path: root/include/tclxml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/tclxml')
2 files changed, 660 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/tclxml/ b/include/tclxml/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c809fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tclxml/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ * tclxml.h --
+ *
+ * Generic interface to XML parsers.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Explain.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Steve Ball, Zveno Pty Ltd
+ *
+ * See the file "LICENSE" for information on usage and
+ * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+ *
+ * $Id:,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __TCLXML_H__
+#define __TCLXML_H__
+#include <Tcl/tcl.h>
+#include <tcl.h>
+ * Used to block the rest of this header file from resource compilers so
+ * we can just get the version info.
+ */
+#ifndef RC_INVOKED
+/* TIP 27 update. If CONST84 is not defined we are compiling against a
+ * core before 8.4 and have to disable some CONST'ness.
+ */
+#ifndef CONST84
+# define CONST84
+ * Fix the Borland bug that's in the EXTERN macro from tcl.h.
+ */
+#ifndef TCL_EXTERN
+# undef DLLIMPORT
+# undef DLLEXPORT
+# if defined(STATIC_BUILD)
+# define DLLIMPORT
+# define DLLEXPORT
+# elif (defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x0550) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__declspec)))) || (defined(MAC_TCL) && FUNCTION_DECLSPEC)
+# define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+# define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+# elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
+# define OLDBORLAND 1
+# define DLLIMPORT __import
+# define DLLEXPORT __export
+# else
+# define DLLIMPORT
+# define DLLEXPORT
+# endif
+ /* Avoid name mangling from C++ compilers. */
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+# define TCL_EXTRNC extern "C"
+# else
+# define TCL_EXTRNC extern
+# endif
+ /* Pre-5.5 Borland requires the attributes be placed after the */
+ /* return type. */
+# else
+# endif
+ * These macros are used to control whether functions are being declared for
+ * import or export in Windows,
+ * They map to no-op declarations on non-Windows systems.
+ * Assumes that tcl.h defines DLLEXPORT & DLLIMPORT correctly.
+ * The default build on windows is for a DLL, which causes the DLLIMPORT
+ * and DLLEXPORT macros to be nonempty. To build a static library, the
+ * macro STATIC_BUILD should be defined before the inclusion of tcl.h
+ *
+ * If a function is being declared while it is being built
+ * to be included in a shared library, then it should have the DLLEXPORT
+ * storage class. If is being declared for use by a module that is going to
+ * link against the shared library, then it should have the DLLIMPORT storage
+ * class. If the symbol is beind declared for a static build or for use from a
+ * stub library, then the storage class should be empty.
+ *
+ * The convention is that a macro called BUILD_xxxx, where xxxx is the
+ * name of a library we are building, is set on the compile line for sources
+ * that are to be placed in the library. When this macro is set, the
+ * storage class will be set to DLLEXPORT. At the end of the header file, the
+ * storage class will be reset to DLLIMPORt.
+ */
+#ifdef BUILD_Tclxml
+# else
+# endif
+ * C API for TclXML generic layer
+ *
+ * C callback functions to application code and their registration functions.
+ * These all mimic the Tcl callbacks.
+ */
+typedef int (TclXML_ElementStartProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *namePtr, Tcl_Obj *nsuri, Tcl_Obj *attListPtr, Tcl_Obj *nsDeclsPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_ElementEndProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *namePtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_CharacterDataProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *dataPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_PIProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *targetPtr, Tcl_Obj *dataPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_DefaultProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *dataPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_UnparsedProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *entityPtr, Tcl_Obj *basePtr, Tcl_Obj *systemIdPtr, Tcl_Obj *publicIdPtr, Tcl_Obj *notationNamePtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_NotationDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *namePtr, Tcl_Obj *basePtr, Tcl_Obj *systemIdPtr, Tcl_Obj *publicIdPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_EntityProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *namePtr, Tcl_Obj *basePtr, Tcl_Obj *systemIdPtr, Tcl_Obj *publicIdPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_UnknownEncodingProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *dataPtr, void *info));
+typedef int (TclXML_CommentProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *dataPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_NotStandaloneProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData));
+typedef int (TclXML_ElementDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *namePtr, Tcl_Obj *contentspecPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_AttlistDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *elementnamePtr, Tcl_Obj *attrdefnsPtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *namePtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData));
+ * The structure below is used to refer to a parser object.
+ */
+typedef struct TclXML_Info {
+ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter for this instance */
+ Tcl_Obj *name; /* name of this instance */
+ Tcl_Obj *base; /* base URI for document entity */
+ Tcl_Obj *encoding; /* character encoding */
+ void *parserClass; /* Parser-specific functions
+ * Actually of type TclXML_ParserClassInfo
+ */
+ ClientData clientData; /* Parser-specific data structure */
+ int final; /* input data complete? */
+ int validate; /* Validate document? */
+ int status; /* application status */
+ Tcl_Obj *result; /* application return result */
+ int continueCount; /* reference count for continue */
+ Tcl_Obj *context; /* reference to the context pointer */
+ Tcl_Obj *cdata; /* Accumulates character data */
+ int nowhitespace; /* Whether to ignore white space */
+ int reportempty; /* Whether to report empty elements */
+ int expandinternalentities; /* Whether to expand internal entities */
+ int paramentities; /* Whether to include parameter entities */
+ Tcl_Obj *elementstartcommand; /* Script for element start */
+ TclXML_ElementStartProc *elementstart; /* Callback for element start */
+ ClientData elementstartdata;
+ Tcl_Obj *elementendcommand; /* Script for element end */
+ TclXML_ElementEndProc *elementend; /* Callback for element end */
+ ClientData elementenddata;
+ Tcl_Obj *datacommand; /* Script for character data */
+ TclXML_CharacterDataProc *cdatacb; /* Callback for character data */
+ ClientData cdatacbdata;
+ Tcl_Obj *picommand; /* Script for processing instruction */
+ TclXML_PIProc *pi; /* Callback for processing instruction */
+ ClientData pidata;
+ Tcl_Obj *defaultcommand; /* Script for default data */
+ TclXML_DefaultProc *defaultcb; /* Callback for default data */
+ ClientData defaultdata;
+ Tcl_Obj *unparsedcommand; /* Script for unparsed entity declaration */
+ TclXML_UnparsedProc *unparsed; /* Callback for unparsed entity declaraion */
+ ClientData unparseddata;
+ Tcl_Obj *notationcommand; /* Script for notation declaration */
+ TclXML_NotationDeclProc *notation; /* Callback for notation declaraion */
+ ClientData notationdata;
+ Tcl_Obj *entitycommand; /* Script for external entity */
+ TclXML_EntityProc *entity; /* Callback for external entity */
+ ClientData entitydata;
+ Tcl_Obj *unknownencodingcommand; /* Script for unknown encoding */
+ TclXML_UnknownEncodingProc *unknownencoding; /* Callback for unknown encoding */
+ ClientData unknownencodingdata;
+ /* Following added by ericm@scriptics */
+ Tcl_Obj *commentCommand; /* Script for comments */
+ TclXML_CommentProc *comment; /* Callback for comments */
+ ClientData commentdata;
+ Tcl_Obj *notStandaloneCommand; /* Script for "not standalone" docs */
+ TclXML_NotStandaloneProc *notStandalone; /* Callback for "not standalone" docs */
+ ClientData notstandalonedata;
+ Tcl_Obj *elementDeclCommand; /* Script for <!ELEMENT decl's */
+ TclXML_ElementDeclProc *elementDecl; /* Callback for element declaration */
+ ClientData elementdecldata;
+ Tcl_Obj *attlistDeclCommand; /* Script for <!ATTLIST decl's */
+ TclXML_AttlistDeclProc *attlistDecl; /* Callback for attribute list declaration */
+ ClientData attlistdecldata;
+ /* Do we really need these? */
+ Tcl_Obj *startDoctypeDeclCommand; /* Script for <!DOCTYPE decl's */
+ TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclProc *startDoctypeDecl; /* Callback for document type declaration start */
+ ClientData startdoctypedecldata;
+ Tcl_Obj *endDoctypeDeclCommand; /* Script for <!DOCTYPE decl ends */
+ TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclProc *endDoctypeDecl; /* Callback for document type declaration start */
+ ClientData enddoctypedecldata;
+} TclXML_Info;
+ * These function definitions are provided by a parser
+ * implementation and registered with this module.
+ */
+typedef ClientData (TclXML_CreateProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, TclXML_Info *xmlinfo));
+typedef ClientData (TclXML_CreateEntityParserProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData));
+typedef int (TclXML_ParseProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, char *buffer, int len, int final));
+typedef int (TclXML_ConfigureProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj *CONST optionPtr, Tcl_Obj *CONST valuePtr));
+typedef int (TclXML_GetProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]));
+typedef int (TclXML_ResetProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
+typedef int (TclXML_DeleteProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
+ * The structure below is used store function pointers
+ * for a parser implementation.
+ */
+typedef struct TclXML_ParserClassInfo {
+ Tcl_Obj *name;
+ TclXML_CreateProc *create; /* Direct-call creation proc */
+ Tcl_Obj *createCmd; /* Tcl command creation script */
+ TclXML_CreateEntityParserProc *createEntity;
+ Tcl_Obj *createEntityCmd;
+ TclXML_ParseProc *parse;
+ Tcl_Obj *parseCmd;
+ TclXML_ConfigureProc *configure;
+ Tcl_Obj *configureCmd;
+ TclXML_GetProc *get;
+ Tcl_Obj *getCmd;
+ TclXML_ResetProc *reset;
+ Tcl_Obj *resetCmd;
+ TclXML_DeleteProc *destroy;
+ Tcl_Obj *destroyCmd;
+} TclXML_ParserClassInfo;
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Support for error handling
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+typedef Tcl_Obj * (TclXML_ErrorNodeHandlerProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ClientData clientData));
+typedef struct TclXML_ErrorInfo {
+ Tcl_Interp *interp;
+ Tcl_Obj *listPtr;
+ TclXML_ErrorNodeHandlerProc *nodeHandlerProc;
+} TclXML_ErrorInfo;
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Function prototypes for publically accessible routines
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include <tclxml/tclxmlDecls.h>
+ TclXML_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char *version, int exact));
+#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
+#endif /* __TCLXML_H__ */
diff --git a/include/tclxml/tclxmlDecls.h b/include/tclxml/tclxmlDecls.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9576479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tclxml/tclxmlDecls.h
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ * tclxmlDecls.h --
+ *
+ * Declarations of functions in the platform independent public TCLXML API.
+ *
+ */
+ * WARNING: The contents of this file is automatically generated by the
+ * genStubs.tcl script. Any modifications to the function declarations
+ * below should be made in the tclxml.decls script.
+ */
+/* !BEGIN!: Do not edit below this line. */
+ * Exported function declarations:
+ */
+/* 0 */
+EXTERN int Tclxml_Init _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp));
+/* 1 */
+EXTERN int Tclxml_SafeInit _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp));
+/* 2 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterXMLParser _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp,
+ TclXML_ParserClassInfo * parser));
+/* 3 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterElementStartProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_ElementStartProc * callback));
+/* 4 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterElementEndProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_ElementEndProc * callback));
+/* 5 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterCharacterDataProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_CharacterDataProc * callback));
+/* 6 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterPIProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_PIProc * callback));
+/* 7 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterDefaultProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_DefaultProc * callback));
+/* 8 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterUnparsedProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_UnparsedProc * callback));
+/* 9 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterNotationDeclProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_NotationDeclProc * callback));
+/* 10 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterEntityProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_EntityProc * callback));
+/* 11 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterUnknownEncodingProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_UnknownEncodingProc * callback));
+/* 12 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterCommentProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_CommentProc * callback));
+/* 13 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterNotStandaloneProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_NotStandaloneProc * callback));
+/* 14 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterElementDeclProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_ElementDeclProc * callback));
+/* 15 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterAttListDeclProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_AttlistDeclProc * callback));
+/* 16 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterStartDoctypeDeclProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclProc * callback));
+/* 17 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_RegisterEndDoctypeDeclProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser,
+ ClientData clientData,
+ TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclProc * callback));
+/* 18 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_ElementStartHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userdata, Tcl_Obj * name,
+ Tcl_Obj * nsuri, Tcl_Obj * atts,
+ Tcl_Obj * nsDeclsObj));
+/* 19 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_ElementEndHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name));
+/* 20 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_CharacterDataHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * s));
+/* 21 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_ProcessingInstructionHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * target,
+ Tcl_Obj * data));
+/* 22 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_ExternalEntityRefHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ ClientData clientData,
+ Tcl_Obj * openEntityNames, Tcl_Obj * base,
+ Tcl_Obj * systemId, Tcl_Obj * publicId));
+/* 23 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_DefaultHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData,
+ Tcl_Obj * s));
+/* 24 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_UnparsedDeclHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * entityname,
+ Tcl_Obj * base, Tcl_Obj * systemId,
+ Tcl_Obj * publicId, Tcl_Obj * notationName));
+/* 25 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_NotationDeclHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * notationName,
+ Tcl_Obj * base, Tcl_Obj * systemId,
+ Tcl_Obj * publicId));
+/* 26 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_UnknownEncodingHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * encodingHandlerData, Tcl_Obj * name,
+ void * info));
+/* 27 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_CommentHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData,
+ Tcl_Obj * data));
+/* 28 */
+EXTERN int TclXML_NotStandaloneHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData));
+/* Slot 29 is reserved */
+/* Slot 30 is reserved */
+/* 31 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_ElementDeclHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name,
+ Tcl_Obj * contentspec));
+/* 32 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_AttlistDeclHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name,
+ Tcl_Obj * attributes));
+/* 33 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name));
+/* 34 */
+EXTERN void TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((
+ void * userData));
+typedef struct TclxmlStubs {
+ int magic;
+ struct TclxmlStubHooks *hooks;
+ int (*tclxml_Init) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp)); /* 0 */
+ int (*tclxml_SafeInit) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp)); /* 1 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterXMLParser) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_ParserClassInfo * parser)); /* 2 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterElementStartProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_ElementStartProc * callback)); /* 3 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterElementEndProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_ElementEndProc * callback)); /* 4 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterCharacterDataProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_CharacterDataProc * callback)); /* 5 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterPIProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_PIProc * callback)); /* 6 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterDefaultProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_DefaultProc * callback)); /* 7 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterUnparsedProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_UnparsedProc * callback)); /* 8 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterNotationDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_NotationDeclProc * callback)); /* 9 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterEntityProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_EntityProc * callback)); /* 10 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterUnknownEncodingProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_UnknownEncodingProc * callback)); /* 11 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterCommentProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_CommentProc * callback)); /* 12 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterNotStandaloneProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_NotStandaloneProc * callback)); /* 13 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterElementDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_ElementDeclProc * callback)); /* 14 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterAttListDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_AttlistDeclProc * callback)); /* 15 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterStartDoctypeDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclProc * callback)); /* 16 */
+ int (*tclXML_RegisterEndDoctypeDeclProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, TclXML_Info * parser, ClientData clientData, TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclProc * callback)); /* 17 */
+ void (*tclXML_ElementStartHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userdata, Tcl_Obj * name, Tcl_Obj * nsuri, Tcl_Obj * atts, Tcl_Obj * nsDeclsObj)); /* 18 */
+ void (*tclXML_ElementEndHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name)); /* 19 */
+ void (*tclXML_CharacterDataHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * s)); /* 20 */
+ void (*tclXML_ProcessingInstructionHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * target, Tcl_Obj * data)); /* 21 */
+ int (*tclXML_ExternalEntityRefHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Obj * openEntityNames, Tcl_Obj * base, Tcl_Obj * systemId, Tcl_Obj * publicId)); /* 22 */
+ void (*tclXML_DefaultHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * s)); /* 23 */
+ void (*tclXML_UnparsedDeclHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * entityname, Tcl_Obj * base, Tcl_Obj * systemId, Tcl_Obj * publicId, Tcl_Obj * notationName)); /* 24 */
+ void (*tclXML_NotationDeclHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * notationName, Tcl_Obj * base, Tcl_Obj * systemId, Tcl_Obj * publicId)); /* 25 */
+ int (*tclXML_UnknownEncodingHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * encodingHandlerData, Tcl_Obj * name, void * info)); /* 26 */
+ void (*tclXML_CommentHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * data)); /* 27 */
+ int (*tclXML_NotStandaloneHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData)); /* 28 */
+ void *reserved29;
+ void *reserved30;
+ void (*tclXML_ElementDeclHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name, Tcl_Obj * contentspec)); /* 31 */
+ void (*tclXML_AttlistDeclHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name, Tcl_Obj * attributes)); /* 32 */
+ void (*tclXML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData, Tcl_Obj * name)); /* 33 */
+ void (*tclXML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((void * userData)); /* 34 */
+} TclxmlStubs;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern TclxmlStubs *tclxmlStubsPtr;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#if defined(USE_TCLXML_STUBS) && !defined(USE_TCLXML_STUB_PROCS)
+ * Inline function declarations:
+ */
+#ifndef Tclxml_Init
+#define Tclxml_Init \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclxml_Init) /* 0 */
+#ifndef Tclxml_SafeInit
+#define Tclxml_SafeInit \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclxml_SafeInit) /* 1 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterXMLParser
+#define TclXML_RegisterXMLParser \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterXMLParser) /* 2 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterElementStartProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterElementStartProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterElementStartProc) /* 3 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterElementEndProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterElementEndProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterElementEndProc) /* 4 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterCharacterDataProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterCharacterDataProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterCharacterDataProc) /* 5 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterPIProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterPIProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterPIProc) /* 6 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterDefaultProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterDefaultProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterDefaultProc) /* 7 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterUnparsedProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterUnparsedProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterUnparsedProc) /* 8 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterNotationDeclProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterNotationDeclProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterNotationDeclProc) /* 9 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterEntityProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterEntityProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterEntityProc) /* 10 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterUnknownEncodingProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterUnknownEncodingProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterUnknownEncodingProc) /* 11 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterCommentProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterCommentProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterCommentProc) /* 12 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterNotStandaloneProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterNotStandaloneProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterNotStandaloneProc) /* 13 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterElementDeclProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterElementDeclProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterElementDeclProc) /* 14 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterAttListDeclProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterAttListDeclProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterAttListDeclProc) /* 15 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterStartDoctypeDeclProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterStartDoctypeDeclProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterStartDoctypeDeclProc) /* 16 */
+#ifndef TclXML_RegisterEndDoctypeDeclProc
+#define TclXML_RegisterEndDoctypeDeclProc \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_RegisterEndDoctypeDeclProc) /* 17 */
+#ifndef TclXML_ElementStartHandler
+#define TclXML_ElementStartHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_ElementStartHandler) /* 18 */
+#ifndef TclXML_ElementEndHandler
+#define TclXML_ElementEndHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_ElementEndHandler) /* 19 */
+#ifndef TclXML_CharacterDataHandler
+#define TclXML_CharacterDataHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_CharacterDataHandler) /* 20 */
+#ifndef TclXML_ProcessingInstructionHandler
+#define TclXML_ProcessingInstructionHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_ProcessingInstructionHandler) /* 21 */
+#ifndef TclXML_ExternalEntityRefHandler
+#define TclXML_ExternalEntityRefHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_ExternalEntityRefHandler) /* 22 */
+#ifndef TclXML_DefaultHandler
+#define TclXML_DefaultHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_DefaultHandler) /* 23 */
+#ifndef TclXML_UnparsedDeclHandler
+#define TclXML_UnparsedDeclHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_UnparsedDeclHandler) /* 24 */
+#ifndef TclXML_NotationDeclHandler
+#define TclXML_NotationDeclHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_NotationDeclHandler) /* 25 */
+#ifndef TclXML_UnknownEncodingHandler
+#define TclXML_UnknownEncodingHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_UnknownEncodingHandler) /* 26 */
+#ifndef TclXML_CommentHandler
+#define TclXML_CommentHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_CommentHandler) /* 27 */
+#ifndef TclXML_NotStandaloneHandler
+#define TclXML_NotStandaloneHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_NotStandaloneHandler) /* 28 */
+/* Slot 29 is reserved */
+/* Slot 30 is reserved */
+#ifndef TclXML_ElementDeclHandler
+#define TclXML_ElementDeclHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_ElementDeclHandler) /* 31 */
+#ifndef TclXML_AttlistDeclHandler
+#define TclXML_AttlistDeclHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_AttlistDeclHandler) /* 32 */
+#ifndef TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler
+#define TclXML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler) /* 33 */
+#ifndef TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler
+#define TclXML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler \
+ (tclxmlStubsPtr->tclXML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler) /* 34 */
+#endif /* defined(USE_TCLXML_STUBS) && !defined(USE_TCLXML_STUB_PROCS) */
+/* !END!: Do not edit above this line. */
+#endif /* _TCLXMLDECLS */