path: root/tcllib/modules/math/exact.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/math/exact.tcl')
1 files changed, 4059 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/math/exact.tcl b/tcllib/modules/math/exact.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..177c3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/math/exact.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,4059 @@
+# exact.tcl --
+# Tcl package for exact real arithmetic.
+# Copyright (c) 2015 by Kevin B. Kenny
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
+# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# This package provides a library for performing exact
+# computations over the computable real numbers. The algorithms
+# are largely based on the ones described in:
+# Potts, Peter John. _Exact Real Arithmetic using Möbius Transformations._
+# PhD thesis, University of London, July 1998.
+# Some of the algorithms for the elementary functions are found instead
+# in:
+# Menissier-Morain, Valérie. _Arbitrary Precision Real Arithmetic:
+# Design and Algorithms. J. Symbolic Computation 11 (1996)
+package require Tcl 8.6
+package require grammar::aycock 1.0
+namespace eval math::exact {
+ namespace eval function {
+ namespace path ::math::exact
+ }
+ namespace path ::tcl::mathop
+ # math::exact::parser --
+ #
+ # Grammar for parsing expressions in the exact real calculator
+ #
+ # The expression syntax is almost exactly that of Tcl expressions,
+ # minus Tcl arrays, square-bracket substitution, and noncomputable
+ # operations such as equality, comparisons, bit and Boolean operations,
+ # and ?:.
+ variable parser [grammar::aycock::parser {
+ target ::= expression {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ expression ::= expression addop term {
+ {*}$_
+ }
+ expression ::= term {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ addop ::= + {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ addop ::= - {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ term ::= term mulop factor {
+ {*}$_
+ }
+ term ::= factor {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ mulop ::= * {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ mulop ::= / {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ factor ::= addop factor {
+ switch -exact -- [lindex $_ 0] {
+ + {
+ set result [lindex $_ 1]
+ }
+ - {
+ set result [[lindex $_ 1] U-]
+ }
+ }
+ set result
+ }
+ factor ::= primary ** factor {
+ {*}$_
+ }
+ factor ::= primary {
+ lindex $_ 0
+ }
+ primary ::= {$} bareword {
+ uplevel [dict get $clientData caller] set [lindex $_ 1]
+ }
+ primary ::= number {
+ [dict get $clientData namespace]::V new [list [lindex $_ 0] 1]
+ }
+ primary ::= bareword ( ) {
+ [dict get $clientData namespace]::function::[lindex $_ 0]
+ }
+ primary ::= bareword ( arglist ) {
+ [dict get $clientData namespace]::function::[lindex $_ 0] \
+ {*}[lindex $_ 2]
+ }
+ primary ::= ( expression ) {
+ lindex $_ 1
+ }
+ arglist ::= expression {
+ set _
+ }
+ arglist ::= arglist , expression {
+ linsert [lindex $_ 0] end [lindex $_ 2]
+ }
+ }]
+# math::exact::Lexer --
+# Lexer for the arithmetic expressions that the 'math::exact' package
+# can evaluate.
+# Results:
+# Returns a two element list. The first element is a list of the
+# lexical values of the tokens that were found in the expression;
+# the second is a list of the semantic values of the tokens. The
+# two sublists are the same length.
+proc math::exact::Lexer {expression} {
+ set start 0
+ set tokens {}
+ set values {}
+ while {$expression ne {}} {
+ if {[regexp {^\*\*(.*)} $expression -> rest]} {
+ # Exponentiation
+ lappend tokens **
+ lappend values **
+ } elseif {[regexp {^([-+/*$(),])(.*)} $expression -> token rest]} {
+ # Single-character operators
+ lappend tokens $token
+ lappend values $token
+ } elseif {[regexp {^([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*)(.*)} \
+ $expression -> token rest]} {
+ # Variable and function names
+ lappend tokens bareword
+ lappend values $token
+ } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^([[:digit:]]+)(.*)} $expression -> \
+ token rest] } {
+ # Numbers
+ lappend tokens number
+ lappend values $token
+ } elseif {[regexp {^[[:space:]]+(.*)} $expression -> rest]} {
+ # Whitespace
+ } else {
+ # Anything else is an error
+ return -code error \
+ -errorcode [list MATH EXACT EXPR INVCHAR \
+ [string index $expression 0]] \
+ [list invalid character [string index $expression 0]] \
+ }
+ set expression $rest
+ }
+ return [list $tokens $values]
+# math::exact::K --
+# K combinator. Returns its first argumetn
+# Parameters:
+# a - Return value
+# b - Value to discard
+# Results:
+# Returns the first argument
+proc math::exact::K {a b} {return $a}
+# math::exact::exactexpr --
+# Evaluates an exact real expression.
+# Parameters:
+# expr - Expression to evaluate. Variables in the expression are
+# assumed to be reals, which are represented as Tcl objects.
+# Results:
+# Returns a Tcl object representing the expression's value.
+# The returned object must have its refcount incremented with [ref] if
+# the caller retains a reference, and in general it is expected that a
+# user of a real will [ref] the object when storing it in a variable and
+# [unref] it again when the variable goes out of scope or is overwritten.
+proc math::exact::exactexpr {expr} {
+ variable parser
+ set result [$parser parse {*}[Lexer $expr] \
+ [dict create \
+ caller "#[expr {[info level] - 1}]" \
+ namespace [namespace current]]]
+# Basic data types
+# A vector is a list {a b}. It can represent the rational number {a/b}
+# A matrix is a list of its columns {{a b} {c d}}. In addition to
+# the ordinary rules of linear algebra, it represents the linear
+# transform (ax+b)/(cx+d).
+# If x is presumed to lie in the interval [0, Inf) then this transform
+# applied to x will lie in the interval [b/d, a/c), so the matrix
+# {{a b} {c d}} can represent that interval. The interval [0,Inf)
+# can be represented by the identity matrix {{1 0} {0 1}}
+# Moreover, if x = {p/q} is a rational number, then
+# (ax+b)/(cx+d) = (a(p/q)+b)/(c(p/q)+d)
+# = ((ap+bq)/q)/(cp+dq)/q)
+# = (ap+bq)/(cp+dq)
+# which is the rational number represented by {{a c} {b d}} {p q}
+# using the conventional rule of vector-matrix multiplication.
+# Note that matrices used for this purpose are unique only up to scaling.
+# If (ax+b)/(cx+d) is a rational number, then (eax+eb)/(ecx+ed) represents
+# the same rational number. This means that matrix inversion may be replaced
+# by matrix reversion: for {{a b} {c d}}, simply form the list of cofactors
+# {{d -b} {-c a}}, without dividing by the determinant. The reverse of a matrix
+# is well defined even if the matrix is singular.
+# A tensor of the third degree is a list of its levels:
+# {{{a b} {c d}} {{e f} {g h}}}
+# math::exact::gcd --
+# Greatest common divisor of a set of integers
+# Parameters:
+# The integers whose gcd is to be found
+# Results:
+# Returns the gcd
+proc math::exact::gcd {a args} {
+ foreach b $args {
+ if {$a > $b} {
+ set t $b; set b $a; set a $t
+ }
+ while {$b > 0} {
+ set t $b
+ set b [expr {$a % $b}]
+ set a $t
+ }
+ }
+ return $a
+# math::exact::trans --
+# Transposes a 2x2 matrix or a 2x2x2 tensor
+# Parameters:
+# x - Object to transpose
+# Results:
+# Returns the transpose
+proc math::exact::trans {x} {
+ lassign $x ab cd
+ lassign $ab a b
+ lassign $cd c d
+ tailcall list [list $a $c] [list $b $d]
+# math::exact::determinant --
+# Calculates the determinant of a 2x2 matrix
+# Parameters:
+# x - Matrix
+# Results:
+# Returns the determinant.
+proc math::exact::determinant {x} {
+ lassign $x ab cd
+ lassign $ab a b
+ lassign $cd c d
+ return [expr {$a*$d - $b*$c}]
+# math::exact::reverse --
+# Calculates the reverse of a 2x2 matrix, which is its inverse times
+# its determinant.
+# Parameters:
+# x - Matrix
+# Results:
+# Returns reverse[x].
+# Notes:
+# The reverse is well defined even for singular matrices.
+proc math::exact::reverse {x} {
+ lassign $x ab cd
+ lassign $ab a b
+ lassign $cd c d
+ tailcall list [list $d [expr {-$b}]] [list [expr {-$c}] $a]
+# math::exact::veven --
+# Tests if both components of a 2-vector are even.
+# Parameters:
+# x - Vector to test
+# Results:
+# Returns 1 if both components are even, 0 otherwise.
+proc math::exact::veven {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ return [expr {($a % 2 == 0) && ($b % 2 == 0)}]
+# math::exact::meven --
+# Tests if all components of a 2x2 matrix are even.
+# Parameters:
+# x - Matrix to test
+# Results:
+# Returns 1 if all components are even, 0 otherwise.
+proc math::exact::meven {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ return [expr {[veven $a] && [veven $b]}]
+# math::exact::teven --
+# Tests if all components of a 2x2x2 tensor are even
+# Parameters:
+# x - Tensor to test
+# Results:
+# Returns 1 if all components are even, 0 otherwise
+proc math::exact::teven {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ return [expr {[meven $a] && [meven $b]}]
+# math::exact::vhalf --
+# Divides both components of a 2-vector by 2
+# Parameters:
+# x - Vector to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled vector
+proc math::exact::vhalf {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ tailcall list [expr {$a / 2}] [expr {$b / 2}]
+# math::exact::mhalf --
+# Divides all components of a 2x2 matrix by 2
+# Parameters:
+# x - Matrix to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled matrix
+proc math::exact::mhalf {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ tailcall list [vhalf $a] [vhalf $b]
+# math::exact::thalf --
+# Divides all components of a 2x2x2 tensor by 2
+# Parameters:
+# x - Tensor to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled tensor
+proc math::exact::thalf {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ tailcall list [mhalf $a] [mhalf $b]
+# math::exact::vscale --
+# Removes all common factors of 2 from the two components of a 2-vector
+# Paramters:
+# x - Vector to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled vector
+proc math::exact::vscale {x} {
+ while {[veven $x]} {
+ set x [vhalf $x]
+ }
+ return $x
+# math::exact::mscale --
+# Removes all common factors of 2 from the two components of a
+# 2x2 matrix
+# Paramters:
+# x - Matrix to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled matrix
+proc math::exact::mscale {x} {
+ while {[meven $x]} {
+ set x [mhalf $x]
+ }
+ return $x
+# math::exact::tscale --
+# Removes all common factors of 2 from the two components of a
+# 2x2x2 tensor
+# Paramters:
+# x - Tensor to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled tensor
+proc math::exact::tscale {x} {
+ while {[teven $x]} {
+ set x [thalf $x]
+ }
+ return $x
+# math::exact::vreduce --
+# Reduces a vector (i.e., a rational number) to lowest terms
+# Parameters:
+# x - Vector to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled vector
+proc math::exact::vreduce {x} {
+ lassign $x a b
+ set g [gcd $a $b]
+ tailcall list [expr {$a / $g}] [expr {$b / $g}]
+# math::exact::mreduce --
+# Removes all common factors from the two components of a
+# 2x2 matrix
+# Paramters:
+# x - Matrix to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled matrix
+# This procedure suffices to reduce the matrix to lowest terms if the matrix
+# was constructed by pre- or post-multiplying a series of sign and digit
+# matrices.
+proc math::exact::mreduce {x} {
+ lassign $x ab cd
+ lassign $ab a b
+ lassign $cd c d
+ set g [gcd $a $b $c $d]
+ tailcall list \
+ [list [expr {$a / $g}] [expr {$b / $g}]] \
+ [list [expr {$c / $g}] [expr {$d / $g}]]
+# math::exact::treduce --
+# Removes all common factors from the components of a
+# 2x2x2 tensor
+# Paramters:
+# x - Tensor to scale
+# Results:
+# Returns the scaled tensor
+# This procedure suffices to reduce a tensor to lowest terms if it was
+# constructed by absorbing a digit matrix into a tensor that was already
+# in lowest terms.
+proc math::exact::treduce {x} {
+ lassign $x abcd efgh
+ lassign $abcd ab cd
+ lassign $ab a b
+ lassign $cd c d
+ lassign $efgh ef gh
+ lassign $ef e f
+ lassign $gh g h
+ set G [gcd $a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h]
+ tailcall list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$a / $G}] [expr {$b / $G}]] \
+ [list [expr {$c / $G}] [expr {$d / $G}]]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$e / $G}] [expr {$f / $G}]] \
+ [list [expr {$g / $G}] [expr {$h / $G}]]]
+# math::exact::vadd --
+# Adds two 2-vectors
+# Parameters:
+# x - First vector
+# y - Second vector
+# Results:
+# Returns the vector sum
+proc math::exact::vadd {x y} {
+ lmap p $x q $y {expr {$p + $q}}
+# math::exact::madd --
+# Adds two 2x2 matrices
+# Parameters:
+# A - First matrix
+# B - Second matrix
+# Results:
+# Returns the matrix sum
+proc math::exact::madd {A B} {
+ lmap x $A y $B {
+ lmap p $x q $y {expr {$p + $q}}
+ }
+# math::exact::tadd --
+# Adds two 2x2x2 tensors
+# Parameters:
+# U - First tensor
+# V - Second tensor
+# Results:
+# Returns the tensor sum
+proc math::exact::tadd {U V} {
+ lmap A $U B $V {
+ lmap x $A y $B {
+ lmap p $x q $y {expr {$p + $q}}
+ }
+ }
+# math::exact::mdotv --
+# 2x2 matrix times 2-vector
+# Parameters;
+# A - Matrix
+# x - Vector
+# Results:
+# Returns the product vector
+proc math::exact::mdotv {A x} {
+ lassign $A ab cd
+ lassign $ab a b
+ lassign $cd c d
+ lassign $x e f
+ tailcall list [expr {$a*$e + $c*$f}] [expr {$b*$e + $d*$f}]
+# math::exact::mdotm --
+# Product of two matrices
+# Parameters:
+# A - Left matrix
+# B - Right matrix
+# Results:
+# Returns the matrix product
+proc math::exact::mdotm {A B} {
+ lassign $B x y
+ tailcall list [mdotv $A $x] [mdotv $A $y]
+# math::exact::mdott --
+# Product of a matrix and a tensor
+# Parameters:
+# A - Matrix
+# T - Tensor
+# Results:
+# Returns the product tensor
+proc math::exact::mdott {A T} {
+ lassign $T B C
+ tailcall list [mdotm $A $B] [mdotm $A $C]
+# math::exact::trightv --
+# Right product of a tensor and a vector
+# Parameters:
+# T - Tensor
+# v - Right-hand vector
+# Results:
+# Returns the product matrix
+proc math::exact::trightv {T v} {
+ lassign $T m n
+ tailcall list [mdotv $m $v] [mdotv $n $v]
+# math::exact::trightm --
+# Right product of a tensor and a matrix
+# Parameters:
+# T - Tensor
+# A - Right-hand matrix
+# Results:
+# Returns the product tensor
+proc math::exact::trightm {T A} {
+ lassign $T m n
+ tailcall list [mdotm $m $A] [mdotm $n $A]
+# math::exact::tleftv --
+# Left product of a tensor and a vector
+# Parameters:
+# T - Tensor
+# v - Left-hand vector
+# Results:
+# Returns the product matrix
+proc math::exact::tleftv {T v} {
+ tailcall trightv [trans $T] $v
+# math::exact::tleftm --
+# Left product of a tensor and a matrix
+# Parameters:
+# T - Tensor
+# A - Left-hand matrix
+# Results:
+# Returns the product tensor
+proc math::exact::tleftm {T A} {
+ tailcall trans [trightm [trans $T] $A]
+# math::exact::vsign --
+# Computes the 'sign function' of a vector.
+# Parameters:
+# v - Vector whose sign function is needed
+# Results:
+# Returns the result of the sign function.
+# a b sign
+# - - -1
+# - 0 -1
+# - + 0
+# 0 - -1
+# 0 0 0
+# 0 + 1
+# + - 0
+# + 0 1
+# + + 1
+# If the quotient a/b is negative or indeterminate, the result is zero.
+# If the quotient a/b is zero, the result is the sign of b.
+# If the quotient a/b is positive, the result is the common sign of the
+# operands, which are known to be of like sign
+# If the quotient a/b is infinite, the result is the sign of a.
+proc math::exact::sign {v} {
+ lassign $v a b
+ if {$a < 0} {
+ if {$b <= 0} {
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ } elseif {$a == 0} {
+ if {$b < 0} {
+ return -1
+ } elseif {$b == 0} {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {$b < 0} {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+# math::exact::vrefines --
+# Test if a vector refines.
+# Parameters:
+# v - Vector to test
+# Results:
+# 1 if the vector refines, 0 otherwise.
+proc math::exact::vrefines {v} {
+ return [expr {[sign $v] != 0}]
+# math::exact::mrefines --
+# Test whether a matrix refines
+# Parameters:
+# A - Matrix to test
+# Results:
+# 1 if the matrix refines, 0 otherwise.
+proc math::exact::mrefines {A} {
+ lassign $A v w
+ set a [sign $v]
+ set b [sign $w]
+ return [expr {$a == $b && $b != 0}]
+# math::exact::trefines --
+# Tests whether a tensor refines
+# Parameters:
+# T - Tensor to test.
+# Results:
+# 1 if the tensor refines, 0 otherwise.
+proc math::exact::trefines {T} {
+ lassign $T vw xy
+ lassign $vw v w
+ lassign $xy x y
+ set a [sign $v]
+ set b [sign $w]
+ set c [sign $x]
+ set d [sign $y]
+ return [expr {$a == $b && $b == $c && $c == $d && $d != 0}]
+# math::exact::vlessv -
+# Test whether one rational is less than another
+# Parameters:
+# v, w - Two rational numbers
+# Returns:
+# The result of the comparison.
+proc math::exact::vlessv {v w} {
+ expr {[determinant [list $v $w]] < 0}
+# math::exact::mlessv -
+# Tests whether a rational interval is less than a vector
+# Parameters:
+# m - Matrix representing the interval
+# x - Rational to compare against
+# Results:
+# Returns 1 if m < x, 0 otherwise
+proc math::exact::mlessv {m x} {
+ lassign $m v w
+ expr {[vlessv $v $x] && [vlessv $w $x]}
+# math::exact::mlessm -
+# Tests whether one rational interval is strictly less than another
+# Parameters:
+# m - First interval
+# n - Second interval
+# Results:
+# Returns 1 if m < n, 0 otherwise
+proc math::exact::mlessm {m n} {
+ lassign $n v w
+ expr {[mlessv $m $v] && [mlessv $m $w]}
+# math::exact::mdisjointm -
+# Tests whether two rational intervals are disjoint
+# Parameters:
+# m - First interval
+# n - Second interval
+# Results:
+# Returns 1 if the intervals are disjoint, 0 otherwise
+proc math::exact::mdisjointm {m n} {
+ expr {[mlessm $m $n] || [mlessm $n $m]}
+# math::exact::mAsFloat
+# Formats a matrix that represents a rational interval as a floating
+# point number, stopping as soon as a digit is not determined.
+# Parameters:
+# m - Matrix to format
+# Results:
+# Returns the floating point number in scientific notation, with no
+# digits to the left of the decimal point.
+proc math::exact::mAsFloat {m} {
+ # Special case: If a number is exact, the determinant is zero.
+ set d [determinant $m]
+ lassign [lindex $m 0] p q
+ if {$d == 0} {
+ if {$q < 0} {
+ set p [expr {-$p}]
+ set q [expr {-$q}]
+ }
+ if {$p == 0} {
+ if {$q == 0} {
+ return NaN
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ } elseif {$q == 0} {
+ return Inf
+ } elseif {$q == 1} {
+ return $p
+ } else {
+ set G [gcd $p $q]
+ return [expr {$p/$G}]/[expr {$q/$G}]
+ }
+ } else {
+ tailcall eFormat [scientificNotation $m]
+ }
+# math::exact::scientificNotation --
+# Takes a matrix representing a rational interval, and extracts as
+# many decimal digits as can be determined unambiguously
+# Parameters:
+# m - Matrix to format
+# Results:
+# Returns a list comprising the decimal exponent, followed by a series of
+# digits of the significand. The decimal point is to the left of the
+# leftmost digit of the significand.
+# Returns the empty string if a number is entirely undetermined.
+proc math::exact::scientificNotation {m} {
+ set n 0
+ while {1} {
+ if {[vrefines [mdotv [reverse $m] {1 0}]]} {
+ return {}
+ } elseif {[mrefines [mdotm $math::exact::iszer $m]]} {
+ return [linsert [mantissa $m] 0 $n]
+ } else {
+ set m [mdotm {{1 0} {0 10}} $m]
+ incr n
+ }
+ }
+# math::exact::mantissa --
+# Given a matrix m that represents a rational interval whose
+# endpoints are in [0,1), formats as many digits of the represented
+# number as possible.
+# Parameters:
+# m - Matrix to format
+# Results:
+# Returns a list of digits
+proc math::exact::mantissa {m} {
+ set retval {}
+ set done 0
+ while {!$done} {
+ set done 1
+ # Brute force: try each digit in turn. This could no doubt be
+ # improved on.
+ for {set j -9} {$j <= 9} {incr j} {
+ set digitMatrix \
+ [list [list [expr {$j+1}] 10] [list [expr {$j-1}] 10]]
+ if {[mrefines [mdotm [reverse $digitMatrix] $m]]} {
+ lappend retval $j
+ set nextdigit [list {10 0} [list [expr {-$j}] 1]]
+ set m [mdotm $nextdigit $m]
+ set done 0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $retval
+# math::exact::eFormat --
+# Formats a decimal exponent and significand in E format
+# Parameters:
+# expAndDigits - List whose first element is the exponent and
+# whose remaining elements are the digits of the
+# significand.
+proc math::exact::eFormat {expAndDigits} {
+ # An empty sequence of digits is an indeterminate number
+ if {[llength $expAndDigits] < 2} {
+ return Undetermined
+ }
+ set significand [lassign $expAndDigits exponent]
+ # Accumulate the digits
+ set v 0
+ foreach digit $significand {
+ set v [expr {10 * $v + $digit}]
+ }
+ # Adjust the exponent if the significand has too few digits.
+ set l [llength $significand]
+ while {$l > 0 && abs($v) < 10**($l-1)} {
+ incr l -1
+ incr exponent -1
+ }
+ incr exponent -1
+ # Put in the sign
+ if {$v < 0} {
+ set result -
+ set v [expr {-$v}]
+ } else {
+ set result {}
+ }
+ # Put in the significand with the decimal point after the leading digit.
+ if {$v == 0} {
+ append result 0
+ } else {
+ append result [string index $v 0] . [string range $v 1 end]
+ }
+ # Put in the exponent
+ append result e $exponent
+ return $result
+# math::exact::showRat --
+# Formats an exact rational for printing in E format.
+# Parameters:
+# v - Two-element list of numerator and denominator.
+# Results:
+# Returns the quotient in E format. Nonzero/zero == Infinity,
+# 0/0 == NaN.
+proc math::exact::showRat {v} {
+ lassign $v p q
+ if {$p != 0 || $q != 0} {
+ return [format %e [expr {double($p)/double($q)}]]
+ } else {
+ return NaN
+ }
+# math::exact::showInterval --
+# Formats a rational interval for printing
+# Parameters:
+# m - Matrix representing the interval
+# Results:
+# Returns a string representing the interval in E format.
+proc math::exact::showInterval {m} {
+ lassign $m v w
+ return "\[[showRat $w] .. [showRat $v]\]"
+# math::exact::showTensor --
+# Formats a tensor for printing
+# Parameters:
+# t - Tensor to print
+# Results:
+# Returns a string containing the left and right matrices of the
+# tensor, each represented as an interval.
+proc math::exact::showTensor {t} {
+ lassign $t m n
+ return [list [showInterval $m] [showInterval $n]]
+# math::exact::counted --
+# Reference counted object
+oo::class create math::exact::counted {
+ variable refcount_
+ # Constructor builds an object with a zero refcount.
+ constructor {} {
+ if 0 {
+ puts {}
+ puts "construct: [self object] refcount now 0"
+ for {set i [info frame]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set frame [info frame $i]
+ if {[dict get $frame type] eq {source}} {
+ set line [dict get $frame line]
+ puts "\t[file tail [dict get $frame file]]:$line"
+ if {$line < 0} {
+ if {[dict exists $frame proc]} {
+ puts "\t\t[dict get $frame proc]"
+ }
+ puts "\t\t\[[dict get $frame cmd]\]"
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts $frame
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ incr refcount_
+ set refcount_ 0
+ }
+ # The 'ref' method adds a reference to this object, and returns this object
+ method ref {} {
+ if 0 {
+ puts {}
+ puts "ref: [self object] refcount now [expr {$refcount_ + 1}]"
+ if {$refcount_ == 0} {
+ puts "\t[my dump]"
+ }
+ for {set i [info frame]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set frame [info frame $i]
+ if {[dict get $frame type] eq {source}} {
+ set line [dict get $frame line]
+ puts "\t[file tail [dict get $frame file]]:$line"
+ if {$line < 0} {
+ if {[dict exists $frame proc]} {
+ puts "\t\t[dict get $frame proc]"
+ }
+ puts "\t\t\[[dict get $frame cmd]\]"
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts $frame
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ incr refcount_
+ return [self]
+ }
+ # The 'unref' method removes a reference from this object, and destroys
+ # this object if the refcount becomes nonpositive.
+ method unref {} {
+ if 0 {
+ puts {}
+ puts "unref: [self object] refcount now [expr {$refcount_ - 1}]"
+ for {set i [info frame]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set frame [info frame $i]
+ if {[dict get $frame type] eq {source}} {
+ set line [dict get $frame line]
+ puts "\t[file tail [dict get $frame file]]:$line"
+ if {$line < 0} {
+ if {[dict exists $frame proc]} {
+ puts "\t\t[dict get $frame proc]"
+ }
+ puts "\t\t\[[dict get $frame cmd]\]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Destroying this object can result in a long chain of object
+ # destruction and eventually a stack overflow. Instead of destroying
+ # immediately, list the objects to be destroyed in
+ # math::exact::deleteStack, and destroy them only from the outermost
+ # stack level that's running 'unref'.
+ if {[incr refcount_ -1] <= 0} {
+ variable ::math::exact::deleteStack
+ # Is this the outermost level?
+ set queueActive [expr {[info exists deleteStack]}]
+ # Schedule this object's destruction
+ lappend deleteStack [self object]
+ if {!$queueActive} {
+ # At outermost level, destroy all scheduled objects.
+ # Destroying one may schedule another.
+ while {[llength $deleteStack] != 0} {
+ set obj [lindex $deleteStack end]
+ set deleteStack \
+ [lreplace $deleteStack[set deleteStack {}] end end]
+ $obj destroy
+ }
+ # Once everything quiesces, delete the list.
+ unset deleteStack
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # The 'refcount' method returns the reference count of this object for
+ # debugging.
+ method refcount {} {
+ return $refcount_
+ }
+ destructor {
+ }
+# An expression is a vector, a matrix applied to an expression,
+# or a tensor applied to two expressions. The inner expressions
+# may be constructed lazily.
+oo::class create math::exact::Expression {
+ superclass math::exact::counted
+ # absorbed_, signAndMagnitude_, and leadingDigitAndRest_
+ # memoize the return values of the 'absorb', 'getSignAndMagnitude',
+ # and 'getLeadingDigitAndRest' methods.
+ variable absorbed_ signAndMagnitude_ leadingDigitAndRest_
+ # Constructor initializes refcount
+ constructor {} {
+ next
+ }
+ # Destructor releases memoized objects
+ destructor {
+ if {[info exists signAndMagnitude_]} {
+ [lindex $signAndMagnitude_ 1] unref
+ }
+ if {[info exists absorbed_]} {
+ $absorbed_ unref
+ }
+ if {[info exists leadingDigitAndRest_]} {
+ [lindex $leadingDigitAndRest_ 1] unref
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ # getSignAndMagnitude returns a two-element list:
+ # the sign matrix, which is one of ispos, isneg, isinf, and iszer,
+ # the magnitude, which is another exact real.
+ method getSignAndMagnitude {} {
+ if {![info exists signAndMagnitude_]} {
+ if {[my refinesM $::math::exact::ispos]} {
+ set signAndMagnitude_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::spos \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::ispos] ref]]
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $::math::exact::isneg]} {
+ set signAndMagnitude_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::sneg \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::isneg] ref]]
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $::math::exact::isinf]} {
+ set signAndMagnitude_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::sinf \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::isinf] ref]]
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $::math::exact::iszer]} {
+ set signAndMagnitude_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::szer \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::iszer] ref]]
+ } else {
+ set absorbed_ [my absorb]
+ set signAndMagnitude_ [$absorbed_ getSignAndMagnitude]
+ [lindex $signAndMagnitude_ 1] ref
+ }
+ }
+ return $signAndMagnitude_
+ }
+ # The 'getLeadingDigitAndRest' method accepts a flag for whether
+ # a digit must be extracted (1) or a rational number may be returned
+ # directly (0). It returns a two-element list: a digit matrix, which
+ # is one of $dpos, $dneg or $dzer, and an exact real representing
+ # the number by which the given digit matrix must be postmultiplied.
+ method getLeadingDigitAndRest {needDigit} {
+ if {![info exists leadingDigitAndRest_]} {
+ if {[my refinesM $::math::exact::idpos]} {
+ set leadingDigitAndRest_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::dpos \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::idpos] ref]]
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $::math::exact::idneg]} {
+ set leadingDigitAndRest_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::dneg \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::idneg] ref]]
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $::math::exact::idzer]} {
+ set leadingDigitAndRest_ \
+ [list $::math::exact::dzer \
+ [[my applyM $::math::exact::idzer] ref]]
+ } else {
+ set absorbed_ [my absorb]
+ set newval $absorbed_
+ $newval ref
+ set leadingDigitAndRest_ \
+ [$newval getLeadingDigitAndRest $needDigit]
+ if {[llength $leadingDigitAndRest_] >= 2} {
+ [lindex $leadingDigitAndRest_ 1] ref
+ }
+ $newval unref
+ }
+ }
+ return $leadingDigitAndRest_
+ }
+ # getInterval --
+ # Accumulates 'nDigits' digit matrices, and returns their product,
+ # which is a matrix representing the interval that the digits represent.
+ method getInterval {nDigits} {
+ lassign [my getSignAndMagnitude] interval e
+ $e ref
+ lassign [$e getLeadingDigitAndRest 1] ld f
+ set interval [math::exact::mdotm $interval $ld]
+ $f ref; $e unref; set e $f
+ set d $ld
+ while {[incr nDigits -1] > 0} {
+ lassign [$e getLeadingDigitAndRest 1] d f
+ set interval [math::exact::mdotm $interval $d]
+ $f ref; $e unref; set e $f
+ }
+ $e unref
+ return $interval
+ }
+ # asReal --
+ # Coerces an object from rational to real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # None.
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns this object
+ method asReal {} {self object}
+ # asFloat --
+ # Represents this number in E format, after accumulating 'relDigits'
+ # digit matrices.
+ method asFloat {relDigits} {
+ set v [[my asReal] ref]
+ set result [math::exact::mAsFloat [$v getInterval $relDigits]]
+ $v unref
+ return $result
+ }
+ # asPrint --
+ # Represents this number for printing. Represents rationals exactly,
+ # others after accumulating 'relDigits' digit matrices.
+ method asPrint {relDigits} {
+ tailcall math::exact::mAsFloat [my getInterval $relDigits]
+ }
+ # Derived classes are expected to implement the following methods:
+ # method dump {} {
+ # # Formats the object for debugging
+ # # Returns the formatted string
+ # }
+ method dump {} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'dump' method."
+ }
+ # method refinesM {m} {
+ # # Returns 1 if premultiplying by the matrix m refines this object
+ # # Returns 0 otherwise
+ # }
+ method refinesM {m} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'refinesM' method."
+ }
+ # method applyM {m} {
+ # # Premultiplies this object by the matrix m
+ # }
+ method applyM {m} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'applyM' method."
+ }
+ # method applyTLeft {t r} {
+ # # Computes the left product of the tensor t with this object, and
+ # # applies the result to the right operand r.
+ # # Returns a new exact real representing the product
+ # }
+ method applyTLeft {t r} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'applyTLeft' method."
+ }
+ # method applyTRight {t l} {
+ # # Computes the right product of the tensor t with this object, and
+ # # applies the result to the left operand l.
+ # # Returns a new exact real representing the product
+ # }
+ method applyTRight {t l} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'applyTRight' method."
+ }
+ # method absorb {} {
+ # # Absorbs the next subexpression or digit into this expression
+ # # Returns the result of absorption, which always represents a
+ # # smaller interval than this expression
+ # }
+ method absorb {} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'absorb' method."
+ }
+ # U- --
+ #
+ # Unary - applied to this object
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the negation.
+ method U- {} {
+ my ref
+ lassign [my getSignAndMagnitude] sA mA
+ set m [math::exact::mdotm {{-1 0} {0 1}} $sA]
+ set result [math::exact::Mstrict new $m $mA]
+ my unref
+ return $result
+ }; export U-
+ # + --
+ # Adds this object to another.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Right addend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the sum
+ #
+ # Either object may be rational (an instance of V) or real (any other
+ # Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method + {r} {
+ return [$r E+ [self object]]
+ }; export +
+ # E+ --
+ # Adds two exact reals.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Left addend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the sum.
+ #
+ # Neither object is an instance of V (that is, neither is a rational).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E+ {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::+real $l [self object]
+ }; export E+
+ # V+ --
+ # Adds a rational and an exact real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Left addend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the sum.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V+ {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::+real $l [self object]
+ }; export V+
+ # - --
+ # Subtracts another object from this object
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Subtrahend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference
+ #
+ # Either object may be rational (an instance of V) or real (any other
+ # Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method - {r} {
+ return [$r E- [self object]]
+ }; export -
+ # E- --
+ # Subtracts this exact real from another
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Minuend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference
+ #
+ # Neither object is an instance of V (that is, neither is a rational).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E- {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::-real $l [self object]
+ }; export E-
+ # V- --
+ # Subtracts this exact real from a rational
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Minuend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V- {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::-real $l [self object]
+ }; export V-
+ # * --
+ # Multiplies this object by another.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Right argument to the multiplication
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product
+ #
+ # Either object may be rational (an instance of V) or real (any other
+ # Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method * {r} {
+ return [$r E* [self object]]
+ }; export *
+ # E* --
+ # Multiplies two exact reals.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Left argument to the multiplication
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product.
+ #
+ # Neither object is an instance of V (that is, neither is a rational).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E* {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::*real $l [self object]
+ }; export E*
+ # V* --
+ # Multiplies a rational and an exact real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Left argument to the multiplication
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V* {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::*real $l [self object]
+ }; export V*
+ # / --
+ # Divides this object by another.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Divisor
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the quotient
+ #
+ # Either object may be rational (an instance of V) or real (any other
+ # Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method / {r} {
+ return [$r E/ [self object]]
+ }; export /
+ # E/ --
+ # Divides two exact reals.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Dividend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the quotient.
+ #
+ # Neither object is an instance of V (that is, neither is a rational).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E/ {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::/real $l [self object]
+ }; export E/
+ # V/ --
+ # Divides a rational by an exact real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Dividend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V/ {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::/real $l [self object]
+ }; export V/
+ # ** -
+ # Raises an exact real to a power
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Exponent
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method ** {r} {
+ tailcall $r E** [self object]
+ }; export **
+ # E** -
+ # Raises an exact real to the power of an exact real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Base to exponentiate
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E** {l} {
+ # This doesn't work as a tailcall, because this object could have
+ # been destroyed by the time we're trying to invoke the tailcall,
+ # and that will keep command names from resolving because the
+ # tailcall mechanism will try to find them in the destroyed namespace.
+ return [math::exact::function::exp \
+ [my * [math::exact::function::log $l]]]
+ }; export E**
+ # V** -
+ # Raises a rational to the power of an exact real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Base to exponentiate
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V** {l} {
+ # This doesn't work as a tailcall, because this object could have
+ # been destroyed by the time we're trying to invoke the tailcall,
+ # and that will keep command names from resolving because the
+ # tailcall mechanism will try to find them in the destroyed namespace.
+ return [math::exact::function::exp \
+ [my * [math::exact::function::log $l]]]
+ }; export V**
+ # sqrt --
+ #
+ # Create an expression representing the square root of an exact
+ # real argument.
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the square root.
+ #
+ # This procedure is a Consumer with respect the the argument and a
+ # Constructor with respect to the result, returning a zero-reference
+ # result.
+ method sqrt {} {
+ variable ::math::exact::isneg
+ variable ::math::exact::idzer
+ variable ::math::exact::idneg
+ variable ::math::exact::idpos
+ # The algorithm is a modified Newton-Raphson from the Potts and
+ # Menissier-Morain papers. The algorithm for sqrt(x) converges
+ # rapidly only if x is close to 1, so we rescale to make sure that
+ # x is between 1/3 and 3. Specifically:
+ # - if x is known to be negative (that is, if $idneg refines it)
+ # then error.
+ # - if x is close to 1, $idzer refines it, and we can calculate the
+ # square root directly.
+ # - if x is less than 1, $idneg refines it, and we calculate sqrt(4*x)
+ # and multiply by 1/2.
+ # - if x is greater than 1, $idpos refines it, and we calculate
+ # sqrt(x/4) and multiply by 2.
+ # - if none of the above hold, we have insufficient information about
+ # the magnitude of x and perform a digit exchange.
+ my ref
+ if {[my refinesM $isneg]} {
+ # Negative argument is an error
+ return -code error -errorcode {MATH EXACT SQRTNEGATIVE} \
+ "sqrt of negative argument"
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $idzer]} {
+ # Argument close to 1
+ set res [::math::exact::SqrtWorker new [self object]]
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $idneg]} {
+ # Small argument - multiply by 4 and halve the square root
+ set y [[my applyM {{4 0} {0 1}}] ref]
+ set z [[$y sqrt] ref]
+ set res [$z applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]
+ $z unref
+ $y unref
+ } elseif {[my refinesM $idpos]} {
+ # Large argument - divide by 4 and double the square root
+ set y [[my applyM {{1 0} {0 4}}] ref]
+ set z [[$y sqrt] ref]
+ set res [$z applyM {{2 0} {0 1}}]
+ $z unref
+ $y unref
+ } else {
+ # Unclassified argyment. Perform a digit exchange and try again.
+ set y [[my absorb] ref]
+ set res [$y sqrt]
+ $y unref
+ }
+ my unref
+ return $res
+ }
+# math::exact::V --
+# Vector object
+# A vector object represents a rational number. It is always strict; no
+# methods need to perform lazy evaluation.
+oo::class create math::exact::V {
+ superclass math::exact::Expression
+ # v_ is the vector represented.
+ variable v_
+ # Constructor accepts the vector as a two-element list {n d}
+ # where n is by convention the numerator and d the denominator.
+ # It is expected that either n or d is nonzero, and that gcd(n,d) == 0.
+ # It is also expected that the fraction will be in lowest terms.
+ constructor {v} {
+ next
+ set v_ $v
+ }
+ # Destructor need only update reference counts
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # If a rational is acceptable, getLeadingDigitAndRest may simply return
+ # this object.
+ method getLeadingDigitAndRest {needDigit} {
+ if {$needDigit} {
+ return [next $needDigit]
+ } else {
+ # Note that the result MUST NOT be memoized, as that would lead
+ # to a circular reference, breaking the refcount system.
+ return [self object]
+ }
+ }
+ # Print this object
+ method dump {} {
+ return "V($v_)"
+ }
+ # Test if the vector refines when premultiplied by a matrix
+ method refinesM {m} {
+ return [math::exact::vrefines [math::exact::mdotv $m $v_]]
+ }
+ # Apply a matrix to the vector.
+ # Precondition: v is in lowest terms
+ method applyM {m} {
+ set d [math::exact::determinant $m]
+ if {$d < 0} { set d [expr {-$d}] }
+ if {($d & ($d-1)) != 0} {
+ return [math::exact::V new \
+ [math::exact::vreduce [math::exact::mdotv $m $v_]]]
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::V new \
+ [math::exact::vscale [math::exact::mdotv $m $v_]]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Left-multiply a tensor t by the vector, and apply the result to
+ # an expression 'r'
+ method applyTLeft {t r} {
+ set u [math::exact::mscale [math::exact::tleftv $t $v_]]
+ set det [math::exact::determinant $u]
+ if {$det < 0} { set det [expr {-$det}] }
+ if {($det & ($det-1)) == 0} {
+ # determinant is a power of 2
+ set res [$r applyM $u]
+ return $res
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::Mstrict new $u $r]
+ }
+ }
+ # Right-multiply a tensor t by the vector, and apply the result
+ # to an expression 'l'
+ method applyTRight {t l} {
+ set u [math::exact::mscale [math::exact::trightv $t $v_]]
+ set det [math::exact::determinant $u]
+ if {$det < 0} { set det [expr {-$det}] }
+ if {($det & ($det-1)) == 0} {
+ # determinant is a power of 2
+ set res [$l applyM $u]
+ return $res
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::Mstrict new $u $l]
+ }
+ }
+ # Get the vector components
+ method getV {} {
+ return $v_
+ }
+ # Get the (zero-width) interval that the vector represents.
+ method getInterval {nDigits} {
+ return [list $v_ $v_]
+ }
+ # Absorb more information
+ method absorb {} {
+ # Nothing should ever call this, because a vector's information is
+ # already complete.
+ error "cannot absorb anything into a vector"
+ }
+ # asReal --
+ # Coerces an object from rational to real
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # None.
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns this object converted to an exact real.
+ method asReal {} {
+ my ref
+ lassign [my getSignAndMagnitude] s m
+ set result [math::exact::Mstrict new $s $m]
+ my unref
+ return $result
+ }
+ # U- --
+ #
+ # Unary - applied to this object
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the negation.
+ method U- {} {
+ my ref
+ lassign $v_ p q
+ set result [math::exact::V new [list [expr {-$p}] $q]]
+ my unref
+ return $result
+ }; export U-
+ # + --
+ # Adds a vector to another object
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Right addend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the sum
+ #
+ # The right-hand addend may be rational (an instance of V) or real
+ # (any other Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method + {r} {
+ return [$r V+ [self object]]
+ }; export +
+ # E+ --
+ # Adds an exact real and a vector
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Left addend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the sim.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E+ {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::+real $l [self object]
+ }; export E+
+ # V+ --
+ # Adds two rationals
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Rational multiplicand
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V+ {l} {
+ my ref
+ $l ref
+ lassign [$l getV] a b
+ lassign $v_ c d
+ $l unref
+ my unref
+ return [math::exact::V new \
+ [math::exact::vreduce \
+ [list [expr {$a*$d+$b*$c}] [expr {$b*$d}]]]]
+ }; export V+
+ # - --
+ # Subtracts another object from a vector
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Subtrahend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference
+ #
+ # The right-hand operand may be rational (an instance of V) or real
+ # (any other Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method - {r} {
+ return [$r V- [self object]]
+ }; export -
+ # E- --
+ # Subtracts this exact real from a rational
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Left addend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E- {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::-real $l [self object]
+ }; export E-
+ # V- --
+ # Subtracts this rational from another
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Rational minuend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V- {l} {
+ my ref
+ $l ref
+ lassign [$l getV] a b
+ lassign $v_ c d
+ $l unref
+ my unref
+ return [math::exact::V new \
+ [math::exact::vreduce \
+ [list [expr {$a*$d-$b*$c}] [expr {$b*$d}]]]]
+ }; export V-
+ # * --
+ # Multiplies a rational by another object
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Right-hand factor
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the difference
+ #
+ # The right-hand operand may be rational (an instance of V) or real
+ # (any other Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method * {r} {
+ return [$r V* [self object]]
+ }; export *
+ # E* --
+ # Multiplies an exact real and a rational
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Multiplicand
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E* {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::*real $l [self object]
+ }; export E*
+ # V* --
+ # Multiplies two rationals
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Rational multiplicand
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V* {l} {
+ my ref
+ $l ref
+ lassign [$l getV] a b
+ lassign $v_ c d
+ $l unref
+ my unref
+ return [math::exact::V new \
+ [math::exact::vreduce \
+ [list [expr {$a*$c}] [expr {$b*$d}]]]]
+ }; export V*
+ # / --
+ # Divides this object by another.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Divisor
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the quotient
+ #
+ # Either object may be rational (an instance of V) or real (any other
+ # Expression).
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to r.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method / {r} {
+ return [$r V/ [self object]]
+ }; export /
+ # E/ --
+ # Divides an exact real and a rational
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Dividend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the quotient.
+ #
+ # The divisor is not a rationa.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E/ {l} {
+ tailcall math::exact::/real $l [self object]
+ }; export E/
+ # V/ --
+ # Divides two rationals
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Dividend
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the quotient.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V/ {l} {
+ my ref
+ $l ref
+ lassign [$l getV] a b
+ lassign $v_ c d
+ set result [math::exact::V new \
+ [math::exact::vreduce \
+ [list [expr {$a*$d}] [expr {$b*$c}]]]]
+ $l unref
+ my unref
+ return $result
+ }; export V/
+ # ** -
+ # Raises a rational to a power
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # r - Exponent
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method ** {r} {
+ tailcall $r V** [self object]
+ }; export **
+ # E** -
+ # Raises an exact real to a rational power
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Base to exponentiate
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method E** {l} {
+ # Extract numerator and demominator of the exponent, and consume the
+ # exponent.
+ my ref
+ lassign $v_ c d
+ my unref
+ # Normalize the sign of the exponent
+ if {$d < 0} {
+ set c [expr {-$c}]
+ set d [expr {-$d}]
+ }
+ # Don't choke if somehow a 0/0 gets here.
+ if {$c == 0 && $d == 0} {
+ $l unref
+ return -code error -errorcode "MATH EXACT ZERODIVZERO" \
+ "zero divided by zero"
+ }
+ # Handle integer powers
+ if {$d == 1} {
+ return [math::exact::real**int $l $c]
+ }
+ # Other rational powers come here.
+ # We know that $d > 0, and we're not just doing
+ # exponentiation by an integer
+ return [math::exact::real**rat $l $c $d]
+ }; export E**
+ # V** -
+ # Raises a rational base to a rational power
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # l - Base to exponentiate
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to the current object and to l.
+ # It is a Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref
+ # object.
+ method V** {l} {
+ # Extract the numerator and denominator of the base and consume
+ # the base.
+ $l ref
+ lassign [$l getV] a b
+ $l unref
+ # Extract numerator and demominator of the exponent, and consume the
+ # exponent.
+ my ref
+ lassign $v_ c d
+ my unref
+ # Normalize the signs of the arguments
+ if {$b < 0} {
+ set a [expr {-$a}]
+ set b [expr {-$b}]
+ }
+ if {$d < 0} {
+ set c [expr {-$c}]
+ set d [expr {-$d}]
+ }
+ # Don't choke if somehow a 0/0 gets here.
+ if {$a == 0 && $b == 0 || $c == 0 && $d == 0} {
+ return -code error -errorcode "MATH EXACT ZERODIVZERO" \
+ "zero divided by zero"
+ }
+ # b >= 0 and d >= 0
+ if {$a == 0} {
+ if {$c == 0} {
+ return -code error -errorcode "MATH EXACT ZEROPOWZERO" \
+ "zero to zero power"
+ } elseif {$d == 0} {
+ return -code error -errorcode "MATH EXACT ZEROPOWINF" \
+ "zero to infinite power"
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::V new {0 1}]
+ }
+ }
+ # a != 0, b >= 0, d >= 0
+ if {$b == 0} {
+ if {$c == 0} {
+ return -code error -errorcode "MATH EXACT INFPOWZERO" \
+ "infinity to zero power"
+ } elseif {$c < 0} {
+ return [math::exact::V new {0 1}]
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::V new {1 0}]
+ }
+ }
+ # a != 0, b > 0, d >= 0
+ if {$c == 0} {
+ return [math::exact::V new {1 1}]
+ }
+ # handle integer exponents
+ if {$d == 1} {
+ return [math::exact::rat**int $a $b $c]
+ }
+ # a != 0, b > 0, c != 0, d >= 0
+ return [math::exact::rat**rat $a $b $c $d]
+ }; export V**
+ # sqrt --
+ #
+ # Calculates the square root of this object
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the square root as an exact real.
+ #
+ # This method is a Consumer with respect to this object and a Constructor
+ # with respect to the result, returning a zero-ref object.
+ method sqrt {} {
+ my ref
+ if {([lindex $v_ 0] < 0) ^ ([lindex $v_ 1] < 0)} {
+ return -code error -errorCode "MATH EXACT SQRTNEGATIVE" \
+ {square root of negative argument}
+ }
+ set result [::math::exact::Sqrtrat new {*}$v_]
+ my unref
+ return $result
+ }
+# math::exact::M --
+# Expression consisting of a matrix times another expression
+# The matrix {a c} {b d} represents the homography (a*x + b) / (c*x + d).
+# The inner expression may need to be evaluated lazily. Whether evaluation
+# is strict or lazy, the 'e' method will return the expression.
+oo::class create math::exact::M {
+ superclass math::exact::Expression
+ # m_ is the matrix; e_ the inner expression; absorbed_ a cache of the
+ # result of the 'absorb' method.
+ variable m_ e_ absorbed_
+ # constructor accepts the matrix only. The expression is managed in
+ # derived classes.
+ constructor {m} {
+ next
+ set m_ $m
+ }
+ # destructor deletes the memoized expression if one has been stored.
+ # The base class destructor handles cleaning up the result of 'absorb'
+ destructor {
+ if {[info exists e_]} {
+ $e_ unref
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ # Test if the matrix refines when premultiplied by another matrix n
+ method refinesM {n} {
+ return [math::exact::mrefines [math::exact::mdotm $n $m_]]
+ }
+ # Premultiply the matrix by another matrix n
+ method applyM {n} {
+ set d [math::exact::determinant $n]
+ if {$d < 0} {set d [expr {-$d}]}
+ if {($d & ($d-1)) != 0} {
+ return [math::exact::Mstrict new \
+ [math::exact::mreduce [math::exact::mdotm $n $m_]] \
+ [my e]]
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::Mstrict new \
+ [math::exact::mscale [math::exact::mdotm $n $m_]] \
+ [my e]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Compute the left product of a tensor t with this matrix, and
+ # apply the resulting tensor to the expression 'r'.
+ method applyTLeft {t r} {
+ return [math::exact::Tstrict new \
+ [math::exact::tscale [math::exact::tleftm $t $m_]] \
+ 1 [my e] $r]
+ }
+ # Compute the right product of a tensor t with this matrix, and
+ # apply the resulting tensor to the expression 'l'.
+ method applyTRight {t l} {
+ return [math::exact::Tstrict new \
+ [math::exact::tscale [math::exact::trightm $t $m_]] \
+ 0 $l [my e]]
+ }
+ # Absorb a digit into this matrix.
+ method absorb {} {
+ if {![info exists absorbed_]} {
+ set absorbed_ [[[my e] applyM $m_] ref]
+ }
+ return $absorbed_
+ }
+ # Derived classes are expected to implement:
+ # method e {} {
+ # # Returns the expression to which this matrix is applied.
+ # # Optionally memoizes the result in $e_.
+ # }
+ method e {} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'e' method."
+ }
+# math::exact::Mstrict --
+# Expression representing the product of a matrix and another
+# expression.
+# In this version of the class, the expression is known in advance -
+# evaluated strictly.
+oo::class create math::exact::Mstrict {
+ superclass math::exact::M
+ # m_ is the matrix.
+ # e_ is the expression
+ # absorbed_ caches the result of the 'absorb' method.
+ variable m_ e_ absorbed_
+ # Constructor accepts the matrix and the expression to which
+ # it applies.
+ constructor {m e} {
+ next $m
+ set e_ [$e ref]
+ }
+ # All the heavy lifting of destruction is performed in the base class.
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # The 'e' method returns the expression.
+ method e {} {
+ return $e_
+ }
+ # The 'dump' method formats this object for debugging.
+ method dump {} {
+ return "M($m_,[$e_ dump])"
+ }
+# math::exact::T --
+# Expression representing a 2x2x2 tensor of the third order,
+# applied to two subexpressions.
+oo::class create math::exact::T {
+ superclass math::exact::Expression
+ # t_ - the tensor
+ # i_ A flag indicating whether the next 'absorb' should come from the
+ # left (0) or the right (1).
+ # l_ - the left subexpression
+ # r_ - the right subexpression
+ # absorbed_ - the result of an 'absorb' operation
+ variable t_ i_ l_ r_ absorbed_
+ # constructor accepts the tensor and the initial state for absorption
+ constructor {t i} {
+ next
+ set t_ $t
+ set i_ $i
+ }
+ # destructor removes cached items.
+ destructor {
+ if {[info exists l_]} {
+ $l_ unref
+ }
+ if {[info exists r_]} {
+ $r_ unref
+ }
+ next; # The base class will clean up absorbed_
+ }
+ # refinesM --
+ #
+ # Tests if this tensor refines when premultiplied by a matrix
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # m - matrix to test
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns a Boolean indicator that is true if the product refines.
+ method refinesM {m} {
+ return [math::exact::trefines [math::exact::mdott $m $t_]]
+ }
+ # applyM --
+ #
+ # Left multiplies this tensor by a matrix
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # m - Matrix to multiply
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the product
+ #
+ # This operation has the side effect of making the product strict at
+ # the uppermost level, by calling [my l] [my r] to instantiate the
+ # subexpressions.
+ method applyM {m} {
+ set d [math::exact::determinant $m]
+ if {$d < 0} {set d [expr {-$d}]}
+ if {($d & ($d-1)) != 0} {
+ return [math::exact::Tstrict new \
+ [math::exact::treduce [math::exact::mdott $m $t_]] \
+ 0 [my l] [my r]]
+ } else {
+ return [math::exact::Tstrict new \
+ [math::exact::tscale [math::exact::mdott $m $t_]] \
+ 0 [my l] [my r]]
+ }
+ }
+ # absorb --
+ #
+ # Absorbs information from the subexpressions.
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns a copy of the current object, with information from
+ # at least one subexpression absorbed so that more information is
+ # immediately available.
+ method absorb {} {
+ if {![info exists absorbed_]} {
+ if {[math::exact::trefines $t_]} {
+ lassign [math::exact::trans $t_] m n
+ set side [math::exact::mdisjointm $m $n]
+ } else {
+ set side $i_
+ }
+ if {$side} {
+ set absorbed_ [[[my r] applyTRight $t_ [my l]] ref]
+ } else {
+ set absorbed_ [[[my l] applyTLeft $t_ [my r]] ref]
+ }
+ }
+ return $absorbed_
+ }
+ # applyTRight --
+ #
+ # Right-multiplies a tensor by this expression
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns 't' left-product l right-product $r_.
+ method applyTRight {t l} {
+ # This is the hard case of digit exchange. We have to
+ # get the leading digit from this tensor, absorbing as
+ # necessary, right-multiply it into the tensor $t, and
+ # compose the new object.
+ #
+ # Note that unless 'rest' is empty, 'ld' is a digit matrix,
+ # so we need to check only for powers of 2 when reducing to
+ # lowest terms
+ lassign [my getLeadingDigitAndRest 0] ld rest
+ if {$rest eq {}} {
+ set u [math::exact::mreduce [math::exact::trightv $t $ld]]
+ return [math::exact::Mstrict new $u $l]
+ } else {
+ set u [math::exact::tscale [math::exact::trightm $t $ld]]
+ return [math::exact::Tstrict new $u 0 $l $rest]
+ }
+ }
+ # applyTLeft --
+ #
+ # Left-multiplies a tensor by this expression
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns 't' left-product $l_ right-product 'r'
+ method applyTLeft {t r} {
+ # This is the hard case of digit exchange. We have to
+ # get the leading digit from this tensor, absorbing as
+ # necessary, left-multiply it into the tensor $t, and
+ # compose the new object
+ #
+ # Note that unless 'rest' is empty, 'ld' is a digit matrix,
+ # so we need to check only for powers of 2 when reducing to
+ # lowest terms
+ lassign [my getLeadingDigitAndRest 0] ld rest
+ if {$rest eq {}} {
+ set u [math::exact::mreduce [math::exact::tleftv $t $ld]]
+ return [math::exact::Mstrict $u $r]
+ } else {
+ set u [math::exact::tscale [math::exact::tleftm $t $ld]]
+ return [math::exact::Tstrict new $u 1 $rest $r]
+ }
+ }
+ # Derived classes are expected to implement the following:
+ # l --
+ #
+ # Returns the left operand
+ method l {} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'l' method"
+ }
+ # r --
+ #
+ # Returns the right operand
+ method r {} {
+ error "[info object class [self object]] does not implement the 'r' method"
+ }
+# math::exact::Tstrict --
+# A strict tensor - one where the subexpressions are both known in
+# advance.
+oo::class create math::exact::Tstrict {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ # t_ - the tensor
+ # i_ A flag indicating whether the next 'absorb' should come from the
+ # left (0) or the right (1).
+ # l_ - the left subexpression
+ # r_ - the right subexpression
+ # absorbed_ - the result of an 'absorb' operation
+ variable t_ i_ l_ r_ absorbed_
+ # constructor accepts the tensor, the absorption state, and the
+ # left and right operands.
+ constructor {t i l r} {
+ next $t $i
+ set l_ [$l ref]
+ set r_ [$r ref]
+ }
+ # base class handles all cleanup
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # l --
+ #
+ # Returns the left operand
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ # r --
+ #
+ # Returns the right operand
+ method r {} {
+ return $r_
+ }
+ # dump --
+ #
+ # Formats this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return T($t_,$i_\;[$l_ dump],[$r_ dump])
+ }
+# math::exact::opreal --
+# Applies a bihomography (bilinear fractional transformation)
+# to two expressions.
+# Parameters:
+# op - Tensor {{{a b} {c d}} {{e f} {g h}}} representing the operation
+# x - left operand
+# y - right operand
+# Results:
+# Returns an expression that represents the form:
+# (axy + cx + ey + g) / (bxy + dx + fy + h)
+# Notes:
+# Note that the four basic arithmetic operations are included here.
+# In addition, this procedure may be used to craft other useful
+# transformations. For example, (1 - u**2) / (1 + u**2)
+# could be constructed as [opreal {{{-1 1} {0 0}} {{0 0} {1 1}}} $u $u]
+proc math::exact::opreal {op x y {kludge {}}} {
+ # split x and y into sign and magnitude
+ $x ref; $y ref
+ lassign [$x getSignAndMagnitude] sx mx
+ lassign [$y getSignAndMagnitude] sy my
+ $mx ref; $my ref
+ $x unref; $y unref
+ set t [tleftm [trightm $op $sy] $sx]
+ set r [math::exact::Tstrict new $t 0 $mx $my]
+ $mx unref; $my unref
+ return $r
+# math::exact::+real --
+# math::exact::-real --
+# math::exact::*real --
+# math::exact::/real --
+# Sum, difference, product and quotient of exact reals
+# Parameters:
+# x - First operand
+# y - Second operand
+# Results:
+# Returns x+y, x-y, x*y or x/y as requested.
+proc math::exact::+real {a b} { variable tadd; return [opreal $tadd $a $b] }
+proc math::exact::-real {a b} { variable tsub; return [opreal $tsub $a $b] }
+proc math::exact::*real {a b} { variable tmul; return [opreal $tmul $a $b] }
+proc math::exact::/real {a b} { variable tdiv; return [opreal $tdiv $a $b] }
+# real --
+# Coerce an argument to exact-real (possibly from rational)
+# Parameters:
+# x - Argument to coerce.
+# Results:
+# Returns the argument coerced to a real.
+# This operation either does nothing and returns its argument, or is a
+# Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor with respect to
+# its result.
+proc math::exact::function::real {x} {
+ tailcall $x asReal
+# SqrtWorker --
+# Class to calculate the square root of a real.
+oo::class create math::exact::SqrtWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ variable l_ r_
+ # e - The expression whose square root should be calculated.
+ # e should be between close to 1 for good performance. The
+ # 'sqrtreal' procedure below handles the scaling.
+ constructor {e} {
+ next {{{1 0} {2 1}} {{1 2} {0 1}}} 0
+ set l_ [$e ref]
+ }
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ method r {} {
+ if {![info exists r_]} {
+ set r_ [[math::exact::SqrtWorker new $l_] ref]
+ }
+ return $r_
+ }
+ method dump {} {
+ return "sqrt([$l_ dump])"
+ }
+# sqrt --
+# Returns the square root of a number
+# Parameters:
+# x - Exact real number whose square root is needed.
+# Results:
+# Returns the square root as an exact real.
+# The number may be rational or real. There is a special optimization used
+# if the number is rational
+proc math::exact::function::sqrt {x} {
+ tailcall $x sqrt
+# ExpWorker --
+# Class that evaluates the exponential function for small exact reals
+oo::class create math::exact::ExpWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ variable t_ l_ r_ n_
+ # Constructor --
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # e - Argument whose exponential is to be computed. (What is
+ # actually passed in is S0'(x) = (1+x)/(1-x))
+ # n - Number of the convergent of the continued fraction
+ #
+ # This class is implemented by expanding the continued fraction
+ # as needed for precision. Each successive step becomes a new right
+ # subexpression of the tensor product.
+ constructor {e {n 0}} {
+ next [list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 2}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]] \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n}]]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {2*$n}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]] \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n + 2}]]]] 0
+ set l_ [$e ref]
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ }
+ # l --
+ #
+ # Returns the left subexpression; that is, the argument to the
+ # exponential
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ # r --
+ # Returns the right subexpresison - the next convergent, creating it
+ # if necessary
+ method r {} {
+ if {![info exists r_]} {
+ set r_ [[math::exact::ExpWorker new $l_ $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $r_
+ }
+ # dump --
+ #
+ # Displays this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return ExpWorker([$l_ dump],[expr {$n_-1}])
+ }
+# exp --
+# Evaluates the exponential function of an exact real
+# Parameters:
+# x - Quantity to be exponentiated
+# Results:
+# Returns the exact real function value.
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a
+# Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::function::exp {x} {
+ variable ::math::exact::iszer
+ variable ::math::exact::tmul
+ # The continued fraction converges only for arguments between -1 and 1.
+ # If $iszer refines the argument, then it is in the correct range and
+ # we launch ExpWorker to evaluate the continued fraction. If the argument
+ # is outside the range [-1/2..1/2], then we evaluate exp(x/2) and square
+ # the result. If neither of the above is true, then we perform a digit
+ # exchange to get more information about the magnitude of the argument.
+ $x ref
+ if {[$x refinesM $iszer]} {
+ # Argument's absolute value is small - evaluate the exponential
+ set y [$x applyM $iszer]
+ set result [ExpWorker new $y]
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM {{2 2} {-1 1}}]} {
+ # Argument's absolute value is large - evaluate exp(x/2)**2
+ set xover2 [$x applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]
+ set expxover2 [exp $xover2]
+ set result [*real $expxover2 $expxover2]
+ } else {
+ # Argument's absolute value is uncharacterized - perform a digit
+ # exchange to get more information.
+ set result [exp [$x absorb]]
+ }
+ $x unref
+ return $result
+# LogWorker --
+# Helper class for evaluating logarithm of an exact real argument.
+# The algorithm used is a continued fraction representation from Peter Potts's
+# paper. This worker evaluates the second and subsequent convergents. The
+# first convergent is in the 'log' procedure below, and follows a different
+# pattern from the rest of them.
+oo::class create math::exact::LogWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ variable t_ l_ r_ n_
+ # Constructor -
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # e - Argument whose log is to be extracted
+ # n - Number of the convergent.
+ constructor {e {n 1}} {
+ next [list \
+ [list \
+ [list $n 0] \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {$n+1}]]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]] \
+ [list 0 $n]]] 0
+ set l_ [$e ref]
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ }
+ # l -
+ # Returns the argument whose log is to be extracted
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ # r -
+ # Returns the next convergent, constructing it if necessary.
+ method r {} {
+ if {![info exists r_]} {
+ set r_ [[math::exact::LogWorker new $l_ $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $r_
+ }
+ # dump -
+ # Dumps this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return LogWorker([$l_ dump],[expr {$n_-1}])
+ }
+# log -
+# Calculates the natural logarithm of an exact real argument.
+# Parameters:
+# x - Quantity whose log is to be extracted.
+# Results:
+# Returns the logarithm
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::function::log {x} {
+ variable ::math::exact::ispos
+ variable ::math::exact::isneg
+ variable ::math::exact::idpos
+ variable ::math::exact::idneg
+ variable ::math::exact::log2
+ # If x is between 1/2 and 2, the continued fraction will converge. If
+ # y = LogWorker(x), then log(x) = (xy + x - y - 1)/(x + y), and the
+ # latter function is a bihomography that can be evaluated by 'opreal'
+ # directly.
+ #
+ # If x is negative, that's an error.
+ # If x > 1, idpos will refine it, and we compute log(x/2) + log(2)
+ # If x < 1, idneg will refine it, and we compute log(2x) - log(2)
+ # If none of the above can be proven, perform a digit exchange and
+ # try again.
+ $x ref
+ if {[$x refinesM {{2 -1} {-1 2}}]} {
+ # argument in bounds
+ set result [math::exact::opreal {{{1 0} {1 1}} {{-1 1} {-1 0}}} \
+ $x \
+ [LogWorker new $x]]
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM $isneg]} {
+ # domain error
+ return -code error -errorcode {MATH EXACT LOGNEGATIVE} \
+ "log of negative argument"
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM $idpos]} {
+ # large argument, reduce it and try again
+ set result [+real [function::log [$x applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]] $log2]
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM $idneg]} {
+ # small argument, increase it and try again
+ set result [-real [function::log [$x applyM {{2 0} {0 1}}]] $log2]
+ } else {
+ # too little information, perform digit exchange.
+ set result [function::log [$x absorb]]
+ }
+ $x unref
+ return $result
+# TanWorker --
+# Auxiliary function for tangent of an exact real argument
+# This class develops the second and subsequent convergents of the continued
+# fraction expansion in Potts's paper
+oo::class create math::exact::TanWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ variable t_ l_ r_ n_
+ # Constructor -
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # e - S0'(x) = (1+x)/(1-x), where we wish to evaluate tan(x).
+ # n - Ordinal position of the convergent
+ constructor {e {n 1}} {
+ next [list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n + 3}]] \
+ [list [expr {2*$n - 1}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n - 1}]] \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 3}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]]]] 0
+ set l_ [$e ref]
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ }
+ # l -
+ # Returns the argument S0'(x)
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ # r -
+ # Returns the next convergent, constructing it if necessary
+ method r {} {
+ if {![info exists r_]} {
+ set r_ [[math::exact::TanWorker new $l_ $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $r_
+ }
+ # dump -
+ # Displays this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return TanWorker([$l_ dump],[expr {$n_-1}])
+ }
+# tan --
+# Tangent of an exact real argument
+# Parameters:
+# x - Quantity whose tangent is to be computed.
+# Results:
+# Returns the tangent
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::function::tan {x} {
+ variable ::math::exact::iszer
+ # If |x| < 1, then we use Potts's formula for the tangent.
+ # If |x| > 1/2, then we compute y = tan(x/2) and then use the
+ # trig identity tan(x) = 2*y/(1-y**2), recognizing that the latter
+ # expression can be expressed as a bihomography applied to y and itself,
+ # allowing opreal to do the job.
+ # If neither can be proven, we perform a digit exchange to get more
+ # information.
+ # tan((2*n+1)*pi/2), for n an integer, is a well-behaved pole.
+ # In particular, 1/tan(pi/2) will correctly return zero.
+ $x ref
+ if {[$x refinesM $iszer]} {
+ set xx [$x applyM $iszer]
+ set result [math::exact::Tstrict new {{{1 2} {1 0}} {{-1 0} {-1 2}}} 0 \
+ $xx [TanWorker new $xx]]
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM {{2 2} {-1 1}}]} {
+ set xover2 [$x applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]
+ set tanxover2 [function::tan $xover2]
+ set result [opreal {{{0 -1} {1 0}} {{1 0} {0 1}}} $tanxover2 $tanxover2]
+ } else {
+ set result [function::tan [$x absorb]]
+ }
+ $x unref
+ return $result
+# sin --
+# Sine of an exact real argument
+# Parameters:
+# x - Quantity whose sine is to be computed.
+# Results:
+# Returns the sine
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::function::sin {x} {
+ $x ref
+ set tanxover2 [tan [$x applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]]
+ $x unref
+ return [opreal {{{0 1} {1 0}} {{1 0} {0 1}}} $tanxover2 $tanxover2]
+# cos --
+# Cosine of an exact real argument
+# Parameters:
+# x - Quantity whose cosine is to be computed.
+# Results:
+# Returns the cosine
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::function::cos {x} {
+ $x ref
+ set tanxover2 [tan [$x applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]]
+ $x unref
+ return [opreal {{{-1 1} {0 0}} {{0 0} {1 1}}} $tanxover2 $tanxover2]
+# AtanWorker --
+# Auxiliary function for arctangent of an exact real argument
+# This class develops the second and subsequent convergents of the continued
+# fraction expansion in Potts's paper. The argument lies in [-1,1].
+oo::class create math::exact::AtanWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ variable t_ l_ r_ n_
+ # Constructor -
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # e - S0(x) = (x-1)/(x+1), where we wish to evaluate atan(x).
+ # n - Ordinal position of the convergent
+ constructor {e {n 1}} {
+ next [list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {$n + 1}]] \
+ [list $n 0]] \
+ [list \
+ [list 0 $n] \
+ [list [expr {$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]]]] 0
+ set l_ [$e ref]
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ }
+ # l -
+ # Returns the argument S0(x)
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ # r -
+ # Returns the next convergent, constructing it if necessary
+ method r {} {
+ if {![info exists r_]} {
+ set r_ [[math::exact::AtanWorker new $l_ $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $r_
+ }
+ # dump -
+ # Displays this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return AtanWorker([$l_ dump],[expr {$n_-1}])
+ }
+# atanS0 -
+# Evaluates the arctangent of S0(x) = (x-1)/(x+1)
+# Parameters:
+# x - Exact real argumetn
+# Results:
+# Returns atan((x-1)/(x+1))
+# This function is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a 0-reference object.
+proc math::exact::atanS0 {x} {
+ return [opreal {{{1 2} {1 0}} {{-1 0} {-1 2}}} $x [AtanWorker new $x]]
+# atan -
+# Arctangent of an exact real
+# Parameters:
+# x - Exact real argument
+# Results:
+# Returns atan(x)
+# This function is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a 0-reference object.
+# atan(1/0) is undefined and may cause an infinite loop.
+proc math::exact::function::atan {x} {
+ # TODO - find p/q close to the real number x - can be done by
+ # getting a few digits - and do
+ # arctan(p/q + eps) = arctan(p/q) + arctan(q**2*eps/(p*q*eps+p**q+q**2))
+ # using [$eps applyM] to compute the argument of the second arctan
+ variable ::math::exact::szer
+ variable ::math::exact::spos
+ variable ::math::exact::sinf
+ variable ::math::exact::sneg
+ variable ::math::exact::pi
+ # Four cases, depending on which octant the arctangent lies in.
+ $x ref
+ lassign [$x getSignAndMagnitude] signum mag
+ $mag ref
+ $x unref
+ set aS0x [atanS0 $mag]
+ $mag unref
+ if {$signum eq $szer} {
+ # -1 < x < 1
+ return $aS0x
+ } elseif {$signum eq $spos} {
+ # x > 0
+ return [opreal {{{0 0} {4 0}} {{1 0} {0 4}}} $aS0x $pi]
+ } elseif {$signum eq $sinf} {
+ # x < -1 or x > 1
+ return [opreal {{{0 0} {2 0}} {{1 0} {0 2}}} $aS0x $pi]
+ } elseif {$signum eq $sneg} {
+ # x < 0
+ return [opreal {{{0 0} {4 0}} {{-1 0} {0 4}}} $aS0x $pi]
+ } else {
+ # can't happen
+ error "wrong sign: $signum"
+ }
+# asinreal -
+# Computes the arcsine of an exact real argument.
+# The arcsine is computed from the arctangent by trigonometric identities
+# This function is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a 0-reference object.
+# The function is defined only over the open interval (-1,1). Outside
+# that range INCLUDING AT THE ENDPOINTS, it may fail and give an infinite
+# loop or stack overflow.
+proc math::exact::asinreal {x} {
+ variable iszer
+ variable pi
+ # Potts's formula doesn't work here - it's singular at zero,
+ # and undefined over negative numbers. But some messing with the
+ # algebra gives us:
+ # asin(S0*x) = 2*atan(sqrt(x)) - pi/2
+ # = (4*atan(sqrt(x)) - pi) / 2
+ # which is continuous and computable over (-1..1)
+ $x ref
+ set y [$x applyM $iszer]
+ $x unref
+ return [opreal {{{0 0} {-1 0}} {{4 0} {0 2}}} \
+ $pi \
+ [function::atan [function::sqrt $y]]]
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::asin {} math::exact::asinreal
+# acosreal -
+# Computes the arccosine of an exact real argument.
+# The arccosine is computed from the arctangent by trigonometric identities
+# This function is a Consumer with respect to its argument and a Constructor
+# with respect to its result, returning a 0-reference object.
+# The function is defined only over the open interval (-1,1). Outside
+# that range INCLUDING AT THE ENDPOINTS, it may fail and give an infinite
+# loop or stack overflow.
+proc math::exact::acosreal {x} {
+ variable iszer
+ variable pi
+ # Potts's formula doesn't work here - it's singular at zero,
+ # and undefined over negative numbers. But some messing with the
+ # algebra gives us:
+ # acos(S0*x) = pi - 2*atan(sqrt(x))
+ $x ref
+ set y [$x applyM $iszer]
+ $x unref
+ return [opreal {{{0 0} {1 0}} {{-2 0} {0 1}}} \
+ $pi \
+ [function::atan [function::sqrt $y]]]
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::acos {} math::exact::acosreal
+# sinhreal, coshreal, tanhreal --
+# Hyperbolic functions of exact real arguments
+# Parameter:
+# x - Argument at which to evaluate the function
+# Results:
+# Return sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x), respectively.
+# These functions are all Consumers with respect to their arguments and
+# Constructors with respect to their results, returning zero-ref objects.
+# The three functions are well defined over all the finite reals, but
+# are ill-behaved at infinity.
+proc math::exact::sinhreal {x} {
+ set expx [function::exp $x]
+ return [opreal {{{1 0} {0 1}} {{0 1} {-1 0}}} $expx $expx]
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::sinh {} math::exact::sinhreal
+proc math::exact::coshreal {x} {
+ set expx [function::exp $x]
+ return [opreal {{{1 0} {0 1}} {{0 1} {1 0}}} $expx $expx]
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::cosh {} math::exact::coshreal
+proc math::exact::tanhreal {x} {
+ set expx [function::exp $x]
+ return [opreal {{{1 1} {0 0}} {{0 0} {-1 1}}} $expx $expx]
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::tanh {} math::exact::tanhreal
+# asinhreal, acoshreal, atanhreal --
+# Inverse hyperbolic functions of exact real arguments
+# Parameter:
+# x - Argument at which to evaluate the function
+# Results:
+# Return asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x), respectively.
+# These functions are all Consumers with respect to their arguments and
+# Constructors with respect to their results, returning zero-ref objects.
+# asinh is defined over the entire real number line, with the exception
+# of the point at infinity. acosh is defined over x > 1 (NOT x=1, which
+# is singular). atanh is defined over (-1..1) (NOT the endpoints of the
+# interval.)
+proc math::exact::asinhreal {x} {
+ # domain (-Inf .. Inf)
+ # asinh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x**2 + 1))
+ $x ref
+ set retval [function::log \
+ [+real $x \
+ [function::sqrt \
+ [opreal {{{1 0} {0 0}} {{0 0} {1 1}}} $x $x]]]]
+ $x unref
+ return $retval
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::asinh {} math::exact::asinhreal
+proc math::exact::acoshreal {x} {
+ # domain (1 .. Inf)
+ # asinh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x**2 - 1))
+ $x ref
+ set retval [function::log \
+ [+real $x \
+ [function::sqrt \
+ [opreal {{{1 0} {0 0}} {{0 0} {-1 1}}} $x $x]]]]
+ $x unref
+ return $retval
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::acosh {} math::exact::acoshreal
+proc math::exact::atanhreal {x} {
+ # domain (-1 .. 1)
+ variable sinf
+ #atanh(x) = log(Sinf[x])/2
+ $x ref
+ set y [$x applyM $sinf]
+ $y ref
+ $x unref
+ set z [function::log $y]
+ $z ref
+ $y unref
+ set retval [$z applyM {{1 0} {0 2}}]
+ $z unref
+ return $retval
+interp alias {} math::exact::function::atanh {} math::exact::atanhreal
+# EWorker --
+# Evaluates the constant 'e' (the base of the natural logarithms
+# This class is intended to be singleton. It returns 2.71828.... (the
+# base of the natural logarithms) as an exact real.
+oo::class create math::exact::EWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::M
+ variable m_ e_ n_
+ # Constructor accepts the number of the continuant.
+ constructor {{n 0}} {
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ next [list [list [expr {2*$n + 2}] [expr {2*$n + 1}]] \
+ [list [expr {2*$n + 1}] [expr {2*$n}]]]
+ }
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # e -- Returns the next continuant after this one.
+ method e {} {
+ if {![info exists e_]} {
+ set e_ [[math::exact::EWorker new $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $e_
+ }
+ # Formats this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return M($m_,EWorker($n_))
+ }
+# PiWorker --
+# Auxiliary object used in evaluating pi.
+# This class evaluates the second and subsequent continuants in
+# Ramanaujan's formula for sqrt(10005)/pi. The Potts paper presents
+# the algorithm, almost without commentary.
+oo::class create math::exact::PiWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::M
+ variable m_ e_ n_
+ # Constructor accepts the number of the continuant
+ constructor {{n 1}} {
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ set nsq [expr {$n * $n}]
+ set n4 [expr {$nsq * $nsq}]
+ set b [expr {(2*$n - 1) * (6*$n - 5) * (6*$n - 1)}]
+ set c [expr {$b * (545140134 * $n + 13591409)}]
+ set d [expr {$b * ($n + 1)}]
+ set e [expr {10939058860032000 * $n4}]
+ set p [list [expr {$e - $d - $c}] [expr {$e + $d + $c}]]
+ set q [list [expr {$e + $d - $c}] [expr {$e - $d + $c}]]
+ next [list $p $q]
+ }
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # e --
+ #
+ # Returns the next continuant after this one
+ method e {} {
+ if {![info exists e_]} {
+ set e_ [[math::exact::PiWorker new $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $e_
+ }
+ # dump --
+ #
+ # Formats this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return M($m_,PiWorker($n_))
+ }
+# Log2Worker --
+# Auxiliary class for evaluating log(2).
+# This object represents the constant (1-2*log(2))/(log(2)-1), the
+# product of the second, third, ... nth LFT's of the representation of log(2).
+oo::class create math::exact::Log2Worker {
+ superclass math::exact::M
+ variable m_ e_ n_
+ # Constructor accepts the number of the continuant
+ constructor {{n 1}} {
+ set n_ [expr {$n + 1}]
+ set a [expr {3*$n + 1}]
+ set b [expr {2*$n + 1}]
+ set c [expr {4*$n + 2}]
+ set d [expr {3*$n + 2}]
+ next [list [list $a $b] [list $c $d]]
+ }
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # e --
+ #
+ # Returns the next continuant after this one.
+ method e {} {
+ if {![info exists e_]} {
+ set e_ [[math::exact::Log2Worker new $n_] ref]
+ }
+ return $e_
+ }
+ # dump --
+ #
+ # Displays this object for debugging
+ method dump {} {
+ return M($m_,Log2Worker($n_))
+ }
+# Sqrtrat --
+# Class that evaluates the square root of a rational
+oo::class create math::exact::Sqrtrat {
+ superclass math::exact::M
+ variable m_ e_ a_ b_ c_
+ # Constructor accepts the numerator and denominator. The third argument
+ # is an intermediate result for the second and later continuants.
+ constructor {a b {c {}}} {
+ if {$c eq {}} {
+ set c [expr {$a - $b}]
+ }
+ set d [expr {2*($b-$a) + $c}]
+ if {$d >= 0} {
+ next $math::exact::dneg
+ set a_ [expr {4 * $a}]
+ set b_ $d
+ set c_ $c
+ } else {
+ next $math::exact::dpos
+ set a_ [expr {-$d}]
+ set b_ [expr {4 * $b}]
+ set c_ $c
+ }
+ }
+ destructor {
+ next
+ }
+ # e --
+ #
+ # Returns the next continuant after this one.
+ method e {} {
+ if {![info exists e_]} {
+ set e_ [[math::exact::Sqrtrat new $a_ $b_ $c_] ref]
+ }
+ return $e_
+ }
+ # dump --
+ # Formats this object for debugging.
+ method dump {} {
+ return "M($m_,Sqrtrat($a_,$b_,$c_))"
+ }
+# math::exact::rat**int --
+# Service procedure to raise a rational number to an integer power
+# Parameters:
+# a - Numerator of the rational
+# b - Denominator of the rational
+# n - Power
+# Preconditions:
+# n is not zero, a is not zero, b is positive.
+# Results:
+# Returns the power
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its arguments and a
+# Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::rat**int {a b n} {
+ if {$n < 0} {
+ return [V new [list [expr {$b**(-$n)}] [expr {$a**(-$n)}]]]
+ } elseif {$n > 0} {
+ return [V new [list [expr {$a**($n)}] [expr {$b**($n)}]]]
+ } else { ;# zero power shouldn't get here
+ return [V new {1 1}]
+ }
+# math::exact::rat**rat --
+# Service procedure to raise a rational number to a rational power
+# Parameters:
+# a - Numerator of the base
+# b - Denominator of the base
+# m - Numerator of the exponent
+# n - Denominator of the exponent
+# Results:
+# Returns the power as an exact real
+# Preconditions:
+# a != 0, b > 0, m != 0, n > 0
+# This procedure is a Constructor with respect to its result
+proc math::exact::rat**rat {a b m n} {
+ # It would be attractive to special case this, but the real mechanism
+ # works as well for the moment.
+ tailcall real**rat [V new [list $a $b]] $m $n
+# PowWorker --
+# Auxiliary class to compute
+# ((p/q)**n + b)**(m/n),
+# where 0<m<n are integers, p, q are integers, b is an exact real
+oo::class create math::exact::PowWorker {
+ superclass math::exact::T
+ variable t_ l_ r_ delta_
+ # Self-method: start
+ #
+ # Sets up to find z**(m/n) (1 <= m < n), with
+ # z = (p/q)**n + y for integers p and q.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # p - numerator of the estimated nth root
+ # q - denominator of the estimated nth root
+ # y - residual of the quantity whose root is being extracted
+ # m - numerator of the exponent
+ # n - denominator of the exponent (1 <= m < n)
+ #
+ # Results:
+ # Returns the power, as an exact real.
+ self method start {p q y m n} {
+ set pm [expr {$p ** $m}]
+ set pnmm [expr {$p ** ($n-$m)}]
+ set pn [expr {$pm * $pnmm}]
+ set qm [expr {$q ** $m}]
+ set qnmm [expr {$q ** ($n-$m)}]
+ set qn [expr {$qm * $qnmm}]
+ set t0 \
+ [list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$m * $qn}] [expr {$n*$pnmm*$qm}]] \
+ [list 0 [expr {($n-$m) * $qn}]]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {2 * $n * $pn}] 0] \
+ [list [expr {2 * ($n-$m) * $pm * $qnmm}] 0]]]
+ set t1 \
+ [list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$n * $qn}] [expr {2*$n * $pnmm*$qm}]] \
+ [list 0 [expr {$n * $qn}]]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {4 * $n * $pn}] 0] \
+ [list [expr {2 * $n * $pm * $qnmm}] 0]]]
+ set tinit \
+ [list \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$m * $qn}] 0] \
+ [list 0 0]] \
+ [list \
+ [list [expr {$n * $pn}] [expr {$n * $pnmm * $qm}]] \
+ [list \
+ [expr {($n-$m) * $pm * $qnmm}] \
+ [expr {($n-$m) * $qn}]]]]
+ $y ref
+ set result [$y applyTLeft $tinit [my new $t0 $t1 $y]]
+ $y unref
+ return $result
+ }
+ # Constructor --
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # t0 - Tensor from the previous iteration
+ # delta - Increment to use
+ # y - Residual
+ #
+ # The constructor should not be called directly. Instead, the 'start'
+ # method should be called to initialize the iteration
+ constructor {t0 delta y} {
+ set t [math::exact::tadd $t0 $delta]
+ next $t 0
+ set l_ [$y ref]
+ set delta_ $delta
+ }
+ # l --
+ #
+ # Returns the left subexpression: that is, the 'y' parameter
+ method l {} {
+ return $l_
+ }
+ # r --
+ #
+ # Returns the right subexpression: that is, the next continuant,
+ # creating it if necessary
+ method r {} {
+ if {![info exists r_]} {
+ set r_ [[math::exact::PowWorker new $t_ $delta_ $l_] ref]
+ }
+ return $r_
+ }
+ method dump {} {
+ set res "PowWorker($t_,$delta_,[$l_ dump],"
+ if {[info exists r_]} {
+ append res [$r_ dump]
+ } else {
+ append res ...
+ }
+ append res ")"
+ return $res
+ }
+# math::exact::real**int --
+# Service procedure to raise a real number to an integer power.
+# Parameters:
+# b - Number to exponentiate
+# e - Power to raise b to.
+# Results:
+# Returns the power.
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its arguments and a
+# Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::real**int {b e} {
+ # Handle a negative power by raising the reciprocal of the base to
+ # a positive power
+ if {$e < 0} {
+ set e [expr {-$e}]
+ set b [K [[$b ref] applyM {{0 1} {1 0}}] [$b unref]]
+ }
+ # Reduce using square-and-add
+ $b ref
+ set result [V new {1 1}]
+ while {$e != 0} {
+ if {$e & 1} {
+ set result [$b * $result]
+ set e [expr {$e & ~1}]
+ }
+ if {$e == 0} break
+ set b [K [[$b * $b] ref] [$b unref]]
+ set e [expr {$e>>1}]
+ }
+ $b unref
+ return $result
+# math::exact::real**rat --
+# Service procedure to raise a real number to a rational power.
+# Parameters -
+# b - The base to be exponentiated
+# m - The numerator of the power
+# n - The denominator of the power
+# Preconditions:
+# n > 0
+# Results:
+# Returns the power.
+# This procedure is a Consumer with respect to its arguments and a
+# Constructor with respect to its result, returning a zero-ref object.
+proc math::exact::real**rat {b m n} {
+ variable isneg
+ variable ispos
+ # At this point we need to know the sign of b. Try to determine it.
+ # (This can be an infinite loop if b is zero or infinite)
+ while {1} {
+ if {[$b refinesM $ispos]} {
+ break
+ } elseif {[$b refinesM $isneg]} {
+ # negative number to rational power. The denominator must be
+ # odd.
+ if {$n % 2 == 0} {
+ return -code error -errorCode {MATH EXACT NEGATIVEPOWREAL} \
+ "negative number to real power"
+ } else {
+ set b [K [[$b ref] U-] [$b unref]]
+ tailcall [math::exact::real**rat $b $m $n] U-
+ }
+ } else {
+ # can't determine positive or negative yet
+ $b ref
+ set nextb [$b absorb]
+ set result [math::exact::real**rat $nextb $m $n]
+ $b unref
+ return $result
+ }
+ }
+ # Handle b(-m/n) by taking (1/b)(m/n)
+ if {$m < 0} {
+ set m [expr {-$m}]
+ set b [K [[$b ref] applyM {{0 1} {1 0}}] [$b unref]]
+ }
+ # Break m/n apart into integer and fractional parts
+ set i [expr {$m / $n}]
+ set m [expr {$m % $n}]
+ # Do the integer part
+ $b ref
+ set result [real**int $b $i]
+ if {$m == 0} {
+ # We really shouldn't get here if m/n is an integer, but don't choke
+ $b unref
+ return $result
+ }
+ # Come up with a rational approximation for b**(1/n)
+ # real: exp(log(b)/n)
+ set approx [[math::exact::function::exp \
+ [[math::exact::function::log $b] \
+ * [math::exact::V new [list 1 $n]]]] ref]
+ lassign [$approx getSignAndMagnitude] partial rest
+ $rest ref
+ $approx unref
+ while {1} {
+ lassign [$rest getLeadingDigitAndRest 0] digit y
+ $y ref
+ $rest unref
+ set partial [math::exact::mscale [math::exact::mdotm $partial $digit]]
+ set rest $y
+ lassign $partial pq rs
+ lassign $pq p q
+ lassign $rs r s
+ set qrn [expr {($q*$r)**$n}]
+ set t1 [expr {$qrn}]
+ set t2 [expr {2 * ($p*$s)**$n}]
+ set t3 [expr {4 * $qrn}]
+ if {$t1 < $t2 && $t2 < $t3} break
+ }
+ $y unref
+ # Get the residual
+ lassign [math::exact::vscale [list $r $s]] p q
+ set xn [math::exact::V new [list [expr {$p**$n}] [expr {$q**$n}]]]
+ set y [$b - $xn]; $b unref
+ # Launch a worker process to perform quasi-Newton iteration to refine
+ # the result
+ set retval [$result * [math::exact::PowWorker start $p $q $y $m $n]]
+ return $retval
+# pi --
+# Returns pi as an exact real
+proc math::exact::function::pi {} {
+ variable ::math::exact::pi
+ return $pi
+# e --
+# Returns e as an exact real
+proc math::exact::function::e {} {
+ variable ::math::exact::e
+ return $e
+# math::exact::signum1 --
+# Tests an argument's sign.
+# Parameters:
+# x - Exact real number to test.
+# Results:
+# Returns -1 if x < -1. Returns 1 if x > 1. May return -1, 0 or 1 if
+# -1 <= x <= 1.
+# Equality of exact reals is not decidable, so a weaker version of comparison
+# testing is needed. This function provides the guts of such a thing. It
+# returns an approximation to the signum function that is exact for
+# |x| > 1, and arbitrary for |x| < 1.
+# A typical use would be to replace a test p < q with a test that
+# looks like signum1((p-q) / epsilon) == -1. This test is decidable,
+# and becomes a test that is true if p < q - epsilon, false if p > q+epsilon,
+# and indeterminate if p lies within epsilon of q. This test is enough for
+# most checks for convergence or for selecting a branch of a function.
+# This function is not decidable if it is not decidable whether x is finite.
+proc math::exact::signum1 {x} {
+ variable ispos
+ variable isneg
+ variable iszer
+ while {1} {
+ if {[$x refinesM $ispos]} {
+ return 1
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM $isneg]} {
+ return -1
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM $iszer]} {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ set x [$x absorb]
+ }
+ }
+# math::exact::abs1 -
+# Test whether an exact real is 'small' in absolute value.
+# Parameters:
+# x - Exact real number to test
+# Results:
+# Returns 0 if |x| is 'close to zero', 1 if |x| is 'far from zero'
+# and either 0, or 1 if |x| is close to 1.
+# This function is another useful comparator for convergence testing.
+# It returns a three-way indication:
+# |x| < 1/2 : 0
+# |x| > 1 : 1
+# 1/2 <= |x| <= 2 : May return -1, 0, 1
+# This function is useful for convergence testing, where it is desired
+# to know whether a given value has an absolute value less than a given
+# tolerance.
+proc math::exact::abs1 {x} {
+ variable iszer
+ while 1 {
+ if {[$x refinesM $iszer]} {
+ return 0
+ } elseif {[$x refinesM {{2 1} {-2 1}}]} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ set x [$x absorb]
+ }
+ }
+namespace eval math::exact {
+ # Constant vectors, matrices and tensors
+ ; # the identity matrix
+ variable identity {{ 1 0} { 0 1}}
+ ; # sign matrices for exact floating point
+ variable spos $identity
+ variable sinf {{ 1 -1} { 1 1}}
+ variable sneg {{ 0 1} {-1 0}}
+ variable szer {{ 1 1} {-1 1}}
+ ; # inverses of the sign matrices
+ variable ispos [reverse $spos]
+ variable isinf [reverse $sinf]
+ variable isneg [reverse $sneg]
+ variable iszer [reverse $szer]
+ ; # digit matrices for exact floating point
+ variable dneg {{ 1 1} { 0 2}}
+ variable dzer {{ 3 1} { 1 3}}
+ variable dpos {{ 2 0} { 1 1}}
+ ; # inverses of the digit matrices
+ variable idneg [reverse $dneg]
+ variable idzer [reverse $dzer]
+ variable idpos [reverse $dpos]
+ ; # aritmetic operators as tensors
+ variable tadd {{{ 0 0} { 1 0}} {{ 1 0} { 0 1}}}
+ variable tsub {{{ 0 0} { 1 0}} {{-1 0} { 0 1}}}
+ variable tmul {{{ 1 0} { 0 0}} {{ 0 0} { 0 1}}}
+ variable tdiv {{{ 0 0} { 1 0}} {{ 0 1} { 0 0}}}
+ proc init {} {
+ # Variables for fundamental constants e, pi, log2
+ variable e [[EWorker new] ref]
+ set worker \
+ [[math::exact::Mstrict new {{6795705 213440} {6795704 213440}} \
+ [math::exact::PiWorker new]] ref]
+ variable pi [[/real [function::sqrt [V new {10005 1}]] $worker] ref]
+ $worker unref
+ set worker [[Log2Worker new] ref]
+ variable log2 [[$worker applyM {{1 1} {1 2}}] ref]
+ $worker unref
+ }
+ init
+ rename init {}
+ namespace export exactexpr abs1 signum1
+package provide math::exact 1.0