path: root/tcllib/modules/math/stat_kernel.tcl
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diff --git a/tcllib/modules/math/stat_kernel.tcl b/tcllib/modules/math/stat_kernel.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d1f219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/math/stat_kernel.tcl
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+# stat_kernel.tcl --
+# Part of the statistics package for basic statistical analysis
+# Based on and
+# version 0.1: initial implementation, january 2014
+# kernel-density --
+# Estimate the probability density using the kernel density
+# estimation method
+# Arguments:
+# data List of univariate data
+# args List of options in the form of keyword-value pairs:
+# -weights weights: per data point the weight
+# -bandwidth value: bandwidth to be used for the estimation
+# -number value: number of bins to be returned
+# -interval {begin end}: begin and end of the interval for
+# which the density is returned
+# -kernel function: kernel to be used (gaussian, cosine,
+# epanechnikov, uniform, triangular, biweight,
+# logistic)
+# For all options more or less sensible defaults are
+# provided.
+# Result:
+# A list of the bin centres, a list of the corresponding density
+# estimates and a list containing several computational parameters:
+# begin and end of the interval, mean, standard deviation and bandwidth
+# Note:
+# The conditions for the kernel function are fairly weak:
+# - It should integrate to 1
+# - It should be symmetric around 0
+# As for the implementation in Tcl: it should be reachable in the
+# ::math::statistics namespace. As a consequence, you can define
+# your own kernel function too. Hence there is no check.
+proc ::math::statistics::kernel-density {data args} {
+ #
+ # Determine the basic statistics
+ #
+ set basicStats [BasicStats all $data]
+ set mean [lindex $basicStats 0]
+ set ndata [lindex $basicStats 3]
+ set stdev [lindex $basicStats 4]
+ if { $ndata < 1 } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "Too few actual data"
+ }
+ #
+ # Get the options (providing defaults as needed)
+ #
+ set opt(-weights) {}
+ set opt(-number) 100
+ set opt(-kernel) gaussian
+ #
+ # The default bandwidth is set via a simple expression, which
+ # is supposed to be optimal for the Gaussian kernel.
+ # Perhaps a more sophisticated method should be provided as well
+ #
+ set opt(-bandwidth) [expr {1.06 * $stdev / pow($ndata,0.2)}]
+ #
+ # The default interval is derived from the mean and the
+ # standard deviation
+ #
+ set opt(-interval) [list [expr {$mean - 3.0 * $stdev}] [expr {$mean + 3.0 * $stdev}]]
+ #
+ # Retrieve the given options from $args
+ #
+ if { [llength $args] % 2 != 0 } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "The options must all have a value"
+ }
+ array set opt $args
+ #
+ # Elementary checks
+ #
+ if { $opt(-bandwidth) <= 0.0 } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "The bandwidth must be positive: $opt(-bandwidth)"
+ }
+ if { $opt(-number) <= 0.0 } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "The number of bins must be positive: $opt(-number)"
+ }
+ if { [lindex $opt(-interval) 0] == [lindex $opt(-interval) 1] } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "The interval has length zero: $opt(-interval)"
+ }
+ if { [llength [info proc $opt(-kernel)]] == 0 } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "Unknown kernel function: $opt(-kernel)"
+ }
+ #
+ # Construct the weights
+ #
+ if { [llength $opt(-weights)] > 0 } {
+ if { [llength $data] != [llength $opt(-weights)] } {
+ return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "The list of weights must match the data"
+ }
+ set sum 0.0
+ foreach d $data w $opt(-weights) {
+ if { $d != {} } {
+ set sum [expr {$sum + $w}]
+ }
+ }
+ set scale [expr {1.0/$sum/$ndata}]
+ set weight {}
+ foreach w $opt(-weights) {
+ if { $d != {} } {
+ lappend weight [expr {$w / $scale}]
+ } else {
+ lappend weight {}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set weight [lrepeat [llength $data] [expr {1.0/$ndata}]] ;# Note: missing values have weight zero
+ }
+ #
+ # Construct the centres of the bins
+ #
+ set xbegin [lindex $opt(-interval) 0]
+ set xend [lindex $opt(-interval) 1]
+ set dx [expr {($xend - $xbegin) / double($opt(-number))}]
+ set xb [expr {$xbegin + 0.5 * $dx}]
+ set xvalue {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(-number)} {incr i} {
+ lappend xvalue [expr {$xb + $i * $dx}]
+ }
+ #
+ # Construct the density function
+ #
+ set density {}
+ set scale [expr {1.0/$opt(-bandwidth)}]
+ foreach x $xvalue {
+ set sum 0.0
+ foreach d $data w $weight {
+ if { $d != {} } {
+ set kvalue [$opt(-kernel) [expr {$scale * ($x-$d)}]]
+ set sum [expr {$sum + $w * $kvalue}]
+ }
+ }
+ lappend density [expr {$sum * $scale}]
+ }
+ #
+ # Return the result
+ #
+ return [list $xvalue $density [list $xbegin $xend $mean $stdev $opt(-bandwidth)]]
+# gaussian, uniform, triangular, epanechnikov, biweight, cosine, logistic --
+# The Gaussian kernel
+# Arguments:
+# x (Scaled) argument
+# Result:
+# Value of the kernel
+# Note:
+# The standard deviation is 1.
+proc ::math::statistics::gaussian {x} {
+ return [expr {exp(-0.5*$x*$x) / sqrt(2.0*acos(-1.0))}]
+proc ::math::statistics::uniform {x} {
+ if { abs($x) <= 1.0 } {
+ return 0.5
+ } else {
+ return 0.0
+ }
+proc ::math::statistics::triangular {x} {
+ if { abs($x) < 1.0 } {
+ return [expr {1.0 - abs($x)}]
+ } else {
+ return 0.0
+ }
+proc ::math::statistics::epanechnikov {x} {
+ if { abs($x) < 1.0 } {
+ return [expr {0.75 * (1.0 - abs($x)*abs($x))}]
+ } else {
+ return 0.0
+ }
+proc ::math::statistics::biweight {x} {
+ if { abs($x) < 1.0 } {
+ return [expr {0.9375 * pow((1.0 - abs($x)*abs($x)),2)}]
+ } else {
+ return 0.0
+ }
+proc ::math::statistics::cosine {x} {
+ if { abs($x) < 1.0 } {
+ return [expr {0.25 * acos(-1.0) * cos(0.5 * acos(-1.0) * $x)}]
+ } else {
+ return 0.0
+ }
+proc ::math::statistics::logistic {x} {
+ return [expr {1.0 / (exp($x) + 2.0 + exp(-$x))}]