path: root/funtools/fitsy/tableheader.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'funtools/fitsy/tableheader.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/funtools/fitsy/tableheader.c b/funtools/fitsy/tableheader.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a48e4..0000000
--- a/funtools/fitsy/tableheader.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#include <xos.h>
-#include "fitsy.h"
- *
- * ft_tableheader -- read a string that details the structure
- * of the event record and generate a fitsy table header
- *
- * The structure of the string is:
- *
- * [name]:[n][type]:[(lodim:)hidim]
- *
- * Data types follow standard conventions for FITS binary tables, but include
- * two extra unsigned types ('U' and 'V'):
- *
- * B -- unsigned 8-bit char
- * I -- signed 16-bit int
- * J -- signed 32-bit int
- * K -- signed 64-bit int
- * E -- 32-bit float
- * D -- 64-bit float
- * U -- unsigned 16-bit int
- * V -- unsigned 32-bit int
- *
- * An optional integer value n can be prefixed to the type to indicate
- * that the element actually is an array of n values.
- *
- * Furthermore, image dimensions are attached to the event specification
- * in order to tell FITS how to bin the events into an image. They
- * follow the conventions for the FITS TLMIN, TLMAX, and TALEN
- * keywords. If the low image dimension is not specified, it defaults to
- * 1. Thus:
- *
- * RAWX:J:1:100
- * RAWX:J:100
- *
- * both specify that the dimension of this column runs from 1 to 100.
- * Note that it is required that all padding be specified in the record
- * definition.
- *
- *
- * For example, suppose a FITS binary table has the following set of column
- * definitions:
- *
- *
- * TTYPE1 = 'X ' / Label for field
- * TFORM1 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- * TLMIN1 = 1 / Min. axis value
- * TLMAX1 = 10 / Max. axis value
- * TTYPE2 = 'Y ' / Label for field
- * TFORM2 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- * TLMIN2 = 2 / Min. axis value
- * TLMAX2 = 11 / Max. axis value
- * TTYPE3 = 'PHA ' / Label for field
- * TFORM3 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- * TTYPE4 = 'PI ' / Label for field
- * TFORM4 = '1J ' / Data type for field
- * TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Label for field
- * TFORM5 = '1D ' / Data type for field
- * TTYPE6 = 'DX ' / Label for field
- * TFORM6 = '1E ' / Data type for field
- * TLMIN6 = 1 / Min. axis value
- * TLMAX6 = 10 / Max. axis value
- * TTYPE7 = 'DY ' / Label for field
- * TFORM7 = '1E ' / Data type for field
- * TLMIN7 = 3 / Min. axis value
- * TLMAX7 = 12 / Max. axis value
- *
- * An raw event file containing these same data would have the event
- * specification:
- *
- * X:I:10,Y:I:2:11,PHA:I,PI:J,TIME:D,DX:E:10,DY:E:3:12
- *
- */
-FITSHead ft_tableheader(char *eventdef, int nev)
- FITSHead header;
- char type[SZ_LINE];
- char name[SZ_LINE];
- char dim[SZ_LINE];
- char *neventdef = NULL;
- char *nevdef;
- char *d, *n, *s, *t, u[2];
- char **names, **types, **dims;
- char *extname="EVENTS";
- int extver=1;
- int cols, width, got;
- int i, r;
- int *lodims, *hidims, *widths;
- /* init the fitsy header */
- header = ft_headinit(NULL, 0);
- /* get rid of enclosing parens */
- if(*eventdef == '('){
- NewString(neventdef, eventdef+1);
- i = strlen(neventdef);
- if( neventdef[i-1] == ')' )
- neventdef[i-1] = '\0';
- }
- else{
- NewString(neventdef, eventdef);
- }
- /* we only deal with upper case in FITS */
- for(nevdef=neventdef; *nevdef; nevdef++){
- if( islower((int)*nevdef) )
- *nevdef = toupper(*nevdef);
- }
- /* first count the number of columns we have specified,
- separated by ',' */
- for(s=neventdef, cols=1; *s; s++){
- if( *s == ',' )
- cols++;
- }
- /* allocate string space for each column */
- names = (char **)calloc(cols, sizeof(char *));
- types = (char **)calloc(cols, sizeof(char *));
- dims = (char **)calloc(cols, sizeof(char *));
- lodims = (int *)calloc(cols, sizeof(int));
- hidims = (int *)calloc(cols, sizeof(int));
- widths = (int *)calloc(cols, sizeof(int));
- /* process the string and gather up the information */
- for(s=neventdef, width=0, got=0; *s; ){
- /* get name */
- n=name;
- *n = '\0';
- while( *s && (*s != ':') )
- *n++ = *s++;
- *n = '\0';
- NewString(names[got], name);
- /* skip delim */
- if( *s == ':' )
- s++;
- if( *s == '\0' )
- break;
- /* get type, which might be preceded by a count */
- r = strtol(s, &t, 10);
- if( s != t )
- s = t;
- else
- r = 1;
- /* cast unsupported unsigned type, if necessary */
- u[0] = *s;
- u[1] = '\0';
- snprintf(type, SZ_LINE, "%d%c", r, *u);
- NewString(types[got], type);
- width += ft_sizeof(*u)*r;
- widths[got] = ft_sizeof(*u);
- /* bump past type character */
- s++;
- /* get optional image dimension */
- if( *s == ':' ){
- /* skip past ':' */
- s++;
- *dim = '\0';
- for( d=dim; *s && (*s != ',') && (*s != ':'); )
- *d++ = *s++;
- *d = '\0';
- NewString(dims[got], dim);
- if( *s == ':' ){
- lodims[got] = atoi(dims[got]);
- s++;
- *dim = '\0';
- for( d=dim; *s && (*s != ','); )
- *d++ = *s++;
- *d = '\0';
- hidims[got] = atoi(dim);
- }
- else{
- lodims[got] = 0;
- hidims[got] = atoi(dims[got])-1;
- }
- if( *s == ',' )
- s++;
- }
- else
- dims[got] = NULL;
- /* bump past the comma */
- if( *s == ',' )
- s++;
- /* done with another header value */
- got++;
- }
- /* fake the header to a binary table */
- ft_headsets(header, "XTENSION", 0, "BINTABLE", "FITS BINARY TABLE", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "BITPIX", 0, 8, "Binary data", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "NAXIS", 0, 2, "Table is a matrix", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "NAXIS", 1, width, "Width of table in bytes", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "NAXIS", 2, nev, "Number of entries in table", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "PCOUNT", 0, 0, "Random parameter count", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "GCOUNT", 0, 1, "Group count", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "TFIELDS", 0, got, "Number of fields in each row", 1);
- ft_headsets(header, "EXTNAME", 0, extname, "Table name", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "EXTVER", 0, extver, "Version number of table", 1);
- /* info for each column */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- ft_headsets(header, "TFORM", i+1, types[i], "Data type for field", 1);
- ft_headsets(header, "TTYPE", i+1, names[i], "Label for field", 1);
- if( dims[i] != NULL ){
- ft_headseti(header, "TLMIN", i+1, lodims[i], "Min. axis value", 1);
- ft_headseti(header, "TLMAX", i+1, hidims[i], "Max. axis value", 1);
- }
- }
- /* now turn this into a table header */
- ft_syncdata(header);
- /* free up the column strings */
- for(i=0; i<cols; i++){
- if( names[i] ) free(names[i]);
- if( types[i] ) free(types[i]);
- if( dims[i] ) free(dims[i]);
- }
- if( names ) free(names);
- if( types ) free(types);
- if( dims ) free(dims);
- if( lodims ) free(lodims);
- if( hidims ) free(hidims);
- if( widths ) free(widths);
- if( neventdef ) free(neventdef);
- return header;