path: root/tcllib/modules/counter/counter.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/counter/counter.tcl')
1 files changed, 1265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/counter/counter.tcl b/tcllib/modules/counter/counter.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61aa3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/counter/counter.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+# counter.tcl --
+# Procedures to manage simple counters and histograms.
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: counter.tcl,v 1.23 2005/09/30 05:36:38 andreas_kupries Exp $
+package require Tcl 8.2
+namespace eval ::counter {
+ # Variables of name counter::T-$tagname
+ # are created as arrays to support each counter.
+ # Time-based histograms are kept in sync with each other,
+ # so these variables are shared among them.
+ # These base times record the time corresponding to the first bucket
+ # of the per-minute, per-hour, and per-day time-based histograms.
+ variable startTime
+ variable minuteBase
+ variable hourBase
+ variable hourEnd
+ variable dayBase
+ variable hourIndex
+ variable dayIndex
+ # The time-based histogram uses an after event and a list
+ # of counters to do mergeing on.
+ variable tagsToMerge
+ if {![info exists tagsToMerge]} {
+ set tagsToMerge {}
+ }
+ variable mergeInterval
+ namespace export init reset count exists get names start stop
+ namespace export histHtmlDisplay histHtmlDisplayRow histHtmlDisplayBarChart
+# ::counter::init --
+# Set up a counter.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The identifier for the counter. Pass this to counter::count
+# args option values pairs that define characteristics of the counter:
+# See the man page for definitons.
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side Effects:
+# Initializes state about a counter.
+proc ::counter::init {tag args} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ if {[info exists counter]} {
+ unset counter
+ }
+ set counter(N) 0 ;# Number of samples
+ set counter(total) 0
+ set counter(type) {}
+ # With an empty type the counter is a simple accumulator
+ # for which we can compute an average. Here we loop through
+ # the args to determine what additional counter attributes
+ # we need to maintain in counter::count
+ foreach {option value} $args {
+ switch -- $option {
+ -timehist {
+ variable tagsToMerge
+ variable secsPerMinute
+ variable startTime
+ variable minuteBase
+ variable hourBase
+ variable dayBase
+ variable hourIndex
+ variable dayIndex
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag hourhist
+ upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag dayhist
+ # Clear the histograms.
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 60} {incr i} {
+ set histogram($i) 0
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 24} {incr i} {
+ set hourhist($i) 0
+ }
+ if {[info exists dayhist]} {
+ unset dayhist
+ }
+ set dayhist(0) 0
+ # Clear all-time high records
+ set counter(maxPerMinute) 0
+ set counter(maxPerHour) 0
+ set counter(maxPerDay) 0
+ # The value associated with -timehist is the number of seconds
+ # in each bucket. Normally this is 60, but for
+ # testing, we compress minutes. The value is limited at
+ # 60 because the per-minute buckets are accumulated into
+ # per-hour buckets later.
+ if {$value == "" || $value == 0 || $value > 60} {
+ set value 60
+ }
+ # Histogram state variables.
+ # All time-base histograms share the same bucket size
+ # and starting times to keep them all synchronized.
+ # So, we only initialize these parameters once.
+ if {![info exists secsPerMinute]} {
+ set secsPerMinute $value
+ set startTime [clock seconds]
+ set dayIndex 0
+ set dayStart [clock scan [clock format $startTime \
+ -format 00:00]]
+ # Figure out what "hour" we are
+ set delta [expr {$startTime - $dayStart}]
+ set hourIndex [expr {$delta / ($secsPerMinute * 60)}]
+ set day [expr {$hourIndex / 24}]
+ set hourIndex [expr {$hourIndex % 24}]
+ set hourBase [expr {$dayStart + $day * $secsPerMinute * 60 * 24}]
+ set minuteBase [expr {$hourBase + $hourIndex * 60 * $secsPerMinute}]
+ set partialHour [expr {$startTime -
+ ($hourBase + $hourIndex * 60 * $secsPerMinute)}]
+ set secs [expr {(60 * $secsPerMinute) - $partialHour}]
+ if {$secs <= 0} {
+ set secs 1
+ }
+ # After the first timer, the event occurs once each "hour"
+ set mergeInterval [expr {60 * $secsPerMinute * 1000}]
+ after [expr {$secs * 1000}] [list counter::MergeHour $mergeInterval]
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $tagsToMerge $tag] < 0} {
+ lappend tagsToMerge $tag
+ }
+ # This records the last used slots in order to zero-out the
+ # buckets that are skipped during idle periods.
+ set counter(lastMinute) -1
+ # The following is referenced when bugs cause histogram
+ # hits outside the expect range (overflow and underflow)
+ set counter(bucketsize) 0
+ }
+ -group {
+ # Cluster a set of counters with a single total
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set counter(group) $value
+ }
+ -lastn {
+ # The lastN samples are kept if a vector to form a running average.
+ upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector
+ set counter(lastn) $value
+ set counter(index) 0
+ if {[info exists vector]} {
+ unset vector
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $value} {incr i} {
+ set vector($i) 0
+ }
+ }
+ -hist {
+ # A value-based histogram with buckets for different values.
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set counter(bucketsize) $value
+ set counter(mult) 1
+ }
+ -hist2x {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set counter(bucketsize) $value
+ set counter(mult) 2
+ }
+ -hist10x {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set counter(bucketsize) $value
+ set counter(mult) 10
+ }
+ -histlog {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set counter(bucketsize) $value
+ }
+ -simple {
+ # Useful when disabling predefined -timehist or -group counter
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "Unsupported option $option.\
+ Must be -timehist, -group, -lastn, -hist, -hist2x, -hist10x, -histlog, or -simple."
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string length $option]} {
+ # In case an option doesn't change the type, but
+ # this feature of the interface isn't used, etc.
+ lappend counter(type) $option
+ }
+ }
+ # Instead of supporting a counter that could have multiple attributes,
+ # we support a single type to make counting more efficient.
+ if {[llength $counter(type)] > 1} {
+ return -code error "Multiple type attributes not supported. Use only one of\
+ -timehist, -group, -lastn, -hist, -hist2x, -hist10x, -histlog, -disabled."
+ }
+ return ""
+# ::counter::reset --
+# Reset a counter.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The identifier for the counter.
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side Effects:
+# Deletes the counter and calls counter::init again for it.
+proc ::counter::reset {tag args} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ # Layer reset on top of init. Here we figure out what
+ # we need to pass into the init procedure to recreate it.
+ switch -- $counter(type) {
+ "" {
+ set args ""
+ }
+ -group {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set args [list -group $counter(group)]
+ }
+ -lastn {
+ upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector
+ if {[info exists vector]} {
+ unset vector
+ }
+ set args [list -lastn $counter(lastn)]
+ }
+ -hist -
+ -hist10x -
+ -histlog -
+ -hist2x {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ set args [list $counter(type) $counter(bucketsize)]
+ }
+ -timehist {
+ foreach h [list counter::H-$tag counter::Hour-$tag counter::Day-$tag] {
+ upvar #0 $h histogram
+ if {[info exists histogram]} {
+ unset histogram
+ }
+ }
+ set args [list -timehist $counter::secsPerMinute]
+ }
+ default {#ignore}
+ }
+ unset counter
+ eval {counter::init $tag} $args
+ set counter(resetDate) [clock seconds]
+ return ""
+# ::counter::count --
+# Accumulate statistics.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter identifier.
+# delta The increment amount. Defaults to 1.
+# arg For -group types, this is the histogram index.
+# Results:
+# None
+# Side Effects:
+# Accumlate statistics.
+proc ::counter::count {tag {delta 1} args} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ set counter(total) [expr {$counter(total) + $delta}]
+ incr counter(N)
+ # Instead of supporting a counter that could have multiple attributes,
+ # we support a single type to make counting a skosh more efficient.
+# foreach option $counter(type) {
+ switch -- $counter(type) {
+ "" {
+ # Simple counter
+ return
+ }
+ -group {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ set subIndex [lindex $args 0]
+ if {![info exists histogram($subIndex)]} {
+ set histogram($subIndex) 0
+ }
+ set histogram($subIndex) [expr {$histogram($subIndex) + $delta}]
+ }
+ -lastn {
+ upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector
+ set vector($counter(index)) $delta
+ set counter(index) [expr {($counter(index) +1)%$counter(lastn)}]
+ }
+ -hist {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ set bucket [expr {int($delta / $counter(bucketsize))}]
+ if {![info exists histogram($bucket)]} {
+ set histogram($bucket) 0
+ }
+ incr histogram($bucket)
+ }
+ -hist10x -
+ -hist2x {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ set bucket 0
+ for {set max $counter(bucketsize)} {$delta > $max} \
+ {set max [expr {$max * $counter(mult)}]} {
+ incr bucket
+ }
+ if {![info exists histogram($bucket)]} {
+ set histogram($bucket) 0
+ }
+ incr histogram($bucket)
+ }
+ -histlog {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ set bucket [expr {int(log($delta)*$counter(bucketsize))}]
+ if {![info exists histogram($bucket)]} {
+ set histogram($bucket) 0
+ }
+ incr histogram($bucket)
+ }
+ -timehist {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ variable minuteBase
+ variable secsPerMinute
+ set minute [expr {([clock seconds] - $minuteBase) / $secsPerMinute}]
+ if {$minute > 59} {
+ # this occurs while debugging if the process is
+ # stopped at a breakpoint too long.
+ set minute 59
+ }
+ # Initialize the current bucket and
+ # clear any buckets we've skipped since the last sample.
+ if {$minute != $counter(lastMinute)} {
+ set histogram($minute) 0
+ for {set i [expr {$counter(lastMinute)+1}]} \
+ {$i < $minute} \
+ {incr i} {
+ set histogram($i) 0
+ }
+ set counter(lastMinute) $minute
+ }
+ set histogram($minute) [expr {$histogram($minute) + $delta}]
+ }
+ default {#ignore}
+ }
+# }
+ return
+# ::counter::exists --
+# Return true if the counter exists.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter identifier.
+# Results:
+# 1 if it has been defined.
+# Side Effects:
+# None.
+proc ::counter::exists {tag} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ return [info exists counter]
+# ::counter::get --
+# Return statistics.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter identifier.
+# option What statistic to get
+# args Needed by some options.
+# Results:
+# With no args, just the counter value.
+# Side Effects:
+# None.
+proc ::counter::get {tag {option -total} args} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ switch -- $option {
+ -total {
+ return $counter(total)
+ }
+ -totalVar {
+ return ::counter::T-$tag\(total)
+ }
+ -N {
+ return $counter(N)
+ }
+ -avg {
+ if {$counter(N) == 0} {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return [expr {$counter(total) / double($counter(N))}]
+ }
+ }
+ -avgn {
+ if {$counter(type) != "-lastn"} {
+ return -code error "The -avgn option is only supported for -lastn counters."
+ }
+ upvar #0 counter::V-$tag vector
+ set sum 0
+ for {set i 0} {($i < $counter(N)) && ($i < $counter(lastn))} {incr i} {
+ set sum [expr {$sum + $vector($i)}]
+ }
+ if {$i == 0} {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return [expr {$sum / double($i)}]
+ }
+ }
+ -hist {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ # Return particular bucket
+ set bucket [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[info exists histogram($bucket)]} {
+ return $histogram($bucket)
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Dump the whole histogram
+ set result {}
+ if {$counter(type) == "-group"} {
+ set sort -dictionary
+ } else {
+ set sort -integer
+ }
+ foreach x [lsort $sort [array names histogram]] {
+ lappend result $x $histogram($x)
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ }
+ -histVar {
+ return ::counter::H-$tag
+ }
+ -histHour {
+ upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag histogram
+ set result {}
+ foreach x [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] {
+ lappend result $x $histogram($x)
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ -histHourVar {
+ return ::counter::Hour-$tag
+ }
+ -histDay {
+ upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag histogram
+ set result {}
+ foreach x [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] {
+ lappend result $x $histogram($x)
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ -histDayVar {
+ return ::counter::Day-$tag
+ }
+ -maxPerMinute {
+ return $counter(maxPerMinute)
+ }
+ -maxPerHour {
+ return $counter(maxPerHour)
+ }
+ -maxPerDay {
+ return $counter(maxPerDay)
+ }
+ -resetDate {
+ if {[info exists counter(resetDate)]} {
+ return $counter(resetDate)
+ } else {
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ -all {
+ return [array get counter]
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "Invalid option $option.\
+ Should be -all, -total, -N, -avg, -avgn, -hist, -histHour,\
+ -histDay, -totalVar, -histVar, -histHourVar, -histDayVar -resetDate."
+ }
+ }
+# ::counter::names --
+# Return the list of defined counters.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# A list of counter tags.
+# Side Effects:
+# None.
+proc ::counter::names {} {
+ set result {}
+ foreach v [info vars ::counter::T-*] {
+ if {[info exists $v]} {
+ # Declared arrays might not exist, yet
+ # strip prefix from name
+ set v [string range $v [string length "::counter::T-"] end]
+ lappend result $v
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# ::counter::MergeHour --
+# Sum the per-minute histogram into the next hourly bucket.
+# On 24-hour boundaries, sum the hourly buckets into the next day bucket.
+# This operates on all time-based histograms.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# none
+# Side Effects:
+# See description.
+proc ::counter::MergeHour {interval} {
+ variable hourIndex
+ variable minuteBase
+ variable hourBase
+ variable tagsToMerge
+ variable secsPerMinute
+ after $interval [list counter::MergeHour $interval]
+ if {![info exists hourBase] || $hourIndex == 0} {
+ set hourBase $minuteBase
+ }
+ set minuteBase [clock seconds]
+ foreach tag $tagsToMerge {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag hourhist
+ # Clear any buckets we've skipped since the last sample.
+ for {set i [expr {$counter(lastMinute)+1}]} {$i < 60} {incr i} {
+ set histogram($i) 0
+ }
+ set counter(lastMinute) -1
+ # Accumulate into the next hour bucket.
+ set hourhist($hourIndex) 0
+ set max 0
+ foreach i [array names histogram] {
+ set hourhist($hourIndex) [expr {$hourhist($hourIndex) + $histogram($i)}]
+ if {$histogram($i) > $max} {
+ set max $histogram($i)
+ }
+ }
+ set perSec [expr {$max / $secsPerMinute}]
+ if {$perSec > $counter(maxPerMinute)} {
+ set counter(maxPerMinute) $perSec
+ }
+ }
+ set hourIndex [expr {($hourIndex + 1) % 24}]
+ if {$hourIndex == 0} {
+ counter::MergeDay
+ }
+# ::counter::MergeDay --
+# Sum the per-minute histogram into the next hourly bucket.
+# On 24-hour boundaries, sum the hourly buckets into the next day bucket.
+# This operates on all time-based histograms.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# none
+# Side Effects:
+# See description.
+proc ::counter::MergeDay {} {
+ variable dayIndex
+ variable dayBase
+ variable hourBase
+ variable tagsToMerge
+ variable secsPerMinute
+ # Save the hours histogram into a bucket for the last day
+ # counter(day,$day) is the starting time for that day bucket
+ if {![info exists dayBase]} {
+ set dayBase $hourBase
+ }
+ foreach tag $tagsToMerge {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag dayhist
+ upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag hourhist
+ set dayhist($dayIndex) 0
+ set max 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 24} {incr i} {
+ if {[info exists hourhist($i)]} {
+ set dayhist($dayIndex) [expr {$dayhist($dayIndex) + $hourhist($i)}]
+ if {$hourhist($i) > $max} {
+ set max $hourhist($i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set perSec [expr {double($max) / ($secsPerMinute * 60)}]
+ if {$perSec > $counter(maxPerHour)} {
+ set counter(maxPerHour) $perSec
+ }
+ }
+ set perSec [expr {double($dayhist($dayIndex)) / ($secsPerMinute * 60 * 24)}]
+ if {$perSec > $counter(maxPerDay)} {
+ set counter(maxPerDay) $perSec
+ }
+ incr dayIndex
+# ::counter::histHtmlDisplay --
+# Create an html display of the histogram.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter tag
+# args option, value pairs that affect the display:
+# -title Label to display above bar chart
+# -unit minutes, hours, or days select time-base histograms.
+# Specify anything else for value-based histograms.
+# -images URL of /images directory.
+# -gif Image for normal histogram bars
+# -ongif Image for the active histogram bar
+# -max Maximum number of value-based buckets to display
+# -height Pixel height of the highest bar
+# -width Pixel width of each bar
+# -skip Buckets to skip when labeling value-based histograms
+# -format Format used to display labels of buckets.
+# -text If 1, a text version of the histogram is dumped,
+# otherwise a graphical one is generated.
+# Results:
+# HTML for the display as a complete table.
+# Side Effects:
+# None.
+proc ::counter::histHtmlDisplay {tag args} {
+ append result "<p>\n<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n"
+ append result [eval {counter::histHtmlDisplayRow $tag} $args]
+ append result </table>
+ return $result
+# ::counter::histHtmlDisplayRow --
+# Create an html display of the histogram.
+# Arguments:
+# See counter::histHtmlDisplay
+# Results:
+# HTML for the display. Ths is one row of a 2-column table,
+# the calling page must define the <table> tag.
+# Side Effects:
+# None.
+proc ::counter::histHtmlDisplayRow {tag args} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ variable secsPerMinute
+ variable minuteBase
+ variable hourBase
+ variable dayBase
+ variable hourIndex
+ variable dayIndex
+ array set options [list \
+ -title $tag \
+ -unit "" \
+ -images /images \
+ -gif Blue.gif \
+ -ongif Red.gif \
+ -max -1 \
+ -height 100 \
+ -width 4 \
+ -skip 4 \
+ -format %.2f \
+ -text 0
+ ]
+ array set options $args
+ # Support for self-posting pages that can clear counters.
+ append result "<!-- resetCounter [ncgi::value resetCounter] -->"
+ if {[ncgi::value resetCounter] == $tag} {
+ counter::reset $tag
+ return "<!-- Reset $tag counter -->"
+ }
+ switch -glob -- $options(-unit) {
+ min* {
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ set histname counter::H-$tag
+ if {![info exists minuteBase]} {
+ return "<!-- No time-based histograms defined -->"
+ }
+ set time $minuteBase
+ set secsForMax $secsPerMinute
+ set periodMax $counter(maxPerMinute)
+ set curIndex [expr {([clock seconds] - $minuteBase) / $secsPerMinute}]
+ set options(-max) 60
+ set options(-min) 0
+ }
+ hour* {
+ upvar #0 counter::Hour-$tag histogram
+ set histname counter::Hour-$tag
+ if {![info exists hourBase]} {
+ return "<!-- Hour merge has not occurred -->"
+ }
+ set time $hourBase
+ set secsForMax [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60}]
+ set periodMax $counter(maxPerHour)
+ set curIndex [expr {$hourIndex - 1}]
+ if {$curIndex < 0} {
+ set curIndex 23
+ }
+ set options(-max) 24
+ set options(-min) 0
+ }
+ day* {
+ upvar #0 counter::Day-$tag histogram
+ set histname counter::Day-$tag
+ if {![info exists dayBase]} {
+ return "<!-- Hour merge has not occurred -->"
+ }
+ set time $dayBase
+ set secsForMax [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60 * 24}]
+ set periodMax $counter(maxPerDay)
+ set curIndex dayIndex
+ set options(-max) $dayIndex
+ set options(-min) 0
+ }
+ default {
+ # Value-based histogram with arbitrary units.
+ upvar #0 counter::H-$tag histogram
+ set histname counter::H-$tag
+ set unit $options(-unit)
+ set curIndex ""
+ set time ""
+ }
+ }
+ if {! [info exists histogram]} {
+ return "<!-- $histname doesn't exist -->\n"
+ }
+ set max 0
+ set maxName 0
+ foreach {name value} [array get histogram] {
+ if {$value > $max} {
+ set max $value
+ set maxName $name
+ }
+ }
+ # Start 2-column HTML display. A summary table at the left, the histogram on the right.
+ append result "<tr><td valign=top>\n"
+ append result "<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>[html::font]<b>$options(-title)</b></font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Total</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font][format $options(-format) $counter(total)]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ if {[info exists secsForMax]} {
+ # Time-base histogram
+ set string {}
+ set t $secsForMax
+ set days [expr {$t / (60 * 60 * 24)}]
+ if {$days == 1} {
+ append string "1 Day "
+ } elseif {$days > 1} {
+ append string "$days Days "
+ }
+ set t [expr {$t - $days * (60 * 60 * 24)}]
+ set hours [expr {$t / (60 * 60)}]
+ if {$hours == 1} {
+ append string "1 Hour "
+ } elseif {$hours > 1} {
+ append string "$hours Hours "
+ }
+ set t [expr {$t - $hours * (60 * 60)}]
+ set mins [expr {$t / 60}]
+ if {$mins == 1} {
+ append string "1 Minute "
+ } elseif {$mins > 1} {
+ append string "$mins Minutes "
+ }
+ set t [expr {$t - $mins * 60}]
+ if {$t == 1} {
+ append string "1 Second "
+ } elseif {$t > 1} {
+ append string "$t Seconds "
+ }
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Bucket Size</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font]$string</font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Max Per Sec</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font][format %.2f [expr {$max/double($secsForMax)}]]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ if {$periodMax > 0} {
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Best Per Sec</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font][format %.2f $periodMax]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ }
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Starting Time</b></font></td>"
+ switch -glob -- $options(-unit) {
+ min* {
+ append result "<td>[html::font][clock format $time \
+ -format %k:%M:%S]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ }
+ hour* {
+ append result "<td>[html::font][clock format $time \
+ -format %k:%M:%S]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ }
+ day* {
+ append result "<td>[html::font][clock format $time \
+ -format "%b %d %k:%M"]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ }
+ default {#ignore}
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Value-base histogram
+ set ix [lsort -integer [array names histogram]]
+ set mode [expr {$counter(bucketsize) * $maxName}]
+ set first [expr {$counter(bucketsize) * [lindex $ix 0]}]
+ set last [expr {$counter(bucketsize) * [lindex $ix end]}]
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Average</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font][format $options(-format) [counter::get $tag -avg]]</font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Mode</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font]$mode</font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Minimum</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font]$first</font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Maximum</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font]$last</font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td>[html::font]<b>Unit</b></font></td>"
+ append result "<td>[html::font]$unit</font></td></tr>\n"
+ append result "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>[html::font]<b>"
+ append result "<a href=[ncgi::urlStub]?resetCounter=$tag>Reset</a></td></tr>\n"
+ if {$options(-max) < 0} {
+ set options(-max) [lindex $ix end]
+ }
+ if {![info exists options(-min)]} {
+ set options(-min) [lindex $ix 0]
+ }
+ }
+ # End table nested inside left-hand column
+ append result </table>\n
+ append result </td>\n
+ append result "<td valign=bottom>\n"
+ # Display the histogram
+ if {$options(-text)} {
+ } else {
+ append result [eval \
+ {counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart $tag histogram $max $curIndex $time} \
+ [array get options]]
+ }
+ # Close the right hand column, but leave our caller's table open.
+ append result </td></tr>\n
+ return $result
+# ::counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart --
+# Create an html display of the histogram.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter tag.
+# histVar The name of the histogram array
+# max The maximum counter value in a histogram bucket.
+# curIndex The "current" histogram index, for time-base histograms.
+# time The base, or starting time, for the time-based histograms.
+# args The array get of the options passed into histHtmlDisplay
+# Results:
+# HTML for the bar chart.
+# Side Effects:
+# See description.
+proc ::counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart {tag histVar max curIndex time args} {
+ upvar #0 counter::T-$tag counter
+ upvar 1 $histVar histogram
+ variable secsPerMinute
+ array set options $args
+ append result "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#eeeeee><tr>\n"
+ set ix [lsort -integer [array names histogram]]
+ for {set t $options(-min)} {$t < $options(-max)} {incr t} {
+ if {![info exists histogram($t)]} {
+ set value 0
+ } else {
+ set value $histogram($t)
+ }
+ if {$max == 0 || $value == 0} {
+ set height 1
+ } else {
+ set percent [expr {round($value * 100.0 / $max)}]
+ set height [expr {$percent * $options(-height) / 100}]
+ }
+ if {$t == $curIndex} {
+ set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-ongif)
+ } else {
+ set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-gif)
+ }
+ append result "<td valign=bottom><img $img height=$height\
+ width=$options(-width) title=$value alt=$value></td>\n"
+ }
+ append result "</tr>"
+ # Count buckets outside the range requested
+ set overflow 0
+ set underflow 0
+ foreach t [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] {
+ if {($options(-max) > 0) && ($t > $options(-max))} {
+ incr overflow
+ }
+ if {($options(-min) >= 0) && ($t < $options(-min))} {
+ incr underflow
+ }
+ }
+ # Append a row of labels at the bottom.
+ set colors {black #CCCCCC}
+ set bgcolors {#CCCCCC black}
+ set colori 0
+ if {$counter(type) != "-timehist"} {
+ # Label each bucket with its value
+ # This is probably wrong for hist2x and hist10x
+ append result "<tr>"
+ set skip $options(-skip)
+ if {![info exists counter(mult)]} {
+ set counter(mult) 1
+ }
+ # These are tick marks
+ set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-gif)
+ append result "<tr>"
+ for {set i $options(-min)} {$i < $options(-max)} {incr i} {
+ if {(($i % $skip) == 0)} {
+ append result "<td valign=bottom><img $img height=3 \
+ width=1></td>\n"
+ } else {
+ append result "<td valign=bottom></td>"
+ }
+ }
+ append result </tr>
+ # These are the labels
+ append result "<tr>"
+ for {set i $options(-min)} {$i < $options(-max)} {incr i} {
+ if {$counter(type) == "-histlog"} {
+ if {[catch {expr {int(log($i) * $counter(bucketsize))}} x]} {
+ # Out-of-bounds
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ set x [expr {$i * $counter(bucketsize) * $counter(mult)}]
+ }
+ set label [format $options(-format) $x]
+ if {(($i % $skip) == 0)} {
+ set color [lindex $colors $colori]
+ set bg [lindex $bgcolors $colori]
+ set colori [expr {($colori+1) % 2}]
+ append result "<td colspan=$skip><font size=1 color=$color>$label</font></td>"
+ }
+ }
+ append result </tr>
+ } else {
+ switch -glob -- $options(-unit) {
+ min* {
+ if {$secsPerMinute != 60} {
+ set format %k:%M:%S
+ set skip 12
+ } else {
+ set format %k:%M
+ set skip 4
+ }
+ set deltaT $secsPerMinute
+ set wrapDeltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * -59}]
+ }
+ hour* {
+ if {$secsPerMinute != 60} {
+ set format %k:%M
+ set skip 4
+ } else {
+ set format %k
+ set skip 2
+ }
+ set deltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60}]
+ set wrapDeltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60 * -23}]
+ }
+ day* {
+ if {$secsPerMinute != 60} {
+ set format "%m/%d %k:%M"
+ set skip 10
+ } else {
+ set format %k
+ set skip $options(-skip)
+ }
+ set deltaT [expr {$secsPerMinute * 60 * 24}]
+ set wrapDeltaT 0
+ }
+ default {#ignore}
+ }
+ # These are tick marks
+ set img src=$options(-images)/$options(-gif)
+ append result "<tr>"
+ foreach t [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] {
+ if {(($t % $skip) == 0)} {
+ append result "<td valign=bottom><img $img height=3 \
+ width=1></td>\n"
+ } else {
+ append result "<td valign=bottom></td>"
+ }
+ }
+ append result </tr>
+ set lastLabel ""
+ append result "<tr>"
+ foreach t [lsort -integer [array names histogram]] {
+ # Label each bucket with its time
+ set label [clock format $time -format $format]
+ if {(($t % $skip) == 0) && ($label != $lastLabel)} {
+ set color [lindex $colors $colori]
+ set bg [lindex $bgcolors $colori]
+ set colori [expr {($colori+1) % 2}]
+ append result "<td colspan=$skip><font size=1 color=$color>$label</font></td>"
+ set lastLabel $label
+ }
+ if {$t == $curIndex} {
+ incr time $wrapDeltaT
+ } else {
+ incr time $deltaT
+ }
+ }
+ append result </tr>\n
+ }
+ append result "</table>"
+ if {$underflow > 0} {
+ append result "<br>Skipped $underflow samples <\
+ [expr {$options(-min) * $counter(bucketsize)}]\n"
+ }
+ if {$overflow > 0} {
+ append result "<br>Skipped $overflow samples >\
+ [expr {$options(-max) * $counter(bucketsize)}]\n"
+ }
+ return $result
+# ::counter::start --
+# Start an interval timer. This should be pre-declared with
+# type either -hist, -hist2x, or -hist20x
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter identifier.
+# instance There may be multiple intervals outstanding
+# at any time. This serves to distinquish them.
+# Results:
+# None
+# Side Effects:
+# Records the starting time for the instance of this interval.
+proc ::counter::start {tag instance} {
+ upvar #0 counter::Time-$tag time
+ # clock clicks can return negative values if the sign bit is set
+ # Here we turn it into a 31-bit counter because we only want
+ # relative differences
+ set msec [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] & 0x7FFFFFFF}]
+ set time($instance) [list $msec [clock seconds]]
+# ::counter::stop --
+# Record an interval timer.
+# Arguments:
+# tag The counter identifier.
+# instance There may be multiple intervals outstanding
+# at any time. This serves to distinquish them.
+# func An optional function used to massage the time
+# stamp before putting into the histogram.
+# Results:
+# None
+# Side Effects:
+# Computes the current interval and adds it to the histogram.
+proc ::counter::stop {tag instance {func ::counter::Identity}} {
+ upvar #0 counter::Time-$tag time
+ if {![info exists time($instance)]} {
+ # Extra call. Ignore so we can debug error cases.
+ return
+ }
+ set msec [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] & 0x7FFFFFFF}]
+ set now [list $msec [clock seconds]]
+ set delMicros [expr {[lindex $now 0] - [lindex $time($instance) 0]}]
+ if {$delMicros < 0} {
+ # Microsecond counter wrapped.
+ set delMicros [expr {0x7FFFFFFF - [lindex $time($instance) 0] +
+ [lindex $now 0]}]
+ }
+ set delSecond [expr {[lindex $now 1] - [lindex $time($instance) 1]}]
+ unset time($instance)
+ # It is quite possible that the millisecond counter is much
+ # larger than 1000, so we just use it unless our microsecond
+ # calculation is screwed up.
+ if {$delMicros >= 0} {
+ counter::count $tag [$func [expr {$delMicros / 1000.0}]]
+ } else {
+ counter::count $tag [$func $delSecond]
+ }
+# ::counter::Identity --
+# Return its argument. This is used as the default function
+# to apply to an interval timer.
+# Arguments:
+# x Some value.
+# Results:
+# $x
+# Side Effects:
+# None
+proc ::counter::Identity {x} {
+ return $x
+package provide counter 2.0.4