path: root/tcllib/modules/httpd/scgi-app.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/httpd/scgi-app.tcl')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/httpd/scgi-app.tcl b/tcllib/modules/httpd/scgi-app.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..021726c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/httpd/scgi-app.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Author: Sean Woods,
+# This file provides the "application" side of the SCGI protocol
+package require html
+package require TclOO
+package require httpd 4.0
+namespace eval ::scgi {}
+tool::class create ::scgi::reply {
+ superclass ::httpd::reply
+ ###
+ # A modified dispatch method from a standard HTTP reply
+ # Unlike in HTTP, our headers were spoon fed to use from
+ # the server
+ ###
+ method dispatch {newsock datastate} {
+ my query_headers replace $datastate
+ my variable chan rawrequest dipatched_time
+ set chan $newsock
+ chan event $chan readable {}
+ chan configure $chan -translation {auto crlf} -buffering line
+ set dispatched_time [clock seconds]
+ try {
+ # Dispatch to the URL implementation.
+ my content
+ } on error {err info} {
+ puts stderr $::errorInfo
+ my error 500 $err
+ } finally {
+ my output
+ }
+ }
+ method EncodeStatus {status} {
+ return "Status: $status"
+ }
+tool::class create scgi::app {
+ superclass ::httpd::server
+ property socket buffersize 32768
+ property socket blocking 0
+ property socket translation {binary binary}
+ property reply_class ::scgi::reply
+ method connect {sock ip port} {
+ ###
+ # If an IP address is blocked
+ # send a "go to hell" message
+ ###
+ if {[my validation Blocked_IP $sock $ip]} {
+ catch {close $sock}
+ return
+ }
+ set query {
+ }
+ try {
+ chan configure $sock \
+ -blocking 1 \
+ -translation {binary binary} \
+ -buffersize 4096 \
+ -buffering none
+ # Read the SCGI request on byte at a time until we reach a ":"
+ set size {}
+ while 1 {
+ set char [read $sock 1]
+ if {[chan eof $sock]} {
+ catch {close $sock}
+ return
+ }
+ if {$char eq ":"} break
+ append size $char
+ }
+ # With length in hand, read the netstring encoded headers
+ set inbuffer [read $sock [expr $size+1]]
+ chan configure $sock -blocking 0 -buffersize 4096 -buffering full
+ set query [lrange [split [string range $inbuffer 0 end-1] \0] 0 end-1]
+ set reply [my dispatch $query]
+ dict with query {}
+ if {[llength $reply]} {
+ if {[dict exists $reply class]} {
+ set class [dict get $reply class]
+ } else {
+ set class [my cget reply_class]
+ }
+ set pageobj [$class create [namespace current]::reply::[::tool::uuid_short] [self]]
+ if {[dict exists $reply mixin]} {
+ oo::objdefine $pageobj mixin [dict get $reply mixin]
+ }
+ $pageobj dispatch $sock $reply
+ my log HttpAccess $REQUEST_URI
+ } else {
+ try {
+ my log HttpMissing $REQUEST_URI
+ puts $sock "Status: 404 NOT FOUND"
+ dict with query {}
+ set body [subst [my template notfound]]
+ puts $sock "Content-length: [string length $body]"
+ puts $sock
+ puts $sock $body
+ } on error {err errdat} {
+ puts stderr "FAILED ON 404: $err"
+ } finally {
+ catch {close $sock}
+ }
+ }
+ } on error {err errdat} {
+ try {
+ puts stderr $::errorInfo
+ puts $sock "Status: 505 INTERNAL ERROR"
+ dict with query {}
+ set body [subst [my template internal_error]]
+ puts $sock "Content-length: [string length $body]"
+ puts $sock
+ puts $sock $body
+ my log HttpError $REQUEST_URI
+ } on error {err errdat} {
+ puts stderr "FAILED ON 505: $err $::errorInfo"
+ } finally {
+ catch {close $sock}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+package provide scgi::app 0.1