path: root/tcllib/modules/page/analysis_peg_realizable.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/page/analysis_peg_realizable.tcl')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/page/analysis_peg_realizable.tcl b/tcllib/modules/page/analysis_peg_realizable.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef32a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/page/analysis_peg_realizable.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# -*- tcl -*-
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+# Perform realizability analysis (x) on the PE grammar delivered by
+# the frontend. The grammar is in normalized form (reduced to
+# essentials, graph like node-x-references, expression trees).
+# (x) = See "doc_realizable.txt".
+# This package assumes to be used from within a PAGE plugin. It uses
+# the API commands listed below. These are identical across the major
+# types of PAGE plugins, allowing this package to be used in reader,
+# transform, and writer plugins. It cannot be used in a configuration
+# plugin, and this makes no sense either.
+# To ensure that our assumption is ok we require the relevant pseudo
+# package setup by the PAGE plugin management code.
+# -----------------+--
+# page_info | Reporting to the user.
+# page_warning |
+# page_error |
+# -----------------+--
+# page_log_error | Reporting of internals.
+# page_log_warning |
+# page_log_info |
+# -----------------+--
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Requisites
+# @mdgen NODEP: page::plugin
+package require page::plugin ; # S.a. pseudo-package.
+package require page::util::flow ; # Dataflow walking.
+package require page::util::peg ; # General utilities.
+package require treeql
+namespace eval ::page::analysis::peg::realizable {
+ namespace import ::page::util::peg::*
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## API
+proc ::page::analysis::peg::realizable::compute {t} {
+ # Ignore call if already done before
+ if {[$t keyexists root page::analysis::peg::realizable]} return
+ # We compute the set of realizable nonterminal symbols by doing the
+ # computation for all partial PE's in the grammar. We start at the
+ # leaves and then iteratively propagate the property as far as
+ # possible using the rules defining it, see the specification.
+ # --- --- --- --------- --------- ---------
+ # Initialize all nodes and the local arrays. Everything is not
+ # realizable, except for the terminal leafs of the tree. Their parents
+ # are scheduled to be visited as well.
+ array set realizable {} ; # Place where realizable nodes are held
+ array set unrealizable {} ; # Place where unrealizable nodes are held
+ array set nc {} ; # Per node, number of children.
+ array set uc {} ; # Per node, number of realizable children.
+ set nodeset [$t leaves]
+ set q [treeql q -tree $t]
+ $q query tree withatt op * over n {lappend nodeset $n}
+ $q query tree withatt op ? over n {lappend nodeset $n}
+ q destroy
+ foreach n [$t nodes] {
+ set unrealizable($n) .
+ set nc($n) [$t numchildren $n]
+ set uc($n) 0
+ }
+ # A node is visited if it _may_ have changed its status (to
+ # realizability).
+ page::util::flow $nodeset flow n {
+ # Realizable nodes cannot change, ignore them.
+ if {[info exists realizable($n)]} continue
+ # Determine new state of realizability, ignore a node if it is
+ # unchanged.
+ if {![Realizable $t $n nc uc realizable]} continue
+ # Reclassify changed node, it is now realizable.
+ unset unrealizable($n)
+ set realizable($n) .
+ # Schedule visits to nodes which may have been affected by
+ # this change. Update the relevant counters as well.
+ # @ root - none
+ # @ definition - users of the definition
+ # otherwise - parent of operator.
+ if {$n eq "root"} continue
+ if {[$t keyexists $n symbol]} {
+ set users [$t get $n users]
+ $flow visitl $users
+ foreach u $users {
+ incr uc($u)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ set p [$t parent $n]
+ incr uc($p)
+ $flow visit $p
+ }
+ # Set marker preventing future calls.
+ $t set root page::analysis::peg::realizable [array names realizable]
+ $t set root page::analysis::peg::unrealizable [array names unrealizable]
+ return
+proc ::page::analysis::peg::realizable::remove! {t} {
+ # Determine which parts of the grammar are realizable
+ compute $t
+ # Remove anything which is not realizable (and all their children),
+ # except for the root itself, should it be unrealizablel.
+ set unreal [$t get root page::analysis::peg::unrealizable]
+ foreach n [lsort $unreal] {
+ if {$n eq "root"} continue
+ if {[$t exists $n]} {
+ $t delete $n
+ }
+ }
+ # Notify the user of the definitions which were among the removed
+ # nodes. Keep only the still-existing definitions.
+ set res {}
+ foreach {sym def} [$t get root definitions] {
+ if {![$t exists $def]} {
+ page_warning " $sym: Nonterminal symbol is not realizable, removed."
+ } else {
+ lappend res $sym $def
+ }
+ }
+ $t set root definitions $res
+ if {![$t exists [$t get root start]]} {
+ page_warning " <Start expression>: Is not realizable, removed."
+ $t set root start {}
+ }
+ # Find and cut operator chains, very restricted. Cut only chains
+ # of x- and /-operators. The other operators have only one child
+ # by definition and are thus not chains.
+ set q [treeql q -tree $t]
+ # q query tree over n
+ foreach n [$t children -all root] {
+ if {[$t keyexists $n symbol]} continue
+ if {[llength [$t children $n]] != 1} continue
+ set op [$t get $n op]
+ if {($op ne "/") && ($op ne "x")} continue
+ $t cut $n
+ }
+ flatten $q $t
+ q destroy
+ # Clear computation results.
+ $t unset root page::analysis::peg::realizable
+ $t unset root page::analysis::peg::unrealizable
+ updateUndefinedDueRemoval $t
+ return
+proc ::page::analysis::peg::realizable::reset {t} {
+ # Remove marker, allow recalculation of realizability after changes.
+ $t unset root page::analysis::peg::realizable
+ return
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Internal
+proc ::page::analysis::peg::realizable::First {v} {
+ upvar 1 $v visit
+ set id [array startsearch visit]
+ set first [array nextelement visit $id]
+ array donesearch visit $id
+ unset visit($first)
+ return $first
+proc ::page::analysis::peg::realizable::Realizable {t node ncv ucv uv} {
+ upvar 1 $ncv nc $ucv uc $uv realizable
+ if {$node eq "root"} {
+ # Root inherits realizability of the start expression.
+ return [info exists realizable([$t get root start])]
+ }
+ if {[$t keyexists $node symbol]} {
+ # Symbol definitions inherit the realizability of their
+ # expression.
+ return [expr {$uc($node) >= $nc($node)}]
+ }
+ switch -exact -- [$t get $node op] {
+ t - .. - epsilon - alpha - alnum - dot - * - ? {
+ # The terminal symbols are all realizable.
+ return 1
+ }
+ n {
+ # Symbol invokation inherits realizability of its definition.
+ # Calls to undefined symbols are not realizable.
+ set def [$t get $node def]
+ if {$def eq ""} {return 0}
+ return [info exists realizable($def)]
+ }
+ / - | {
+ # Choice, ordered and unordered. Realizable if we have at
+ # least one realizable branch. A quick test based on the count
+ # of realizable children is used.
+ return [expr {$uc($node) > 0}]
+ }
+ default {
+ # Sequence, and all other operators, are realizable if and
+ # only if all its children are realizable. A quick test based
+ # on the count of realizable children is used.
+ return [expr {$uc($node) >= $nc($node)}]
+ }
+ }
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Ready
+package provide page::analysis::peg::realizable 0.1