path: root/funtools/fitsy/fitshead.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'funtools/fitsy/fitshead.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 483 deletions
diff --git a/funtools/fitsy/fitshead.c b/funtools/fitsy/fitshead.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 01dfea2..0000000
--- a/funtools/fitsy/fitshead.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-/* Fitsy FITS routines to read and write FITS headers.
- */
-#include <xos.h>
-#include "fitsy.h"
-#define MAX_COPY 1024
-static int ncopy_file=0;
-static File copy_files[MAX_COPY];
-static int GetWordType(fptr, tbuf, cflag)
- char **fptr;
- char *tbuf;
- int *cflag;
- int alpha, digit, other, got;
- char *f, *t;
- /* start out clean */
- *tbuf = '\0';
- /* gather up characters until we have a delim */
- for(got=0, alpha=0, digit=0, other=0, f=*fptr, *tbuf='\0', t=tbuf;
- (*f!='\0') && (*f!=',') && (*f!=']');
- got++){
- if( isdigit((unsigned int)*f) ){
- digit++;
- *t++ = *f++;
- }
- else if( isalpha((unsigned int)*f) || (*f == '_') || (*f == '$') ){
- alpha++;
- *t++ = *f++;
- }
- /* special case: extension or index ending with '+' means copy extension */
- else if( (*f=='+') && ((*(f+1)=='\0') || (*(f+1)==',') || (*(f+1)==']')) ){
- /* don't add '+' to output, but inc past it in input */
- f++;
- /* we got the 'copy extension' flag */
- *cflag = 1;
- }
- else{
- /* - might be part of an extension */
- if( (*f=='-') && got && !other )
- alpha++;
- else
- other++;
- *t++ = *f++;
- }
- }
- /* null terminate working string */
- *t = '\0';
- /* update pointer */
- *fptr = f;
- /* determine what sort of beast we have and return */
- if( got == 0 )
- return(0);
- else if( other >0 )
- return(3);
- else if( (digit>0) && (alpha==0) )
- return(2);
- else
- return(1);
- *
- * ft_parsefilename -- break a string into name, extension, index, tail
- * The possibilities are:
- *
- * name[extn], name[extn,index], name[index]
- * name[extn,tail], name[extn,index,tail], name[index,tail]
- *
- * where:
- * extn is composed of alphanumerics, index is numeric, tail is anything
- * and commas are separators.
- *
- * returns 1 if 'copy flag' was set (+extn, extn+, +index, index+), else 0
- *
- *
- */
-int ft_parsefilename(filename, name, extn, nmaxlen, indx, tail, tmaxlen)
- char *filename;
- char *name;
- char *extn;
- int nmaxlen;
- int *indx;
- char *tail;
- int tmaxlen;
- char *f, *t;
- char *tbuf, *tbuf2;
- int i, len;
- int got;
- int cflag;
- /* start out clean */
- *extn = '\0';
- *indx = -1;
- *tail = '\0';
- cflag = 0;
- /* make sure we have something to work with */
- if( (filename == NULL) || (*filename == '\0') )
- return 0;
- /* handle pipe: specification specially */
- if( !strncasecmp(filename, "pipe:", 5) ){
- strncpy(name, filename, nmaxlen);
- return 0;
- }
- /* basic work buffers */
- tbuf = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+1);
- tbuf2 = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+1);
- /* this will be our pointer into the filename buffer */
- f = filename;
- /* maxlen generally is 1 more than we can handle */
- nmaxlen--;
- tmaxlen--;
- /* gather up the name */
- for(*tbuf='\0', t=tbuf; (*f!='\0') && (*f!='[') && (*f!=','); )
- *t++ = *f++;
- /* null terminate working string */
- *t = '\0';
- /* copy max from the work buffer to the name buffer */
- strncpy(name, tbuf, nmaxlen);
- name[nmaxlen] = '\0';
- /* check for done */
- if( *f == '\0' )
- goto cleanup;
- /* or skip past '[' delim following the name */
- else
- f++;
- /* get token and process type */
- switch(GetWordType(&f, tbuf, &cflag)){
- /* EOF */
- case 0:
- break;
- /* extn */
- case 1:
- strcpy(extn, tbuf);
- *tbuf = '\0';
- if( *f == ',' ){
- f++;
- switch(GetWordType(&f, tbuf, &cflag)){
- case 2:
- *indx = strtol(tbuf, NULL, 10);
- *tbuf = '\0';
- if( *f == ',' )
- f++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- /* index */
- case 2:
- *indx = strtol(tbuf, NULL, 10);
- *tbuf = '\0';
- if( *f == ',' )
- f++;
- break;
- /* tail */
- case 3:
- break;
- }
- /* at this point, we are processing tail */
- strcpy(tbuf2, "[");
- if( *tbuf != '\0' )
- strcat(tbuf2, tbuf);
- if( *f != '\0' )
- strcat(tbuf2, f);
- strncpy(tail, tbuf2, tmaxlen);
- tail[tmaxlen] = '\0';
- /* get rid of any empty brackets */
- len = strlen(tail);
- for(i=0; i<len; i++){
- if( (tail[i] == '[') && (i+2 < len) && (tail[i+1] == ']') ){
- strcpy(tbuf, &(tail[i+2]));
- strcpy(&(tail[i]), tbuf);
- }
- }
- /* but don't bother passing back completely null brackets */
- len = strlen(tail);
- for(got=0, i=0; i<len; i++){
- if( (tail[i] != '[') && (tail[i] != ']') && (tail[i] != ' ') ){
- got = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( !got ) *tail = '\0';
- /* clean up */
- if( tbuf != NULL )
- free(tbuf);
- if( tbuf2 != NULL )
- free(tbuf2);
- return cflag;
- *
- * ft_cfile -- change the static copy_file handle
- * This is used to set/unset the copy handle for when we open a fits file
- * (There is no other good place to store this copy handle!)
- * returns: old handle
- *
- */
-int ft_cfile(cfile)
- File cfile;
- if( cfile ){
- if( ncopy_file >= MAX_COPY ) return -1;
- copy_files[ncopy_file++] = cfile;
- }
- else{
- ncopy_file = 0;
- }
- return ncopy_file;
-/* Read a FITS header from the named file -- primitive of ft_fitsheadopen()
- */
-File ft_fitsheadread(file, filename, header, mode, iline, ifd)
- File file;
- char *filename; /* FITS image file name. */
- FITSHead *header;
- char *mode;
- char iline[FT_CARDLEN];
- File *ifd;
- FITSHead prim = NULL;
- FITSHead head = NULL;
- char name[FT_FILENAME];
- char extn[FT_FILENAME];
- char tail[FT_FILENAME];
- char tbuf[FT_CARDLEN];
- char *e;
- char *i;
- char *tptr;
- int indx = 0;
- int len = FT_FILENAME;
- int tlen;
- int n;
- int nc;
- static int vlaerr=0;
- /* if the user called the wrong routine, fix it */
- if( !file ) return NULL;
- /* initialize return values */
- if( iline ) iline[0] = '\0';
- if( ifd ) *ifd = file;
- /* parse filename into extension, index, and tail */
- ft_parsefilename(filename, name, extn, len, &indx, tail, len);
- /* make sure this is a FITS file by looking at the first card */
- tptr = (iline ? iline : tbuf);
- if( ( !ftGets(file, tptr, 10) ) ||
- (strncmp(tptr, "SIMPLE =", 9) && strncmp(tptr, "XTENSION=", 9)) ){
- /* pass back opened file so someone else can make an attempt */
- if( !ifd ) ftClose(file);
- return NULL;
- }
- tlen = strlen(tptr);
- if( ftRead(file, &tptr[tlen], FT_CARDLEN-tlen, 1) != 1 ){
- /* pass back opened file so someone else can make an attempt */
- if( !ifd ) ftClose(file);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* don't return anything anymore, both ifd and line were used already */
- if( iline ){
- memcpy(tbuf, iline, FT_CARDLEN);
- iline[0] = '\0';
- }
- if( ifd ) *ifd = NULL;
- /* read primary header */
- if ( (prim = ft_headread0(file, tbuf, FT_CARDLEN)) == NULL ){
- ftClose(file);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Only look in the environment if the primary header
- has no data and the user hasn't specified any thing
- in the brackets.
- */
- if ( ft_databytes(prim) == 0 && !*extn && indx == -1 ) {
- if ( (e = (char *)getenv("FITS_EXTNAME")) ) {
- strncpy(extn, e, len);
- extn[len-1] = '\0';
- }
- if ( (i = (char *)getenv("FITS_EXTNUM")) ) {
- indx = atoi(i);
- }
- }
- head = prim;
- if ( *extn ) { /* Extension and possible an index */
- do {
- char *ext=NULL;
- char *extcopy=(char *)strdup(extn);
- for(ext=(char *)strtok(extcopy," :;,");
- ext!=NULL;
- ext=(char *)strtok(NULL," :;,")){
- /* look for extname, then hduname, along with indx */
- if ( ((ft_name(head) && *ft_name(head) &&
- !strcasecmp(ext, ft_name(head))) ||
- (ft_hduname(head) && *ft_hduname(head) &&
- !strcasecmp(ext, ft_hduname(head)))) &&
- (indx == -1 || indx == ft_extn(head)) )
- break;
- }
- if( extcopy )
- free(extcopy);
- /* if we matched an extension, we are done */
- if( ext )
- break;
- /* copy header, if necessary */
- if( ncopy_file ){
- for(nc=0; nc<ncopy_file; nc++)
- ft_headwrite(copy_files[nc], head);
- }
- /* skip data, copying header if necessary */
- ft_dataskip(file, head, copy_files, ncopy_file);
- if ( head != prim ) ft_headfree(head, 1);
- } while ( (head = ft_headread(file)) );
- if ( !head ) {
- ft_headfree(prim, 1);
- ftClose(file);
- return NULL;
- }
- } else if ( indx > 0 ) { /* Extension index, not == 0 */
- int i;
- /* copy header, if necessary */
- if( ncopy_file ){
- for(nc=0; nc<ncopy_file; nc++)
- ft_headwrite(copy_files[nc], head);
- }
- ft_dataskip(file, prim, copy_files, ncopy_file);
- for ( i = 1; i <= indx; i++ ) {
- if ( (head = ft_headread(file)) == NULL ) {
- ft_headfree(prim, 1);
- ftClose(file);
- return NULL;
- }
- if( i != indx ){
- /* copy header, if necessary */
- if( ncopy_file ){
- for(nc=0; nc<ncopy_file; nc++)
- ft_headwrite(copy_files[nc], head);
- }
- /* skip data, copying header if necessary */
- ft_dataskip(file, head, copy_files, ncopy_file);
- ft_headfree(head, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( head != prim ){
- ft_primlink(prim, head); /* Link the primary to the header */
- /* this primary header only exists as part of head */
- prim->rfcount = 1;
- }
- /* if this is a table and contains a variable length array, issue wanring */
- if( head && head->table && !vlaerr ){
- for ( n = 1; n <= head->table->tfields; n++ ) {
- if ( head->table->col[n-1].vla ){
- fprintf(stderr,
- "WARNING: The 'variable length array' is not part of the FITS Bintable standard. ");
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Funtools will pass it along, but will not process it.\n");
- vlaerr++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( header != NULL ){
- *header = head;
- }
- return file;
-/* Read a FITS header from the named file.
- */
-File ft_fitsheadopen(filename, header, tail, len, mode)
- char *filename; /* FITS image file name. */
- FITSHead *header;
- char *tail;
- int len;
- char *mode;
- return ft_fitsheadopenfd(filename, header, tail, len, mode, NULL,
-/* Read a FITS header from the named file.
- */
-File ft_fitsheadopenfd(filename, header, tail, len, mode, file, iline, ifd)
- char *filename; /* FITS image file name. */
- FITSHead *header;
- char *tail;
- int len;
- char *mode;
- File file;
- char iline[FT_CARDLEN];
- File *ifd;
- char *xmode;
- char name[FT_FILENAME];
- char extn[FT_FILENAME];
- int indx = 0;
- int cflag;
- /* initialize return values */
- if( iline ) iline[0] = '\0';
- if( ifd ) *ifd = NULL;
- /* parse filename into extension, index, and tail */
- cflag = ft_parsefilename(filename, name, extn, FT_FILENAME, &indx,
- tail, len);
- /* set mode or use 'r' as default */
- if( mode ){
- xmode = mode;
- }
- else
- xmode = "r";
- /* see if 'CopyExtension' mode was explicitly set in the mode */
- if( strchr(xmode, 'C') )
- cflag = 1;
- /* else see if it was set in the section and is permitted by the mode */
- else if( strchr(xmode, 'c') && cflag )
- cflag = 1;
- /* else we do not copy */
- else
- cflag = 0;
- if( !file ){
- if ( (file = ftOpen(name, xmode)) == NULL )
- return NULL;
- }
- /* if the "copy extension" flag was set, we can exit here */
- if( cflag ){
- /* flag header was not created */
- if( header )
- *header = NULL;
- return file;
- }
- /* now read the file up to the specified extension */
- file = ft_fitsheadread(file, filename, header, xmode, iline, ifd);
- /* save filename */
- if( file && header && *header && *name ){
- if( (*header)->filename ) (void)Free((*header)->filename);
- (*header)->filename = strdup(name);
- }
- return file;