path: root/ds9/library/imgsvr.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/imgsvr.tcl')
1 files changed, 585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/imgsvr.tcl b/ds9/library/imgsvr.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b3b4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/library/imgsvr.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+# Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+package provide DS9 1.0
+proc IMGSVRInit {varname title exec ack done error} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global ds9
+ global pds9
+ # AR variables
+ ARInit $varname IMGSVRServer
+ # IMG variables
+ set var(proc,exec) $exec
+ set var(proc,ack) $ack
+ set var(proc,done) $done
+ set var(proc,error) $error
+ # create the window
+ set w $var(top)
+ set mb $var(mb)
+ Toplevel $w $mb 6 $title "ARDestroy $varname"
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file
+ menu $mb.file
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Retrieve}] \
+ -command "IMGSVRApply $varname 0"
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] \
+ -command "ARCancel $varname"
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Update from Current Frame}] \
+ -command "IMGSVRUpdate $varname"
+ $mb.file add command \
+ -label [msgcat::mc {Update from Current Crosshair}] \
+ -command "IMGSVRCrosshair $varname"
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Acknowledgment}] \
+ -command "IMGSVRAck $varname"
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \
+ -command "ARDestroy $varname"
+ AREditMenu $varname
+ NSVRServerMenu $varname
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Preferences}] -menu $mb.prefs
+ menu $mb.prefs
+ $mb.prefs add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Save Image on Download}] \
+ -variable ${varname}(save)
+ $mb.prefs add separator
+ $mb.prefs add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {New Frame}] \
+ -variable ${varname}(mode) -value new
+ $mb.prefs add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Current Frame}] \
+ -variable ${varname}(mode) -value current
+ # Param
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.param]
+ ttk::label $f.nametitle -text [msgcat::mc {Object}]
+ ttk::entry $ -textvariable ${varname}(name) -width 50
+ ttk::label $ -textvariable ${varname}(sky) -anchor w
+ set var(xname) [ttk::label $f.xtitle -text {} -width 1]
+ ttk::entry $f.x -textvariable ${varname}(x) -width 14
+ set var(yname) [ttk::label $f.ytitle -text {} -width 1]
+ ttk::entry $f.y -textvariable ${varname}(y) -width 14
+ ARSkyFormat $f.skyformat $varname
+ ttk::label $f.wtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}]
+ ttk::entry $f.w -textvariable ${varname}(width) -width 14
+ ttk::label $f.htitle -text [msgcat::mc {Height}]
+ ttk::entry $f.h -textvariable ${varname}(height) -width 14
+ ARRFormat $f.format $varname
+ grid $f.nametitle x $ - - - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid $ $f.xtitle $f.x $f.ytitle $f.y $f.skyformat \
+ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ grid $f.wtitle x $f.w $f.htitle $f.h $f.format -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ # Status
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.status]
+ ttk::label $f.title -text [msgcat::mc {Status}]
+ ttk::label $f.item -textvariable ${varname}(status)
+ grid $f.title $f.item -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ # Buttons
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons]
+ set var(apply) [ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Retrieve}] \
+ -command "IMGSVRApply $varname 0"]
+ set var(cancel) [ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] \
+ -command "ARCancel $varname" -state disabled]
+ ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] \
+ -command "ARDestroy $varname"
+ pack $f.apply $f.cancel $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4
+ # Fini
+ ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal
+ ttk::separator $w.sep2 -orient horizontal
+ pack $w.buttons $w.sep $w.status $w.sep2 -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true
+ ARCoord $varname
+ ARStatus $varname {}
+proc IMGSVRApply {varname sync} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRApply $varname $sync"
+ }
+ set var(sync) $sync
+ ARApply $varname
+ if {($var(name) != {})} {
+ set var(sky) fk5
+ ARCoord $varname
+ NSVRServer $varname
+ } else {
+ IMGSVRServer $varname
+ }
+proc IMGSVRAck {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRAck $varname"
+ }
+ eval "$var(proc,ack) $varname"
+proc IMGSVRUpdate {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global current
+ global wcs
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRUpdate $varname"
+ }
+ if {[winfo exists $var(top)]} {
+ set var(name) {}
+ if {$current(frame) != {} } {
+ if {[$current(frame) has wcs equatorial $wcs(system)]} {
+ set coord [$current(frame) get fits center \
+ $wcs(system) $var(sky) $var(skyformat)]
+ set var(x) [lindex $coord 0]
+ set var(y) [lindex $coord 1]
+ set size [$current(frame) get fits size \
+ $wcs(system) $var(sky) $var(rformat)]
+ set var(width) [lindex $size 0]
+ set var(height) [lindex $size 1]
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set var(x) {}
+ set var(y) {}
+ set var(width) {}
+ set var(height) {}
+ }
+ }
+proc IMGSVRCrosshair {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRCrosshair $varname"
+ }
+ global current
+ global wcs
+ if {[winfo exists $var(top)]} {
+ set var(name) {}
+ if {$current(frame) != {} } {
+ if {[$current(frame) has wcs equatorial $wcs(system)]} {
+ set coord [$current(frame) get crosshair \
+ $wcs(system) $var(sky) $var(skyformat)]
+ set var(x) [lindex $coord 0]
+ set var(y) [lindex $coord 1]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set var(x) {}
+ set var(y) {}
+ }
+proc IMGSVRServer {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global current
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRServer $varname"
+ }
+ if {($var(x) != {}) &&
+ ($var(y) != {}) &&
+ ($var(width) != {}) &&
+ ($var(height) != {})} {
+ ARStatus $varname [msgcat::mc {Contacting Image Server}]
+ eval [list $var(proc,exec) $varname]
+ } else {
+ eval [list $var(proc,error) $varname [msgcat::mc {Please specify width, height, and either name or (ra,dec)}]]
+ }
+proc IMGSVRGetURL {varname url} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRGetURL $varname $url $var(query)"
+ }
+ set var(ch) [open "$var(fn)" w]
+ global ihttp
+ if {$var(sync)} {
+ if {![catch {set var(token) [http::geturl $url \
+ -timeout $ihttp(timeout) \
+ -channel $var(ch) \
+ -progress \
+ [list IMGSVRProgress $varname] \
+ -binary 1 \
+ -headers "[ProxyHTTP]" \
+ -query "$var(query)"]
+ }]} {
+ # reset errorInfo (may be set in http::geturl)
+ global errorInfo
+ set errorInfo {}
+ set var(active) 1
+ IMGSVRGetURLFinish $varname $var(token)
+ } else {
+ catch {close $var(ch)}
+ eval [list $var(proc,error) $varname "[msgcat::mc {Unable to locate URL}] $url"]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {![catch {set var(token) [http::geturl $url \
+ -timeout $ihttp(timeout) \
+ -channel $var(ch) \
+ -command \
+ [list IMGSVRGetURLFinish $varname] \
+ -progress \
+ [list IMGSVRProgress $varname] \
+ -binary 1 \
+ -headers "[ProxyHTTP]" \
+ -query "$var(query)"]
+ }]} {
+ # reset errorInfo (may be set in http::geturl)
+ global errorInfo
+ set errorInfo {}
+ set var(active) 1
+ } else {
+ catch {close $var(ch)}
+ eval [list $var(proc,error) $varname "[msgcat::mc {Unable to locate URL}] $url"]
+ }
+ }
+proc IMGSVRGetURLFinish {varname token} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRGetURLFinish $varname"
+ }
+ global current
+ global ds9
+ global loadParam
+ catch {close $var(ch)}
+ if {!($var(active))} {
+ ARCancelled $varname
+ return
+ }
+ upvar #0 $token t
+ # Code
+ set var(code) [http::ncode $token]
+ # Meta
+ set var(meta) $t(meta)
+ # Mime-type
+ # we want to strip and extra info after ';'
+ regexp -nocase {([^;])*} $t(type) var(mime)
+ # Content-Encoding
+ set var(encoding) {}
+ foreach {name value} $var(meta) {
+ if {[regexp -nocase ^content-encoding $name]} {
+ switch -- [string tolower $value] {
+ compress -
+ bzip2 {set var(encoding) bzip2}
+ Z {set var(encoding) compress}
+ pack -
+ z {set var(encoding) pack}
+ default {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HTTPLog $token
+ # Result?
+ switch -- $var(code) {
+ 200 -
+ 203 {IMGSVRParse $varname}
+ 201 -
+ 300 -
+ 301 -
+ 302 -
+ 303 -
+ 305 -
+ 307 {
+ foreach {name value} $var(meta) {
+ if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRGetURLFinish redirect $var(code) to $value"
+ }
+ # clean up and resubmit
+ http::cleanup $token
+ unset var(token)
+ IMGSVRGetURL $varname $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ eval [list $var(proc,error) $varname "[msgcat::mc {Error code was returned}] $var(code)"]
+ }
+ }
+proc IMGSVRParse {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global current
+ global ds9
+ global loadParam
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "IMGSVRParse: $varname : fn $var(fn) : code $var(code) : meta $var(meta) : mime $var(mime) : encoding $var(encoding)"
+ }
+ switch -- [string tolower $var(mime)] {
+ "application/octet-stream" {
+ # its never fails, someone can't get there mime types correct.
+ # Override the mime type based on path
+ switch -- [file extension $var(fn)] {
+ .bz2 {set var(encoding) bzip2}
+ .Z {set var(encoding) compress}
+ .z {set var(encoding) pack}
+ }
+ }
+ "image/fits" -
+ "application/fits" {}
+ "application/fits-image" -
+ "application/fits-table" -
+ "application/fits-group" {}
+ "image/x-fits" -
+ "binary/x-fits" -
+ "application/x-fits" {}
+ "image/x-gfits" -
+ "binary/x-gfits" -
+ "image/gz-fits" -
+ "application/x-gzip" -
+ "display/gz-fits" {}
+ "image/fits-hcompress" -
+ "image/x-fits-h" {}
+ "image/bz2-fits" -
+ "display/bz2-fits" {set var(encoding) bzip2}
+ "image/x-cfits" -
+ "binary/x-cfits" {set var(encoding) compress}
+ "image/x-zfits" -
+ "binary/x-zfits" {set var(encoding) pack}
+ "text/html" -
+ "text/plain" -
+ default {
+ # NOTE: error notices may come as text/html
+ eval [list $var(proc,error) $varname [msgcat::mc {No Data Available}]]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ switch -- $var(mode) {
+ new {MultiLoadBase}
+ current {}
+ }
+ StartLoad
+ # alloc it because we are going to delete it after load
+ set loadParam(load,type) allocgz
+ set loadParam(load,layer) {}
+ set loadParam(file,type) fits
+ set loadParam(file,mode) {}
+ set loadParam(file,name) $var(fn)
+ set loadParam(file,fn) $loadParam(file,name)
+ # may have to convert the file, based on content-encoding
+ switch -- "$var(encoding)" {
+ bzip2 {
+ catch {set ch [open "| bunzip2 < $var(fn) " r]}
+ set loadParam(load,type) channel
+ set loadParam(channel,name) $ch
+ }
+ compress {
+ catch {set ch [open "| uncompress < $var(fn) " r]}
+ set loadParam(load,type) channel
+ set loadParam(channel,name) $ch
+ }
+ pack {
+ catch {set ch [open "| pcat $var(fn) " r]}
+ set loadParam(load,type) channel
+ set loadParam(channel,name) $ch
+ }
+ }
+ ProcessLoad
+ FinishLoad
+ if {!$var(save)} {
+ if {[file exists $var(fn)]} {
+ catch {file delete -force $var(fn)}
+ }
+ }
+ $var(proc,done) $varname
+proc IMGSVRProgress {varname token totalsize currentsize} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ # sometimes we get nothing
+ if {$totalsize == {} || $currentsize == {}} {
+ ARStatus $varname {}
+ } elseif {$totalsize != 0} {
+ ARStatus $varname "$currentsize bytes of $totalsize bytes [expr int(double($currentsize)/$totalsize*100)]%"
+ } else {
+ ARStatus $varname "$currentsize bytes"
+ }
+proc IMGSVRProcessCmd {varname iname vvarname} {
+ upvar 2 $varname var
+ upvar 2 $iname i
+ upvar #0 $vvarname vvar
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ {} {
+ if {$vvar(name) != {} || ($vvar(x) != {} && $vvar(y) != {})} {
+ IMGSVRApply $vvarname 1
+ }
+ }
+ open {}
+ close {ARDestroy $vvarname}
+ save {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(save) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]]
+ }
+ frame {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(mode) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]]
+ }
+ survey {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(survey) [lindex $var $i]
+ }
+ size {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(width) [lindex $var $i]
+ incr i
+ set vvar(height) [lindex $var $i]
+ incr i
+ if {[lindex $var $i] != {} && \
+ [string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] != {-}} {
+ set vvar(rformat) [lindex $var $i]
+ set vvar(rformat,msg) $vvar(rformat)
+ } else {
+ incr i -1
+ }
+ }
+ pixels {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(width,pixels) [lindex $var $i]
+ incr i
+ set vvar(height,pixels) [lindex $var $i]
+ }
+ update {
+ incr i
+ switch [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ frame {IMGSVRUpdate $vvarname}
+ crosshair {IMGSVRCrosshair $vvarname}
+ }
+ IMGSVRApply $vvarname 1
+ }
+ coord {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(x) [lindex $var $i]
+ incr i
+ set vvar(y) [lindex $var $i]
+ incr i
+ if {[lindex $var $i] != {} && \
+ [string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] != {-}} {
+ set vvar(skyformat) [lindex $var $i]
+ set vvar(skyformat,msg) $vvar(skyformat)
+ } else {
+ incr i -1
+ }
+ IMGSVRApply $vvarname 1
+ }
+ name {
+ incr i
+ set vvar(name) [lindex $var $i]
+ if {$vvar(name) != {}} {
+ IMGSVRApply $vvarname 1
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ set vvar(name) [lindex $var $i]
+ if {$vvar(name) != {}} {
+ IMGSVRApply $vvarname 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc IMGSVRProcessSendCmd {proc id param vvarname} {
+ upvar #0 $vvarname vvar
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $param 0]] {
+ save {$proc $id [ToYesNo $vvar(save)]}
+ frame {$proc $id "$vvar(mode)\n"}
+ survey {$proc $id "$vvar(survey)\n"}
+ size {$proc $id "$vvar(width) $vvar(height) $vvar(rformat)\n"}
+ pixels {$proc $id "$vvar(width,pixels) $vvar(height,pixels)\n"}
+ coord {$proc $id "$vvar(x) $vvar(y) $vvar(skyformat)\n"}
+ name -
+ default {$proc $id "$vvar(name)\n"}
+ }