_too_large ) {
+ used_gap = old_used_gap;
+ if( *ticks ) *ticks = astFree( *ticks );
+ if( cen ) *cen = cen0;
+ *nmajor = FindMajTicks( statics->map, statics->frame, axis, *refval, statics->width[ 1-axis ],
+ used_gap, cen, statics->ngood[ axis ],
+ statics->ptr[ axis ], ticks, status );
+ break;
+/* Otherwise, increase the gap size in proportion to the excess. */
+ } else {
+ test_gap *= (double)( *nmajor )/(double)( statics->maxticks );
+ gap_too_small = 1;
+ gap_too_large = 0;
+ }
+/* If the number of ticks is acceptable, break out of the loop early.*/
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If an explicit gap size was supplied, use it. */
+ } else {
+/* Find a likely value for the number of minor tick marks to use, and find
+ a nice gap close to the supplied gap (unless an explicit format has
+ been set). */
+ if( format_set ){
+ used_gap = gap;
+ (void) astGap( statics->frame, axis, used_gap, nminor );
+ } else {
+ used_gap = astGap( statics->frame, axis, gap, nminor );
+ }
+/* Find where the major ticks should be put. */
+ if( cen ) *cen = cen0;
+ *nmajor = FindMajTicks( statics->map, statics->frame, axis, *refval, statics->width[ 1-axis ],
+ used_gap, cen, statics->ngood[ axis ], statics->ptr[ axis ],
+ ticks, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Report an error if no ticks can be found. */
+ if( *nmajor == 0 && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "%s(%s): Cannot find any usable tick mark values. ", status, method,
+ class );
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, annul the memory used to hold tick data, and
+ return zero ticks. */
+ if( !astOK ) {
+ *ticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) *ticks );
+ *nmajor = 0;
+ *nminor = 0;
+ used_gap = 0.0;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return used_gap;
+static double GoodGrid( AstPlot *this, int *dim, AstPointSet **pset1,
+ AstPointSet **pset2, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GoodGrid
+* Purpose:
+* Create a grid covering the region containing good coordinates in a
+* 2-D physical coordinate Frame.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* double GoodGrid( AstPlot *this, int *dim, AstPointSet **pset1,
+* AstPointSet **pset2, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function creates two PointSets, one holding a square grid of
+* graphics coordinates, and the other holding the corresponding physical
+* coordinates (not normalized). The grid covers just the area containing
+* good physical coordinates. The points are stored row by row in the
+* returned PointSets.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* dim
+* A pointer to an integer in which to store the number of samples
+* along each edge of the returned grid.
+* pset1
+* A pointer to a location at which to store a pointer to the
+* PointSet holding the graphics coordinates.
+* pset2
+* A pointer to a location at which to store a pointer to the
+* PointSet holding the physical coordinates.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The fraction of the plotting area containing good physical
+* coordinates.
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes that the physical coordinate system is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - The returned PointSets should be annulled when no longer needed,
+* using astAnnul.
+* - An error is reported if the region containing valid physical
+* coordinates is too small to use.
+* - A function value of zero, and NULL pointers are returned if an error
+* has already occurred, or if this function should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *frm; /* Pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot */
+ AstMapping *map; /* Pointer to "graphics to physical" mapping */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical axis value data */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to graphics axis value data */
+ double *pa; /* Pointer to next value on 1st physical axis */
+ double *pb; /* Pointer to next value on 2nd physical axis */
+ double *px; /* Pointer to next value on 1st graphics axis */
+ double *py; /* Pointer to next value on 2nd graphics axis */
+ double dx; /* Cell size along graphics X (1st) axis */
+ double dy; /* Cell size along graphics Y (2nd) axis */
+ double frac; /* Fraction of good physical coordinates */
+ double xmax; /* High X bound of region containing good phy. coords */
+ double xmin; /* Low X bound of region containing good phy. coords */
+ double ymax; /* High Y bound of region containing good phy. coords */
+ double ymin; /* Low Y bound of region containing good phy. coords */
+ int j; /* Element offset */
+ int ngood; /* Number of grid points with good physical coords */
+ int size; /* Number of grid points */
+/* Initialise the returned PointSet pointers. */
+ *pset1 = NULL;
+ *pset2 = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0.0;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ ptr1 = NULL;
+ frac = 0.0;
+ xmax = 0.0;
+ xmin = 0.0;
+ ymax = 0.0;
+ ymin = 0.0;
+/* Get the Mapping from base (graphics) to current (physical) Frame in the
+ supplied Plot. */
+ map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get a pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot. */
+ frm = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Initialise the grid dimension. */
+ *dim = 16;
+/* We need a grid which has at least 4 good points. */
+ ngood = 0;
+ while( ngood < 4 && astOK ){
+/* Double the grid dimension. */
+ *dim *= 2;
+/* Report an error if the grid is now too big. */
+ if( *dim >= 512 ){
+ astError( AST__VSMAL, "%s(%s): The area of the plot containing "
+ "usable coordinates on both axes is too small.", status, method,
+ class );
+ break;
+ }
+/* Get two PointSets, one holding a regular grid of graphics coordinates,
+ and the other holding the corresponding physical coordinates. The grid
+ covers the entire plotting area with the current grid dimension. A
+ pointer to the physical axis values is returned. */
+ ptr2 = MakeGrid( this, frm, map, 1, *dim, this->xlo, this->xhi, this->ylo,
+ this->yhi, 2, pset1, pset2, 0, method, class, status );
+/* Get the number of graphics axis values. */
+ size = astGetNpoint( *pset1 );
+/* Get a pointer to the graphics axis values. */
+ ptr1 = astGetPoints( *pset1 );
+/* Check the pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Find the bounds in graphics coordinates of the area enclosing the
+ good physical positions in the grid, and count the good positions. */
+ ngood = 0;
+ pa = ptr2[ 0 ];
+ pb = ptr2[ 1 ];
+ px = ptr1[ 0 ];
+ py = ptr1[ 1 ];
+ xmin = DBL_MAX;
+ xmax = -DBL_MAX;
+ ymin = DBL_MAX;
+ ymax = -DBL_MAX;
+ for( j = 0; j < size; j++ ){
+ if( *pa != AST__BAD && *pb != AST__BAD ){
+ if( *px < xmin ) xmin = *px;
+ if( *px > xmax ) xmax = *px;
+ if( *py < ymin ) ymin = *py;
+ if( *py > ymax ) ymax = *py;
+ ngood++;
+ }
+ px++;
+ py++;
+ pa++;
+ pb++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Store approximate fraction of the plotting area containing good
+ physical coordinates. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+ frac = ( (double) ngood )/(double)( astGetNpoint( *pset1 ) );
+/* Get the size of each grid cell. */
+ dx = ptr1[0][1] - ptr1[0][0];
+ dy = ptr1[1][1] - ptr1[1][0];
+/* Extend the area containing good points by one grid cell. */
+ xmax += dx;
+ xmin -= dx;
+ ymax += dy;
+ ymin -= dy;
+/* If the area containing good points is significantly smaller than
+ the supplied area, create a new grid covering just the area containing
+ good positions. */
+ if( ( xmax - xmin ) < 0.9*( this->xhi - this->xlo ) ||
+ ( ymax - ymin ) < 0.9*( this->yhi - this->ylo ) ){
+/* Find a new grid dimension which results in a cell size similar to
+ the one used to create the grid, but covering only the region containing
+ good physical coordinates. */
+ *dim *= astMAX( (xmax - xmin)/(this->xhi - this->xlo),
+ (ymax - ymin)/(this->yhi - this->ylo) );
+ if( *dim < 32 ) *dim = 32;
+/* Annul the PointSet holding the current grid. */
+ *pset1 = astAnnul( *pset1 );
+ *pset2 = astAnnul( *pset2 );
+/* Create the new grid covering the region containing good physical
+ coordinates. */
+ (void) MakeGrid( this, frm, map, 1, *dim, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 2,
+ pset1, pset2, 0, method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Annul the Mapping from base to current Frame, and the pointer to the
+ Current Frame. */
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+ frm = astAnnul( frm );
+/* If an error has occurred, annul the two pointsets and indicate that
+ there are no good points in the plotting area. */
+ if( !astOK ){
+ *pset1 = astAnnul( *pset1 );
+ *pset2 = astAnnul( *pset2 );
+ frac = 0.0;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return frac;
+static int GraphGrid( int dim, int disk, double xlo, double xhi, double ylo,
+ double yhi, double **ptr1, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GraphGrid
+* Purpose:
+* Fill an array with a square grid of graphics coordinates.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GraphGrid( int dim, int disk, double xlo, double xhi, double ylo,
+* double yhi, double **ptr1, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function fills the supplied array with a square grid of graphics
+* coordinates covering the supplied area. The points are stored row by
+* row, i.e. if the cell size for the grid is (dx,dy), the first point
+* is (xmin,ymin), followed by (xmin+dx,ymin), (xmin+2*dx,ymin), up to
+* (xmin+(dim-1)*dx,ymin), followed by the next row (xmin,ymin+dy),
+* (xmin+dx,ymin+dy), etc.
+* Parameters:
+* dim
+* The number of samples along each edge of the grid.
+* disk
+* If non-zero, the corners of the grid are omitted, resulting in a
+* grid that is more disk like than rectangular.
+* xlo
+* The lower bound on the first axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* xhi
+* The upper bound on the first axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* ylo
+* The lower bound on the second axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* yhi
+* The upper bound on the second axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* ptr1
+* A pointer to an array of two pointers giving the start of the two
+* arrays to receive the values for each of the two axes of the graphics
+* coordinate data.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The number of points in the grid. If "disk" is zero, this will be
+* the square of "dim". If "disk" is non-zero, this will be less than
+* the square of "dim" to account for the lack of corner points.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *px;
+ double *py;
+ double cen;
+ double dx;
+ double dy2;
+ double dy;
+ double dx2;
+ double r2;
+ double y;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int ok;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Find the cell size. */
+ dx = ( xhi - xlo )/(double)( dim - 1 );
+ dy = ( yhi - ylo )/(double)( dim - 1 );
+/* Store the mid cell index. */
+ cen = 0.5*( dim - 1 );
+/* Store the squared radius of the disk. */
+ r2 = 1.9*cen*cen;
+/* Initialise pointers to the start of the two arrays to recieve the
+ returned graphics values for each axis. */
+ px = ptr1[ 0 ];
+ py = ptr1[ 1 ];
+/* Loop round row. */
+ for( j = 0; j < dim; j++ ){
+ dy2 = j - cen;
+ dy2 *= dy2;
+/* Get the Y coordinate of the current row. */
+ y = ylo + j*dy;
+/* Loop round each column in the current row. */
+ for( i = 0; i < dim; i++ ){
+/* If we are forming a disk rather than a square, check if this point is
+ sufficiently close to the centre to be included in the disk. */
+ if( disk ) {
+ dx2 = i - cen;
+ dx2 *= dx2;
+ ok = ( dx2 + dy2 <= r2 );
+ } else {
+ ok = 1;
+ }
+/* Store the coordinates of the current grid point. */
+ if( ok ) {
+ *(px++) = xlo + i*dx;
+ *(py++) = y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the used length of the PointSet. */
+ return (int)( px - ptr1[ 0 ] );
+static void GrfPop( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+c astGrfPop
+* Purpose:
+* Restore previously saved graphics functions used by a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astGrfPop( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+c This function restores a snapshot of the graphics functions
+c stored previously by calling astGrfPush. The restored graphics
+c functions become the current graphics functions used by the Plot.
+c The astGrfPush and astGrfPop functions are intended for situations
+c where it is necessary to make temporary changes to the graphics
+c functions used by the Plot. The current functions should first be
+c saved by calling astGrfPush. New functions should then be registered
+c using astGrfSet. The required graphics should then be produced.
+c Finally, astGrfPop should be called to restore the original graphics
+c functions.
+f The AST_GRFPUSH and AST_GRFPOP functions are intended for situations
+f where it is necessary to make temporary changes to the graphics
+f functions used by the Plot. The current functions should first be
+f saved by calling AST_GRFPUSH. New functions should then be registered
+f using AST_GRFSET. The required graphics should then be produced.
+f Finally, AST_GRFPOP should be called to restore the original graphics
+f functions.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+f - This routine returns without action if there are no snapshots to
+c - This function returns without action if there are no snapshots to
+* restore. No error is reported in this case.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstGrfPtrs *newframe; /* Pointer to the stack frame to restore */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Check the stack is not already empty. */
+ if( this->grfnstack > 0 ) {
+ this->grfnstack--;
+ if( astOK ) {
+ newframe = this->grfstack + this->grfnstack;
+ for( i = 0; i < AST__NGRFFUN; i++ ) {
+ this->grffun[i] = (newframe->grffun)[i];
+ }
+ this->GAttr = newframe->GAttr;
+ this->GBBuf = newframe->GBBuf;
+ this->GEBuf = newframe->GEBuf;
+ this->GFlush = newframe->GFlush;
+ this->GLine = newframe->GLine;
+ this->GMark = newframe->GMark;
+ this->GText = newframe->GText;
+ this->GCap = newframe->GCap;
+ this->GTxExt = newframe->GTxExt;
+ this->GScales = newframe->GScales;
+ this->GQch = newframe->GQch;
+ }
+ }
+static void GrfPush( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+c astGrfPush
+* Purpose:
+* Save the current graphics functions used by a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astGrfPush( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+c This function takes a snapshot of the graphics functions which are
+f This routine takes a snapshot of the graphics functions which are
+* currently registered with the supplied Plot, and saves the snapshot
+* on a first-in-last-out stack within the Plot. The snapshot can be
+* restored later using function
+c astGrfPop.
+c The astGrfPush and astGrfPop functions are intended for situations
+c where it is necessary to make temporary changes to the graphics
+c functions used by the Plot. The current functions should first be
+c saved by calling astGrfPush. New functions should then be registered
+c using astGrfSet. The required graphics should then be produced.
+c Finally, astGrfPop should be called to restore the original graphics
+c functions.
+f The AST_GRFPUSH and AST_GRFPOP functions are intended for situations
+f where it is necessary to make temporary changes to the graphics
+f functions used by the Plot. The current functions should first be
+f saved by calling AST_GRFPUSH. New functions should then be registered
+f using AST_GRFSET. The required graphics should then be produced.
+f Finally, AST_GRFPOP should be called to restore the original graphics
+f functions.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstGrfPtrs *newframe; /* Pointer to the new stack frame */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Increment the number of frames on the stack. */
+ this->grfnstack++;
+/* Ensure the stack is large enough to hold this many frames. */
+ this->grfstack = (AstGrfPtrs *) astGrow( (void *) this->grfstack,
+ this->grfnstack, sizeof( AstGrfPtrs ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Get a pointer to the new stack frame. */
+ newframe = this->grfstack + this->grfnstack - 1;
+/* Copy the graphics function pointers from the main Plot attributes
+ to the new stack frame. */
+ for( i = 0; i < AST__NGRFFUN; i++ ) {
+ (newframe->grffun)[i] = this->grffun[i];
+ }
+ newframe->GAttr = this->GAttr;
+ newframe->GBBuf = this->GBBuf;
+ newframe->GEBuf = this->GEBuf;
+ newframe->GFlush = this->GFlush;
+ newframe->GLine = this->GLine;
+ newframe->GMark = this->GMark;
+ newframe->GText = this->GText;
+ newframe->GCap = this->GCap;
+ newframe->GTxExt = this->GTxExt;
+ newframe->GQch = this->GQch;
+ newframe->GScales = this->GScales;
+ }
+static void GrfSet( AstPlot *this, const char *name, AstGrfFun fun, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astGrfSet
+* Purpose:
+c Register a graphics function for use by a Plot.
+f Register a graphics routine for use by a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astGrfSet( AstPlot *this, const char *name, AstGrfFun fun )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+c This function can be used to select the underlying graphics
+c functions to be used when the supplied Plot produces graphical output.
+c If this function is not called prior to producing graphical
+c output, then the underlying graphics functions selected at
+c link-time (using the ast_link command) will be used. To use
+c alternative graphics functions, call this function before
+c the graphical output is created, specifying the graphics
+c functions to be used. This will register the function for future
+c use, but the function will not actually be used until the Grf
+c attribute is given a non-zero value.
+f This routine can be used to select the underlying graphics
+f routines to be used when the supplied Plot produces graphical output.
+f If this routine is not called prior to producing graphical
+f output, then the underlying graphics routines selected at
+f link-time (using the ast_link command) will be used. To use
+f alternative graphics routines, call this routine before
+f the graphical output is created, specifying the graphics
+f routines to be used. This will register the routine for future
+f use, but the routine will not actually be used until the Grf
+f attribute is given a non-zero value.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c name
+f NAME = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c A name indicating the graphics function to be replaced.
+c Various graphics functions are used by the
+c Plot class, and any combination of them may be supplied by calling
+c this function once for each function to be replaced. If any of the
+c graphics functions are not replaced in this way, the
+c corresponding functions in the graphics interface selected at
+c link-time (using the ast_link command) are used. The allowed
+c names are:
+f A name indicating the graphics routine to be replaced.
+f Various graphics routines are used by the
+f Plot class, and any combination of them may be supplied by calling
+f this routine once for each routine to be replaced. If any of the
+f graphics routines are not replaced in this way, the
+f corresponding routines in the graphics interface selected at
+f link-time (using the ast_link command) are used. The allowed
+f function names are:
+* - Attr - Enquire or set a graphics attribute value
+* - BBuf - Start a new graphics buffering context
+* - Cap - Inquire a capability
+* - EBuf - End the current graphics buffering context
+* - Flush - Flush all pending graphics to the output device
+* - Line - Draw a polyline (i.e. a set of connected lines)
+* - Mark - Draw a set of markers
+* - Qch - Return the character height in world coordinates
+* - Scales - Get the axis scales
+* - Text - Draw a character string
+* - TxExt - Get the extent of a character string
+* The string is case insensitive. For details of the interface
+* required for each, see the sections below.
+c fun
+c A Pointer to the function to be used to provide the
+c functionality indicated by parameter name. The interface for
+c each function is described below, but the function pointer should
+c be cast to a type of AstGrfFun when calling astGrfSet.
+f The name of the routine to be used to provide the
+f functionality indicated by parameter NAME (the name
+f should also appear in a Fortran EXTERNAL statement in the
+f routine which invokes AST_GRFSET).
+c Once a function has been provided, a null pointer can be supplied
+c in a subsequent call to astGrfSet to reset the function to the
+c corresponding function in the graphics interface selected at
+c link-time.
+f Once a routine has been provided, the "null" routine AST_NULL can
+f be supplied in a subsequent call to astGrfSet to reset the routine
+f to the corresponding routine in the graphics interface selected at
+f link-time. AST_NULL is defined in the AST_PAR include file.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Function Interfaces:
+* All the functions listed below (except for "Cap") should return an
+* integer value of 0 if an error occurs, and 1 otherwise. All x and y
+* values refer
+f to "graphics cordinates" as defined by the GRAPHBOX parameter of
+f the AST_PLOT call which created the Plot.
+c to "graphics cordinates" as defined by the graphbox parameter of
+c the astPlot call which created the Plot.
+c The first parameter ("grfcon")
+f The first argument (GRFCON)
+* for each function is an AST KeyMap pointer that can be used by the
+* called function to establish the context in which it is being called.
+* The contents of the KeyMap are determined by the calling
+* application, which should obtain a pointer to the KeyMap using the
+c astGetGrfContext function,
+* and then store any necessary information in the KeyMap using the
+* methods of the KeyMap class. Note, the functions listed below
+* should never annul or delete the supplied KeyMap pointer.
+* Attr:
+* The "Attr" function returns the current value of a specified graphics
+* attribute, and optionally establishes a new value. The supplied
+* value is converted to an integer value if necessary before use.
+* It requires the following interface:
+c int Attr( AstObject *grfcon, int attr, double value, double *old_value, int prim )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - attr - An integer value identifying the required attribute.
+c The following symbolic values are defined in grf.h:
+f - ATT = INTEGER (Given) - An integer identifying the required attribute.
+f The following symbolic values are defined in GRF_PAR:
+* GRF__STYLE (Line style),
+* GRF__WIDTH (Line width),
+* GRF__SIZE (Character and marker size scale factor),
+* GRF__FONT (Character font),
+* GRF__COLOUR (Colour index).
+c - value -
+c A new value to store for the attribute. If this is AST__BAD
+* no value is stored.
+c - old_value - A pointer to a double in which to return
+f - OLDVAL = DOUBLE PRECISION (Returned) - Returned holding
+* the attribute value.
+c If this is NULL, no value is returned.
+c - prim -
+f - PRIM = INTEGER (Given) -
+* The sort of graphics primitive to be drawn with the new attribute.
+c Identified by the following values defined in grf.h:
+f Identified by the following values defined in GRF_PAR:
+* BBuf:
+* The "BBuf" function should start a new graphics buffering context.
+* A matching call to the function "EBuf" should be used to end the
+* context. The nature of the buffering is determined by the underlying
+* graphics system.
+c int BBuf( AstObject *grfcon )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+* Cap:
+* The "Cap" function is called to determine if the grf module has a
+* given capability, as indicated by the "cap" argument:
+c int Cap( AstObject *grfcon, int cap, int value )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - cap -
+f - CAP = INTEGER (Given)
+* The capability being inquired about. This will be one of the
+c following constants defined in grf.h:
+f following constants defined in GRF_PAR:
+* GRF__SCALES: This function should return a non-zero value if the
+* "Scales" function is implemented, and zero otherwise. The supplied
+c "value" argument should be ignored.
+f VALUE argument should be ignored.
+* GRF__MJUST: This function should return a non-zero value if
+* the "Text" and "TxExt" functions recognise "M" as a
+* character in the justification string. If the first character of
+* a justification string is "M", then the text should be justified
+* with the given reference point at the bottom of the bounding box.
+* This is different to "B" justification, which requests that the
+* reference point be put on the baseline of the text, since some
+* characters hang down below the baseline. If the "Text" or
+* "TxExt" function cannot differentiate between "M" and "B",
+* then this function should return zero, in which case "M"
+* justification will never be requested by Plot. The supplied
+c "value" argument should be ignored.
+f VALUE argument should be ignored.
+* GRF__ESC: This function should return a non-zero value if the
+* "Text" and "TxExt" functions can recognise and interpret
+* graphics escape sequences within the supplied string (see
+* attribute Escape). Zero should be returned if escape sequences
+* cannot be interpreted (in which case the Plot class will interpret
+c them itself if needed). The supplied "value" argument should be
+f them itself if needed). The supplied VALUE argument should be
+* ignored only if escape sequences cannot be interpreted by "Text" and
+c "TxExt". Otherwise, "value" indicates whether "Text" and "TxExt"
+c should interpret escape sequences in subsequent calls. If "value" is
+f "TxExt". Otherwise, VALUE indicates whether "Text" and "TxExt"
+f should interpret escape sequences in subsequent calls. If VALUE is
+* non-zero then escape sequences should be interpreted by "Text" and
+* "TxExt". Otherwise, they should be drawn as literal text.
+c - value -
+f - VALUE = INTEGER (Given)
+c The use of this parameter depends on the value of "cap" as
+f The use of this parameter depends on the value of CAP as
+* described above.
+* - Returned Function Value:
+c The value returned by the function depends on the value of "cap"
+f The value returned by the function depends on the value of CAP
+* as described above. Zero should be returned if the supplied
+* capability is not recognised.
+* EBuf:
+* The "EBuf" function should end the current graphics buffering
+* context. See the description of "BBuf" above for further details.
+* It requires the following interface:
+c int EBuf( AstObject *grfcon )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+* Flush:
+* The "Flush" function ensures that the display device is up-to-date,
+* by flushing any pending graphics to the output device. It
+* requires the following interface:
+c int Flush( AstObject *grfcon )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+* Line:
+* The "Line" function displays lines joining the given positions and
+* requires the following interface:
+c int Line( AstObject *grfcon, int n, const float *x, const float *y )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - n - The number of positions to be joined together.
+f - N = INTEGER (Given) - The number of positions to be joined together.
+c - x - A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+f - X( N ) = REAL (Given) - An array holding the "n" x values.
+c - y - A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+f - Y( N ) = REAL (Given) - An array holding the "n" y values.
+* Mark:
+* The "Mark" function displays markers at the given positions. It
+* requires the following interface:
+c int Mark( AstObject *grfcon, int n, const float *x, const float *y, int type )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - n - The number of positions to be marked.
+f - N = INTEGER (Given) - The number of positions to be marked.
+c - x - A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+f - X( N ) = REAL (Given) - An array holding the "n" x values.
+c - y - A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+f - Y( N ) = REAL (Given) - An array holding the "n" y values.
+c - type - An integer which can be used to indicate the type of marker
+c symbol required.
+f - TYPE = INTEGER (Given) - An integer which can be used to indicate
+f the type of marker symbol required.
+* Qch:
+* The "Qch" function returns the heights of characters drawn vertically
+* and horizontally in graphics coordinates. It requires the following
+* interface:
+c int Qch( AstObject *grfcon, float *chv, float *chh )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - chv - A pointer to the float which is to receive the height of
+f - CHV = REAL (Returned) The height of
+* characters drawn with a vertical baseline. This will be an
+* increment in the X axis.
+c - chh - A pointer to the float which is to receive the height of
+f - CHH = REAL (Returned) The height of
+* characters drawn with a horizontal baseline. This will be an
+* increment in the Y axis.
+* Scales:
+* The "Scales" function returns two values (one for each axis) which
+* scale increments on the corresponding axis into a "normal" coordinate
+* system in which: 1) the axes have equal scale in terms of (for instance)
+* millimetres per unit distance, 2) X values increase from left to
+* right, and 3) Y values increase from bottom to top. It requires the
+* following interface:
+c int Scales( AstObject *grfcon, float *alpha, float *beta )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - alpha - A pointer to the float which is to receive the
+f - ALPHA = REAL (Returned) The
+* scale for the X axis (i.e. Xnorm = alpha*Xworld).
+c - beta - A pointer to the float which is to receive the
+f - BETA = REAL (Returned) The
+* scale for the Y axis (i.e. Ynorm = beta*Yworld).
+* Text:
+* The "Text" function displays a character string at a given
+* position using a specified justification and up-vector. It
+* requires the following interface:
+c int Text( AstObject *grfcon, const char *text, float x, float y, const char *just,
+c float upx, float upy )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - text - Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+f - TEXT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) - The string to be displayed.
+c - x - The reference x coordinate.
+f - X = REAL (Given) - The reference x coordinate.
+c - y - The reference y coordinate.
+f - Y = REAL (Given) - The reference y coordinate.
+c - just - A character string which specifies the location within the
+f - JUST = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given ) - A string which specifies the
+f location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+c - upx - The x component of the up-vector for the text.
+f - UPX = REAL (Given) - The x component of the up-vector for the text.
+* If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* left to right on the screen.
+c - upy - The y component of the up-vector for the text.
+f - UPX = REAL (Given) - The y component of the up-vector for the text.
+* If necessary the supplied value should be negated
+* to ensure that positive values always refer to displacements from
+* bottom to top on the screen.
+* TxExt:
+* The "TxExt" function returns the corners of a box which would enclose
+* the supplied character string if it were displayed using the
+* Text function described above. The returned box includes any leading
+* or trailing spaces. It requires the following interface:
+c int TxExt( AstObject *grfcon, const char *text, float x, float y, const char *just,
+c float upx, float upy, float *xb, float *yb )
+c - grfcon -
+f - GRFCON = INTEGER (Given) -
+* A KeyMap containing information passed from the calling application.
+c - text - Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+f - TEXT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) - The string to be displayed.
+c - x - The reference x coordinate.
+f - X = REAL (Given) - The reference x coordinate.
+c - y - The reference y coordinate.
+f - Y = REAL (Given) - The reference y coordinate.
+c - just - A character string which specifies the location within the
+f - JUST = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given ) - A string which specifies the
+f location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. See "Text" above.
+c - upx - The x component of the up-vector for the text.
+f - UPX = REAL (Given) - The x component of the up-vector for the text.
+* See "Text" above.
+c - upy - The y component of the up-vector for the text.
+f - UPX = REAL (Given) - The y component of the up-vector for the text.
+* See "Text" above.
+c - xb - An array of 4 elements in which to return the x coordinate of
+f - XB( 4 ) = REAL (Returned) - Returned holding the x coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+c - yb - An array of 4 elements in which to return the y coordinate of
+f - YB( 4 ) = REAL (Returned) - Returned holding the y coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ int ifun; /* Index into grf function list */
+ void (* wrapper)(); /* Wrapper function for C Grf routine*/
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ wrapper = NULL;
+/* Store the current method and class for inclusion in error messages
+ generated by lower level functions. */
+ method = "astGrfSet";
+ class = astClass( this );
+/* Identify the supplied function name and get its integer index into the
+ list of grf functions. */
+ ifun = astGrfFunID( name, method, class );
+/* Store the pointer. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+ this->grffun[ifun] = fun;
+/* In general, the interface to each Grf function will differ for
+ different languages. So we need a wrapper function with a known fixed
+ interface which can be used to invoke the actual Grf function with
+ an interface suited to the language in use. Call astGrfWrapper to store
+ a wrapper to a suitable function which can invoke the supplied
+ grf function. Here, we assume that the supplied function has a C
+ interface, so we set up a C wrapper. If this function is being called
+ from another language, then the interface for this function within
+ that language should set up an appropriate wrapper after calling this
+ function, thus over-riding the C wrapper set up here. */
+ if( ifun == AST__GATTR ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGAttrWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GBBUF ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGBBufWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GEBUF ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGEBufWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GFLUSH ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGFlushWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GLINE ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGLineWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GMARK ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGMarkWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GTEXT ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGTextWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GCAP ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGCapWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GTXEXT ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGTxExtWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GSCALES ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGScalesWrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GQCH ) {
+ wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) CGQchWrapper;
+ } else if( astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "%s(%s): AST internal programming error - "
+ "Grf function id %d not yet supported.", status, method, class,
+ ifun );
+ }
+ astGrfWrapper( this, name, wrapper );
+ }
+int astGrfFunID_( const char *name, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astGrfFunID
+* Purpose:
+* Return the integer identifier for a given GRF routine.
+* Type:
+* Hidden public function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int astGrfFunID( const char *name, const char *method,
+* const char *class )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function returns an integer identifying the named grf function.
+* An error is reported if the named function is unknown. This function
+* is used by non-class modules within AST (e.g. fplot.c) which is why
+* it is public. It is not intended to be used by the public.
+* Parameters:
+* name
+* The grf function name. Any unambiguous abbreviation will do.
+* Case is ignored. The full list of grf function names is:
+* "Attr BBuf EBuf Scales Flush Line Mark Qch Text TxExt". See
+* grf_pgplot.c for details of these functions.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+/* Note that the list of identifiers here must be in the same order as the
+ sorted values of the constants AST__GATTR, AST__GFLUSH, etc */
+ return FullForm( "Attr Flush Line Mark Text TxExt Scales Qch Cap BBuf "
+ "EBuf", name, "Grf function name (programming error)",
+ method, class, status );
+static char *GrfItem( int item, const char *text, int *axis, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GrfItem
+* Purpose:
+* Return the textual name corresponding to a specified graphical item
+* index.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* char *GrfItem( int item, const char *text, int *axis, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a textual description of the graphical item
+* with the supplied index.
+* Parameters:
+* item
+* The index of the graphical item.
+* text
+* A pointer to a string which will be appended to the textual
+* description of the graphical item. May be NULL.
+* axis
+* Pointer to a place in which to return the index (0,1, or 2) of
+* the axis to which the attribute refers, If the attribute does
+* not refer to a specific axis, -1 is returned.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a dynamically allocated string holding the textual
+* description of the graphical item, followed by any supplied "text".
+* Notes:
+* - An error is reported and a NULL pointer returned if the
+* index does not correspond to any graphical item.
+* - The returned pointer should be freed using astFree when it is no
+* longer needed.
+* - This function attempts to execute even if an error has already
+* occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char *desc; /* Pointer to the item description */
+ char *ret; /* Pointer to the returned string */
+ int dlen; /* Length of the item description */
+ if( axis ) *axis = -1;
+ if( item == AST__BORDER_ID ) {
+ desc = "Border";
+ } else if ( item == AST__GRIDLINE_ID ) {
+ desc = "Gridline";
+ } else if ( item == AST__GRIDLINE1_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 1 gridline";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 0;
+ } else if ( item == AST__GRIDLINE2_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 2 gridline";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 1;
+ } else if ( item == AST__GRIDLINE3_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 3 gridline";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 2;
+ } else if ( item == AST__CURVE_ID ) {
+ desc = "Curve";
+ } else if ( item == AST__NUMLABS_ID ) {
+ desc = "Numerical labels";
+ } else if ( item == AST__TEXTLABS_ID ) {
+ desc = "Textual labels";
+ } else if ( item == AST__TITLE_ID ) {
+ desc = "Title";
+ } else if ( item == AST__MARKS_ID ) {
+ desc = "Markers";
+ } else if ( item == AST__TEXT_ID ) {
+ desc = "Text string";
+ } else if ( item == AST__TICKS_ID ) {
+ desc = "Major and minor ticks";
+ } else if ( item == AST__AXIS1_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 1";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 0;
+ } else if ( item == AST__AXIS2_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 2";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 1;
+ } else if ( item == AST__AXIS3_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 3";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 2;
+ } else if ( item == AST__NUMLAB1_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 1 numerical labels";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 0;
+ } else if ( item == AST__NUMLAB2_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 2 numerical labels";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 1;
+ } else if ( item == AST__NUMLAB3_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 3 numerical labels";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 2;
+ } else if ( item == AST__TEXTLAB1_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 1 textual label";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 0;
+ } else if ( item == AST__TEXTLAB2_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 2 textual label";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 1;
+ } else if ( item == AST__TEXTLAB3_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 3 textual label";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 2;
+ } else if ( item == AST__TICKS1_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 1 tick marks";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 0;
+ } else if ( item == AST__TICKS2_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 2 tick marks";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 1;
+ } else if ( item == AST__TICKS3_ID ) {
+ desc = "Axis 3 tick marks";
+ if( axis ) *axis = 2;
+ } else {
+ desc = NULL;
+ if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__INTER, "GrfItem: AST internal programming error - "
+ "Invalid graphical item index %d supplied to GrfItem.", status,
+ item );
+ }
+ }
+ if( desc ) {
+ dlen = strlen( desc );
+ if( text ) {
+ ret = astStore( NULL, desc, dlen + strlen( text ) + 1 );
+ if( ret ) strcpy( ret + dlen, text );
+ } else {
+ ret = astStore( NULL, desc, dlen + 1 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = NULL;
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static void GrfWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *name, AstGrfWrap wrapper, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astGrfWrapper
+* Purpose:
+* Register a wrapper function for a F77 or C Grf function.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void astGrfWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *name, AstGrfWrap wrapper)
+* Description:
+* This function stores a pointer to the supplied wrapper function
+* within the plot, associating it with the grf function indicated by
+* the "name" parameter. The supplied wrapper function should call the
+* named grf function, using an interface appropriate to the language
+* in which the grf function is written.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The plot.
+* name
+* A name indicating the graphics function which is called by the
+* supplied wrapper function. See astGrfSet for details.
+* wrapper
+* A pointer to the wrapper function. This will be cast to a
+* specific type for the named grf function before being store
+* in the Plot.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ int ifun; /* Index into grf function list */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Store the current method and class for inclusion in error messages
+ generated by lower level functions. */
+ method = "astGrfWrapper";
+ class = astClass( this );
+/* Identify the supplied function name and get its integer index into the
+ list of grf functions. */
+ ifun = astGrfFunID( name, method, class );
+/* Cast the wrapper to an interface appropriate for the wrapped grf
+ function, and store it in the appropriate component of the Plot. */
+ if( ifun == AST__GATTR ) {
+ this->GAttr = (AstGAttrWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GBBUF ) {
+ this->GBBuf = (AstGBBufWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GEBUF ) {
+ this->GEBuf = (AstGEBufWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GFLUSH ) {
+ this->GFlush = (AstGFlushWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GLINE ) {
+ this->GLine = (AstGLineWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GMARK ) {
+ this->GMark = (AstGMarkWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GTEXT ) {
+ this->GText = (AstGTextWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GCAP ) {
+ this->GCap = (AstGCapWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GTXEXT ) {
+ this->GTxExt = (AstGTxExtWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GSCALES ) {
+ this->GScales = (AstGScalesWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( ifun == AST__GQCH ) {
+ this->GQch = (AstGQchWrap) wrapper;
+ } else if( astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "%s(%s): AST internal programming error - "
+ "Grf function id %d not yet supported.", status, method, class,
+ ifun );
+ }
+static void Grid( AstPlot *this_nd, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astGrid
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a set of labelled coordinate axes.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astGrid( AstPlot *this )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function draws a complete annotated set of
+f This routine draws a complete annotated set of
+* coordinate axes for a Plot with (optionally) a coordinate grid
+* superimposed. Details of the axes and grid can be controlled by
+* setting values for the various attributes defined by the Plot
+* class (q.v.).
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - If the supplied Plot is a Plot3D, the axes will be annotated
+* using three 2-dimensional Plots, one for each 2D plane in the 3D
+* current coordinate system. The plots will be "pasted" onto 3 faces
+* of the cuboid graphics volume specified when the Plot3D was
+* constructed. The faces to be used can be controlled by the "RootCorner"
+* attribute.
+* - An error results if either the current Frame or the base Frame
+* of the Plot is not 2-dimensional or (for a Plot3D) 3-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the base
+* and current Frames of the Plot is not defined in either
+* direction (i.e. the Plot's TranForward or TranInverse attribute
+* is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Plot with 2d current Frame */
+ AstPlotCurveData **cdata;/* Pointer to info. about breaks in curves */
+ TickInfo **grid; /* Pointer to info. about tick marks */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ double cen[ 2 ]; /* Position of first tick mark */
+ double gap[ 2 ]; /* Gap between tick marks */
+ double labelat[ 2 ]; /* Axis values at which tick marks are put */
+ int axis; /* Physical axis index */
+ int border; /* Draw a border? */
+ int clip; /* Original Clip attribute value */
+ int dounits[2]; /* Include Units in each axis label? */
+ int drawgrid; /* Is a grid of lines to be drawn? */
+ int clredge; /* Clear the Edge attributes before returning? */
+ int edgeticks; /* Draw labels round edges of plotting area? */
+ int escs; /* Original astEscapes value */
+ int ink; /* Draw the grid with visible ink? */
+ int inval; /* Were areas of invalid coordinates found? */
+ int labelling; /* Value of Labelling attribute */
+ int loglabelset[2]; /* Were the LogLabel attributes set initially? */
+ int logticksset[2]; /* Were the LogTicks attributes set initially? */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base or current Frame */
+ int oldedge0; /* Default value for Edge(1) */
+ int oldedge1; /* Default value for Edge(2) */
+ int useint; /* Do interior labels give us an advantage? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this_nd);
+/* Store the current method and class for inclusion in error messages
+ generated by lower level functions. */
+ method = "astGrid";
+ class = astClass( this_nd );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this_nd );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Ensure AST functions included graphical escape sequences in any
+ returned text strings. */
+ escs = astEscapes( 1 );
+/* Note if attributes which have complex dynamic defaults are set
+ initially. */
+ logticksset[0] = astTestLogTicks( this_nd, 0 );
+ logticksset[1] = astTestLogTicks( this_nd, 1 );
+ loglabelset[0] = astTestLogLabel( this_nd, 0 );
+ loglabelset[1] = astTestLogLabel( this_nd, 1 );
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Get a Plot with a 2D (or 1D) current Frame. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) Fset2D( (AstFrameSet *) this_nd, AST__CURRENT, status );
+/* Check the current Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNout( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the current "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Ensure that all lines are clipped at the plot boundary.*/
+ if( astTestClip( this ) ) {
+ clip = astGetClip( this );
+ astSetClip( this, 1 );
+ } else {
+ clip = -1;
+ }
+/* If the protected attribute "Ink" is set to zero, then the plot
+ is drawn in "invisble ink" (i.e. all the calculations needed to
+ produce the grid are performed, but nothing is actually drawn). */
+ ink = astGetInk( this );
+/* Initialise the bounds of the box containing all plotted lines and
+ numerical labels. */
+ Box_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Box_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Box_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Box_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+/* Obtain the requested centre attribute values for both physical axes. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+ cen[ axis ] = astGetCentre( this, axis );
+ }
+/* Determine where to put the major axis values. */
+ grid = GridLines( this, cen, gap, &inval, method, class, status );
+/* If the user has set an explicit value for Grid, use it. */
+ if( astTestGrid( this ) ){
+ drawgrid = astGetGrid( this );
+/* If not, the default for Grid is based on whether or not there are any
+ invalid regions. */
+ } else if( inval ){
+ drawgrid = 1;
+ } else {
+ drawgrid = 0;
+ }
+/* Draw the curves marking the major tick values on each axis. Information
+ is returned describing the positions of the breaks in these curves. */
+ cdata = DrawGrid( this, grid, ( ink && drawgrid ), method, class, status );
+/* See if labels and tick marks will be drawn round the edges of the
+ plotting area, rather than within it (no labels are actually drawn
+ yet). Interior labels can always be produced, in which case edgeticks
+ is set explicitly to zero to indicate that ticks will be internal.
+ Exterior labelling may or may not be possible. If it is requested,
+ check to see if it is possible. */
+ clredge = 0;
+ labelling = astGetLabelling( this );
+ if( labelling ){
+ edgeticks = 0;
+ } else {
+ edgeticks = EdgeLabels( this, 0, grid, cdata, 0, method, class, status );
+/* If the external labelling was requested, but could not be produced... */
+ if( !edgeticks ) {
+/* and if the Edge attributes have not been set... */
+ if( !astTestEdge( this, 0 ) && !astTestEdge( this, 1 ) ) {
+/* Try flipping the default Edge values, to see if this allows us to
+ honour the requested Labelling scheme. */
+ oldedge0 = astGetEdge( this, 0 );
+ oldedge1 = astGetEdge( this, 1 );
+ astSetEdge( this, 0, oldedge1 );
+ astSetEdge( this, 1, oldedge0 );
+/* See if exterior labels could be drawn with these new edges. */
+ edgeticks = EdgeLabels( this, 0, grid, cdata, 0, method, class, status );
+/* If this would allow us to use the requested labelling scheme, retain
+ the new Edge values, setting a flag to indicate that they will need to be
+ cleared before returning. Otherwise, clear them. */
+ if( edgeticks ) {
+ clredge = 1;
+ } else {
+ astClearEdge( this, 0 );
+ astClearEdge( this, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If edge ticks can still not be produced, but the ForceExterior attribute
+ has a non-zero value, attempt to create exterior labels even though it
+ looks like there may be insufficient of them to justify their use. */
+ if( !edgeticks && astGetForceExterior( this ) ) {
+ edgeticks = EdgeLabels( this, 0, grid, cdata, 1, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* We may also need to swap edge values when using interior labelling in
+ order to ensure that the text labels are placed on appropriate edges of
+ the plotting box. */
+ if( !edgeticks && !astTestEdge( this, 0 ) && !astTestEdge( this, 1 ) ) {
+ if( swapEdges( this, grid, cdata, status ) ) {
+ oldedge0 = astGetEdge( this, 0 );
+ oldedge1 = astGetEdge( this, 1 );
+ astSetEdge( this, 0, oldedge1 );
+ astSetEdge( this, 1, oldedge0 );
+ clredge = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If edge ticks are being used, store bad values for the labelat values to
+ indicate that labels are not being drawn within the interior of the
+ plotting area. */
+ if( edgeticks ){
+ labelat[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
+ labelat[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
+/* Otherwise, see where interior labels and tick marks should go (the axis
+ values are put in "labelat"). */
+ } else {
+ useint = Labelat( this, grid, cdata, labelat, method, class, status );
+/* If interior labelling does not allow us to draw any more ticks, revert
+ to edge labelling if that is what the user requested. */
+ if( !useint && !labelling ) {
+ labelat[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
+ labelat[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
+ edgeticks = EdgeLabels( this, 0, grid, cdata, 1, method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* See if a border is required. By default, a border is drawn only when
+ using exterior labelling. */
+ if( astTestBorder( this ) ) {
+ border = astGetBorder( this );
+ } else {
+ border = edgeticks;
+ }
+/* See if the Units string is to be inluded in the label. */
+ dounits[ 0 ] = astGetLabelUnits( this, 0 );
+ dounits[ 1 ] = astGetLabelUnits( this, 1 );
+/* The rest is not done if no output is required. */
+ if( ink ) {
+/* Draw tick marks (major and minor). */
+ DrawTicks( this, grid, drawgrid, labelat, gap, method, class, status );
+/* If required, ensure that curves through the tick marks have been drawn */
+ DrawAxis( this, grid, labelat, gap, method, class, status );
+/* If required, draw a curve around the edge of the area containing valid
+ physical coordinates. */
+ if( border ) (void) astBorder( this );
+/* Draw the numerical labels at the major tick values. */
+ Labels( this, grid, cdata, gap, labelat, method, class, status );
+/* Draw the textual labels for each axis and a title. */
+ TextLabels( this, edgeticks, dounits, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Ensure all lines are flushed to the graphics system. */
+ Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+/* Store the actual values used for all attributes which have dynamic
+ defaults. Check the global status to ensure the pointer "grid" can be
+ used without the possibility of a segmentation violation. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2 && astOK ; axis++ ) {
+ SetUsedLogTicks( this_nd, axis, astGetLogTicks( this, axis ), status );
+ SetUsedLogLabel( this_nd, axis, astGetLogLabel( this, axis ), status );
+ if( astGetLogTicks( this, axis ) ) {
+ SetUsedLogGap( this_nd, axis, gap[ axis ], status );
+ } else {
+ SetUsedGap( this_nd, axis, gap[ axis ], status );
+ }
+ SetUsedCentre( this_nd, axis, cen[ axis ], status );
+ SetUsedEdge( this_nd, axis, astGetEdge( this, axis ), status );
+ SetUsedLabelAt( this_nd, axis, labelat[ axis ], status );
+ SetUsedLabelUnits( this_nd, axis, dounits[ axis ], status );
+/* If explicit minor tick values were supplied using astSetTickValues,
+ then set MinTick to the average number of minor tick divisions per major
+ tick division. */
+ if( grid[ axis ]->minticks ) {
+ SetUsedMinTick( this_nd, axis,
+ ( grid[ axis ]->nminor + grid[ axis ]->nmajor )/
+ ( grid[ axis ]->nmajor - 1 ), status );
+ } else {
+ SetUsedMinTick( this_nd, axis, grid[ axis ]->nminor, status );
+ }
+ if( astTestTextLab( this, axis ) ) {
+ SetUsedTextLab( this_nd, axis, astGetTextLab( this, axis ), status );
+ } else {
+ SetUsedTextLab( this_nd, axis, edgeticks, status );
+ }
+ if( astTestMajTickLen( this, axis ) ) {
+ SetUsedMajTickLen( this_nd, axis, astGetMajTickLen( this, axis ), status );
+ } else {
+ SetUsedMajTickLen( this_nd, axis, drawgrid ? 0.0 :
+ astGetMajTickLen( this, axis ), status );
+ }
+ }
+ SetUsedGrid( this_nd, drawgrid, status );
+ SetUsedLabelling( this_nd, edgeticks ? 0 : 1, status );
+ SetUsedBorder( this_nd, border, status );
+/* Free the memory used to hold information about the curves. */
+ cdata = CleanCdata( cdata, status );
+/* Free the memory used to hold information about the tick marks. */
+ grid = CleanGrid( grid, status );
+/* If required clear attributes. */
+ if( clredge ) {
+ astClearEdge( this, 0 );
+ astClearEdge( this, 1 );
+ }
+ if( !logticksset[ 0 ] ) astClearLogTicks( this, 0 );
+ if( !logticksset[ 1 ] ) astClearLogTicks( this, 1 );
+ if( !loglabelset[ 0 ] ) astClearLogLabel( this, 0 );
+ if( !loglabelset[ 1 ] ) astClearLogLabel( this, 1 );
+/* Restore the original value of the Clip attribute. */
+ if( clip != -1 ) astSetClip( this, clip );
+/* Free the 2D Plot. */
+ this = astAnnul( this );
+/* Restore the original value of the flag which says whether graphical
+ escape sequences should be incldued in any returned text strings. */
+ astEscapes( escs );
+/* Copy the total bounding box to the box which is returned by
+ astBoundingBox. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ){
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = Box_lbnd[ 0 ];
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = Box_lbnd[ 1 ];
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = Box_ubnd[ 0 ];
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = Box_ubnd[ 1 ];
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void GridLine( AstPlot *this, int axis, const double start[],
+ double length, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astGridLine
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a grid line (or axis) for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astGridLine( AstPlot *this, int axis, const double start[],
+c double length )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function draws a curve in the physical coordinate system of
+f This routine draws a curve in the physical coordinate system of
+* a Plot by varying only one of the coordinates along the length
+* of the curve. It is intended for drawing coordinate axes,
+* coordinate grids, and tick marks on axes (but note that these
+c are also available via the more comprehensive astGrid function).
+f are also available via the more comprehensive AST_GRID routine).
+* The curve is transformed into graphical coordinate space for
+* plotting, so that a straight line in physical coordinates may
+* result in a curved line being drawn if the Mapping involved is
+* non-linear. Any discontinuities in the Mapping between physical
+* and graphical coordinates are catered for, as is any
+c clipping established using astClip.
+f clipping established using AST_CLIP.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c axis
+f AXIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* The index of the Plot axis whose physical coordinate value is
+* to be varied along the length of the curve (all other
+* coordinates will remain fixed). This value should lie in the
+* range from 1 to the number of Plot axes (Naxes attribute).
+c start
+* An array, with one element for each axis of the Plot, giving
+* the physical coordinates of the start of the curve.
+c length
+* The length of curve to be drawn, given as an increment along
+* the selected physical axis. This may be positive or negative.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+c - No curve is drawn if the "start" array contains any
+c coordinates with the value AST__BAD, nor if "length" has this value.
+f - No curve is drawn if the START array contains any
+f coordinates with the value AST__BAD, nor if LENGTH has this value.
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not 2-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the
+* current and base Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the
+* Plot's TranInverse attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Store the current method, and the class of the supplied object for use
+ in error messages.*/
+ method = "astGridLine";
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primatives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Validate the axis index, converting the axis index to be zero-based. */
+ (void) astValidateAxis( this, axis - 1, 1, method );
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Draw the curve. The break information is stored in an external structure
+ where it can be accessed by public methods which return information
+ about the most recently drawn curve. */
+ AxPlot( this, axis - 1, start, length, 1, &Curve_data, method, class, status );
+/* Ensure all lines are flushed to the graphics system. */
+ Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+static TickInfo **GridLines( AstPlot *this, double *cen, double *gap,
+ int *inval, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GridLines
+* Purpose:
+* Obtain information desribing the major tick values within the plotting
+* area.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* TickInfo **GridLines( AstPlot *this, double *cen, double *gap,
+* int *inval, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* A pointer is returned which points to an array of two pointers. Each
+* of these pointers points to a TickInfo structure which holds
+* information about the ticks on a single axis. These structures,
+* together with the array holding the two pointers, should be released
+* when no longer needed using CleanGrid.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* cen
+* A pointer to an array holding axis values at which to put a single
+* central tick. Other ticks are placed evenly on either side of this
+* tick. If AST__BAD is provided, a value will be used which would put a
+* tick at an axis value of zero.
+* gap
+* A pointer to an array holding the gaps between ticks required on
+* each axis. If this is AST__BAD a suitable default value will be used
+* and returned in place of the AST__BAD value.
+* inval
+* A pointer to a location at which to return a flag indicating if
+* any invalid physical coordinates were encountered while deciding on
+* the tick values.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers.
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes that the physical coordinate system is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *fr; /* Pointer to current Frame */
+ GetTicksStatics *statics = NULL; /* Pointer to static data for GetTicks */
+ TickInfo **info; /* Returned array of two TickInfo pointers */
+ double *lengths; /* Pointer to lengths of each curve section */
+ double *starts; /* Pointer to start of each curve section */
+ double *ticks; /* Pointer to tick mark values */
+ double bot; /* Lowest axis value to display */
+ double end; /* Axis value at end of curve section */
+ double tmp; /* Temp storage */
+ double top; /* Highest axis value to display */
+ int i; /* Tick mark index */
+ int j; /* Axis index */
+ int k; /* Section index */
+ int logticks[ 2 ]; /* Uses logarithmicaly spaced tick marks? */
+ int nticks; /* Number of tick marks */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Get memory to hold two TickInfo pointers. */
+ info = (TickInfo **) astMalloc( 2*sizeof( TickInfo *) );
+/* If succesfull... */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Initialise the two pointers. */
+ info[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ info[ 1 ] = NULL;
+/* Obtain the tick mark values, and the corresponding formatted labels for
+ each axis. */
+ for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ){
+ info[ j ] = TickMarks( this, j, cen + j, gap + j, inval,
+ &statics, method, class, status );
+ logticks[ j ] = astGetLogTicks( this, j );
+ }
+/* Release the resources allocated in the first call to TickMarks. */
+ for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ){
+ (void) TickMarks( NULL, j, NULL, gap, NULL, &statics, method, class,
+ status );
+ }
+/* Each major tick value for axis "j" may be marked with a curve parallel
+ to axis "1-j" drawn across the entire plotting area. We need to decide
+ where to start drawing this curve and how long it should be. We can
+ simply use the minimum value on axis "1-j" together with the tick value
+ on axis "j" to define the starting position. The length could be taken
+ as the difference between the maximum and minimum values on axis "1-j".
+ However, this may not be right in some situations. For instance if the
+ plotting area covers a small range of Right Ascension from 23:59:59 to
+ 00:00:01. Using the difference between the maximum and minimum values
+ to give the length of the curve would result in the curve starting at
+ 00:00:00 (the minimum axis value) and extending for a length of 23:59:59
+ (the axis range). To get round this sort of problem, the curve is split
+ up into sections with lengths and starting positions determined by the
+ tick mark values on axis "1-j". The first section starts at the minimum
+ axis value and extends upto the first missing tick mark (in the RA
+ example, this would be at 00:00:01). Subsequent sections starts at the
+ next tick mark (23:59:59 in the RA example) and extends upto the next
+ missing tick mark, or the last tick mark if none are missing. */
+/* Get the current frame. */
+ fr = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* If either axis has log tick spacing, use the simple approach which
+ assumes that each curve has only one section. */
+ if( logticks[ 0 ] || logticks[ 1 ] ) {
+/* Find the start and length of the curve for each tick mark on axis "j". */
+ for( j = 0; j < 2 && astOK; j++ ){
+/* Find the axis range to display on the other axis. */
+ bot = astGetBottom( fr, 1 - j );
+ top = astGetTop( fr, 1 - j );
+ if( bot > top ) {
+ tmp = top;
+ top = bot;
+ bot = tmp;
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the major tick mark values on the other axis ("1-j"),
+ together with the number of them. */
+ ticks = info[ 1 - j ]->ticks;
+ nticks = info[ 1 - j ]->nmajor;
+/* Reserve memory to hold the starts and lengths of each section of the
+ grid line marking the major ticks on the axis "j". There will only be
+ one section. */
+ starts = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double) );
+ lengths = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double) );
+ info[ j ]->start = starts;
+ info[ j ]->length = lengths;
+/* Check that the pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* The section starts one gap below the first tick, and ends one gap above
+ the first tick. Limit both to the displayed range of the axis. */
+ if( logticks[ 1 - j ] ) {
+ starts[ 0 ] = astMIN( top, astMAX( bot, ticks[ 0 ]/gap[ 1 - j ] ) );
+ end = astMIN( top, astMAX( bot, ticks[ nticks - 1 ]*gap[ 1 - j ] ) );
+ } else {
+ starts[ 0 ] = astMIN( top, astMAX( bot, ticks[ 0 ] - gap[ 1 - j ] ) );
+ end = astMIN( top, astMAX( bot, ticks[ nticks - 1 ] + gap[ 1 - j ] ) );
+ }
+/* Store the length of the section. */
+ lengths[ 0 ] = end - starts[ 0 ];
+/* Store the number of sections in the returned structure. */
+ info[ 0 ]->nsect = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If both axes have linear tick spacing, use the complete approach. */
+ } else {
+/* Find the start and length of each section of the curve for each tick
+ mark on axis "j". */
+ for( j = 0; j < 2 && astOK; j++ ){
+/* Find the axis range to display on the other axis. */
+ bot = astGetBottom( fr, 1 - j );
+ top = astGetTop( fr, 1 - j );
+ if( bot > top ) {
+ tmp = top;
+ top = bot;
+ bot = tmp;
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the major tick mark values on the other axis ("1-j"),
+ together with the number of them. */
+ ticks = info[ 1 - j ]->ticks;
+ nticks = info[ 1 - j ]->nmajor;
+/* Reserve memory to hold the starts and lengths of each section of the
+ grid line marking the major ticks on the axis "j". The allocated
+ arrays are the largest that could possibly be needed (i.e. if every
+ tick mark starts a new section). */
+ starts = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t) nticks );
+ lengths = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t) nticks );
+ info[ j ]->start = starts;
+ info[ j ]->length = lengths;
+/* Check that the pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Loop round each of the major tick marks on axis "1-j". */
+ k = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < nticks ){
+/* Record the start of the next section of the grid lines. */
+ starts[ k ] = ticks[ i++ ];
+/* Tick marks should be regularly spaced by the values in "gap". Check each
+ tick mark until a missing tick mark is found. The section ends at the
+ start of the gap. */
+ while( i < nticks &&
+ ( ticks[ i ] - ticks[ i - 1 ] ) < 1.5*gap[ 1 - j ] ) i++;
+/* Record the length of the section. */
+ lengths[ k ] = ticks[ i - 1 ] - starts[ k ];
+/* The section is extended at start and end by one gap in order to "cover
+ up the joins". Limit this to the displayed range of the axis. */
+ starts[ k ] -= gap[ 1 - j];
+ lengths[ k ] += 2.0*gap[ 1 - j ];
+/* Limit the start and end to the displayed range of the axis. */
+ end = starts[ k ] + lengths[ k ];
+ starts[ k ] = astMIN( top, astMAX( bot, starts[ k ] ) );
+ lengths[ k ] = astMIN( top, astMAX( bot, end ) ) - starts[ k ];
+/* Increment the number of sections. */
+ k++;
+ }
+/* Store the number of sections in the returned structure. */
+ info[j]->nsect = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Annull the current frame. */
+ fr = astAnnul( fr );
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, clean up the returned TickInfo structures. */
+ if( !astOK ) info = CleanGrid( info, status );
+/* Return. */
+ return info;
+void astGrfAttrs_( AstPlot *this, int id, int set, int prim, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astGrfAttrs
+* Purpose:
+* Establish values for the graphics attributes for a given object.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void astGrfAttrs( AstPlot *this, int id, int set, int prim, const char *method, const char *class )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function should be called with "set=1" to establish the correct
+* graphics attributes prior to drawing specific graphical objects. Once
+* the object has been drawn, it should be called again with "set=0" to
+* re-establish the original graphics attributes.
+* NOTE, each type of graphical object identified by "id" should be
+* drawn entirely by calls to just one of GMark, GText or GLine
+* as indicated by argument "prim".
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical object to be drawn.
+* set
+* If non-zero then the attributes for the specified object are set
+* to the values indicated by the corresponding Plot attributes,
+* and the current values are saved in a static array. If zero, then
+* the values are set to the values stored in the static array.
+* prim
+* Indicates the sort of graphics primative used to draw the
+* object. This must be one of (defined in grf.h) :
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* Notes:
+* - This function should always be called in pairs with set=1 on the
+* first call and set=0 on the second call.
+* - If a pair of calls is nested within another pair of calls, the
+* inner pair has no effect.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ double *attr; /* Pointer to the next attribute value */
+ double dval; /* Floating point attribute value */
+ int ival; /* Integer attribute value */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Set up a pointer to the next element in "grfattrs_attrs". */
+ attr = grfattrs_attrs;
+/* If we are setting new values, increment the nesting level, otherwise
+ decrement it. */
+ if( set ){
+ grfattrs_nesting++;
+ } else {
+ grfattrs_nesting--;
+ }
+/* If we are changing any line attributes, ensure all lines are flushed to
+ the graphics system. */
+ if( prim == GRF__LINE ) Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+/* First deal with cases where we are establishing new values for the
+ graphics attributes by setting them to the values of the corresponding
+ Plot attributes. Only do this if we are at nesting level one. */
+ if( set && grfattrs_nesting == 1 ){
+/* See if a value has been set in the Plot for the line style attribute for
+ the specified object, If so, use the value. */
+ if( TestUseStyle( this, id, status ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseStyle( this, id, status );
+/* Save the current value, and establish the new value. */
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, (double) ival, attr++, prim, method,
+ class, status );
+/* If no style was specified, retain the current value. Indicate that no
+ new value has been established by setting the old value bad. */
+ } else {
+ *(attr++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Do the same for the line width attribute. */
+ if( TestUseWidth( this, id, status ) ){
+ dval = GetUseWidth( this, id, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, dval, attr++, prim, method, class, status );
+ } else {
+ *(attr++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Do the same for the character size attribute. */
+ if( TestUseSize( this, id, status ) ) {
+ dval = GetUseSize( this, id, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, dval, attr++, prim, method, class, status );
+ } else {
+ *(attr++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Do the same for the character font attribute. */
+ if( TestUseFont( this, id, status ) ){
+ ival = GetUseFont( this, id, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, (double) ival, attr++, prim, method, class, status );
+ } else {
+ *(attr++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Do the same for the colour attribute. */
+ if( TestUseColour( this, id, status ) ) {
+ ival = GetUseColour( this, id, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, (double) ival, attr++, prim, method,
+ class, status );
+ } else {
+ *(attr++) = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+/* Now deal with cases where we are re-establishing old values saved on a
+ previous call to this function. Only do this if we are at nesting
+ level zero. */
+ if( !set && !grfattrs_nesting ){
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, *(attr++), NULL, prim, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, *(attr++), NULL, prim, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, *(attr++), NULL, prim, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, *(attr++), NULL, prim, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, *(attr++), NULL, prim, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static int GVec( AstPlot *this, AstMapping *mapping, double *phy,
+ int axis, double delta, AstPointSet **pset1,
+ AstPointSet **pset2, double *gx, double *gy,
+ double *dx, double *dy, int *flag, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GVec
+* Purpose:
+* Returns a unit vector parallel to a physical axis at a given point.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GVec( AstPlot *this, AstMapping *mapping, double *phy,
+* int axis, double delta, AstPointSet **pset1,
+* AstPointSet **pset2, double *gx, double *gy,
+* double *dx, double *dy, int *flag, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a unit vector (in the graphics coordinate
+* system) in the positive direction of the specified physical axis,
+* at the given physical position. It works by transforming the given
+* physical position, together with another very close position, and
+* returning the vector between them. It is possible for a
+* discontinuity to occur between these two close positions,
+* resulting in a very large meaningless vector prior to
+* normalisation. For this reason two vectors are found, one joining
+* the given position to a close position higher up the axis, and one
+* joining a close position lower down the axis to the given position.
+* If these two vectors differ in magnitude by a large factor, then
+* the shorter of the two vectors is normalised and returned.
+* Otherwise, the vector which is closest in direction to the vector
+* supplied in [dx,dy] is returned. The returned vector is reversed if
+* necessary so that it always points in the positive direction of the
+* axis.
+* If neither of the two vectors can be found (i.e. if the graphics
+* coordinates are bad, or coincident), then the vector supplied in
+* [dx,dy] is returned unchanged, and a function value of zero is
+* returned. Otherwise, a function value of one is returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* mapping
+* Pointer to the Mapping from the base Frame of the Plot ot the
+* current Frame.
+* phy
+* Pointer to an array holding the coordinates in the current Frame
+* of the Plot at which the tangent vector is required.
+* axis
+* The index of the axis within the current Frame for which the
+* tangent vector is required.
+* delta
+* The increment in the axis value to use between positions defining
+* the vectors.
+* pset1
+* A pointer to a place at which to store a pointer to a PointSet
+* holding current Frame coordinates. This PointSet pointer should
+* be supplied as NULL on the first call to this function, resulting
+* in a new PointSet being created and a pointer to it returned.
+* Subsequent calls to this function shopuld retain the pointer
+* returned by the first call. The PointSet pointer should be
+* annulled using astAnnul when no longer needed.
+* pset2
+* A pointer to a place at which to store a pointer to a PointSet
+* holding base Frame coordinates. This PointSet is managed in the
+* same way as "pset1".
+* gx
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the graphics X
+* coordinate of the position supplied by "phy".
+* gy
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the graphics Y
+* coordinate of the position supplied by "phy".
+* dx
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the X component
+* of the unit tangent vector. This should be supplied holding a
+* "default" unit vector which is left unchanged if no new vector
+* can be found.
+* dy
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the Y component
+* of the unit tangent vector. This should be supplied holding a
+* "default" unit vector which is left unchanged if no new vector
+* can be found.
+* flag
+* A pointer to an int in which to return a flag indicating which
+* of the two vectors was returned. Zero is returned if the vector
+* was estimated by moving in a positive direction along the axis
+* from the position supplied by "phy". One is returned if the vector
+* was estimated by moving in a negative direction along the axis
+* from the position supplied by "phy" (in this case the returned
+* vector will have been negated so that it refers to the positive
+* direction).
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One is returned if the vector was found succesfully, Zero is returned
+* if the vector could not be estimated for any reason. No error is
+* reported if the failure was due to the nature of the mapping.
+* Notes:
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double dd1; /* Length of positive vector */
+ double dd2; /* Length of negative vector */
+ double dx1; /* X component of positive vector */
+ double dx2; /* X component of negative vector */
+ double dy1; /* Y component of positive vector */
+ double dy2; /* Y component of negative vector */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointers to physical coordinate data */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointers to graphics coordinate data */
+ int i; /* Axis index */
+ int nphy; /* No. of axes in current (physical) Frame */
+ int ret; /* Was a vector estimated succesfully? */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ dx1 = 0.0;
+ dx2 = 0.0;
+ dy1 = 0.0;
+ dy2 = 0.0;
+/* Initialise the returned value to indicate that the vector can not
+ be found. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Get the number of physical coordinates from the mapping. */
+ nphy = astGetNout( mapping );
+/* If no PointSets have been supplied, create some now. PointSet 1
+ contains physical coordinates, PointSet 2 contains graphics
+ coordinates. */
+ if( !(*pset1) ) *pset1 = astPointSet( 3, nphy, "", status );
+ if( !(*pset2) ) *pset2 = astPointSet( 3, 2, "", status );
+/* Get pointers to the PointSet data. */
+ ptr1 = astGetPoints( *pset1 );
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( *pset2 );
+/* Check the PointSets can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Store the physical coordinates of three close points on a curve
+ parallel to the given axis, with the centre point at the given
+ position. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nphy; i++ ){
+ ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] = phy[ i ];
+ ptr1[ i ][ 1 ] = phy[ i ];
+ ptr1[ i ][ 2 ] = phy[ i ];
+ }
+ if( phy[ axis ] != AST__BAD ){
+ ptr1[ axis ][ 0 ] = phy[ axis ] - delta;
+ ptr1[ axis ][ 2 ] = phy[ axis ] + delta;
+ }
+/* Find the corresponding graphics coordinates. */
+ (void) Trans( this, NULL, mapping, *pset1, 0, *pset2, 0, method, class, status );
+/* Check the central position is OK. */
+ *gx = ptr2[ 0 ][ 1 ];
+ *gy = ptr2[ 1 ][ 1 ];
+ if( astOK && *gx != AST__BAD && *gy != AST__BAD ){
+/* Get the unit vector between the central position and the position at
+ the higher physical axis value. Also get the length of the vector
+ joining the two positions. */
+ if( ptr2[ 0 ][ 2 ] != AST__BAD && ptr2[ 1 ][ 2 ] != AST__BAD ){
+ dx1 = ptr2[ 0 ][ 2 ] - *gx;
+ dy1 = ptr2[ 1 ][ 2 ] - *gy;
+ dd1 = dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1;
+ if( dd1 > 0.0 ) {
+ dd1 = sqrt( dd1 );
+ dx1 /= dd1;
+ dy1 /= dd1;
+ } else {
+ dd1 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dd1 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Do the same for the position with lower physical axis value,
+ reversing the direction of the vector so that it refers to the
+ positive direction. */
+ if( ptr2[ 0 ][ 0 ] != AST__BAD && ptr2[ 1 ][ 0 ] != AST__BAD ){
+ dx2 = *gx - ptr2[ 0 ][ 0 ];
+ dy2 = *gy - ptr2[ 1 ][ 0 ];
+ dd2 = dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2;
+ if( dd2 > 0.0 ) {
+ dd2 = sqrt( dd2 );
+ dx2 /= dd2;
+ dy2 /= dd2;
+ } else {
+ dd2 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dd2 = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Only overwrite the supplied vector if at least one of the two tangent
+ vectors was defined. */
+ if( dd1 != AST__BAD || dd2 != AST__BAD ){
+/* If the first vector was not defined, return the second. */
+ if( dd1 == AST__BAD ){
+ *dx = dx2;
+ *dy = dy2;
+ *flag = 1;
+ ret = 1;
+/* If the second vector was not defined, return the first. */
+ } else if( dd2 == AST__BAD ){
+ *dx = dx1;
+ *dy = dy1;
+ *flag = 0;
+ ret = 1;
+/* If the first vector is much longer than the second, return the
+ second. */
+ } else if( dd1 > 100.0*dd2 ){
+ *dx = dx2;
+ *dy = dy2;
+ *flag = 1;
+ ret = 1;
+/* If the second vector is much longer than the first, return the
+ first. */
+ } else if( dd2 > 100.0*dd1 ){
+ *dx = dx1;
+ *dy = dy1;
+ *flag = 0;
+ ret = 1;
+/* If both vectors are defined and of comparable length, return the
+ vector which is most nearly parallel to the supplied vector. Note, we
+ assume that the supplied vector [dx,dy] is a unit vector. */
+ } else if( *dx != AST__BAD && *dx != AST__BAD ){
+ if( ( dx1*(*dx) + dy1*(*dy) )/dd1 >
+ ( dx2*(*dx) + dy2*(*dy) )/dd2 ){
+ *dx = dx1;
+ *dy = dy1;
+ *flag = 0;
+ ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ *dx = dx2;
+ *dy = dy2;
+ *flag = 1;
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+/* If no vector was supplied, return the shorter of the two vectors. */
+ } else if( dd1 < dd2 ){
+ *dx = dx1;
+ *dy = dy1;
+ *flag = 0;
+ ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ *dx = dx2;
+ *dy = dy2;
+ *flag = 1;
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static int HasEscapes( const char *text, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* HasEscapes
+* Purpose:
+* Check if a text string contains any escape sequences.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int HasEscapes( const char *text, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function checks if a text string contains any escape sequences
+* (see attribute Escape).
+* Parameters:
+* text
+* The text to check.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned:
+* Non-zero if any escape sequences are found in the text. Zero
+* otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int result;
+ int type;
+ int value;
+ int nc;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status and the supplied pointer. */
+ if ( !astOK || ! text ) return result;
+/* Does the string begin with an escape sequence? */
+ if( astFindEscape( text, &type, &value, &nc ) ){
+ result = 1;
+/* If not, there must be an escape sequence later in the string if the
+ number of characters skipped by the above call to astFindEscape is less
+ than the length of the string. */
+ } else if( nc < strlen( text ) ) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static int IdFind( int id, int nax, int *id1, int *id2, int *id3, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* IdFind
+* Purpose:
+* Find the numerical identifiers to use for a given identifier.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int IdFind( int id, int nax, int *id1, int *id2, int *id3, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied integer should be a numerical identifier for a
+* graphical element of a plot (AST__MARKS_ID, AST__CURVES_ID, etc), or a
+* "psuedo-identifier" which represents two other genuine identifiers.
+* If the supplied value is a genuine identifier then it is returned
+* in *id1, and *id2 is returned equal to -1. If the supplied value
+* is a pseudo-identifier then the two corresponding genuine
+* identifiers are returned in *id1 and *id2
+* For instance, if "id" is AST__AXIS1_ID (a genuine id), then *id1 is
+* returned equal to AST__AXIS1_ID and *id2 is returned equal to -1. If
+* "id" is AST__AXES_ID (a pseudo-identifier), then *id1 is returned equal
+* to AST__AXIS1_ID and *id2 is returned equal to AST__AXIS2_ID.
+* Genuine identifiers all have values which are less than the value
+* of AST__NPID. Pseudo-identifiers have values which are greater than
+* or equal to the value of AST__NPID.
+* Parameters:
+* id
+* The supplied identifier (genuine or pseudo).
+* nax
+* The number of axes spanning graphics space (2 or 3).
+* id1
+* Pointer to the int at which to return the first genuine
+* identifier corresponding to "id".
+* id2
+* Pointer to the int at which to return the second genuine
+* identifier corresponding to "id" (or -1 if "id" is a genuine
+* identifier).
+* id3
+* Pointer to the int at which to return the third genuine
+* identifier corresponding to "id" (or -1 if "id" has no third
+* genuine identifier).
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The number of genuine identifiers corresponding to the supplied
+* (possibly Pseudo-) identifier. This will be in the range 1 to 3.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+/* Initialise returned values. */
+ *id1 = id;
+ *id2 = -1;
+ *id3 = -1;
+ ret = 0;
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* Assume a genuine identifier was supplied. */
+ ret = 1;
+/* Check against all known pseudo-identifier. */
+ if( id == AST__AXES_ID ) {
+ ret = nax;
+ *id1 = AST__AXIS1_ID;
+ *id2 = AST__AXIS2_ID;
+ if( nax == 3 ) *id3 = AST__AXIS3_ID;
+ } else if( id == AST__GRIDLINE_ID ) {
+ ret = nax;
+ *id1 = AST__GRIDLINE1_ID;
+ *id2 = AST__GRIDLINE2_ID;
+ if( nax == 3 ) *id3 = AST__GRIDLINE3_ID;
+ } else if( id == AST__NUMLABS_ID ) {
+ ret = nax;
+ *id1 = AST__NUMLAB1_ID;
+ *id2 = AST__NUMLAB2_ID;
+ if( nax == 3 ) *id3 = AST__NUMLAB3_ID;
+ } else if( id == AST__TEXTLABS_ID ) {
+ ret = nax;
+ *id1 = AST__TEXTLAB1_ID;
+ *id2 = AST__TEXTLAB2_ID;
+ if( nax == 3 ) *id3 = AST__TEXTLAB3_ID;
+ } else if( id == AST__TICKS_ID ) {
+ ret = nax;
+ *id1 = AST__TICKS1_ID;
+ *id2 = AST__TICKS2_ID;
+ if( nax == 3 ) *id3 = AST__TICKS3_ID;
+ } else if( id >= AST__NPID ) {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "AST internal programming error - "
+ "function IdFind in class Plot does not yet support "
+ "pseudo-identifier value %d", status, id );
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+void astInitPlotVtab_( AstPlotVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitPlotVtab
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a virtual function table for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void astInitPlotVtab( AstPlotVtab *vtab, const char *name )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot vtab initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function initialises the component of a virtual function
+* table which is used by the Plot class.
+* Parameters:
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
+* all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
+* been initialised.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
+* is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
+* astClass function).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstFrameSetVtab *fset; /* Pointer to FrameSet component of Vtab */
+ AstObjectVtab *object; /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
+ AstMappingVtab *mapping; /* Pointer to Mapping component of Vtab */
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
+ parent class. */
+ astInitFrameSetVtab( (AstFrameSetVtab *) vtab, name );
+/* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This will be
+ used (by astIsAPlot) to determine if an object belongs to this class.
+ We can conveniently use the address of the (static) class_init variable to
+ generate this unique value. */
+ vtab->id.check = &class_check;
+ vtab->id.parent = &(((AstFrameSetVtab *) vtab)->id);
+/* Initialise member function pointers. */
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that provide
+ virtual methods for this class. */
+ vtab->BBuf = BBuf;
+ vtab->Border = Border;
+ vtab->BoundingBox = BoundingBox;
+ vtab->ClearGrid = ClearGrid;
+ vtab->ClearTol = ClearTol;
+ vtab->Clip = Clip;
+ vtab->CopyPlotDefaults = CopyPlotDefaults;
+ vtab->Curve = Curve;
+ vtab->CvBrk = CvBrk;
+ vtab->EBuf = EBuf;
+ vtab->GenCurve = GenCurve;
+ vtab->GetDrawnTicks = GetDrawnTicks;
+ vtab->GetGrid = GetGrid;
+ vtab->GetTol = GetTol;
+ vtab->GrfPop = GrfPop;
+ vtab->GrfPush = GrfPush;
+ vtab->GrfSet = GrfSet;
+ vtab->GrfWrapper = GrfWrapper;
+ vtab->Grid = Grid;
+ vtab->GridLine = GridLine;
+ vtab->Mark = Mark;
+ vtab->Mirror = Mirror;
+ vtab->PolyCurve = PolyCurve;
+ vtab->RegionOutline = RegionOutline;
+ vtab->SetGrid = SetGrid;
+ vtab->SetTickValues = SetTickValues;
+ vtab->SetTol = SetTol;
+ vtab->TestGrid = TestGrid;
+ vtab->TestTol = TestTol;
+ vtab->Text = Text;
+ vtab->ClearTickAll = ClearTickAll;
+ vtab->SetTickAll = SetTickAll;
+ vtab->GetTickAll = GetTickAll;
+ vtab->TestTickAll = TestTickAll;
+ vtab->ClearForceExterior = ClearForceExterior;
+ vtab->SetForceExterior = SetForceExterior;
+ vtab->GetForceExterior = GetForceExterior;
+ vtab->TestForceExterior = TestForceExterior;
+ vtab->ClearInvisible = ClearInvisible;
+ vtab->SetInvisible = SetInvisible;
+ vtab->GetInvisible = GetInvisible;
+ vtab->TestInvisible = TestInvisible;
+ vtab->ClearBorder = ClearBorder;
+ vtab->SetBorder = SetBorder;
+ vtab->GetBorder = GetBorder;
+ vtab->TestBorder = TestBorder;
+ vtab->ClearInk = ClearInk;
+ vtab->SetInk = SetInk;
+ vtab->GetInk = GetInk;
+ vtab->TestInk = TestInk;
+ vtab->ClearClipOp = ClearClipOp;
+ vtab->SetClipOp = SetClipOp;
+ vtab->GetClipOp = GetClipOp;
+ vtab->TestClipOp = TestClipOp;
+ vtab->ClearClip = ClearClip;
+ vtab->SetClip = SetClip;
+ vtab->GetClip = GetClip;
+ vtab->TestClip = TestClip;
+ vtab->ClearGrf = ClearGrf;
+ vtab->SetGrf = SetGrf;
+ vtab->GetGrf = GetGrf;
+ vtab->TestGrf = TestGrf;
+ vtab->ClearDrawTitle = ClearDrawTitle;
+ vtab->SetDrawTitle = SetDrawTitle;
+ vtab->GetDrawTitle = GetDrawTitle;
+ vtab->TestDrawTitle = TestDrawTitle;
+ vtab->ClearLabelUp = ClearLabelUp;
+ vtab->SetLabelUp = SetLabelUp;
+ vtab->GetLabelUp = GetLabelUp;
+ vtab->TestLabelUp = TestLabelUp;
+ vtab->ClearLogPlot = ClearLogPlot;
+ vtab->SetLogPlot = SetLogPlot;
+ vtab->GetLogPlot = GetLogPlot;
+ vtab->TestLogPlot = TestLogPlot;
+ vtab->ClearLogTicks = ClearLogTicks;
+ vtab->SetLogTicks = SetLogTicks;
+ vtab->GetLogTicks = GetLogTicks;
+ vtab->TestLogTicks = TestLogTicks;
+ vtab->ClearLogLabel = ClearLogLabel;
+ vtab->SetLogLabel = SetLogLabel;
+ vtab->GetLogLabel = GetLogLabel;
+ vtab->TestLogLabel = TestLogLabel;
+ vtab->ClearDrawAxes = ClearDrawAxes;
+ vtab->SetDrawAxes = SetDrawAxes;
+ vtab->GetDrawAxes = GetDrawAxes;
+ vtab->TestDrawAxes = TestDrawAxes;
+ vtab->ClearAbbrev = ClearAbbrev;
+ vtab->SetAbbrev = SetAbbrev;
+ vtab->GetAbbrev = GetAbbrev;
+ vtab->TestAbbrev = TestAbbrev;
+ vtab->ClearEscape = ClearEscape;
+ vtab->SetEscape = SetEscape;
+ vtab->GetEscape = GetEscape;
+ vtab->TestEscape = TestEscape;
+ vtab->ClearLabelling = ClearLabelling;
+ vtab->SetLabelling = SetLabelling;
+ vtab->GetLabelling = GetLabelling;
+ vtab->TestLabelling = TestLabelling;
+ vtab->ClearMajTickLen = ClearMajTickLen;
+ vtab->SetMajTickLen = SetMajTickLen;
+ vtab->GetMajTickLen = GetMajTickLen;
+ vtab->TestMajTickLen = TestMajTickLen;
+ vtab->ClearLogGap = ClearLogGap;
+ vtab->SetLogGap = SetLogGap;
+ vtab->GetLogGap = GetLogGap;
+ vtab->TestLogGap = TestLogGap;
+ vtab->ClearTitleGap = ClearTitleGap;
+ vtab->SetTitleGap = SetTitleGap;
+ vtab->GetTitleGap = GetTitleGap;
+ vtab->TestTitleGap = TestTitleGap;
+ vtab->ClearMinTickLen = ClearMinTickLen;
+ vtab->SetMinTickLen = SetMinTickLen;
+ vtab->GetMinTickLen = GetMinTickLen;
+ vtab->TestMinTickLen = TestMinTickLen;
+ vtab->ClearNumLabGap = ClearNumLabGap;
+ vtab->SetNumLabGap = SetNumLabGap;
+ vtab->GetNumLabGap = GetNumLabGap;
+ vtab->TestNumLabGap = TestNumLabGap;
+ vtab->ClearTextLabGap = ClearTextLabGap;
+ vtab->SetTextLabGap = SetTextLabGap;
+ vtab->GetTextLabGap = GetTextLabGap;
+ vtab->TestTextLabGap = TestTextLabGap;
+ vtab->ClearLabelAt = ClearLabelAt;
+ vtab->SetLabelAt = SetLabelAt;
+ vtab->GetLabelAt = GetLabelAt;
+ vtab->TestLabelAt = TestLabelAt;
+ vtab->ClearCentre = ClearCentre;
+ vtab->SetCentre = SetCentre;
+ vtab->GetCentre = GetCentre;
+ vtab->TestCentre = TestCentre;
+ vtab->ClearGap = ClearGap;
+ vtab->SetGap = SetGap;
+ vtab->GetGap = GetGap;
+ vtab->TestGap = TestGap;
+ vtab->ClearEdge = ClearEdge;
+ vtab->SetEdge = SetEdge;
+ vtab->GetEdge = GetEdge;
+ vtab->TestEdge = TestEdge;
+ vtab->ClearNumLab = ClearNumLab;
+ vtab->SetNumLab = SetNumLab;
+ vtab->GetNumLab = GetNumLab;
+ vtab->TestNumLab = TestNumLab;
+ vtab->ClearMinTick = ClearMinTick;
+ vtab->SetMinTick = SetMinTick;
+ vtab->GetMinTick = GetMinTick;
+ vtab->TestMinTick = TestMinTick;
+ vtab->ClearTextLab = ClearTextLab;
+ vtab->SetTextLab = SetTextLab;
+ vtab->GetTextLab = GetTextLab;
+ vtab->TestTextLab = TestTextLab;
+ vtab->ClearLabelUnits = ClearLabelUnits;
+ vtab->SetLabelUnits = SetLabelUnits;
+ vtab->GetLabelUnits = GetLabelUnits;
+ vtab->TestLabelUnits = TestLabelUnits;
+ vtab->ClearStyle = ClearStyle;
+ vtab->SetStyle = SetStyle;
+ vtab->GetStyle = GetStyle;
+ vtab->TestStyle = TestStyle;
+ vtab->ClearFont = ClearFont;
+ vtab->SetFont = SetFont;
+ vtab->GetFont = GetFont;
+ vtab->TestFont = TestFont;
+ vtab->ClearColour = ClearColour;
+ vtab->SetColour = SetColour;
+ vtab->GetColour = GetColour;
+ vtab->TestColour = TestColour;
+ vtab->ClearWidth = ClearWidth;
+ vtab->SetWidth = SetWidth;
+ vtab->GetWidth = GetWidth;
+ vtab->TestWidth = TestWidth;
+ vtab->ClearSize = ClearSize;
+ vtab->SetSize = SetSize;
+ vtab->GetSize = GetSize;
+ vtab->TestSize = TestSize;
+ vtab->GetGrfContext = GetGrfContext;
+/* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and replace
+ them with pointers to the new member functions. */
+ object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
+ mapping = (AstMappingVtab *) vtab;
+ fset = (AstFrameSetVtab *) vtab;
+ parent_clearattrib = object->ClearAttrib;
+ object->ClearAttrib = ClearAttrib;
+ parent_getattrib = object->GetAttrib;
+ object->GetAttrib = GetAttrib;
+ parent_setattrib = object->SetAttrib;
+ object->SetAttrib = SetAttrib;
+ parent_testattrib = object->TestAttrib;
+ object->TestAttrib = TestAttrib;
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+ parent_managelock = object->ManageLock;
+ object->ManageLock = ManageLock;
+ parent_transform = mapping->Transform;
+ mapping->Transform = Transform;
+ parent_removeframe = fset->RemoveFrame;
+ fset->RemoveFrame = RemoveFrame;
+/* Declare the destructor and copy constructor. */
+ astSetDelete( (AstObjectVtab *) vtab, Delete );
+ astSetCopy( (AstObjectVtab *) vtab, Copy );
+/* Declare the class dump function. */
+ astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "Plot", "Provide facilities for 2D graphical output" );
+/* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
+ that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
+ identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
+ if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+ astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
+ }
+static int Inside( int n, float *cx, float *cy, float x, float y, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Inside
+* Purpose:
+* See if a given point is inside a 2-d polygon.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Inside( int n, float *cx, float *cy, float x, float y, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function determines if the position given by x and y, is inside
+* or outside the polygon specified by the vertices given in arrays cx
+* and cy.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of vertices in the polygon.
+* cx
+* A pointer to an array holding the x coordinates at the "n" vertices.
+* cy
+* A pointer to an array holding the y coordinates at the "n" vertices.
+* x
+* The x coordinate of the test point.
+* y
+* The y coordinate of the test point.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A boolean flag indicating if the test point is inside the polygon.
+* Notes:
+* - The algorithm used only works for convex polygons.
+* - The polygon is closed by joining the last vertex to the first
+* vertex.
+* - Zero is returned if an error has occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int i; /* Index of the current vertex */
+ int j; /* Index of the next vertex */
+ int ret; /* Is the test point inside the polygon? */
+ int sgn; /* Which side of the first edge is the test point? */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise the returned value to indicate that the point is inside the
+ box. */
+ ret = 1;
+/* Get the sign of the angle between the vector joining vertex 1 to vertex
+ 0, and the vector joining the test point to vertex zero. */
+ if( ( cx[ 1 ] - cx[ 0 ] )*( y - cy[ 0 ] ) >
+ ( x - cx[ 0 ] )*( cy[ 1 ] - cy[ 0 ] ) ){
+ sgn = 1;
+ } else {
+ sgn = -1;
+ }
+/* Check that the remaining test point is on the same side of the remaining
+ sides. */
+ for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ){
+/* Get the index of the next vertex, joining the last vertex up with
+ vertex zero. */
+ j = i + 1;
+ if( j >= n ) j -= n;
+/* Get the sign of the angle between the vector joining vertex j to vertex
+ i, and the vector joining the test point to vertex i. If the sign is
+ opposite to that found for vertex zero, then the test point is outside
+ the polygon. Break out of the loop if this is the case. */
+ if( ( cx[ j ] - cx[ i ] )*( y - cy[ i ] ) >
+ ( x - cx[ i ] )*( cy[ j ] - cy[ i ] ) ){
+ if( sgn == -1 ) {
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( sgn == 1 ) {
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static void InterpEscape( AstPlot *this, int type, double value, float *x,
+ float *y, float ux, float uy, float rx, float ry,
+ const char *just, float *rise, double nsize,
+ double nstyle, double nwidth, double ncol,
+ double nfont, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* InterpEscape
+* Purpose:
+* Prepare things for drawing the next part of a string which includes
+* graphics escape sequences.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void InterpEscape( AstPlot *this, int type, double value, float *x,
+* float *y, float ux, float uy, float rx, float ry,
+* const char *just, float *rise, double nsize,
+* double nstyle, double nwidth, double ncol,
+* double nfont, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the current graphics attributes, the supplied
+* reference position, in preparation for drawing another sub-string
+* from a string containing graphics escape sequences. The type and
+* value of an escape sequence preceding the substring is supplied.
+* Note, this function ignored escape sequences which represent an
+* escaped percent sign. Such escape sequences are drawn as normal
+* text by the claling function.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The plot.
+* type
+* The type of escape sequence. Each type is identified by a symbolic
+* constant defined in grf.h.
+* value
+* The value associated with the escape sequence. All usable values
+* will be positive. A value of -1 shold be supplied if the attribute
+* identified by "type" should be reset to its "normal" value (as
+* established using the astGAttr function, etc).
+* x
+* Pointer to a double holding the x coordinate at the concatenation
+* point. This will be modified on exit if the escape sequence
+* requires it.
+* y
+* Pointer to a double holding the y coordinate at the concatenation
+* point. This will be modified on exit if the escape sequence
+* requires it.
+* ux
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics coords.
+* The length of this vector should be equal to the height of normal
+* text drawn with this up-vector.
+* uy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text. See "ux".
+* rx
+* The x component of the right-vector for the text. The length of this
+* vector should be equal to the height of normal text drawn with the
+* supplied up-vector.
+* ry
+* The y component of the right-vector for the text. see "rx".
+* just
+* The justification being used for each substring.
+* rise
+* Pointer to a float holding the height of the current baseline
+* above the normal baseline, given as a percentage of the height of
+* normal text. May be negative for sub-scripts. May be modified on
+* exit if the escape sequence effects the height of the baseline.
+* nsize
+* The size of normal text.
+* nstyle
+* The style of normal text.
+* nwidth
+* The width of normal text.
+* ncol
+* The colour of normal text.
+* nfont
+* The font of normal text.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float new_rise;
+ float t1, t2;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Type GRF__ESSUP: Move the concatenation point in the up direction, and
+ update the current baseline height. If the value is -1, then reset the
+ baseline to its normal height. */
+ if( type == GRF__ESSUP ) {
+ if( value > 0 ) {
+ *x += 0.01*ux*( value - *rise );
+ *y += 0.01*uy*( value - *rise );
+ *rise = value;
+ } else {
+ *x -= 0.01*ux*(*rise);
+ *y -= 0.01*uy*(*rise);
+ *rise = 0;
+ }
+/* Type GRF__ESSUB: Move the concatenation point in the down direction, and
+ update the current baseline height. If the value is -1, then reset the
+ baseline to its normal height. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESSUB ) {
+ if( value > 0 ) {
+ *x -= 0.01*ux*( value + *rise );
+ *y -= 0.01*uy*( value + *rise );
+ *rise = -value;
+ } else {
+ *x -= 0.01*ux*(*rise);
+ *y -= 0.01*uy*(*rise);
+ *rise = 0;
+ }
+/* Type GRF__ESGAP: Move the concatenation point to the right. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESGAP ) {
+ *x += 0.01*rx*value;
+ *y += 0.01*ry*value;
+/* Type GRF__ESBAC: Move the concatenation point to the left. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESBAC ) {
+ *x -= 0.01*rx*value;
+ *y -= 0.01*ry*value;
+/* Remember the current horizontal position. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESH ) {
+ this->hmarkx = *x;
+ this->hmarky = *y;
+/* Go to the previously stored horizontal position. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESG ) {
+ if( this->hmarkx != FLT_MAX && this->hmarky != FLT_MAX ) {
+ t1 = ( *x - this->hmarkx )*rx + ( *y - this->hmarky )*ry;
+ t2 = rx*rx + ry*ry;
+ *x -= rx*t1/t2;
+ *y -= ry*t1/t2;
+ }
+/* Type GRF__ESSIZ: Change the text size. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESSIZ ) {
+ if( value < 0 ) value = 100.0;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, 0.01*value*nsize, NULL, GRF__TEXT,
+ method, class, status );
+/* Type GRF__ESWID: Change the text width. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESWID ) {
+ if( value < 0 ) value = 100.0;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, 0.01*value*nwidth, NULL, GRF__TEXT,
+ method, class, status );
+/* Type GRF__ESFON: Change the text font. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESFON ) {
+ if( value < 0 ) value = nfont;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, value, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* Type GRF__ESCOL: Change the text colour. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESCOL ) {
+ if( value < 0 ) value = ncol;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, value, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* Type GRF__ESSTY: Change the text style. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESSTY ) {
+ if( value < 0 ) value = nstyle;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, value, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* Type GRF__ESPSH: Push current attributes onto a stack. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESPSH ) {
+ PushGat( this, *rise, method, class, status );
+/* Type GRF__ESSTY: Reset everything to normal. */
+ } else if( type == GRF__ESPOP ) {
+ if( !PopGat( this, &new_rise, method, class, status ) ) {
+ new_rise = 0.0;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, nsize, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, nwidth, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, ncol, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, nfont, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, nstyle, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ }
+ *x -= 0.01*ux*( *rise - new_rise );
+ *y -= 0.01*uy*( *rise - new_rise );
+ *rise = new_rise;
+ }
+static int IsASkyAxis( AstFrame *frm, int axis, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* IsASkyAxis
+* Purpose:
+* Checks if a specified axis of the supplied Frame is a SkyAxis.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int IsASkyAxis( AstFrame *frm, int axis, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function checks if if a specified axis of the supplied Frame is
+* a SkyAxis.
+* Parameters:
+* frm
+* The Frame.
+* axis
+* The zero-based axis index.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A boolean flag indicating if the axis is a SkyAxis.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+ AstAxis *ax;
+/* initialise */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* Extract the required axis from the Frame and test if it is a SkyAxis.
+ Then free the axis memory. */
+ ax = astGetAxis( frm, axis );
+ ret = astIsASkyAxis( ax );
+ ax = astAnnul( ax );
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static int IsASkyFrame( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* IsASkyFrame
+* Purpose:
+* Checks if the supplied Object ca be treated as a SkyFrame.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int IsASkyFrame( AstObject *obj, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function checks if the supplied Object is a SkyFrame or a
+* FrameSet which has a SkyFrame as its current Frame.
+* Parameters:
+* obj
+* The object.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A boolean flag indicating if the Object can be treated as SkyFrame.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+ AstFrame *frm;
+/* initialise */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* If the Object is a SkyFrame, return 1. */
+ if( astIsASkyFrame( obj ) ) {
+ ret = 1;
+/* If the Object is a FrameSet, check its current Frame recursively,
+ using this method. */
+ } else if( astIsAFrameSet( obj ) ) {
+ frm = astGetFrame( (AstFrameSet *) obj, AST__CURRENT );
+ ret = IsASkyFrame( (AstObject *) frm, status );
+ frm = astAnnul( frm );
+ }
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static const char *JustMB( AstPlot *this, int esc, const char *text, float *x,
+ float *y, float upx, float upy, const char *just,
+ float uxu, float uyu, float rxu, float ryu,
+ float *x0, float *y0, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* JustMB
+* Purpose:
+* Modifies a "M" vertical reference point to be a "B" reference point,
+* if necessary.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* const char *JustMB( AstPlot *this, int esc, const char *text, float *x,
+* float *y, float upx, float upy, const char *just,
+* float uxu, float uyu, float rxu, float ryu,
+* float *x0, float *y0, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function is used to modify the reference point and justification
+* of a string by converting the vertical "M" justification option (which
+* indicates that the reference point refers to the bottom of the
+* bounding box) into a corresponding "B" option (which indicates that
+* the reference point refers to the text baseline). The reference
+* point is modified accordingly.
+* This is only done if the grf module does not support "M"
+* justification. Otherwise, the supplied justification string and
+* reference point coordinates are returned unchanged.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The plot.
+* esc
+* Should escape sequences be interpreted? They will be printed
+* literally otherwise.
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* x
+* Pointer to a double holding the x coordinate at the reference
+* point. This is modified on exit if the supplied "just" string
+* indicates that the supplied value refers to the bottom of the
+* bounding box, and the grf module does not support such
+* justification. In this case, the returned value is a point on
+* the baseline of the text which would result in the bottom of
+* the bounding box being at the supplied position.
+* y
+* Pointer to a double holding the y coordinate at the reference
+* point. This is modified on exit if the supplied "just" string
+* indicates that the supplied value refers to the bottom of the
+* bounding box, and the grf module does not support such
+* justification. In this case, the returned value is a point on
+* the baseline of the text which would result in the bottom of
+* the bounding box being at the supplied position.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text. Positive values
+* always refer to displacements from left to right on the screen,
+* even if the graphics x axis increases in the opposite sense.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text. Positive values
+* always refer to displacements from left to right on the screen,
+* even if the graphics y axis increases in the opposite sense.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", 'B' for "baseline" or "M" for "bottom", and
+* specifies the vertical location of the reference position. Note,
+* "baseline" corresponds to the base-line of normal text,and "M"
+* corresponds to the bottom of the bounding box. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) and sub-scripts descend below the base-line.
+* The second character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* uxu
+* X component of normalised up-vector, in graphics coords.
+* uyu
+* Y component of normalised up-vector, in graphics coords.
+* rxu
+* X component of normalised right-vector, in graphics coords.
+* ryu
+* Y component of normalised right-vector, in graphics coords.
+* x0
+* Address of a float at which to return the x coordinate at the
+* left end of the baseline of the whole string.
+* y0
+* Address of a float at which to return the y coordinate at the
+* left end of the baseline of the whole string.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a dynamically allocated string which contains the
+* justification to use in future. This pointer should be freed using
+* astFree when no longer needed. This string will contain a full
+* upper-case justification string which can be used by the current
+* grf module.
+* Notes;
+* - NULL is returned if an error has occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char cc;
+ float drop;
+ float dx;
+ float dy;
+ float f;
+ float height;
+ float width;
+ float xbn[ 4 ];
+ float ybn[ 4 ];
+ int called;
+ char *result;
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Allocate memory for the returned string. */
+ result = astMalloc( sizeof( char )*3 );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Fill in any missing parts of the justification string. */
+ if( just ){
+ cc = toupper( just[ 0 ] );
+ result[ 0 ] = ( cc == 'T' || cc == 'C' || cc == 'B' || cc == 'M' ) ? cc : 'C';
+ cc = toupper( just[ 1 ] );
+ result[ 1 ] = ( cc == 'L' || cc == 'C' || cc == 'R' ) ? cc : 'C';
+ } else {
+ result[ 0 ] = 'C';
+ result[ 1 ] = 'C';
+ }
+ result[ 2 ] = 0;
+/* Indicate that DrawText has not been called. */
+ called = 0;
+/* The justfication need not be changed unless the requested vertical
+ justification is "bottom" (m), AND the grf module does not support "M"
+ justification. */
+ if( ( result[ 0 ] == 'M' ) && !GCap( this, GRF__MJUST, 1, status ) ){
+/* Find the bounding box which would result from putting the left end of
+ the baseline at the specified position. */
+ DrawText( this, 0, esc, text, *x, *y, "BL", upx, upy, xbn, ybn,
+ &drop, method, class, status );
+/* Indicate that DrawText has not been called. */
+ called = 1;
+/* Get the vector from the bottom left corner of the bounding box to the
+ reference point (on the base-line), and add this vector on to the reference
+ point. */
+ *x += *x - xbn[ 0 ];
+ *y += *y - ybn[ 0 ];
+/* Modified the returned justification string. */
+ result[ 0 ] = 'B';
+ }
+/* If the returned justification is "BL", then the left end of the
+ baseline is just the returned reference point. */
+ if( result[ 0 ] == 'B' && result[ 1 ] == 'L' ) {
+ *x0 = *x;
+ *y0 = *y;
+/* Otherwise, we work out the coords of the left end of the baseline from
+ the values returned by DrawText above. Call DrawText now if it was not
+ called above. */
+ } else {
+ if( ! called ) {
+ DrawText( this, 0, esc, text, *x, *y, "BL", upx, upy, xbn, ybn,
+ &drop, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Find the height and width of the bounding box. */
+ dx = xbn[ 0 ] - xbn[ 3 ];
+ dy = ybn[ 0 ] - ybn[ 3 ];
+ width = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+ dx = xbn[ 0 ] - xbn[ 1 ];
+ dy = ybn[ 0 ] - ybn[ 1 ];
+ height = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+/* For "C" and "R" horizontal justification we first need to move the
+ returned reference point left by 0.5 or 1.0 times the width of the whole
+ string respectively. */
+ if( result[ 1 ] == 'C' ) {
+ f = 0.5;
+ } else if( result[ 1 ] == 'R' ) {
+ f = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ f = 0.0;
+ }
+ f *= width;
+ *x0 = *x - f*rxu;
+ *y0 = *y - f*ryu;
+/* Unless the vertical justification is "B", we also need to move the
+ concatenation point vertically to put it on the baseline. */
+ if( result[ 0 ] == 'T' ) {
+ f = height - drop;
+ } else if( result[ 0 ] == 'C' ) {
+ f = 0.5*height - drop;
+ } else if( result[ 0 ] == 'M' ) {
+ f = -drop;
+ } else {
+ f = 0.0;
+ }
+ *x0 -= f*uxu;
+ *y0 -= f*uyu;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static int Labelat( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, AstPlotCurveData **cdata,
+ double *labelat, const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Labelat
+* Purpose:
+* Determine the other axis value at which to place interior labels
+* and tick marks.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Labelat( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, AstPlotCurveData **cdata,
+* double *labelat, const char *method, const char *class )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* If tick marks and labels are to be placed within the plotting area,
+* the tick values stored in "grid" determine their position on one
+* axis, and their position on the other axis is determined by this
+* function. If a value has been set for the "LabelAt" attribute, then
+* it is used, otherwise the "other axis" value on the longest curve
+* parallel to the "other axis" is used (although the curve "other axis
+* = zero" is used if it passes through the plotting area and is not too
+* short). The effective length assigned to each curve is reduced in
+* proportion to the number of tick marks which are close to the edge
+* of the plotting area.
+* A flag is returned indicating if the two axes appear to be
+* independent, in which case there is nothing to be gained by using
+* interior labelling.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to a TickInfo structure holding information about
+* tick values on the axis. See function GridLines.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to an array of two AstPlotCurveData pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to an array of AstPlotCurveData structure (one for each
+* major tick value on the axis), holding information about breaks
+* in the curves drawn to mark the major tick values. See function
+* DrawGrid.
+* labelat
+* A pointer to a 2 element array in which to store the constant axis
+* values at which tick marks are put. Element 0 is returned holding
+* the axis 1 value at which tick marks for axis 0 are placed. Element
+* 1 is returned holding the axis 0 value at which tick marks for axis
+* 1 are placed.
+* flags
+* A pointer to a 2 element array. Each element is a flag which is
+* returned non-zero if the corresponding axis
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero if and only if the lines of constant axis value are all the
+* same length for all tick marks on either axis. If this is so, using
+* interior labelling will not enable any more major ticks to be
+* drawn, and so there is no reason to switch to interior labelling (unless
+* the user has specifically requested interior labelling).
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes the current Frame of the Plot is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be called if this is not the case.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstMapping *mapping; /* Mapping from graphics to physical coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* Pointset for graphical tick positions */
+ AstPointSet *pset[ 2 ];/* Pointsets for physical tick positions */
+ AstPlotCurveData *cdt; /* Pointer to the AstPlotCurveData for the next tick */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to the TickInfo for the current axis */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointers to graphics pointset data */
+ double *ptr1[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to physical pointset data */
+ double *tvals[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to arrays of other axis values */
+ double *value; /* Current tick value */
+ double efflen; /* Effective length of current curve */
+ double lim; /* Largest insignificant axis value */
+ double margin; /* Width of margin around plotting area */
+ double maxlen; /* Effective length of longest curve */
+ double minlen; /* Effective length of shortest (non-zero) curve */
+ double x; /* Tick X value */
+ double xhi; /* Upper limit on acceptable X range */
+ double xlo; /* Lower limit on acceptable X range */
+ double y; /* Tick Y value */
+ double yhi; /* Upper limit on acceptable Y range */
+ double ylo; /* Lower limit on acceptable Y range */
+ double zerolen; /* Effective length of curve for other axis = 0.0 */
+ int axis; /* Current axis index */
+ int i; /* Tick index for this axis */
+ int nin; /* No. of counted ticks */
+ int result; /* Does interior labelling allow more ticks to be drawn? */
+ int tick; /* Tick index */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* Initialise */
+ result = 1;
+/* Create two PointSets to hold a set of tick mark positions along each
+ axis. The values on "axis" will be taken from the info structure. For
+ each axis create an array to hold values for the "other" axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+ pset[ axis ] = astPointSet( info->nmajor, 2, "", status );
+ tvals[ axis ] = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)(info->nmajor) );
+ }
+/* Get the mapping from Base (graphics) frame the Current (physical) */
+ mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get the bounds of the area in which tick marks must occur to be
+ counted. This is the total plotting area minus a 5% margin at each
+ edge. */
+ margin = 0.05*( this->xhi - this->xlo );
+ xlo = this->xlo + margin;
+ xhi = this->xhi - margin;
+ margin = 0.05*( this->yhi - this->ylo );
+ ylo = this->ylo + margin;
+ yhi = this->yhi - margin;
+/* Do each axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2 && astOK; axis++ ){
+/* Find the longest and shortest curves parallel to the axis being labelled.
+ Also find the length of the curve which passes through the origin of the
+ other axis which is within the plotting area. We need to do this even
+ if LabelAt has been set since we need to calculate the returned flag. */
+/* Store pointers to the arrays holding tick mark physical coordinates,
+ and set these in the PointSet. */
+ ptr1[ axis ] = grid[ axis ]->ticks;
+ ptr1[ 1 - axis ] = tvals[ axis ];
+ astSetPoints( pset[ axis ], ptr1 );
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along the other axis. */
+ info = grid[ 1 - axis ];
+/* Get a pointer to the other axis value at the first other axis major tick
+ mark. */
+ value = info->ticks;
+/* Get a limit on absolute magnitude for an axis value to be consider
+ equal to zero. */
+ lim = 1.0E-6*fabs( value[ 1 ] - value [ 0 ] );
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ breaks in the curve which passes through the first major tick mark. */
+ cdt = cdata[ 1 - axis ];
+/* Initialise the effective length of the longest and shortest curves, and
+ the curve passing through the origin. */
+ maxlen = -1.0;
+ minlen = DBL_MAX;
+ zerolen = 0.0;
+ labelat[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+/* Loop round each of the major tick marks on the other axis. */
+ for( tick = 0; tick < info->nmajor && astOK; tick++ ){
+/* Fill the array of other axis values with the current other axis value. */
+ for( i = 0; i < grid[ axis ]->nmajor; i++ ){
+ tvals[ axis ][ i ] = *value;
+ }
+/* Transform the tick positions from the current frame (i.e. physical
+ coordinates) to the base frame (i.e. graphics coordinates) using
+ the inverse Mapping. */
+ pset2 = Trans( this, NULL, mapping, pset[ axis ], 0, NULL, 0,
+ method, class, status );
+/* Get pointers to the graphics coordinates. */
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Count the number of graphics positions which are well within the plotting
+ area. */
+ nin = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < grid[ axis ]->nmajor; i++ ){
+ x = ptr2[ 0 ][ i ];
+ y = ptr2[ 1 ][ i ];
+ if( x != AST__BAD && x > xlo && x < xhi &&
+ y != AST__BAD && y > ylo && y < yhi ) nin++;
+ }
+/* Find the effective length of this curve.*/
+ efflen = sqrt( (float) nin )*cdt->length;
+/* If the curve through this tick mark has a greater effective length than any
+ other found so far, record it. */
+ if( efflen > maxlen ){
+ maxlen = efflen;
+ labelat[ axis ] = *value;
+ }
+/* If the curve through this tick mark has a smaller non-zero effective length
+ than any other found so far, record it. */
+ if( efflen < minlen && efflen > 0.0 ) minlen = efflen;
+/* If this tick mark is at the origin, note the effective length. */
+ if( fabs( *value ) <= lim ) zerolen = efflen;
+/* Get a pointer to the curve through the next major tick mark. */
+ cdt++;
+/* Get a pointer to the axis value at the next major tick mark. */
+ value++;
+ }
+/* Free resources. */
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+ }
+/* Use the curve through the origin unless it is significantly shorter
+ than the longest curve. */
+ if( zerolen > 0.4*maxlen ) labelat[ axis ] = 0.0;
+/* Return a flag if the lengths of the shortest and longest curves are nearly
+ equal. */
+ if( ( maxlen - minlen )/( maxlen + minlen ) < 1.0E-5 ) result = 0;
+/* If the LabelAt attribute has been set, use it in preference to the
+ value found above. */
+ if( astTestLabelAt( this, axis ) ){
+ labelat[ axis ] = astGetLabelAt( this, axis );
+ }
+ }
+/* Release resources. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+ if( pset[ axis ] ) pset[ axis ] = astAnnul( pset[ axis ] );
+ if( tvals[ axis ] ) tvals[ axis ] = (double *) astFree( (void *) tvals[ axis ] );
+ }
+ mapping = astAnnul( mapping );
+/* Return. */
+ return result;
+static void Labels( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, AstPlotCurveData **cdata,
+ double *gap, double *labelat, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Labels
+* Purpose:
+* Draw numerical axis labels for a 2-D annotated coordinate grid.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Labels( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, AstPlotCurveData **cdata,
+* double *gap, double *labelat, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The policy for placing labels for the major tick values is broadly as
+* follows: if possible, labels for a given physical axis are placed on
+* one edge of the plotting area, at the place where the curve for a
+* major tick value crosses the edge. If very few of the curves cross
+* the edge, then the label for a curve is placed at the intersection
+* of that curve with the longest of the curves representing the major
+* tick values on the other axis.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to a TickInfo structure holding information about
+* tick values on the axis. See function GridLines.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to an array of two AstPlotCurveData pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to an array of AstPlotCurveData structure (one for each
+* major tick value on the axis), holding information about breaks
+* in the curves drawn to mark the major tick values. See function
+* DrawGrid.
+* gap
+* Pointer to array of two values holding the gap between major
+* tick values on the two axes.
+* labelat
+* A pointer to a 2 element array holding the constant axis
+* values at which tick marks are put. Element 0 should hold
+* the axis 1 value at which tick marks for axis 0 are placed. Element
+* 1 should hold the axis 0 value at which tick marks for axis
+* 1 are placed. If labels are to be placed round the edges of the
+* plotting zone instead of within the plotting zone, then values of
+* AST__BAD should be supplied.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - This function assumes the current Frame of the Plot is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be called if this is not the case.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to current Frame */
+ AstMapping *mapping; /* Pointer to graphics->physical Mapping */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* Pointer to PointSet holding physical coords. */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* Pointer to PointSet holding graphics coords. */
+ AstPlotCurveData *cdt; /* Pointer to the AstPlotCurveData for the next tick */
+ LabelList *labellist; /* Pointer to list of labels to be plotted */
+ LabelList *ll; /* Pointer to next label to be plotted */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to the TickInfo for the current axis */
+ char just_buf[3]; /* Buffer to hold a justification string */
+ const char *just; /* Justification string */
+ const char *text; /* Pointer to label text */
+ double *used; /* Pointer to list of used label values */
+ double *value; /* Current tick value */
+ double diff; /* Difference between adjacent major tick marks */
+ double dx; /* Text base-line X component */
+ double dy; /* Text base-line Y component */
+ double gx; /* Reference position graphics X coord. */
+ double gy; /* Reference position graphics Y coord. */
+ double mindim; /* Shortest dimension of plotting area */
+ double offx; /* X component of offset vector */
+ double offy; /* Y component of offset vector */
+ double rlen; /* Length of perpendicular vector */
+ double rx; /* X comp of vector perpendicular to (dx,dy) */
+ double ry; /* Y comp of vector perpendicular to (dx,dy) */
+ double sin45; /* Sine of 45 degrees */
+ double txtgap; /* Absolute gap between labels and edges */
+ double upx; /* Text up-vector X component */
+ double upy; /* Text up-vector Y component */
+ double val[ 2 ]; /* Physical coordinates */
+ float *box; /* Pointer to array of label bounding boxes */
+ float alpha; /* Factor to convert graphics X to equal scaled X */
+ float beta; /* Factor to convert graphics Y to equal scaled Y */
+ int axis; /* Current axis index */
+ int esc; /* Interpret escape sequences? */
+ int flag; /* Flag indicating which way the base-vector points */
+ int iused; /* Index into list of used axis values */
+ int last; /* The index of the last tick to use */
+ int logticks; /* ARe major ticks spaced logarithmically? */
+ int nlab; /* The number of labels to be plotted */
+ int nused; /* Number of used axis values */
+ int t0; /* Index of central tick */
+ int tick; /* Current tick index */
+ int tinc; /* Increment between ticks */
+ int upfree; /* Are we free to change the up-vector? */
+ int gelid; /* ID for next graphical element to be drawn */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* See if escape sequences in text strings are to be interpreted */
+ esc = astGetEscape( this );
+/* Empty the list of bounding boxes kept by the Overlap function. */
+ (void) Overlap( this, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, NULL,
+ method, class, status );
+/* If required, draw the labels around the edges of the plotting area. */
+ if( labelat[ 0 ] == AST__BAD || labelat[ 1 ] == AST__BAD ){
+ (void) EdgeLabels( this, 1, grid, cdata, 1, method, class, status );
+/* Otherwise, draw labels within the interior of the plotting area. */
+ } else {
+/* Find the scale factors for the two axes which scale graphics coordinates
+ into a "standard" equal scaled coordinate system in which: 1) the axes
+ have equal scale in terms of (for instance) millimetres per unit distance,
+ 2) X values increase from left to right, 3) Y values increase from bottom
+ to top. */
+ GScales( this, &alpha, &beta, method, class, status );
+/* Get the minimum dimension of the plotting area in equal scaled coords. */
+ mindim = astMIN( fabs( alpha*(this->xhi - this->xlo) ),
+ fabs( beta*(this->yhi - this->ylo) ) );
+/* Store a value for the sine of 45 degrees. */
+ sin45 = 1.0/sqrt( 2.0 );
+/* Initialise the pointer to the memory holding the bounding boxes for
+ all labels (used by function Overlap). */
+ box = NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the current Frame in the Plot. */
+ frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Get a pointer to the mapping form the base Frame to the current Frame in
+ the Plot. */
+ mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Initialize the id value for graphical element being drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__NUMLAB1_ID;
+/* Do each axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ ){
+/* See of major ticks are spaced logarithmically on this axis. */
+ logticks = astGetLogTicks( this, axis );
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 1, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along this axis. */
+ info = grid[ axis ];
+/* Only progress if there are some labels stored within the structure. */
+ if( info->labels ) {
+/* Initialise the pointer to the list of text strings to be drawn. */
+ labellist = NULL;
+ nlab = 0;
+/* See if numerical labels are always to be drawn horizontal. If so, set
+ a flag and initialise a vertical up-vector. */
+ if( astGetLabelUp( this, axis ) ){
+ upfree = 0;
+ upx = 0.0;
+ upy = 1.0;
+/* Otherwise, clear the flag and indicate that we do not yet have an
+ up-vector. */
+ } else {
+ upfree = 1;
+ upx = AST__BAD;
+ upy = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Indicate that the tangent vector to the other axis is not yet
+ known. */
+ dx = AST__BAD;
+ dy = AST__BAD;
+ gx = AST__BAD;
+ gy = AST__BAD;
+/* Store the gap to put next to the label text. This is in equal scaled
+ coords, not graphics coords. */
+ txtgap = astGetNumLabGap( this, axis )*mindim;
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ breaks in the curve which passes through the first major tick mark. */
+ cdt = cdata[ axis ];
+/* Get a pointer to the axis value at the first major tick mark. */
+ value = info->ticks;
+/* Initialise pointers to two PointSets which will be created and used
+ within function GVec. */
+ pset1 = NULL;
+ pset2 = NULL;
+/* Get memory to hold the axis values at which labels have been put. */
+ used = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)info->nmajor );
+ nused = 0;
+/* The tick marks are done in two batches, each batch working out from the
+ middle. This is done because there may be extra tick marks outside the
+ normal ranges at the extremes, and these should not be given the
+ priority caused by doing them first. Store the mid-tick index, the
+ current tick index, and the increment between ticks. The ticks from the
+ middle up to the highest index are done first. */
+ t0 = info->nmajor/2;
+ tick = t0 - 1;
+ tinc = 1;
+/* Loop round until all ticks have been done. */
+ last = info->nmajor - 1;
+ while( (tick += tinc) >= 0 && astOK ){
+/* If we have done the highest tick index, start again at the tick just
+ below middle, and work done towards index zero. */
+ if( tick == info->nmajor ){
+ tick = t0 - 1;
+ tinc = -1;
+ }
+/* Store the reference position for the label . */
+ val[ axis ] = value[ tick ];
+ val[ 1 - axis ] = labelat[ axis ];
+/* Store the difference between this tick and the next. */
+ if( logticks ) {
+ diff = value[ tick ]*( gap[ axis ] - 1.0 );
+ } else {
+ diff = gap[ axis ];
+ }
+/* See if this axis value has already been used. */
+ for( iused = 0; iused < nused; iused++ ){
+ if( fabs( val[ axis ] - used[ iused ] ) <
+ 1.0E-3*diff ) break;
+ }
+/* If the axis value has already been used, don't use it again. */
+ if( iused >= nused || nused == 0 ){
+ used[ nused++ ] = val[ axis ];
+/* We now need to decide where to put the reference point for the text
+ string, and what justification to use. Assuming that NumLabGap is +ve,
+ the labels are drawn on the left hand side of the axis as seen by
+ someone moving along the axis in the positive direction, with an
+ up-vector which is normal to the axis tangent. First, find the graphics
+ coordinates at the point being labelled, and the unit tangent-vector
+ parallel to the axis being labelled. If the tangent vector is not defined,
+ then the tangent vector used for the previous label is re-used. This
+ unit tangent vector is expressed in graphics coords. */
+ GVec( this, mapping, val, axis, 0.01*diff, &pset1,
+ &pset2, &gx, &gy, &dx, &dy, &flag, method, class,
+ status );
+/* If we now have a tangent vector and good graphics coordinates for the
+ label's reference position... */
+ if( dx != AST__BAD && dy != AST__BAD &&
+ gx != AST__BAD && gy != AST__BAD ){
+/* Convert the unit tangent vector from graphics coords to equal-scaled coords. */
+ dx *= alpha;
+ dy *= beta;
+/* Rotate through 90 degrees to get a vector perpendicular to the axis in
+ equal scaled coords. This vector points to the left as you move along
+ the physical axis in the positive direction. Find its length. */
+ rx = -dy;
+ ry = dx;
+ rlen = sqrt( rx*rx + ry*ry );
+/* The reference position for the text is displaced away from the
+ reference position normal to the axis on the left hand side by the
+ "txtgap" value. */
+ offx = rx*txtgap/rlen;
+ offy = ry*txtgap/rlen;
+ gx += offx/alpha;
+ gy += offy/beta;
+/* The up-vector and justification for the text depends on whether or
+ not the up-vector is free to rotate. If it is free, the up-vector is
+ chosen so that the text is not upside-down. Note, the up-vector is
+ specified in the equally scaled coordinate system. */
+ if( upfree ){
+ if( dx < -0.01*fabs( alpha ) ){
+ upx = -rx;
+ upy = -ry;
+ just = ( txtgap < 0.0 )? "BC" : "TC";
+ } else {
+ upx = rx;
+ upy = ry;
+ just = ( txtgap < 0.0 )? "TC" : "BC";
+ }
+ if( txtgap == 0.0 ) just = "CC";
+/* If the up vector is required to be vertical, a system is used which
+ tries to put the centre of the text string on or near the offset
+ vector. */
+ } else {
+ upx = 0.0;
+ upy = 1.0;
+ if( offy > fabs(txtgap)*sin45 ){
+ just_buf[0] = 'B';
+ } else if( offy < -fabs(txtgap)*sin45 ){
+ just_buf[0] = 'T';
+ } else {
+ just_buf[0] = 'C';
+ }
+ if( txtgap == 0.0 ) just_buf[0] = 'C';
+ if( offx < -fabs(txtgap)*sin45 ){
+ just_buf[1] = 'R';
+ } else if( offx > fabs(txtgap)*sin45 ){
+ just_buf[1] = 'L';
+ } else {
+ just_buf[1] = 'C';
+ }
+ if( txtgap == 0.0 ) just_buf[1] = 'C';
+ just_buf[2] = 0;
+ just = just_buf;
+ }
+/* Get the label text. */
+ text = (info->labels)[ tick ];
+ if( text ){
+/* Check that the reference position is within the plotting area.
+ If so, add it to the list of labels to be drawn. */
+ if( gx >= this->xlo && gx <= this->xhi &&
+ gy >= this->ylo && gy <= this->yhi ){
+ labellist = (LabelList *) astGrow( (void *) labellist, nlab + 1, sizeof(LabelList) );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (labellist + nlab)->index = tick;
+ (labellist + nlab)->text = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) text, strlen(text) + 1 );
+ (labellist + nlab)->x = gx;
+ (labellist + nlab)->y = gy;
+ (labellist + nlab)->just = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) just, strlen(just) + 1 );
+ (labellist + nlab)->upx = upx;
+ (labellist + nlab)->upy = upy;
+ (labellist + nlab)->val = val[ axis ];
+ nlab++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If any labels were stored, draw the text strings, and then release the
+ memory used to hold the text, etc. */
+ if( nlab > 0 ) {
+ PlotLabels( this, esc, frame, axis, labellist, info->fmt, nlab,
+ &box, method, class, status );
+ ll = labellist;
+ for( tick = 0; tick < nlab; tick ++ ) {
+ ll->text = (char *) astFree( (void *) ll->text );
+ ll->just = (char *) astFree( (void *) ll->just );
+ ll++;
+ }
+ labellist = (LabelList *) astFree( (void *) labellist );
+ }
+/* Free the memory used to hold the axis values at which labels have
+ been put. */
+ used = (double *) astFree( (void *) used );
+/* Annul the PointSets (if used). */
+ if( pset1 ) pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+ if( pset2 ) pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 0, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Set up the id for the next graphical element to be drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__NUMLAB2_ID;
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the memory used to hold the bounding boxes. */
+ box = (float *) astFree( (void *) box );
+/* Annul the pointers to the Frame and the Mapping. */
+ mapping = astAnnul( mapping );
+ frame = astAnnul( frame );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void LinePlot( AstPlot *this, double xa, double ya, double xb,
+ double yb, int ink, AstPlotCurveData *cdata,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* LinePlot
+* Purpose:
+* Draws a straight line omitting bad regions.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void LinePlot( AstPlot *this, double xa, double ya, double xb,
+* double yb, int ink, AstPlotCurveData *cdata,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a straight line between two positions in graphics
+* coordinates but leaves gaps in the line where it passes through
+* regions which have no corresponding physical coordinates.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* xa
+* The graphics X coordinate at the start of the line.
+* ya
+* The graphics Y coordinate at the start of the line.
+* xb
+* The graphics X coordinate at the end of the line.
+* yb
+* The graphics Y coordinate at the end of the line.
+* ink
+* If zero, the line is not actually drawn, but information about
+* the breaks is still returned. If non-zero, the line is also drawn.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to a structure in which to return information about the
+* breaks in the line.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - No curve is draw if any of the start or end positions are bad
+* (i.e. equal to AST__BAD), or if a NULL pointer is supplied for "cdata".
+* No errors are reported in these cases.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ double d[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Offsets to evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double x[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* X coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double y[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Y coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double tol; /* Absolute tolerance value */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Check the supplied values are usable. */
+ if( xa == AST__BAD || ya == AST__BAD ||
+ xb == AST__BAD || yb == AST__BAD ||
+ !cdata ) return;
+/* Convert the tolerance from relative to absolute graphics coordinates. */
+ tol = astGetTol( this )*astMAX( this->xhi - this->xlo, this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Ensure the globals holding the scaling from graphics coords to equally
+ scaled coords are available. */
+ GScales( this, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Set up the external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine function (see
+ their prologues for details). */
+ Crv_scerr = ( astGetLogPlot( this, 0 ) ||
+ astGetLogPlot( this, 1 ) ) ? 100.0 : 1.5;
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_limit = 0.5*tol*tol;
+ Crv_tol = tol;
+ Crv_map = Map2;
+ Crv_ink = ink;
+ Crv_len = 0.0F;
+ Crv_xlo = this->xlo;
+ Crv_xhi = this->xhi;
+ Crv_ylo = this->ylo;
+ Crv_yhi = this->yhi;
+ Crv_out = 1;
+ Crv_xbrk = cdata->xbrk;
+ Crv_ybrk = cdata->ybrk;
+ Crv_vxbrk = cdata->vxbrk;
+ Crv_vybrk = cdata->vybrk;
+ Crv_clip = astGetClip( this ) & 1;
+/* Create a set of evenly spaced values between 0.0 and 1.0. These are the
+ offsets the edge of the plotting zone at which the mapping is tested. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ){
+ d[ i ] = ( (double) i)/( (double) CRV_NSEG );
+ }
+/* Now set up the externals used to communicate with the Map2 function.
+ Map2 transforms a set of offsets between zero and one into a set of
+ corresponding graphics coordinates, with bad values substituted for any
+ offsets which correspond to points outside the domain of the mapping. */
+/* The number of axes in the physical coordinate system (i.e. the current
+ Frame). */
+ Map2_ncoord = astGetNout( this );
+/* A pointer to the mapping from graphics world cordinates to physical
+ coordinates. */
+ Map2_plot = this;
+ Map2_map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* The graphics coordinates corresponding to an offset of zero (i.e.
+ the start of the line). */
+ Map2_x0 = xa;
+ Map2_y0 = ya;
+/* The increments in X and Y between offset zero (the start of the
+ line) and offset 1 (the end of the line). */
+ Map2_deltax = xb - xa;
+ Map2_deltay = yb - ya;
+/* Get the graphics coordinates corresponding to the initial set of
+ offsets. */
+ Map2( CRV_NPNT, d, x, y, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Use Crv and Map2 to draw the intersection of the straight line with
+ the region containing valid physical coordinates. */
+ Crv( this, d, x, y, 0, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* End the current poly line. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* Tidy up the static data used by Map2. */
+ Map2( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* If no part of the curve could be drawn, set the number of breaks and the
+ length of the drawn curve to zero. */
+ if( Crv_out ) {
+ Crv_nbrk = 0;
+ Crv_len = 0.0F;
+/* Otherwise, add an extra break to the returned structure at the position of
+ the last point to be plotted. */
+ } else {
+ Crv_nbrk++;
+ if( Crv_nbrk > AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in curve "
+ "exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK );
+ } else {
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) Crv_xl;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) Crv_yl;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) -Crv_vxl;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) -Crv_vyl;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store extra information about the curve in the returned structure, and
+ purge any zero length sections. */
+ if( cdata ){
+ cdata->length = Crv_len;
+ cdata->out = Crv_out;
+ cdata->nbrk = Crv_nbrk;
+ PurgeCdata( cdata, status );
+ }
+/* Annul the Mapping. */
+ Map2_map = astAnnul( Map2_map );
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static double **MakeGrid( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frm, AstMapping *map,
+ int disk, int dim, double xlo, double xhi,
+ double ylo, double yhi, int nphy, AstPointSet **pset1,
+ AstPointSet **pset2, int norm, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* MakeGrid
+* Purpose:
+* Create a square grid of graphics coordinates and the corresponding
+* physical coordinates.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* double **MakeGrid( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frm, AstMapping *map,
+* int disk, int dim, double xlo, double xhi, double ylo,
+* double yhi, int nphy, AstPointSet **pset1,
+* AstPointSet **pset2, int norm, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ){
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function creates two PointSets, one holding a square grid of
+* graphics coordinates covering the supplied area, and the other
+* holding the corresponding physical coordinates. The points are
+* stored row by row in the returned PointSets, i.e. if the cell size
+* for the grid is (dx,dy), the first point is (xmin,ymin), followed
+* by (xmin+dx,ymin), (xmin+2*dx,ymin), up to (xmin+(dim-1)*dx,ymin),
+* followed by the next row (xmin,ymin+dy), (xmin+dx,ymin+dy), etc.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* frm
+* A pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot. If this is supplied
+* NULL, then a pointer is found within this function if required (i.e.
+* if "norm" is non-zero).
+* map
+* The Mapping from graphics to physical coordinates, extracted from
+* the Plot.
+* disk
+* If non-zero, the corners of the grid are omitted form the
+* returned PointSets, resulting in a grid that is more disk like than
+* rectangular.
+* dim
+* The number of samples along each edge of the grid.
+* xlo
+* The lower bound on the first axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* xhi
+* The upper bound on the first axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* ylo
+* The lower bound on the second axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* yhi
+* The upper bound on the second axis of the region to be covered
+* by the grid.
+* nphy
+* The number of axes in the physical cooridinate system.
+* pset1
+* A pointer to a location at which to store a pointer to the
+* PointSet holding the graphics coordinates.
+* pset2
+* A pointer to a location at which to store a pointer to the
+* PointSet holding the physical coordinates.
+* norm
+* If non-zero the physical cooridnates are normalised using the
+* Plot's astNorm method.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the physical coordinate data stored in the PointSet
+* "pset2".
+* Notes:
+* - The returned PointSets should be annulled when no longer needed,
+* using astAnnul.
+* - NULL pointers are returned if an error has already occurred, or
+* if this function should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointers to graphics axis values */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointers to physical axis values */
+ int size; /* No. of points in the grid */
+/* Initialise the returned pointers. */
+ *pset1 = NULL;
+ *pset2 = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Create two PointSets. We assume for the moment that they cover the
+ full grid, including corners. */
+ size = dim*dim;
+ *pset1 = astPointSet( size, 2, "", status );
+ *pset2 = astPointSet( size, nphy, "", status );
+/* Get pointers to the data arrays for the two PointSets. */
+ ptr1 = astGetPoints( *pset1 );
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( *pset2 );
+/* Create a grid covering the supplied area. */
+ size = GraphGrid( dim, disk, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, ptr1, status );
+/* If the corners are being omitted, reduce the number of points in the
+ two PointSets. */
+ if( disk ) {
+ astSetNpoint( *pset1, size );
+ astSetNpoint( *pset2, size );
+ }
+/* Transform these graphics positions to physical coordinates. */
+ Trans( this, frm, map, *pset1, 1, *pset2, norm, method, class, status );
+/* If an error has occurred, annul the two pointsets. */
+ if( !astOK ){
+ *pset1 = astAnnul( *pset1 );
+ *pset2 = astAnnul( *pset2 );
+ ptr2 = NULL;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return ptr2;
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+static int ManageLock( AstObject *this_object, int mode, int extra,
+ AstObject **fail, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* ManageLock
+* Purpose:
+* Manage the thread lock on an Object.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "object.h"
+* AstObject *ManageLock( AstObject *this, int mode, int extra,
+* AstObject **fail, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the astManageLock protected
+* method inherited from the parent class).
+* Description:
+* This function manages the thread lock on the supplied Object. The
+* lock can be locked, unlocked or checked by this function as
+* deteremined by parameter "mode". See astLock for details of the way
+* these locks are used.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Object.
+* mode
+* An integer flag indicating what the function should do:
+* AST__LOCK: Lock the Object for exclusive use by the calling
+* thread. The "extra" value indicates what should be done if the
+* Object is already locked (wait or report an error - see astLock).
+* AST__UNLOCK: Unlock the Object for use by other threads.
+* AST__CHECKLOCK: Check that the object is locked for use by the
+* calling thread (report an error if not).
+* extra
+* Extra mode-specific information.
+* fail
+* If a non-zero function value is returned, a pointer to the
+* Object that caused the failure is returned at "*fail". This may
+* be "this" or it may be an Object contained within "this". Note,
+* the Object's reference count is not incremented, and so the
+* returned pointer should not be annulled. A NULL pointer is
+* returned if this function returns a value of zero.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A local status value:
+* 0 - Success
+* 1 - Could not lock or unlock the object because it was already
+* locked by another thread.
+* 2 - Failed to lock a POSIX mutex
+* 3 - Failed to unlock a POSIX mutex
+* 4 - Bad "mode" value supplied.
+* Notes:
+* - This function attempts to execute even if an error has already
+* occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to Plot structure */
+ int result; /* Returned status value */
+/* Initialise */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the supplied pointer is not NULL. */
+ if( !this_object ) return result;
+/* Obtain a pointers to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_object;
+/* Invoke the ManageLock method inherited from the parent class. */
+ if( !result ) result = (*parent_managelock)( this_object, mode, extra,
+ fail, status );
+/* If defined, ensure the grfcontext KeyMap contained within the Plot is
+ locked, unlocked or checked. */
+ if( this->grfcontext ) {
+ if( !result ) result = astManageLock( this->grfcontext, mode, extra, fail );
+/* Also lock or unlock the associated object handle. */
+ if( mode == AST__LOCK ) {
+ if( !result ) astLock( this->grfcontextID, extra );
+ } else if( mode == AST__UNLOCK ) {
+ if( !result ) astUnlock( this->grfcontextID, 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static void Map1( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+ const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status GLOBALS_ARG ){
+* Name:
+* Map1
+* Purpose:
+* Find graphics coordinates at given distances along a curve
+* parallel to a physical axis.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Map1( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+* const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status [,AstGlobals *AST__GLOBALS] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied distances are converted into physical coordinates
+* using the scalings described by various external variables, and then
+* these physical coordinates are mapped into graphics coordinates.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of points to map. Static resources are released but
+* no points are mapped if zero is supplied.
+* dist
+* A pointer to an array holding "n" distances. A "dist" value of
+* zero corresponds to the starting position supplied in external
+* variable Map1_origin. A "dist" value of one corresponds to the
+* finishing position which is a distance Map1_length away from
+* Map1_origin, moving in the positive direction of the axis given
+* by Map1_axis. "dist" values can be either linearly or
+* logarithmically related to axis values (see Map1_log).
+* x
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics X
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* y
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics Y
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Only present if compiled with -DTHREAD_SAFE. It is a pointer to
+* the structure holding the global data for the executing thread.
+* It is passed as a function parameter, rather than being accessed
+* within this function using the astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) macro (as
+* other Object-less functions do) in order to avoid the time
+* overheads of calling astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) . This function is
+* time-critical.
+* External Variables:
+* Map1_log = int (Read)
+* If zero, then "dist" in learly related to axis value. Otherwise
+* it is linearly related to log10(axis value).
+* Map1_ncoord = int (Read)
+* The number of axes in the physical coordinate system.
+* Map1_axis = int (Read)
+* The zero-based index of the axis which the curve follows (i.e.
+* the axis which changes value along the curve).
+* Map1_statics = Map1Statics * (Read and Write)
+* Pointer to a structure holding other static data used by Map1.
+* Map1_origin = const double * (Read)
+* A pointer to an array holding the physical coordinate value on
+* each axis at the start of the curve (i.e. at dist = 0.0).
+* Map1_length = double (Read)
+* The scale factor to convert "dist" values into increments
+* along the physical axis given by Map1_axis.
+* Map1_plot = AstPlot * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Plot defining the mapping from graphics cordinates
+* to physical coordinates.
+* Map1_map = AstMapping * (Read)
+* A pointer to the mapping from graphics cordinates to physical
+* coordinates extracted from the Plot.
+* Map1_frame = AstFrame * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot.
+* Map1_norm = int (Read)
+* A flag indicating if physical coordinate values which are not in
+* the normal ranges of the corresponding axes should be considered
+* bad.
+* Notes:
+* - On the first call, this function allocates static resources which
+* are used by subsequent invocation. These resources should be freed before
+* calling this function with new values for any of the external variables,
+* or when no longer needed, by calling this function with "n" supplied as
+* zero.
+* - If an error has already occurred, this runction returns without
+* action ,except that if "n" is supplied as zero then static resources
+* are released even if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Constants: */
+ Map1Statics *statics; /* Pointer to structure holding static data */
+ double *p; /* Pointer to next value */
+ double axval; /* Axis origin value */
+ int i, j; /* Loop counts */
+/* Convert the global "void *" pointer to a Map1Statics pointer */
+ statics = (Map1Statics *) Map1_statics;
+/* If zero points were supplied, release static resources and return. */
+ if( n == 0 ){
+ if( statics ) {
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ if( statics->work1 ) statics->work1 = (double *) astFree( (void *) statics->work1 );
+ if( statics->work2 ) statics->work2 = (double *) astFree( (void *) statics->work2 );
+ Map1_statics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, check the inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Create and initialise a structure to hold extra static information if
+ this has not already been done. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( Map1Statics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->pset1 = NULL;
+ statics->pset2 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr1 = NULL;
+ statics->pax = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2[ 1 ] = NULL;
+ statics->work1 = NULL;
+ statics->work2 = NULL;
+ statics->nl = 0;
+ Map1_statics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the number of points to be mapped is different to last time,
+ set up some PointSets to store the specified number of points. */
+ if( n != statics->nl ){
+ statics->nl = n;
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the physical coordinates corresponding to
+ the supplied offsets. First annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->pset1 = astPointSet( n, Map1_ncoord, "", status );
+ statics->ptr1 = astGetPoints( statics->pset1 );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding graphics coordinates.
+ The supplied "x" and "y" arrays will be used to store the data
+ so we do not need to get pointers to the data using astGetPoints. First
+ annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->pset2 = astPointSet( n, 2, "", status );
+/* Get work space to hold two positions. */
+ statics->work1 = (double *) astRealloc( (void *) statics->work1,
+ sizeof(double)*(size_t)Map1_ncoord );
+ statics->work2 = (double *) astRealloc( (void *) statics->work2,
+ sizeof(double)*(size_t)Map1_ncoord );
+/* Check the pointer can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Store a pointer to the start of the memory which will be used to store
+ the physical data for the axis being drawn. */
+ statics->pax = statics->ptr1[ Map1_axis ];
+/* Fill the PointSet which is used to hold physical data with the physical
+ coordinates at the start of the curve. */
+ for( i = 0; i < Map1_ncoord; i++ ){
+ axval = Map1_origin[ i ];
+ p = statics->ptr1[ i ];
+ for( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) *(p++) = axval;
+ }
+/* Store the scale and offset to apply to the "dist" values. If Map1_log is
+ zero (linear axes) then applying these values gives axis value directly.
+ If Map1_log is non-zero (log axes) then applying these values gives
+ log10( axis value). */
+ if( Map1_log ) {
+ statics->neg = ( Map1_origin[ Map1_axis ] < 0 );
+ statics->axorig = log10( fabs( Map1_origin[ Map1_axis ] ) );
+ statics->axscale = log10( fabs( Map1_origin[ Map1_axis ] +
+ Map1_length ) ) - statics->axorig;
+ } else {
+ statics->axorig = Map1_origin[ Map1_axis ];
+ statics->axscale = Map1_length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Check the initialisation went OK (if done). */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Loop round each offset along the curve, converting the normalised offset
+ in the range [0,1] to a physical coordinate and storing in PointSet 1. */
+ p = statics->pax;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ *(p++) = statics->axorig + statics->axscale*dist[ i ];
+ }
+ if( Map1_log ) {
+ p = statics->pax;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++,p++ ){
+ *p = statics->neg ? -pow( 10.0, *p ) : pow( 10.0, *p );
+ }
+ }
+/* Store pointers to the results arrays in PointSet 2. */
+ statics->ptr2[ 0 ] = x;
+ statics->ptr2[ 1 ] = y;
+ astSetPoints( statics->pset2, statics->ptr2 );
+/* Map all the positions into graphics coordinates. */
+ (void) Trans( Map1_plot, NULL, Map1_map, statics->pset1, 0, statics->pset2, 1, method, class, status );
+/* If points not in their normal ranges are to be set bad... */
+ if( Map1_norm ) {
+/* The following code simply normalizes the physical position, and if this
+ produces any change, the graphics positions are set bad. */
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ for( j = 0; j < Map1_ncoord; j++) statics->work1[j] = statics->ptr1[j][i];
+ astNorm( Map1_frame, statics->work1 );
+ for( j = 0; j < Map1_ncoord; j++) {
+ if( !astEQUALS( statics->work1[j], statics->ptr1[j][i], 1.0E8 ) ) {
+ statics->ptr2[0][i] = AST__BAD;
+ statics->ptr2[1][i] = AST__BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Map2( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+ const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status GLOBALS_ARG ){
+* Name:
+* Map2
+* Purpose:
+* Find which graphics coordinates have good physical coordinates
+* at given distances along a straight line.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Map2( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+* const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status [,AstGlobals *AST__GLOBALS] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied distances refer to the distance along a straight line
+* in the graphics coordinate system. The returned graphics coordinates
+* correspond to the supplied distances, except that any position for
+* which there are no defined physical coordinates is returned bad.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of points to map. Static resources are released but
+* no points are mapped if zero is supplied.
+* dist
+* A pointer to an array holding "n" distances. A "dist" value of
+* zero corresponds to the graphics position supplied in external
+* variables (Map2_x0, Map2_y0). A "dist" value of one corresponds to
+* the graphics position which is offset from the start by the vector
+* (Map2_deltax, Map2_deltay).
+* x
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics X
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist",
+* except that any which have no corresponding physical coordinates
+* are set to AST__BAD.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics Y
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist",
+* except that any which have no corresponding physical coordinates
+* are set to AST__BAD.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Only present if compiled with -DTHREAD_SAFE. It is a pointer to
+* the structure holding the global data for the executing thread.
+* It is passed as a function parameter, rather than being accessed
+* within this function using the astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) macro (as
+* other Object-less functions do) in order to avoid the time
+* overheads of calling astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) . This function is
+* time-critical.
+* External Variables:
+* Map2_ncoord = int (Read)
+* The number of axes in the physical coordinate system.
+* Map2_x0 = double (Read)
+* The graphics X coordinate at the start of the line (i.e. at dist
+* = 0.0).
+* Map2_y0 = double (Read)
+* The graphics Y coordinate at the start of the line (i.e. at dist
+* = 0.0).
+* Map2_deltax = double (Read)
+* The increment along the graphics X axis between the start and
+* end of the line.
+* Map2_deltay = double (Read)
+* The increment along the graphics Y axis between the start and
+* end of the line.
+* Map2_plot = AstPlot * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Plot defining the mapping from graphics cordinates
+* to physical coordinates.
+* Map2_map = AstMapping * (Read)
+* A pointer to the mapping from graphics cordinates to physical
+* coordinates, extracted from the Plot.
+* Map2_statics = Map2Statics * (Read and Write)
+* Pointer to a structure holding other static data used by Map2.
+* Notes:
+* - On the first call, this function allocates static resources which
+* are used by subsequent invocation. These resources should be freed before
+* calling this function with new values for any of the external variables,
+* or when no longer needed, by calling this function with "n" supplied as
+* zero.
+* - If an error has already occurred, this runction returns without
+* action ,except that if "n" is supplied as zero then static resources
+* are released even if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Constants: */
+ Map2Statics *statics; /* Pointer to structure holding static data */
+ int i, j; /* Loop counts */
+ double *p; /* Pointer to next physical value */
+ double *px; /* Pointer to next x graphics value */
+ double *py; /* Pointer to next y graphics value */
+/* Convert the global "void *" pointer to a Map2Statics pointer */
+ statics = (Map2Statics *) Map2_statics;
+/* If zero points were supplied, release static resources and return. */
+ if( n == 0 ){
+ if( statics ) {
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ Map2_statics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, check the inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Create and initialise a structure to hold extra static information if
+ this has not already been done. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( Map2Statics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->pset1 = NULL;
+ statics->pset2 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr1[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ statics->ptr1[ 1 ] = NULL;
+ statics->nl = 0;
+ Map2_statics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the number of points to be mapped is different to last time,
+ set up some PointSets to store the specified number of points. */
+ if( n != statics->nl ){
+ statics->nl = n;
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the graphics coordinates corresponding to
+ the supplied offsets. The supplied arrays will be used to hold the
+ data for this PointSet, and so astGetPoints is not called. */
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->pset1 = astPointSet( n, 2, "", status );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding physical coordinates, and
+ get pointers to the associated axis values. */
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->pset2 = astPointSet( n, Map2_ncoord, "", status );
+ statics->ptr2 = astGetPoints( statics->pset2 );
+ }
+/* Check the initialisation went OK (if done). */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Store pointers to the results arrays in PointSet 1. */
+ statics->ptr1[ 0 ] = x;
+ statics->ptr1[ 1 ] = y;
+ astSetPoints( statics->pset1, statics->ptr1 );
+/* Loop round each offset along the curve, converting the normalised offset
+ in the range [0,1] to graphics coordinate and storing in PointSet 1. */
+ px = x;
+ py = y;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ *(px++) = Map2_x0 + Map2_deltax*dist[ i ];
+ *(py++) = Map2_y0 + Map2_deltay*dist[ i ];
+ }
+/* Map all the positions into physical coordinates. */
+ (void) Trans( Map2_plot, NULL, Map2_map, statics->pset1, 1, statics->pset2, 0, method, class, status );
+/* Check the physical coordinates for bad values, setting the corresponding
+ graphics coordinates bad. */
+ for( j = 0; j < Map2_ncoord; j++ ){
+ p = statics->ptr2[ j ];
+ px = x;
+ py = y;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ if( *(p++) == AST__BAD ){
+ *(px++) = AST__BAD;
+ *(py++) = AST__BAD;
+ } else {
+ px++;
+ py++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Map3( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+ const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status GLOBALS_ARG ){
+* Name:
+* Map3
+* Purpose:
+* Find graphics coordinates at given distances along a geodesic curve
+* between two physical coordinate positions.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Map3( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+* const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status [,AstGlobals *AST__GLOBALS] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied distances are converted into physical offsets along the
+* geodesic curve joining the starting and finishing points given by
+* externals Map3_origin and Map3_end. The physical coordinates at these
+* offsets are found, and transformed into graphics coordinates.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of points to map. Static resources are released but
+* no points are mapped if zero is supplied.
+* dist
+* A pointer to an array holding "n" distances. A "dist" value of
+* zero corresponds to the starting position supplied in external
+* variable Map3_origin. A "dist" value of one corresponds to the
+* finishing position given by Map3_end.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics X
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* y
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics Y
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Only present if compiled with -DTHREAD_SAFE. It is a pointer to
+* the structure holding the global data for the executing thread.
+* It is passed as a function parameter, rather than being accessed
+* within this function using the astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) macro (as
+* other Object-less functions do) in order to avoid the time
+* overheads of calling astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) . This function is
+* time-critical.
+* External Variables:
+* Map3_ncoord = int (Read)
+* The number of axes in the physical coordinate system.
+* Map3_origin = const double * (Read)
+* A pointer to an array holding the physical coordinate value on
+* each axis at the start of the curve (i.e. at dist = 0.0).
+* Map3_end = const double * (Read)
+* A pointer to an array holding the physical coordinate value on
+* each axis at the end of the curve (i.e. at dist = 1.0).
+* Map3_scale = double (Read)
+* The scale factor to convert "dist" values into physical offsets
+* along the geodesic curve.
+* Map3_statics = Map3Statics * (Read and Write)
+* Pointer to a structure holding other static data used by Map3.
+* Map3_plot = AstPlot * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Plot defining the mapping from graphics cordinates
+* to physical coordinates.
+* Map3_map = AstMapping * (Read)
+* A pointer to the mapping from graphics cordinates to physical
+* coordinates extracted from the Plot.
+* Map3_frame = AstFrame * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot.
+* Notes:
+* - On the first call, this function allocates static resources which
+* are used by subsequent invocation. These resources should be freed before
+* calling this function with new values for any of the external variables,
+* or when no longer needed, by calling this function with "n" supplied as
+* zero.
+* - If an error has already occurred, this runction returns without
+* action ,except that if "n" is supplied as zero then static resources
+* are released even if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Constants: */
+ Map3Statics *statics; /* Pointer to structure holding static data */
+ int i, j; /* Loop counts */
+/* Convert the global "void *" pointer to a Map3Statics pointer */
+ statics = (Map3Statics *) Map3_statics;
+/* If zero points were supplied, release static resources and return. */
+ if( n == 0 ){
+ if( statics ) {
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ if( statics->pos ) statics->pos = (double *) astFree( (void *) statics->pos );
+ Map3_statics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, check the inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Create and initialise a structure to hold extra static information if
+ this has not already been done. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( Map3Statics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->pset1 = NULL;
+ statics->pset2 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr1 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2[ 1 ] = NULL;
+ statics->nc = 0;
+ statics->nl = 0;
+ statics->pos = NULL;
+ Map3_statics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the number of points to be mapped is different to last time,
+ set up some PointSets to store the specified number of points. */
+ if( n != statics->nl ){
+ statics->nl = n;
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the physical coordinates corresponding to
+ the supplied offsets. First annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->pset1 = astPointSet( n, Map3_ncoord, "", status );
+ statics->ptr1 = astGetPoints( statics->pset1 );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding graphics coordinates.
+ The supplied "x" and "y" arrays will be used to store the data
+ so we do not need to get pointers to the data using astGetPoints. First
+ annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->pset2 = astPointSet( n, 2, "", status );
+ }
+/* If the number of physical axes is different to last time, allocate
+ memory to hold a single physical position. */
+ if( statics->nc != Map3_ncoord ){
+ statics->nc = Map3_ncoord;
+ statics->pos = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)Map3_ncoord );
+ }
+/* Check the initialisation went OK (if done). */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Loop round each offset along the curve, converting the normalised offset
+ in the range [0,1] to a physical offset, and then into a physical
+ position, and store in PointSet 1. */
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ astOffset( Map3_frame, Map3_origin, Map3_end, Map3_scale*dist[ i ],
+ statics->pos );
+ for( j = 0; j < Map3_ncoord; j++ ){
+ statics->ptr1[ j ][ i ] = statics->pos[ j ];
+ }
+ }
+/* Store pointers to the results arrays in PointSet 2. */
+ statics->ptr2[ 0 ] = x;
+ statics->ptr2[ 1 ] = y;
+ astSetPoints( statics->pset2, statics->ptr2 );
+/* Map all the positions into graphics coordinates. */
+ (void) Trans( Map3_plot, NULL, Map3_map, statics->pset1, 0, statics->pset2, 1, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Map4( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+ const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status GLOBALS_ARG ){
+* Name:
+* Map4
+* Purpose:
+* Find graphics coordinates at given distances along a user
+* specified curve.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Map4( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+* const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status [,AstGlobals *AST__GLOBALS] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied distances are converted into physical coordinates using
+* the Mapping Map4_umap. These physical coordinates are transformed into
+* graphics coordinates.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of points to map. Static resources are released but
+* no points are mapped if zero is supplied.
+* dist
+* A pointer to an array holding "n" distances. A "dist" value of
+* zero corresponds to the starting position supplied in external
+* variable Map3_origin. A "dist" value of one corresponds to the
+* finishing position given by Map3_end.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics X
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* y
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics Y
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Only present if compiled with -DTHREAD_SAFE. It is a pointer to
+* the structure holding the global data for the executing thread.
+* It is passed as a function parameter, rather than being accessed
+* within this function using the astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) macro (as
+* other Object-less functions do) in order to avoid the time
+* overheads of calling astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) . This function is
+* time-critical.
+* External Variables:
+* Map4_ncoord = int (Read)
+* The number of axes in the physical coordinate system.
+* Map4_plot = AstPlot * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Plot defining the mapping from graphics cordinates
+* to physical coordinates.
+* Map4_map = AstMapping * (Read)
+* A pointer to the mapping from graphics cordinates to physical
+* coordinates extracted from the Plot.
+* Map4_statics = Map4Statics * (Read and Write)
+* Pointer to a structure holding other static data used by Map4.
+* Map4_umap = AstMapping * (Read)
+* A pointer to the mapping from distance along the curve to physical
+* coordinates.
+* Notes:
+* - On the first call, this function allocates static resources which
+* are used by subsequent invocation. These resources should be freed before
+* calling this function with new values for any of the external variables,
+* or when no longer needed, by calling this function with "n" supplied as
+* zero.
+* - If an error has already occurred, this runction returns without
+* action ,except that if "n" is supplied as zero then static resources
+* are released even if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Map4Statics *statics; /* Pointer to structure holding static data */
+ double *ptr1[ 1 ]; /* Pointer to distances data */
+ double *ptr3[ 2 ]; /* Pointers to graphics coord data */
+/* Convert the global "void *" pointer to a Map4Statics pointer */
+ statics = (Map4Statics *) Map4_statics;
+/* If zero points were supplied, release static resources and return. */
+ if( n == 0 ){
+ if( statics ) {
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ if( statics->pset3 ) statics->pset3 = astAnnul( statics->pset3 );
+ Map4_statics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, check the inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Create and initialise a structure to hold extra static information if
+ this has not already been done. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( Map4Statics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->pset1 = NULL;
+ statics->pset2 = NULL;
+ statics->pset3 = NULL;
+ statics->nl = 0;
+ Map4_statics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the number of points to be mapped is different to last time,
+ set up some PointSets to store the specified number of points. */
+ if( n != statics->nl ){
+ statics->nl = n;
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the distances along the curve. First annul any
+ existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->pset1 = astPointSet( n, 1, "", status );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the physical coordinates corresponding to
+ the supplied distances. First annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->pset2 = astPointSet( n, Map4_ncoord, "", status );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding graphics coordinates.
+ First annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset3 ) statics->pset3 = astAnnul( statics->pset3 );
+ statics->pset3 = astPointSet( n, 2, "", status );
+ }
+/* Check the initialisation went OK (if done). */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Use Map4_umap to convert the supplied distances into physical coords
+ (i.e. coords in the current Frame of the Plot). */
+ ptr1[ 0 ] = dist;
+ astSetPoints( statics->pset1, ptr1 );
+ (void) astTransform( Map4_umap, statics->pset1, 1, statics->pset2 );
+/* Store pointers to the results arrays in PointSet 2. */
+ ptr3[ 0 ] = x;
+ ptr3[ 1 ] = y;
+ astSetPoints( statics->pset3, ptr3 );
+/* Now transform these physical coords into graphical coords,
+ incorporating clipping. */
+ (void) Trans( Map4_plot, NULL, Map4_map, statics->pset2, 0, statics->pset3, 1, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Map5( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+ const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status GLOBALS_ARG ){
+* Name:
+* Map5
+* Purpose:
+* Find graphics coordinates at given distances along the boundary of
+* a Region.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Map5( int n, double *dist, double *x, double *y,
+* const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status [,AstGlobals *AST__GLOBALS] )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The supplied distances are converted into physical coordinates
+* using the Region specified by an external variable, and then
+* these physical coordinates are mapped into graphics coordinates.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of points to map. Static resources are released but
+* no points are mapped if zero is supplied.
+* dist
+* A pointer to an array holding "n" distances. A "dist" value of
+* zero corresponds to the starting position supplied in external
+* variable Map1_origin. A "dist" value of one corresponds to the
+* finishing position which is a distance Map1_length away from
+* Map1_origin, moving in the positive direction of the axis given
+* by Map1_axis. "dist" values can be either linearly or
+* logarithmically related to axis values (see Map1_log).
+* x
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics X
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* y
+* A pointer to an array in which to store the "n" graphics Y
+* coordinate values corresponding to the positions in "dist".
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Only present if compiled with -DTHREAD_SAFE. It is a pointer to
+* the structure holding the global data for the executing thread.
+* It is passed as a function parameter, rather than being accessed
+* within this function using the astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) macro (as
+* other Object-less functions do) in order to avoid the time
+* overheads of calling astGET_GLOBALS(NULL) . This function is
+* time-critical.
+* External Variables:
+* Map1_log = int (Read)
+* If zero, then "dist" in learly related to axis value. Otherwise
+* it is linearly related to log10(axis value).
+* Map1_ncoord = int (Read)
+* The number of axes in the physical coordinate system.
+* Map1_axis = int (Read)
+* The zero-based index of the axis which the curve follows (i.e.
+* the axis which changes value along the curve).
+* Map1_statics = Map1Statics * (Read and Write)
+* Pointer to a structure holding other static data used by Map1.
+* Map1_origin = const double * (Read)
+* A pointer to an array holding the physical coordinate value on
+* each axis at the start of the curve (i.e. at dist = 0.0).
+* Map1_length = double (Read)
+* The scale factor to convert "dist" values into increments
+* along the physical axis given by Map1_axis.
+* Map1_plot = AstPlot * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Plot defining the mapping from graphics cordinates
+* to physical coordinates.
+* Map1_map = AstMapping * (Read)
+* A pointer to the mapping from graphics cordinates to physical
+* coordinates extracted from the Plot.
+* Map1_frame = AstFrame * (Read)
+* A pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot.
+* Map1_norm = int (Read)
+* A flag indicating if physical coordinate values which are not in
+* the normal ranges of the corresponding axes should be considered
+* bad.
+* Notes:
+* - On the first call, this function allocates static resources which
+* are used by subsequent invocation. These resources should be freed before
+* calling this function with new values for any of the external variables,
+* or when no longer needed, by calling this function with "n" supplied as
+* zero.
+* - If an error has already occurred, this runction returns without
+* action ,except that if "n" is supplied as zero then static resources
+* are released even if an error has already occurred.
+/* Local Constants: */
+ Map5Statics *statics; /* Pointer to structure holding static data */
+/* Convert the global "void *" pointer to a Map5Statics pointer */
+ statics = (Map5Statics *) Map5_statics;
+/* If zero points were supplied, release static resources and return. */
+ if( n == 0 ){
+ if( statics ) {
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ Map5_statics = astFree( statics );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, check the inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Create and initialise a structure to hold extra static information if
+ this has not already been done. */
+ if( !statics ) {
+ statics = astMalloc( sizeof( Map3Statics ) );
+ if( statics ) {
+ statics->pset1 = NULL;
+ statics->pset2 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr1 = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2[ 0 ] = NULL;
+ statics->ptr2[ 1 ] = NULL;
+ statics->nl = 0;
+ Map5_statics = statics;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the number of points to be mapped is different to last time,
+ set up some PointSets to store the specified number of points. */
+ if( n != statics->nl ){
+ statics->nl = n;
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the physical coordinates corresponding to
+ the supplied offsets. First annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset1 ) statics->pset1 = astAnnul( statics->pset1 );
+ statics->pset1 = astPointSet( n, Map5_ncoord, "", status );
+ statics->ptr1 = astGetPoints( statics->pset1 );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the corresponding graphics coordinates.
+ The supplied "x" and "y" arrays will be used to store the data
+ so we do not need to get pointers to the data using astGetPoints. First
+ annul any existing PointSet. */
+ if( statics->pset2 ) statics->pset2 = astAnnul( statics->pset2 );
+ statics->pset2 = astPointSet( n, 2, "", status );
+ }
+/* Get the physical coords at the required positions along the Region
+ border. */
+ astRegTrace( Map5_region, n, dist, statics->ptr1 );
+/* Store pointers to the results arrays in PointSet 2. */
+ statics->ptr2[ 0 ] = x;
+ statics->ptr2[ 1 ] = y;
+ astSetPoints( statics->pset2, statics->ptr2 );
+/* Map all the positions into graphics coordinates. */
+ (void) Trans( Map5_plot, NULL, Map5_map, statics->pset1, 0,
+ statics->pset2, 1, method, class, status );
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void Mark( AstPlot *this, int nmark, int ncoord, int indim,
+ const double *in, int type, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astMark
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a set of markers for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astMark( AstPlot *this, int nmark, int ncoord, int indim,
+c const double *in, int type )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function draws a set of markers (symbols) at positions
+f This routine draws a set of markers (symbols) at positions
+* specified in the physical coordinate system of a Plot. The
+* positions are transformed into graphical coordinates to
+* determine where the markers should appear within the plotting
+* area.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c nmark
+f NMARK = INTEGER (Given)
+* The number of markers to draw. This may be zero, in which
+* case nothing will be drawn.
+c ncoord
+* The number of coordinates being supplied for each mark
+* (i.e. the number of axes in the current Frame of the Plot, as
+* given by its Naxes attribute).
+c indim
+f INDIM = INTEGER (Given)
+c The number of elements along the second dimension of the "in"
+f The number of elements along the first dimension of the IN
+* array (which contains the marker coordinates). This value is
+* required so that the coordinate values can be correctly
+* located if they do not entirely fill this array. The value
+c given should not be less than "nmark".
+f given should not be less than NMARK.
+c in
+c The address of the first element of a 2-dimensional array of
+c shape "[ncoord][indim]" giving the
+c physical coordinates of the points where markers are to be
+c drawn. These should be stored such that the value of
+c coordinate number "coord" for input mark number "mark" is
+c found in element "in[coord][mark]".
+f A 2-dimensional array giving the physical coordinates of the
+f points where markers are to be drawn. These should be
+f stored such that the value of coordinate number COORD for
+f input mark number MARK is found in element IN(MARK,COORD).
+c type
+f TYPE = INTEGER (Given)
+* A value specifying the type (e.g. shape) of marker to be
+* drawn. The set of values which may be used (and the shapes
+* that will result) is determined by the underlying graphics
+* system.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - Markers are not drawn at positions which have any coordinate
+* equal to the value AST__BAD (or where the transformation into
+* graphical coordinates yields coordinates containing the value
+* AST__BAD).
+c - If any marker position is clipped (see astClip), then the
+f - If any marker position is clipped (see AST_CLIP), then the
+* entire marker is not drawn.
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not 2-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the
+* current and base Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the
+* Plot's TranInverse attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstMapping *mapping; /* Pointer to graphics->physical mapping */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding physical positions */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding graphics positions */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ const double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical positions */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to graphics positions */
+ double *xpd; /* Pointer to next double precision x value */
+ double *ypd; /* Pointer to next double precision y value */
+ double xx; /* X axis value */
+ double yy; /* Y axis value */
+ float *x; /* Pointer to single precision x values */
+ float *xpf; /* Pointer to next single precision x value */
+ float *y; /* Pointer to single precision y values */
+ float *ypf; /* Pointer to next single precision y value */
+ int axis; /* Axis index */
+ int clip; /* Clips marks at plot boundary? */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+ int nn; /* Number of good marker positions */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Store the current method and class for inclusion in error messages
+ generated by lower level functions. */
+ method = "astMark";
+ class = astClass( this );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Also validate the input array dimension argument. */
+ if ( astOK && ( indim < nmark ) ) {
+ astError( AST__DIMIN, "%s(%s): The input array dimension value "
+ "(%d) is invalid.", status, method, class, indim );
+ astError( AST__DIMIN, "This should not be less than the number of "
+ "markers being drawn (%d).", status, nmark );
+ }
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primatives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__MARKS_ID, 1, GRF__MARK, method, class );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the supplied physical coordinates. */
+ pset1 = astPointSet( nmark, ncoord, "", status );
+/* Allocate memory to hold pointers to the first value on each axis. */
+ ptr1 = (const double **) astMalloc( sizeof( const double * )*
+ (size_t)( ncoord ));
+/* Check the pointer can be used, then store pointers to the first value
+ on each axis. */
+ if( astOK ){
+ for( axis = 0; axis < ncoord; axis++ ){
+ ptr1[ axis ] = in + axis*indim;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store these pointers in the PointSet. */
+ astSetPoints( pset1, (double **) ptr1 );
+/* Transform the supplied data from the current frame (i.e. physical
+ coordinates) to the base frame (i.e. graphics coordinates) using
+ the inverse Mapping defined by the Plot. */
+ mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+ pset2 = Trans( this, NULL, mapping, pset1, 0, NULL, 0, method, class, status );
+ mapping = astAnnul( mapping );
+/* Get pointers to the graphics coordinates. */
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
+/* Allocate memory to hold single precision versions of the graphics
+ coordinates. */
+ x = (float *) astMalloc( sizeof( float )*(size_t) nmark );
+ y = (float *) astMalloc( sizeof( float )*(size_t) nmark );
+/* Check the pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Store pointers to the next single and double precision x and y
+ values. */
+ xpf = x;
+ ypf = y;
+ xpd = ptr2[ 0 ];
+ ypd = ptr2[ 1 ];
+/* Convert the double precision values to single precision, rejecting
+ any bad marker positions. If clipping is switched on, also clip any
+ markers with centres outside the plotting area. */
+ clip = astGetClip( this ) & 2;
+ nn = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nmark; i++ ){
+ if( *xpd != AST__BAD && *ypd != AST__BAD ){
+ xx = *(xpd++);
+ yy = *(ypd++);
+ if( !clip || ( xx >= this->xlo && xx <= this->xhi &&
+ yy >= this->ylo && yy <= this->yhi ) ) {
+ nn++;
+ *(xpf++) = (float) xx;
+ *(ypf++) = (float) yy;
+ }
+ } else {
+ xpd++;
+ ypd++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Draw the remaining markers. */
+ GMark( this, nn, x, y, type, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Free the memory used to store single precision graphics coordinates. */
+ x = (float *) astFree( (void *) x );
+ y = (float *) astFree( (void *) y );
+/* Annul the PointSets. */
+ pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+/* Free the memory holding the pointers to the first value on each axis. */
+ ptr1 = (const double **) astFree( (void *) ptr1 );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__MARKS_ID, 0, GRF__MARK, method, class );
+/* Return */
+ return;
+static void Mirror( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astMirror
+* Purpose:
+* Flip a graphics axis of a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Protected virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void astMirror( AstPlot *this, int axis )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function referses the direction of a specified graphics axis
+* in the Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* axis
+* The zero-based axis of the axis to mirror.
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ if( axis == 0 ) {
+ this->xrev = ( this->xrev == 0 );
+ } else if( axis == 1 ){
+ this->yrev = ( this->yrev == 0 );
+ } else {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "astMirror(%s): Illegal axis index (%d) "
+ "supplied (internal AST programming error).", status,
+ astGetClass( this ), axis );
+ }
+static void Norm1( AstMapping *map, int axis, int nv, double *vals,
+ double refval, double width, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Norm1
+* Purpose:
+* Use a Mapping to normalize an array of axis values.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Norm1( AstMapping *map, int axis, int nv, double *vals,
+* double refval, double width, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The normalization of a position in physical space has two parts;
+* firstly, the Mapping may determine a form of normalization;
+* secondly, the Frame may provide an additional normalizion by the
+* astNorm method. This function implements normalization using a
+* Mapping, by transforming the physical position into Graphics position,
+* and then back into a physical position. For instance, if the Mapping
+* represents a mapping of Cartesian graphics axes onto a 2D polar
+* coordinate system, a physical theta value of 3.PI will be normalized by
+* the Mapping into a theta value of 1.PI (probably, but it depends on
+* the Mapping). In this case, the Mapping normalization may well be the
+* only normalization available, since the 2D polar coord. system will
+* probably use a simple Frame to represent the (radius,theta) system,
+* and a simple Frame defines no normalization (i.e. the astNorm method
+* returns the supplied position unchanged).
+* Complications arise though because it is not possible to normalise
+* a single axis value - you can only normalize a complete position.
+* Therefore some value must be supplied for the other axis. We
+* should use the LabelAt value, but we do not yet know what the LabelAt
+* value will be. Instead, we try first using the supplied "refval"
+* which should be close to the mode of the other aixs values. Usually
+* the value used is not very important. However, for some complex
+* projections (such as quad-cubes, TSC, etc) the choice can be more
+* critical since some positions on the ksy correspond to undefined
+* graphics positions (e.g the face edges in a TSC projection).
+* Therefore, if the supplied refval results in any positions being
+* undefined we refine the process by transforming the undefined
+* positaons again using a different refval. We do this twice to bump
+* up the likelihood of finding a suitable reference value.
+* Parameters:
+* mapping
+* The Mapping from Graphics Frame to the current Frame.
+* axis
+* The index of the axis for which values are supplied in "vals".
+* nv
+* The number of values supplied in "vals".
+* vals
+* Pointer to an array of axis values. On exit they are normalized.
+* refval
+* The preffered constant value to use for the other axis when
+* normalizing the values in "vals".
+* width
+* The range of used values for the other axis.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding physical coords */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding graphics coords */
+ double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical coords data */
+ double *a; /* Pointer to next axis value */
+ double *b; /* Pointer to next axis value */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int itry; /* Loop count for re-try loop */
+ int nbad; /* No. of bad values found after transformation */
+ int *flags; /* Pointer to flags array */
+/* Check the inherited global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Store the supplied positions in a PointSet. */
+ pset1 = astPointSet( nv, 2, "", status );
+ ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ b = ptr1[ 1 - axis ];
+ for( i = 0; i < nv; i++){
+ *(a++) = vals[ i ];
+ *(b++) = refval;
+ }
+ }
+/* Transform the supplied positions into the Base Frame. */
+ pset2 = astTransform( map, pset1, 0, NULL );
+/* Transform the Base Frame positions back into the Current Frame. */
+ (void) astTransform( map, pset2, 1, pset1 );
+/* Allocate memory to hold a flag for each position which is non-zero if
+ we currently have a good axis value to return for the position. */
+ flags = (int *) astMalloc( sizeof(int)* (size_t) nv );
+/* If good, store these values back in the supplied array. If the
+ transformed values are bad, retain the original good values for the
+ moment in "vals", and also copy the good values back into pset1. So
+ at the end, pset1 will contain the original good values at any points
+ which produced bad values after the above transformation - the other
+ points in pset1 will be bad. */
+ nbad = 0;
+ if( astOK ) {
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ for( i = 0; i < nv; i++, a++ ){
+ if( *a != AST__BAD ) {
+ vals[ i ] = *a;
+ *a = AST__BAD;
+ flags[ i ] = 1;
+ } else if( vals[ i ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ nbad++;
+ *a = vals[ i ];
+ flags[ i ] = 0;
+ } else {
+ flags[ i ] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* We now try normalising any remaining bad positions using different
+ values for the other axis. This may result in some or all of the
+ remaining points being normalised succesfully. */
+ for( itry = 0; itry < 10; itry++ ) {
+/* If the above transformation produced any bad values, try again with a
+ different value on the other axis. */
+ if( astOK && nbad > 0 ) {
+ b = ptr1[ 1 - axis ];
+ for( i = 0; i < nv; i++){
+ *(b++) = refval + 0.1*( itry + 1 )*width;
+ }
+/* Transform to graphics coords and back to world coords. */
+ (void) astTransform( map, pset1, 0, pset2 );
+ (void) astTransform( map, pset2, 1, pset1 );
+/* Copy any good positions back into the returned vals array. Count
+ remaining bad positions. */
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ nbad = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nv; i++, a++ ){
+ if( *a != AST__BAD ) {
+ vals[ i ] = *a;
+ flags[ i ] = 1;
+ *a = AST__BAD;
+ } else if( !flags[ i ] ) {
+ nbad++;
+ *a = vals[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If the above transformation produced any bad values, try again with a
+ different value on the other axis. */
+ if( astOK && nbad > 0 ) {
+ b = ptr1[ 1 - axis ];
+ for( i = 0; i < nv; i++){
+ *(b++) = refval - 0.1*( itry + 1 )*width;
+ }
+/* Transform to graphics coords and back to world coords. */
+ (void) astTransform( map, pset1, 0, pset2 );
+ (void) astTransform( map, pset2, 1, pset1 );
+/* Copy any good positions back into the returned vals array. Count
+ remaining bad positions. */
+ a = ptr1[ axis ];
+ nbad = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nv; i++, a++ ){
+ if( *a != AST__BAD ) {
+ vals[ i ] = *a;
+ flags[ i ] = 1;
+ *a = AST__BAD;
+ } else if( !flags[ i ] ) {
+ nbad++;
+ *a = vals[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Free resources. */
+ flags = (int *) astFree( flags );
+ pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+static void Opoly( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Opoly
+* Purpose:
+* Draws the current poly line.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Opoly( AstPlot *this, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws the current poly line, and empties the buffer.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ipoly; /* Index of new polyline */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Draw the poly-line if needed. */
+ if( Poly_n > 0 ) {
+/* Extend the global arrays that hold pointers to the polylines already
+ drawn. */
+ ipoly = Poly_npoly++;
+ astBeginPM;
+ Poly_xp = astGrow( Poly_xp, Poly_npoly, sizeof(float*) );
+ Poly_yp = astGrow( Poly_yp, Poly_npoly, sizeof(float*) );
+ Poly_np = astGrow( Poly_np, Poly_npoly, sizeof(int) );
+ astEndPM;
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Add pointers to the new polyline to the end of the above extended
+ arrays. */
+ Poly_xp[ ipoly ] = Poly_x;
+ Poly_yp[ ipoly ] = Poly_y;
+ Poly_np[ ipoly ] = Poly_n;
+/* Indicate that the current polyline is now empty. */
+ Poly_x = NULL;
+ Poly_y = NULL;
+ Poly_n = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static int Overlap( AstPlot *this, int mode, int esc, const char *text, float x,
+ float y, const char *just, float upx, float upy,
+ float **work, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Overlap
+* Purpose:
+* See if a major tick value label would overlap any of the previously
+* drawn labels.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Overlap( AstPlot *this, int mode, int esc, const char *text, float x,
+* float y, const char *just, float upx, float upy,
+* float **work, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* The operation of this function is determined by the "mode" parameter.
+* A record is kept of the bounding boxes enclosing all the displayed
+* labels. If the bounding box of the new label defined by the given
+* parameter values would overlap any of the old bounding boxes, 0 is
+* returned. Otherwise 1 is returned and the bounding box for the new
+* label is added to the list of old bounding boxes.
+* This function also updates the external variables Box_lbnd and
+* Box_ubnd which hold the lower and upper bounds of the area enclosing
+* all used labels.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* mode
+* - If -1, find the bounding box of the supplied label, add it
+* to the list of stored bounding box, and return 1 if it overlaps
+* any previously stored bounding boxes.
+* - If -2, leave the bounding boxes unchanged and return the
+* number of bounding boxes currently stored. No other action is taken
+* and all other arguments are ignored.
+* - Otherwise, reset the number of stored bounding boxes to the
+* value of mode, and return the new number of bounding boxes. No
+* action is taken if mode is less than zero or greater than the current
+* number of stored boxes. No other action is taken and all other
+* arguments are ignored.
+* esc
+* Should escape sequences in the text be interpreted?
+* text
+* A pointer to the label text string.
+* x
+* The graphics X coordinate of the label's reference point.
+* y
+* The graphics Y coordinate of the label's reference point.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* upx
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text.
+* upy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text.
+* work
+* A pointer to a place at which to store a pointer to an array of
+* floats holding the old bounding boxes. Memory to hold this array
+* is allocated automatically within this function. The pointer to
+* the array should be supplied as NULL on the first call to this
+* function, and the array should be freed using astFree when no
+* longer needed.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* See parameter "mode."
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if an error has occurred, or if this function
+* should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ int nbox = 0; /* Number of boxes stored in "work" */
+ int ret; /* Does the new label overlap a previous label? */
+ int i; /* Box index */
+ float *cx; /* Pointer to next corner's X value */
+ float *cy; /* Pointer to next corner's Y value */
+ float xbn[ 4 ]; /* X coords at corners of new label's bounding box */
+ float ybn[ 4 ]; /* Y coords at corners of new label's bounding box */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Initialise the returned value to indicate no overlap has been found. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Get the number of bounding boxes in the supplied work array. */
+ if( work && *work ) {
+ nbox = (*work)[ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ nbox = 0;
+ }
+/* If required, return the number of bounding boxes currently stored. */
+ if( mode == -2 ) return nbox;
+/* If required, reset the number of bounding boxes currently stored, and
+ return the new number. */
+ if( mode >= 0 ) {
+ if( mode < nbox && work && *work ) {
+ nbox = mode;
+ (*work)[ 0 ] = nbox;
+ }
+ return nbox;
+ }
+/* If no work array has been supplied, allocate one now with room for
+ 10 boxes. Each box requires 8 floats, 2 for each of the 4 corners. The
+ X graphics coordinates at the 4 corners are stored in the first 4 floats,
+ and the corresponding Y graphics coordinates in the second group of 4
+ floats. */
+ if( work && !(*work) ) {
+ *work = (float *) astMalloc( 81*sizeof(float) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ nbox = 0;
+ (*work)[ 0 ] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return ret;
+/* Get the bounds of the box containing the new label. */
+ DrawText( this, 0, esc, text, x, y, just, upx, upy,
+ xbn, ybn, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* If the bounding box was obtained succesfully... */
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Check for an overlap between the box and each of the previous boxes. */
+ cx = *work + 1;
+ cy = cx + 4;
+ for( i = 0; i < nbox; i++ ){
+ if( BoxCheck( xbn, ybn, cx, cy, status ) ) {
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+/* Increment the pointers to the next box. */
+ cx += 8;
+ cy += 8;
+ }
+/* If no overlap was found, add the new box to the list. */
+ if( !ret ){
+ *work = (float *) astGrow( (void *) *work, 8*nbox + 9, sizeof(float) );
+ cx = *work + 1 + 8*nbox;
+ cy = cx + 4;
+ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
+ cx[ i ] = xbn[ i ];
+ cy[ i ] = ybn[ i ];
+ }
+ (*work)[ 0 ]++;
+/* Extend the bounds of the global bounding box held externally to include
+ the new box. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
+ Box_lbnd[ 0 ] = astMIN( xbn[ i ], Box_lbnd[ 0 ] );
+ Box_ubnd[ 0 ] = astMAX( xbn[ i ], Box_ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ Box_lbnd[ 1 ] = astMIN( ybn[ i ], Box_lbnd[ 1 ] );
+ Box_ubnd[ 1 ] = astMAX( ybn[ i ], Box_ubnd[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error has occur, return a value of 0. */
+ if( !astOK ) ret = 0;
+/* Return the answer. */
+ return ret;
+static void PlotLabels( AstPlot *this, int esc, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+ LabelList *list, char *fmt, int nlab, float **box,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* PlotLabels
+* Purpose:
+* Draws the numerical labels which have been selected for display.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void PlotLabels( AstPlot *this, int esc, AstFrame *frame, int axis,
+* LabelList *list, char *fmt, int nlab, float **box,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function displays the numerical labels supplied in the
+* structure pointed to by "list". Overlapping labels are omitted,
+* and redundant leading fields are removed from adjacent labels.
+* Nothing is plotted if the NumLab attribute for the axis is false.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* esc
+* Interpret escape sequences in labels?
+* frame
+* A pointer to the current Frame of the Plot.
+* axis
+* The axis index (0 or 1).
+* list
+* A pointer to the LabelList structure holding information about
+* the selected numerical labels.
+* fmt
+* A pointer to a null terminated string holding the format
+* specification used to create the labels.
+* nlab
+* The number of labels described by "list".
+* box
+* A pointer to a place at which to store a pointer to an array of
+* floats holding the bounding boxes of displayed labels. Memory to
+* hold this array is allocated automatically within this function.
+* The pointer to the array should be supplied as NULL on the first
+* call to this function, and the array should be freed using astFree
+* when no longer needed.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ LabelList *ll; /* Pointer to next label structure */
+ LabelList *llhi; /* Pointer to higher neighbouring label structure */
+ LabelList *lllo; /* Pointer to lower neighbouring label structure */
+ char *text; /* Pointer to label text */
+ const char *latext; /* Axis label at previous label */
+ const char *texthi; /* Pointer to text abbreviated with higher neighbour */
+ const char *textlo; /* Pointer to text abbreviated with lower neighbour */
+ float tolx; /* Min allowed X interval between labels */
+ float toly; /* Min allowed Y interval between labels */
+ float xbn[ 4 ]; /* X coords at corners of new label's bounding box */
+ float ybn[ 4 ]; /* Y coords at corners of new label's bounding box */
+ int abb; /* Abbreviate leading fields? */
+ int dp; /* Number of decimal places */
+ int found; /* Non-zero digit found? */
+ int hilen; /* Length of texthi */
+ int i; /* Label index */
+ int j; /* Label index offset */
+ int jgap; /* Gap in index between rejected labels */
+ int lab0; /* Index of middle label */
+ int lolen; /* Length of textlo */
+ int mxdp; /* Maximum number of decimal places */
+ int nbox; /* The number of boinding boxes supplied */
+ int nexti; /* Index of next label to retain */
+ int nleft; /* No. of labels left */
+ int nz; /* Number of trailing zeros in this label */
+ int nzmax; /* Max. number of trailing zeros */
+ int odd; /* DO we have a strange axis? */
+ int off; /* Offset from central label */
+ int olap; /* Any overlap found? */
+ int prio; /* Current priority */
+ int root; /* Index of unabbreviated label */
+ int root_found; /* Has the root label been decided on? */
+ int rootoff; /* Distance from middle to root label */
+ int split; /* Indicates whether to split labels into 2 lines */
+/* Return without action if an error has occurred, or there are no labels to
+ draw. */
+ if( !astOK || nlab == 0 || !list || !astGetNumLab( this, axis ) ) return;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ rootoff = 0;
+/* Get the number of bounding boxes describing the labels already drawn
+ (this will be non-zero only if this is the second axis to be labelled). */
+ nbox = Overlap( this, -2, 0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, box, method,
+ class, status );
+/* Ensure the labels are sorted into increasing index order. */
+ qsort( (void *) list, (size_t) nlab, sizeof(LabelList), Compare_LL );
+/* Complex curves can have multiple edge crossings very close together.
+ This means that the same label can sometimes be included more than once
+ in the supplied list at the same (x,y) position. Purge duplicate labels
+ by setting their priority to -1. Initialise the priority of the remaining
+ labels to zero. */
+ tolx = 0.02*fabs( this->xhi - this->xlo );
+ toly = 0.02*fabs( this->yhi - this->ylo );
+ ll = list;
+ ll->priority = 0;
+ ll->saved_prio = 0;
+ for( i = 1; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ ll++;
+ ll->priority = 0;
+ ll->saved_prio = 0;
+ for( j = 0; j < i; j++ ){
+ if( !strcmp( ll->text, list[ j ].text ) ) {
+ if( fabs( ll->x - list[ j ].x ) < tolx &&
+ fabs( ll->y - list[ j ].y ) < toly ) {
+ ll->priority = -1;
+ ll->saved_prio = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Find the maximum number of decimal places in any label. */
+ mxdp = 0;
+ ll = list - 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ ll++;
+ FindDPTZ( frame, axis, fmt, ll->text, &dp, &nz, status );
+ if( dp > mxdp ) mxdp = dp;
+ }
+/* Indicate that we do not yet know whether SplitValue should split labels
+ into two lines or not. */
+ split = 0;
+/* Find the highest priority label (the "root" label). This label is
+ never abbreviated to remove leading fields, and is never omitted due to
+ overlaps with other labels. To find this label, each label is assigned a
+ priority equal to the number of trailing zeros in the label text. If the
+ text has fewer than the maximum number of decimal places, pretend the text
+ is padded with trailing zeros to bring the number of decimal places up to
+ the maximum. The root label is the highest priority label, giving
+ preference to labels which occur in the middle of the index order. At the
+ same time, initialize the abbreviated text for each label to be equal to
+ the unabbreviated text. */
+ lab0 = nlab/2;
+ nzmax = -1;
+ ll = list - 1;
+ root = -1;
+ root_found = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ ll++;
+ if( ll->priority > -1 ) {
+ text = ll->text;
+/* Find the number of decimal places and the number of trailing zeros in
+ this label. Note if a non-zero digit was found in the label. */
+ found = FindDPTZ( frame, axis, fmt, text, &dp, &nz, status );
+/* Add on some extra trailing zeros to make the number of decimal places
+ up to the maximum value. */
+ nz += mxdp - dp;
+/* Store the priority for this label. */
+ ll->priority = nz;
+ ll->saved_prio = nz;
+/* Note the highest priority of any label. */
+ if( nz > nzmax ) nzmax = nz;
+/* We will use this label as the root label if:
+ - We have not already found the root label
+ - It does not overlap any labels drawn for a previous axis
+ - We do not currently have a candidate root label, or
+ - The priority for this label is higher than the priority of the current
+ root label, or
+ - The priority for this label is equal to the priority of the current
+ root label and this label is closer to the centre of the axis, or
+ - The label value is zero. */
+ if( root == -1 ||
+ nz > list[ root ].priority ||
+ ( nz == list[ root ].priority && abs( i - lab0 ) < rootoff ) ||
+ !found ) {
+ if( !root_found ) {
+ if( axis == 0 || !Overlap( this, -1, esc,
+ SplitValue( this, ll->text,
+ axis, &split, status ),
+ (float) ll->x, (float) ll->y,
+ ll->just, (float) ll->upx,
+ (float) ll->upy, box, method,
+ class, status ) ) {
+ root = i;
+ rootoff = abs( i - lab0 );
+/* If the label value was zero, we will use label as the root label,
+ regardless of the priorities of later labels. */
+ if( !found ) root_found = 1;
+ }
+/* Reset the list of bounding boxes to exclude any box added above. */
+ Overlap( this, nbox, esc, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, box,
+ method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise the abbreviated text to be the same as the full text. */
+ ll->atext = ll->text;
+ }
+/* If all the labels overlapped labels on a previous axis, arbitrarily
+ use the label with non-genative priority that is closest to the middle
+ as the root label (this should never happen but is included to avoid
+ segmentation violations occurring in error conditions such as the
+ txExt function being buggy and cuasing spurious overlaps). */
+ if( root == -1 ) {
+ for( off = 0; off < (nlab-1)/2; off++ ) {
+ root = nlab/2 + off;
+ if( list[ root ].priority >= 0 ) break;
+ root = nlab/2 - off;
+ if( list[ root ].priority >= 0 ) break;
+ }
+ if( root == -1 ) {
+ astError( AST__PLFMT, "%s(%s): Cannot produce labels for axis %d.",
+ status, method, class, axis + 1 );
+ root = nlab/2;
+ }
+ }
+/* Assign a priority higher than any other priority to the root label. */
+ list[ root ].priority = nzmax + 1;
+ list[ root ].saved_prio = nzmax + 1;
+/* See if leading fields are to be abbreviated */
+ abb = astGetAbbrev( this, axis );
+/* The following process may have removed some labels which define the
+ missing fields in neighbouring abbreviated fields, so that the user
+ would not be able to tell what value the abbvreviated leading fields
+ should have. We therefore loop back and perform the abbreviation
+ process again, omitting the removed labels this time. Continue doing
+ this until no further labels are removed. */
+ jgap = 1;
+ olap = 1;
+ odd = 0;
+ while( olap && !odd ) {
+/* We now attempt to abbreviate the remaining labels (i.e. those which
+ have not been rejected on an earlier pass through this loop). Labels
+ are abbreviated in order of their priority. Higher priority labels are
+ abbreviated first (except that the root label, which has the highest
+ priority, is never abbreviated). Each label is abbreviated by comparing
+ it with the nearest label with a higher priority. */
+/* Loop through all the priority values, starting with the highest
+ priority (excluding the root label so that the root label is never
+ abbreviated), and working downwards to finish with zero priority. */
+ prio = nzmax + 1;
+ while( prio-- > 0 ) {
+/* Look for labels which have the current priority. */
+ ll = list - 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ ll++;
+ if( ll->priority == prio ) {
+/* Find the closest label to this one on the high index side which has a
+ higher priority. */
+ llhi = NULL;
+ for( j = i + 1; j < nlab; j++ ) {
+ if( list[ j ].priority > prio ) {
+ llhi = list + j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If no higher priority neighbour was found on the high index side,
+ use the nearest label with the current priority on the high index side. */
+ if( !llhi ) {
+ for( j = i + 1; j < nlab; j++ ) {
+ if( list[ j ].priority == prio ) {
+ llhi = list + j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Find the closest label to this one on the low index side which has a
+ higher priority. */
+ lllo = NULL;
+ for( j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
+ if( list[ j ].priority > prio ) {
+ lllo = list + j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If no higher priority neighbour was found on the low index side,
+ use the nearest label with the current priority on the low index side. */
+ if( !lllo ) {
+ for( j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
+ if( list[ j ].priority == prio ) {
+ lllo = list + j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If we are not abbreviating, use the full text as the abbreviated text.*/
+ if( !abb ) {
+ ll->atext = ll->text;
+/* Otherwise, if only one of these two neighbouring labels was found, we
+ abbreviate the current label by comparing it with the one found
+ neighbouring label. If they are identical, we use the last field as
+ the abbreviated text. */
+ } else if( !lllo ) {
+ ll->atext = astAbbrev( frame, axis, fmt, llhi->text,
+ ll->text );
+ } else if( !llhi ) {
+ ll->atext = astAbbrev( frame, axis, fmt, lllo->text,
+ ll->text );
+/* If two neighbouring labels were found, we abbreviate the current label
+ by comparing it with both neighbouring labels, and choosing the shorter
+ abbreviation. */
+ } else {
+ textlo = abb ? astAbbrev( frame, axis, fmt, lllo->text,
+ ll->text ) : ll->text;
+ texthi = abb ? astAbbrev( frame, axis, fmt, llhi->text,
+ ll->text ) : ll->text;
+ lolen = strlen( textlo );
+ hilen = strlen( texthi );
+ if( lolen > 0 && lolen < hilen ) {
+ ll->atext = textlo;
+ } else {
+ ll->atext = texthi;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the two fields are identical, the abbreviated text returned by
+ astAbbrev will be a null string. In this case, find the start of the
+ last field in the formatted value (using astAbbrev again), and use
+ that as the abbreviated text. */
+ if( !(ll->atext)[0] ) {
+ ll->atext = astAbbrev( frame, axis, fmt, NULL, ll->text );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Find the bounding box of the root label and add it to the list of bounding
+ boxes. */
+ nleft = 1;
+ ll = list + root;
+ olap = Overlap( this, -1, esc,
+ SplitValue( this, ll->atext, axis, &split, status ),
+ (float) ll->x, (float) ll->y, ll->just, (float) ll->upx,
+ (float) ll->upy, box, method, class, status );
+/* Now look for labels which would overlap. First, check labels above the root
+ label. Do not count overlaps where the two abbreviated labels have the same text. */
+ ll = list + root;
+ latext = ll->atext;
+ for( i = root + 1; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ ll++;
+ if( ll->priority >= 0 ) {
+ if( strcmp( ll->atext, latext ) ) {
+ if( Overlap( this, -1, esc,
+ SplitValue( this, ll->atext, axis, &split, status ),
+ (float) ll->x, (float) ll->y, ll->just,
+ (float) ll->upx, (float) ll->upy, box, method,
+ class, status ) ){
+ olap++;
+ } else {
+ nleft++;
+ }
+ }
+ latext = ll->atext;
+ }
+ }
+/* Now check the labels below the root label. */
+ ll = list + root;
+ latext = ll->atext;
+ for( i = root - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ ll--;
+ if( ll->priority >= 0 ) {
+ if( strcmp( ll->atext, latext ) ) {
+ if( Overlap( this, -1, esc,
+ SplitValue( this, ll->atext, axis, &split, status ),
+ (float) ll->x, (float) ll->y, ll->just,
+ (float) ll->upx, (float) ll->upy, box, method,
+ class, status ) ){
+ olap++;
+ } else {
+ nleft++;
+ }
+ }
+ latext = ll->atext;
+ }
+ }
+/* If only one overlap was found, and this is the second axis, ignore it
+ since it is probably caused by the crossing of the two axes. */
+ if( axis == 1 && olap == 1 ) olap = 0;
+/* If we are now only plotting every 3rd label, or if there are less than
+ 3 labels left, and there are still overlapping labels, then we must have
+ a very odd axis (such as logarithmically spaced ticks on a linearly mapped
+ axis). In this case, we will re-instate the orignal label priorities and
+ then leave this loop so that we attempt to plot all labels. Also retain
+ original priorities if the axis is mapped logarithmically onto the
+ screen. */
+ if( olap && ( jgap == 3 || nleft < 3 || astGetLogPlot( this, axis ) ) ){
+ jgap = 0;
+ odd = 1;
+ } else {
+ odd = 0;
+ }
+/* If any labels overlapped, re-instate the priority of all previously
+ excluded labels (using the copy of the label's real priority stored in
+ "saved_prio"), and then remove labels (by setting their priorities
+ negative) to increase the gap between labels, and try again. */
+ if( olap ) {
+ jgap++;
+ nexti = root + jgap;
+ for( i = root + 1; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ if( i == nexti ) {
+ nexti += jgap;
+ list[ i ].priority = list[ i ].saved_prio;
+ } else {
+ list[ i ].priority = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ nexti = root - jgap;
+ for( i = root - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ if( i == nexti ) {
+ nexti -= jgap;
+ list[ i ].priority = list[ i ].saved_prio;
+ } else {
+ list[ i ].priority = -1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Reset the abbreviated text to be the full text. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nlab - 1; i++ ) list[ i ].atext = list[ i ].text;
+ }
+/* Rest the list of bounding boxes to exclude the boxes added above. */
+ Overlap( this, nbox, esc, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, box, method,
+ class, status );
+ }
+/* We can now draw the abbreviated labels (ignoring rejected labels). */
+ ll = list-1;
+ for( i = 0; i < nlab; i++ ) {
+ ll++;
+ if( ll->priority >= 0 ) {
+/* Check that this label does not overlap any labels drawn for previous
+ axes (we know from the above processing that it will not overlap any
+ other label on the current axis). */
+ if( !Overlap( this, -1, esc,
+ SplitValue( this, ll->atext, axis, &split, status ),
+ (float) ll->x, (float) ll->y, ll->just, (float) ll->upx,
+ (float) ll->upy, box, method, class, status ) ) {
+/* Draw the abbreviated label text, and get the bounds of the box containing
+ the new label, splitting long formatted values (such as produced by
+ TimeFrames) into two lines. */
+ DrawText( this, 1, esc,
+ SplitValue( this, ll->atext, axis, &split, status ),
+ (float) ll->x, (float) ll->y, ll->just, (float) ll->upx,
+ (float) ll->upy, xbn, ybn, NULL, method, class, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void PolyCurve( AstPlot *this, int npoint, int ncoord, int indim,
+ const double *in, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astPolyCurve
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a series of connected geodesic curves.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astPolyCurve( AstPlot *this, int npoint, int ncoord, int indim,
+c const double *in )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+c This function joins a series of points specified in the physical
+c coordinate system of a Plot by drawing a sequence of geodesic
+c curves. It is equivalent to making repeated use of the astCurve
+c function (q.v.), except that astPolyCurve will generally be more
+c efficient when drawing many geodesic curves end-to-end. A
+c typical application of this might be in drawing contour lines.
+f This routine joins a series of points specified in the physical
+f coordinate system of a Plot by drawing a sequence of geodesic
+f curves. It is equivalent to making repeated calls to the
+f AST_CURVE routine (q.v.), except that AST_POLYCURVE will
+f generally be more efficient when drawing many geodesic curves
+f end-to-end. A typical application of this might be in drawing
+f contour lines.
+c As with astCurve, full account is taken of the Mapping between
+c physical and graphical coordinate systems. This includes any
+c discontinuities and clipping established using astClip.
+f As with AST_CURVE, full account is taken of the Mapping between
+f physical and graphical coordinate systems. This includes any
+f discontinuities and clipping established using AST_CLIP.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c npoint
+* The number of points between which geodesic curves are to be drawn.
+c ncoord
+* The number of coordinates being supplied for each point (i.e.
+* the number of axes in the current Frame of the Plot, as given
+* by its Naxes attribute).
+c indim
+f INDIM = INTEGER (Given)
+c The number of elements along the second dimension of the "in"
+f The number of elements along the first dimension of the IN
+* array (which contains the input coordinates). This value is
+* required so that the coordinate values can be correctly
+* located if they do not entirely fill this array. The value
+c given should not be less than "npoint".
+f given should not be less than NPOINT.
+c in
+c The address of the first element in a 2-dimensional array of shape
+c "[ncoord][indim]" giving the
+c physical coordinates of the points which are to be joined in
+c sequence by geodesic curves. These should be stored such that
+c the value of coordinate number "coord" for point number
+c "point" is found in element "in[coord][point]".
+f A 2-dimensional array giving the physical coordinates of the
+f points which are to be joined in sequence by geodesic
+f curves. These should be stored such that the value of
+f coordinate number COORD for input point number POINT is found
+f in element IN(POINT,COORD).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - No curve is drawn on either side of any point which has any
+* coordinate equal to the value AST__BAD.
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not
+* 2-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the
+* current and base Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the
+* Plot's TranInverse attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ const double **in_ptr; /* Pointer to array of data pointers */
+ double *finish; /* Pointer to array holding segment end position */
+ double *start; /* Pointer to array holding segment start position */
+ double d[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Offsets to evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double tol; /* Absolute tolerance value */
+ double x[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* X coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ double y[ CRV_NPNT ]; /* Y coords at evenly spaced points along curve */
+ int coord; /* Loop counter for coordinates */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int naxes; /* No. of Frame axes */
+ int ok; /* Are all start and end coords good? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Store the current method, and the class of the supplied object for use
+ in error messages.*/
+ method = "astPolyCurve";
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primatives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Check the current Frame of the Plot has ncoord axes. */
+ naxes = astGetNout( this );
+ if( naxes != ncoord && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the current "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be %d (possible programming error).", status, method, class, naxes,
+ class, ncoord );
+ }
+/* Check the array dimension argument. */
+ if ( astOK && ( indim < npoint ) ) {
+ astError( AST__DIMIN, "%s(%s): The array dimension value "
+ "(%d) is invalid.", status, method, class, indim );
+ astError( AST__DIMIN, "This should not be less than the number of "
+ "points being drawn (%d).", status, npoint );
+ }
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Allocate memory to hold the array of data pointers, the start position,
+ and the end position. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ in_ptr = (const double **) astMalloc( sizeof( const double * ) *
+ (size_t) ncoord );
+ start = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double ) * (size_t) ncoord );
+ finish = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double ) * (size_t) ncoord );
+/* Set up externals used to communicate with the Map3 function...
+ The number of axes in the physical coordinate system (i.e. the current
+ Frame). */
+ Map3_ncoord = ncoord;
+/* A pointer to the Plot, the Current Frame, and and Mapping. */
+ Map3_plot = this;
+ Map3_frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+ Map3_map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Convert the tolerance from relative to absolute graphics coordinates. */
+ tol = astGetTol( this )*astMAX( this->xhi - this->xlo,
+ this->yhi - this->ylo );
+/* Ensure the globals holding the scaling from graphics coords to equally
+ scaled coords are available. */
+ GScales( this, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Now set up the external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine function. */
+ Crv_scerr = ( astGetLogPlot( this, 0 ) ||
+ astGetLogPlot( this, 1 ) ) ? 100.0 : 1.5;
+ Crv_tol = tol;
+ Crv_limit = 0.5*tol*tol;
+ Crv_map = Map3;
+ Crv_ink = 1;
+ Crv_xlo = this->xlo;
+ Crv_xhi = this->xhi;
+ Crv_ylo = this->ylo;
+ Crv_yhi = this->yhi;
+ Crv_clip = astGetClip( this ) & 1;
+/* Set up a list of points spread evenly over each curve segment. */
+ for( i = 0; i < CRV_NPNT; i++ ){
+ d[ i ] = ( (double) i)/( (double) CRV_NSEG );
+ }
+/* Initialise the data pointers to locate the coordinate data in
+ the "in" array. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ for ( coord = 0; coord < ncoord; coord++ ) {
+ in_ptr[ coord ] = in + coord * indim;
+ }
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__CURVE_ID, 1, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+/* Loop round each curve segment. */
+ for( i = 1 ; i < npoint; i++ ) {
+/* Store the start position and check it for bad values. Increment the
+ pointers to the next position on each axis, so that they refer to the
+ finish point of the current curve segment. */
+ ok = 1;
+ for( coord = 0; coord < ncoord; coord++ ) {
+ if( *( in_ptr[coord] ) == AST__BAD ){
+ ok = 0;
+ } else {
+ start[ coord ] = *( in_ptr[coord] );
+ }
+ ( in_ptr[coord] )++;
+ }
+/* Store the end position and check it for bad values. Do not increment
+ the axis pointers. This means that they will refer to the start position
+ of the next curve segment on the next pass through this loop. */
+ for( coord = 0; coord < ncoord; coord++ ) {
+ if( *( in_ptr[coord] ) == AST__BAD ){
+ ok = 0;
+ } else {
+ finish[ coord ] = *( in_ptr[coord] );
+ }
+ }
+/* Pass on to the next curve segment if either the start or finish position
+ was bad. */
+ if( ok ) {
+/* Set up the remaining externals used to communicate with the Map3
+ function... */
+/* The physical coordinates at the start of the curve. */
+ Map3_origin = start;
+/* The physical coordinates at the end of the curve. */
+ Map3_end = finish;
+/* The scale factor to convert "dist" values into physical offset values. */
+ Map3_scale = astDistance( Map3_frame, start, finish );
+/* Now set up the remaining external variables used by the Crv and CrvLine
+ function. */
+ Crv_ux0 = AST__BAD;
+ Crv_out = 1;
+ Crv_xbrk = Curve_data.xbrk;
+ Crv_ybrk = Curve_data.ybrk;
+ Crv_vxbrk = Curve_data.vxbrk;
+ Crv_vybrk = Curve_data.vybrk;
+/* Map the evenly spread distances between "start" and "finish" into graphics
+ coordinates. */
+ Map3( CRV_NPNT, d, x, y, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Use Crv and Map3 to draw the curve segment. */
+ Crv( this, d, x, y, 0, NULL, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* If no part of the curve could be drawn, set the number of breaks and the
+ length of the drawn curve to zero. */
+ if( Crv_out ) {
+ Crv_nbrk = 0;
+ Crv_len = 0.0F;
+/* Otherwise, add an extra break to the returned structure at the position of
+ the last point to be plotted. */
+ } else {
+ Crv_nbrk++;
+ if( Crv_nbrk > AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK ){
+ astError( AST__CVBRK, "%s(%s): Number of breaks in curve "
+ "exceeds %d.", status, method, class, AST__PLOT_CRV_MXBRK );
+ } else {
+ *(Crv_xbrk++) = (float) Crv_xl;
+ *(Crv_ybrk++) = (float) Crv_yl;
+ *(Crv_vxbrk++) = (float) -Crv_vxl;
+ *(Crv_vybrk++) = (float) -Crv_vyl;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store extra information about the curve in the returned structure, and
+ purge any zero length sections. */
+ Curve_data.length = Crv_len;
+ Curve_data.out = Crv_out;
+ Curve_data.nbrk = Crv_nbrk;
+ PurgeCdata( &Curve_data, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* End the last poly line. */
+ Opoly( this, status );
+/* Tidy up the static data used by Map3. */
+ Map3( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, method, class, status GLOBALS_NAME );
+/* Ensure all lines are flushed to the graphics system. */
+ Fpoly( this, method, class, status );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__CURVE_ID, 0, GRF__LINE, method, class );
+ }
+/* Annul the Frame and Mapping. */
+ Map3_frame = astAnnul( Map3_frame );
+ Map3_map = astAnnul( Map3_map );
+/* Free the memory used for the data pointers, and start and end positions. */
+ in_ptr = (const double **) astFree( (void *) in_ptr );
+ start = (double *) astFree( (void *) start );
+ finish = (double *) astFree( (void *) finish );
+ }
+static int PopGat( AstPlot *this, float *rise, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* PopGat
+* Purpose:
+* Pop current graphical attributes for text from a stack.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int PopGat( AstPlot *this, float *rise, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function restores the current graphical attributes for text
+* from the values on a stack. Current attributes are left unchanged if
+* the stack is empty.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* rise
+* Pointer to a location at which to return thhe height of the baseline
+* above the normal baseline, expressed as a percentage of the normal
+* character height.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Returns zero if the stack is empty, and 1 otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstGat *gat;
+ int result;
+/* Initialise */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Check there is at least one AstGat structure on the stack. */
+ if( this->ngat ) {
+/* Decrement the number of entries in the stack, and get a pointer to the
+ AstGat structure. Nullify the pointer on the stack. */
+ gat = (this->gat)[ --(this->ngat) ];
+ (this->gat)[ this->ngat ] = NULL;
+/* Restore the values in the AstGat structure */
+ *rise = gat->rise;
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, gat->size, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, gat->width, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, gat->col, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, gat->font, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, gat->style, NULL, GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* Free the AstGat structure. */
+ gat = astFree( gat );
+/* Indicate success.*/
+ result = 1;
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static void PurgeCdata( AstPlotCurveData *cdata, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* AstPlotCurveData
+* Purpose:
+* Remove any zero length sections from the description of a curve.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void PurgeCdata( AstPlotCurveData *cdata )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function removes any zero length sections from the supplied
+* AstPlotCurveData struture, which describes a multi-section curve.
+* Parameters:
+* cdata
+* A pointer to the structure containing information about the
+* breaks in a curve.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int brk; /*Break index */
+ int i; /*Break index */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK || !cdata ) return;
+/* Loop round all breaks. */
+ brk = 0;
+ while( brk < cdata->nbrk ) {
+/* If this break and the next one are co-incident, remove both breaks. */
+ if( cdata->xbrk[ brk ] == cdata->xbrk[ brk + 1 ] &&
+ cdata->ybrk[ brk ] == cdata->ybrk[ brk + 1 ] ) {
+/* Shuffle down the higher elements of all the arrays in the curve data. */
+ for( i = brk + 2; i < cdata->nbrk; i++ ){
+ cdata->xbrk[ i - 2 ] = cdata->xbrk[ i ];
+ cdata->ybrk[ i - 2 ] = cdata->ybrk[ i ];
+ cdata->vxbrk[ i - 2 ] = cdata->vxbrk[ i ];
+ cdata->vybrk[ i - 2 ] = cdata->vybrk[ i ];
+ }
+/* Decrement the number of breaks in the curve data. */
+ cdata->nbrk -= 2;
+/* If the section is not zero length, move on to the next pair of breaks. */
+ } else {
+ brk += 2;
+ }
+ }
+static void PushGat( AstPlot *this, float rise, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* PushGat
+* Purpose:
+* Push current graphical attributes for text onto a stack.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void PushGat( AstPlot *this, float rise, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function stores the current graphical attributes for text
+* on a stack.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* rise
+* The height of the baseline above the normal baseline, expressed
+* as a percentage of the normal character height.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstGat *new_gat;
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Allocate memory for a new AstGat structure to store the graphical
+ attributes. */
+ new_gat = astMalloc( sizeof( AstGat ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Store the height of the current baseline above the normal baseline,
+ expressed as a percentage of a normal character height. */
+ new_gat->rise = rise;
+/* Store the current graphical attribute values. */
+ GAttr( this, GRF__SIZE, AST__BAD, &(new_gat->size), GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__WIDTH, AST__BAD, &(new_gat->width), GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__FONT, AST__BAD, &(new_gat->font), GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__STYLE, AST__BAD, &(new_gat->style), GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+ GAttr( this, GRF__COLOUR, AST__BAD, &(new_gat->col), GRF__TEXT, method, class, status );
+/* Increment the number of AstGat structures on the stack.*/
+ this->ngat++;
+/* Extend the array of AstGat pointers in the Plot structure so that there
+ is room for the new one. */
+ this->gat = (AstGat **) astGrow( this->gat, this->ngat, sizeof( AstGat * ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Store the new pointer. */
+ (this->gat)[ this->ngat - 1 ] = new_gat;
+ }
+ }
+static void RegionOutline( AstPlot *this, AstRegion *region, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astRegionOutline
+f AST_RegionOutline
+* Purpose:
+* Draw the outline of an AST Region.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astRegionOutline( AstPlot *this, AstRegion *region )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function draws an outline around the supplied AST Region object.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c region
+* Pointer to the Region.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrameSet *fs;
+ AstMapping *map;
+ const char *class;
+ const char *method;
+ int ibase;
+ int icurr;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Store the current method, and the class of the supplied object for use
+ in error messages.*/
+ method = "astRegionOutline";
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+/* Save the base Frame index within the Plot, since astConvert will
+ change it. */
+ ibase = astGetBase( this );
+/* Get the FrameSet that converts from the current Frame of the Plot, to the
+ Frame represented by the Region. Check a conversion was found. */
+ fs = astConvert( this, region, " " );
+/* Re-instate the original base Frame. */
+ astSetBase( this, ibase );
+/* Report an error if the Region could not be mapped into the current
+ Frame of the Plot. */
+ if( !fs ) {
+ if( astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__NOCNV, "%s(%s): Cannot find a mapping from the "
+ "%d-dimensional Plot coordinate system (%s) to the "
+ "%d-dimensional Region coordinate system (%s).", status,
+ method, class, astGetNout( this ), astGetTitle( this ),
+ astGetNout( region ), astGetTitle( region ) );
+ }
+/* If a transformation from Plot to Region was found... */
+ } else {
+/* Add the Region as a new Frame into the Plot, connecting it to the
+ current Frame using the FrameSet found above. It becomes the new current
+ Frame. First record the index of the original current Frame since
+ astAddFrame will modify the FrameSet to use a different current Frame. */
+ icurr = astGetCurrent( this );
+ map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+ astAddFrame( this, icurr, map, region );
+/* Draw the outline of the Region (now the current Frame in the Plot). */
+ astBorder( this );
+/* Tidy up by removing the Region (i.e. the current Frame) from the Plot and
+ re-instating the original current Frame. */
+ astRemoveFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+ astSetCurrent( this, icurr );
+/* Free resources. */
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+ fs = astAnnul( fs );
+ }
+static void RemoveFrame( AstFrameSet *this_fset, int iframe, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* RemoveFrame
+* Purpose:
+* Remove a Frame from a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void RemoveFrame( AstFrameSet *this_fset, int iframe, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the astRemoveFrame public
+* method inherited from the FrameSet class).
+* Description:
+* This function removes a Frame from a Plot. All other Frames
+* in the Plot have their indices re-numbered from one (if
+* necessary), but are otherwise unchanged.
+* If the index of the clipping Frame is changed, the index value
+* stored in the Plot is updated. If the clipping Frame itself is
+* removed, all clipping information is removed from the Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* this_fset
+* Pointer to the FrameSet component of the Plot.
+* iframe
+* The index within the Plot of the Frame to be removed.
+* This value should lie in the range from 1 to the number of
+* Frames in the Plot (as given by its Nframe attribute).
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to Plot structure */
+ int ifrm; /* Validated frame index */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_fset;
+/* Validate the frame index. */
+ ifrm = astValidateFrameIndex( this_fset, iframe, "astRemoveFrame" );
+/* Invoke the parent astRemoveFrame method to remove the Frame. */
+ (*parent_removeframe)( this_fset, iframe, status );
+/* If the index of the removed Frame is smaller than the clipping Frame
+ index, then decrement the clipping Frame index so that the same Frame
+ will be used in future. */
+ if( astOK ){
+ if( ifrm < this->clip_frame ){
+ (this->clip_frame)--;
+/* If the clipping fgrame itself has been removed, indicate that no
+ clipping should nbow be performed. */
+ } else if( ifrm == this->clip_frame ){
+ astClip( this, AST__NOFRAME, NULL, NULL );
+ }
+ }
+static void RightVector( AstPlot *this, float *ux, float *uy, float *rx,
+ float *ry, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* RightVector
+* Purpose:
+* Return a vector in the direction of the base line of normal text.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void RightVector( AstPlot *this, float *ux, float *uy, float *rx,
+* float *ry, const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function returns a vector which points from left to right along
+* the text baseline, taking account of any difference in the scales of
+* the x and y axes. It also scales the supplied up vector so that it has
+* a length equal to the height of normal text, and scales the returned
+* right vector to have the same length (on the screen) as the up vector.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The plot.
+* ux
+* Pointer to a float holding the x component of the up-vector for the
+* text, in graphics coords. Scaled on exit so that the up vector has
+* length equal to the height of normal text.
+* uy
+* Pointer to a float holding the y component of the up-vector for the
+* text, in graphics coords. Scaled on exit so that the up vector has
+* length equal to the height of normal text.
+* rx
+* Pointer to a double in which will be put the x component of a
+* vector parallel to the baseline of normal text.
+* ry
+* Pointer to a double in which will be put the y component of a
+* vector parallel to the baseline of normal text.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float alpha; /* Scale factor for X axis */
+ float beta; /* Scale factor for Y axis */
+ float chv;
+ float chh;
+ float l; /* Normalisation constant */
+ float a;
+ float b;
+ float nl; /* Character height in standard coordinates */
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Find the scale factors for the two axes which scale graphics coordinates
+ into a "standard" coordinate system in which: 1) the axes have equal scale
+ in terms of (for instance) millimetres per unit distance, 2) X values
+ increase from left to right, 3) Y values increase from bottom to top. */
+ GScales( this, &alpha, &beta, method, class, status );
+/* Convert the up-vector into "standard" system in which the axes have
+ equal scales, and increase left-to-right, bottom-to-top. */
+ *ux *= alpha;
+ *uy *= beta;
+/* Normalise this up-vector. */
+ l = sqrt( (*ux)*(*ux) + (*uy)*(*uy) );
+ if( l <= 0.0 ) {
+ *ux = 0.0;
+ *uy = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ *ux /= l;
+ *uy /= l;
+ }
+/* Find the height in "standard" coordinates of "normal" text draw with the
+ requested up-vector. */
+ GQch( this, &chv, &chh, method, class, status );
+ a = (*ux)/(chv*alpha);
+ b = (*uy)/(chh*beta);
+ nl = 1.0/sqrt( a*a + b*b );
+/* Scale the up-vector so that is has length equal to the height of "normal"
+ text with the specified up-vector. */
+ *ux *= nl;
+ *uy *= nl;
+/* Get the vector along the base-line of the text, by rotating the
+ up-vector by 90 degrees clockwise. */
+ *rx = *uy;
+ *ry = -*ux;
+/* Convert both vectors back from standard coords to normal world coords */
+ *ux /= alpha;
+ *uy /= beta;
+ *rx /= alpha;
+ *ry /= beta;
+static void SaveTick( AstPlot *this, int axis, double gx, double gy,
+ int major, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* SaveTick
+* Purpose:
+* Save info about a drawn tick in the Plot structure.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void SaveTick( AstPlot *this, int axis, double gx, double gy,
+* int major, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function stores the start position and type of each drawn
+* tick in the given Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* axis
+* The zero-based axis index to which the tick refers. If a
+* negative value is specified then all information about drawn ticks
+* curently stored in the Plot is erased.
+* gx
+* The graphics X position at the start of the tick mark.
+* gy
+* The graphics Y position at the start of the tick mark.
+* major
+* Non-zero if the tick mark is a major tick.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int i;
+ int *count;
+ double *tickgx;
+ double *tickgy;
+/* Free the tick info in the supplied Plot if required. Do this before
+ checking the error status. */
+ if( axis < 0 ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ this->majtickgx[ i ] = astFree( this->majtickgx[ i ] );
+ this->majtickgy[ i ] = astFree( this->majtickgy[ i ] );
+ this->mintickgx[ i ] = astFree( this->mintickgx[ i ] );
+ this->mintickgy[ i ] = astFree( this->mintickgy[ i ] );
+ this->mintickcount[ i ] = 0;
+ this->majtickcount[ i ] = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get pointers to the arrays to use, and ensure the arrays are big
+ enough to hold the new tick. */
+ if( major ) {
+ count = this->majtickcount + axis;
+ tickgx = this->majtickgx[ axis ];
+ tickgy = this->majtickgy[ axis ];
+ } else {
+ count = this->mintickcount + axis;
+ tickgx = this->mintickgx[ axis ];
+ tickgy = this->mintickgy[ axis ];
+ }
+/* Ensure the arrays are big enough to hold the new tick. */
+ i = *count;
+ tickgx = astGrow( tickgx, i + 1, sizeof( double ) );
+ tickgy = astGrow( tickgy, i + 1, sizeof( double ) );
+/* If memory was allocated succesfully, store the new tick information in
+ the expanded arrays. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+ tickgx[ i ] = gx;
+ tickgy[ i ] = gy;
+ *count = i + 1;
+/* Store the potentially updated array pointers. */
+ if( major ) {
+ this->majtickgx[ axis ] = tickgx;
+ this->majtickgy[ axis ] = tickgy;
+ } else {
+ this->mintickgx[ axis ] = tickgx;
+ this->mintickgy[ axis ] = tickgy;
+ }
+ }
+static void SetAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *setting, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* SetAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Set an attribute value for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void SetAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *setting, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the astSetAttrib protected
+* method inherited from the FrameSet class).
+* Description:
+* This function assigns an attribute value for a Plot, the
+* attribute and its value being specified by means of a string of
+* the form:
+* "attribute= value "
+* Here, "attribute" specifies the attribute name and should be in
+* lower case with no white space present. The value to the right
+* of the "=" should be a suitable textual representation of the
+* value to be assigned and this will be interpreted according to
+* the attribute's data type. White space surrounding the value is
+* only significant for string attributes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* setting
+* Pointer to a null terminated string specifying the new attribute
+* value.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to the Plot structure */
+ char label[21]; /* Graphics item label */
+ const char *class; /* Pointer to class string */
+ double dval; /* Double attribute value */
+ int axis; /* Index for the axis */
+ int edge; /* Index of edge within list */
+ int id1; /* Plot object id */
+ int id2; /* Plot object id */
+ int id; /* Plot object id */
+ int ival; /* Int attribute value */
+ int len; /* Length of setting string */
+ int nax; /* Number of graphics frame axes */
+ int nc; /* Number of characters read by astSscanf */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_object;
+/* Get the number of base Frame axis (2 for a Plot, 3 for a Plot3D). */
+ nax = astGetNin( this );
+/* Obtain the length of the setting string. */
+ len = (int) strlen( setting );
+/* Test for each recognised attribute in turn, using "astSscanf" to parse
+ the setting string and extract the attribute value (or an offset to
+ it in the case of string values). In each case, use the value set
+ in "nc" to check that the entire string was matched. Once a value
+ has been obtained, use the appropriate method to set it. */
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+ if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "tol= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetTol( this, dval );
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "grid= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetGrid( this, ival );
+/* TickAll. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "tickall= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetTickAll( this, ival );
+/* ForceExterior */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "forceexterior= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetForceExterior( this, ival );
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "invisible= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetInvisible( this, ival );
+/* Border. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "border= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetBorder( this, ival );
+/* ClipOp. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "clipop= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetClipOp( this, ival );
+/* Clip. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "clip= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetClip( this, ival );
+/* Grf. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "grf= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetGrf( this, ival );
+/* DrawTitle. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "drawtitle= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetDrawTitle( this, ival );
+/* DrawAxes. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "drawaxes= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetDrawAxes( this, axis, ival );
+/* DrawAxes(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "drawaxes(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetDrawAxes( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* Abbrev. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "abbrev= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetAbbrev( this, axis, ival );
+/* Abbrev(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "abbrev(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetAbbrev( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "escape= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetEscape( this, ival );
+/* Edge(axis). */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "edge(%d)= %n%*s %n", &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ edge = FullForm( "left right top bottom", setting + ival, setting,
+ "astSet", astGetClass( this ), status );
+ if( edge == 0 ) {
+ astSetEdge( this, axis - 1, LEFT );
+ } else if( edge == 1 ) {
+ astSetEdge( this, axis - 1, RIGHT );
+ } else if( edge == 2 ) {
+ astSetEdge( this, axis - 1, TOP );
+ } else if( edge == 3 ) {
+ astSetEdge( this, axis - 1, BOTTOM );
+ }
+/* LabelAt (axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "labelat(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLabelAt( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* Centre(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "centre(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetCentre( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* Gap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "gap= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetGap( this, axis, dval );
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "gap(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetGap( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* LogGap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "loggap= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetLogGap( this, axis, dval );
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "loggap(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLogGap( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* NumLabGap. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "numlabgap= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetNumLabGap( this, axis, dval );
+/* NumLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "numlabgap(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetNumLabGap( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* TextLabGap. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "textlabgap= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetTextLabGap( this, axis, dval );
+/* TextLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "textlabgap(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetTextLabGap( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* LabelUp. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "labelup= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetLabelUp( this, axis, ival );
+/* LabelUp(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "labelup(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLabelUp( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* LogPlot. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "logplot= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetLogPlot( this, axis, ival );
+/* LogPlot(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "logplot(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLogPlot( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* LogTicks. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "logticks= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetLogTicks( this, axis, ival );
+/* LogTicks(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "logticks(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLogTicks( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* LogLabel. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "loglabel= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetLogLabel( this, axis, ival );
+/* LogLabel(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "loglabel(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLogLabel( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* NumLab. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "numlab= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetNumLab( this, axis, ival );
+/* NumLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "numlab(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetNumLab( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* MinTick. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "mintick= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetMinTick( this, axis, ival );
+/* MinTick(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "mintick(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetMinTick( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* TextLab. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "textlab= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetTextLab( this, axis, ival );
+/* TextLab(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "textlab(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetTextLab( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* LabelUnits. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "labelunits= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetLabelUnits( this, axis, ival );
+/* LabelUnits(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "labelunits(%d)= %d %n",
+ &axis, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLabelUnits( this, axis - 1, ival );
+/* Style. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "style= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astSetStyle( this, id, ival );
+/* Style(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "style(%20[^()])= %d %n",
+ label, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, "Style", "astSet", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astSetStyle( this, id1, ival );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astSetStyle( this, id2, ival );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astSetStyle( this, id3, ival );
+/* Font. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "font= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astSetFont( this, id, ival );
+/* Font(label). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "font(%20[^()])= %d %n",
+ label, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, "Font", "astSet", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astSetFont( this, id1, ival );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astSetFont( this, id2, ival );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astSetFont( this, id3, ival );
+/* Colour. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "colour= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astSetColour( this, id, ival );
+/* Colour(label). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "colour(%20[^()])= %d %n",
+ label, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, "Colour", "astSet", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astSetColour( this, id1, ival );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astSetColour( this, id2, ival );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astSetColour( this, id3, ival );
+/* Color. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "color= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astSetColour( this, id, ival );
+/* Color(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "color(%20[^()])= %d %n",
+ label, &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, "Color", "astSet", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astSetColour( this, id1, ival );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astSetColour( this, id2, ival );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astSetColour( this, id3, ival );
+/* Width. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "width= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astSetWidth( this, id, dval );
+/* Width(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "width(%20[^()])= %lg %n",
+ label, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, "Width", "astSet", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astSetWidth( this, id1, dval );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astSetWidth( this, id2, dval );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astSetWidth( this, id3, dval );
+/* Size. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "size= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ) astSetSize( this, id, dval );
+/* Size(label). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "size(%20[^()])= %lg %n",
+ label, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ class = astGetClass( this );
+ nid = IdFind( FullForm( GrfLabels, label, "Size", "astSet", class, status ),
+ nax, &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ astSetSize( this, id1, dval );
+ if( nid > 1 ) astSetSize( this, id2, dval );
+ if( nid > 2 ) astSetSize( this, id3, dval );
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "titlegap= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetTitleGap( this, dval );
+/* MajTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "majticklen= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetMajTickLen( this, axis, dval );
+/* MajTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "majticklen(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetMajTickLen( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* MinTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "minticklen= %lg %n", &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ) astSetMinTickLen( this, axis, dval );
+/* MinTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 2 == astSscanf( setting, "minticklen(%d)= %lg %n",
+ &axis, &dval, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetMinTickLen( this, axis - 1, dval );
+/* Labelling. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 0 == astSscanf( setting, "labelling= %n%*s %n", &ival, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLabelling( this, FullForm( "exterior interior",
+ setting + ival, setting,
+ "astSet", astGetClass( this ), status )
+ );
+/* If the attribute is still not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ (*parent_setattrib)( this_object, setting, status );
+ }
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef MATCH
+static void SetLogPlot( AstPlot *this, int axis, int ival, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* SetLogPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Set a new value for a LogPlot attribute
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void SetLogPlot( AstPlot *this, int axis, int ival, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function
+* Description:
+* Assigns a new value to the LogPlot attribute of the specified axis,
+* and also re-maps the base Frame of the Plot if necessary.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* axis
+* Zero based axis index.
+* ival
+* The new value for the ogPlot attribute.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int oldval; /* Original attribute value */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Validate the axis index. */
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= 2 ){
+ astError( AST__AXIIN, "astSetLogPlot(%s): Index (%d) is invalid for "
+ "attribute LogPlot - it should be in the range 1 to 2.", status,
+ astGetClass( this ), axis + 1 );
+/* If the axis index is OK, store the original attribute value. We use
+ astGetLogPlot to get the value rather than directly accessing
+ "this->logplot" in order to get the any default value in the case of
+ no value having been set. */
+ } else {
+ oldval = astGetLogPlot( this, axis );
+/* If the current attribute value will change, attempt to re-map the plot
+ axis. If the attempt succeeds, toggle the current attribute value. */
+ if( ( ival != 0 ) != ( oldval != 0 ) ){
+ if( ToggleLogLin( this, axis, oldval, "astSetLogPlot", status ) ){
+ this->logplot[ axis ] = ( !oldval );
+ }
+/* If the current attribute value will not change, just store the supplied
+ value (this is not redundant because it may cause a previously defaulted
+ value to become an explicitly set value ). */
+ } else {
+ this->logplot[ axis ] = oldval;
+ }
+ }
+static void SetTickValues( AstPlot *this, int axis, int nmajor, double *major,
+ int nminor, double *minor, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astSetTickValues
+* Purpose:
+* Store the tick mark values to use for a given Plot axis.
+* Type:
+* Protected virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void astSetTickValues( AstPlot *this, int axis, int nmajor,
+* double *major, int nminor, double *minor )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function stores a set of tick mark values that should be used by
+* subsequent calls to astGrid.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to a Plot.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of the axis for which tick marks values
+* have been supplied.
+* nmajor
+* The number of major tick mark values. If zero is supplied then
+* the other parameters are ignored, and subsequent calls to
+* astGrid will itself determine the tick values to be used.
+* major
+* Pointer to an array holding "nmajor" values for axis "axis" in
+* the current Frame of the suppled Plot. Major tick marks will be
+* drawn at these values.
+* nminor
+* The number of minor tick mark values.
+* minor
+* Pointer to an array holding "nminor" values for axis "axis" in
+* the current Frame of the suppled Plot. Minor tick marks will be
+* drawn at these values.
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Report an error if the supplied axis value is incorrect. */
+ if( axis < 0 || axis >= astGetNin( this ) ) {
+ astError( AST__INTER, "astSetTickValues(Plot): Supplied \"axis\" "
+ "value is %d - should in the range 0 to %d (internal AST "
+ "programming error).", status, axis, astGetNin( this ) - 1 );
+/* Otherwise store or clear the values. */
+ } else if( nmajor > 0 ){
+ this->nmajtickval[ axis ] = nmajor;
+ this->majtickval[ axis ] = astStore( this->majtickval[ axis ], major,
+ sizeof( double )*nmajor );
+ this->nmintickval[ axis ] = nminor;
+ this->mintickval[ axis ] = astStore( this->mintickval[ axis ], minor,
+ sizeof( double )*nminor );
+/* Sort them into increasing order. */
+ qsort( (void *) this->majtickval[ axis ], (size_t) nmajor,
+ sizeof(double), Compared );
+ qsort( (void *) this->mintickval[ axis ], (size_t) nminor,
+ sizeof(double), Compared );
+ } else {
+ this->nmajtickval[ axis ] = 0;
+ this->majtickval[ axis ] = astFree( this->majtickval[ axis ] );
+ this->nmintickval[ axis ] = 0;
+ this->mintickval[ axis ] = astFree( this->mintickval[ axis ] );
+ }
+const char *astStripEscapes_( const char *text, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+c astStripEscapes
+* Purpose:
+* Remove AST escape sequences from a string.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c const char *astStripEscapes( const char *text )
+* Description:
+* This function removes AST escape sequences from a supplied string,
+* returning the resulting text as the function value. The behaviour
+* of this function can be controlled by invoking the
+c astEscapes function,
+f AST_ESCAPES routine,
+* which can be used to supress or enable the removal of escape
+* sequences by this function.
+* AST escape sequences are used by the Plot class to modify the
+* appearance and position of sub-strings within a plotted text string.
+* See the "Escape" attribute for further information.
+* Parameters:
+c text
+c Pointer to the string to be checked.
+f The string to be checked.
+* Returned Value:
+c astStripEscapes()
+c Pointer to the modified string. If no escape sequences were found
+c in the supplied string, then a copy of the supplied pointer is
+c returned. Otherwise, the pointer will point to a static buffer
+c holding the modified text. This text will be over-written by
+c subsequent invocations of this function. If the astEscapes function
+f The modified string. If the AST_ESCAPES routine
+* has been called indicating that escape sequences should not be
+* stripped, then the supplied string is returned without change.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *a;
+ char *b;
+ int nc;
+ int ncc;
+ int type;
+ int value;
+ const char *result;
+/* Initialise */
+ result= text;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check inherited status and supplied pointer. Also return if the
+ string contains no escape sequences or if stripping of escapes has
+ been supressed. */
+ if( !astOK || astEscapes( -1 ) || !text || !HasEscapes( text, status ) ) return result;
+/* Initialise a pointer to the next character to be read from the
+ supplied string. */
+ a = text;
+/* Initialise a pointer to the next character to be written to the
+ returned string. */
+ b = stripescapes_buff;
+/* Note the available space left in the buffer. */
+/* Loop until all the string has been read, or the buffer is full. */
+ while( *a && ncc > 0 ){
+/* If the remaining string starts with an escape sequence, increment the
+ read point by the length of the escape sequence, but leave the write
+ pointer where it is. */
+ if( astFindEscape( a, &type, &value, &nc ) ) {
+ a += nc;
+/* If the remaining string does not start with an escape sequence, copy
+ the following text from the read position to the write position. */
+ } else {
+ if( nc > ncc ) nc = ncc;
+ memcpy( b, a, sizeof( char )*nc );
+ a += nc;
+ b += nc;
+ ncc -= nc;
+ }
+ }
+/* Terminate the returned string. */
+ *b = 0;
+/* Return the result.*/
+ return stripescapes_buff;
+static int swapEdges( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, AstPlotCurveData **cdata, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* swapEdges
+* Purpose:
+* Determine if edges for text labels should be swapped.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int swapEdges( AstPlot *this, TickInfo **grid, AstPlotCurveData **cdata, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
+* or not it is necessary to swap the Edges(0) and Edges(1) attributes
+* in order to place textual labels on appropriate edges. This should
+* only be used if the attributes have not explicitly been set, and if
+* interior labelling is being used. The sides are determines by
+* looking at the bounding box of tick marks on axis 0, in graphics
+* coordinates. The returned value causes the label for axis 0 to be
+* placed on the edge parallel to the longest side of this bounding box.
+* The label for axis 1 is placed parallel to the shortest side of this
+* bounding box.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* grid
+* A pointer to an array of two TickInfo pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to a TickInfo structure holding information about
+* tick marks on the axis. See function GridLines.
+* cdata
+* A pointer to an array of two AstPlotCurveData pointers (one for each axis),
+* each pointing to an array of AstPlotCurveData structure (one for each
+* major tick value on the axis), holding information about breaks
+* in the curves drawn to mark the major tick values. See function
+* DrawGrid.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One if the edges should be swapped, otherwise zero.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlotCurveData *cdt; /* Pointer to the AstPlotCurveData for the next tick */
+ TickInfo *info; /* Pointer to the TickInfo for the current axis */
+ float xmax; /* Max graphics X value */
+ float xmin; /* Min graphics X value */
+ float ymax; /* Max graphics Y value */
+ float ymin; /* Min graphics Y value */
+ int oldedge; /* The original edge for axis 0 */
+ int result; /* Swap edges? */
+ int tick; /* Tick index */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing the
+ positions of the major tick marks along axis 0. */
+ info = grid[ 0 ];
+/* Get a pointer to the structure containing information describing
+ the breaks in the curve which is parallel to axis 1 and passes
+ through the first major tick mark on axis 0. */
+ cdt = cdata[ 0 ];
+/* Initialise the graphiocs X and Y bounds of the area covered by the
+ axis. */
+ xmax = -1.0E10;
+ xmin = 1.0E10;
+ ymax = -1.0E10;
+ ymin = 1.0E10;
+/* Loop round each of the major tick marks on axis 0. */
+ for( tick = 0; cdt && info && tick < info->nmajor; tick++ ){
+/* Update the max and min graphics X and Y coords covered by the axis. */
+ if( cdt->nbrk > 0 ) {
+ xmax = astMAX( xmax, cdt->xbrk[0] );
+ xmin = astMIN( xmin, cdt->xbrk[0] );
+ ymax = astMAX( ymax, cdt->ybrk[0] );
+ ymin = astMIN( ymin, cdt->ybrk[0] );
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the curve through the next major tick mark. */
+ cdt++;
+ }
+/* See which edge axis 0 would normally be labelled on. */
+ oldedge = astGetEdge( this, 0 );
+/* If the X range is larger than the Y range, the textual label should be
+ placed on the bottom edge. If required, indicate that the edges must
+ be swapped to achieve this. */
+ if( xmax - xmin > ymax - ymin ) {
+ if( oldedge == 0 || oldedge == 2 ) result = 1;
+/* If the X range is smaller than the Y range, the textual label should be
+ placed on the left edge. If required, indicate that the edges must
+ be swapped to achieve this. */
+ } else {
+ if( oldedge == 1 || oldedge == 3 ) result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int TestAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Test if a specified attribute value is set for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TestAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the astTestAttrib protected
+* method inherited from the FrameSet class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
+* a value has been set for one of a Plot's attributes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* attrib
+* Pointer to a null terminated string specifying the attribute
+* name. This should be in lower case with no surrounding white
+* space.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One if a value has been set, otherwise zero.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to the Plot structure */
+ char label[21]; /* Graphics item label */
+ int axis; /* Axis number */
+ int len; /* Length of attrib string */
+ int nax; /* Number of base Frame axes */
+ int nc; /* No. characters read by astSscanf */
+ int result; /* Result value to return */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_object;
+/* Get the number of base Frame axis (2 for a Plot, 3 for a Plot3D). */
+ nax = astGetNin( this );
+/* Obtain the length of the attrib string. */
+ len = strlen( attrib );
+/* Check the attribute name and test the appropriate attribute. */
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+ if ( !strcmp( attrib, "tol" ) ) {
+ result = astTestTol( this );
+/* Edge(axis). */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "edge(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestEdge( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "grid" ) ) {
+ result = astTestGrid( this );
+/* TickAll. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "tickall" ) ) {
+ result = astTestTickAll( this );
+/* ForceExterior */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "forceexterior" ) ) {
+ result = astTestForceExterior( this );
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "invisible" ) ) {
+ result = astTestInvisible( this );
+/* Border. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "border" ) ) {
+ result = astTestBorder( this );
+/* ClipOp. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "clipop" ) ) {
+ result = astTestClipOp( this );
+/* Clip. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "clip" ) ) {
+ result = astTestClip( this );
+/* Grf. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "grf" ) ) {
+ result = astTestGrf( this );
+/* DrawTitle. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "drawtitle" ) ) {
+ result = astTestDrawTitle( this );
+/* DrawAxes. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "drawaxes" ) ) {
+ result = astTestDrawAxes( this, 0 );
+/* DrawAxes(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "drawaxes(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestDrawAxes( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Abbrev. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "abbrev" ) ) {
+ result = astTestAbbrev( this, 0 );
+/* Abbrev(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "abbrev(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestAbbrev( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "escape" ) ) {
+ result = astTestEscape( this );
+/* Gap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "gap" ) ) {
+ result = astTestGap( this, 0 );
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "gap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LabelAt(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelat(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLabelAt( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogGap. */
+/* ---- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "loggap" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogGap( this, 0 );
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "loggap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* NumLabGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "numlabgap" ) ) {
+ result = astTestNumLabGap( this, 0 );
+/* NumLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "numlabgap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestNumLabGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* TextLabGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "textlabgap" ) ) {
+ result = astTestTextLabGap( this, 0 );
+/* TextLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "textlabgap(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestTextLabGap( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LabelUp. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelup" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLabelUp( this, 0 );
+/* LabelUp(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelup(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLabelUp( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogPlot. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "logplot" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogPlot( this, 0 );
+/* LogPlot(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "logplot(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogPlot( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogTicks. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "logticks" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogTicks( this, 0 );
+/* LogTicks(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "logticks(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogTicks( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LogLabel. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "loglabel" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogLabel( this, 0 );
+/* LogLabel(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "loglabel(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLogLabel( this, axis - 1 );
+/* NumLab. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "numlab" ) ) {
+ result = astTestNumLab( this, 0 );
+/* NumLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "numlab(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestNumLab( this, axis - 1 );
+/* MinTick. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "mintick" ) ) {
+ result = astTestMinTick( this, 0 );
+/* MinTick(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "mintick(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestMinTick( this, axis - 1 );
+/* TextLab. */
+/* ---------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "textlab" ) ) {
+ result = astTestTextLab( this, 0 );
+/* TextLab(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "textlab(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestTextLab( this, axis - 1 );
+/* LabelUnits. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelunits" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLabelUnits( this, 0 );
+/* LabelUnits(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "labelunits(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestLabelUnits( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Style. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "style" ) ) {
+ result = TestUseStyle( this, AST__BORDER_ID, status );
+/* Style(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "style(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = TestUseStyle( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astTest", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+/* Font. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "font" ) ) {
+ result = TestUseFont( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+/* Font(label). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "font(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = TestUseFont( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astTest", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+/* Colour. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "colour" ) ) {
+ result = TestUseColour( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+/* Color. */
+/* ------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "color" ) ) {
+ result = TestUseColour( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+/* Colour(label). */
+/* -------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "colour(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = TestUseColour( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astTest", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+/* Color(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "color(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = TestUseColour( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astTest", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+/* Width. */
+/* ------ */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "width" ) ) {
+ result = TestUseWidth( this, AST__BORDER_ID, status );
+/* Width(label). */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "width(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = TestUseWidth( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astTest", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+/* Size. */
+/* ----- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "size" ) ) {
+ result = TestUseSize( this, AST__TEXTLABS_ID, status );
+/* Size(label). */
+/* ------------ */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "size(%20[^()])%n", label, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = TestUseSize( this, FullForm( GrfLabels, label, attrib, "astTest", astGetClass( this ), status ), status );
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "titlegap" ) ) {
+ result = astTestTitleGap( this );
+/* MajTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "majticklen" ) ) {
+ result = astTestMajTickLen( this, 0 );
+/* MajTickLen(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "majticklen(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestMajTickLen( this, axis - 1 );
+/* MinTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "minticklen" ) ) {
+ result = astTestMinTickLen( this, 0 );
+/* MinTickLen(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( attrib, "minticklen(%d)%n", &axis, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ result = astTestMinTickLen( this, axis - 1 );
+/* Labelling. */
+/* -------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "labelling" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLabelling( this );
+/* If the attribute is still not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ result = (*parent_testattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
+ }
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+static void Text( AstPlot *this, const char *text, const double pos[],
+ const float up[], const char *just, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astText
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a text string for a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c void astText( AstPlot *this, const char *text, const double pos[],
+c const float up[], const char *just )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot method.
+* Description:
+* This function draws a string of text at a position specified in
+* the physical coordinate system of a Plot. The physical position
+* is transformed into graphical coordinates to determine where the
+* text should appear within the plotting area.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+c text
+f TEXT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated character string containing the
+f A character string containing the
+* text to be drawn. Trailing white space is ignored.
+c pos
+f POS( * ) = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given)
+* An array, with one element for each axis of the Plot, giving
+* the physical coordinates of the point where the reference
+* position of the text string is to be placed.
+c up
+f UP( * ) = REAL (Given)
+* An array holding the components of a vector in the "up"
+* direction of the text (in graphical coordinates). For
+c example, to get horizontal text, the vector {0.0f,1.0f} should
+f example, to get horizontal text, the vector [0.0,1.0] should
+* be supplied. For a basic Plot, 2 values should be supplied. For
+* a Plot3D, 3 values should be supplied, and the actual up vector
+* used is the projection of the supplied up vector onto the text plane
+* specified by the current value of the Plot3D's Norm attribute.
+c just
+f JUST = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated character string identifying the
+f A character string identifying the
+* reference point for the text being drawn. The first character in
+* this string identifies the reference position in the "up" direction
+* and may be "B" (baseline), "C" (centre), "T" (top) or "M" (bottom).
+* The second character identifies the side-to-side reference position
+* and may be "L" (left), "C" (centre) or "R" (right ). The string is
+* case-insensitive, and only the first two characters are significant.
+* For example, a value of "BL" means that the left end of the
+* baseline of the original (un-rotated) text is to be drawn at the
+c position given by "pos".
+f position given by POS.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - The Plot3D class currently does not interpret graphical escape
+* sequences contained within text displayed using this method.
+* - Text is not drawn at positions which have any coordinate equal
+* to the value AST__BAD (or where the transformation into
+* graphical coordinates yields coordinates containing the value
+* AST__BAD).
+c - If the plotting position is clipped (see astClip), then no
+f - If the plotting position is clipped (see AST_CLIP), then no
+* text is drawn.
+* - An error results if the base Frame of the Plot is not
+* 2-dimensional or (for a Plot3D) 3-dimensional.
+* - An error also results if the transformation between the
+* current and base Frames of the Plot is not defined (i.e. the
+* Plot's TranInverse attribute is zero).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstMapping *mapping; /* Pointer to graphics->physical mapping */
+ AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding physical positions */
+ AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding graphics positions */
+ const char *class; /* Object class */
+ const char *method; /* Current method */
+ const double **ptr1; /* Pointer to physical positions */
+ char ljust[3]; /* Upper case copy of "just" */
+ char *ltext; /* Local copy of "text" excluding trailing spaces */
+ double **ptr2; /* Pointer to graphics positions */
+ float xbn[ 4 ]; /* X coords of text bounding box. */
+ float ybn[ 4 ]; /* Y coord of text bounding box. */
+ int axis; /* Axis index */
+ int escs; /* Original astEscapes value */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in the base Frame */
+ int ncoord; /* No. of axes in the current Frame */
+ int ulen; /* Length of "text" excluding trailing spaces */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK || !text ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Store the current method and class for inclusion in error messages
+ generated by lower level functions. */
+ method = "astText";
+ class = astClass( this );
+/* Check the base Frame of the Plot is 2-D. */
+ naxes = astGetNin( this );
+ if( naxes != 2 && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "%s(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the base "
+ "Frame of the supplied %s is invalid - this number should "
+ "be 2.", status, method, class, naxes, class );
+ }
+/* Ensure AST functions included graphical escape sequences in any
+ returned text strings. */
+ escs = astEscapes( 1 );
+/* Initialise the bounding box for primatives produced by this call. */
+ if( !Boxp_freeze ) {
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+/* Indicate that the GRF module should re-calculate it's cached values
+ (in case the state of the graphics system has changed since the last
+ thing was drawn). */
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__TEXT_ID, 1, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Get the number of coordinates in the physical coordinate frame. */
+ ncoord = astGetNout( this );
+/* Create a PointSet to hold the supplied physical coordinates. */
+ pset1 = astPointSet( 1, ncoord, "", status );
+/* Allocate memory to hold pointers to the first value on each axis. */
+ ptr1 = (const double **) astMalloc( sizeof( const double * )*
+ (size_t)( ncoord ));
+/* Check the pointer can be used, then store pointers to the first value
+ on each axis. */
+ if( astOK ){
+ for( axis = 0; axis < ncoord; axis++ ){
+ ptr1[ axis ] = pos + axis;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store these pointers in the PointSet. */
+ astSetPoints( pset1, (double **) ptr1 );
+/* Transform the supplied data from the current frame (i.e. physical
+ coordinates) to the base frame (i.e. graphics coordinates) using
+ the inverse Mapping defined by the Plot. */
+ mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+ pset2 = Trans( this, NULL, mapping, pset1, 0, NULL, 0, method, class, status );
+ mapping = astAnnul( mapping );
+/* Get pointers to the graphics coordinates. */
+ ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
+/* Take a copy of the string excluding any trailing white space. */
+ ulen = ChrLen( text, status );
+ ltext = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) text, ulen + 1 );
+/* Check the pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Terminate the local copy of the text string. */
+ ltext[ ulen ] = 0;
+/* Produce an upper-case copy of the first two characters in "just". */
+ ljust[0] = (char) toupper( (int) just[0] );
+ ljust[1] = (char) toupper( (int) just[1] );
+ ljust[2] = 0;
+/* Convert the double precision values to single precision, checking for
+ bad positions. */
+ if( ptr2[0][0] != AST__BAD && ptr2[1][0] != AST__BAD ){
+/* Draw the text string. */
+ DrawText( this, 1, astGetEscape( this ), ltext, (float) ptr2[0][0],
+ (float) ptr2[1][0], ljust, up[ 0 ], up[ 1 ], xbn, ybn,
+ NULL, method, class, status );
+ }
+/* Free the local copy of the string. */
+ ltext = (char *) astFree( (void *) ltext );
+ }
+/* Annul the PointSets. */
+ pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+/* Free the memory holding the pointers to the first value on each axis. */
+ ptr1 = (const double **) astFree( (void *) ptr1 );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__TEXT_ID, 0, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Restore the original value of the flag which says whether graphical
+ escape sequences should be incldued in any returned text strings. */
+ astEscapes( escs );
+/* Return */
+ return;
+static void TextLabels( AstPlot *this, int edgeticks, int dounits[2],
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* TextLabels
+* Purpose:
+* Draw textual labels round a grid.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void TextLabels( AstPlot *this, int edgeticks, int dounits[2],
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function displays a textual label for each physical axis, and a
+* title. The text strings are obtained from the Label and Title
+* attributes of the current Frame in the Plot.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* edgeticks
+* If tick marks and numerical labels were drawn around the edges
+* of the plotting area, this should be supplied as 1. Otherwise it
+* should be supplied as zero.
+* dounits
+* Flags indicating if the axis Units string should be included in
+* the edge labels.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ char *new_text; /* Pointer to complete text string (inc. units) */
+ char *just; /* Pointer to axis label justification string */
+ const char *text; /* Pointer to text string to be displayed */
+ const char *units; /* Pointer to text string describing the units */
+ double mindim; /* Minimum dimension of plotting area */
+ double xrange; /* Width of plotting area */
+ double yrange; /* Height of plotting area */
+ float txtgap; /* Gap between bounding box and text string */
+ float upx; /* X component of text up-vector */
+ float upy; /* Y component of text up-vector */
+ float xbn[ 4 ]; /* X coords at corners of new label's bounding box */
+ float ybn[ 4 ]; /* Y coords at corners of new label's bounding box */
+ float xref; /* Graphics X coord. at text ref. position */
+ float yref; /* Graphics Y coord. at text ref. position */
+ float xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi;/* The original bounding box (excluding labels) */
+ int axis; /* Axis index */
+ int draw; /* Should label be drawn? */
+ int edge; /* Edge to be labelled */
+ int esc; /* Interpret escape sequences? */
+ int gelid; /* ID for next graphical element to be drawn */
+ int tlen; /* No. of characetsr in label */
+ int ulen; /* No. of characetsr in units */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this);
+/* Get the minimum dimension of the plotting area. */
+ xrange = this->xhi - this->xlo;
+ yrange = this->yhi - this->ylo;
+ mindim = astMIN( xrange, yrange );
+/* Take a copy of the bounding box which encloses all other parts of the
+ annotated grid. If nothing has been plotted, use an area 20 % smaller
+ than the plotting area. */
+ if( Box_lbnd[ 0 ] != FLT_MAX ) {
+ xlo = Box_lbnd[ 0 ];
+ xhi = Box_ubnd[ 0 ];
+ ylo = Box_lbnd[ 1 ];
+ yhi = Box_ubnd[ 1 ];
+ } else {
+ xlo = this->xlo + 0.2*xrange;
+ xhi = this->xhi - 0.2*xrange;
+ ylo = this->ylo + 0.2*yrange;
+ yhi = this->yhi - 0.2*yrange;
+ }
+/* See if escape sequences are to be interpreted within the labels. */
+ esc = astGetEscape( this );
+/* Initialize the id value for graphical element being drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__TEXTLAB1_ID;
+/* Now write a label for each physical axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 2 && astOK; axis++ ){
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 1, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* See if the label is to be drawn. If an explicit value has not been set
+ for the TextLab attribute, the default is to draw the label if tick
+ marks were draw round the edge of the plotting area, and not to
+ otherwise. */
+ if( astTestTextLab( this, axis ) ){
+ draw = astGetTextLab( this, axis );
+ } else {
+ draw = edgeticks;
+ }
+/* If so get the label. */
+ if( draw ){
+ text = astGetLabel( this, axis );
+ tlen = ChrLen( text, status );
+/* If required, get the units string and concatenate it with the label (inside
+ parenthesise). Ignore trailing spaces. */
+ if( dounits[ axis ] ){
+ units = astGetUnit( this, axis );
+ if( units && units[0] ){
+ ulen = ChrLen( units, status );
+ new_text = astMalloc( tlen + ulen + 4 );
+ if( new_text ) memcpy( new_text, text, tlen );
+ text = new_text + tlen;
+ memcpy( (void *) text, " (", 2 );
+ text += 2;
+ memcpy( (char *) text, units, ulen );
+ text += ulen;
+ memcpy( (char *) text, ")", 1 );
+ text += 1;
+ ( (char *) text )[0] = 0;
+ text = new_text;
+ } else {
+ new_text = astStore( NULL, (void *) text, tlen + 1 );
+ new_text[ tlen ] = 0;
+ text = new_text;
+ units = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ new_text = astStore( NULL, (void *) text, tlen + 1 );
+ new_text[ tlen ] = 0;
+ text = new_text;
+ units = NULL;
+ }
+/* Get the gap between the edge of the bounding box and the closest edge
+ of the text string. */
+ txtgap = (float)( mindim*astGetTextLabGap( this, axis ) );
+/* Get the edge to be labelled. Edge 0 is the left hand edge. Edge 1 is the
+ top edge. Edge 2 is the right-hand edge. Edge 3 is the bottom edge. */
+ edge = astGetEdge( this, axis ) % 4;
+ if( edge < 0 ) edge = -edge;
+/* If the label is to be put on the left hand edge... */
+ if( edge == 0 ){
+/* Set the up vector so that the text is written from bottom to top. */
+ upx = -1.0;
+ upy = 0.0;
+/* Justify the bottom of the whole bounding box (not just the text
+ base-line). */
+ just = "MC";
+/* Set the x reference position just outside the box enclosing all the
+ graphics drawn so far. The reference point refers to the centre of the
+ text string in both directions ("CC" justification). Take account of
+ whether or not the x axis is reversed. Do not allow the text to be
+ written outside the whole plotting surface. */
+ if( this->xrev ){
+ xref = xhi + txtgap;
+ } else {
+ xref = xlo - txtgap;
+ }
+/* The Y reference position is at the mid point vertically. */
+ yref = 0.5*( astMIN( yhi, this->yhi ) +
+ astMAX( ylo, this->ylo ) );
+/* Do the same for the top edge. */
+ } else if( edge == 1 ){
+ upx = 0.0;
+ upy = 1.0;
+ just = "MC";
+ if( this->yrev ){
+ yref = ylo - txtgap;
+ } else {
+ yref = yhi + txtgap;
+ }
+ xref = 0.5*( astMIN( xhi, this->xhi ) +
+ astMAX( xlo, this->xlo ) );
+/* Do the same for the right-hand edge. */
+ } else if( edge == 2 ){
+ upx = 1.0;
+ upy = 0.0;
+ just = "MC";
+ if( this->xrev ){
+ xref = xlo - txtgap;
+ } else {
+ xref = xhi + txtgap;
+ }
+ yref = 0.5*( astMIN( yhi, this->yhi ) +
+ astMAX( ylo, this->ylo ) );
+/* Do the same for the bottom edge. */
+ } else {
+ upx = 0.0;
+ upy = 1.0;
+ just = "TC";
+ if( this->yrev ){
+ yref = yhi + txtgap;
+ } else {
+ yref = ylo - txtgap;
+ }
+ xref = 0.5*( astMIN( xhi, this->xhi ) +
+ astMAX( xlo, this->xlo ) );
+ }
+/* Display the label. */
+ DrawText( this, 1, esc, text, xref, yref, just,
+ upx, upy, xbn, ybn, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Release the memory allocated to store the axis label;. */
+ new_text = (char *) astFree( (void *) new_text );
+ text = NULL;
+ }
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, gelid, 0, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Set up the id for the next graphical element to be drawn. */
+ gelid = AST__TEXTLAB2_ID;
+ }
+/* See if the title is to be drawn. */
+ if( astOK && astGetDrawTitle( this ) ){
+/* If so get the title. */
+ text = astGetTitle( this );
+/* Create a copy from which trailing spaces have been removed. */
+ tlen = ChrLen( text, status );
+ new_text = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) text, tlen + 1 );
+ new_text[ tlen ] = 0;
+ text = new_text;
+/* Establish the correct graphical attributes as defined by attributes
+ with the supplied Plot. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__TITLE_ID, 1, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Take a copy of the bounding box which encloses all other parts of the
+ annotated grid (this may have been extended by the above code). If
+ nothing has been plotted, use an area 20 % smaller than the plotting
+ area. */
+ if( Box_lbnd[ 0 ] != FLT_MAX ) {
+ xlo = Box_lbnd[ 0 ];
+ xhi = Box_ubnd[ 0 ];
+ ylo = Box_lbnd[ 1 ];
+ yhi = Box_ubnd[ 1 ];
+ } else {
+ xlo = this->xlo + 0.2*xrange;
+ xhi = this->xhi - 0.2*xrange;
+ ylo = this->ylo + 0.2*yrange;
+ yhi = this->yhi - 0.2*yrange;
+ }
+/* Get the graphics coordinates of the bottom centre point of the title.
+ The X centre is put at the mid point of the used x axis range
+ (restricted to the range of the plotting area). */
+ xref = 0.5*( astMIN( xhi, this->xhi ) +
+ astMAX( xlo, this->xlo ) );
+/* The Y centre is put a "TitleGap" distance outside the box containing
+ the everything else. */
+ if( this->yrev ){
+ yref = ylo - (float)( mindim*astGetTitleGap( this ) );
+ } else {
+ yref = yhi + (float)( mindim*astGetTitleGap( this ) );
+ }
+/* Display the title. Justify the bottom of the whole bounding box (not
+ just the text base-line). */
+ DrawText( this, 1, esc, text, xref, yref, "MC", 0.0F, 1.0F,
+ xbn, ybn, NULL, method, class, status );
+/* Re-establish the original graphical attributes. */
+ astGrfAttrs( this, AST__TITLE_ID, 0, GRF__TEXT, method, class );
+/* Release the memory allocated to store the title. */
+ new_text = (char *) astFree( (void *) new_text );
+ text = NULL;
+ }
+/* Include the labels in the bounding box held in global variables
+ Box_lbnd/ubnd. */
+ if( Box_lbnd[ 0 ] != FLT_MAX ) {
+ Box_lbnd[ 0 ] = astMIN( Box_lbnd[ 0 ], Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ] );
+ Box_ubnd[ 0 ] = astMAX( Box_ubnd[ 0 ], Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ Box_lbnd[ 1 ] = astMIN( Box_lbnd[ 1 ], Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ] );
+ Box_ubnd[ 1 ] = astMAX( Box_ubnd[ 1 ], Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ] );
+ } else {
+ Box_lbnd[ 0 ] = Boxp_lbnd[ 0 ];
+ Box_ubnd[ 0 ] = Boxp_ubnd[ 0 ];
+ Box_lbnd[ 1 ] = Boxp_lbnd[ 1 ];
+ Box_ubnd[ 1 ] = Boxp_ubnd[ 1 ];
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static void UpdateConcat( float *xbn, float *ybn, float ux, float uy,
+ float rx, float ry, float *x, float *y,
+ float x0, float y0, float *alpha_lo,
+ float *alpha_hi, float *beta_lo, float *beta_hi,
+ int *status ){
+* Name:
+* UpdateConcat
+* Purpose:
+* Update the concatenation point for a text string in preparation for
+* appending another string.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void UpdateConcat( float *xbn, float *ybn, float ux, float uy,
+* float rx, float ry, float *x, float *y,
+* float x0, float y0, float *alpha_lo, float *alpha_hi,
+* float *beta_lo, float *beta_hi, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the supplied concatenation point (x,y) by moving
+* it to the right along the baseline of the text by an amount equal
+* to the width of the supplied sub-string bounding box. It also updates
+* the supplied total bounding box so that it includes the supplied
+* sub-string bounding box.
+* Parameters:
+* xbn
+* Pointer to an array holding the x coord at the four corners of
+* the sub-string bounding box.
+* ybn
+* Pointer to an array holding the y coord at the four corners of
+* the sub-string bounding box.
+* ux
+* The x component of the up-vector for the text, in graphics coords.
+* The length of this vector should be equal to the height of normal
+* text drawn with this up-vector.
+* uy
+* The y component of the up-vector for the text. See "ux".
+* rx
+* The x component of the right-vector for the text. The length of this
+* vector should be equal to the height of normal text drawn with the
+* supplied up-vector.
+* ry
+* The y component of the right-vector for the text. see "rx".
+* x
+* Pointer to a float holding the x coord of the concatenation point
+* of the text just drawn. This is changed on exit so that the next
+* string will be appended to the end of the text just drawn.
+* y
+* Pointer to a float holding the y coord of the concatenation point
+* of the text just drawn. This is changed on exit so that the next
+* string will be appended to the end of the text just drawn.
+* x0
+* The X coord at the left end of the baseline of the total string.
+* y0
+* The Y coord at the left end of the baseline of the total string.
+* alpha_lo
+* Pointer to a double holding a value which gives the position of the
+* bottom edge of the total bounding box. The value is such that
+* (x0,y0) + alpha_lo*(ux,uy) is a point on the bottom edge of the
+* total bounding box. The returned value is updated so that the
+* total bounding box includes the supplied sub-string bounding box.
+* alpha_hi
+* Pointer to a double holding a value which gives the position of the
+* top edge of the total bounding box. The value is such that
+* (x0,y0) + alpha_hi*(ux,uy) is a point on the top edge of the
+* total bounding box. The returned value is updated so that the
+* total bounding box includes the supplied sub-string bounding box.
+* beta_lo
+* Pointer to a double holding a value which gives the position of the
+* left edge of the total bounding box. The value is such that
+* (x0,y0) + beta_lo*(rx,ry) is a point on the left edge of the
+* total bounding box. The returned value is updated so that the
+* total bounding box includes the supplied sub-string bounding box.
+* beta_hi
+* Pointer to a double holding a value which gives the position of the
+* right edge of the total bounding box. The value is such that
+* (x0,y0) + beta_hi*(rx,ry) is a point on the right edge of the
+* total bounding box. The returned value is updated so that the
+* total bounding box includes the supplied sub-string bounding box.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float ahi;
+ float alo;
+ float alpha;
+ float beta;
+ float bhi;
+ float blo;
+ float denom;
+ float dx;
+ float dy;
+ float xc;
+ float yc;
+ int ic;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Check the supplied up and right vectors are not parallel. */
+ denom = ux*ry - uy*rx;
+ if( denom != 0.0 ) {
+/* Get the coords at the centre of the sub-string bounding box. */
+ xc = ( xbn[ 0 ] + xbn[ 1 ] + xbn[ 2 ] + xbn[ 3 ] )/4.0;
+ yc = ( ybn[ 0 ] + ybn[ 1 ] + ybn[ 2 ] + ybn[ 3 ] )/4.0;
+/* For each of the 4 corners of the sub-string bounding box, we consider the
+ vector from the centre of the bounding box to the corner. We want to express
+ this vector, vx, as a sum of a vector in the up direction and a vector
+ in the right direction:
+ vx = alpha*ux + beta+rx
+ vy = alpha*uy + beta+ry
+ where alpha and beta are constants which are different for each
+ corner vector. We also want to find the minimum and maximum alpha and
+ beta covered by the box. First initialise the limits. */
+ alo = 0.0;
+ ahi = 0.0;
+ blo = 0.0;
+ bhi = 0.0;
+/* Now find alpha and beta for each of the four corners. */
+ for( ic = 0; ic < 4; ic++ ) {
+ dx = xbn[ ic ] - xc;
+ dy = ybn[ ic ] - yc;
+ alpha = ( dx*ry - dy*rx ) /denom;
+ beta = ( dy*ux - dx*uy ) /denom;
+/* Extend the bounds in alpha and beta. */
+ if( alpha < alo ) alo = alpha;
+ if( alpha > ahi ) ahi = alpha;
+ if( beta < blo ) blo = beta;
+ if( beta > bhi ) bhi = beta;
+/* The bottom left corner has negative values for both alpha and beta.
+ Commence the process of updating the concatenation point by subtracting
+ off the coordinates at the bottom left corner. For zero height bounding
+ boxes (such as may be produced if the text is completely blank), the
+ "alpha" value should be zero, but may be slightly non-zero due to
+ rounding errors. Allow for this (assuming non-blank text will always
+ produce a boundiong box that is at least 1.0E-4 of the up vector in
+ height). We do the same for bounding box width (although zero width
+ boxes will probably not occur). */
+ if( alpha < 1.0E-4 ) {
+ if( beta < 1.0E-4 ) {
+ *x -= xbn[ ic ];
+ *y -= ybn[ ic ];
+/* The bottom right corner has negative alpha and positive beta. Complete
+ the process of updating the concatenation point by adding on the
+ coordinates at the bottom right corner. */
+ } else if( beta > -1.0E-4 ) {
+ *x += xbn[ ic ];
+ *y += ybn[ ic ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Also express the vector from (x0,y0) to (xc,yc) as a sum of a vector
+ in the up direction and a vector in the right direction:
+ xc - x0 = alpha*ux + beta*rx
+ yc - y0 = alpha*uy + beta*ry
+ Find alpha and beta. */
+ dx = xc - x0;
+ dy = yc - y0;
+ alpha = ( dx*ry - dy*rx ) /denom;
+ beta = ( dy*ux - dx*uy ) /denom;
+/* We can now express the vector from (x0,y0) to each of the 4 corners as
+ a sum of alpha*up and beta*right. Form the bounds of the sub-string in
+ terms of up-vectors and right vectors from (x0,y0) instead of from the
+ centre of the box. */
+ alo += alpha;
+ ahi += alpha;
+ blo += beta;
+ bhi += beta;
+/* Extend the supplied alpha and beta bounding box to include these limits. */
+ if( alo < *alpha_lo ) *alpha_lo = alo;
+ if( ahi > *alpha_hi ) *alpha_hi = ahi;
+ if( blo < *beta_lo ) *beta_lo = blo;
+ if( bhi > *beta_hi ) *beta_hi = bhi;
+ }
+static void Ticker( AstPlot *this, int edge, int axis, double value,
+ double *gap, double tklen, int majtick, int save,
+ EdgeCrossingsStatics **pstatics, const char *method,
+ const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Ticker
+* Purpose:
+* Draw edge tick marks for a given axis value.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* void Ticker( AstPlot *this, int edge, int axis, double value,
+* double *gap, double tklen, int majtick, int save,
+* EdgeCrossingsStatics **pstatics, const char *method,
+* const char *class, int *status ){
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function draws tick marks at all occurences of a given
+* physical axis value on a given edge of the plotting area.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* A pointer to the Plot.
+* edge
+* The edge of the plotting area to be ticked. Edge 0 is the left hand
+* edge. Edge 1 is the top edge. Edge 2 is the right-hand edge. Edge 3
+* is the bottom edge.
+* axis
+* The index of the axis to which "value" refers. The tick mark extends
+* parallel to this axis.
+* value
+* The physical axis value at which to place the tick mark.
+* gap
+* Pointer to array of two values holding the gap between major
+* tick marks on the two axes.
+* tklen
+* The length of the tick, in graphics units.
+* majtick
+* Non-zero if the tick mark being drawn is a major tick, and zero
+* if it is a minor tick.
+* save
+* If non-zero, the tick mark position will be saved in the Plot structure.
+* pstatics
+* Address of a pointer to a structure holding values for variables
+* which were statically defined within this function prior to the
+* thread-safe version of AST. If the pointer is supplied as NULL,
+* then a new structure is allocated and initialised.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *cross; /* Pointer to crossings information */
+ double *vx; /* Pointer to next X vector component value */
+ double *vy; /* Pointer to next Y vector component value */
+ double *x; /* Pointer to next X value */
+ double *y; /* Pointer to next Y value */
+ double xe; /* X at tick end */
+ double ye; /* Y at tick end */
+ int j; /* Crossing index */
+ int ncross; /* No. of crossings of tick value and edge */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* See where the current major tick value crosses the edge. */
+ ncross = EdgeCrossings( this, edge, axis, value, gap, &cross, pstatics,
+ method, class, status );
+/* Do nothing if the supplied axis value does not occur on the specified
+ edge of the plotting area. */
+ if( ncross ){
+/* Draw major tick marks at the crossings. */
+ x = cross;
+ y = cross + 1;
+ vx = cross + 2;
+ vy = cross + 3;
+/* Draw a tick mark at each occurence of the axis value on the specified
+ edge. */
+ for( j = 0; j < ncross; j++ ){
+/* Check the tick mark position and directionm are defined. */
+ if( *vx != AST__BAD && *vy != AST__BAD &&
+ *x != AST__BAD && *y != AST__BAD ){
+/* Ensure the tick mark will point into the plotting area, no matter which
+ edge it is on. First ensure the direction vector refers to a system in
+ which X increases to the left and Y increases upwards. */
+ if( this->xrev ) *vx = -*vx;
+ if( this->yrev ) *vy = -*vy;
+/* If necessary reverse the vector so that it points into the plotting
+ area. How to do this depends on which edge is being ticked. */
+ if( ( edge == 0 && *vx < 0.0 ) || /* left-hand edge */
+ ( edge == 1 && *vy > 0.0 ) || /* Top edge */
+ ( edge == 2 && *vx > 0.0 ) || /* Right-hand edge */
+ ( edge == 3 && *vy < 0.0 ) ){ /* Bottom edge */
+ *vx = -*vx;
+ *vy = -*vy;
+ }
+/* Now ensure the direction vector refers to a the native graphics system
+ taking account of any reversal of axes. */
+ if( this->xrev ) *vx = -*vx;
+ if( this->yrev ) *vy = -*vy;
+/* Do not draw the tick if the start of the tick is outside the bounds of
+ the axis it is labelling. */
+ if( ( ( edge == 1 || edge == 3 ) &&
+ *x < this->xhi && *x > this->xlo ) ||
+ ( ( edge == 0 || edge == 2 ) &&
+ *y < this->yhi && *y > this->ylo ) ) {
+/* Store the x and y graphics coords of the far end of the tick mark */
+ xe = *x + tklen*(*vx);
+ ye = *y + tklen*(*vy);
+/* Ensure the far end of the tick mark is within the bounds of the axis
+ it is labelling. If not, redice the length of the tick mark until it is.*/
+ if( edge == 1 || edge == 3 ) { /* Top or bottom edge */
+ if( xe > this->xhi ) {
+ ye = *y + tklen*(*vy)*( this->xhi - *x )/(xe - *x );
+ xe = this->xhi;
+ } else if( xe < this->xlo ) {
+ ye = *y + tklen*(*vy)*( this->xlo - *x )/(xe - *x );
+ xe = this->xlo;
+ }
+ } else { /* Left or right edge */
+ if( ye > this->yhi ) {
+ xe = *x + tklen*(*vx)*( this->yhi - *y )/(ye - *y );
+ ye = this->yhi;
+ } else if( ye < this->ylo ) {
+ xe = *x + tklen*(*vx)*( this->ylo - *y )/(ye - *y );
+ ye = this->ylo;
+ }
+ }
+/* Draw the tick mark as a straight line of the specified length. */
+ if( save ) SaveTick( this, axis, *x, *y, majtick, status );
+ if( *x != xe || *y != ye ) {
+ Bpoly( this, (float) *x, (float) *y, status );
+ Apoly( this, (float) xe, (float) ye, status );
+ Opoly( this, status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Move on to the next crossing. */
+ x += 4;
+ y += 4;
+ vx += 4;
+ vy += 4;
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the memory holding the crossings. */
+ if( cross ) cross = (double *) astFree( (void *) cross );
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+static TickInfo *TickMarks( AstPlot *this, int axis, double *cen, double *gap,
+ int *inval, GetTicksStatics **pstatics,
+ const char *method, const char *class, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* TickMarks
+* Purpose:
+* Obtain a list of tick mark values and labels for a single axis in a 2-D
+* physical coordinate Frame.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* TickInfo *TickMarks( AstPlot *this, int axis, double *cen, double *gap,
+* int *inval, GetTicksStatics **pstatics,
+* const char *method, const char *class, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* A set of tick marks values and corresponding formatted labels are
+* found for an axis which result in all adjacent labels being different,
+* but using the minimum number of digits of precision in the formatting.
+* This algorithm is over-ridden if the caller has set an explicit Format
+* string for the axis. The gap between tick marks can be specified by
+* the caller or a default value may be found automatically.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* axis
+* The zero-based index of the axis to use.
+* cen
+* Pointer to the supplied axis value at which to put a single
+* central tick. Other ticks will be placed evenly on either side of
+* this tick. If AST__BAD is provided, a value will be used which
+* would put a tick at an axis value of zero. The used value is
+* returned.
+* gap
+* The supplied values for the gaps between ticks on the axis. If
+* this is AST__BAD a suitable default value will be used and
+* returned in place of the AST__BAD value.
+* inval
+* A pointer to a location at which to return a flag indicating if
+* any invalid physical coordinates were encountered while deciding on
+* the tick values.
+* pstatics
+* Address of a pointer to a structure holding static data values
+* used within the GetTicks function. A NULL pointer should be supplied
+* on the first invocation (dynamic memory will then be allocated to
+* hold ths structure). The memory is freed when a NULL value for
+* "this" is supplied.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a TickInfo structure holding information about the tick
+* marks (no. of major and minor ticks, the major tick mark values and
+* labels). This structure should be freed, together with its contents,
+* using astFree when it is no longer needed.
+* Notes:
+* - The returned labels are NOT abbreviated to remove identical
+* leading fields.
+* - This function allocates some static resources on its first
+* invocation, which should be released when no longer needed, or when
+* a different Plot is supplied, by calling this function with a NULL
+* pointer for parameter "this". All other parameters (except axis) are
+* ignored.
+* - This function assumes that the physical coordinate system is 2
+* dimensional, and it should not be used if this is not the case.
+* - An error is reported if the region containing valid physical
+* coordinates is too small to use.
+* - If an error has already occurred, or if this function should fail
+* for any reason, then a NULL pointer is returned.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define MAXFLD 10
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstAxis *ax; /* Pointer to the axis. */
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to the current Frame in the Plot */
+ TickInfo *ret; /* Pointer to the returned structure. */
+ char **labels; /* Pointer to list of formatted labels */
+ char **newlabels; /* Pointer to new list of shortened formatted labels */
+ char **oldlabels; /* Pointer to old list of formatted labels */
+ char *fields[ MAXFLD ]; /* Pointers to starts of fields in a label */
+ char *old_format; /* Original Format string */
+ char *used_fmt; /* Copy of format string actually used */
+ const char *a; /* Pointer to next character to consider */
+ const char *fmt; /* Format string actually used */
+ double *ticks; /* Pointer to major tick mark values */
+ double *minticks; /* Pointer to minor tick mark values */
+ double cen0; /* Supplied value of cen */
+ double junk; /* Unused value */
+ double refval; /* Value for other axis to use when normalizing */
+ double used_gap; /* The gap size actually used */
+ int bot_digits; /* Digits value which makes labels as short as possible */
+ int digits; /* New Digits value */
+ int digset; /* Did the format string fix the no. of digits to use? */
+ int fmtset; /* Was a format set? */
+ int i; /* Tick index. */
+ int nc[ MAXFLD ]; /* Lengths of fields in a label */
+ int nf; /* Number of fields in a label */
+ int nmajor; /* No. of major tick marks */
+ int nminor; /* No. of minor tick marks */
+ int ok; /* Are all adjacent labels different? */
+ int reset_fmt; /* Re-instate the original state of the Format attribute? */
+/* If a NULL pointer has been supplied for "this", release the resources
+ allocated within GetTicks, and return. */
+ if( !this ){
+ (void) GetTicks( NULL, axis, NULL, &ticks, &nmajor, &minticks, &nminor,
+ 0, inval, &refval, pstatics, method, class, status );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise the returned pointer. */
+ ret = NULL;
+/* Store the supplied value of cen. */
+ cen0 = cen ? *cen : AST__BAD ;
+/* Get a pointer to the current Frame from the Plot. */
+ frame = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Initialise a flag to indicate that all adjacent labels are different. */
+ ok = 0;
+/* Initialise the pointer to the list of formatted tick mark values to
+ indicate that no memory has yet been obtained. */
+ labels = NULL;
+/* Initialise the pointer to a copy of the used format string to indicate
+ that no memory has yet been obtained. */
+ used_fmt = NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the axis. */
+ ax = astGetAxis( frame, axis );
+/* See if a value has been set for the axis Format. */
+ fmtset = astTestFormat( frame, axis );
+/* Get an initial set of tick mark values. This also establishes defaults for
+ LogTicks and LogLabel attributes, and so must be done before the
+ following block which uses the LogLabel attribute. */
+ used_gap = GetTicks( this, axis, cen, &ticks, &nmajor, &minticks, &nminor,
+ fmtset, inval, &refval, pstatics, method, class, status );
+/* See if exponential labels using superscript powers are required. */
+ old_format = NULL;
+ reset_fmt = 0;
+ if( astGetLogLabel( this, axis ) && astGetEscape( this ) &&
+ GCap( this, GRF__SCALES, 1, status ) ) {
+/* Save a copy of the Frame's Format value, if set. It will be
+ re-instated at the end of this function. */
+ if( fmtset ) {
+ fmt = astGetFormat( frame, axis );
+ old_format = astStore( NULL, (void *) fmt, strlen(fmt) + 1 );
+ }
+/* Temporarily use a format of "%&g" to get "10**x" style axis labels,
+ with super-scripted "x". */
+ astSetFormat( frame, axis, "%&g" );
+/* Not all subclasses of Frame support this format specifier, so format a
+ test value, and see if it has two fields, the first of which is "10".
+ If not, we cannot use log labels so re-instate the original format. */
+ nf = astFields( frame, axis, "%&g", astFormat( frame, axis, 1.0E4 ),
+ MAXFLD, fields, nc, &junk );
+ if( nf != 2 || nc[ 0 ] != 2 || strncmp( fields[ 0 ], "10", 2 ) ) {
+ if( old_format ) {
+ astSetFormat( frame, axis, old_format );
+ old_format = astFree( old_format);
+ } else {
+ astClearFormat( frame, axis );
+ }
+/* If the "%&g" format is usable, note that we should reset the Format
+ back to its original state before leaving this function. */
+ } else {
+ reset_fmt = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If a value has been set for the axis Format, see if the format string
+ contains a wildcard precision specifier ".*". If so, we are free to
+ vary the number of digits used in the label in order to produce
+ distinct labels. If no value has been set for the axis Format, we are
+ also free to vary the number of digits. */
+ digset = 0;
+ if( fmtset ) {
+ fmt = astGetFormat( frame, axis );
+ if( fmt ) {
+ digset = 1;
+ a = fmt;
+ while( (a = strchr( a, '.' )) ){
+ if( *(++a) == '*' ) {
+ digset = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If the axis precision has been specified, either through the Format string
+ or Digits value, or the Frame Digits value, we should use it so that the
+ user's attempts to get a specific result are not foiled. */
+ if( digset || astTestAxisDigits( ax ) || astTestDigits( frame ) ){
+/* Reserve memory to hold pointers to the formatted labels. */
+ labels = (char **) astMalloc( sizeof(char *)*(size_t)nmajor );
+/* Format the labels. We do not check that all adjacent labels are distinct
+ in order not to foil the users choice of format. That is, "ok" is set
+ non-zero by the call to CheckLabels, even if some identical adjacent
+ labels are found. */
+ ok = CheckLabels( this, frame, axis, ticks, nmajor, 1, labels, refval, status );
+/* Note the format used. */
+ fmt = astGetFormat( frame, axis );
+ if( fmt ) used_fmt = (char *) astStore( used_fmt, (void *) fmt, strlen( fmt ) + 1 );
+/* If no precision has been specified for the axis, we need to find a
+ Digits value which gives different labels, but without using any more
+ digits than necessary. */
+ } else if( astOK ){
+/* Reserve memory to hold pointers to an initial set of labels formatted
+ with the default digits value. */
+ labels = (char **) astMalloc( sizeof(char *)*(size_t)nmajor );
+/* Produce these default labels. */
+ CheckLabels( this, frame, axis, ticks, nmajor, 1, labels, refval, status );
+/* The first task is to decide what the smallest usable number of digits
+ is. Starting at the default number of digits used above to produce the
+ default labels, we reduce the number of digits until one or more of the
+ formatted labels *increases* in length. This can happen for instance if
+ printf decides to include an exponent in the label. The *absolute*
+ minimum value 1. Set this first. */
+ bot_digits = 1;
+ oldlabels = labels;
+ for( digits = astGetDigits( frame ) - 1; digits > 0; digits-- ){
+ astSetAxisDigits( ax, digits );
+/* CheckLabels2 formats the labels with the decreased number of digits,
+ and compares them with the old labels in "labels". If any of the new labels
+ are longer than the corresponding old labels, then a null pointer is
+ returned. Otherwise, a pointer is returned to the new set of labels. */
+ newlabels = CheckLabels2( this, frame, axis, ticks, nmajor,
+ oldlabels, refval, status );
+/* Free the old labels unless they are the orignal labels (which are
+ needed below). */
+ if( oldlabels != labels ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nmajor; i++ ){
+ if( oldlabels[ i ] ) oldlabels[ i ] = (char *) astFree( (void *) oldlabels[ i ] );
+ }
+ oldlabels = (char **) astFree( (void *) oldlabels );
+ }
+/* If any of the labels got longer as a result of reducing the digits
+ value, then use the previous number of digits as the lowest possible
+ number of digits. Break out of the loop. */
+ if( !newlabels ) {
+ bot_digits = digits + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+/* If none of the labels got longer, we arrive here. Use the shorter labels
+ for the next pass round this loop. */
+ oldlabels = newlabels;
+ }
+/* Free any remaining labels. */
+ if( oldlabels && oldlabels != labels ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nmajor; i++ ){
+ if( oldlabels[ i ] ) oldlabels[ i ] = (char *) astFree( (void *) oldlabels[ i ] );
+ }
+ oldlabels = (char **) astFree( (void *) oldlabels );
+ }
+/* Now loop round increasing the number of digits in the formatted labels
+ from the lowest usable value found above until all adjacent labels are
+ different. An arbitrary upper limit of 1000 is used for Digits to stop it
+ looping for ever. */
+ for( digits = bot_digits; digits < 1000; digits++ ){
+/* Store the new Digits value. */
+ astSetAxisDigits( ax, digits );
+/* Free memory used to hold the current set of labels. A new set will be
+ created by the following call to CheckLabels. */
+ if( labels ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nmajor; i++ ) labels[ i ] = astFree( labels[ i ] );
+ }
+/* Break out of the loop if a Digits value has been found which results
+ in all adjacent labels being different. Note the format used (we know
+ the Format attribute is currently unset, but the default Format string
+ reflects the current value of the Digits attribute). */
+ if( CheckLabels( this, frame, axis, ticks, nmajor, 0, labels, refval, status ) ) {
+ ok = 1;
+ fmt = astGetFormat( frame, axis );
+ used_fmt = (char *) astStore( NULL, (void *) fmt, strlen( fmt ) + 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Clear the Digits value. */
+ astClearAxisDigits( ax );
+ }
+/* Annul the pointer to the Axis. */
+ ax = astAnnul( ax );
+/* Re-instate the original format specifier if required. */
+ if( reset_fmt ) {
+ if( old_format ) {
+ astSetFormat( frame, axis, old_format );
+ old_format = astFree( old_format);
+ } else {
+ astClearFormat( frame, axis );
+ }
+ }
+/* If suitable labels were found... */
+ if( ok && astOK ) {
+/* Store the used gap size. */
+ *gap = used_gap;
+/* If the caller has specified the number of minor tick marks to use,
+ use the specified value rather than the value found above. */
+ if( astTestMinTick( this, axis ) ){
+ nminor = astGetMinTick( this, axis );
+ }
+/* Allocate memory for the returned structure. */
+ ret = (TickInfo *) astMalloc( sizeof( TickInfo ) );
+/* If the pointer can be used, store the information. */
+ if( astOK ){
+ ret->nmajor = nmajor;
+ ret->nminor = nminor;
+ ret->ticks = ticks;
+ ret->minticks = minticks;
+ ret->labels = labels;
+ ret->fmt = used_fmt;
+ used_fmt = NULL;
+ ret->start = NULL;
+ ret->length = NULL;
+ ret->nsect = 0;
+ ret->gap = used_gap;
+ }
+/* If no suitable labels were found report an error. */
+ } else if( astOK ){
+ if( fmtset ){
+ astError( AST__PLFMT, "%s(%s): No numerical labels can be produced "
+ "for axis %d using the supplied %s format string '%s'.", status,
+ method, class, axis + 1, astGetClass( frame ),
+ astGetFormat( frame, axis ) );
+ } else {
+ astError( AST__PLFMT, "%s(%s): No suitable format can be found to "
+ "produce numerical labels for axis %d of a %s.", status,
+ method, class, axis + 1, astGetClass( frame ) );
+ }
+ }
+/* Release any remaining resources. */
+ frame = astAnnul( frame );
+ if( used_fmt ) used_fmt = astFree( used_fmt );
+/* If an error has occurred, release the returned information. */
+ if( !astOK ){
+ ticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) ticks );
+ minticks = (double *) astFree( (void *) minticks );
+ if( labels ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nmajor; i++ ) {
+ labels[ i ] = (char *) astFree( (void *) labels[ i ] );
+ }
+ labels = (char **) astFree( (void *) labels );
+ if( ret ) (void ) astFree( (void *) ret->fmt );
+ }
+ ret = (TickInfo *) astFree( (void *) ret );
+ }
+/* Return the structure. */
+ return ret;
+/* Undefine local constants. */
+#undef MAXFLD
+static int TraceBorder( AstPlot *this, AstMapping *map, double xlo, double xhi,
+ double ylo, double yhi, int dim, double tol,
+ int edges[ 4 ], const char *method, const char *class,
+ int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TraceBorder
+* Purpose:
+* Trace the boundary between good and bad physical coordinates through a
+* fine grid.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TraceBorder( AstPlot *this, AstMapping *map, double xlo, double xhi,
+* double ylo, double yhi, int dim, double tol,
+* int edges[ 4 ], const char *method, const char *class,
+* int *status ) {
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* A rectangular grid of points in graphics coords is created covering
+* the region specified by (xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi), using "dim" points along
+* each axis. This grid of points is converted into physical (WCS)
+* coords, and a flag is associatred with each point saying whether
+* the WCS coords are good or bad. The cells in this grid are then
+* scanned from bottom left to top right in raster fashion (each cell
+* has a grid point at each of its 4 corners). If a cell has a mix of
+* bad and good corners, the good/bad boundary must pass through it.
+* If the grid is sufficiently fine (as defined by "tol") then this
+* function draws a single straight line through each cell as an
+* approximation to the good bad boundary. This line joins the centres
+* of the two cells edges through which the boundary passes (as
+* indicated by the fact that one end of the edge has good WCS coords
+* and the other end has bad WCS coords). If the grid is not
+* sufficiently fine to meet the "tol" requirement, then this function
+* is invoked recursively to draw the curve through each cell through
+* which the boundary passes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The plot.
+* map
+* The Graphics->WCS mapping.
+* xlo
+* The lower bounds on the graphics X axis of the rectangle being
+* considered.
+* xhi
+* The upper bounds on the graphics X axis of the rectangle being
+* considered.
+* ylo
+* The lower bounds on the graphics Y axis of the rectangle being
+* considered.
+* yhi
+* The upper bounds on the graphics Y axis of the rectangle being
+* considered.
+* dim
+* The number of points along one edge of the fine grid.
+* tol
+* The plotting tolerance. Once each cell is smaller than this
+* distance (in graphics coords), the cell is drawn. Otherwise,
+* this function is invoked recursively to draw the cell using a
+* finer grid.
+* edges
+* A pointer to an array of 4 int, in which will be returned
+* flags indicating if the good/bad boundary intersects any of the
+* edges of the grid. These flags are stored in the order left,
+* top, right, bottom.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPointSet *pset1;
+ AstPointSet *pset2;
+ double **ptr2;
+ double *px1;
+ double *px2;
+ double *py1;
+ double *py2;
+ double cxhi;
+ double cxlo;
+ double cyhi;
+ double cylo;
+ double dx;
+ double dy;
+ float xc;
+ float yc;
+ int *bndry;
+ int *drawn;
+ int bad1;
+ int bad2;
+ int bad3;
+ int bad4;
+ int icell;
+ int icol;
+ int irow;
+ int lastcell;
+ int ncell;
+ int recurse;
+ int result;
+ int sedges[ 4 ];
+ int totcells;
+/* Initialise returned edge flags */
+ edges[ 0 ] = 0;
+ edges[ 1 ] = 0;
+ edges[ 2 ] = 0;
+ edges[ 3 ] = 0;
+/* Initialise the returned flag to indicate that no bad regions were
+ found. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Create a grid of graphics and WCS coords covering the specified region
+ of graphics coords. "ptr2" is used to access the WCS coords at each
+ point in the grid. */
+ ptr2 = MakeGrid( this, NULL, map, 0, dim, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi,
+ 2, &pset1, &pset2, 0, method, class, status );
+/* The number of cells along each axis of the grid is one less than the
+ number of points. Also get the number of cells in the whole grid. */
+ ncell = dim - 1;
+ totcells = ncell*ncell;
+/* Store the dimensions of each cell in graphics coords. */
+ dx = ( xhi - xlo )/ncell;
+ dy = ( yhi - ylo )/ncell;
+/* Set a flag indicating if the cell size is larger than the required
+ plotting tolerance. If so, we will call this function recursively to
+ draw the curve using a finer grid. */
+ recurse = ( dx > tol || dy > tol );
+/* If we have not yet reached the plotting tolerance, allocate work arrays
+ with one element for each cell in the grid. */
+ if( recurse ) {
+ bndry = astMalloc( sizeof( int )*totcells );
+ drawn = astMalloc( sizeof( int )*totcells );
+ } else {
+ bndry = NULL;
+ drawn = NULL;
+ }
+/* Check pointers can be used safely. */
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* If required, initialise work arrays to hold zero. */
+ if( recurse ) {
+/* Initialise "boundary passes through cell" flags to zero. */
+ memset( bndry, 0, sizeof( int )*totcells );
+/* Initialise "cell has been drawn" flags to zero. */
+ memset( drawn, 0, sizeof( int )*totcells );
+ }
+/* Store the Y graphics coords at the bottom and top of the first row. */
+ cylo = ylo;
+ cyhi = ylo + dy;
+/* Store pointers to the physical coords at the bottom left corner of the
+ first cell in the first row. */
+ px1 = ptr2[ 0 ];
+ py1 = ptr2[ 1 ];
+/* Store pointers to the physical coords at the top left corner of the
+ first cell in the first row. */
+ px2 = px1 + dim;
+ py2 = py1 + dim;
+/* Store the index of the last cell in a row or column. */
+ lastcell = ncell - 1;
+/* Initialise index of next cell. */
+ icell = 0;
+/* Loop round every row of cells in this grid. */
+ for( irow = 0; irow < ncell; irow++ ) {
+/* See if the physical coords are bad at the bottom left corner of the
+ first cell in this row. At the same time, increment the pointers so
+ they refer to the bottom right corner of the first cell in this row. */
+ bad1 = ( *px1 == AST__BAD || *py1 == AST__BAD );
+/* Increment the pointers. Do not do it in the above "if" statement since
+ the or (!!) means that the second expression may never be evaluated. */
+ px1++;
+ py1++;
+/* See if the physical coords are bad at the top left corner of the
+ first cell in this row. At the same time, increment the pointers so
+ they refer to the top right corner of the first cell in this row. */
+ bad2 = ( *px2 == AST__BAD || *py2 == AST__BAD );
+ px2++;
+ py2++;
+/* Loop round every cell in the current row of cells. */
+ for( icol = 0; icol < ncell; icol++, icell++ ) {
+/* See if the physical coords are bad at the bottom right corner of the
+ current cell in this row. At the same time, increment the pointers so
+ they refer to the bottom right corner of the next cell in this row. */
+ bad3 = ( *px1 == AST__BAD || *py1 == AST__BAD );
+ px1++;
+ py1++;
+/* See if the physical coords are bad at the top right corner of the
+ current cell in this row. At the same time, increment the pointers so
+ they refer to the top right corner of the next cell in this row. */
+ bad4 = ( *px2 == AST__BAD || *py2 == AST__BAD );
+ px2++;
+ py2++;
+/* Set the returned flag non-zero if any invalidpositions are found. */
+ if( bad1 || bad2 || bad3 || bad4 ) result = 1;
+/* If there are a mixture of good and bad corners, the good/bad boundary
+ must pass through the current cell. */
+ if( bad2 != bad1 || bad3 != bad1 || bad4 != bad1 ) {
+/* If we have not yet reached the required plotting tolerance, set a flag
+ to indicate that the boundary should be plotted through this cell
+ using a recirsive call to this function. */
+ if( recurse ) {
+ bndry[ icell ] = 1;
+/* If we have reached the required plotting tolerance, draw the boundary
+ as a straight line between the centres of the edges through which the
+ boundary enteres and leaves the current cell. */
+ } else {
+/* Get the upper and lower graphics X bounds of the current cell. */
+ cxlo = xlo + icol*dx;
+ cxhi = cxlo + dx;
+/* If an edge of the current cell has good coords at one end but bad
+ coords at the other, the boundary is assumed to pass through the edge
+ at its centre. Normally, we expect only two cell edges to have this
+ property (i.e the boundary enters the cell through one edge and leaves
+ through the other). However, sometimes all four edges may have this
+ property. In this case, two sections of the boundary must pass through
+ the cell, and there is no way of knowing which edges connect together
+ (short of further recursion), and we arbitrarily decide to join opposite
+ edges. */
+ if( bad1 == bad4 && bad2 == bad3 ) {
+/* Draw a horizontal line through the cell centre */
+ yc = 0.5*( cylo + cyhi );
+ Bpoly( this, (float) cxlo, yc, status );
+ Apoly( this, (float) cxhi, yc, status );
+/* Draw a vertical line through the cell centre */
+ xc = 0.5*( cxlo + cxhi );
+ Bpoly( this, xc, (float) cylo, status );
+ Apoly( this, xc, (float) cyhi, status );
+/* If the boundary passes through the left hand edge, it must also have
+ passed through the right edge of the previous cell in the row (unless
+ this is the first cell in the row), so we do not need to begin a new
+ polyline (we can just extend the existing polyline). */
+ } else if( bad1 != bad2 ) {
+/* If this is the first cell in the row, begin a new polyline. */
+ yc = 0.5*( cylo + cyhi );
+ if( icol == 0 ) Bpoly( this, (float) cxlo, yc, status );
+/* and through the top edge, draw a line between the centres of the left
+ and top edges. */
+ if( bad2 != bad4 ) {
+ xc = 0.5*( cxlo + cxhi );
+ Apoly( this, xc, (float) cyhi, status );
+/* or through the right edge, draw a line between the centres of the left
+ and right edges. */
+ } else if( bad3 != bad4 ) {
+ Apoly( this, (float) cxhi, yc, status );
+/* Otherwise, draw a line between the centres of the left and bottom edges. */
+ } else {
+ xc = 0.5*( cxlo + cxhi );
+ Apoly( this, xc, (float) cylo, status );
+ }
+/* If the boundary passes through the top edge (we do not need to check
+ the left edge because that was done above)... */
+ } else if( bad4 != bad2 ) {
+/* and through the right edge, draw a line between the centres of the top
+ and right edges. */
+ if( bad3 != bad4 ) {
+ xc = 0.5*( cxlo + cxhi );
+ yc = 0.5*( cylo + cyhi );
+ Bpoly( this, xc, (float) cyhi, status );
+ Apoly( this, (float) cxhi, yc, status );
+/* Otherwise, draw a line between the centres of the top and bottom edges. */
+ } else {
+ xc = 0.5*( cxlo + cxhi );
+ Bpoly( this, xc, (float) cyhi, status );
+ Apoly( this, xc, (float) cylo, status );
+ }
+/* If the boundary passes through the right edge it must also pass
+ throught the bottom edge since all other combinations will have been
+ trapped above. */
+ } else {
+ xc = 0.5*( cxlo + cxhi );
+ yc = 0.5*( cylo + cyhi );
+ Bpoly( this, xc, (float) cylo, status );
+ Apoly( this, (float) cxhi, yc, status );
+ }
+/* If the current cell is on the edge of the grid, set flags in the
+ returned "edges" array to indicate that the boundary passes out of
+ the grid on the appropriate edge. */
+ if( icol == 0 ) {
+ if( bad1 != bad2 ) edges[ 0 ] = 1; /* Left edge */
+ } else if( icol == lastcell ) {
+ if( bad3 != bad4 ) edges[ 2 ] = 1; /* Right edge */
+ }
+ if( irow == 0 ) {
+ if( bad1 != bad3 ) edges[ 3 ] = 1; /* Bottom edge */
+ } else if( irow == lastcell ) {
+ if( bad2 != bad4 ) edges[ 1 ] = 1; /* Top edge */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* The flags for the right hand corners of the current cell can be
+ re-used as the flags for the left hand corners of the next cell. */
+ bad1 = bad3;
+ bad2 = bad4;
+ }
+/* Store the Y graphics coords at the bottom and top of the next row. */
+ cylo = cyhi;
+ cyhi = cylo + dy;
+ }
+/* If we have not yet reached the required plotting tolerance, call this
+ function recursively to draw the boundary through the cells identified
+ above. On each pass through this loop, we may discover more boundary
+ cells in the grid, in addition to those found above. Continue looping
+ until no further boundary cells are found. */
+ while( recurse ) {
+/* Assume that the current pass though this loop will result in all boundary
+ cells being draw, in which case we can then leave the loop. */
+ recurse = 0;
+/* Store the Y graphics coords at the bottom and top of the first row. */
+ cylo = ylo;
+ cyhi = ylo + dy;
+/* Initialise the cell index */
+ icell = 0;
+/* Loop round every row of cells in this grid. */
+ for( irow = 0; irow < ncell; irow++ ) {
+/* Loop round every cell in the current row of cells. */
+ for( icol = 0; icol < ncell; icol++, icell++ ) {
+/* If the good/bad boundary passes through the current cell we need to
+ draw it unless it has already been drawn. */
+ if( bndry[ icell ] && ! drawn[ icell ] ){
+/* Get the upper and lower graphics X bounds of the current cell. */
+ cxlo = xlo + icol*dx;
+ cxhi = cxlo + dx;
+/* Call this function recursively to draw the boundary through the current
+ cell, setting the returned flag non-zero if any bad positions are found. */
+ if( TraceBorder( this, map, cxlo, cxhi, cylo, cyhi, 3, tol,
+ sedges, method, class, status ) ) result = 1;
+/* The boundary may have passed out of the current cell and then back
+ into the cell on the same edge (i.e. a small loop that pokes out into
+ a neighbouring cell). Such neighbouring cells may not have been
+ identified by the earlier section of this function, so we now ensure
+ that any such cells are flagged as boundary cells. */
+/* If the boundary passed out of the left edge of the cell... */
+ if( sedges[ 0 ] ) {
+/* If the current cell is at the left edge of the grid, indicate that the
+ boundary passes out of the left edge of the grid. */
+ if( icol == 0 ) {
+ edges[ 0 ] = 1; /* Left edge */
+/* Otherwise, if the left hand neighbour of the current cell is not
+ flagged as a boundary cell, flag it now and indicate that another pass
+ though the loop is needed to draw the extra cell. */
+ } else if( ! bndry[ icell - 1 ] ) {
+ bndry[ icell - 1 ] = 1;
+ recurse = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the boundary passed out of the top edge of the cell... */
+ if( sedges[ 1 ] ) {
+/* If the current cell is at the top edge of the grid, indicate that the
+ boundary passes out of the top edge of the grid. */
+ if( irow == lastcell ) {
+ edges[ 1 ] = 1; /* Top edge */
+/* Otherwise, ensure that the upper neighbour of the current cell is
+ flagged as a boundary cell. */
+ } else {
+ bndry[ icell + ncell ] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the boundary passed out of the right edge of the cell... */
+ if( sedges[ 2 ] ) {
+/* If the current cell is at the right edge of the grid, indicate that the
+ boundary passes out of the right edge of the grid. */
+ if( icol == lastcell ) {
+ edges[ 2 ] = 1; /* Right edge */
+/* Otherwise, ensure that the right hand neighbour of the current cell is
+ flagged as a boundary cell. */
+ } else {
+ bndry[ icell + 1 ] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the boundary passed out of the bottom edge of the cell... */
+ if( sedges[ 3 ] ) {
+/* If the current cell is at the bottom edge of the grid, indicate that the
+ boundary passes out of the bottom edge of the grid. */
+ if( irow == 0 ) {
+ edges[ 3 ] = 1; /* Bottom edge */
+/* Otherwise, if the lower neighbour of the current cell is not flagged
+ as a boundary cell, flag it now and indicate that another pass though
+ the loop is needed to draw the extra cell. */
+ } else if( ! bndry[ icell - ncell ] ) {
+ bndry[ icell - ncell ] = 1;
+ recurse = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Indicate this cell has been drawn. */
+ drawn[ icell ] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Store the Y graphics coords at the bottom and top of the next row. */
+ cylo += dy;
+ cyhi = cylo + dy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Free resources */
+ bndry = astFree( bndry );
+ drawn = astFree( drawn );
+ pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
+ pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static AstPointSet *Trans( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frm, AstMapping *mapping,
+ AstPointSet *in, int forward, AstPointSet *out,
+ int norm, const char *method, const char *class, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Trans
+* Purpose:
+* Use a Mapping to transform a set of points.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPointSet *Trans( AstPlot *this, AstFrame *frm, AstMapping *mapping,
+* AstPointSet *in, int forward, AstPointSet *out,
+* int norm, const char *method, const char *class )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This performs the same task as the protected method astTransform
+* but uses the astTransform method for the supplied Mapping instead
+* the parent method for the Plot. This allows the Mapping to be
+* extracted from the Plot using astGetMapping once, rather than every
+* time a mapping is performed.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot (only used to access clipping attributes and
+* other methods).
+* frm
+* Pointer to the Current Frame in the Plot. If this is NULL, then
+* a pointer for the Current Frame is found within this function if
+* required (i.e. if "forward" and "norm" are both non-zero).
+* mapping
+* Pointer to the Mapping extracted from the Plot. If this is NULL, then
+* a pointer for the base->current Mapping is found within this function.
+* in
+* Pointer to the PointSet holding the input coordinate data.
+* forward
+* A non-zero value indicates that the forward coordinate
+* transformation should be applied while a zero value requests the
+* inverse transformation.
+* out
+* Pointer to a PointSet which will hold the transformed (output)
+* coordinate values. A NULL value may also be given, in which case a
+* new PointSet will be created by this function.
+* norm
+* The normalisation of returned physical coordinates is only done
+* if "norm" is non-zero. Otherwise they are left as returned by
+* astTransform.
+* method
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the calling method.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* class
+* Pointer to a string holding the name of the supplied object class.
+* This is only for use in constructing error messages.
+* Returned Value:
+* Pointer to the output (possibly new) PointSet.
+* Notes:
+* - Clipping is only performed as set up using the astClip method.
+* In particular, the clipping specified by the arguments to the astPlot
+* constructor function is NOT performed. This is done in order to improve
+* the efficiency of the curve drawing method astGridLine.
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+* - The number of coordinate values per point in the input PointSet must
+* match the number of coordinates for the Plot being applied.
+* - If an output PointSet is supplied, it must have space for sufficient
+* number of points and coordinate values per point to accommodate the
+* result. Any excess space will be ignored.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstFrame *cfr; /* Pointer to the Current Frame */
+ AstFrame *fr; /* Pointer to the clipping Frame */
+ AstMapping *map; /* Pointer to output->clip mapping */
+ AstPointSet *clip; /* Positions in clipping Frame */
+ AstPointSet *result; /* Positions in output Frame */
+ double **ptr_clip; /* Pointer to clipping Frame data */
+ double **ptr_out; /* Pointer to output coordinate data */
+ double *work; /* Pointer to array holding an o/p position */
+ double axval; /* Axis value in clipping frame */
+ double lbnd; /* Lower bound on current clipping axis */
+ double ubnd; /* Upper bound on current clipping axis */
+ int axin; /* Is the axis value within the allowed range? */
+ int clip_norm; /* Normalise the clipping positions? */
+ int clip_or; /* Combine axes using a logical OR? */
+ int clipit; /* Should the current point be clipped? */
+ int i; /* Point index */
+ int iframe; /* Validated index for clipping Frame */
+ int j; /* Axis index */
+ int naxes; /* Number of axes in clipping Frame */
+ int ncoord_out; /* Number of coordinates per output point */
+ int npoint; /* Number of points */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Ensure we have a Mapping */
+ if( !mapping ) mapping = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Apply the parent mapping using the stored pointer to the Transform member
+ function inherited from the parent FrameSet class. */
+ result = astTransform( mapping, in, forward, out );
+/* Get the dimensions of the returned data, and an array of pointers to
+ the axis values. */
+ ncoord_out = astGetNcoord( result );
+ npoint = astGetNpoint( result );
+ ptr_out = astGetPoints( result );
+/* If we have done a forward mapping, we now normalise the returned physical
+ positions if required using the astNorm method for the supplied object. */
+ if( forward && norm ){
+/* If no Frame was supplied, get a pointer to the Current Frame. Otherwise,
+ use the supplied pointer. */
+ if( !frm ) {
+ cfr = astGetFrame( this, AST__CURRENT );
+ } else {
+ cfr = frm;
+ }
+/* Get work space to hold a single positions. */
+ work = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)ncoord_out );
+/* Check the work space and axis pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Now loop through every position, copying the axis values to the work array,
+ normalising them using astNorm, and copying them back to the returned
+ PointSet. */
+ for( i = 0; i < npoint; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < ncoord_out; j++ ) work[ j ] = ptr_out[ j ][ i ];
+ astNorm( cfr, work );
+ for( j = 0; j < ncoord_out; j++ ) ptr_out[ j ][ i ] = work[ j ];
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the work space. */
+ work = (double *) astFree( (void *) work );
+/* Annul the pointer to the Current Frame if it was obtained in this
+ function. */
+ if( !frm ) cfr = astAnnul( cfr );
+ }
+/* Clipping is only performed if the bounds of a clipping region are
+ available for both axes. */
+ if( this->clip_lbnd && this->clip_ubnd ){
+/* Validate and translate the index of the clipping Frame. */
+ iframe = astValidateFrameIndex( this, this->clip_frame, method );
+/* Obtain a pointer to the clipping Frame and determine how many axes it
+ has. */
+ fr = astGetFrame( this, iframe );
+ naxes = astGetNaxes( fr );
+/* Report an error if the number of bounds does not equal the number of
+ axes in the clipping Frame. */
+ if( astOK && naxes != this->clip_axes ){
+ astError( AST__CLPAX, "%s%s): The supplied %s specifies clipping "
+ "in %d dimensions, but the clipping Frame ('%s') has "
+ "%d axes.", status, method, class, class, this->clip_axes,
+ astGetTitle( fr ), naxes );
+ }
+/* Set a flag indicating if the coordinates in the clipping frame need to
+ be normalised. */
+ clip_norm = 1;
+/* We now obtain a pointer to a PointSet holding the corresponding
+ coordinates in the clipping frame. If the clipping frame is the
+ base frame, then take a clone of the PointSet holding base frame
+ coordinates. */
+ if( iframe == astGetBase( this ) ){
+ if( forward ){
+ clip = astClone( in );
+ } else {
+ clip = astClone( result );
+ }
+/* If the clipping frame is the current frame, then take a clone of the
+ PointSet holding current coordinates. Note, if the returned physical
+ coordinates have already been normalised, we don't need to normalise
+ the clipping coordinates. */
+ } else if( iframe == astGetCurrent( this ) ){
+ if( forward ){
+ clip = astClone( result );
+ if( norm ) clip_norm = 0;
+ } else {
+ clip = astClone( in );
+ }
+/* If the clipping Frame is neither the base nor the current Frame, we need
+ to map the returned normalised points into the clipping Frame. */
+ } else {
+ if( forward ){
+ map = astGetMapping( this, AST__CURRENT, iframe );
+ } else {
+ map = astGetMapping( this, AST__BASE, iframe );
+ }
+ clip = astTransform( map, result, 1, NULL );
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+ }
+/* Get a pointer to the coordinate data in the clipping Frame. */
+ ptr_clip = astGetPoints( clip );
+/* If necessary, normalise the coordinates in the clipping frame. */
+ if( clip_norm ){
+/* Get work space to hold a single position. */
+ work = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof(double)*(size_t)naxes );
+/* Check the work space and axis pointers can be used. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Now loop through every position, copying the axis values to the work array,
+ normalising them using astNorm, and copying them back to the clipping
+ PointSet. */
+ for( i = 0; i < npoint; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < naxes; j++ ) work[ j ] = ptr_clip[ j ][ i ];
+ astNorm( fr, work );
+ for( j = 0; j < naxes; j++ ) ptr_clip[ j ][ i ] = work[ j ];
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the work space. */
+ work = (double *) astFree( (void *) work );
+ }
+/* If all has gone ok, we will now clip the returned points. */
+ if( astOK ){
+/* Get the logical operation to be used to determine if a point is to be
+ clipped. A zero value means that a logical AND is to be performed
+ between the axes (i.e. all axes must be within the supplied bounds for a
+ point to be retained). A non-zero value means that a logical OR is to be
+ performed between the axes (i.e. only a single axis need be within the
+ supplied bounds for a point to be retained). */
+ clip_or = astGetClipOp( this );
+/* Do each point in turn. */
+ for( j = 0; j < npoint; j++ ){
+/* If all axes must fall within the supplied range to avoid the point being
+ clipped (i.e. if clip_or is 0), then assume initially that the point
+ is not to be clipped. This will be toggled as soon as the first
+ out-of-bounds point is found. If, on the other hand, the point is
+ only clipped if all axis values are out-of-bounds, then assume
+ initially that the point is to be clipped. This will be toggled as
+ soon as the first axis value is found which is not out-of-bounds. */
+ clipit = clip_or;
+/* Check each axis value for the current point. */
+ for( i = 0; i < naxes; i++ ){
+ axval = ptr_clip[ i ][ j ];
+/* Chekc that it is not bad. */
+ if( axval != AST__BAD ){
+/* Store the bounds of the clipping volume on this axis. */
+ lbnd = this->clip_lbnd[ i ];
+ ubnd = this->clip_ubnd[ i ];
+/* Set a flag indicating if the axis value is within the specified range.
+ If the supplied bounds are reversed, they specify the range to exclude,
+ otherwise they specify the range to include. */
+ if( lbnd <= ubnd ){
+ axin = ( axval >= lbnd && axval <= ubnd );
+ } else {
+ axin = ( axval < ubnd || axval > lbnd );
+ }
+/* If the point is within the range and only one such point is
+ required to avoid the point being clipped, indicate that the point
+ should not be clipped, and leave the loop. */
+ if( axin && clip_or ){
+ clipit = 0;
+ break;
+/* If the point is not within the range and we only one such point is
+ required to cause the point to be clipped, indicate that the point
+ should be clipped, and leave the loop. */
+ } else if( !axin && !clip_or ){
+ clipit = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+/* Clip the point if any axis value is bad in the clipping Frame. */
+ } else {
+ clipit = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the point is to be clipped, set all returned axis values bad. */
+ if( clipit ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < naxes; i++ ) ptr_out[ i ][ j ] = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Annul the PointSet holding clipping Frame positions. */
+ if( clip ) clip = astAnnul( clip );
+/* Annul the clipping Frame pointer. */
+ fr = astAnnul( fr );
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred, annul the result. */
+ if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
+/* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
+ return result;
+static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
+ int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Transform
+* Purpose:
+* Use a Plot to transform a set of points.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
+* int forward, AstPointSet *out )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function (over-rides the astTransform protected
+* method inherited from the FrameSet class).
+* Description:
+* This function takes a Plot and a set of points encapsulated in a
+* PointSet and transforms the points from graphics coordinates to
+* physical coordinates (in the forward direction). If the returned
+* positions are physical coordinates (i.e. if a forward mapping is
+* performed) they are normalised using the astNorm method of the supplied
+* Plot. The returned axis values are set to AST__BAD for any positions
+* which are outside the clipping volume set up by the astClip method.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* in
+* Pointer to the PointSet holding the input coordinate data.
+* forward
+* A non-zero value indicates that the forward coordinate
+* transformation should be applied while a zero value requests the
+* inverse transformation.
+* out
+* Pointer to a PointSet which will hold the transformed (output)
+* coordinate values. A NULL value may also be given, in which case a
+* new PointSet will be created by this function.
+* Returned Value:
+* Pointer to the output (possibly new) PointSet.
+* Notes:
+* - Clipping is only performed as set up using the astClip method.
+* In particular, the clipping specified by the arguments to the astPlot
+* constructor function is NOT performed. This is done in order to improve
+* the efficiency of the curve drawing method astGridLine.
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+* - The number of coordinate values per point in the input PointSet must
+* match the number of coordinates for the Plot being applied.
+* - If an output PointSet is supplied, it must have space for sufficient
+* number of points and coordinate values per point to accommodate the
+* result. Any excess space will be ignored.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstMapping *map; /* Pointer to the mapping */
+ AstPointSet *result; /* Positions in output Frame */
+ AstPlot *plot; /* The Plot */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the Plot. */
+ plot = (AstPlot *) this;
+/* Get the Mapping from the base to the current Frame. */
+ map = astGetMapping( plot, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
+/* Do the transformation. */
+ result = Trans( plot, NULL, map, in, forward, out, 1, "astTransform",
+ astGetClass( this ), status );
+/* Annul the mapping. */
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+/* If an error has occurred, annul the result. */
+ if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
+/* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
+ return result;
+static double Typical( int n, double *value, double lolim, double hilim,
+ double *width, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Typical
+* Purpose:
+* Return a typical value within the supplied array of values.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* double Typical( int n, double *value, double lolim, double hilim,
+* double *width, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This function locates the approximate mode of the supplied values,
+* and returns one of the supplied values which is close to the modal
+* value. Values outside an indicated range are ignored.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of data values.
+* value
+* A pointer to an array of "n" values.
+* lolim
+* Values less than lolim are ignored. Supply as -DBL_MAX if there
+* is no lower limit.
+* hilim
+* Values greater than hilim are ignored. Supply as DBL_MAX if there
+* is no upper limit.
+* width
+* Pointer to a double in which to return the width (i,e, data range)
+* of the non-empty histogram cells. This is an estimate of the
+* range of used values in the supplied array. NULL may be supplied.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A typical value from the supplied array. AST__BAD is returned only
+* if an error has occurred, or if all the supplied values are AST__BAD
+* or outside the specified range.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *a; /* Pointer to next value */
+ double cnt; /* Modified count */
+ double delta; /* Bin size */
+ double maxval; /* Maximum supplied value */
+ double mean; /* Mean supplied value */
+ double minval; /* Minimum supplied value */
+ double result; /* The returned value. */
+ double w0; /* Rate of increase of weight with dist from edge */
+ double w1; /* Weight for left edge */
+ double w2; /* Weight for right edge */
+ double w; /* Weight for this bin */
+ int *hist; /* Pointer to first cell of histogram array */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int ibin; /* Bin index */
+ int maxcnt; /* Maximum no. of values in any bin */
+ int modify; /* Modify the effect of the edge bins? */
+ int nbin; /* No. of bins in histogram */
+ int nc; /* Total number of points in histogram */
+ int ngood; /* No. of good values supplied */
+ int nonemp; /* No. of non-empty bins in hstogram */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = AST__BAD;
+ if( width ) *width = 0.0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ ibin = 0;
+/* Find the minimum and maximum value in the supplied array, which are
+ also within the supplied limits. Also store the first good value
+ encountered in "result". */
+ minval = DBL_MAX;
+ maxval = -DBL_MAX;
+ a = value;
+ ngood = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++, a++ ) {
+ if( *a != AST__BAD ) {
+ if( *a >= lolim && *a <= hilim ) {
+ if( *a < minval ) minval = *a;
+ if( *a > maxval ) maxval = *a;
+ if( ngood == 0 ) result = *a;
+ ngood++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise the returned width to the total data range. */
+ if( width && maxval != -DBL_MAX ) *width = maxval - minval;
+/* If less than 3 points were found, we will return the first. Otherwise, if
+ 3 or more good values were found, find a typical value. */
+ if( ngood > 2 ) {
+/* We will form a histogram of the supplied values in order to find the
+ mode. The number of bins in this histogram is chosen so that there
+ is an average of 2 points per bin. Find the number of bins. */
+ nbin = ( ngood + 1 )/2;
+/* Find the bin size. If zero (i.e. if all values are equal), return the
+ first good value established above. */
+ delta = ( maxval - minval )/ nbin;
+ if( delta > 0.0 ) {
+/* Allocat ememory for the histogram. */
+ hist = astMalloc( sizeof(int)*(size_t)nbin );
+ if( hist ) {
+/* Initialise the histogram. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nbin; i++ ) hist[ i ] = 0;
+/* Form the histogram. Form the mean data value at the same time. */
+ mean = 0.0;
+ a = value;
+ nc = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++, a++ ){
+ if( *a != AST__BAD ) {
+ if( *a >= lolim && *a <= hilim ) {
+ mean += *a;
+ ibin = (int) ( ( *a - minval )/ delta );
+ if( ibin == nbin ) ibin--;
+ hist[ ibin ]++;
+ nc++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mean /= ngood;
+/* We tend to prefer not to use reference values which are very close the
+ the limits since they can give problems with regard to normalization
+ (rounding errors can knock them over the edge), so we modify the counts
+ in each bin of the histogram to reduce the impact of bins near the edge.
+ However, we do not do this if the number of bins is very small or if
+ all the counts are in the edge bins. */
+ modify = ( nbin > 4 &&
+ ( hist[ 0 ] + hist[ nbin - 1 ] < 0.98*ngood ) );
+/* Find the bin with the highest modified count. If there is more than one bin
+ with the highest modified count, choose the one which is closest to the
+ mean data value found above. Also count the number of non-empty bins. */
+ nonemp = 0;
+ maxcnt = 0;
+ w0 = nbin/2;
+ for( i = 0; i < nbin; i++ ) {
+ cnt = hist[ i ];
+ if( cnt ) nonemp++;
+ if( modify ) {
+ w1 = i*w0;
+ w2 = ( nbin - 1 - i )*w0;
+ w = ( w1 < w2 ) ? w1 :w2;
+ if( w < 1.0 ) cnt *= w;
+ }
+ if( cnt > maxcnt ) {
+ maxcnt = cnt;
+ ibin = i;
+ } else if( cnt == maxcnt ) {
+ if( fabs( minval + ( i - 0.5 )*delta - mean ) <
+ fabs( minval + ( ibin - 0.5 )*delta - mean ) ) {
+ maxcnt = cnt;
+ ibin = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the histogram memory. */
+ hist = astFree( hist );
+/* If required, return the width of the non-empty bins. */
+ if( width ) *width = nonemp*delta;
+/* Call this function recursively to refine the value, restricting
+ attention to those data values which are within the range of the bin
+ found above. */
+ if( maxcnt < nc && ibin*delta > 1000.0*DBL_EPSILON*fabs(maxval) ) {
+ minval += ibin*delta;
+ maxval = minval + delta;
+ result = Typical( n, value, minval, maxval, NULL, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static int GetUseColour( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetUseColour
+* Purpose:
+* Get the Colour value to use for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GetUseColour( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This returns the Colour value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the colour
+* for the first set specific value is returned. For example, if the
+* Colour for AST__AXES_ID is requested, then the colour for AST__AXIS1_ID
+* will be returned if set, and otherwise the colour for AST__AXIS2_ID will
+* be returned. If AST__AXIS2_ID is not set either, then the default for
+* AST__AXIS2_ID will be returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Colour value to use.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NOCOLOUR;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the value of the first
+ set genuine identifier. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ if( nid > 1 ) {
+ if( astTestColour( this, id1 ) ) {
+ id = id1;
+ } else if( nid > 1 && astTestColour( this, id2 ) ) {
+ id = id2;
+ } else if( nid > 2 && astTestColour( this, id3 ) ) {
+ id = id3;
+ } else {
+ id = id1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return astGetColour( this, id );
+static int GetUseFont( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetUseFont
+* Purpose:
+* Get the Font value to use for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GetUseFont( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This returns the Font value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the Font
+* for the first set specific value is returned. For example, if the
+* Font for AST__AXES_ID is requested, then the Font for AST__AXIS1_ID
+* will be returned if set, and otherwise the Font for AST__AXIS2_ID will
+* be returned. If AST__AXIS2_ID is not set either, then the default for
+* AST__AXIS2_ID will be returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Font value to use.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NOFONT;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the value of the first set
+ genuine identifier. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ if( nid > 1 ) {
+ if( astTestFont( this, id1 ) ) {
+ id = id1;
+ } else if( nid > 1 && astTestFont( this, id2 ) ) {
+ id = id2;
+ } else if( nid > 2 && astTestFont( this, id3 ) ) {
+ id = id3;
+ } else {
+ id = id1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return astGetFont( this, id );
+static double GetUseSize( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetUseSize
+* Purpose:
+* Get the Size value to use for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* double GetUseSize( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This returns the Size value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the Size
+* for the first set specific value is returned. For example, if the
+* Size for AST__AXES_ID is requested, then the Size for AST__AXIS1_ID
+* will be returned if set, and otherwise the Size for AST__AXIS2_ID will
+* be returned. If AST__AXIS2_ID is not set either, then the default for
+* AXIS2_ID will be returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Size value to use.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NOSIZE;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the value of the first set
+ genuine identifier. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ if( nid > 1 ) {
+ if( astTestSize( this, id1 ) ) {
+ id = id1;
+ } else if( nid > 1 && astTestSize( this, id2 ) ) {
+ id = id2;
+ } else if( nid > 2 && astTestSize( this, id3 ) ) {
+ id = id3;
+ } else {
+ id = id1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return astGetSize( this, id );
+static int GetUseStyle( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetUseStyle
+* Purpose:
+* Get the Style value to use for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int GetUseStyle( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This returns the Style value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the style
+* for the first set specific value is returned. For example, if the
+* Style for AST__AXES_ID is requested, then the style for AST__AXIS1_ID
+* will be returned if set, and otherwise the style for AST__AXIS2_ID will
+* be returned. If AST__AXIS2_ID is not set either, then the default for
+* AST__AXIS2_ID will be returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Style value to use.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NOSTYLE;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the value of the first set
+ genuine identifier. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ if( nid > 1 ) {
+ if( astTestStyle( this, id1 ) ) {
+ id = id1;
+ } else if( nid > 1 && astTestStyle( this, id2 ) ) {
+ id = id2;
+ } else if( nid > 2 && astTestStyle( this, id3 ) ) {
+ id = id3;
+ } else {
+ id = id1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return astGetStyle( this, id );
+static double GetUseWidth( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetUseWidth
+* Purpose:
+* Get the Width value to use for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* double GetUseWidth( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This returns the Width value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the Width
+* for the first set specific value is returned. For example, if the
+* Width for AST__AXES_ID is requested, then the Width for AST__AXIS1_ID
+* will be returned if set, and otherwise the Width for AST__AXIS2_ID will
+* be returned. If AST__AXIS2_ID is not set either, then the default for
+* AST__AXIS2_ID will be returned.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Width value to use.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NOWIDTH;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the value of the first set
+ genuine identifier. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ if( nid > 1 ) {
+ if( astTestWidth( this, id1 ) ) {
+ id = id1;
+ } else if( nid > 1 && astTestWidth( this, id2 ) ) {
+ id = id2;
+ } else if( nid > 2 && astTestWidth( this, id3 ) ) {
+ id = id3;
+ } else {
+ id = id1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return astGetWidth( this, id );
+static int TestUseColour( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestUseColour
+* Purpose:
+* Test the Colour value for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TestUseColour( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This tests the Colour value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the element
+* is considered to be set if all the corresponding specific values are
+* set.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Colour value state (1 if set, zero otherwise).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the logical AND of the
+ test flags for the genuine identifiers. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ ret = astTestColour( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) ret = ret && astTestColour( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) ret = ret && astTestColour( this, id3 );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static int TestUseFont( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestUseFont
+* Purpose:
+* Test the Font value for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TestUseFont( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This tests the Font value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the element
+* is considered to be set if all the corresponding specific values are
+* set.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Font value state (1 if set, zero otherwise).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the logical AND of the
+ test flags for the genuine identifiers. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ ret = astTestFont( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) ret = ret && astTestFont( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) ret = ret && astTestFont( this, id3 );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static int TestUseSize( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestUseSize
+* Purpose:
+* Test the Size value for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TestUseSize( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This tests the Size value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the element
+* is considered to be set if all the corresponding specific values are
+* set.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Size value state (1 if set, zero otherwise).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the logical AND of the
+ test flags for the genuine identifiers. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ ret = astTestSize( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) ret = ret && astTestSize( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) ret = ret && astTestSize( this, id3 );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static int TestUseStyle( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestUseStyle
+* Purpose:
+* Test the Style value for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TestUseStyle( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This tests the Style value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the element
+* is considered to be set if all the corresponding specific values are
+* set.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Style value state (1 if set, zero otherwise).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the logical AND of the
+ test flags for the genuine identifiers. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ ret = astTestStyle( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) ret = ret && astTestStyle( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) ret = ret && astTestStyle( this, id3 );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static int TestUseWidth( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestUseWidth
+* Purpose:
+* Test the Width value for a specified graphical element.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int TestUseWidth( AstPlot *this, int id, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* This tests the Width value for the graphical element specified by
+* id. If an element related to a generic value is being accessed (e.g
+* "Axes" is generic, "Axis1" and "Axis2" are not), then the element
+* is considered to be set if all the corresponding specific values are
+* set.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot.
+* id
+* An integer specifying the graphical element to be drawn.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Width value state (1 if set, zero otherwise).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int ret;
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id1; /* First genuine identifier */
+ int id2; /* Second genuine identifier */
+ int id3; /* Third genuine identifier */
+ int nid; /* Number of genuine attributes */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return 0;
+/* See if the supplied identifier is a psuedo-identifier representing two
+ or three other genuine identifiers. If so, return the logical AND of the
+ test flags for the genuine identifiers. */
+ nid = IdFind( id, astGetNin( this ), &id1, &id2, &id3, status );
+ ret = astTestWidth( this, id1 );
+ if( nid > 1 ) ret = ret && astTestWidth( this, id2 );
+ if( nid > 2 ) ret = ret && astTestWidth( this, id3 );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static int ToggleLogLin( AstPlot *this, int axis, int islog,
+ const char *method, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* ToggleLogLin
+* Purpose:
+* Toggle the nature of the Plot axis mapping.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int ToggleLogLin( AstPlot *this, int axis, int islog,
+* const char *method, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function
+* Description:
+* Each axis in the graphics Frame of a Plot can be mapped linearly or
+* logarithmically onto the corresponding axis in the base Frame of
+* the FrameSet supplied whtn the Plot was constructed. This function
+* toggles the nature of the specified axis; if it is currently
+* logarithmic it becomes linear, and if it is linear it becomes
+* logarithmic.
+* If the Frame canot be re-maped (for instance because the visible
+* part of the axis includes the value zero), then zero is returned
+* but no error is reported.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* The Plot.
+* axis
+* Zero based axis index.
+* islog
+* Is the axis currently logarithmic? If so, this function remaps
+* it so that it is linear (and vice-versa).
+* method
+* Pointer to a null-terminated string holding the name of the calling
+* method (only used within error mesages).
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Non-zero if the attempt to re-map the graphics Frame was succesful,
+* zero otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstCmpMap *remap1; /* 1D Mapping to re-map the graphics Frame */
+ AstCmpMap *remap2; /* 2D Mapping to re-map the graphics Frame */
+ AstMathMap *logmap; /* 1D Logarithmic axis Mapping */
+ AstUnitMap *unitmap; /* 1D Unit mapping */
+ AstWinMap *linmap; /* 1D Linear axis Mapping */
+ char fwdexp[ 25 + 2*DBL_DIG ]; /* Forward log mapping expression */
+ char invexp[ 28 + 2*DBL_DIG ]; /* Inverse log mapping expression */
+ const char *fwd[1]; /* Pointer to pass to MathMap constructor */
+ const char *inv[1]; /* Pointer to pass to MathMap constructor */
+ double a; /* Constant for log expression */
+ double b1; /* Original base Frame axis value at first edge */
+ double b2; /* Original base Frame axis value at second edge */
+ double b; /* Constant for log expression */
+ double c; /* Constant for log expression */
+ double g1; /* Graphics axis value at first edge */
+ double g2; /* Graphics axis value at second edge */
+ int result; /* Returned value */
+/* Inotialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get the corresponding axis limits in the graphics coordinate system
+ and the original base Frame coordinate system. */
+ if( axis == 0 ) {
+ if( this->xrev ) {
+ g1 = this->xhi;
+ g2 = this->xlo;
+ } else {
+ g1 = this->xlo;
+ g2 = this->xhi;
+ }
+ b1 = this->bbox[ 0 ];
+ b2 = this->bbox[ 2 ];
+ } else {
+ if( this->yrev ) {
+ g1 = this->yhi;
+ g2 = this->ylo;
+ } else {
+ g1 = this->ylo;
+ g2 = this->yhi;
+ }
+ b1 = this->bbox[ 1 ];
+ b2 = this->bbox[ 3 ];
+ }
+/* Check the limits are usable (e.g. the base Frame values will be bad
+ if this Plot was restored from a dump of a Plot created before the
+ LogPlot attributes were added). */
+ if( b1 != AST__BAD && b2 != AST__BAD && g1 != g2 && b1 != b2 &&
+ b1*b2 > 0.0 ) {
+/* Form the 1D Mapping which maps the specified axis linearly onto the plotting
+ surface. The forward transformation goes from graphics to base Frame. */
+ linmap = astWinMap( 1, &g1, &g2, &b1, &b2, "", status );
+/* Form the 1D Mapping which maps the specified axis logarithmically onto the
+ plotting surface. The forward transformation goes from graphics to base
+ Frame. */
+ c = log10( b1/b2 );
+ a = ( g1 - g2 )/c;
+ if( b1 > 0.0 ) {
+ b = ( g2*log10( b1 ) - g1*log10( b2 ) )/c;
+ (void) sprintf( invexp, "g=%.*g*log10(b)+%.*g", DBL_DIG, a, DBL_DIG, b );
+ (void) sprintf( fwdexp, "b=pow(10,(g-%.*g)/%.*g)", DBL_DIG, b, DBL_DIG, a );
+ } else {
+ b = ( g2*log10( -b1 ) - g1*log10( -b2 ) )/c;
+ (void) sprintf( invexp, "g=%.*g*log10(-b)+%.*g", DBL_DIG, a, DBL_DIG, b );
+ (void) sprintf( fwdexp, "b=-pow(10,(g-%.*g)/%.*g)", DBL_DIG, b, DBL_DIG, a );
+ }
+ fwd[ 0 ] = (const char *) fwdexp;
+ inv[ 0 ] = (const char *) invexp;
+ logmap = astMathMap( 1, 1, 1, fwd, 1, inv, "SimpFI=1,SimpIF=1", status );
+/* If the axis was previously logarithmic, get the Mapping with which to remap
+ the graphics Frame so that it becomes linearly related to the base Frame
+ in the FrameSet supplied when the Plot was constructed. */
+ if( islog ) {
+ astInvert( linmap );
+ remap1 = astCmpMap( logmap, linmap, 1, "", status );
+/* If the axis was previously linear, store the new value and get the Mapping
+ with which to remap the graphics Frame so that it becomes logarithmically
+ related to the base Frame in the FrameSet supplied when the Plot was
+ constructed. */
+ } else {
+ astInvert( logmap );
+ remap1 = astCmpMap( linmap, logmap, 1, "", status );
+ }
+/* Add a 1D UnitMap to map the unaltered mapping. */
+ unitmap = astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
+ if( axis == 0 ) {
+ remap2 = astCmpMap( remap1, unitmap, 0, "", status );
+ } else {
+ remap2 = astCmpMap( unitmap, remap1, 0, "", status );
+ }
+/* Remap the base (graphics) Frame in the Plot. */
+ astRemapFrame( this, AST__BASE, remap2 );
+/* Free resources. */
+ remap1 = astAnnul( remap1 );
+ remap2 = astAnnul( remap2 );
+ logmap = astAnnul( logmap );
+ linmap = astAnnul( linmap );
+ unitmap = astAnnul( unitmap );
+/* Indicate success. */
+ if( astOK ) result = 1;
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static int Ustrcmp( const char *a, const char *b, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Ustrncmp
+* Purpose:
+* A case blind version of strcmp.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Ustrcmp( const char *a, const char *b )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* Returns 0 if there are no differences between the two strings, and 1
+* otherwise. Comparisons are case blind.
+* Parameters:
+* a
+* Pointer to first string.
+* b
+* Pointer to second string.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero if the strings match, otherwise one.
+* Notes:
+* - This function does not consider the sign of the difference between
+* the two strings, whereas "strcmp" does.
+* - This function attempts to execute even if an error has occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *aa; /* Pointer to next "a" character */
+ const char *bb; /* Pointer to next "b" character */
+ int ret; /* Returned value */
+/* Initialise the returned value to indicate that the strings match. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Initialise pointers to the start of each string. */
+ aa = a;
+ bb = b;
+/* Loop round each character. */
+ while( 1 ){
+/* We leave the loop if either of the strings has been exhausted. */
+ if( !(*aa ) || !(*bb) ){
+/* If one of the strings has not been exhausted, indicate that the
+ strings are different. */
+ if( *aa || *bb ) ret = 1;
+/* Break out of the loop. */
+ break;
+/* If neither string has been exhausted, convert the next characters to
+ upper case and compare them, incrementing the pointers to the next
+ characters at the same time. If they are different, break out of the
+ loop. */
+ } else {
+ if( toupper( (int) *(aa++) ) != toupper( (int) *(bb++) ) ){
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+static int Ustrncmp( const char *a, const char *b, size_t n, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Ustrncmp
+* Purpose:
+* A case blind version of strncmp.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int Ustrncmp( const char *a, const char *b, size_t n )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot member function.
+* Description:
+* Returns 0 if there are no differences between the first "n"
+* characters of the two strings, and 1 otherwise. Comparisons are
+* case blind.
+* Parameters:
+* a
+* Pointer to first string.
+* b
+* Pointer to second string.
+* n
+* The maximum number of characters to compare.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero if the strings match, otherwise one.
+* Notes:
+* - This function does not consider the sign of the difference
+* between the two strings, whereas "strncmp" does.
+* - This function attempts to execute even if an error has
+* occurred.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *aa; /* Pointer to next "a" character */
+ const char *bb; /* Pointer to next "b" character */
+ int i; /* Character index */
+ int ret; /* Returned value */
+/* Initialise the returned value to indicate that the strings match. */
+ ret = 0;
+/* Initialise pointers to the start of each string. */
+ aa = a;
+ bb = b;
+/* Compare up to "n" characters. */
+ for( i = 0; i < (int) n; i++ ){
+/* We leave the loop if either of the strings has been exhausted. */
+ if( !(*aa ) || !(*bb) ){
+/* If one of the strings has not been exhausted, indicate that the
+ strings are different. */
+ if( *aa || *bb ) ret = 1;
+/* Break out of the loop. */
+ break;
+/* If neither string has been exhausted, convert the next characters to
+ upper case and compare them, incrementing the pointers to the next
+ characters at the same time. If they are different, break out of the
+ loop. */
+ } else {
+ if( toupper( (int) *(aa++) ) != toupper( (int) *(bb++) ) ){
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return ret;
+/* Destructor. */
+/* ----------- */
+static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Delete
+* Purpose:
+* Destructor for Plot objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the destructor for Plot objects.
+* Parameters:
+* obj
+* Pointer to the object to be deleted.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* This function attempts to execute even if the global error status is
+* set.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to Plot */
+ int i;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) obj;
+/* Free the clipping bounds arrays. */
+ this->clip_lbnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) this->clip_lbnd );
+ this->clip_ubnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) this->clip_ubnd );
+/* Free the Grf function stack */
+ this->grfstack = (AstGrfPtrs *) astFree( (void *) this->grfstack );
+/* Free the graphics attribute stack. */
+ for( i = this->ngat - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ this->gat[ i ] = astFree( this->gat[ i ] );
+ }
+/* Free the graphics context pointer. */
+ if( this->grfcontext ) {
+ this->grfcontext = astAnnul( this->grfcontext );
+ this->grfcontextID = astAnnulId( this->grfcontextID );
+ }
+/* Free the information about the tick marks to draw. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ this->majtickval[ i ] = astFree( this->majtickval[ i ] );
+ this->mintickval[ i ] = astFree( this->mintickval[ i ] );
+ this->nmajtickval[ i ] = 0;
+ this->nmintickval[ i ] = 0;
+ }
+/* Free the information about the drawn tick marks. */
+ SaveTick( this, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0, status );
+/* Copy constructor. */
+/* ----------------- */
+static void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Copy
+* Purpose:
+* Copy constructor for Plot objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the copy constructor for Plot objects.
+* Parameters:
+* objin
+* Pointer to the object to be copied.
+* objout
+* Pointer to the object being constructed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - This constructor makes a deep copy.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *in; /* Pointer to input Plot */
+ AstPlot *out; /* Pointer to output Plot */
+ int axis; /* Zero based axis index */
+ int n; /* Number of ticks saved */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain pointers to the input and output Plots. */
+ in = (AstPlot *) objin;
+ out = (AstPlot *) objout;
+/* For safety, first clear any references to the input memory from
+ the output Plot. */
+ out->clip_lbnd = NULL;
+ out->clip_ubnd = NULL;
+ out->gat = NULL;
+ out->ngat = 0;
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) {
+ out->majtickgx[ axis ] = NULL;
+ out->majtickgy[ axis ] = NULL;
+ out->majtickcount[ axis ] = 0;
+ out->mintickgx[ axis ] = NULL;
+ out->mintickgy[ axis ] = NULL;
+ out->mintickcount[ axis ] = 0;
+ out->majtickval[ axis ] = NULL;
+ out->nmajtickval[ axis ] = 0;
+ out->mintickval[ axis ] = NULL;
+ out->nmintickval[ axis ] = 0;
+ }
+/* Copy the clipping bounds arrays. */
+ out->clip_lbnd = (double *) astStore( NULL, (void *) in->clip_lbnd,
+ sizeof(double)*(size_t)(in->clip_axes) );
+ out->clip_ubnd = (double *) astStore( NULL, (void *) in->clip_ubnd,
+ sizeof(double)*(size_t)(in->clip_axes) );
+/* Copy the Grf function stack */
+ out->grfstack = (AstGrfPtrs *) astStore( NULL, (void *) in->grfstack,
+ sizeof(AstGrfPtrs)*(size_t)(in->grfnstack ));
+/* Copy the information about drawn tick marks. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) {
+ n = in->majtickcount[ axis ];
+ out->majtickgx[ axis ] = (double *) astStore( NULL, in->majtickgx[ axis ],
+ n*sizeof( double ) );
+ out->majtickgy[ axis ] = (double *) astStore( NULL, in->majtickgy[ axis ],
+ n*sizeof( double ) );
+ out->majtickcount[ axis ] = n;
+ n = in->mintickcount[ axis ];
+ out->mintickgx[ axis ] = (double *) astStore( NULL, in->mintickgx[ axis ],
+ n*sizeof( double ) );
+ out->mintickgy[ axis ] = (double *) astStore( NULL, in->mintickgy[ axis ],
+ n*sizeof( double ) );
+ out->mintickcount[ axis ] = n;
+ n = in->nmajtickval[ axis ];
+ out->majtickval[ axis ] = (double *) astStore( NULL, in->majtickval[ axis ],
+ n*sizeof( double ) );
+ out->nmajtickval[ axis ] = n;
+ n = in->nmintickval[ axis ];
+ out->mintickval[ axis ] = (double *) astStore( NULL, in->mintickval[ axis ],
+ n*sizeof( double ) );
+ out->nmintickval[ axis ] = n;
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, free any allocated memory. */
+ if ( !astOK ) {
+ out->clip_lbnd = (double *) astFree( out->clip_lbnd );
+ out->clip_ubnd = (double *) astFree( out->clip_ubnd );
+ out->grfstack = (AstGrfPtrs *) astFree( out->grfstack );
+ SaveTick( out, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0, status );
+ }
+/* Dump function. */
+/* -------------- */
+static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Dump
+* Purpose:
+* Dump function for Plot objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
+* for the Plot class to an output Channel.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Plot whose data are being written.
+* channel
+* Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPlot *this; /* Pointer to the Plot structure */
+ char buff[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ char *comment; /* Pointer to comment string */
+ double dval; /* Double precision value */
+ int ax; /* Axis to which element refers */
+ int axis; /* Zero based axis index */
+ int id; /* Zero based graphical object id */
+ int ival; /* Integer value */
+ int itick; /* Tick mark index */
+ int nax; /* Number of base Frame axes */
+ int set; /* Attribute value set? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the Plot structure. */
+ this = (AstPlot *) this_object;
+/* Get the number of graphics (base) frame axes - 2 for a Plot, 3 for a
+ Plot3D. */
+ nax = astGetNin( this );
+/* Write out values representing the instance variables for the
+ Plot class. Accompany these with appropriate comment strings,
+ possibly depending on the values being written.*/
+/* In the case of attributes, we first use the appropriate (private)
+ Test... member function to see if they are set. If so, we then use
+ the (private) Get... function to obtain the value to be written
+ out.
+ For attributes which are not set, we use the astGet... method to
+ obtain the value instead. This will supply a default value
+ (possibly provided by a derived class which over-rides this method)
+ which is more useful to a human reader as it corresponds to the
+ actual default attribute value. Since "set" will be zero, these
+ values are for information only and will not be read back. */
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+ set = TestTol( this, status );
+ dval = set ? GetTol( this, status ) : astGetTol( this );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Tol", set, 0, dval, "Plotting tolerance" );
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+ set = TestGrid( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetGrid( this, status ) : astGetGrid( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Grid", set, 0, ival, "Is a grid required?" );
+/* TickAll. */
+/* -------- */
+ set = TestTickAll( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetTickAll( this, status ) : astGetTickAll( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "TckAll", set, 1, ival, "Put ticks on all edges?" );
+/* ForceExterior. */
+/* -------------- */
+ set = TestForceExterior( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetForceExterior( this, status ) : astGetForceExterior( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "FrcExt", set, 1, ival, "Force exterior labelling?" );
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+ set = TestInvisible( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetInvisible( this, status ) : astGetInvisible( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Invsbl", set, 1, ival, "Use invisible ink?" );
+/* Border. */
+/* ------- */
+ set = TestBorder( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetBorder( this, status ) : astGetBorder( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Border", set, 0, ival, "Draw a border round the grid?" );
+/* ClipOp. */
+/* ------- */
+ set = TestClipOp( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetClipOp( this, status ) : astGetClipOp( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "ClpOp", set, 0, ival, "Clip using logical OR?" );
+/* Clip. */
+/* ----- */
+ set = TestClip( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetClip( this, status ) : astGetClip( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Clip", set, 0, ival,
+ ((ival == 0)?"Do not clip at plot edges":
+ ((ival == 1)?"Clip curves at plot edges":
+ ((ival == 2)?"Clip markers at plot edges":
+ "Clip markers and curves at plot edges"))));
+/* DrawTitle. */
+/* --------- */
+ set = TestDrawTitle( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetDrawTitle( this, status ) : astGetDrawTitle( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "DrwTtl", set, 1, ival, "Add a title to the grid?" );
+/* DrawAxesUnits(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestDrawAxes( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetDrawAxes( this, axis, status ) : astGetDrawAxes( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "DrwAxs%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, "Draw axis through ticks?" );
+ }
+/* Abbrev(axis). */
+/* ------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestAbbrev( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetAbbrev( this, axis, status ) : astGetAbbrev( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Abbrv%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, "Abbreviate numerical axis labels?" );
+ }
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+ set = TestEscape( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetEscape( this, status ) : astGetEscape( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Escape", set, 1, ival, "Interpret escape sequences?" );
+/* LabelAt(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestLabelAt( this, axis, status );
+ dval = set ? GetLabelAt( this, axis, status ) : astGetLabelAt( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LblAt%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, "Put numerical labels at" );
+ }
+ }
+/* Centre(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestCentre( this, axis, status );
+ dval = set ? GetCentre( this, axis, status ) : astGetCentre( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Cen%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, "Tick mark origin" );
+ }
+ }
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+/* Discovering the default value requires a lot of calculation. Only
+ write out this attribute if an explicit value has been set. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ if( astTestGap( this, axis ) ) {
+ dval = astGetGap( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Gap%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, "Difference between ticks" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ------------- */
+/* Discovering the default value requires a lot of calculation. Only
+ write out this attribute if an explicit value has been set. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ if( astTestLogGap( this, axis ) ) {
+ dval = astGetLogGap( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LgGap%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, "Ratio between ticks" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* NumLabGap(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestNumLabGap( this, axis, status );
+ dval = set ? GetNumLabGap( this, axis, status ) : astGetNumLabGap( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "NmGap%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 1, dval, "Spacing of numerical labels" );
+ }
+ }
+/* TextLabGap(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestTextLabGap( this, axis, status );
+ dval = set ? GetTextLabGap( this, axis, status ) : astGetTextLabGap( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "TxGap%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 1, dval, "Spacing of descriptive labels" );
+ }
+ }
+/* LabelUp(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestLabelUp( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLabelUp( this, axis, status ) : astGetLabelUp( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LblUp%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 1, ival, "Draw numerical labels upright?" );
+ }
+/* LogPlot(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestLogPlot( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLogPlot( this, axis, status ) : astGetLogPlot( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LgPlt%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 1, ival, "Map plot axis logarithmically?" );
+ }
+/* LogTicks(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestLogTicks( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLogTicks( this, axis, status ) : astGetLogTicks( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LgTck%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 1, ival, "Space ticks logarithmically?" );
+ }
+/* LogLabel(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestLogLabel( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLogLabel( this, axis, status ) : astGetLogLabel( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LgLbl%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 1, ival, "Scientific notation for labels?" );
+ }
+/* NumLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestNumLab( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetNumLab( this, axis, status ) : astGetNumLab( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "NmLbl%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 1, ival, "Draw numerical labels?" );
+ }
+/* MinTick(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestMinTick( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetMinTick( this, axis, status ) : astGetMinTick( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "MnTks%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, "No. of sub-divisions "
+ "between major tick marks" );
+ }
+/* TextLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestTextLab( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetTextLab( this, axis, status ) : astGetTextLab( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "TxLbl%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, "Draw textual label?" );
+ }
+/* LabelUnits(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestLabelUnits( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLabelUnits( this, axis, status ) : astGetLabelUnits( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "LbUnt%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, "Add units to axis label?" );
+ }
+/* Style(object). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ set = TestStyle( this, id, status );
+ ival = set ? GetStyle( this, id, status ) : astGetStyle( this, id );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Style%d", id + 1 );
+ comment = GrfItem( id, " line style", &ax, status );
+ if( ax < nax ) astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, comment );
+ comment = (char *) astFree( (void *) comment );
+ }
+/* Font(object). */
+/* ------------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ set = TestFont( this, id, status );
+ ival = set ? GetFont( this, id, status ) : astGetFont( this, id );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Font%d", id + 1 );
+ comment = GrfItem( id, " character font", &ax, status );
+ if( ax < nax ) astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, comment );
+ comment = (char *) astFree( (void *) comment );
+ }
+/* Colour(object). */
+/* --------------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ set = TestColour( this, id, status );
+ ival = set ? GetColour( this, id, status ) : astGetColour( this, id );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Col%d", id + 1 );
+ comment = GrfItem( id, " colour index", &ax, status );
+ if( ax < nax ) astWriteInt( channel, buff, set, 0, ival, comment );
+ comment = (char *) astFree( (void *) comment );
+ }
+/* Width(object). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ set = TestWidth( this, id, status );
+ dval = set ? GetWidth( this, id, status ) : astGetWidth( this, id );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Width%d", id + 1 );
+ comment = GrfItem( id, " line width", &ax, status );
+ if( ax < nax ) astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, comment );
+ comment = (char *) astFree( (void *) comment );
+ }
+ }
+/* Size(object). */
+/* ------------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ set = TestSize( this, id, status );
+ dval = set ? GetSize( this, id, status ) : astGetSize( this, id );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Size%d", id + 1 );
+ comment = GrfItem( id, " character size", &ax, status );
+ if( ax < nax ) astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, comment );
+ comment = (char *) astFree( (void *) comment );
+ }
+ }
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ set = TestTitleGap( this, status );
+ dval = set ? GetTitleGap( this, status ) : astGetTitleGap( this );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) astWriteDouble( channel, "TtlGap", set, 1, dval,
+ "Gap between title and edge" );
+/* MajTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestMajTickLen( this, axis, status );
+ dval = set ? GetMajTickLen( this, axis, status ) : astGetMajTickLen( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "MjTkLn%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 0, dval, "Major tick length" );
+ }
+ }
+/* MinTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestMinTickLen( this, axis, status );
+ dval = set ? GetMinTickLen( this, axis, status ) : astGetMinTickLen( this, axis );
+ if( dval != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "MnTkLn%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, set, 1, dval, "Minor tick length" );
+ }
+ }
+/* Labelling. */
+/* ---------- */
+ set = TestLabelling( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLabelling( this, status ) : astGetLabelling( this );
+ comment = "Labelling scheme";
+ astWriteString( channel, "Lbling", set, 0, xlbling[ival], comment );
+/* Edge(axis). */
+/* ----------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ set = TestEdge( this, axis, status );
+ ival = set ? GetEdge( this, axis, status ) : astGetEdge( this, axis );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "Edge%d", axis + 1 );
+ comment = "Edge used to label an axis";
+ astWriteString( channel, buff, set, 0, xedge[ival], comment );
+ }
+/* Now do instance variables which are not attributes. */
+/* =================================================== */
+/* Only write out clipping information if set. */
+ if( this->clip_lbnd && this->clip_ubnd ){
+/* The lower bounds of the clipping volume. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < this->clip_axes; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "ClpLb%d", axis + 1 );
+ if( this->clip_lbnd && (this->clip_lbnd)[ axis ] != AST__BAD ){
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 0, (this->clip_lbnd)[ axis ],
+ "Lower bound of clipping region" );
+ }
+ }
+/* The upper bounds of the clipping volume. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < this->clip_axes; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "ClpUb%d", axis + 1 );
+ if( this->clip_ubnd && (this->clip_ubnd)[ axis ] != AST__BAD ){
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 0, (this->clip_ubnd)[ axis ],
+ "Upper bound of clipping region" );
+ }
+ }
+/* The number of bounds supplied for the clipping volume. */
+ astWriteInt( channel, "ClpAxs", 1, 0, this->clip_axes,
+ "No. of bounds for clipping region" );
+/* The index of the clipping Frame within the Plot. */
+ astWriteInt( channel, "ClpFrm", 1, 0, this->clip_frame,
+ "Index of clipping Frame" );
+ }
+/* The bounds of the plotting area in graphics coords. */
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Xlo", 1, 1, this->xlo,
+ "Lower X bound of plotting area" );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Ylo", 1, 1, this->ylo,
+ "Lower Y bound of plotting area" );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Xhi", 1, 1, this->xhi,
+ "Upper X bound of plotting area" );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Yhi", 1, 1, this->yhi,
+ "Upper Y bound of plotting area" );
+/* Axis reversal flags. */
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Xrev", 1, 0, this->xrev, "X axis reversed?" );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Yrev", 1, 0, this->yrev, "Y axis reversed?" );
+/* The bounds of the plotting area in the base Frame of the FrameSet
+ supplied when the Plot was constructed. */
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Xb1", 1, 1, this->bbox[ 0 ],
+ "Lower X bound of supplied base Frame" );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Yb1", 1, 1, this->bbox[ 1 ],
+ "Lower Y bound of supplied base Frame" );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Xb2", 1, 1, this->bbox[ 2 ],
+ "Upper X bound of supplied base Frame" );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Yb2", 1, 1, this->bbox[ 3 ],
+ "Upper Y bound of supplied base Frame" );
+/* User-specified tick values */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) {
+ if( this->nmajtickval[ axis ] > 0 ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "NMjTk%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, 1, 1, this->nmajtickval[ axis ], "" );
+ for( itick = 0; itick < this->nmajtickval[ axis ]; itick++ ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "MjTk%d_%d", axis + 1, itick + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1,
+ this->majtickval[ axis ][ itick ], "" );
+ }
+ }
+ if( this->nmintickval[ axis ] > 0 ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "NMnTk%d", axis + 1 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, buff, 1, 1, this->nmintickval[ axis ], "" );
+ for( itick = 0; itick < this->nmintickval[ axis ]; itick++ ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "MnTk%d_%d", axis + 1, itick + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1,
+ this->mintickval[ axis ][ itick ], "" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return;
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Standard class functions. */
+/* ========================= */
+/* Implement the astIsAPlot and astCheckPlot functions using
+ the macros defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header
+ file. */
+AstPlot *astPlot_( void *frame_void, const float *graphbox,
+ const double *basebox, const char *options, int *status, ...) {
+* Name:
+* astPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Create a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPlot *astPlot( AstFrame *frame, const float *graphbox,
+* const double *basebox, const char *options, ..., int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function creates a new Plot and optionally initialises
+* its attributes.
+* The supplied Frame (or the base frame if a FrameSet was supplied) is
+* assumed to be related to the graphics world coordinate system by a
+* simple shift and scale along each axis. The mapping between graphics
+* world coordinates and this Frame is specified by supplying the
+* coordinates in both systems at the bottom left and top right corners
+* of a box on the graphics device. By default, no graphics will be
+* produced outside the supplied box, but this default behaviour can be
+* changed by setting explicit values for the various clipping attributes.
+* Parameters:
+* frame
+* A pointer to a Frame or FrameSet to be annotated. If a NULL pointer
+* is supplied, then a default 2-D Frame will be created to which labels,
+* etc, can be attached by setting the relevant Frame attributes.
+* graphbox
+* A pointer to an array of 4 values giving the graphics world
+* coordinates of the bottom left and top right corners of a box on
+* the graphics output device. The first pair of values should be the
+* coordinates of the bottom left corner of the box and the second
+* pair of values should be the coordinates of the top right corner.
+* The horizontal axis should be given first in each pair.
+* basebox
+* A pointer to an array of 4 values giving the coordinates in the
+* supplied Frame, or base frame of the supplied FrameSet, at the
+* bottom left and top right corners of the box specified by parameter
+* graphbox. These should be supplied in the same order as for
+* parameter "graphbox".
+* options
+* Pointer to a null terminated string containing an optional
+* comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
+* initialising the new Plot. The syntax used is the same as
+* for the astSet method and may include "printf" format
+* specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* ...
+* If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
+* an optional list of arguments may follow it in order to
+* supply values to be substituted for these specifiers. The
+* rules for supplying these are identical to those for the
+* astSet method (and for the C "printf" function).
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new Plot.
+* Notes:
+* - The base Frame of the created Plot corresponds to the graphics world
+* coordinate system, and should not, in general, be changed.
+* - The current Frame of the created Plot corresponds to the Frame
+* given by parameter "frame". If a FrameSet was supplied then its
+* current Frame becomes the current Frame of the created Plot.
+* - If the supplied Frame, or base Frame if a FrameSet was supplied,
+* has more than 2 axes, then the sub-Frame defined by the first 2 axes
+* is used.
+* - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+* Implementation Notes:
+* - This function implements the basic Plot constructor which
+* is available via the protected interface to the Plot class.
+* A public interface is provided by the astPlotId_ function.
+* - Because this function has a variable argument list, it is
+* invoked by a macro that evaluates to a function pointer (not a
+* function invocation) and no checking or casting of arguments is
+* performed before the function is invoked. Because of this, the
+* "frame" parameter is of type (void *) and is converted and
+* validated within the function itself.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to Frame structure */
+ AstPlot *new; /* Pointer to new Plot */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Obtain and validate a pointer to any supplied Frame structure. */
+ if( frame_void ){
+ frame = astCheckFrame( frame_void );
+ } else {
+ frame = NULL;
+ }
+/* Check the pointer can be used. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Initialise the Plot, allocating memory and initialising the
+ virtual function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitPlot( NULL, sizeof( AstPlot ), !class_init,
+ &class_vtab, "Plot", frame, graphbox,
+ basebox );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
+ initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
+ options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new
+ Plot's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, status );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new Plot. */
+ return new;
+AstPlot *astInitPlot_( void *mem, size_t size, int init, AstPlotVtab *vtab,
+ const char *name, AstFrame *frame, const float *graphbox,
+ const double *basebox, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* AstPlot *astInitPlot( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+* AstPlotVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* AstFrame *frame, const float *graphbox,
+* const double *basebox )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided for use by class implementations to initialise
+* a new Plot object. It allocates memory (if necessary) to accommodate
+* the Plot plus any additional data associated with the derived class.
+* It then initialises a Plot structure at the start of this memory. If
+* the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a virtual
+* function table for a Plot at the start of the memory passed via the
+* "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory in which the Plot is to be created. This
+* must be of sufficient size to accommodate the Plot data
+* (sizeof(Plot)) plus any data used by the derived class. If a value
+* of NULL is given, this function will allocate the memory itself using
+* the "size" parameter to determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the Plot (plus derived class data).
+* This will be used to allocate memory if a value of NULL is given for
+* the "mem" parameter. This value is also stored in the Plot
+* structure, so a valid value must be supplied even if not required for
+* allocating memory.
+* init
+* A logical flag indicating if the Plot's virtual function table is
+* to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the virtual function
+* table will be initialised by this function.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be associated
+* with the new Plot. If NULL, the vtab associated with this class
+* (Plot) will be used.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the new object belongs (it is this
+* pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the astGetClass
+* method).
+* frame
+* A pointer to the Frame or Frameset to be annotated.
+* graphbox
+* A pointer to an array of 4 values giving the graphics coordinates
+* of the bottom left and top right corners of a box on the graphics
+* output device. The first pair of values should be the graphics
+* coordinates of the bottom left corner of the box and the second
+* pair of values are the graphics coordinates of the top right corner.
+* The horizontal axis should be given first in each pair.
+* basebox
+* A pointer to an array of 4 values giving the coordinates in the
+* supplied Frame or base Frame of the supplied FrameSet at the bottom
+* left and top right corners of the box specified by parameter graphbox.
+* These should be supplied in the same order as for parameter "graphbox".
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new Plot.
+* Notes:
+* - If the supplied Frame, or base Frame if a FrameSet was supplied,
+* has more than 2 axes, then the sub-Frame defined by the first 2 axes
+* is used.
+* - The current Frame of the supplied FrameSet need not be 2-dimensional.
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstFrame *baseframe; /* Pointer to base frame */
+ AstFrame *graphicsframe; /* Pointer to graphics frame */
+ AstFrameSet *fset0; /* The n-D FrameSet to be annotated */
+ AstFrameSet *fset; /* The 2-D FrameSet to be annotated */
+ AstPlot *new; /* Pointer to new Plot */
+ AstWinMap *map; /* Mapping for converting bbox -> gbox */
+ char *mess; /* Pointer to a descriptive message */
+ double gbox[ 4 ]; /* Double precision version of "graphbox" */
+ int axis; /* Axis index, 0 or 1 */
+ int bi; /* Index of base frame */
+ int ci; /* Index of current frame */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int id; /* Plot object id */
+ int naxes; /* No. of axes in frame */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(frame);
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ fset = NULL;
+ mess = NULL;
+/* If no vtab was supplied, use the vtab for this class (Plot). */
+ if( !vtab ) {
+ vtab = &class_vtab;
+ if ( !class_init ) {
+ astInitPlotVtab( vtab, "Plot" );
+ class_init = 1;
+ }
+/* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
+ } else if ( init ) {
+ astInitPlotVtab( vtab, name );
+ }
+/* Initialise. */
+ new = NULL;
+ baseframe = NULL;
+/* First of all we need to ensure that we have a FrameSet and a base
+ Frame on which to base the new Plot. If a NULL Frame pointer was
+ supplied, create a default 2-D Frame, and then create a FrameSet
+ containing just this default Frame. Also store a pointer to a
+ message which can be used to describe the object within error
+ messages. */
+ if( !frame ){
+ baseframe = astFrame( 2, "", status );
+ fset = astFrameSet( baseframe, "", status );
+ mess = "default 2-d Frame";
+/* If an object was supplied, report an error if it is not a Frame or
+ an object derived from a Frame (such as a FrameSet). */
+ } else if( !astIsAFrame( frame ) ){
+ if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__BDOBJ, "astInitPlot(%s): Supplied Object (class '%s') "
+ "is not a Frame.", status, name, astGetClass( frame ) );
+ }
+/* If the supplied object is a Plot or an object derived from a Plot (a Plot
+ is a sort of Frame and so will pass the above test), extract a
+ FrameSet from the Plot, and clear the Domain attribute for any existing
+ Frames which have Domain GRAPHICS. */
+ } else if( astIsAPlot( frame ) ){
+ fset0 = astFrameSet( frame, "", status );
+ fset = astCopy( fset0 );
+ fset0 = astAnnul( fset0 );
+ for( i = 0; i < astGetNframe( fset ); i++ ) {
+ graphicsframe = astGetFrame( fset, i );
+ if( !strcmp( astGetDomain( graphicsframe ), "GRAPHICS" ) ) {
+ astClearDomain( graphicsframe );
+ }
+ graphicsframe = astAnnul( graphicsframe );
+ }
+ baseframe = astGetFrame( fset, astGetBase( fset ) );
+ mess = "base Frame of the supplied Plot";
+/* If the object is not a FrameSet, create a FrameSet holding the
+ supplied Frame. If the Frame is not 2D, an extra 2D Frame is
+ included in the FrameSet derived from axes 1 and 2 of the supplied
+ Frame. This new Frame becomes the base Frame. */
+ } else if( !astIsAFrameSet( frame ) ){
+ fset0 = astFrameSet( frame, "", status );
+ mess = "supplied Frame";
+ fset = Fset2D( fset0, AST__BASE, status );
+ fset0 = astAnnul( fset0 );
+ baseframe = astGetFrame( fset, astGetBase( fset ) );
+/* If a FrameSet was supplied, ensure it has a 2D base Frame.
+ If the supplied FrameSet is not 2D, then a new base Frame is
+ inserted into it which is derived from axes 1 and 2 of the
+ original base Frame. */
+ } else {
+ fset = Fset2D( (AstFrameSet *) frame, AST__BASE, status );
+ baseframe = astGetFrame( fset, astGetBase( fset ) );
+ mess = "base Frame of the supplied FrameSet";
+ }
+/* Check that there are 2 axes in the base frame of the FrameSet. */
+ naxes = astGetNaxes( baseframe );
+ if ( naxes != 2 && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__NAXIN, "astInitPlot(%s): Number of axes (%d) in the %s "
+ "is invalid - this number should be 2.", status, name, naxes, mess );
+ }
+/* Check that neither dimension of the graphbox is zero. */
+ if( ( graphbox[ 2 ] == graphbox[ 0 ] ||
+ graphbox[ 3 ] == graphbox[ 1 ] ) && astOK ){
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astInitPlot(%s): The plotting area has zero size "
+ "in the graphics world coordinate system.", status, name );
+ }
+/* Check that neither dimension of the graphbox is bad. */
+ if( astISBAD(graphbox[0]) || astISBAD(graphbox[1]) ||
+ astISBAD(graphbox[2]) || astISBAD(graphbox[3]) ) {
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astInitPlot(%s): The plotting area has undefined limits "
+ "in the graphics world coordinate system.", status, name );
+ }
+/* Check that neither dimension of the basebox is zero. */
+ if( astISBAD(basebox[2]) || astISBAD(basebox[0]) ) {
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astInitPlot(%s): The limits of the horizontal "
+ "axis of the %s are undefined or bad.", status, name, name );
+ } else if( astISBAD(basebox[3]) || astISBAD(basebox[1]) ) {
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astInitPlot(%s): The limits of the vertical "
+ "axis of the %s are undefined or bad.", status, name, name );
+ }
+/* Create a Frame which describes the graphics world coordinate system. */
+ graphicsframe = astFrame( 2,
+ "Domain=GRAPHICS,Title=Graphical Coordinates", status );
+/* Initialise a FrameSet structure (the parent class) as the first
+ component within the Plot structure, allocating memory if necessary.
+ The new FrameSet is initialised to hold the graphics Frame created
+ above. */
+ new = (AstPlot *) astInitFrameSet( mem, size, 0, (AstFrameSetVtab *) vtab,
+ name, graphicsframe );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Initialise the Plot data. */
+/* ----------------------------- */
+/* Get a double precision version of "graphbox". */
+ gbox[ 0 ] = (double) graphbox[ 0 ];
+ gbox[ 1 ] = (double) graphbox[ 1 ];
+ gbox[ 2 ] = (double) graphbox[ 2 ];
+ gbox[ 3 ] = (double) graphbox[ 3 ];
+/* Store the bounds in graphics coordinates of the clipping box, ensuring
+ that the low bound is lower than the high bound. Set flags to indicate
+ if the supplied bounds has to be reversed to do this (some graphics
+ system have the Y axis increasing from the top of the screen to the
+ bottom). */
+ if( graphbox[ 0 ] <= graphbox[ 2 ] ){
+ new->xlo = gbox[ 0 ];
+ new->xhi = gbox[ 2 ];
+ new->xrev = 0;
+ } else {
+ new->xhi = gbox[ 0 ];
+ new->xlo = gbox[ 2 ];
+ new->xrev = 1;
+ astSetDirection( graphicsframe, 0, 0 );
+ }
+ if( graphbox[ 1 ] <= graphbox[ 3 ] ){
+ new->ylo = gbox[ 1 ];
+ new->yhi = gbox[ 3 ];
+ new->yrev = 0;
+ } else {
+ new->yhi = gbox[ 1 ];
+ new->ylo = gbox[ 3 ];
+ new->yrev = 1;
+ astSetDirection( graphicsframe, 1, 0 );
+ }
+/* Store the bounds of the Plot within the base Frame of the supplied
+ FrameSet. */
+ new->bbox[ 0 ] = basebox[ 0 ];
+ new->bbox[ 1 ] = basebox[ 1 ];
+ new->bbox[ 2 ] = basebox[ 2 ];
+ new->bbox[ 3 ] = basebox[ 3 ];
+/* We initially assume that the base Frame of the supplied FrameSet is
+ mapped lineary onto the graphics frame. This may be changed later by
+ assigning values to the LogPlot attributes. Create a WinMap which
+ maps the base box (within the base Frame of the supplied FrameSet)
+ onto the graphics box. */
+ map = astWinMap( 2, gbox, gbox + 2, basebox, basebox + 2, "", status );
+/* Get the index of the current (physical) and base (pixel) Frames in
+ the supplied FrameSet. */
+ bi = astGetBase( fset );
+ ci = astGetCurrent( fset );
+/* Temporarily set the current Frame to be the pixel frame. */
+ astSetCurrent( fset, bi );
+/* Add the supplied FrameSet into the Plot (i.e. FrameSet) created
+ earlier. This leaves the graphics frame with index 1 in the
+ returned Plot. We use the linear mapping initially. */
+ astAddFrame( (AstFrameSet *) new, 1, map, fset );
+ map = astAnnul( map );
+/* Set the current Frame in the Plot to be the physical coordinate Frame
+ (with index incremented by one because the graphics Frame has been added). */
+ astSetCurrent( (AstFrameSet *) new, ci + 1 );
+/* Re-establish the original current Frame in the supplied FrameSet. */
+ astSetCurrent( fset, ci );
+/* Store a value of -1.0 for Tol to indicate that no value has yet been
+ set. This will cause a default value of 0.001 to be used. */
+ new->tol = -1.0;
+/* Set up default clipping information which gives no clipping. */
+ new->clip_frame = AST__NOFRAME;
+ new->clip_lbnd = NULL;
+ new->clip_ubnd = NULL;
+ new->clip_axes = 0;
+/* Is a grid covering the plotting area required? Store a value of -1
+ to indicate that no value has yet been set. This will cause a default
+ value of 0 (no) to be used. */
+ new->grid = -1;
+/* Are tick marks to be placed on both edges in a pair of opposite edges?
+ Store a value of -1 to indicate that no value has yet been set. This will
+ cause a default value of 1 (yes) to be used. */
+ new->tickall = -1;
+/* Graphics context identifier */
+ new->grfcontext = NULL;
+ new->grfcontextID = NULL;
+/* Shoudl ast Grid draw a boundary round the regions of valid coordinates?
+ Store a value of -1 to indicate that no value has yet been set. This will
+ cause a default value of 1 (yes) to be used. */
+ new->border = -1;
+/* Should graphics be drawn invisible? Store a value of -1 to indicate that
+ no value has yet been set. This will cause a default value of 0 (no) to
+ be used. */
+ new->invisible = -1;
+/* By default clip markers but not curves at the boundary of the plotting
+ area. This was the only behaviour available prior to the introduction of
+ the Clip attribute, and is chosen as the default to maintain backwards
+ compatibility. */
+ new->clip = -1;
+/* Is clipping to be done using a logical OR operation between the axes?
+ Store a value of -1 to indicate that no value has yet been set. This will
+ cause a default value of 0 (no, i.e. a logical AND) to be used. */
+ new->clipop = -1;
+/* Is the graphics interface registered using astGrfSet to be used?
+ Store a value of -1 to indicate that no value has yet been set. This will
+ cause a default value of 0 (no, i.e. use the graphics interface
+ selected at link-time) to be used. */
+ new->grf = -1;
+/* Wrapper functions to call the drawing routines. These are the
+ default wrappers which call GRF routines written in C. Alternative
+ wrappers are defined in fplot.c for use with GRF routines written in
+ F77. */
+ new->GAttr = CGAttrWrapper;
+ new->GBBuf = CGBBufWrapper;
+ new->GEBuf = CGEBufWrapper;
+ new->GFlush = CGFlushWrapper;
+ new->GLine = CGLineWrapper;
+ new->GMark = CGMarkWrapper;
+ new->GText = CGTextWrapper;
+ new->GCap = CGCapWrapper;
+ new->GTxExt = CGTxExtWrapper;
+ new->GScales = CGScalesWrapper;
+ new->GQch = CGQchWrapper;
+ for( i = 0; i < AST__NGRFFUN; i++ ) new->grffun[i] = NULL;
+ new->grfstack = NULL;
+ new->grfnstack = 0;
+/* Is a title to be added to an annotated grid? Store a value of -1 to
+ indicate that no value has yet been set. This will cause a default value
+ of 1 (yes) to be used. */
+ new->drawtitle = -1;
+/* Are escape sequences within text strings to be interpreted? If not,
+ they are printed literally. Store a value of -1 when not set.
+ This will cause a default value of 1 (yes) to be used. */
+ new->escape = -1;
+/* A boolean attribute indicating where numerical labels are to be
+ placed; zero implies round the edges of the plotting area; non-zero
+ implies within the plotting area. The unset value of -9999 yields a
+ default of zero. */
+ new->labelling = -9999;
+/* Graphics attributes. Default behaviour is to use the current values. */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ new->style[ id ] = -1;
+ new->font[ id ] = -1;
+ new->colour[ id ] = -1;
+ new->width[ id ] = AST__BAD;
+ new->size[ id ] = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* The space between the top edge and the grid title as a fraction of the
+ minimum dimension of the plotting area. Store AST__BAD to indicate that no
+ value has been set. This will cause a default of 0.05 to be used. */
+ new->titlegap = AST__BAD;
+/* Initialise the protected Ink attribute so that visible ink is used. */
+ new->ink = -1;
+/* A stack of AstGat pointers used to store the graphical attributes for
+ text within strings which include graphical escape sequences. */
+ new->gat = NULL;
+ new->ngat = 0;
+/* Now set the attribute values for each axis. The arrays stored in the
+ Plot struture allow for 3 graphics axes (e.g. as used by a Plot3D) so
+ we initialise 3 axes here even though the Plot class only uses 2. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) {
+/* Are curves to be drawn through the tick marks even if no grid is
+ produced? Store a value of -1 to indicate that no value has yet been
+ set. This will cause a default value of 1 (yes) to be used. */
+ new->drawaxes[ axis ] = -1;
+/* Are adjacent numerical axis labels to be abbreviated by removing matching
+ leading fields? Store a value of -1 to indicate that no value has yet been
+ set. This will cause a default value of 1 (yes) to be used. */
+ new->abbrev[ axis ] = -1;
+/* The length of the major tick marks as a fraction of the minimum
+ dimension of the plotting area. Store AST__BAD to indicate that no
+ value has been set. This will cause a default of 0.015 to be used. */
+ new->majticklen[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+/* The length of the minor tick marks as a fraction of the minimum
+ dimension of the plotting area. Store AST__BAD to indicate that no
+ value has been set. This will cause a default of 0.007 to be used. */
+ new->minticklen[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+/* Are numeric labels to be drawn upright? Store a value of -1 to indicate
+ that no value has yet been set. This will cause a default value of 0 (no)
+ to be used. */
+ new->labelup[ axis ] = -1;
+/* The space between an axis and its numeric labels as a fraction of the
+ minimum dimension of the plotting area. Store AST__BAD to indicate that no
+ value has been set. This will cause a default of 0.01 to be used. */
+ new->numlabgap[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+ new->textlabgap[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+/* The edges on which to put labels for axes 1 and 2. Store values of -1
+ to indicate that no values have been set. This will cause default values
+ to be used. */
+ new->edge[ axis ] = -1;
+/* The placement of labels within the plotting area will be done
+ automatically by default. */
+ new->labelat[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+/* The central tick is placed automatically by default. */
+ new->centre[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+/* The gap between tick marks and the number of minor tick marks will be
+ found automatically by default. */
+ new->gap[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+ new->loggap[ axis ] = AST__BAD;
+ new->mintick[ axis ] = -1;
+/* Both axes will be labelled by default. */
+ new->numlab[ axis ] = -1;
+ new->textlab[ axis ] = -1;
+ new->labelunits[ axis ] = -1;
+/* Log/lin attributes. Default value is to use linear axes. */
+ new->logplot[ axis ] = -1;
+ new->logticks[ axis ] = -1;
+ new->loglabel[ axis ] = -1;
+/* Initialise the components used to store the values actually used
+ for attributes which have dynamic defaults. */
+ new->ulglb[ axis ] = new->loglabel[ axis ];
+ new->ulgtk[ axis ] = new->logticks[ axis ];
+ new->uloggap[ axis ] = new->loggap[ axis ];
+ new->ugap[ axis ] = new->gap[ axis ];
+ new->ucentre[ axis ] = new->centre[ axis ];
+ new->uedge[ axis ] = new->edge[ axis ];
+ new->ulblat[ axis ] = new->labelat[ axis ];
+ new->ulbunit[ axis ] = new->labelunits[ axis ];
+ new->umintk[ axis ] = new->mintick[ axis ];
+ new->utxtlb[ axis ] = new->textlab[ axis ];
+ new->umjtkln[ axis ] = new->majticklen[ axis ];
+/* Initialise the arrays used to hold information describing the tick
+ marks that have been drawn for the axis. */
+ new->majtickgx[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->majtickgy[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->majtickcount[ axis ] = 0;
+ new->mintickgx[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->mintickgy[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->mintickcount[ axis ] = 0;
+ new->nmajtickval[ axis ] = 0;
+ new->majtickval[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->nmintickval[ axis ] = 0;
+ new->mintickval[ axis ] = NULL;
+ }
+ new->ugrid = new->grid;
+ new->ulbling = new->labelling;
+ new->uborder = new->border;
+ }
+/* Annul the frame. */
+ graphicsframe = astAnnul( graphicsframe );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+/* Annul the pointer to the base Frame and FrameSet. */
+ baseframe = astAnnul( baseframe );
+ fset = astAnnul( fset );
+/* Return a pointer to the new object. */
+ return new;
+AstPlot *astLoadPlot_( void *mem, size_t size,
+ AstPlotVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astLoadPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Load a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "Plot.h"
+* AstPlot *astLoadPlot( void *mem, size_t size,
+* AstPlotVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* AstChannel *channel )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot loader.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided to load a new Plot using data read
+* from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
+* (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
+* Plot structure in this memory, using data read from the input
+* Channel.
+* If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a
+* virtual function table for a Plot at the start of the memory
+* passed via the "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory into which the Plot is to be
+* loaded. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
+* Plot data (sizeof(Plot)) plus any data used by derived
+* classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function will
+* allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
+* determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the Plot (plus derived class
+* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
+* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
+* stored in the Plot structure, so a valid value must be
+* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
+* and sizeof(AstPlot) is used instead.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
+* associated with the new Plot. If this is NULL, a pointer
+* to the (static) virtual function table for the Plot class
+* is used instead.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
+* contains the name of the class to which the new object
+* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
+* returned by the astGetClass method).
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
+* and a pointer to the string "Plot" is used instead.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new Plot.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstPlot *new; /* Pointer to the new Plot */
+ char buff[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ char *text; /* Textual version of integer value */
+ int axis; /* Zero based axis index */
+ int id; /* Zero based graphical object id */
+ int i; /* Loop count */
+ int itick; /* Tick mark index */
+ int nax; /* Number of base Frame axes */
+ int ntick; /* Total number of ticks */
+/* Initialise. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return new;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
+/* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
+ the first loader to be invoked for this Plot. In this case the
+ Plot belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
+ passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
+ if ( !vtab ) {
+ size = sizeof( AstPlot );
+ vtab = &class_vtab;
+ name = "Plot";
+/* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
+ if ( !class_init ) {
+ astInitPlotVtab( vtab, name );
+ class_init = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
+ classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
+ partly-built Plot. */
+ new = astLoadFrameSet( mem, size, (AstFrameSetVtab *) vtab, name,
+ channel );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Get the number of graphics (base) frame axes - 2 for a Plot, 3 for a
+ Plot3D. */
+ nax = astGetNin( new );
+/* Read input data. */
+/* ================ */
+/* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
+ this class into the internal "values list". */
+ astReadClassData( channel, "Plot" );
+/* Now read each individual data item from this list and use it to
+ initialise the appropriate instance variable(s) for this class. */
+/* In the case of attributes, we first read the "raw" input value,
+ supplying the "unset" value as the default. If a "set" value is
+ obtained, we then use the appropriate (private) Set... member
+ function to validate and set the value properly. */
+/* Tol. */
+/* ---- */
+ new->tol = astReadDouble( channel, "tol", -1.0 );
+ if ( TestTol( new, status ) ) SetTol( new, new->tol, status );
+/* Grid. */
+/* ----- */
+ new->grid = astReadInt( channel, "grid", -1 );
+ if ( TestGrid( new, status ) ) SetGrid( new, new->grid, status );
+/* TickAll. */
+/* -------- */
+ new->tickall = astReadInt( channel, "tckall", -1 );
+ if ( TestTickAll( new, status ) ) SetTickAll( new, new->tickall, status );
+/* ForceExterior. */
+/* -------- */
+ new->forceexterior = astReadInt( channel, "frcext", -1 );
+ if ( TestForceExterior( new, status ) ) SetForceExterior( new, new->forceexterior, status );
+/* Invisible. */
+/* ---------- */
+ new->invisible = astReadInt( channel, "invsbl", -1 );
+ if ( TestInvisible( new, status ) ) SetInvisible( new, new->invisible, status );
+/* Border. */
+/* -------- */
+ new->border = astReadInt( channel, "border", -1 );
+ if ( TestBorder( new, status ) ) SetBorder( new, new->border, status );
+/* ClipOp. */
+/* ------- */
+ new->clipop = astReadInt( channel, "clpop", -1 );
+ if ( TestClipOp( new, status ) ) SetClipOp( new, new->clipop, status );
+/* Clip. */
+/* ----- */
+ new->clip = astReadInt( channel, "clip", -1 );
+ if ( TestClip( new, status ) ) SetClip( new, new->clip, status );
+/* DrawTitle. */
+/* --------- */
+ new->drawtitle = astReadInt( channel, "drwttl", -1 );
+ if ( TestDrawTitle( new, status ) ) SetDrawTitle( new, new->drawtitle, status );
+/* LabelUp(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lblup%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->labelup[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestLabelUp( new, axis, status ) ) SetLabelUp( new, axis,
+ new->labelup[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* LogPlot(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lgplt%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->logplot[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestLogPlot( new, axis, status ) ) SetLogPlot( new, axis,
+ new->logplot[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* LogTicks(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lgtck%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->logticks[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestLogTicks( new, axis, status ) ) SetLogTicks( new, axis,
+ new->logticks[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* LogLabel(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lglbl%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->loglabel[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestLogLabel( new, axis, status ) ) SetLogLabel( new, axis,
+ new->loglabel[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* DrawAxes. */
+/* --------- */
+ new->drawaxes[ 0 ] = astReadInt( channel, "drwaxs", -1 );
+ if( new->drawaxes[ 0 ] != -1 ) {
+ new->drawaxes[ 1 ] = new->drawaxes[ 0 ];
+ if ( TestDrawAxes( new, 0, status ) ) SetDrawAxes( new, 0, new->drawaxes[ 0 ], status );
+ if ( TestDrawAxes( new, 1, status ) ) SetDrawAxes( new, 1, new->drawaxes[ 1 ], status );
+ } else {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "drwaxs%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->drawaxes[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestDrawAxes( new, axis, status ) ) SetDrawAxes( new, axis,
+ new->drawaxes[ axis ], status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Abbrev. */
+/* ------- */
+ new->abbrev[ 0 ] = astReadInt( channel, "abbrv", -1 );
+ if( new->abbrev[ 0 ] != -1 ) {
+ new->abbrev[ 1 ] = new->abbrev[ 0 ];
+ if ( TestAbbrev( new, 0, status ) ) SetAbbrev( new, 0, new->abbrev[ 0 ], status );
+ if ( TestAbbrev( new, 1, status ) ) SetAbbrev( new, 1, new->abbrev[ 1 ], status );
+ } else {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "abbrv%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->abbrev[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestAbbrev( new, axis, status ) ) SetAbbrev( new, axis,
+ new->abbrev[ axis ], status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Escape. */
+/* ------- */
+ new->escape = astReadInt( channel, "escape", -1 );
+ if ( TestEscape( new, status ) ) SetEscape( new, new->escape, status );
+/* LabelAt(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lblat%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->labelat[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestLabelAt( new, axis, status ) ) SetLabelAt( new, axis,
+ new->labelat[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* Centre(axis). */
+/* ------------ */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "cen%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->centre[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestCentre( new, axis, status ) ) SetCentre( new, axis,
+ new->centre[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* Gap(axis). */
+/* ---------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "gap%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->gap[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestGap( new, axis, status ) ) SetGap( new, axis, new->gap[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* LogGap(axis). */
+/* ------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lggap%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->loggap[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestLogGap( new, axis, status ) ) SetLogGap( new, axis, new->loggap[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* NumLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "nmgap%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->numlabgap[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestNumLabGap( new, axis, status ) ) SetNumLabGap( new, axis,
+ new->numlabgap[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* TextLabGap(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "txgap%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->textlabgap[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestTextLabGap( new, axis, status ) ) SetTextLabGap( new, axis,
+ new->textlabgap[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* NumLab(axis). */
+/* ---------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "nmlbl%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->numlab[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestNumLab( new, axis, status ) ) SetNumLab( new, axis,
+ new->numlab[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* MinTick(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "mntks%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->mintick[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestMinTick( new, axis, status ) ) SetMinTick( new, axis,
+ new->mintick[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* TextLab(axis). */
+/* -------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "txlbl%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->textlab[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestTextLab( new, axis, status ) ) SetTextLab( new, axis,
+ new->textlab[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* LabelUnits(axis). */
+/* --------------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "lbunt%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->labelunits[ axis ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestLabelUnits( new, axis, status ) ) SetLabelUnits( new, axis,
+ new->labelunits[ axis ], status );
+ }
+/* Style(object). */
+/* ------------ */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "style%d", id + 1 );
+ new->style[ id ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestStyle( new, id, status ) ) SetStyle( new, id, new->style[ id ], status );
+ }
+/* Font(object). */
+/* ----------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "font%d", id + 1 );
+ new->font[ id ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestFont( new, id, status ) ) SetFont( new, id, new->font[ id ], status );
+ }
+/* Colour(object). */
+/* --------------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "col%d", id + 1 );
+ new->colour[ id ] = astReadInt( channel, buff, -1 );
+ if ( TestColour( new, id, status ) ) SetColour( new, id, new->colour[ id ], status );
+ }
+/* Width(object). */
+/* ------------ */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "width%d", id + 1 );
+ new->width[ id ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestWidth( new, id, status ) ) SetWidth( new, id, new->width[ id ], status );
+ }
+/* Size(object). */
+/* ----------- */
+ for( id = 0; id < AST__NPID; id++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "size%d", id + 1 );
+ new->size[ id ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestSize( new, id, status ) ) SetSize( new, id, new->size[ id ], status );
+ }
+/* TitleGap. */
+/* --------- */
+ new->titlegap = astReadDouble( channel, "ttlgap", AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestTitleGap( new, status ) ) SetTitleGap( new, new->titlegap, status );
+/* MajTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+/* Retained in order to read old Plots - new Plots use MajTickLen(axis). */
+ new->majticklen[ 0 ] = astReadDouble( channel, "mjtkln", AST__BAD );
+ if( new->majticklen[ 0 ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ new->majticklen[ 1 ] = new->majticklen[ 0 ];
+ if ( TestMajTickLen( new, 0, status ) ) SetMajTickLen( new, 0, new->majticklen[ 0 ], status );
+ if ( TestMajTickLen( new, 1, status ) ) SetMajTickLen( new, 1, new->majticklen[ 1 ], status );
+/* MajTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "mjtkln%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->majticklen[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestMajTickLen( new, axis, status ) ) SetMajTickLen( new, axis,
+ new->majticklen[ axis ], status );
+ }
+ }
+/* MinTickLen. */
+/* ----------- */
+/* Retained in order to read old Plots - new Plots use MinTickLen(axis). */
+ new->minticklen[ 0 ] = astReadDouble( channel, "mntkln", AST__BAD );
+ if( new->minticklen[ 0 ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ new->minticklen[ 1 ] = new->minticklen[ 0 ];
+ if ( TestMinTickLen( new, 0, status ) ) SetMinTickLen( new, 0, new->minticklen[ 0 ], status );
+ if ( TestMinTickLen( new, 1, status ) ) SetMinTickLen( new, 1, new->minticklen[ 1 ], status );
+/* MinTickLen(axis). */
+/* ----------------- */
+ } else {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "mntkln%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->minticklen[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestMinTickLen( new, axis, status ) ) SetMinTickLen( new, axis,
+ new->minticklen[ axis ], status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Labelling. */
+/* ---------- */
+ text = astReadString( channel, "lbling", " " );
+ if( astOK && strcmp( text, " " ) ) {
+ new->labelling = FindString( 2, xlbling, text,
+ "the Plot component 'Lbling'",
+ "astRead", astGetClass( channel ), status );
+ } else {
+ new->labelling = -9999;
+ }
+ if ( TestLabelling( new, status ) ) SetLabelling( new, new->labelling, status );
+ text = astFree( text );
+/* Edge(axis). */
+/* ----------- */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < nax; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "edge%d", axis + 1 );
+ text = astReadString( channel, buff, " " );
+ if( astOK && strcmp( text, " " ) ) {
+ new->edge[ axis ] = FindString( 4, xedge, text,
+ "the Plot component 'Edge'",
+ "astRead", astGetClass( channel ), status );
+ } else {
+ new->edge[ axis ] = -1;
+ }
+ if ( TestEdge( new, axis, status ) ) SetEdge( new, axis,
+ new->edge[ axis ], status );
+ text = astFree( text );
+ }
+/* Now do instance variables which are not attributes. */
+/* =================================================== */
+/* We have no graphics context. */
+ new->grfcontext = NULL;
+ new->grfcontextID = NULL;
+/* Initialise the protected Ink attribute so that visible ink is used. */
+ new->ink = -1;
+/* The number of bounds supplied for the clipping volume. */
+ new->clip_axes = astReadInt( channel, "clpaxs", 0 );
+ if ( new->clip_axes < 0 ) new->clip_axes = 0;
+/* The index of the clipping Frame within the Plot. */
+ new->clip_frame = astReadInt( channel, "clpfrm", AST__NOFRAME );
+/* If necessary, allocate memory to hold the bounds of the clipping volume. */
+ if( new->clip_axes > 0 ){
+ new->clip_lbnd = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) * (size_t) new->clip_axes );
+ new->clip_ubnd = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) * (size_t) new->clip_axes );
+/* If an error occurs, ensure that all allocated memory is freed. */
+ if ( !astOK ) {
+ new->clip_lbnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) new->clip_lbnd );
+ new->clip_ubnd = (double *) astFree( (void *) new->clip_ubnd );
+/* Otherwise, store the bounds. Use extreme defaults if no values are
+ available. */
+ } else {
+ for( axis = 0; axis < new->clip_axes; axis++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "clplb%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->clip_lbnd[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, -DBL_MAX );
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "clpub%d", axis + 1 );
+ new->clip_ubnd[ axis ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, DBL_MAX );
+ }
+ }
+/* If there are no clipping axes, store NULL pointers for the bounds
+ arrays. */
+ } else {
+ new->clip_lbnd = NULL;
+ new->clip_ubnd = NULL;
+ }
+/* The bounds of the plotting area in graphics coords. */
+ new->xlo = astReadDouble( channel, "xlo", 0.0 );
+ new->xhi = astReadDouble( channel, "xhi", 1.0 );
+ new->ylo = astReadDouble( channel, "ylo", 0.0 );
+ new->yhi = astReadDouble( channel, "yhi", 1.0 );
+/* Axis reversal flags. */
+ new->xrev = astReadInt( channel, "xrev", 0 );
+ new->yrev = astReadInt( channel, "yrev", 0 );
+/* The bounds of the plotting area in the base Frame of the FrameSet
+ supplied when the Plot was constructed. */
+ new->bbox[ 0 ] = astReadDouble( channel, "xb1", AST__BAD );
+ new->bbox[ 1 ] = astReadDouble( channel, "yb1", AST__BAD );
+ new->bbox[ 2 ] = astReadDouble( channel, "xb2", AST__BAD );
+ new->bbox[ 3 ] = astReadDouble( channel, "yb2", AST__BAD );
+/* Grf. */
+ new->grf = -1;
+ new->GAttr = CGAttrWrapper;
+ new->GBBuf = CGBBufWrapper;
+ new->GEBuf = CGEBufWrapper;
+ new->GFlush = CGFlushWrapper;
+ new->GLine = CGLineWrapper;
+ new->GMark = CGMarkWrapper;
+ new->GText = CGTextWrapper;
+ new->GCap = CGCapWrapper;
+ new->GTxExt = CGTxExtWrapper;
+ new->GScales = CGScalesWrapper;
+ new->GQch = CGQchWrapper;
+ for( i = 0; i < AST__NGRFFUN; i++ ) new->grffun[i] = NULL;
+ new->grfstack = NULL;
+ new->grfnstack = 0;
+/* A stack of AstGat pointers used to store the graphical attributes for
+ text within strings which include graphical escape sequences. */
+ new->gat = NULL;
+ new->ngat = 0;
+/* Arrays holding user-specified major and minot tick mark values. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "nmjtk%d", axis + 1 );
+ ntick = astReadInt( channel, buff, 0 );
+ new->nmajtickval[ axis ] = ntick;
+ new->majtickval[ axis ] = astMalloc( ntick*sizeof( double ) );
+ for( itick = 0; itick < ntick; itick++ ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "mjtk%d_%d", axis + 1, itick + 1 );
+ new->majtickval[ axis ][ itick ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff,
+ AST__BAD );
+ }
+ sprintf( buff, "nmntk%d", axis + 1 );
+ ntick = astReadInt( channel, buff, 0 );
+ new->nmintickval[ axis ] = ntick;
+ new->mintickval[ axis ] = astMalloc( ntick*sizeof( double ) );
+ for( itick = 0; itick < ntick; itick++ ) {
+ sprintf( buff, "mntk%d_%d", axis + 1, itick + 1 );
+ new->mintickval[ axis ][ itick ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff,
+ AST__BAD );
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise the arrays used to hold information describing the tick
+ marks that have already been drawn for each axis. */
+ for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) {
+ new->majtickgx[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->majtickgy[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->majtickcount[ axis ] = 0;
+ new->mintickgx[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->mintickgy[ axis ] = NULL;
+ new->mintickcount[ axis ] = 0;
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new Plot. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return the new Plot pointer. */
+ return new;
+/* Virtual function interfaces. */
+/* ============================ */
+/* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions defined by
+ this class. Each simply checks the global error status and then locates and
+ executes the appropriate member function, using the function pointer stored
+ in the object's virtual function table (this pointer is located using the
+ astMEMBER macro defined in "object.h").
+ Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as it may
+ have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should still have the
+ same interface. */
+void astBBuf_( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,BBuf))(this, status );
+int astBorder_( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Border))(this, status );
+void astBoundingBox_( AstPlot *this, float lbnd[2], float ubnd[2], int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,BoundingBox))(this,lbnd,ubnd, status );
+void astClip_( AstPlot *this, int iframe, const double lbnd[],
+const double ubnd[], int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Clip))(this,iframe,lbnd,ubnd, status );
+void astGrid_( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Grid))(this, status );
+int astCvBrk_( AstPlot *this, int ibrk, double *brk, double *vbrk,
+ double *len, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,CvBrk))(this,ibrk,brk,vbrk,len, status );
+void astEBuf_( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,EBuf))(this, status );
+void astMirror_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Mirror))(this,axis, status );
+AstPointSet *astGetDrawnTicks_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int major, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GetDrawnTicks))(this,axis,major, status );
+void astSetTickValues_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int nmajor, double *major,
+ int nminor, double *minor, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,SetTickValues))(this,axis,nmajor,major,nminor,minor, status );
+void astCopyPlotDefaults_( AstPlot *this, int axis, AstPlot *dplot,
+ int daxis, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,CopyPlotDefaults))(this,axis,dplot,daxis, status );
+int astGetLabelUnits_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return 0;
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GetLabelUnits))(this,axis, status );
+void astMark_( AstPlot *this, int nmark, int ncoord, int indim,
+ const double *in, int type, int *status ) {
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Mark))( this, nmark, ncoord, indim, in, type, status );
+void astText_( AstPlot *this, const char *text, const double pos[],
+ const float up[], const char *just, int *status ){
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Text))( this, text, pos, up, just, status );
+void astGridLine_( AstPlot *this, int axis, const double start[], double length, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GridLine))(this,axis,start,length, status );
+void astCurve_( AstPlot *this, const double start[], const double finish[], int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,Curve))(this,start,finish, status );
+void astGenCurve_( AstPlot *this, AstMapping *map, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GenCurve))(this,map, status );
+void astPolyCurve_( AstPlot *this, int npoint, int ncoord, int dim,
+ const double *in, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,PolyCurve))(this,npoint,ncoord,dim,in, status );
+void astRegionOutline_( AstPlot *this, AstRegion *region, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,RegionOutline))(this,region,status);
+void astGrfSet_( AstPlot *this, const char *name, AstGrfFun fun, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GrfSet))(this,name,fun, status );
+void astGrfPush_( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GrfPush))(this, status );
+void astGrfPop_( AstPlot *this, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GrfPop))(this, status );
+void astGrfWrapper_( AstPlot *this, const char *name, AstGrfWrap wrapper, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GrfWrapper))(this,name,wrapper, status );
+void astSetLogPlot_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int value, int *status ) {
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,SetLogPlot))( this, axis, value, status );
+void astClearLogPlot_( AstPlot *this, int axis, int *status ) {
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,ClearLogPlot))( this, axis, status );
+AstKeyMap *astGetGrfContext_( AstPlot *this, int *status ) {
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,Plot,GetGrfContext))( this, status );
+/* Special public interface functions. */
+/* =================================== */
+/* These provide the public interface to certain special functions
+ whose public interface cannot be handled using macros (such as
+ astINVOKE) alone. In general, they are named after the
+ corresponding protected version of the function, but with "Id"
+ appended to the name. */
+/* Special interface function implementations. */
+/* ------------------------------------------- */
+AstPlot *astPlotId_( void *frame_void, const float graphbox[4],
+ const double basebox[4], const char *options, ... ) {
+* Name:
+c astPlot
+* Purpose:
+* Create a Plot.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "plot.h"
+c AstPlot *astPlot( AstFrame *frame, const float graphbox[ 4 ],
+c const double basebox[ 4 ], const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* Plot constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function creates a new Plot and optionally initialises its
+* attributes.
+* A Plot is a specialised form of FrameSet, in which the base
+* Frame describes a "graphical" coordinate system and is
+* associated with a rectangular plotting area in the underlying
+* graphics system. This plotting area is where graphical output
+* appears. It is defined when the Plot is created.
+* The current Frame of a Plot describes a "physical" coordinate
+* system, which is the coordinate system in which plotting
+* operations are specified. The results of each plotting operation
+* are automatically transformed into graphical coordinates so as
+* to appear in the plotting area (subject to any clipping which
+* may be in effect).
+* Because the Mapping between physical and graphical coordinates
+* may often be non-linear, or even discontinuous, most plotting
+* does not result in simple straight lines. The basic plotting
+* element is therefore not a straight line, but a geodesic curve
+c (see astCurve). A Plot also provides facilities for drawing
+c markers or symbols (astMark), text (astText) and grid lines
+c (astGridLine). It is also possible to draw curvilinear axes with
+c optional coordinate grids (astGrid).
+f (see AST_CURVE). A Plot also provides facilities for drawing
+f markers or symbols (AST_MARK), text (AST_TEXT) and grid lines
+f (AST_GRIDLINE). It is also possible to draw curvilinear axes
+f with optional coordinate grids (AST_GRID).
+* A range of Plot attributes is available to allow precise control
+* over the appearance of graphical output produced by these
+c functions.
+f routines.
+* You may select different physical coordinate systems in which to
+* plot (including the native graphical coordinate system itself)
+* by selecting different Frames as the current Frame of a Plot,
+* using its Current attribute. You may also set up clipping (see
+c astClip) to limit the extent of any plotting you perform, and
+f AST_CLIP) to limit the extent of any plotting you perform, and
+* this may be done in any of the coordinate systems associated
+* with the Plot, not necessarily the one you are plotting in.
+* Like any FrameSet, a Plot may also be used as a Frame. In this
+* case, it behaves like its current Frame, which describes the
+* physical coordinate system.
+* When used as a Mapping, a Plot describes the inter-relation
+* between graphical coordinates (its base Frame) and physical
+* coordinates (its current Frame). It differs from a normal
+* FrameSet, however, in that an attempt to transform points which
+* lie in clipped areas of the Plot will result in bad coordinate
+* values (AST__BAD).
+* Parameters:
+c frame
+f FRAME = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to a Frame describing the physical coordinate system
+* in which to plot. A pointer to a FrameSet may also be given,
+* in which case its current Frame will be used to define the
+* physical coordinate system and its base Frame will be mapped
+* on to graphical coordinates (see below).
+* If a null Object pointer (AST__NULL) is given, a default
+* 2-dimensional Frame will be used to describe the physical
+* coordinate system. Labels, etc. may then be attached to this
+* by setting the appropriate Frame attributes
+* (e.g. Label(axis)) for the Plot.
+c graphbox
+f GRAPHBOX( 4 ) = REAL (Given)
+* An array giving the position and extent of the plotting area
+* (on the plotting surface of the underlying graphics system)
+* in which graphical output is to appear. This must be
+* specified using graphical coordinates appropriate to the
+* underlying graphics system.
+* The first pair of values should give the coordinates of the
+* bottom left corner of the plotting area and the second pair
+* should give the coordinates of the top right corner. The
+* coordinate on the horizontal axis should be given first in
+* each pair. Note that the order in which these points are
+* given is important because it defines up, down, left and
+* right for subsequent graphical operations.
+c basebox
+* An array giving the coordinates of two points in the supplied
+* Frame (or in the base Frame if a FrameSet was supplied) which
+* correspond to the bottom left and top right corners of the
+* plotting area, as specified above. This range of coordinates
+* will be mapped linearly on to the plotting area. The
+* coordinates should be given in the same order as above.
+c options
+f OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
+c comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
+c initialising the new Plot. The syntax used is identical to
+c that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
+c specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
+c If no initialisation is required, a zero-length string may be
+c supplied.
+f A character string containing an optional comma-separated
+f list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
+f new Plot. The syntax used is identical to that for the
+f AST_SET routine. If no initialisation is required, a blank
+f value may be supplied.
+c ...
+c If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
+c an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
+c order to supply values to be substituted for these
+c specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
+c those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
+c function).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Returned Value:
+c astPlot()
+* A pointer to the new Plot.
+* Notes:
+* - The base Frame of the returned Plot will be a new Frame which
+* is created by this function to represent the coordinate system
+* of the underlying graphics system (graphical coordinates). It is
+* given a Frame index of 1 within the Plot. The choice of base
+* Frame (Base attribute) should not, in general, be changed once a
+* Plot has been created (although you could use this as a way of
+* moving the plotting area around on the plotting surface).
+c - If a Frame is supplied (via the "frame" pointer), then it
+f - If a Frame is supplied (via the FRAME pointer), then it
+* becomes the current Frame of the new Plot and is given a Frame
+* index of 2.
+c - If a FrameSet is supplied (via the "frame" pointer), then
+f - If a FrameSet is supplied (via the FRAME pointer), then
+* all the Frames within this FrameSet become part of the new Plot
+* (where their Frame indices are increased by 1), with the
+* FrameSet's current Frame becoming the current Frame of the Plot.
+* - If a null Object pointer (AST__NULL) is supplied (via the
+c "frame" pointer), then the returned Plot will contain two
+f FRAME pointer), then the returned Plot will contain two
+* Frames, both created by this function. The base Frame will
+* describe graphics coordinates (as above) and the current Frame
+* will be a basic Frame with no attributes set (this will
+* therefore give default values for such things as the Plot Title
+* and the Label on each axis). Physical coordinates will be mapped
+* linearly on to graphical coordinates.
+* - An error will result if the Frame supplied (or the base Frame
+* if a FrameSet was supplied) is not 2-dimensional.
+* - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
+c function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
+f function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
+* should fail for any reason.
+* Implementation Notes:
+* - This function implements the external (public) interface to
+* the astPlot constructor function. It returns an ID value
+* (instead of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be
+* provided because astPlot_ has a variable argument list which
+* cannot be encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would
+* otherwise occur).
+* - Because no checking or casting of arguments is performed
+* before the function is invoked, the "frame" parameter is of type
+* (void *) and is converted from an ID value to a pointer and
+* validated within the function itself.
+* - The variable argument list also prevents this function from
+* invoking astPlot_ directly, so it must be a
+* re-implementation of it in all respects, except for the
+* conversions between IDs and pointers on input/output of Objects.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to Frame structure */
+ AstPlot *new; /* Pointer to new Plot */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+ int *status; /* Pointer to inherited status value */
+/* Get apointer to the inherited status value. */
+ status = astGetStatusPtr;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Initialise variables to avoid "used of uninitialised variable"
+ messages from dumb compilers. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Obtain a Frame pointer from any ID supplied and validate the
+ pointer to ensure it identifies a valid Frame. */
+ if( frame_void ){
+ frame = astVerifyFrame( astMakePointer( frame_void ) );
+ } else {
+ frame = NULL;
+ }
+/* Check the pointer can be used. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Initialise the Plot, allocating memory and initialising the
+ virtual function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitPlot( NULL, sizeof( AstPlot ), !class_init,
+ &class_vtab, "Plot", frame, graphbox,
+ basebox );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
+ initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
+ options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new
+ Plot's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, options );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+ }
+/* Return an ID value for the new Plot. */
+ return astMakeId( new );