path: root/tcllib/modules/mime/smtp.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/mime/smtp.tcl')
1 files changed, 1508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/mime/smtp.tcl b/tcllib/modules/mime/smtp.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e160e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/mime/smtp.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1508 @@
+# smtp.tcl - SMTP client
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Marshall T. Rose
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Pat Thoyts
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+package require Tcl 8.3
+package require mime 1.4.1
+catch {
+ package require SASL 1.0; # tcllib 1.8
+ package require SASL::NTLM 1.0; # tcllib 1.8
+# state variables:
+# sd: socket to server
+# afterID: afterID associated with ::smtp::timer
+# options: array of user-supplied options
+# readable: semaphore for vwait
+# addrs: number of recipients negotiated
+# error: error during read
+# line: response read from server
+# crP: just put a \r in the data
+# nlP: just put a \n in the data
+# size: number of octets sent in DATA
+namespace eval ::smtp {
+ variable trf 1
+ variable smtp
+ array set smtp { uid 0 }
+ namespace export sendmessage
+if {[catch {package require Trf 2.0}]} {
+ # Trf is not available, but we can live without it as long as the
+ # transform and unstack procs are defined.
+ # Warning!
+ # This is a fragile emulation of the more general calling sequence
+ # that appears to work with this code here.
+ proc transform {args} {
+ upvar state mystate
+ set mystate(size) 1
+ }
+ proc unstack {channel} {
+ # do nothing
+ return
+ }
+ set ::smtp::trf 0
+# ::smtp::sendmessage --
+# Sends a mime object (containing a message) to some recipients
+# Arguments:
+# part The MIME object containing the message to send
+# args A list of arguments specifying various options for sending the
+# message:
+# -atleastone A boolean specifying whether or not to send the
+# message at all if any of the recipients are
+# invalid. A value of false (as defined by
+# ::smtp::boolean) means that ALL recipients must be
+# valid in order to send the message. A value of
+# true means that as long as at least one recipient
+# is valid, the message will be sent.
+# -debug A boolean specifying whether or not debugging is
+# on. If debugging is enabled, status messages are
+# printed to stderr while trying to send mail.
+# -queue A boolean specifying whether or not the message
+# being sent should be queued for later delivery.
+# -header A single RFC 822 header key and value (as a list),
+# used to specify to whom to send the message
+# (To, Cc, Bcc), the "From", etc.
+# -originator The originator of the message (equivalent to
+# specifying a From header).
+# -recipients A string containing recipient e-mail addresses.
+# NOTE: This option overrides any recipient addresses
+# specified with -header.
+# -servers A list of mail servers that could process the
+# request.
+# -ports A list of SMTP ports to use for each SMTP server
+# specified
+# -client The string to use as our host name for EHLO or HELO
+# This defaults to 'localhost' or [info hostname]
+# -maxsecs Maximum number of seconds to allow the SMTP server
+# to accept the message. If not specified, the default
+# is 120 seconds.
+# -usetls A boolean flag. If the server supports it and we
+# have the package, use TLS to secure the connection.
+# -tlspolicy A command to call if the TLS negotiation fails for
+# some reason. Return 'insecure' to continue with
+# normal SMTP or 'secure' to close the connection and
+# try another server.
+# -username These are needed if your SMTP server requires
+# -password authentication.
+# Results:
+# Message is sent. On success, return "". On failure, throw an
+# exception with an error code and error message.
+proc ::smtp::sendmessage {part args} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ # Here are the meanings of the following boolean variables:
+ # aloP -- value of -atleastone option above.
+ # debugP -- value of -debug option above.
+ # origP -- 1 if -originator option was specified, 0 otherwise.
+ # queueP -- value of -queue option above.
+ set aloP 0
+ set debugP 0
+ set origP 0
+ set queueP 0
+ set maxsecs 120
+ set originator ""
+ set recipients ""
+ set servers [list localhost]
+ set client "" ;# default is set after options processing
+ set ports [list 25]
+ set tlsP 1
+ set tlspolicy {}
+ set username {}
+ set password {}
+ array set header ""
+ # lowerL will contain the list of header keys (converted to lower case)
+ # specified with various -header options. mixedL is the mixed-case version
+ # of the list.
+ set lowerL ""
+ set mixedL ""
+ # Parse options (args).
+ if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}]} {
+ # Some option didn't get a value.
+ error "Each option must have a value! Invalid option list: $args"
+ }
+ foreach {option value} $args {
+ switch -- $option {
+ -atleastone {set aloP [boolean $value]}
+ -debug {set debugP [boolean $value]}
+ -queue {set queueP [boolean $value]}
+ -usetls {set tlsP [boolean $value]}
+ -tlspolicy {set tlspolicy $value}
+ -maxsecs {set maxsecs [expr {$value < 0 ? 0 : $value}]}
+ -header {
+ if {[llength $value] != 2} {
+ error "-header expects a key and a value, not $value"
+ }
+ set mixed [lindex $value 0]
+ set lower [string tolower $mixed]
+ set disallowedHdrList \
+ [list content-type \
+ content-transfer-encoding \
+ content-md5 \
+ mime-version]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $disallowedHdrList $lower] > -1} {
+ error "Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding,\
+ Content-MD5, and MIME-Version cannot be user-specified."
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $lowerL $lower] < 0} {
+ lappend lowerL $lower
+ lappend mixedL $mixed
+ }
+ lappend header($lower) [lindex $value 1]
+ }
+ -originator {
+ set originator $value
+ if {$originator == ""} {
+ set origP 1
+ }
+ }
+ -recipients {
+ set recipients $value
+ }
+ -servers {
+ set servers $value
+ }
+ -client {
+ set client $value
+ }
+ -ports {
+ set ports $value
+ }
+ -username { set username $value }
+ -password { set password $value }
+ default {
+ error "unknown option $option"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -glob $lowerL resent-*] >= 0} {
+ set prefixL resent-
+ set prefixM Resent-
+ } else {
+ set prefixL ""
+ set prefixM ""
+ }
+ # Set a bunch of variables whose value will be the real header to be used
+ # in the outbound message (with proper case and prefix).
+ foreach mixed {From Sender To cc Dcc Bcc Date Message-ID} {
+ set lower [string tolower $mixed]
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ set ${lower}L $prefixL$lower
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ set ${lower}M $prefixM$mixed
+ }
+ if {$origP} {
+ # -originator was specified with "", so SMTP sender should be marked "".
+ set sender ""
+ } else {
+ # -originator was specified with a value, OR -originator wasn't
+ # specified at all.
+ # If no -originator was provided, get the originator from the "From"
+ # header. If there was no "From" header get it from the username
+ # executing the script.
+ set who "-originator"
+ if {$originator == ""} {
+ if {![info exists header($fromL)]} {
+ set originator $::tcl_platform(user)
+ } else {
+ set originator [join $header($fromL) ,]
+ # Indicate that we're using the From header for the originator.
+ set who $fromM
+ }
+ }
+ # If there's no "From" header, create a From header with the value
+ # of -originator as the value.
+ if {[lsearch -exact $lowerL $fromL] < 0} {
+ lappend lowerL $fromL
+ lappend mixedL $fromM
+ lappend header($fromL) $originator
+ }
+ # ::mime::parseaddress returns a list whose elements are huge key-value
+ # lists with info about the addresses. In this case, we only want one
+ # originator, so we want the length of the main list to be 1.
+ set addrs [::mime::parseaddress $originator]
+ if {[llength $addrs] > 1} {
+ error "too many mailboxes in $who: $originator"
+ }
+ array set aprops {error "invalid address \"$from\""}
+ array set aprops [lindex $addrs 0]
+ if {$aprops(error) != ""} {
+ error "error in $who: $aprops(error)"
+ }
+ # sender = validated originator or the value of the From header.
+ set sender $aprops(address)
+ # If no Sender header has been specified and From is different from
+ # originator, then set the sender header to the From. Otherwise, don't
+ # specify a Sender header.
+ set from [join $header($fromL) ,]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $lowerL $senderL] < 0 && \
+ [string compare $originator $from]} {
+ if {[info exists aprops]} {
+ unset aprops
+ }
+ array set aprops {error "invalid address \"$from\""}
+ array set aprops [lindex [::mime::parseaddress $from] 0]
+ if {$aprops(error) != ""} {
+ error "error in $fromM: $aprops(error)"
+ }
+ if {[string compare $aprops(address) $sender]} {
+ lappend lowerL $senderL
+ lappend mixedL $senderM
+ lappend header($senderL) $aprops(address)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # We're done parsing the arguments.
+ if {$recipients != ""} {
+ set who -recipients
+ } elseif {![info exists header($toL)]} {
+ error "need -header \"$toM ...\""
+ } else {
+ set recipients [join $header($toL) ,]
+ # Add Cc values to recipients list
+ set who $toM
+ if {[info exists header($ccL)]} {
+ append recipients ,[join $header($ccL) ,]
+ append who /$ccM
+ }
+ set dccInd [lsearch -exact $lowerL $dccL]
+ if {$dccInd >= 0} {
+ # Add Dcc values to recipients list, and get rid of Dcc header
+ # since we don't want to output that.
+ append recipients ,[join $header($dccL) ,]
+ append who /$dccM
+ unset header($dccL)
+ set lowerL [lreplace $lowerL $dccInd $dccInd]
+ set mixedL [lreplace $mixedL $dccInd $dccInd]
+ }
+ }
+ set brecipients ""
+ set bccInd [lsearch -exact $lowerL $bccL]
+ if {$bccInd >= 0} {
+ set bccP 1
+ # Build valid bcc list and remove bcc element of header array (so that
+ # bcc info won't be sent with mail).
+ foreach addr [::mime::parseaddress [join $header($bccL) ,]] {
+ if {[info exists aprops]} {
+ unset aprops
+ }
+ array set aprops {error "invalid address \"$from\""}
+ array set aprops $addr
+ if {$aprops(error) != ""} {
+ error "error in $bccM: $aprops(error)"
+ }
+ lappend brecipients $aprops(address)
+ }
+ unset header($bccL)
+ set lowerL [lreplace $lowerL $bccInd $bccInd]
+ set mixedL [lreplace $mixedL $bccInd $bccInd]
+ } else {
+ set bccP 0
+ }
+ # If there are no To headers, add "" to bcc list. WHY??
+ if {[lsearch -exact $lowerL $toL] < 0} {
+ lappend lowerL $bccL
+ lappend mixedL $bccM
+ lappend header($bccL) ""
+ }
+ # Construct valid recipients list from recipients list.
+ set vrecipients ""
+ foreach addr [::mime::parseaddress $recipients] {
+ if {[info exists aprops]} {
+ unset aprops
+ }
+ array set aprops {error "invalid address \"$from\""}
+ array set aprops $addr
+ if {$aprops(error) != ""} {
+ error "error in $who: $aprops(error)"
+ }
+ lappend vrecipients $aprops(address)
+ }
+ # If there's no date header, get the date from the mime message. Same for
+ # the message-id.
+ if {([lsearch -exact $lowerL $dateL] < 0) \
+ && ([catch { ::mime::getheader $part $dateL }])} {
+ lappend lowerL $dateL
+ lappend mixedL $dateM
+ lappend header($dateL) [::mime::parsedatetime -now proper]
+ }
+ if {([lsearch -exact $lowerL ${message-idL}] < 0) \
+ && ([catch { ::mime::getheader $part ${message-idL} }])} {
+ lappend lowerL ${message-idL}
+ lappend mixedL ${message-idM}
+ lappend header(${message-idL}) [::mime::uniqueID]
+ }
+ # Get all the headers from the MIME object and save them so that they can
+ # later be restored.
+ set savedH [::mime::getheader $part]
+ # Take all the headers defined earlier and add them to the MIME message.
+ foreach lower $lowerL mixed $mixedL {
+ foreach value $header($lower) {
+ ::mime::setheader $part $mixed $value -mode append
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string length $client] < 1} {
+ if {![string compare $servers localhost]} {
+ set client localhost
+ } else {
+ set client [info hostname]
+ }
+ }
+ # Create smtp token, which essentially means begin talking to the SMTP
+ # server.
+ set token [initialize -debug $debugP -client $client \
+ -maxsecs $maxsecs -usetls $tlsP \
+ -multiple $bccP -queue $queueP \
+ -servers $servers -ports $ports \
+ -tlspolicy $tlspolicy \
+ -username $username -password $password]
+ if {![string match "::smtp::*" $token]} {
+ # An error occurred and $token contains the error info
+ array set respArr $token
+ return -code error $respArr(diagnostic)
+ }
+ set code [catch { sendmessageaux $token $part \
+ $sender $vrecipients $aloP } \
+ result]
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ # Send the message to bcc recipients as a MIME attachment.
+ if {($code == 0) && ($bccP)} {
+ set inner [::mime::initialize -canonical message/rfc822 \
+ -header [list Content-Description \
+ "Original Message"] \
+ -parts [list $part]]
+ set subject "\[$bccM\]"
+ if {[info exists header(subject)]} {
+ append subject " " [lindex $header(subject) 0]
+ }
+ set outer [::mime::initialize \
+ -canonical multipart/digest \
+ -header [list From $originator] \
+ -header [list Bcc ""] \
+ -header [list Date \
+ [::mime::parsedatetime -now proper]] \
+ -header [list Subject $subject] \
+ -header [list Message-ID [::mime::uniqueID]] \
+ -header [list Content-Description \
+ "Blind Carbon Copy"] \
+ -parts [list $inner]]
+ set code [catch { sendmessageaux $token $outer \
+ $sender $brecipients \
+ $aloP } result2]
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ if {$code == 0} {
+ set result [concat $result $result2]
+ } else {
+ set result $result2
+ }
+ catch { ::mime::finalize $inner -subordinates none }
+ catch { ::mime::finalize $outer -subordinates none }
+ }
+ # Determine if there was any error in prior operations and set errorcodes
+ # and error messages appropriately.
+ switch -- $code {
+ 0 {
+ set status orderly
+ }
+ 7 {
+ set code 1
+ array set response $result
+ set result "$response(code): $response(diagnostic)"
+ set status abort
+ }
+ default {
+ set status abort
+ }
+ }
+ # Destroy SMTP token 'cause we're done with it.
+ catch { finalize $token -close $status }
+ # Restore provided MIME object to original state (without the SMTP headers).
+ foreach key [::mime::getheader $part -names] {
+ mime::setheader $part $key "" -mode delete
+ }
+ foreach {key values} $savedH {
+ foreach value $values {
+ ::mime::setheader $part $key $value -mode append
+ }
+ }
+ return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result
+# ::smtp::sendmessageaux --
+# Sends a mime object (containing a message) to some recipients using an
+# existing SMTP token.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# part The MIME object containing the message to send.
+# originator The e-mail address of the entity sending the message,
+# usually the From clause.
+# recipients List of e-mail addresses to whom message will be sent.
+# aloP Boolean "atleastone" setting; see the -atleastone option
+# in ::smtp::sendmessage for details.
+# Results:
+# Message is sent. On success, return "". On failure, throw an
+# exception with an error code and error message.
+proc ::smtp::sendmessageaux {token part originator recipients aloP} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ winit $token $part $originator
+ set goodP 0
+ set badP 0
+ set oops ""
+ foreach recipient $recipients {
+ set code [catch { waddr $token $recipient } result]
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ switch -- $code {
+ 0 {
+ incr goodP
+ }
+ 7 {
+ incr badP
+ array set response $result
+ lappend oops [list $recipient $response(code) \
+ $response(diagnostic)]
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {($goodP) && ((!$badP) || ($aloP))} {
+ wtext $token $part
+ } else {
+ catch { talk $token 300 RSET }
+ }
+ return $oops
+# ::smtp::initialize --
+# Create an SMTP token and open a connection to the SMTP server.
+# Arguments:
+# args A list of arguments specifying various options for sending the
+# message:
+# -debug A boolean specifying whether or not debugging is
+# on. If debugging is enabled, status messages are
+# printed to stderr while trying to send mail.
+# -client Either localhost or the name of the local host.
+# -multiple Multiple messages will be sent using this token.
+# -queue A boolean specifying whether or not the message
+# being sent should be queued for later delivery.
+# -servers A list of mail servers that could process the
+# request.
+# -ports A list of ports on mail servers that could process
+# the request (one port per server-- defaults to 25).
+# -usetls A boolean to indicate we will use TLS if possible.
+# -tlspolicy Command called if TLS setup fails.
+# -username These provide the authentication information
+# -password to be used if needed by the SMTP server.
+# Results:
+# On success, return an smtp token. On failure, throw
+# an exception with an error code and error message.
+proc ::smtp::initialize {args} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ variable smtp
+ set token [namespace current]::[incr smtp(uid)]
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set state [list afterID "" options "" readable 0]
+ array set options [list -debug 0 -client localhost -multiple 1 \
+ -maxsecs 120 -queue 0 -servers localhost \
+ -ports 25 -usetls 1 -tlspolicy {} \
+ -username {} -password {}]
+ array set options $args
+ set state(options) [array get options]
+ # Iterate through servers until one accepts a connection (and responds
+ # nicely).
+ set index 0
+ foreach server $options(-servers) {
+ set state(readable) 0
+ if {[llength $options(-ports)] >= $index} {
+ set port [lindex $options(-ports) $index]
+ } else {
+ set port 25
+ }
+ if {$options(-debug)} {
+ puts stderr "Trying $server..."
+ flush stderr
+ }
+ if {[info exists state(sd)]} {
+ unset state(sd)
+ }
+ if {[set code [catch {
+ set state(sd) [socket -async $server $port]
+ fconfigure $state(sd) -blocking off -translation binary
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable [list ::smtp::readable $token]
+ } result]]} {
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ catch { close $state(sd) }
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[set code [catch { hear $token 600 } result]]} {
+ array set response [list code 400 diagnostic $result]
+ } else {
+ array set response $result
+ }
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ switch -- $response(code) {
+ 220 {
+ }
+ 421 - default {
+ # 421 - Temporary problem on server
+ catch {close $state(sd)}
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ set r [initialize_ehlo $token]
+ if {$r != {}} {
+ return $r
+ }
+ incr index
+ }
+ # None of the servers accepted our connection, so close everything up and
+ # return an error.
+ finalize $token -close drop
+ return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result
+# If we cannot load the tls package, ignore the error
+proc ::smtp::load_tls {} {
+ set r [catch {package require tls}]
+ if {$r} {set ::errorInfo ""}
+ return $r
+proc ::smtp::initialize_ehlo {token} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ upvar einfo einfo
+ upvar ecode ecode
+ upvar code code
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set options $state(options)
+ # Try enhanced SMTP first.
+ if {[set code [catch {smtp::talk $token 300 "EHLO $options(-client)"} \
+ result]]} {
+ array set response [list code 400 diagnostic $result args ""]
+ } else {
+ array set response $result
+ }
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ if {(500 <= $response(code)) && ($response(code) <= 599)} {
+ if {[set code [catch { talk $token 300 \
+ "HELO $options(-client)" } \
+ result]]} {
+ array set response [list code 400 diagnostic $result args ""]
+ } else {
+ array set response $result
+ }
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ }
+ if {$response(code) == 250} {
+ # Successful response to HELO or EHLO command, so set up queuing
+ # and whatnot and return the token.
+ set state(esmtp) $response(args)
+ if {(!$options(-multiple)) \
+ && ([lsearch $response(args) ONEX] >= 0)} {
+ catch {smtp::talk $token 300 ONEX}
+ }
+ if {($options(-queue)) \
+ && ([lsearch $response(args) XQUE] >= 0)} {
+ catch {smtp::talk $token 300 QUED}
+ }
+ # Support STARTTLS extension.
+ # The state(tls) item is used to see if we have already tried this.
+ if {($options(-usetls)) && ![info exists state(tls)] \
+ && (([lsearch $response(args) STARTTLS] >= 0)
+ || ([lsearch $response(args) TLS] >= 0))} {
+ if {![load_tls]} {
+ set state(tls) 0
+ if {![catch {smtp::talk $token 300 STARTTLS} resp]} {
+ array set starttls $resp
+ if {$starttls(code) == 220} {
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable {}
+ catch {
+ ::tls::import $state(sd)
+ catch {::tls::handshake $state(sd)} msg
+ set state(tls) 1
+ }
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable \
+ [list ::smtp::readable $token]
+ return [initialize_ehlo $token]
+ } else {
+ # Call a TLS client policy proc here
+ # returns secure close and try another server.
+ # returns insecure continue on current socket
+ set policy insecure
+ if {$options(-tlspolicy) != {}} {
+ catch {
+ eval $options(-tlspolicy) \
+ [list $starttls(code)] \
+ [list $starttls(diagnostic)]
+ } policy
+ }
+ if {$policy != "insecure"} {
+ set code error
+ set ecode $starttls(code)
+ set einfo $starttls(diagnostic)
+ catch {close $state(sd)}
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # If we have not already tried and the server supports it and we
+ # have a username -- lets try to authenticate.
+ #
+ if {![info exists state(auth)]
+ && [llength [package provide SASL]] != 0
+ && [set andx [lsearch -glob $response(args) "AUTH*"]] >= 0
+ && [string length $options(-username)] > 0 } {
+ # May be AUTH mech or AUTH=mech
+ # We want to use the strongest mechanism that has been offered
+ # and that we support. If we cannot find a mechanism that
+ # succeeds, we will go ahead and try to carry on unauthenticated.
+ # This may still work else we'll get an unauthorised error later.
+ set mechs [string range [lindex $response(args) $andx] 5 end]
+ foreach mech [SASL::mechanisms] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $mechs $mech] == -1} { continue }
+ if {[catch {
+ Authenticate $token $mech
+ } msg]} {
+ if {$options(-debug)} {
+ puts stderr "AUTH $mech failed: $msg "
+ flush stderr
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists state(auth)] && $state(auth)} {
+ if {$state(auth) == 1} {
+ break
+ } else {
+ # After successful AUTH we are supposed to redo
+ # our connection for mechanisms that setup a new
+ # security layer -- these should set state(auth)
+ # greater than 1
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable \
+ [list ::smtp::readable $token]
+ return [initialize_ehlo $token]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $token
+ } else {
+ # Bad response; close the connection and hope the next server
+ # is happier.
+ catch {close $state(sd)}
+ }
+ return {}
+proc ::smtp::SASLCallback {token context command args} {
+ upvar #0 $token state
+ upvar #0 $context ctx
+ array set options $state(options)
+ switch -exact -- $command {
+ login { return "" }
+ username { return $options(-username) }
+ password { return $options(-password) }
+ hostname { return [info host] }
+ realm {
+ if {[string equal $ctx(mech) "NTLM"] \
+ && [info exists ::env(USERDOMAIN)]} {
+ return $::env(USERDOMAIN)
+ } else {
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code error "error: unsupported SASL information requested"
+ }
+ }
+proc ::smtp::Authenticate {token mechanism} {
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ package require base64
+ set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism $mechanism \
+ -callback [list [namespace origin SASLCallback] $token]]
+ set state(auth) 0
+ set result [smtp::talk $token 300 "AUTH $mechanism"]
+ array set response $result
+ while {$response(code) == 334} {
+ # The NTLM initial response is not base64 encoded so handle it.
+ if {[catch {base64::decode $response(diagnostic)} challenge]} {
+ set challenge $response(diagnostic)
+ }
+ SASL::step $ctx $challenge
+ set result [smtp::talk $token 300 \
+ [base64::encode -maxlen 0 [SASL::response $ctx]]]
+ array set response $result
+ }
+ if {$response(code) == 235} {
+ set state(auth) 1
+ return $result
+ } else {
+ return -code 7 $result
+ }
+# ::smtp::finalize --
+# Deletes an SMTP token by closing the connection to the SMTP server,
+# cleanup up various state.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# args Optional arguments, where the only useful option is -close,
+# whose valid values are the following:
+# orderly Normal successful completion. Close connection and
+# clear state variables.
+# abort A connection exists to the SMTP server, but it's in
+# a weird state and needs to be reset before being
+# closed. Then clear state variables.
+# drop No connection exists, so we just need to clean up
+# state variables.
+# Results:
+# SMTP connection is closed and state variables are cleared. If there's
+# an error while attempting to close the connection to the SMTP server,
+# throw an exception with the error code and error message.
+proc ::smtp::finalize {token args} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set options [list -close orderly]
+ array set options $args
+ switch -- $options(-close) {
+ orderly {
+ set code [catch { talk $token 120 QUIT } result]
+ }
+ abort {
+ set code [catch {
+ talk $token 0 RSET
+ talk $token 0 QUIT
+ } result]
+ }
+ drop {
+ set code 0
+ set result ""
+ }
+ default {
+ error "unknown value for -close $options(-close)"
+ }
+ }
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ catch { close $state(sd) }
+ if {$state(afterID) != ""} {
+ catch { after cancel $state(afterID) }
+ }
+ foreach name [array names state] {
+ unset state($name)
+ }
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ unset $token
+ return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result
+# ::smtp::winit --
+# Send originator info to SMTP server. This occurs after HELO/EHLO
+# command has completed successfully (in ::smtp::initialize). This function
+# is called by ::smtp::sendmessageaux.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# part MIME token for the message to be sent. May be used for
+# handling some SMTP extensions.
+# originator The e-mail address of the entity sending the message,
+# usually the From clause.
+# mode SMTP command specifying the mode of communication. Default
+# value is MAIL.
+# Results:
+# Originator info is sent and SMTP server's response is returned. If an
+# error occurs, throw an exception.
+proc ::smtp::winit {token part originator {mode MAIL}} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ if {[lsearch -exact [list MAIL SEND SOML SAML] $mode] < 0} {
+ error "unknown origination mode $mode"
+ }
+ set from "$mode FROM:<$originator>"
+ # RFC 1870 - SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
+ if {[info exists state(esmtp)]
+ && [lsearch -glob $state(esmtp) "SIZE*"] != -1} {
+ catch {
+ set size [string length [mime::buildmessage $part]]
+ append from " SIZE=$size"
+ }
+ }
+ array set response [set result [talk $token 600 $from]]
+ if {$response(code) == 250} {
+ set state(addrs) 0
+ return $result
+ } else {
+ return -code 7 $result
+ }
+# ::smtp::waddr --
+# Send recipient info to SMTP server. This occurs after originator info
+# is sent (in ::smtp::winit). This function is called by
+# ::smtp::sendmessageaux.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# recipient One of the recipients to whom the message should be
+# delivered.
+# Results:
+# Recipient info is sent and SMTP server's response is returned. If an
+# error occurs, throw an exception.
+proc ::smtp::waddr {token recipient} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ set result [talk $token 3600 "RCPT TO:<$recipient>"]
+ array set response $result
+ switch -- $response(code) {
+ 250 - 251 {
+ incr state(addrs)
+ return $result
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code 7 $result
+ }
+ }
+# ::smtp::wtext --
+# Send message to SMTP server. This occurs after recipient info
+# is sent (in ::smtp::winit). This function is called by
+# ::smtp::sendmessageaux.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# part The MIME object containing the message to send.
+# Results:
+# MIME message is sent and SMTP server's response is returned. If an
+# error occurs, throw an exception.
+proc ::smtp::wtext {token part} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set options $state(options)
+ set result [talk $token 300 DATA]
+ array set response $result
+ if {$response(code) != 354} {
+ return -code 7 $result
+ }
+ if {[catch { wtextaux $token $part } result]} {
+ catch { puts -nonewline $state(sd) "\r\n.\r\n" ; flush $state(sd) }
+ return -code 7 [list code 400 diagnostic $result]
+ }
+ set secs $options(-maxsecs)
+ set result [talk $token $secs .]
+ array set response $result
+ switch -- $response(code) {
+ 250 - 251 {
+ return $result
+ }
+ default {
+ return -code 7 $result
+ }
+ }
+# ::smtp::wtextaux --
+# Helper function that coordinates writing the MIME message to the socket.
+# In particular, it stacks the channel leading to the SMTP server, sets up
+# some file events, sends the message, unstacks the channel, resets the
+# file events to their original state, and returns.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# part The MIME object containing the message to send.
+# Results:
+# Message is sent. If anything goes wrong, throw an exception.
+proc ::smtp::wtextaux {token part} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ # Workaround a bug with stacking channels on top of TLS.
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ set trf [set [namespace current]::trf]
+ if {[info exists state(tls)] && $state(tls)} {
+ set trf 0
+ }
+ flush $state(sd)
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable ""
+ if {$trf} {
+ transform -attach $state(sd) -command [list ::smtp::wdata $token]
+ } else {
+ set state(size) 1
+ }
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable [list ::smtp::readable $token]
+ # If trf is not available, get the contents of the message,
+ # replace all '.'s that start their own line with '..'s, and
+ # then write the mime body out to the filehandle. Do not forget to
+ # deal with bare LF's here too (SF bug #499242).
+ if {$trf} {
+ set code [catch { ::mime::copymessage $part $state(sd) } result]
+ } else {
+ set code [catch { ::mime::buildmessage $part } result]
+ if {$code == 0} {
+ # Detect and transform bare LF's into proper CR/LF
+ # sequences.
+ while {[regsub -all -- {([^\r])\n} $result "\\1\r\n" result]} {}
+ regsub -all -- {\n\.} $result "\n.." result
+ # Fix for bug #827436 - mail data must end with CRLF.CRLF
+ if {[string compare [string index $result end] "\n"] != 0} {
+ append result "\r\n"
+ }
+ set state(size) [string length $result]
+ puts -nonewline $state(sd) $result
+ set result ""
+ }
+ }
+ set ecode $errorCode
+ set einfo $errorInfo
+ flush $state(sd)
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable ""
+ if {$trf} {
+ unstack $state(sd)
+ }
+ fileevent $state(sd) readable [list ::smtp::readable $token]
+ return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result
+# ::smtp::wdata --
+# This is the custom transform using Trf to do CR/LF translation. If Trf
+# is not installed on the system, then this function never gets called and
+# no translation occurs.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# command Trf provided command for manipulating socket data.
+# buffer Data to be converted.
+# Results:
+# buffer is translated, and state(size) is set. If Trf is not installed
+# on the system, the transform proc defined at the top of this file sets
+# state(size) to 1. state(size) is used later to determine a timeout
+# value.
+proc ::smtp::wdata {token command buffer} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ switch -- $command {
+ create/write -
+ clear/write -
+ delete/write {
+ set state(crP) 0
+ set state(nlP) 1
+ set state(size) 0
+ }
+ write {
+ set result ""
+ foreach c [split $buffer ""] {
+ switch -- $c {
+ "." {
+ if {$state(nlP)} {
+ append result .
+ }
+ set state(crP) 0
+ set state(nlP) 0
+ }
+ "\r" {
+ set state(crP) 1
+ set state(nlP) 0
+ }
+ "\n" {
+ if {!$state(crP)} {
+ append result "\r"
+ }
+ set state(crP) 0
+ set state(nlP) 1
+ }
+ default {
+ set state(crP) 0
+ set state(nlP) 0
+ }
+ }
+ append result $c
+ }
+ incr state(size) [string length $result]
+ return $result
+ }
+ flush/write {
+ set result ""
+ if {!$state(nlP)} {
+ if {!$state(crP)} {
+ append result "\r"
+ }
+ append result "\n"
+ }
+ incr state(size) [string length $result]
+ return $result
+ }
+ create/read -
+ delete/read {
+ # Bugfix for [#539952]
+ }
+ query/ratio {
+ # Indicator for unseekable channel,
+ # for versions of Trf which ask for
+ # this.
+ return {0 0}
+ }
+ query/maxRead {
+ # No limits on reading bytes from the channel below, for
+ # versions of Trf which ask for this information
+ return -1
+ }
+ default {
+ # Silently pass all unknown commands.
+ #error "Unknown command \"$command\""
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+# ::smtp::talk --
+# Sends an SMTP command to a server
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# secs Timeout after which command should be aborted.
+# command Command to send to SMTP server.
+# Results:
+# command is sent and response is returned. If anything goes wrong, throw
+# an exception.
+proc ::smtp::talk {token secs command} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set options $state(options)
+ if {$options(-debug)} {
+ puts stderr "--> $command (wait upto $secs seconds)"
+ flush stderr
+ }
+ if {[catch { puts -nonewline $state(sd) "$command\r\n"
+ flush $state(sd) } result]} {
+ return [list code 400 diagnostic $result]
+ }
+ if {$secs == 0} {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return [hear $token $secs]
+# ::smtp::hear --
+# Listens for SMTP server's response to some prior command.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# secs Timeout after which we should stop waiting for a response.
+# Results:
+# Response is returned.
+proc ::smtp::hear {token secs} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set options $state(options)
+ array set response [list args ""]
+ set firstP 1
+ while {1} {
+ if {$secs >= 0} {
+ ## SF [ 836442 ] timeout with large data
+ ## correction, aotto 031105 -
+ if {$secs > 600} {set secs 600}
+ set state(afterID) [after [expr {$secs*1000}] \
+ [list ::smtp::timer $token]]
+ }
+ if {!$state(readable)} {
+ vwait ${token}(readable)
+ }
+ # Wait until socket is readable.
+ if {$state(readable) != -1} {
+ catch { after cancel $state(afterID) }
+ set state(afterID) ""
+ }
+ if {$state(readable) < 0} {
+ array set response [list code 400 diagnostic $state(error)]
+ break
+ }
+ set state(readable) 0
+ if {$options(-debug)} {
+ puts stderr "<-- $state(line)"
+ flush stderr
+ }
+ if {[string length $state(line)] < 3} {
+ array set response \
+ [list code 500 \
+ diagnostic "response too short: $state(line)"]
+ break
+ }
+ if {$firstP} {
+ set firstP 0
+ if {[scan [string range $state(line) 0 2] %d response(code)] \
+ != 1} {
+ array set response \
+ [list code 500 \
+ diagnostic "unrecognizable code: $state(line)"]
+ break
+ }
+ set response(diagnostic) \
+ [string trim [string range $state(line) 4 end]]
+ } else {
+ lappend response(args) \
+ [string trim [string range $state(line) 4 end]]
+ }
+ # When status message line ends in -, it means the message is complete.
+ if {[string compare [string index $state(line) 3] -]} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return [array get response]
+# ::smtp::readable --
+# Reads a line of data from SMTP server when the socket is readable. This
+# is the callback of "fileevent readable".
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# Results:
+# state(line) contains the line of data and state(readable) is reset.
+# state(readable) gets the following values:
+# -3 if there's a premature eof,
+# -2 if reading from socket fails.
+# 1 if reading from socket was successful
+proc ::smtp::readable {token} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ if {[catch { array set options $state(options) }]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set state(line) ""
+ if {[catch { gets $state(sd) state(line) } result]} {
+ set state(readable) -2
+ set state(error) $result
+ } elseif {$result == -1} {
+ if {[eof $state(sd)]} {
+ set state(readable) -3
+ set state(error) "premature end-of-file from server"
+ }
+ } else {
+ # If the line ends in \r, remove the \r.
+ if {![string compare [string index $state(line) end] "\r"]} {
+ set state(line) [string range $state(line) 0 end-1]
+ }
+ set state(readable) 1
+ }
+ if {$state(readable) < 0} {
+ if {$options(-debug)} {
+ puts stderr " ... $state(error) ..."
+ flush stderr
+ }
+ catch { fileevent $state(sd) readable "" }
+ }
+# ::smtp::timer --
+# Handles timeout condition on any communication with the SMTP server.
+# Arguments:
+# token SMTP token that has an open connection to the SMTP server.
+# Results:
+# Sets state(readable) to -1 and state(error) to an error message.
+proc ::smtp::timer {token} {
+ # FRINK: nocheck
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ array set options $state(options)
+ set state(afterID) ""
+ set state(readable) -1
+ set state(error) "read from server timed out"
+ if {$options(-debug)} {
+ puts stderr " ... $state(error) ..."
+ flush stderr
+ }
+# ::smtp::boolean --
+# Helper function for unifying boolean values to 1 and 0.
+# Arguments:
+# value Some kind of value that represents true or false (i.e. 0, 1,
+# false, true, no, yes, off, on).
+# Results:
+# Return 1 if the value is true, 0 if false. If the input value is not
+# one of the above, throw an exception.
+proc ::smtp::boolean {value} {
+ switch -- [string tolower $value] {
+ 0 - false - no - off {
+ return 0
+ }
+ 1 - true - yes - on {
+ return 1
+ }
+ default {
+ error "unknown boolean value: $value"
+ }
+ }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package provide smtp 1.4.5
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Local variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End: