path: root/funtools/wcs/worldpos.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 693 deletions
diff --git a/funtools/wcs/worldpos.c b/funtools/wcs/worldpos.c
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index 8693789..0000000
--- a/funtools/wcs/worldpos.c
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-/* worldpos.c -- WCS Algorithms from Classic AIPS.
- * September 1, 2011
- * Copyright (C) 1994-2011
- * Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
- * With code added by Jessica Mink, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- * and Allan Brighton and Andreas Wicenec, ESO
- * and Frank Valdes, NOAO
- * Module: worldpos.c
- * Purpose: Perform forward and reverse WCS computations for 8 projections
- * Subroutine: worldpos() converts from pixel location to RA,Dec
- * Subroutine: worldpix() converts from RA,Dec to pixel location
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows:
- Internet email:
- Postal address: AIPS Group
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- 520 Edgemont Road
- Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-
- These two ANSI C functions, worldpos() and worldpix(), perform
- forward and reverse WCS computations for 8 types of projective
- geometries ("-SIN", "-TAN", "-ARC", "-NCP", "-GLS" or "-SFL", "-MER",
- "-AIT", "-STG", "CAR", and "COE"):
- worldpos() converts from pixel location to RA,Dec
- worldpix() converts from RA,Dec to pixel location
- where "(RA,Dec)" are more generically (long,lat). These functions
- are based on the WCS implementation of Classic AIPS, an
- implementation which has been in production use for more than ten
- years. See the two memos by Eric Greisen
- for descriptions of the 8 projective geometries and the
- algorithms. Footnotes in these two documents describe the
- differences between these algorithms and the 1993-94 WCS draft
- proposal (see URL below). In particular, these algorithms support
- ordinary field rotation, but not skew geometries (CD or PC matrix
- cases). Also, the MER and AIT algorithms work correctly only for
- CRVALi=(0,0). Users should note that GLS projections with yref!=0
- will behave differently in this code than in the draft WCS
- proposal. The NCP projection is now obsolete (it is a special
- case of SIN). WCS syntax and semantics for various advanced
- features is discussed in the draft WCS proposal by Greisen and
- Calabretta at:
- -=-=-=-
- The original version of this code was Emailed to D.Wells on
- Friday, 23 September by Bill Cotton <>,
- who described it as a "..more or less.. exact translation from the
- AIPSish..". Changes were made by Don Wells <>
- during the period October 11-13, 1994:
- 1) added GNU license and header comments
- 2) added testpos.c program to perform extensive circularity tests
- 3) changed float-->double to get more than 7 significant figures
- 4) testpos.c circularity test failed on MER and AIT. B.Cotton
- found that "..there were a couple of lines of code [in] the wrong
- place as a result of merging several Fortran routines."
- 5) testpos.c found 0h wraparound in worldpix() and worldpos().
- 6) E.Greisen recommended removal of various redundant if-statements,
- and addition of a 360d difference test to MER case of worldpos().
- 7) D.Mink changed input to data structure and implemented rotation matrix.
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "wcs.h"
-worldpos (xpix, ypix, wcs, xpos, ypos)
-/* Routine to determine accurate position for pixel coordinates */
-/* returns 0 if successful otherwise 1 = angle too large for projection; */
-/* does: -SIN, -TAN, -ARC, -NCP, -GLS or -SFL, -MER, -AIT projections */
-/* anything else is linear */
-/* Input: */
-double xpix; /* x pixel number (RA or long without rotation) */
-double ypix; /* y pixel number (Dec or lat without rotation) */
-struct WorldCoor *wcs; /* WCS parameter structure */
-/* Output: */
-double *xpos; /* x (RA) coordinate (deg) */
-double *ypos; /* y (dec) coordinate (deg) */
- double cosr, sinr, dx, dy, dz, tx;
- double sins, coss, dt, l, m, mg, da, dd, cos0, sin0;
- double rat = 0.0;
- double dect = 0.0;
- double mt, a, y0, td, r2; /* allan: for COE */
- double dec0, ra0, decout, raout;
- double geo1, geo2, geo3;
- double cond2r=1.745329252e-2;
- double twopi = 6.28318530717959;
- double deps = 1.0e-5;
- /* Structure elements */
- double xref; /* X reference coordinate value (deg) */
- double yref; /* Y reference coordinate value (deg) */
- double xrefpix; /* X reference pixel */
- double yrefpix; /* Y reference pixel */
- double xinc; /* X coordinate increment (deg) */
- double yinc; /* Y coordinate increment (deg) */
- double rot; /* Optical axis rotation (deg) (N through E) */
- int itype = wcs->prjcode;
- /* Set local projection parameters */
- xref = wcs->xref;
- yref = wcs->yref;
- xrefpix = wcs->xrefpix;
- yrefpix = wcs->yrefpix;
- xinc = wcs->xinc;
- yinc = wcs->yinc;
- rot = degrad (wcs->rot);
- cosr = cos (rot);
- sinr = sin (rot);
- /* Offset from ref pixel */
- dx = xpix - xrefpix;
- dy = ypix - yrefpix;
- /* Scale and rotate using CD matrix */
- if (wcs->rotmat) {
- tx = dx * wcs->cd[0] + dy * wcs->cd[1];
- dy = dx * wcs->cd[2] + dy * wcs->cd[3];
- dx = tx;
- }
- /* Scale and rotate using CDELTn and CROTA2 */
- else {
- /* Check axis increments - bail out if either 0 */
- if ((xinc==0.0) || (yinc==0.0)) {
- *xpos=0.0;
- *ypos=0.0;
- return 2;
- }
- /* Scale using CDELT */
- dx = dx * xinc;
- dy = dy * yinc;
- /* Take out rotation from CROTA */
- if (rot != 0.0) {
- tx = dx * cosr - dy * sinr;
- dy = dx * sinr + dy * cosr;
- dx = tx;
- }
- }
- /* Flip coordinates if necessary */
- if (wcs->coorflip) {
- tx = dx;
- dx = dy;
- dy = tx;
- }
- /* Default, linear result for error or pixel return */
- *xpos = xref + dx;
- *ypos = yref + dy;
- if (itype <= 0)
- return 0;
- /* Convert to radians */
- if (wcs->coorflip) {
- dec0 = degrad (xref);
- ra0 = degrad (yref);
- }
- else {
- ra0 = degrad (xref);
- dec0 = degrad (yref);
- }
- l = degrad (dx);
- m = degrad (dy);
- sins = l*l + m*m;
- decout = 0.0;
- raout = 0.0;
- cos0 = cos (dec0);
- sin0 = sin (dec0);
- /* Process by case */
- switch (itype) {
- case WCS_CAR: /* -CAR Cartesian (was WCS_PIX pixel and WCS_LIN linear) */
- rat = ra0 + l;
- dect = dec0 + m;
- break;
- case WCS_SIN: /* -SIN sin*/
- if (sins>1.0) return 1;
- coss = sqrt (1.0 - sins);
- dt = sin0 * coss + cos0 * m;
- if ((dt>1.0) || (dt<-1.0)) return 1;
- dect = asin (dt);
- rat = cos0 * coss - sin0 * m;
- if ((rat==0.0) && (l==0.0)) return 1;
- rat = atan2 (l, rat) + ra0;
- break;
- case WCS_TAN: /* -TAN tan */
- case WCS_TNX: /* -TNX tan with polynomial correction */
- case WCS_TPV: /* -TPV tan with polynomial correction */
- case WCS_ZPX: /* -ZPX zpn with polynomial correction */
- if (sins>1.0) return 1;
- dect = cos0 - m * sin0;
- if (dect==0.0) return 1;
- rat = ra0 + atan2 (l, dect);
- dect = atan (cos(rat-ra0) * (m * cos0 + sin0) / dect);
- break;
- case WCS_ARC: /* -ARC Arc*/
- if (sins>=twopi*twopi/4.0) return 1;
- sins = sqrt(sins);
- coss = cos (sins);
- if (sins!=0.0) sins = sin (sins) / sins;
- else
- sins = 1.0;
- dt = m * cos0 * sins + sin0 * coss;
- if ((dt>1.0) || (dt<-1.0)) return 1;
- dect = asin (dt);
- da = coss - dt * sin0;
- dt = l * sins * cos0;
- if ((da==0.0) && (dt==0.0)) return 1;
- rat = ra0 + atan2 (dt, da);
- break;
- case WCS_NCP: /* -NCP North celestial pole*/
- dect = cos0 - m * sin0;
- if (dect==0.0) return 1;
- rat = ra0 + atan2 (l, dect);
- dt = cos (rat-ra0);
- if (dt==0.0) return 1;
- dect = dect / dt;
- if ((dect>1.0) || (dect<-1.0)) return 1;
- dect = acos (dect);
- if (dec0<0.0) dect = -dect;
- break;
- case WCS_GLS: /* -GLS global sinusoid */
- case WCS_SFL: /* -SFL Samson-Flamsteed */
- dect = dec0 + m;
- if (fabs(dect)>twopi/4.0) return 1;
- coss = cos (dect);
- if (fabs(l)>twopi*coss/2.0) return 1;
- rat = ra0;
- if (coss>deps) rat = rat + l / coss;
- break;
- case WCS_MER: /* -MER mercator*/
- dt = yinc * cosr + xinc * sinr;
- if (dt==0.0) dt = 1.0;
- dy = degrad (yref/2.0 + 45.0);
- dx = dy + dt / 2.0 * cond2r;
- dy = log (tan (dy));
- dx = log (tan (dx));
- geo2 = degrad (dt) / (dx - dy);
- geo3 = geo2 * dy;
- geo1 = cos (degrad (yref));
- if (geo1<=0.0) geo1 = 1.0;
- rat = l / geo1 + ra0;
- if (fabs(rat - ra0) > twopi) return 1; /* added 10/13/94 DCW/EWG */
- dt = 0.0;
- if (geo2!=0.0) dt = (m + geo3) / geo2;
- dt = exp (dt);
- dect = 2.0 * atan (dt) - twopi / 4.0;
- break;
- case WCS_AIT: /* -AIT Aitoff*/
- dt = yinc*cosr + xinc*sinr;
- if (dt==0.0) dt = 1.0;
- dt = degrad (dt);
- dy = degrad (yref);
- dx = sin(dy+dt)/sqrt((1.0+cos(dy+dt))/2.0) -
- sin(dy)/sqrt((1.0+cos(dy))/2.0);
- if (dx==0.0) dx = 1.0;
- geo2 = dt / dx;
- dt = xinc*cosr - yinc* sinr;
- if (dt==0.0) dt = 1.0;
- dt = degrad (dt);
- dx = 2.0 * cos(dy) * sin(dt/2.0);
- if (dx==0.0) dx = 1.0;
- geo1 = dt * sqrt((1.0+cos(dy)*cos(dt/2.0))/2.0) / dx;
- geo3 = geo2 * sin(dy) / sqrt((1.0+cos(dy))/2.0);
- rat = ra0;
- dect = dec0;
- if ((l==0.0) && (m==0.0)) break;
- dz = 4.0 - l*l/(4.0*geo1*geo1) - ((m+geo3)/geo2)*((m+geo3)/geo2) ;
- if ((dz>4.0) || (dz<2.0)) return 1;;
- dz = 0.5 * sqrt (dz);
- dd = (m+geo3) * dz / geo2;
- if (fabs(dd)>1.0) return 1;;
- dd = asin (dd);
- if (fabs(cos(dd))<deps) return 1;;
- da = l * dz / (2.0 * geo1 * cos(dd));
- if (fabs(da)>1.0) return 1;;
- da = asin (da);
- rat = ra0 + 2.0 * da;
- dect = dd;
- break;
- case WCS_STG: /* -STG Sterographic*/
- dz = (4.0 - sins) / (4.0 + sins);
- if (fabs(dz)>1.0) return 1;
- dect = dz * sin0 + m * cos0 * (1.0+dz) / 2.0;
- if (fabs(dect)>1.0) return 1;
- dect = asin (dect);
- rat = cos(dect);
- if (fabs(rat)<deps) return 1;
- rat = l * (1.0+dz) / (2.0 * rat);
- if (fabs(rat)>1.0) return 1;
- rat = asin (rat);
- mg = 1.0 + sin(dect) * sin0 + cos(dect) * cos0 * cos(rat);
- if (fabs(mg)<deps) return 1;
- mg = 2.0 * (sin(dect) * cos0 - cos(dect) * sin0 * cos(rat)) / mg;
- if (fabs(mg-m)>deps) rat = twopi/2.0 - rat;
- rat = ra0 + rat;
- break;
- case WCS_COE: /* COE projection code from Andreas Wicenic, ESO */
- td = tan (dec0);
- y0 = 1.0 / td;
- mt = y0 - m;
- if (dec0 < 0.)
- a = atan2 (l,-mt);
- else
- a = atan2 (l, mt);
- rat = ra0 - (a / sin0);
- r2 = (l * l) + (mt * mt);
- dect = asin (1.0 / (sin0 * 2.0) * (1.0 + sin0*sin0 * (1.0 - r2)));
- break;
- }
- /* Return RA in range */
- raout = rat;
- decout = dect;
- if (raout-ra0>twopi/2.0) raout = raout - twopi;
- if (raout-ra0<-twopi/2.0) raout = raout + twopi;
- if (raout < 0.0) raout += twopi; /* added by DCW 10/12/94 */
- /* Convert units back to degrees */
- *xpos = raddeg (raout);
- *ypos = raddeg (decout);
- return 0;
-} /* End of worldpos */
-worldpix (xpos, ypos, wcs, xpix, ypix)
-/* routine to determine accurate pixel coordinates for an RA and Dec */
-/* returns 0 if successful otherwise: */
-/* 1 = angle too large for projection; */
-/* 2 = bad values */
-/* does: SIN, TAN, ARC, NCP, GLS or SFL, MER, AIT, STG, CAR, COE projections */
-/* anything else is linear */
-/* Input: */
-double xpos; /* x (RA) coordinate (deg) */
-double ypos; /* y (dec) coordinate (deg) */
-struct WorldCoor *wcs; /* WCS parameter structure */
-/* Output: */
-double *xpix; /* x pixel number (RA or long without rotation) */
-double *ypix; /* y pixel number (dec or lat without rotation) */
- double dx, dy, ra0, dec0, ra, dec, coss, sins, dt, da, dd, sint;
- double l, m, geo1, geo2, geo3, sinr, cosr, tx, x, a2, a3, a4;
- double rthea,gamby2,a,b,c,phi,an,rap,v,tthea,co1,co2,co3,co4,ansq; /* COE */
- double cond2r=1.745329252e-2, deps=1.0e-5, twopi=6.28318530717959;
-/* Structure elements */
- double xref; /* x reference coordinate value (deg) */
- double yref; /* y reference coordinate value (deg) */
- double xrefpix; /* x reference pixel */
- double yrefpix; /* y reference pixel */
- double xinc; /* x coordinate increment (deg) */
- double yinc; /* y coordinate increment (deg) */
- double rot; /* Optical axis rotation (deg) (from N through E) */
- int itype;
- /* Set local projection parameters */
- xref = wcs->xref;
- yref = wcs->yref;
- xrefpix = wcs->xrefpix;
- yrefpix = wcs->yrefpix;
- xinc = wcs->xinc;
- yinc = wcs->yinc;
- rot = degrad (wcs->rot);
- cosr = cos (rot);
- sinr = sin (rot);
- /* Projection type */
- itype = wcs->prjcode;
- /* Nonlinear position */
- if (itype > 0) {
- if (wcs->coorflip) {
- dec0 = degrad (xref);
- ra0 = degrad (yref);
- dt = xpos - yref;
- }
- else {
- ra0 = degrad (xref);
- dec0 = degrad (yref);
- dt = xpos - xref;
- }
- /* 0h wrap-around tests added by D.Wells 10/12/1994: */
- /* Modified to exclude weird reference pixels by D.Mink 2/3/2004 */
- if (xrefpix*xinc > 180.0 || xrefpix*xinc < -180.0) {
- if (dt > 360.0) xpos -= 360.0;
- if (dt < 0.0) xpos += 360.0;
- }
- else {
- if (dt > 180.0) xpos -= 360.0;
- if (dt < -180.0) xpos += 360.0;
- }
- /* NOTE: changing input argument xpos is OK (call-by-value in C!) */
- ra = degrad (xpos);
- dec = degrad (ypos);
- /* Compute direction cosine */
- coss = cos (dec);
- sins = sin (dec);
- l = sin(ra-ra0) * coss;
- sint = sins * sin(dec0) + coss * cos(dec0) * cos(ra-ra0);
- }
- else {
- l = 0.0;
- sint = 0.0;
- sins = 0.0;
- coss = 0.0;
- ra = 0.0;
- dec = 0.0;
- ra0 = 0.0;
- dec0 = 0.0;
- m = 0.0;
- }
- /* Process by case */
- switch (itype) {
- case WCS_CAR: /* -CAR Cartesian */
- l = ra - ra0;
- m = dec - dec0;
- break;
- case WCS_SIN: /* -SIN sin*/
- if (sint<0.0) return 1;
- m = sins * cos(dec0) - coss * sin(dec0) * cos(ra-ra0);
- break;
- case WCS_TNX: /* -TNX tan with polynomial correction */
- case WCS_TPV: /* -TPV tan with polynomial correction */
- case WCS_ZPX: /* -ZPX zpn with polynomial correction */
- case WCS_TAN: /* -TAN tan */
- if (sint<=0.0) return 1;
- m = sins * sin(dec0) + coss * cos(dec0) * cos(ra-ra0);
- l = l / m;
- m = (sins * cos(dec0) - coss * sin(dec0) * cos(ra-ra0)) / m;
- break;
- case WCS_ARC: /* -ARC Arc*/
- m = sins * sin(dec0) + coss * cos(dec0) * cos(ra-ra0);
- if (m<-1.0) m = -1.0;
- if (m>1.0) m = 1.0;
- m = acos (m);
- if (m!=0)
- m = m / sin(m);
- else
- m = 1.0;
- l = l * m;
- m = (sins * cos(dec0) - coss * sin(dec0) * cos(ra-ra0)) * m;
- break;
- case WCS_NCP: /* -NCP North celestial pole*/
- if (dec0==0.0)
- return 1; /* can't stand the equator */
- else
- m = (cos(dec0) - coss * cos(ra-ra0)) / sin(dec0);
- break;
- case WCS_GLS: /* -GLS global sinusoid */
- case WCS_SFL: /* -SFL Samson-Flamsteed */
- dt = ra - ra0;
- if (fabs(dec)>twopi/4.0) return 1;
- if (fabs(dec0)>twopi/4.0) return 1;
- m = dec - dec0;
- l = dt * coss;
- break;
- case WCS_MER: /* -MER mercator*/
- dt = yinc * cosr + xinc * sinr;
- if (dt==0.0) dt = 1.0;
- dy = degrad (yref/2.0 + 45.0);
- dx = dy + dt / 2.0 * cond2r;
- dy = log (tan (dy));
- dx = log (tan (dx));
- geo2 = degrad (dt) / (dx - dy);
- geo3 = geo2 * dy;
- geo1 = cos (degrad (yref));
- if (geo1<=0.0) geo1 = 1.0;
- dt = ra - ra0;
- l = geo1 * dt;
- dt = dec / 2.0 + twopi / 8.0;
- dt = tan (dt);
- if (dt<deps) return 2;
- m = geo2 * log (dt) - geo3;
- break;
- case WCS_AIT: /* -AIT Aitoff*/
- l = 0.0;
- m = 0.0;
- da = (ra - ra0) / 2.0;
- if (fabs(da)>twopi/4.0) return 1;
- dt = yinc*cosr + xinc*sinr;
- if (dt==0.0) dt = 1.0;
- dt = degrad (dt);
- dy = degrad (yref);
- dx = sin(dy+dt)/sqrt((1.0+cos(dy+dt))/2.0) -
- sin(dy)/sqrt((1.0+cos(dy))/2.0);
- if (dx==0.0) dx = 1.0;
- geo2 = dt / dx;
- dt = xinc*cosr - yinc* sinr;
- if (dt==0.0) dt = 1.0;
- dt = degrad (dt);
- dx = 2.0 * cos(dy) * sin(dt/2.0);
- if (dx==0.0) dx = 1.0;
- geo1 = dt * sqrt((1.0+cos(dy)*cos(dt/2.0))/2.0) / dx;
- geo3 = geo2 * sin(dy) / sqrt((1.0+cos(dy))/2.0);
- dt = sqrt ((1.0 + cos(dec) * cos(da))/2.0);
- if (fabs(dt)<deps) return 3;
- l = 2.0 * geo1 * cos(dec) * sin(da) / dt;
- m = geo2 * sin(dec) / dt - geo3;
- break;
- case WCS_STG: /* -STG Sterographic*/
- da = ra - ra0;
- if (fabs(dec)>twopi/4.0) return 1;
- dd = 1.0 + sins * sin(dec0) + coss * cos(dec0) * cos(da);
- if (fabs(dd)<deps) return 1;
- dd = 2.0 / dd;
- l = l * dd;
- m = dd * (sins * cos(dec0) - coss * sin(dec0) * cos(da));
- break;
- case WCS_COE: /* allan: -COE projection added, AW, ESO*/
- gamby2 = sin (dec0);
- tthea = tan (dec0);
- rthea = 1. / tthea;
- a = -2. * tthea;
- b = tthea * tthea;
- c = tthea / 3.;
- a2 = a * a;
- a3 = a2 * a;
- a4 = a2 * a2;
- co1 = a/2.;
- co2 = -0.125 * a2 + b/2.;
- co3 = -0.25 * a*b + 0.0625 * a3 + c/2.0;
- co4 = -0.125 * b*b - 0.25 * a*c + 0.1875 * b*a2 - (5.0/128.0)*a4;
- phi = ra0 - ra;
- an = phi * gamby2;
- v = dec - dec0;
- rap = rthea * (1.0 + v * (co1+v * (co2+v * (co3+v * co4))));
- ansq = an * an;
- if (wcs->rotmat)
- l = rap * an * (1.0 - ansq/6.0) * (wcs->cd[0] / fabs(wcs->cd[0]));
- else
- l = rap * an * (1.0 - ansq/6.0) * (xinc / fabs(xinc));
- m = rthea - (rap * (1.0 - ansq/2.0));
- break;
- } /* end of itype switch */
- /* Convert back to degrees */
- if (itype > 0) {
- dx = raddeg (l);
- dy = raddeg (m);
- }
- /* For linear or pixel projection */
- else {
- dx = xpos - xref;
- dy = ypos - yref;
- }
- if (wcs->coorflip) {
- tx = dx;
- dx = dy;
- dy = tx;
- }
- /* Scale and rotate using CD matrix */
- if (wcs->rotmat) {
- tx = dx * wcs->dc[0] + dy * wcs->dc[1];
- dy = dx * wcs->dc[2] + dy * wcs->dc[3];
- dx = tx;
- }
- /* Scale and rotate using CDELTn and CROTA2 */
- else {
- /* Correct for rotation */
- if (rot!=0.0) {
- tx = dx*cosr + dy*sinr;
- dy = dy*cosr - dx*sinr;
- dx = tx;
- }
- /* Scale using CDELT */
- if (xinc != 0.)
- dx = dx / xinc;
- if (yinc != 0.)
- dy = dy / yinc;
- }
- /* Convert to pixels */
- *xpix = dx + xrefpix;
- if (itype == WCS_CAR) {
- if (*xpix > wcs->nxpix) {
- x = *xpix - (360.0 / xinc);
- if (x > 0.0) *xpix = x;
- }
- else if (*xpix < 0) {
- x = *xpix + (360.0 / xinc);
- if (x <= wcs->nxpix) *xpix = x;
- }
- }
- *ypix = dy + yrefpix;
- return 0;
-} /* end worldpix */
-/* Oct 26 1995 Fix bug which interchanged RA and Dec twice when coorflip
- *
- * Oct 31 1996 Fix CD matrix use in WORLDPIX
- * Nov 4 1996 Eliminate extra code for linear projection in WORLDPIX
- * Nov 5 1996 Add coordinate flip in WORLDPIX
- *
- * May 22 1997 Avoid angle wraparound when CTYPE is pixel
- * Jun 4 1997 Return without angle conversion from worldpos if type is PIXEL
- *
- * Oct 20 1997 Add chip rotation; compute rotation angle trig functions
- * Jan 23 1998 Change PCODE to PRJCODE
- * Jan 26 1998 Remove chip rotation code
- * Feb 5 1998 Make cd[] and dc[] vectors; use xinc, yinc, rot from init
- * Feb 23 1998 Add NOAO TNX projection as TAN
- * Apr 28 1998 Change projection flags to WCS_*
- * May 27 1998 Skip limit checking for linear projection
- * Jun 25 1998 Fix inverse for CAR projection
- * Aug 5 1998 Allan Brighton: Added COE projection (code from A. Wicenec, ESO)
- * Sep 30 1998 Fix bug in COE inverse code to get sign correct
- *
- * Oct 21 1999 Drop unused y from worldpix()
- *
- * Apr 3 2002 Use GLS and SFL interchangeably
- *
- * Feb 3 2004 Let ra be >180 in worldpix() if ref pixel is >180 deg away
- *
- * Jun 20 2006 Initialize uninitialized variables
- *
- * Mar 11 2011 Initialize ZPX
- * Sep 1 2011 Add TPV projection as TAN
- */