path: root/ds9/library/catcdssrchdialog.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/catcdssrchdialog.tcl')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/catcdssrchdialog.tcl b/ds9/library/catcdssrchdialog.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84cf474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/library/catcdssrchdialog.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+# Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+package provide DS9 1.0
+proc CATCDSSrchDialog {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global ds9
+ global pcat
+ global icatcdssrch
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchDialog $varname"
+ }
+ # main dialog
+ set var(top) ".${varname}"
+ set var(mb) ".${varname}mb"
+ if {[winfo exists $var(top)]} {
+ raise $var(top)
+ return
+ }
+ # defaults
+ # maybe modified if pcat(vot)
+ set var(list,wave,param) $icatcdssrch(list,wave,param)
+ set var(list,wave) $icatcdssrch(list,wave)
+ set var(list,mission,param) $icatcdssrch(list,mission,param)
+ set var(list,mission) $icatcdssrch(list,mission)
+ set var(list,astro,param) $icatcdssrch(list,astro,param)
+ set var(list,astro) $icatcdssrch(list,astro)
+ # AR variables
+ set var(status) {}
+ set var(sync) 0
+ # CATCDSSrch variables
+ set var(catdb) ${varname}catdb
+ set var(server) $pcat(server)
+ set var(source) {}
+ set var(words) {}
+ set var(wave) {}
+ set var(mission) {}
+ set var(astro) {}
+ # create the window
+ set w $var(top)
+ set mb $var(mb)
+ Toplevel $w $mb 7 [msgcat::mc {Search for Catalogs}] \
+ "CATCDSSrchDestroy $varname"
+ # file
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file
+ menu $mb.file
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Retrieve}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchApply $varname"
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] \
+ -command "ARCancel $varname"
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Load}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchCatalog $varname"
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Clear}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchClear $varname"
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Load}]..." \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchLoadFile $varname"
+ $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Save}]..." \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchSaveFile $varname"
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchDestroy $varname"
+ # edit
+ AREditMenu $varname
+ # catalog server
+ CATServerMenu $varname
+ # Param
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.param]
+ ttk::frame $
+ ttk::frame $f.words
+ ttk::frame $f.srch
+ pack $ -side top -fill x -expand true
+ pack $f.words -side top -fill x -expand true
+ pack $f.srch -side bottom -fill both -expand true
+ # param name
+ ttk::label $ -text [msgcat::mc {Name or Designation}]
+ ttk::entry $ -textvariable ${varname}(source)
+ pack $ -side top -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2
+ pack $ -side top -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x -expand true
+ # param keywords
+ ttk::label $f.words.title \
+ -text [msgcat::mc {Words matching title, description}]
+ ttk::entry $f.words.key -textvariable ${varname}(words) -width 45
+ pack $f.words.title -side top -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2
+ pack $f.words.key -side top -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x -expand true
+ # param search
+ ttk::frame $f.srch.wave
+ ttk::frame $f.srch.mission
+ ttk::frame $f.srch.astro
+ pack $f.srch.wave $f.srch.mission $f.srch.astro \
+ -side left -fill both -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2
+ # param search wave
+ ttk::frame $f.srch.wave.f
+ ttk::label $f.srch.wave.title -text [msgcat::mc {Wavelength}]
+ pack $f.srch.wave.title -side top -anchor w
+ pack $f.srch.wave.f -side bottom -fill both -expand true \
+ -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2
+ ttk::scrollbar $f.srch.wave.f.scroll \
+ -command [list $f.srch.wave.f.list yview]
+ set ${varname}(listbox,wave) [listbox $f.srch.wave.f.list \
+ -yscroll \
+ [list $f.srch.wave.f.scroll set] \
+ -setgrid true \
+ -selectmode browse \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ -listvariable ${varname}(list,wave)]
+ grid $f.srch.wave.f.list $f.srch.wave.f.scroll -sticky news
+ grid rowconfigure $f.srch.wave.f 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $f.srch.wave.f 0 -weight 1
+ # param search mission
+ ttk::frame $f.srch.mission.f
+ ttk::label $f.srch.mission.title -text [msgcat::mc {Mission}]
+ pack $f.srch.mission.title -side top -anchor w
+ pack $f.srch.mission.f -side bottom -fill both -expand true \
+ -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2
+ ttk::scrollbar $f.srch.mission.f.scroll \
+ -command [list $f.srch.mission.f.list yview]
+ set ${varname}(listbox,mission) [listbox $f.srch.mission.f.list \
+ -yscroll \
+ [list $f.srch.mission.f.scroll set] \
+ -setgrid true \
+ -selectmode browse \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ -listvariable ${varname}(list,mission)]
+ grid $f.srch.mission.f.list $f.srch.mission.f.scroll \
+ -sticky news
+ grid rowconfigure $f.srch.mission.f 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $f.srch.mission.f 0 -weight 1
+ # param search astro
+ ttk::frame $f.srch.astro.f
+ ttk::label $f.srch.astro.title -text [msgcat::mc {Astronomy}]
+ pack $f.srch.astro.title -side top -anchor w
+ pack $f.srch.astro.f -side bottom -fill both -expand true \
+ -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2
+ ttk::scrollbar $f.srch.astro.f.scroll \
+ -command [list $f.srch.astro.f.list yview]
+ set ${varname}(listbox,astro) [listbox $f.srch.astro.f.list \
+ -yscroll \
+ [list $f.srch.astro.f.scroll set] \
+ -setgrid true \
+ -selectmode browse \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ -listvariable ${varname}(list,astro)]
+ grid $f.srch.astro.f.list $f.srch.astro.f.scroll -sticky news
+ grid rowconfigure $f.srch.astro.f 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $f.srch.astro.f 0 -weight 1
+ # Table
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.tbl]
+ set var(tbl) [table $f.t \
+ -state disabled \
+ -usecommand 0 \
+ -variable $var(catdb) \
+ -colorigin 1 \
+ -roworigin 0 \
+ -cols $icatcdssrch(mincols) \
+ -rows $icatcdssrch(minrows) \
+ -colstretchmode all \
+ -width -1 \
+ -height -1 \
+ -maxwidth 400 \
+ -maxheight 190 \
+ -titlerows 1 \
+ -xscrollcommand [list $f.xscroll set]\
+ -yscrollcommand [list $f.yscroll set]\
+ -selecttype row \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -anchor w \
+ -font [font actual TkDefaultFont]
+ ]
+ ttk::scrollbar $f.yscroll -command [list $var(tbl) yview] \
+ -orient vertical
+ ttk::scrollbar $f.xscroll -command [list $var(tbl) xview] \
+ -orient horizontal
+ grid $var(tbl) $f.yscroll -sticky news
+ grid $f.xscroll -stick news
+ grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ # Status
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.status]
+ ttk::label $f.title -text [msgcat::mc {Status}]
+ ttk::label $f.item -textvariable ${varname}(status)
+ pack $f.title $f.item -side left -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2
+ # Buttons
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons]
+ set var(apply) [ttk::button $f.apply \
+ -text [msgcat::mc {Retrieve}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchApply $varname"]
+ set var(cancel) [ttk::button $f.cancel \
+ -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] \
+ -command "ARCancel $varname" -state disabled]
+ ttk::button $f.catalog -text [msgcat::mc {Load}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchCatalog $varname"
+ ttk::button $f.clear -text [msgcat::mc {Clear}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchClear $varname"
+ ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] \
+ -command "CATCDSSrchDestroy $varname"
+ pack $f.apply $f.cancel $f.catalog $f.clear $f.close \
+ -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4
+ # Fini
+ ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal
+ ttk::separator $w.stbl -orient horizontal
+ ttk::separator $w.sstatus -orient horizontal
+ pack $w.buttons $w.sstatus $w.status $w.stbl -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $w.param $w.sep -side top -fill x
+ pack $w.tbl -side top -fill both -expand true
+ ARStatus $varname {}
+ # initialize
+ $var(listbox,wave) selection set 0
+ $var(listbox,mission) selection set 0
+ $var(listbox,astro) selection set 0
+ $ select range 0 end
+proc CATCDSSrchApply {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global icatcdssrch
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchApply $varname"
+ }
+ set id [$var(listbox,wave) curselection]
+ if {$id > 0} {
+ set var(wave) [lindex $var(list,wave) $id]
+ } else {
+ set var(wave) {}
+ }
+ set id [$var(listbox,mission) curselection]
+ if {$id > 0} {
+ set var(mission) [lindex $var(list,mission) $id]
+ } else {
+ set var(mission) {}
+ }
+ set id [$var(listbox,astro) curselection]
+ if {$id > 0} {
+ set var(astro) [lindex $var(list,astro) $id]
+ } else {
+ set var(astro) {}
+ }
+ ARApply $varname
+ ARStatus $varname [msgcat::mc {Searching for catalogs}]
+ CATCDSSrch $varname
+proc CATCDSSrchDestroy {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global $var(catdb)
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchDestroy $varname"
+ }
+ if {[info exists $var(catdb)]} {
+ unset $var(catdb)
+ }
+ ARDestroy $varname
+proc CATCDSSrchConfig {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchConfig $varname"
+ }
+ set site [CATCDSURL $var(server)]
+ set cgidir {viz-bin}
+ set script {votable}
+ set var(url) "http://$site/$cgidir/$script"
+ set var(query) [http::formatQuery -meta.aladin all]
+ CATCDSSrchConfigLoad $varname
+ return
+proc CATCDSSrchConfigLoad {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchConfigLoad $varname"
+ }
+ set var(proc,parser) CATCDSSrchConfigParse
+ set var(proc,done) CATCDSSrchConfigDone
+ set var(proc,load) CATCDSSrchConfigLoad
+ CATGetURL $varname
+ return
+proc CATCDSSrchConfigDone {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchConfigDone $varname"
+ }
+ CATCDSSrchConfigParse
+proc CATCDSSrchConfigParse {t token} {
+ upvar #0 $t T
+ global $t
+ global debug
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchConfigParse"
+ }
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ set fp [open debug.xml w]
+ puts $fp [http::data $token]
+ close $fp
+ }
+ set xml [xml::parser \
+ -elementstartcommand [list CATCDSSrchConfigElemStartCB $t] \
+ -elementendcommand [list CATCDSSrchConfigElemEndCB $t] \
+ -ignorewhitespace 1 \
+ ]
+ set T(tree,enable) 0
+ set T(tree,state) {}
+ if {[catch {$xml parse [http::data $token]} err]} {
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATCDSSrchConfigParse: $err"
+ }
+ }
+ unset ${t}(tree,enable)
+ unset ${t}(tree,state)
+ $xml free
+proc CATCDSSrchConfigElemStartCB {t name attlist args} {
+ upvar #0 $t T
+ global $t
+ global debug
+ # hardcoded
+ set varname catcdssrch1
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ switch -- $name {
+ set id {}
+ set type {}
+ foreach {key value} $attlist {
+ switch -- [string tolower $key] {
+ type {set type "$value"}
+ id {set id "$value"}
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string tolower $id] == "vizier"} {
+ set T(tree,enable) 1
+ set ${varname}(list,wave) [list none]
+ set ${varname}(list,mission) [list none]
+ set ${varname}(list,astro) [list none]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$T(tree,enable)} {
+ set id {}
+ set fname {}
+ foreach {key value} $attlist {
+ switch -- [string tolower $key] {
+ name {set fname "$value"}
+ id {set id "$value"}
+ }
+ }
+ set T(tree,state) [string trim [string tolower $id]]
+ switch -- $T(tree,state) {
+ wavelength {set ${varname}(list,wave,param) $fname}
+ mission {set ${varname}(list,mission,param) $fname}
+ astronomy {set ${varname}(list,astro,param) $fname}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$T(tree,enable)} {
+ set item {}
+ foreach {key value} $attlist {
+ switch -- [string tolower $key] {
+ value {set item "$value"}
+ }
+ }
+ if {$item != {}} {
+ global icatcdssrch
+ switch -- $T(tree,state) {
+ wavelength {lappend ${varname}(list,wave) $item}
+ mission {lappend ${varname}(list,mission) $item}
+ astronomy {lappend ${varname}(list,astro) $item}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+proc CATCDSSrchConfigElemEndCB {t name args} {
+ upvar #0 $t T
+ global $t
+ global debug
+ # we can't count on this being called for all end-tags
+ switch -- $name {
+ # ok, we're done
+ set T(tree,enable) 0
+ return -code break
+ }
+ }
+ return {}