path: root/tk8.6/generic/tkGrid.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tk8.6/generic/tkGrid.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3666 deletions
diff --git a/tk8.6/generic/tkGrid.c b/tk8.6/generic/tkGrid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a88b76..0000000
--- a/tk8.6/generic/tkGrid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3666 +0,0 @@
- * tkGrid.c --
- *
- * Grid based geometry manager.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
- * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- */
-#include "tkInt.h"
- * Convenience Macros
- */
-#ifdef MAX
-# undef MAX
-#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define COLUMN (1) /* Working on column offsets. */
-#define ROW (2) /* Working on row offsets. */
-#define CHECK_ONLY (1) /* Check max slot constraint. */
-#define CHECK_SPACE (2) /* Alloc more space, don't change max. */
- * Pre-allocate enough row and column slots for "typical" sized tables this
- * value should be chosen so by the time the extra malloc's are required, the
- * layout calculations overwehlm them. [A "slot" contains information for
- * either a row or column, depending upon the context.]
- */
-#define TYPICAL_SIZE 25 /* (Arbitrary guess) */
-#define PREALLOC 10 /* Extra slots to allocate. */
- * Pre-allocate room for uniform groups during layout.
- */
- * Data structures are allocated dynamically to support arbitrary sized
- * tables. However, the space is proportional to the highest numbered slot
- * with some non-default property. This limit is used to head off mistakes and
- * denial of service attacks by limiting the amount of storage required.
- */
-#define MAX_ELEMENT 10000
- * Special characters to support relative layouts.
- */
-#define REL_SKIP 'x' /* Skip this column. */
-#define REL_HORIZ '-' /* Extend previous widget horizontally. */
-#define REL_VERT '^' /* Extend widget from row above. */
- * Default value for 'grid anchor'.
- */
- * Structure to hold information for grid masters. A slot is either a row or
- * column.
- */
-typedef struct SlotInfo {
- int minSize; /* The minimum size of this slot (in pixels).
- * It is set via the rowconfigure or
- * columnconfigure commands. */
- int weight; /* The resize weight of this slot. (0) means
- * this slot doesn't resize. Extra space in
- * the layout is given distributed among slots
- * inproportion to their weights. */
- int pad; /* Extra padding, in pixels, required for this
- * slot. This amount is "added" to the largest
- * slave in the slot. */
- Tk_Uid uniform; /* Value of -uniform option. It is used to
- * group slots that should have the same
- * size. */
- int offset; /* This is a cached value used for
- * introspection. It is the pixel offset of
- * the right or bottom edge of this slot from
- * the beginning of the layout. */
- int temp; /* This is a temporary value used for
- * calculating adjusted weights when shrinking
- * the layout below its nominal size. */
-} SlotInfo;
- * Structure to hold information during layout calculations. There is one of
- * these for each slot, an array for each of the rows or columns.
- */
-typedef struct GridLayout {
- struct Gridder *binNextPtr; /* The next slave window in this bin. Each bin
- * contains a list of all slaves whose spans
- * are >1 and whose right edges fall in this
- * slot. */
- int minSize; /* Minimum size needed for this slot, in
- * pixels. This is the space required to hold
- * any slaves contained entirely in this slot,
- * adjusted for any slot constrants, such as
- * size or padding. */
- int pad; /* Padding needed for this slot */
- int weight; /* Slot weight, controls resizing. */
- Tk_Uid uniform; /* Value of -uniform option. It is used to
- * group slots that should have the same
- * size. */
- int minOffset; /* The minimum offset, in pixels, from the
- * beginning of the layout to the bottom/right
- * edge of the slot calculated from top/left
- * to bottom/right. */
- int maxOffset; /* The maximum offset, in pixels, from the
- * beginning of the layout to the bottom/right
- * edge of the slot calculated from
- * bottom/right to top/left. */
-} GridLayout;
- * Keep one of these for each geometry master.
- */
-typedef struct {
- SlotInfo *columnPtr; /* Pointer to array of column constraints. */
- SlotInfo *rowPtr; /* Pointer to array of row constraints. */
- int columnEnd; /* The last column occupied by any slave. */
- int columnMax; /* The number of columns with constraints. */
- int columnSpace; /* The number of slots currently allocated for
- * column constraints. */
- int rowEnd; /* The last row occupied by any slave. */
- int rowMax; /* The number of rows with constraints. */
- int rowSpace; /* The number of slots currently allocated for
- * row constraints. */
- int startX; /* Pixel offset of this layout within its
- * master. */
- int startY; /* Pixel offset of this layout within its
- * master. */
- Tk_Anchor anchor; /* Value of anchor option: specifies where a
- * grid without weight should be placed. */
-} GridMaster;
- * For each window that the grid cares about (either because the window is
- * managed by the grid or because the window has slaves that are managed by
- * the grid), there is a structure of the following type:
- */
-typedef struct Gridder {
- Tk_Window tkwin; /* Tk token for window. NULL means that the
- * window has been deleted, but the gridder
- * hasn't had a chance to clean up yet because
- * the structure is still in use. */
- struct Gridder *masterPtr; /* Master window within which this window is
- * managed (NULL means this window isn't
- * managed by the gridder). */
- struct Gridder *nextPtr; /* Next window managed within same master.
- * List order doesn't matter. */
- struct Gridder *slavePtr; /* First in list of slaves managed inside this
- * window (NULL means no grid slaves). */
- GridMaster *masterDataPtr; /* Additional data for geometry master. */
- Tcl_Obj *in; /* Store master name when removed. */
- int column, row; /* Location in the grid (starting from
- * zero). */
- int numCols, numRows; /* Number of columns or rows this slave spans.
- * Should be at least 1. */
- int padX, padY; /* Total additional pixels to leave around the
- * window. Some is of this space is on each
- * side. This is space *outside* the window:
- * we'll allocate extra space in frame but
- * won't enlarge window). */
- int padLeft, padTop; /* The part of padX or padY to use on the left
- * or top of the widget, respectively. By
- * default, this is half of padX or padY. */
- int iPadX, iPadY; /* Total extra pixels to allocate inside the
- * window (half this amount will appear on
- * each side). */
- int sticky; /* which sides of its cavity this window
- * sticks to. See below for definitions */
- int doubleBw; /* Twice the window's last known border width.
- * If this changes, the window must be
- * re-arranged within its master. */
- int *abortPtr; /* If non-NULL, it means that there is a
- * nested call to ArrangeGrid already working
- * on this window. *abortPtr may be set to 1
- * to abort that nested call. This happens,
- * for example, if tkwin or any of its slaves
- * is deleted. */
- int flags; /* Miscellaneous flags; see below for
- * definitions. */
- /*
- * These fields are used temporarily for layout calculations only.
- */
- struct Gridder *binNextPtr; /* Link to next span>1 slave in this bin. */
- int size; /* Nominal size (width or height) in pixels of
- * the slave. This includes the padding. */
-} Gridder;
- * Flag values for "sticky"ness. The 16 combinations subsume the packer's
- * notion of anchor and fill.
- *
- * STICK_NORTH This window sticks to the top of its cavity.
- * STICK_EAST This window sticks to the right edge of its
- * cavity.
- * STICK_SOUTH This window sticks to the bottom of its cavity.
- * STICK_WEST This window sticks to the left edge of its
- * cavity.
- */
-#define STICK_NORTH 1
-#define STICK_EAST 2
-#define STICK_SOUTH 4
-#define STICK_WEST 8
- * Structure to gather information about uniform groups during layout.
- */
-typedef struct UniformGroup {
- Tk_Uid group;
- int minSize;
-} UniformGroup;
- * Flag values for Grid structures:
- *
- * REQUESTED_RELAYOUT 1 means a Tcl_DoWhenIdle request has already
- * been made to re-arrange all the slaves of this
- * window.
- * DONT_PROPAGATE 1 means don't set this window's requested
- * size. 0 means if this window is a master then
- * Tk will set its requested size to fit the
- * needs of its slaves.
- * ALLOCED_MASTER 1 means that Grid has allocated itself as
- * geometry master for this window.
- */
- * Prototypes for procedures used only in this file:
- */
-static void AdjustForSticky(Gridder *slavePtr, int *xPtr,
- int *yPtr, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr);
-static int AdjustOffsets(int width, int elements,
- SlotInfo *slotPtr);
-static void ArrangeGrid(ClientData clientData);
-static int CheckSlotData(Gridder *masterPtr, int slot,
- int slotType, int checkOnly);
-static int ConfigureSlaves(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin,
- int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static void DestroyGrid(void *memPtr);
-static Gridder * GetGrid(Tk_Window tkwin);
-static int GridAnchorCommand(Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridBboxCommand(Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridForgetRemoveCommand(Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridInfoCommand(Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridLocationCommand(Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridPropagateCommand(Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridRowColumnConfigureCommand(Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridSizeCommand(Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static int GridSlavesCommand(Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
-static void GridStructureProc(ClientData clientData,
- XEvent *eventPtr);
-static void GridLostSlaveProc(ClientData clientData,
- Tk_Window tkwin);
-static void GridReqProc(ClientData clientData, Tk_Window tkwin);
-static void InitMasterData(Gridder *masterPtr);
-static Tcl_Obj * NewPairObj(int, int);
-static Tcl_Obj * NewQuadObj(int, int, int, int);
-static int ResolveConstraints(Gridder *gridPtr, int rowOrColumn,
- int maxOffset);
-static void SetGridSize(Gridder *gridPtr);
-static int SetSlaveColumn(Tcl_Interp *interp, Gridder *slavePtr,
- int column, int numCols);
-static int SetSlaveRow(Tcl_Interp *interp, Gridder *slavePtr,
- int row, int numRows);
-static Tcl_Obj * StickyToObj(int flags);
-static int StringToSticky(const char *string);
-static void Unlink(Gridder *gridPtr);
-static const Tk_GeomMgr gridMgrType = {
- "grid", /* name */
- GridReqProc, /* requestProc */
- GridLostSlaveProc, /* lostSlaveProc */
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Tk_GridCmd --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked to process the "grid" Tcl command. See the
- * user documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * See the user documentation.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ClientData clientData, /* Main window associated with interpreter. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window tkwin = clientData;
- static const char *const optionStrings[] = {
- "anchor", "bbox", "columnconfigure", "configure",
- "forget", "info", "location", "propagate", "remove",
- "rowconfigure", "size", "slaves", NULL
- };
- enum options {
- };
- int index;
- if (objc >= 2) {
- const char *argv1 = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
- if ((argv1[0] == '.') || (argv1[0] == REL_SKIP) ||
- (argv1[0] == REL_VERT)) {
- return ConfigureSlaves(interp, tkwin, objc-1, objv+1);
- }
- }
- if (objc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "option arg ?arg ...?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[1], optionStrings,
- sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch ((enum options) index) {
- return GridAnchorCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- case GRID_BBOX:
- return GridBboxCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- return ConfigureSlaves(interp, tkwin, objc-2, objv+2);
- return GridForgetRemoveCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- case GRID_INFO:
- return GridInfoCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- return GridLocationCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- return GridPropagateCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- case GRID_SIZE:
- return GridSizeCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- return GridSlavesCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- /*
- * Sample argument combinations:
- * grid columnconfigure <master> <index> -option
- * grid columnconfigure <master> <index> -option value -option value
- * grid rowconfigure <master> <index>
- * grid rowconfigure <master> <index> -option
- * grid rowconfigure <master> <index> -option value -option value.
- */
- return GridRowColumnConfigureCommand(tkwin, interp, objc, objv);
- }
- /* This should not happen */
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("internal error in grid", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "API_ABUSE", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridAnchorCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid anchor] subcommand. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * May recompute grid geometry.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master;
- Gridder *masterPtr;
- GridMaster *gridPtr;
- Tk_Anchor old;
- if (objc > 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "window ?anchor?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- if (objc == 3) {
- gridPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr;
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- Tk_NameOfAnchor(gridPtr?gridPtr->anchor:GRID_DEFAULT_ANCHOR),
- -1));
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- gridPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr;
- old = gridPtr->anchor;
- if (Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(interp, objv[3], &gridPtr->anchor) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Only request a relayout if the anchor changes.
- */
- if (old != gridPtr->anchor) {
- if (masterPtr->abortPtr != NULL) {
- *masterPtr->abortPtr = 1;
- }
- if (!(masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridBboxCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid bbox] subcommand.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Places bounding box information in the interp's result field.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master;
- Gridder *masterPtr; /* master grid record */
- GridMaster *gridPtr; /* pointer to grid data */
- int row, column; /* origin for bounding box */
- int row2, column2; /* end of bounding box */
- int endX, endY; /* last column/row in the layout */
- int x=0, y=0; /* starting pixels for this bounding box */
- int width, height; /* size of the bounding box */
- if (objc!=3 && objc != 5 && objc != 7) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "master ?column row ?column row??");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- if (objc >= 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &column) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &row) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- column2 = column;
- row2 = row;
- }
- if (objc == 7) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &column2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[6], &row2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- gridPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr;
- if (gridPtr == NULL) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewQuadObj(0, 0, 0, 0));
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- SetGridSize(masterPtr);
- endX = MAX(gridPtr->columnEnd, gridPtr->columnMax);
- endY = MAX(gridPtr->rowEnd, gridPtr->rowMax);
- if ((endX == 0) || (endY == 0)) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewQuadObj(0, 0, 0, 0));
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (objc == 3) {
- row = 0;
- column = 0;
- row2 = endY;
- column2 = endX;
- }
- if (column > column2) {
- int temp = column;
- column = column2;
- column2 = temp;
- }
- if (row > row2) {
- int temp = row;
- row = row2;
- row2 = temp;
- }
- if (column > 0 && column < endX) {
- x = gridPtr->columnPtr[column-1].offset;
- } else if (column > 0) {
- x = gridPtr->columnPtr[endX-1].offset;
- }
- if (row > 0 && row < endY) {
- y = gridPtr->rowPtr[row-1].offset;
- } else if (row > 0) {
- y = gridPtr->rowPtr[endY-1].offset;
- }
- if (column2 < 0) {
- width = 0;
- } else if (column2 >= endX) {
- width = gridPtr->columnPtr[endX-1].offset - x;
- } else {
- width = gridPtr->columnPtr[column2].offset - x;
- }
- if (row2 < 0) {
- height = 0;
- } else if (row2 >= endY) {
- height = gridPtr->rowPtr[endY-1].offset - y;
- } else {
- height = gridPtr->rowPtr[row2].offset - y;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewQuadObj(
- x + gridPtr->startX, y + gridPtr->startY, width, height));
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridForgetRemoveCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid forget]/[grid remove] subcommands. See the
- * user documentation for details on what these do.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Removes a window from a grid layout.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window slave;
- Gridder *slavePtr;
- int i;
- const char *string = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
- char c = string[0];
- for (i = 2; i < objc; i++) {
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[i], &slave) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr = GetGrid(slave);
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr != NULL) {
- /*
- * For "forget", reset all the settings to their defaults
- */
- if (c == 'f') {
- slavePtr->column = -1;
- slavePtr->row = -1;
- slavePtr->numCols = 1;
- slavePtr->numRows = 1;
- slavePtr->padX = 0;
- slavePtr->padY = 0;
- slavePtr->padLeft = 0;
- slavePtr->padTop = 0;
- slavePtr->iPadX = 0;
- slavePtr->iPadY = 0;
- if (slavePtr->in != NULL) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(slavePtr->in);
- slavePtr->in = NULL;
- }
- slavePtr->doubleBw = 2*Tk_Changes(tkwin)->border_width;
- if (slavePtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT) {
- Tcl_CancelIdleCall(ArrangeGrid, slavePtr);
- }
- slavePtr->flags = 0;
- slavePtr->sticky = 0;
- } else {
- /*
- * When removing, store name of master to be able to
- * restore it later, even if the master is recreated.
- */
- if (slavePtr->in != NULL) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(slavePtr->in);
- slavePtr->in = NULL;
- }
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr != NULL) {
- slavePtr->in = Tcl_NewStringObj(
- Tk_PathName(slavePtr->masterPtr->tkwin), -1);
- Tcl_IncrRefCount(slavePtr->in);
- }
- }
- Tk_ManageGeometry(slave, NULL, NULL);
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr->tkwin != Tk_Parent(slavePtr->tkwin)) {
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(slavePtr->tkwin,
- slavePtr->masterPtr->tkwin);
- }
- Unlink(slavePtr);
- Tk_UnmapWindow(slavePtr->tkwin);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridInfoCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid info] subcommand. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Puts gridding information in the interpreter's result.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- register Gridder *slavePtr;
- Tk_Window slave;
- Tcl_Obj *infoObj;
- if (objc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "window");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &slave) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr = GetGrid(slave);
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr == NULL) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- infoObj = Tcl_NewObj();
- Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, infoObj, Tcl_NewStringObj("-in", -1),
- TkNewWindowObj(slavePtr->masterPtr->tkwin));
- Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, infoObj, Tcl_NewStringObj("-column", -1),
- Tcl_NewIntObj(slavePtr->column));
- Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, infoObj, Tcl_NewStringObj("-row", -1),
- Tcl_NewIntObj(slavePtr->row));
- Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, infoObj, Tcl_NewStringObj("-columnspan", -1),
- Tcl_NewIntObj(slavePtr->numCols));
- Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, infoObj, Tcl_NewStringObj("-rowspan", -1),
- Tcl_NewIntObj(slavePtr->numRows));
- TkAppendPadAmount(infoObj, "-ipadx", slavePtr->iPadX/2, slavePtr->iPadX);
- TkAppendPadAmount(infoObj, "-ipady", slavePtr->iPadY/2, slavePtr->iPadY);
- TkAppendPadAmount(infoObj, "-padx", slavePtr->padLeft, slavePtr->padX);
- TkAppendPadAmount(infoObj, "-pady", slavePtr->padTop, slavePtr->padY);
- Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, infoObj, Tcl_NewStringObj("-sticky", -1),
- StickyToObj(slavePtr->sticky));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, infoObj);
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridLocationCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid location] subcommand. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Puts location information in the interpreter's result field.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master;
- Gridder *masterPtr; /* Master grid record. */
- GridMaster *gridPtr; /* Pointer to grid data. */
- register SlotInfo *slotPtr;
- int x, y; /* Offset in pixels, from edge of master. */
- int i, j; /* Corresponding column and row indeces. */
- int endX, endY; /* End of grid. */
- if (objc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "master x y");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, master, objv[3], &x) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, master, objv[4], &y) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- if (masterPtr->masterDataPtr == NULL) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewPairObj(-1, -1));
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- gridPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr;
- /*
- * Update any pending requests. This is not always the steady state value,
- * as more configure events could be in the pipeline, but its as close as
- * its easy to get.
- */
- while (masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT) {
- Tcl_CancelIdleCall(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- ArrangeGrid(masterPtr);
- }
- SetGridSize(masterPtr);
- endX = MAX(gridPtr->columnEnd, gridPtr->columnMax);
- endY = MAX(gridPtr->rowEnd, gridPtr->rowMax);
- slotPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr;
- if (x < masterPtr->masterDataPtr->startX) {
- i = -1;
- } else {
- x -= masterPtr->masterDataPtr->startX;
- for (i = 0; slotPtr[i].offset < x && i < endX; i++) {
- /* null body */
- }
- }
- slotPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr;
- if (y < masterPtr->masterDataPtr->startY) {
- j = -1;
- } else {
- y -= masterPtr->masterDataPtr->startY;
- for (j = 0; slotPtr[j].offset < y && j < endY; j++) {
- /* null body */
- }
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewPairObj(i, j));
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridPropagateCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid propagate] subcommand. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * May alter geometry propagation for a widget.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master;
- Gridder *masterPtr;
- int propagate, old;
- if (objc > 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "window ?boolean?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- if (objc == 3) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
- Tcl_NewBooleanObj(!(masterPtr->flags & DONT_PROPAGATE)));
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[3], &propagate) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Only request a relayout if the propagation bit changes.
- */
- old = !(masterPtr->flags & DONT_PROPAGATE);
- if (propagate != old) {
- if (propagate) {
- /*
- * If we have slaves, we need to register as geometry master.
- */
- if (masterPtr->slavePtr != NULL) {
- if (TkSetGeometryMaster(interp, master, "grid") != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr->flags |= ALLOCED_MASTER;
- }
- masterPtr->flags &= ~DONT_PROPAGATE;
- } else {
- if (masterPtr->flags & ALLOCED_MASTER) {
- TkFreeGeometryMaster(master, "grid");
- masterPtr->flags &= ~ALLOCED_MASTER;
- }
- masterPtr->flags |= DONT_PROPAGATE;
- }
- /*
- * Re-arrange the master to allow new geometry information to
- * propagate upwards to the master's master.
- */
- if (masterPtr->abortPtr != NULL) {
- *masterPtr->abortPtr = 1;
- }
- if (!(masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridRowColumnConfigureCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid rowconfigure] and [grid columnconfigure]
- * subcommands. See the user documentation for details on what these do.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Depends on arguments; see user documentation.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master, slave;
- Gridder *masterPtr, *slavePtr;
- SlotInfo *slotPtr = NULL;
- int slot; /* the column or row number */
- int slotType; /* COLUMN or ROW */
- int size; /* the configuration value */
- int lObjc; /* Number of items in index list */
- Tcl_Obj **lObjv; /* array of indices */
- int ok; /* temporary TCL result code */
- int i, j, first, last;
- const char *string;
- static const char *const optionStrings[] = {
- "-minsize", "-pad", "-uniform", "-weight", NULL
- };
- enum options {
- };
- int index;
- Tcl_Obj *listCopy;
- if (((objc % 2 != 0) && (objc > 6)) || (objc < 4)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "master index ?-option value ...?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- listCopy = Tcl_DuplicateObj(objv[3]);
- Tcl_IncrRefCount(listCopy);
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, listCopy, &lObjc, &lObjv) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- string = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
- slotType = (*string == 'c') ? COLUMN : ROW;
- if (lObjc == 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf("no %s indices specified",
- (slotType == COLUMN) ? "column" : "row"));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "NO_INDEX", NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- first = 0; /* lint */
- last = 0; /* lint */
- if ((objc == 4) || (objc == 5)) {
- if (lObjc != 1) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "must specify a single element on retrieval", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "USAGE", NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, lObjv[0], &slot) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- " (when retrieving options only integer indices are "
- "allowed)", NULL);
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "INDEX_FORMAT", NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ok = CheckSlotData(masterPtr, slot, slotType, /* checkOnly */ 1);
- if (ok == TCL_OK) {
- slotPtr = (slotType == COLUMN) ?
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr :
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr;
- }
- /*
- * Return all of the options for this row or column. If the request is
- * out of range, return all 0's.
- */
- if (objc == 4) {
- int minsize = 0, pad = 0, weight = 0;
- Tk_Uid uniform = NULL;
- Tcl_Obj *res = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
- if (ok == TCL_OK) {
- minsize = slotPtr[slot].minSize;
- pad = slotPtr[slot].pad;
- weight = slotPtr[slot].weight;
- uniform = slotPtr[slot].uniform;
- }
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res,
- Tcl_NewStringObj("-minsize", -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res, Tcl_NewIntObj(minsize));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res,
- Tcl_NewStringObj("-pad", -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res, Tcl_NewIntObj(pad));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res,
- Tcl_NewStringObj("-uniform", -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res,
- Tcl_NewStringObj(uniform == NULL ? "" : uniform, -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res,
- Tcl_NewStringObj("-weight", -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res, Tcl_NewIntObj(weight));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, res);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * If only one option is given, with no value, the current value is
- * returned.
- */
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[4], optionStrings,
- sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index == ROWCOL_MINSIZE) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(
- (ok == TCL_OK) ? slotPtr[slot].minSize : 0));
- } else if (index == ROWCOL_WEIGHT) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(
- (ok == TCL_OK) ? slotPtr[slot].weight : 0));
- } else if (index == ROWCOL_UNIFORM) {
- Tk_Uid value = (ok == TCL_OK) ? slotPtr[slot].uniform : "";
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- (value == NULL) ? "" : value, -1));
- } else if (index == ROWCOL_PAD) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(
- (ok == TCL_OK) ? slotPtr[slot].pad : 0));
- }
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < lObjc; j++) {
- int allSlaves = 0;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, lObjv[j], &slot) == TCL_OK) {
- first = slot;
- last = slot;
- slavePtr = NULL;
- } else if (strcmp(Tcl_GetString(lObjv[j]), "all") == 0) {
- /*
- * Make sure master is initialised.
- */
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr;
- if (slavePtr == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- allSlaves = 1;
- } else if (TkGetWindowFromObj(NULL, tkwin, lObjv[j], &slave)
- == TCL_OK) {
- /*
- * Is it gridded in this master?
- */
- slavePtr = GetGrid(slave);
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr != masterPtr) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "the window \"%s\" is not managed by \"%s\"",
- Tcl_GetString(lObjv[j]), Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "NOT_MASTER", NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- } else {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "illegal index \"%s\"", Tcl_GetString(lObjv[j])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "GRID_INDEX", NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * The outer loop is only to handle "all".
- */
- do {
- if (slavePtr != NULL) {
- first = (slotType == COLUMN) ?
- slavePtr->column : slavePtr->row;
- last = first - 1 + ((slotType == COLUMN) ?
- slavePtr->numCols : slavePtr->numRows);
- }
- for (slot = first; slot <= last; slot++) {
- ok = CheckSlotData(masterPtr, slot, slotType, /*checkOnly*/ 0);
- if (ok != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "\"%s\" is out of range",
- Tcl_GetString(lObjv[j])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "INDEX_RANGE",
- NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slotPtr = (slotType == COLUMN) ?
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr :
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr;
- /*
- * Loop through each option value pair, setting the values as
- * required.
- */
- for (i = 4; i < objc; i += 2) {
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], optionStrings,
- sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index == ROWCOL_MINSIZE) {
- if (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, master, objv[i+1],
- &size) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- } else {
- slotPtr[slot].minSize = size;
- }
- } else if (index == ROWCOL_WEIGHT) {
- int wt;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp,objv[i+1],&wt)!=TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- } else if (wt < 0) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- goto negativeIndex;
- } else {
- slotPtr[slot].weight = wt;
- }
- } else if (index == ROWCOL_UNIFORM) {
- slotPtr[slot].uniform =
- Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1]));
- if (slotPtr[slot].uniform != NULL &&
- slotPtr[slot].uniform[0] == 0) {
- slotPtr[slot].uniform = NULL;
- }
- } else if (index == ROWCOL_PAD) {
- if (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, master, objv[i+1],
- &size) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- } else if (size < 0) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- goto negativeIndex;
- } else {
- slotPtr[slot].pad = size;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (slavePtr != NULL) {
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr;
- }
- } while ((allSlaves == 1) && (slavePtr != NULL));
- }
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(listCopy);
- /*
- * We changed a property, re-arrange the table, and check for constraint
- * shrinkage. A null slotPtr will occur for 'all' checks.
- */
- if (slotPtr != NULL) {
- if (slotType == ROW) {
- int last = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowMax - 1;
- while ((last >= 0) && (slotPtr[last].weight == 0)
- && (slotPtr[last].pad == 0) && (slotPtr[last].minSize == 0)
- && (slotPtr[last].uniform == NULL)) {
- last--;
- }
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowMax = last+1;
- } else {
- int last = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnMax - 1;
- while ((last >= 0) && (slotPtr[last].weight == 0)
- && (slotPtr[last].pad == 0) && (slotPtr[last].minSize == 0)
- && (slotPtr[last].uniform == NULL)) {
- last--;
- }
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnMax = last + 1;
- }
- }
- if (masterPtr->abortPtr != NULL) {
- *masterPtr->abortPtr = 1;
- }
- if (!(masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- negativeIndex:
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "invalid arg \"%s\": should be non-negative",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "NEG_INDEX", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridSizeCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid size] subcommand. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Puts grid size information in the interpreter's result.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master;
- Gridder *masterPtr;
- GridMaster *gridPtr; /* pointer to grid data */
- if (objc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "window");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- if (masterPtr->masterDataPtr != NULL) {
- SetGridSize(masterPtr);
- gridPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr;
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewPairObj(
- MAX(gridPtr->columnEnd, gridPtr->columnMax),
- MAX(gridPtr->rowEnd, gridPtr->rowMax)));
- } else {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, NewPairObj(0, 0));
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridSlavesCommand --
- *
- * Implementation of the [grid slaves] subcommand. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * Standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Places a list of slaves of the specified window in the interpreter's
- * result field.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Main window of the application. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int objc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects. */
- Tk_Window master;
- Gridder *masterPtr; /* master grid record */
- Gridder *slavePtr;
- int i, value, index;
- int row = -1, column = -1;
- static const char *const optionStrings[] = {
- "-column", "-row", NULL
- };
- enum options { SLAVES_COLUMN, SLAVES_ROW };
- Tcl_Obj *res;
- if ((objc < 3) || ((objc % 2) == 0)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "window ?-option value ...?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (i = 3; i < objc; i += 2) {
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], optionStrings,
- sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i+1], &value) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (value < 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "%d is an invalid value: should NOT be < 0", value));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "NEG_INDEX", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index == SLAVES_COLUMN) {
- column = value;
- } else {
- row = value;
- }
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[2], &master) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(master);
- res = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
- for (slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr) {
- if ((column >= 0) && (slavePtr->column > column
- || slavePtr->column+slavePtr->numCols-1 < column)) {
- continue;
- }
- if ((row >= 0) && (slavePtr->row > row ||
- slavePtr->row+slavePtr->numRows-1 < row)) {
- continue;
- }
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp,res, TkNewWindowObj(slavePtr->tkwin));
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, res);
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridReqProc --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by Tk_GeometryRequest for windows managed by
- * the grid.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Arranges for tkwin, and all its managed siblings, to be re-arranged at
- * the next idle point.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- ClientData clientData, /* Grid's information about window that got
- * new preferred geometry. */
- Tk_Window tkwin) /* Other Tk-related information about the
- * window. */
- register Gridder *gridPtr = clientData;
- gridPtr = gridPtr->masterPtr;
- if (gridPtr && !(gridPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- gridPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, gridPtr);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridLostSlaveProc --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by Tk whenever some other geometry claims
- * control over a slave that used to be managed by us.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Forgets all grid-related information about the slave.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- ClientData clientData, /* Grid structure for slave window that was
- * stolen away. */
- Tk_Window tkwin) /* Tk's handle for the slave window. */
- register Gridder *slavePtr = clientData;
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr->tkwin != Tk_Parent(slavePtr->tkwin)) {
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(slavePtr->tkwin, slavePtr->masterPtr->tkwin);
- }
- Unlink(slavePtr);
- Tk_UnmapWindow(slavePtr->tkwin);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * AdjustOffsets --
- *
- * This procedure adjusts the size of the layout to fit in the space
- * provided. If it needs more space, the extra is added according to the
- * weights. If it needs less, the space is removed according to the
- * weights, but at no time does the size drop below the minsize specified
- * for that slot.
- *
- * Results:
- * The size used by the layout.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The slot offsets are modified to shrink the layout.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- int size, /* The total layout size (in pixels). */
- int slots, /* Number of slots. */
- register SlotInfo *slotPtr) /* Pointer to slot array. */
- register int slot; /* Current slot. */
- int diff; /* Extra pixels needed to add to the layout. */
- int totalWeight; /* Sum of the weights for all the slots. */
- int weight; /* Sum of the weights so far. */
- int minSize; /* Minimum possible layout size. */
- int newDiff; /* The most pixels that can be added on the
- * current pass. */
- diff = size - slotPtr[slots-1].offset;
- /*
- * The layout is already the correct size; all done.
- */
- if (diff == 0) {
- return size;
- }
- /*
- * If all the weights are zero, there is nothing more to do.
- */
- totalWeight = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- totalWeight += slotPtr[slot].weight;
- }
- if (totalWeight == 0) {
- return slotPtr[slots-1].offset;
- }
- /*
- * Add extra space according to the slot weights. This is done
- * cumulatively to prevent round-off error accumulation.
- */
- if (diff > 0) {
- weight = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- weight += slotPtr[slot].weight;
- slotPtr[slot].offset += diff * weight / totalWeight;
- }
- return size;
- }
- /*
- * The layout must shrink below its requested size. Compute the minimum
- * possible size by looking at the slot minSizes. Store each slot's
- * minimum size in temp.
- */
- minSize = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- if (slotPtr[slot].weight > 0) {
- slotPtr[slot].temp = slotPtr[slot].minSize;
- } else if (slot > 0) {
- slotPtr[slot].temp = slotPtr[slot].offset - slotPtr[slot-1].offset;
- } else {
- slotPtr[slot].temp = slotPtr[slot].offset;
- }
- minSize += slotPtr[slot].temp;
- }
- /*
- * If the requested size is less than the minimum required size, set the
- * slot sizes to their minimum values.
- */
- if (size <= minSize) {
- int offset = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- offset += slotPtr[slot].temp;
- slotPtr[slot].offset = offset;
- }
- return minSize;
- }
- /*
- * Remove space from slots according to their weights. The weights get
- * renormalized anytime a slot shrinks to its minimum size.
- */
- while (diff < 0) {
- /*
- * Find the total weight for the shrinkable slots.
- */
- totalWeight = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- int current = (slot == 0) ? slotPtr[slot].offset :
- slotPtr[slot].offset - slotPtr[slot-1].offset;
- if (current > slotPtr[slot].minSize) {
- totalWeight += slotPtr[slot].weight;
- slotPtr[slot].temp = slotPtr[slot].weight;
- } else {
- slotPtr[slot].temp = 0;
- }
- }
- if (totalWeight == 0) {
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Find the maximum amount of space we can distribute this pass.
- */
- newDiff = diff;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- int current; /* Current size of this slot. */
- int maxDiff; /* Maximum diff that would cause this slot to
- * equal its minsize. */
- if (slotPtr[slot].temp == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- current = (slot == 0) ? slotPtr[slot].offset :
- slotPtr[slot].offset - slotPtr[slot-1].offset;
- maxDiff = totalWeight * (slotPtr[slot].minSize - current)
- / slotPtr[slot].temp;
- if (maxDiff > newDiff) {
- newDiff = maxDiff;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now distribute the space.
- */
- weight = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
- weight += slotPtr[slot].temp;
- slotPtr[slot].offset += newDiff * weight / totalWeight;
- }
- diff -= newDiff;
- }
- return size;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * AdjustForSticky --
- *
- * This procedure adjusts the size of a slave in its cavity based on its
- * "sticky" flags.
- *
- * Results:
- * The input x, y, width, and height are changed to represent the desired
- * coordinates of the slave.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Gridder *slavePtr, /* Slave window to arrange in its cavity. */
- int *xPtr, /* Pixel location of the left edge of the cavity. */
- int *yPtr, /* Pixel location of the top edge of the cavity. */
- int *widthPtr, /* Width of the cavity (in pixels). */
- int *heightPtr) /* Height of the cavity (in pixels). */
- int diffx = 0; /* Cavity width - slave width. */
- int diffy = 0; /* Cavity hight - slave height. */
- int sticky = slavePtr->sticky;
- *xPtr += slavePtr->padLeft;
- *widthPtr -= slavePtr->padX;
- *yPtr += slavePtr->padTop;
- *heightPtr -= slavePtr->padY;
- if (*widthPtr > (Tk_ReqWidth(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->iPadX)) {
- diffx = *widthPtr - (Tk_ReqWidth(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->iPadX);
- *widthPtr = Tk_ReqWidth(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->iPadX;
- }
- if (*heightPtr > (Tk_ReqHeight(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->iPadY)) {
- diffy = *heightPtr - (Tk_ReqHeight(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->iPadY);
- *heightPtr = Tk_ReqHeight(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->iPadY;
- }
- if (sticky&STICK_EAST && sticky&STICK_WEST) {
- *widthPtr += diffx;
- }
- if (sticky&STICK_NORTH && sticky&STICK_SOUTH) {
- *heightPtr += diffy;
- }
- if (!(sticky&STICK_WEST)) {
- *xPtr += (sticky&STICK_EAST) ? diffx : diffx/2;
- }
- if (!(sticky&STICK_NORTH)) {
- *yPtr += (sticky&STICK_SOUTH) ? diffy : diffy/2;
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ArrangeGrid --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked (using the Tcl_DoWhenIdle mechanism) to
- * re-layout a set of windows managed by the grid. It is invoked at idle
- * time so that a series of grid requests can be merged into a single
- * layout operation.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The slaves of masterPtr may get resized or moved.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- ClientData clientData) /* Structure describing master whose slaves
- * are to be re-layed out. */
- register Gridder *masterPtr = clientData;
- register Gridder *slavePtr;
- GridMaster *slotPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr;
- int abort;
- int width, height; /* Requested size of layout, in pixels. */
- int realWidth, realHeight; /* Actual size layout should take-up. */
- int usedX, usedY;
- masterPtr->flags &= ~REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- /*
- * If the master has no slaves anymore, then don't do anything at all:
- * just leave the master's size as-is. Otherwise there is no way to
- * "relinquish" control over the master so another geometry manager can
- * take over.
- */
- if (masterPtr->slavePtr == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (masterPtr->masterDataPtr == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Abort any nested call to ArrangeGrid for this window, since we'll do
- * everything necessary here, and set up so this call can be aborted if
- * necessary.
- */
- if (masterPtr->abortPtr != NULL) {
- *masterPtr->abortPtr = 1;
- }
- masterPtr->abortPtr = &abort;
- abort = 0;
- Tcl_Preserve(masterPtr);
- /*
- * Call the constraint engine to fill in the row and column offsets.
- */
- SetGridSize(masterPtr);
- width = ResolveConstraints(masterPtr, COLUMN, 0);
- height = ResolveConstraints(masterPtr, ROW, 0);
- width += Tk_InternalBorderLeft(masterPtr->tkwin) +
- Tk_InternalBorderRight(masterPtr->tkwin);
- height += Tk_InternalBorderTop(masterPtr->tkwin) +
- Tk_InternalBorderBottom(masterPtr->tkwin);
- if (width < Tk_MinReqWidth(masterPtr->tkwin)) {
- width = Tk_MinReqWidth(masterPtr->tkwin);
- }
- if (height < Tk_MinReqHeight(masterPtr->tkwin)) {
- height = Tk_MinReqHeight(masterPtr->tkwin);
- }
- if (((width != Tk_ReqWidth(masterPtr->tkwin))
- || (height != Tk_ReqHeight(masterPtr->tkwin)))
- && !(masterPtr->flags & DONT_PROPAGATE)) {
- Tk_GeometryRequest(masterPtr->tkwin, width, height);
- if (width>1 && height>1) {
- masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- }
- masterPtr->abortPtr = NULL;
- Tcl_Release(masterPtr);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If the currently requested layout size doesn't match the master's
- * window size, then adjust the slot offsets according to the weights. If
- * all of the weights are zero, place the layout according to the anchor
- * value.
- */
- realWidth = Tk_Width(masterPtr->tkwin) -
- Tk_InternalBorderLeft(masterPtr->tkwin) -
- Tk_InternalBorderRight(masterPtr->tkwin);
- realHeight = Tk_Height(masterPtr->tkwin) -
- Tk_InternalBorderTop(masterPtr->tkwin) -
- Tk_InternalBorderBottom(masterPtr->tkwin);
- usedX = AdjustOffsets(realWidth,
- MAX(slotPtr->columnEnd, slotPtr->columnMax), slotPtr->columnPtr);
- usedY = AdjustOffsets(realHeight, MAX(slotPtr->rowEnd, slotPtr->rowMax),
- slotPtr->rowPtr);
- TkComputeAnchor(masterPtr->masterDataPtr->anchor, masterPtr->tkwin,
- 0, 0, usedX, usedY, &slotPtr->startX, &slotPtr->startY);
- /*
- * Now adjust the actual size of the slave to its cavity by computing the
- * cavity size, and adjusting the widget according to its stickyness.
- */
- for (slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr; slavePtr != NULL && !abort;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr) {
- int x, y; /* Top left coordinate */
- int width, height; /* Slot or slave size */
- int col = slavePtr->column;
- int row = slavePtr->row;
- x = (col>0) ? slotPtr->columnPtr[col-1].offset : 0;
- y = (row>0) ? slotPtr->rowPtr[row-1].offset : 0;
- width = slotPtr->columnPtr[slavePtr->numCols+col-1].offset - x;
- height = slotPtr->rowPtr[slavePtr->numRows+row-1].offset - y;
- x += slotPtr->startX;
- y += slotPtr->startY;
- AdjustForSticky(slavePtr, &x, &y, &width, &height);
- /*
- * Now put the window in the proper spot. (This was taken directly
- * from tkPack.c.) If the slave is a child of the master, then do this
- * here. Otherwise let Tk_MaintainGeometry do the work.
- */
- if (masterPtr->tkwin == Tk_Parent(slavePtr->tkwin)) {
- if ((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) {
- Tk_UnmapWindow(slavePtr->tkwin);
- } else {
- if ((x != Tk_X(slavePtr->tkwin))
- || (y != Tk_Y(slavePtr->tkwin))
- || (width != Tk_Width(slavePtr->tkwin))
- || (height != Tk_Height(slavePtr->tkwin))) {
- Tk_MoveResizeWindow(slavePtr->tkwin, x, y, width, height);
- }
- if (abort) {
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Don't map the slave if the master isn't mapped: wait until
- * the master gets mapped later.
- */
- if (Tk_IsMapped(masterPtr->tkwin)) {
- Tk_MapWindow(slavePtr->tkwin);
- }
- }
- } else if ((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) {
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(slavePtr->tkwin, masterPtr->tkwin);
- Tk_UnmapWindow(slavePtr->tkwin);
- } else {
- Tk_MaintainGeometry(slavePtr->tkwin, masterPtr->tkwin, x, y,
- width, height);
- }
- }
- masterPtr->abortPtr = NULL;
- Tcl_Release(masterPtr);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ResolveConstraints --
- *
- * Resolve all of the column and row boundaries. Most of the calculations
- * are identical for rows and columns, so this procedure is called twice,
- * once for rows, and again for columns.
- *
- * Results:
- * The offset (in pixels) from the left/top edge of this layout is
- * returned.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The slot offsets are copied into the SlotInfo structure for the
- * geometry master.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Gridder *masterPtr, /* The geometry master for this grid. */
- int slotType, /* Either ROW or COLUMN. */
- int maxOffset) /* The actual maximum size of this layout in
- * pixels, or 0 (not currently used). */
- register SlotInfo *slotPtr; /* Pointer to row/col constraints. */
- register Gridder *slavePtr; /* List of slave windows in this grid. */
- int constraintCount; /* Count of rows or columns that have
- * constraints. */
- int slotCount; /* Last occupied row or column. */
- int gridCount; /* The larger of slotCount and
- * constraintCount. */
- GridLayout *layoutPtr; /* Temporary layout structure. */
- int requiredSize; /* The natural size of the grid (pixels).
- * This is the minimum size needed to
- * accomodate all of the slaves at their
- * requested sizes. */
- int offset; /* The pixel offset of the right edge of the
- * current slot from the beginning of the
- * layout. */
- int slot; /* The current slot. */
- int start; /* The first slot of a contiguous set whose
- * constraints are not yet fully resolved. */
- int end; /* The Last slot of a contiguous set whose
- * constraints are not yet fully resolved. */
- UniformGroup uniformPre[UNIFORM_PREALLOC];
- /* Pre-allocated space for uniform groups. */
- UniformGroup *uniformGroupPtr;
- /* Uniform groups data. */
- int uniformGroups; /* Number of currently used uniform groups. */
- int uniformGroupsAlloced; /* Size of allocated space for uniform
- * groups. */
- int weight, minSize;
- int prevGrow, accWeight, grow;
- /*
- * For typical sized tables, we'll use stack space for the layout data to
- * avoid the overhead of a malloc and free for every layout.
- */
- GridLayout layoutData[TYPICAL_SIZE + 1];
- if (slotType == COLUMN) {
- constraintCount = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnMax;
- slotCount = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnEnd;
- slotPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr;
- } else {
- constraintCount = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowMax;
- slotCount = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowEnd;
- slotPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure there is enough memory for the layout.
- */
- gridCount = MAX(constraintCount, slotCount);
- if (gridCount >= TYPICAL_SIZE) {
- layoutPtr = ckalloc(sizeof(GridLayout) * (1+gridCount));
- } else {
- layoutPtr = layoutData;
- }
- /*
- * Allocate an extra layout slot to represent the left/top edge of the 0th
- * slot to make it easier to calculate slot widths from offsets without
- * special case code.
- *
- * Initialize the "dummy" slot to the left/top of the table. This slot
- * avoids special casing the first slot.
- */
- layoutPtr->minOffset = 0;
- layoutPtr->maxOffset = 0;
- layoutPtr++;
- /*
- * Step 1.
- * Copy the slot constraints into the layout structure, and initialize the
- * rest of the fields.
- */
- for (slot=0; slot < constraintCount; slot++) {
- layoutPtr[slot].minSize = slotPtr[slot].minSize;
- layoutPtr[slot].weight = slotPtr[slot].weight;
- layoutPtr[slot].uniform = slotPtr[slot].uniform;
- layoutPtr[slot].pad = slotPtr[slot].pad;
- layoutPtr[slot].binNextPtr = NULL;
- }
- for (; slot<gridCount; slot++) {
- layoutPtr[slot].minSize = 0;
- layoutPtr[slot].weight = 0;
- layoutPtr[slot].uniform = NULL;
- layoutPtr[slot].pad = 0;
- layoutPtr[slot].binNextPtr = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Step 2.
- * Slaves with a span of 1 are used to determine the minimum size of each
- * slot. Slaves whose span is two or more slots don't contribute to the
- * minimum size of each slot directly, but can cause slots to grow if
- * their size exceeds the the sizes of the slots they span.
- *
- * Bin all slaves whose spans are > 1 by their right edges. This allows
- * the computation on minimum and maximum possible layout sizes at each
- * slot boundary, without the need to re-sort the slaves.
- */
- switch (slotType) {
- case COLUMN:
- for (slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr) {
- int rightEdge = slavePtr->column + slavePtr->numCols - 1;
- slavePtr->size = Tk_ReqWidth(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->padX
- + slavePtr->iPadX + slavePtr->doubleBw;
- if (slavePtr->numCols > 1) {
- slavePtr->binNextPtr = layoutPtr[rightEdge].binNextPtr;
- layoutPtr[rightEdge].binNextPtr = slavePtr;
- } else if (rightEdge >= 0) {
- int size = slavePtr->size + layoutPtr[rightEdge].pad;
- if (size > layoutPtr[rightEdge].minSize) {
- layoutPtr[rightEdge].minSize = size;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case ROW:
- for (slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr) {
- int rightEdge = slavePtr->row + slavePtr->numRows - 1;
- slavePtr->size = Tk_ReqHeight(slavePtr->tkwin) + slavePtr->padY
- + slavePtr->iPadY + slavePtr->doubleBw;
- if (slavePtr->numRows > 1) {
- slavePtr->binNextPtr = layoutPtr[rightEdge].binNextPtr;
- layoutPtr[rightEdge].binNextPtr = slavePtr;
- } else if (rightEdge >= 0) {
- int size = slavePtr->size + layoutPtr[rightEdge].pad;
- if (size > layoutPtr[rightEdge].minSize) {
- layoutPtr[rightEdge].minSize = size;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Step 2b.
- * Consider demands on uniform sizes.
- */
- uniformGroupPtr = uniformPre;
- uniformGroupsAlloced = UNIFORM_PREALLOC;
- uniformGroups = 0;
- for (slot = 0; slot < gridCount; slot++) {
- if (layoutPtr[slot].uniform != NULL) {
- for (start = 0; start < uniformGroups; start++) {
- if (uniformGroupPtr[start].group == layoutPtr[slot].uniform) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (start >= uniformGroups) {
- /*
- * Have not seen that group before, set up data for it.
- */
- if (uniformGroups >= uniformGroupsAlloced) {
- /*
- * We need to allocate more space.
- */
- size_t oldSize = uniformGroupsAlloced
- * sizeof(UniformGroup);
- size_t newSize = (uniformGroupsAlloced + UNIFORM_PREALLOC)
- * sizeof(UniformGroup);
- UniformGroup *newUG = ckalloc(newSize);
- UniformGroup *oldUG = uniformGroupPtr;
- memcpy(newUG, oldUG, oldSize);
- if (oldUG != uniformPre) {
- ckfree(oldUG);
- }
- uniformGroupPtr = newUG;
- uniformGroupsAlloced += UNIFORM_PREALLOC;
- }
- uniformGroups++;
- uniformGroupPtr[start].group = layoutPtr[slot].uniform;
- uniformGroupPtr[start].minSize = 0;
- }
- weight = layoutPtr[slot].weight;
- weight = weight > 0 ? weight : 1;
- minSize = (layoutPtr[slot].minSize + weight - 1) / weight;
- if (minSize > uniformGroupPtr[start].minSize) {
- uniformGroupPtr[start].minSize = minSize;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Data has been gathered about uniform groups. Now relayout accordingly.
- */
- if (uniformGroups > 0) {
- for (slot = 0; slot < gridCount; slot++) {
- if (layoutPtr[slot].uniform != NULL) {
- for (start = 0; start < uniformGroups; start++) {
- if (uniformGroupPtr[start].group ==
- layoutPtr[slot].uniform) {
- weight = layoutPtr[slot].weight;
- weight = weight > 0 ? weight : 1;
- layoutPtr[slot].minSize =
- uniformGroupPtr[start].minSize * weight;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (uniformGroupPtr != uniformPre) {
- ckfree(uniformGroupPtr);
- }
- /*
- * Step 3.
- * Determine the minimum slot offsets going from left to right that would
- * fit all of the slaves. This determines the minimum
- */
- for (offset=0,slot=0; slot < gridCount; slot++) {
- layoutPtr[slot].minOffset = layoutPtr[slot].minSize + offset;
- for (slavePtr = layoutPtr[slot].binNextPtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->binNextPtr) {
- int span = (slotType == COLUMN) ?
- slavePtr->numCols : slavePtr->numRows;
- int required = slavePtr->size + layoutPtr[slot - span].minOffset;
- if (required > layoutPtr[slot].minOffset) {
- layoutPtr[slot].minOffset = required;
- }
- }
- offset = layoutPtr[slot].minOffset;
- }
- /*
- * At this point, we know the minimum required size of the entire layout.
- * It might be prudent to stop here if our "master" will resize itself to
- * this size.
- */
- requiredSize = offset;
- if (maxOffset > offset) {
- offset=maxOffset;
- }
- /*
- * Step 4.
- * Determine the minimum slot offsets going from right to left, bounding
- * the pixel range of each slot boundary. Pre-fill all of the right
- * offsets with the actual size of the table; they will be reduced as
- * required.
- */
- for (slot=0; slot < gridCount; slot++) {
- layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset = offset;
- }
- for (slot=gridCount-1; slot > 0;) {
- for (slavePtr = layoutPtr[slot].binNextPtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->binNextPtr) {
- int span = (slotType == COLUMN) ?
- slavePtr->numCols : slavePtr->numRows;
- int require = offset - slavePtr->size;
- int startSlot = slot - span;
- if (startSlot >=0 && require < layoutPtr[startSlot].maxOffset) {
- layoutPtr[startSlot].maxOffset = require;
- }
- }
- offset -= layoutPtr[slot].minSize;
- slot--;
- if (layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset < offset) {
- offset = layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset;
- } else {
- layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset = offset;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Step 5.
- * At this point, each slot boundary has a range of values that will
- * satisfy the overall layout size. Make repeated passes over the layout
- * structure looking for spans of slot boundaries where the minOffsets are
- * less than the maxOffsets, and adjust the offsets according to the slot
- * weights. At each pass, at least one slot boundary will have its range
- * of possible values fixed at a single value.
- */
- for (start = 0; start < gridCount;) {
- int totalWeight = 0; /* Sum of the weights for all of the slots in
- * this span. */
- int need = 0; /* The minimum space needed to layout this
- * span. */
- int have; /* The actual amount of space that will be
- * taken up by this span. */
- int weight; /* Cumulative weights of the columns in this
- * span. */
- int noWeights = 0; /* True if the span has no weights. */
- /*
- * Find a span by identifying ranges of slots whose edges are already
- * constrained at fixed offsets, but whose internal slot boundaries
- * have a range of possible positions.
- */
- if (layoutPtr[start].minOffset == layoutPtr[start].maxOffset) {
- start++;
- continue;
- }
- for (end = start + 1; end < gridCount; end++) {
- if (layoutPtr[end].minOffset == layoutPtr[end].maxOffset) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * We found a span. Compute the total weight, minumum space required,
- * for this span, and the actual amount of space the span should use.
- */
- for (slot = start; slot <= end; slot++) {
- totalWeight += layoutPtr[slot].weight;
- need += layoutPtr[slot].minSize;
- }
- have = layoutPtr[end].maxOffset - layoutPtr[start-1].minOffset;
- /*
- * If all the weights in the span are zero, then distribute the extra
- * space evenly.
- */
- if (totalWeight == 0) {
- noWeights++;
- totalWeight = end - start + 1;
- }
- /*
- * It might not be possible to give the span all of the space
- * available on this pass without violating the size constraints of
- * one or more of the internal slot boundaries. Try to determine the
- * maximum amount of space that when added to the entire span, would
- * cause a slot boundary to have its possible range reduced to one
- * value, and reduce the amount of extra space allocated on this pass
- * accordingly.
- *
- * The calculation is done cumulatively to avoid accumulating roundoff
- * errors.
- */
- do {
- int prevMinOffset = layoutPtr[start - 1].minOffset;
- prevGrow = 0;
- accWeight = 0;
- for (slot = start; slot <= end; slot++) {
- weight = noWeights ? 1 : layoutPtr[slot].weight;
- accWeight += weight;
- grow = (have - need) * accWeight / totalWeight - prevGrow;
- prevGrow += grow;
- if ((weight > 0) &&
- ((prevMinOffset + layoutPtr[slot].minSize + grow)
- > layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset)) {
- int newHave;
- /*
- * There is not enough room to grow that much. Calculate
- * how much this slot can grow and how much "have" that
- * corresponds to.
- */
- grow = layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset -
- layoutPtr[slot].minSize - prevMinOffset;
- newHave = grow * totalWeight / weight;
- if (newHave > totalWeight) {
- /*
- * By distributing multiples of totalWeight we
- * minimize rounding errors since they will only
- * happen in the last loop(s).
- */
- newHave = newHave / totalWeight * totalWeight;
- }
- if (newHave <= 0) {
- /*
- * We can end up with a "have" of 0 here if the
- * previous slots have taken all the space. In that
- * case we cannot guess an appropriate "have" so we
- * just try some lower "have" that is >= 1, to make
- * sure this terminates.
- */
- newHave = (have - need) - 1;
- if (newHave > (3 * totalWeight)) {
- /*
- * Go down 25% for large values.
- */
- newHave = newHave * 3 / 4;
- }
- if (newHave > totalWeight) {
- /*
- * Round down to a multiple of totalWeight.
- */
- newHave = newHave / totalWeight * totalWeight;
- }
- if (newHave <= 0) {
- newHave = 1;
- }
- }
- have = newHave + need;
- /*
- * Restart loop to check if the new "have" will fit.
- */
- break;
- }
- prevMinOffset += layoutPtr[slot].minSize + grow;
- if (prevMinOffset < layoutPtr[slot].minOffset) {
- prevMinOffset = layoutPtr[slot].minOffset;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Quit the outer loop if the inner loop ran all the way.
- */
- } while (slot <= end);
- /*
- * Now distribute the extra space among the slots by adjusting the
- * minSizes and minOffsets.
- */
- prevGrow = 0;
- accWeight = 0;
- for (slot = start; slot <= end; slot++) {
- accWeight += noWeights ? 1 : layoutPtr[slot].weight;
- grow = (have - need) * accWeight / totalWeight - prevGrow;
- prevGrow += grow;
- layoutPtr[slot].minSize += grow;
- if ((layoutPtr[slot-1].minOffset + layoutPtr[slot].minSize)
- > layoutPtr[slot].minOffset) {
- layoutPtr[slot].minOffset = layoutPtr[slot-1].minOffset +
- layoutPtr[slot].minSize;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Having pushed the top/left boundaries of the slots to take up extra
- * space, the bottom/right space is recalculated to propagate the new
- * space allocation.
- */
- for (slot = end; slot > start; slot--) {
- /*
- * maxOffset may not go up.
- */
- if ((layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset-layoutPtr[slot].minSize)
- < layoutPtr[slot-1].maxOffset) {
- layoutPtr[slot-1].maxOffset =
- layoutPtr[slot].maxOffset-layoutPtr[slot].minSize;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Step 6.
- * All of the space has been apportioned; copy the layout information back
- * into the master.
- */
- for (slot=0; slot < gridCount; slot++) {
- slotPtr[slot].offset = layoutPtr[slot].minOffset;
- }
- --layoutPtr;
- if (layoutPtr != layoutData) {
- ckfree(layoutPtr);
- }
- return requiredSize;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GetGrid --
- *
- * This internal procedure is used to locate a Grid structure for a given
- * window, creating one if one doesn't exist already.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a pointer to the Grid structure corresponding to
- * tkwin.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * A new grid structure may be created. If so, then a callback is set up
- * to clean things up when the window is deleted.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static Gridder *
- Tk_Window tkwin) /* Token for window for which grid structure
- * is desired. */
- register Gridder *gridPtr;
- Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;
- int isNew;
- TkDisplay *dispPtr = ((TkWindow *) tkwin)->dispPtr;
- if (!dispPtr->gridInit) {
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&dispPtr->gridHashTable, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
- dispPtr->gridInit = 1;
- }
- /*
- * See if there's already grid for this window. If not, then create a new
- * one.
- */
- hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&dispPtr->gridHashTable, (char*) tkwin, &isNew);
- if (!isNew) {
- return Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr);
- }
- gridPtr = ckalloc(sizeof(Gridder));
- gridPtr->tkwin = tkwin;
- gridPtr->masterPtr = NULL;
- gridPtr->masterDataPtr = NULL;
- gridPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
- gridPtr->slavePtr = NULL;
- gridPtr->binNextPtr = NULL;
- gridPtr->column = -1;
- gridPtr->row = -1;
- gridPtr->numCols = 1;
- gridPtr->numRows = 1;
- gridPtr->padX = 0;
- gridPtr->padY = 0;
- gridPtr->padLeft = 0;
- gridPtr->padTop = 0;
- gridPtr->iPadX = 0;
- gridPtr->iPadY = 0;
- gridPtr->doubleBw = 2 * Tk_Changes(tkwin)->border_width;
- gridPtr->abortPtr = NULL;
- gridPtr->flags = 0;
- gridPtr->sticky = 0;
- gridPtr->size = 0;
- gridPtr->in = NULL;
- gridPtr->masterDataPtr = NULL;
- Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, gridPtr);
- Tk_CreateEventHandler(tkwin, StructureNotifyMask,
- GridStructureProc, gridPtr);
- return gridPtr;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetGridSize --
- *
- * This internal procedure sets the size of the grid occupied by slaves.
- *
- * Results:
- * None
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The width and height arguments are filled in the master data
- * structure. Additional space is allocated for the constraints to
- * accomodate the offsets.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Gridder *masterPtr) /* The geometry master for this grid. */
- register Gridder *slavePtr; /* Current slave window. */
- int maxX = 0, maxY = 0;
- for (slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr) {
- maxX = MAX(maxX, slavePtr->numCols + slavePtr->column);
- maxY = MAX(maxY, slavePtr->numRows + slavePtr->row);
- }
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnEnd = maxX;
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowEnd = maxY;
- CheckSlotData(masterPtr, maxX, COLUMN, CHECK_SPACE);
- CheckSlotData(masterPtr, maxY, ROW, CHECK_SPACE);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetSlaveColumn --
- *
- * Update column data for a slave, checking that MAX_ELEMENT bound
- * is not passed.
- *
- * Results:
- * TCL_ERROR if out of bounds, TCL_OK otherwise
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Slave fields are updated.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interp for error message. */
- Gridder *slavePtr, /* Slave to be updated. */
- int column, /* New column or -1 to be unchanged. */
- int numCols) /* New columnspan or -1 to be unchanged. */
- int newColumn, newNumCols, lastCol;
- newColumn = (column >= 0) ? column : slavePtr->column;
- newNumCols = (numCols >= 1) ? numCols : slavePtr->numCols;
- lastCol = ((newColumn >= 0) ? newColumn : 0) + newNumCols;
- if (lastCol >= MAX_ELEMENT) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("column out of bounds",-1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "BAD_COLUMN", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr->column = newColumn;
- slavePtr->numCols = newNumCols;
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetSlaveRow --
- *
- * Update row data for a slave, checking that MAX_ELEMENT bound
- * is not passed.
- *
- * Results:
- * TCL_ERROR if out of bounds, TCL_OK otherwise
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Slave fields are updated.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interp for error message. */
- Gridder *slavePtr, /* Slave to be updated. */
- int row, /* New row or -1 to be unchanged. */
- int numRows) /* New rowspan or -1 to be unchanged. */
- int newRow, newNumRows, lastRow;
- newRow = (row >= 0) ? row : slavePtr->row;
- newNumRows = (numRows >= 1) ? numRows : slavePtr->numRows;
- lastRow = ((newRow >= 0) ? newRow : 0) + newNumRows;
- if (lastRow >= MAX_ELEMENT) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("row out of bounds", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "BAD_ROW", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr->row = newRow;
- slavePtr->numRows = newNumRows;
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * CheckSlotData --
- *
- * This internal procedure is used to manage the storage for row and
- * column (slot) constraints.
- *
- * Results:
- * TRUE if the index is OK, False otherwise.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * A new master grid structure may be created. If so, then it is
- * initialized. In addition, additional storage for a row or column
- * constraints may be allocated, and the constraint maximums are
- * adjusted.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Gridder *masterPtr, /* The geometry master for this grid. */
- int slot, /* Which slot to look at. */
- int slotType, /* ROW or COLUMN. */
- int checkOnly) /* Don't allocate new space if true. */
- int numSlot; /* Number of slots already allocated (Space) */
- int end; /* Last used constraint. */
- /*
- * If slot is out of bounds, return immediately.
- */
- if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_ELEMENT) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((checkOnly == CHECK_ONLY) && (masterPtr->masterDataPtr == NULL)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * If we need to allocate more space, allocate a little extra to avoid
- * repeated re-alloc's for large tables. We need enough space to hold all
- * of the offsets as well.
- */
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- end = (slotType == ROW) ? masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowMax :
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnMax;
- if (checkOnly == CHECK_ONLY) {
- return ((end < slot) ? TCL_ERROR : TCL_OK);
- } else {
- numSlot = (slotType == ROW) ? masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowSpace
- : masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnSpace;
- if (slot >= numSlot) {
- int newNumSlot = slot + PREALLOC;
- size_t oldSize = numSlot * sizeof(SlotInfo);
- size_t newSize = newNumSlot * sizeof(SlotInfo);
- SlotInfo *newSI = ckalloc(newSize);
- SlotInfo *oldSI = (slotType == ROW)
- ? masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr
- : masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr;
- memcpy(newSI, oldSI, oldSize);
- memset(newSI+numSlot, 0, newSize - oldSize);
- ckfree(oldSI);
- if (slotType == ROW) {
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr = newSI;
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowSpace = newNumSlot;
- } else {
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr = newSI;
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnSpace = newNumSlot;
- }
- }
- if (slot >= end && checkOnly != CHECK_SPACE) {
- if (slotType == ROW) {
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowMax = slot+1;
- } else {
- masterPtr->masterDataPtr->columnMax = slot+1;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * InitMasterData --
- *
- * This internal procedure is used to allocate and initialize the data
- * for a geometry master, if the data doesn't exist already.
- *
- * Results:
- * none
- *
- * Side effects:
- * A new master grid structure may be created. If so, then it is
- * initialized.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- Gridder *masterPtr)
- if (masterPtr->masterDataPtr == NULL) {
- GridMaster *gridPtr = masterPtr->masterDataPtr =
- ckalloc(sizeof(GridMaster));
- size_t size = sizeof(SlotInfo) * TYPICAL_SIZE;
- gridPtr->columnEnd = 0;
- gridPtr->columnMax = 0;
- gridPtr->columnPtr = ckalloc(size);
- gridPtr->columnSpace = TYPICAL_SIZE;
- gridPtr->rowEnd = 0;
- gridPtr->rowMax = 0;
- gridPtr->rowPtr = ckalloc(size);
- gridPtr->rowSpace = TYPICAL_SIZE;
- gridPtr->startX = 0;
- gridPtr->startY = 0;
- gridPtr->anchor = GRID_DEFAULT_ANCHOR;
- memset(gridPtr->columnPtr, 0, size);
- memset(gridPtr->rowPtr, 0, size);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Unlink --
- *
- * Remove a grid from its master's list of slaves.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The master will be scheduled for re-arranging, and the size of the
- * grid will be adjusted accordingly
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- register Gridder *slavePtr) /* Window to unlink. */
- register Gridder *masterPtr, *slavePtr2;
- masterPtr = slavePtr->masterPtr;
- if (masterPtr == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (masterPtr->slavePtr == slavePtr) {
- masterPtr->slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr;
- } else {
- for (slavePtr2=masterPtr->slavePtr ; ; slavePtr2=slavePtr2->nextPtr) {
- if (slavePtr2 == NULL) {
- Tcl_Panic("Unlink couldn't find previous window");
- }
- if (slavePtr2->nextPtr == slavePtr) {
- slavePtr2->nextPtr = slavePtr->nextPtr;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!(masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- }
- if (masterPtr->abortPtr != NULL) {
- *masterPtr->abortPtr = 1;
- }
- SetGridSize(slavePtr->masterPtr);
- slavePtr->masterPtr = NULL;
- /*
- * If we have emptied this master from slaves it means we are no longer
- * handling it and should mark it as free.
- */
- if ((masterPtr->slavePtr == NULL) && (masterPtr->flags & ALLOCED_MASTER)) {
- TkFreeGeometryMaster(masterPtr->tkwin, "grid");
- masterPtr->flags &= ~ALLOCED_MASTER;
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DestroyGrid --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by Tcl_EventuallyFree or Tcl_Release to
- * clean up the internal structure of a grid at a safe time (when no-one
- * is using it anymore). Cleaning up the grid involves freeing the main
- * structure for all windows and the master structure for geometry
- * managers.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Everything associated with the grid is freed up.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- void *memPtr) /* Info about window that is now dead. */
- register Gridder *gridPtr = memPtr;
- if (gridPtr->masterDataPtr != NULL) {
- if (gridPtr->masterDataPtr->rowPtr != NULL) {
- ckfree(gridPtr->masterDataPtr -> rowPtr);
- }
- if (gridPtr->masterDataPtr->columnPtr != NULL) {
- ckfree(gridPtr->masterDataPtr -> columnPtr);
- }
- ckfree(gridPtr->masterDataPtr);
- }
- if (gridPtr->in != NULL) {
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(gridPtr->in);
- }
- ckfree(gridPtr);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GridStructureProc --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by the Tk event dispatcher in response to
- * StructureNotify events.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * If a window was just deleted, clean up all its grid-related
- * information. If it was just resized, re-configure its slaves, if any.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- ClientData clientData, /* Our information about window referred to by
- * eventPtr. */
- XEvent *eventPtr) /* Describes what just happened. */
- register Gridder *gridPtr = clientData;
- TkDisplay *dispPtr = ((TkWindow *) gridPtr->tkwin)->dispPtr;
- if (eventPtr->type == ConfigureNotify) {
- if ((gridPtr->slavePtr != NULL)
- && !(gridPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- gridPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, gridPtr);
- }
- if ((gridPtr->masterPtr != NULL) &&
- (gridPtr->doubleBw != 2*Tk_Changes(gridPtr->tkwin)->border_width)) {
- if (!(gridPtr->masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- gridPtr->doubleBw = 2*Tk_Changes(gridPtr->tkwin)->border_width;
- gridPtr->masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, gridPtr->masterPtr);
- }
- }
- } else if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) {
- register Gridder *gridPtr2, *nextPtr;
- if (gridPtr->masterPtr != NULL) {
- Unlink(gridPtr);
- }
- for (gridPtr2 = gridPtr->slavePtr; gridPtr2 != NULL;
- gridPtr2 = nextPtr) {
- Tk_UnmapWindow(gridPtr2->tkwin);
- gridPtr2->masterPtr = NULL;
- nextPtr = gridPtr2->nextPtr;
- gridPtr2->nextPtr = NULL;
- }
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(Tcl_FindHashEntry(&dispPtr->gridHashTable,
- (char *) gridPtr->tkwin));
- if (gridPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT) {
- Tcl_CancelIdleCall(ArrangeGrid, gridPtr);
- }
- gridPtr->tkwin = NULL;
- Tcl_EventuallyFree(gridPtr, (Tcl_FreeProc *)DestroyGrid);
- } else if (eventPtr->type == MapNotify) {
- if ((gridPtr->slavePtr != NULL)
- && !(gridPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- gridPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, gridPtr);
- }
- } else if (eventPtr->type == UnmapNotify) {
- register Gridder *gridPtr2;
- for (gridPtr2 = gridPtr->slavePtr; gridPtr2 != NULL;
- gridPtr2 = gridPtr2->nextPtr) {
- Tk_UnmapWindow(gridPtr2->tkwin);
- }
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ConfigureSlaves --
- *
- * This implements the guts of the "grid configure" command. Given a list
- * of slaves and configuration options, it arranges for the grid to
- * manage the slaves and sets the specified options. Arguments consist
- * of windows or window shortcuts followed by "-option value" pairs.
- *
- * Results:
- * TCL_OK is returned if all went well. Otherwise, TCL_ERROR is returned
- * and the interp's result is set to contain an error message.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Slave windows get taken over by the grid.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
- Tk_Window tkwin, /* Any window in application containing
- * slaves. Used to look up slave names. */
- int objc, /* Number of elements in argv. */
- Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) /* Argument objects: contains one or more
- * window names followed by any number of
- * "option value" pairs. Caller must make sure
- * that there is at least one window name. */
- Gridder *masterPtr = NULL;
- Gridder *slavePtr;
- Tk_Window other, slave, parent, ancestor;
- int i, j, tmp;
- int numWindows;
- int width;
- int defaultRow = -1;
- int defaultColumn = 0; /* Default column number */
- int defaultColumnSpan = 1; /* Default number of columns */
- const char *lastWindow; /* Use this window to base current row/col
- * on */
- int numSkip; /* Number of 'x' found */
- static const char *const optionStrings[] = {
- "-column", "-columnspan", "-in", "-ipadx", "-ipady",
- "-padx", "-pady", "-row", "-rowspan", "-sticky", NULL
- };
- enum options {
- int index;
- const char *string;
- char firstChar;
- int positionGiven;
- /*
- * Count the number of windows, or window short-cuts.
- */
- firstChar = 0;
- for (numWindows=0, i=0; i < objc; i++) {
- int length;
- char prevChar = firstChar;
- string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], &length);
- firstChar = string[0];
- if (firstChar == '.') {
- /*
- * Check that windows are valid, and locate the first slave's
- * parent window (default for -in).
- */
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[i], &slave) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (masterPtr == NULL) {
- /*
- * Is there any saved -in from a removed slave?
- * If there is, it becomes default for -in.
- * If the stored master does not exist, just ignore it.
- */
- struct Gridder *slavePtr = GetGrid(slave);
- if (slavePtr->in != NULL) {
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, slave, slavePtr->in, &parent)
- == TCL_OK) {
- masterPtr = GetGrid(parent);
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- }
- }
- }
- if (masterPtr == NULL) {
- parent = Tk_Parent(slave);
- if (parent != NULL) {
- masterPtr = GetGrid(parent);
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- }
- }
- numWindows++;
- continue;
- }
- if (length > 1 && i == 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad argument \"%s\": must be name of window", string));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "BAD_PARAMETER", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (length > 1 && firstChar == '-') {
- break;
- }
- if (length > 1) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "unexpected parameter \"%s\" in configure list:"
- " should be window name or option", string));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "BAD_PARAMETER", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((firstChar == REL_HORIZ) && ((numWindows == 0) ||
- (prevChar == REL_SKIP) || (prevChar == REL_VERT))) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "must specify window before shortcut '-'", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "SHORTCUT_USAGE", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((firstChar == REL_VERT) || (firstChar == REL_SKIP)
- || (firstChar == REL_HORIZ)) {
- continue;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "invalid window shortcut, \"%s\" should be '-', 'x', or '^'",
- string));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "SHORTCUT_USAGE", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- numWindows = i;
- if ((objc - numWindows) & 1) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "extra option or option with no value", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "BAD_PARAMETER", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Go through all options looking for -in and -row, which are needed to be
- * found first to handle the special case where ^ is used on a row without
- * windows names, but with an -in option. Since all options are checked
- * here, we do not need to handle the error case again later.
- */
- for (i = numWindows; i < objc; i += 2) {
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], optionStrings,
- sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index == CONF_IN) {
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[i+1], &other) !=
- TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr = GetGrid(other);
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- } else if (index == CONF_ROW) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i+1], &tmp) != TCL_OK
- || tmp < 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad row value \"%s\": must be a non-negative integer",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "POSITIVE_INT", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- defaultRow = tmp;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If no -row is given, use the first unoccupied row of the master.
- */
- if (defaultRow < 0) {
- if (masterPtr != NULL && masterPtr->masterDataPtr != NULL) {
- SetGridSize(masterPtr);
- defaultRow = masterPtr->masterDataPtr->rowEnd;
- } else {
- defaultRow = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Iterate over all of the slave windows and short-cuts, parsing options
- * for each slave. It's a bit wasteful to re-parse the options for each
- * slave, but things get too messy if we try to parse the arguments just
- * once at the beginning. For example, if a slave already is managed we
- * want to just change a few existing values without resetting everything.
- * If there are multiple windows, the -in option only gets processed for
- * the first window.
- */
- positionGiven = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < numWindows; j++) {
- string = Tcl_GetString(objv[j]);
- firstChar = string[0];
- /*
- * '^' and 'x' cause us to skip a column. '-' is processed as part of
- * its preceeding slave.
- */
- if ((firstChar == REL_VERT) || (firstChar == REL_SKIP)) {
- defaultColumn++;
- continue;
- }
- if (firstChar == REL_HORIZ) {
- continue;
- }
- for (defaultColumnSpan = 1; j + defaultColumnSpan < numWindows;
- defaultColumnSpan++) {
- const char *string = Tcl_GetString(objv[j + defaultColumnSpan]);
- if (*string != REL_HORIZ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[j], &slave) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_TopWinHierarchy(slave)) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "can't manage \"%s\": it's a top-level window",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[j])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GEOMETRY", "TOPLEVEL", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr = GetGrid(slave);
- /*
- * The following statement is taken from tkPack.c:
- *
- * "If the slave isn't currently managed, reset all of its
- * configuration information to default values (there could be old
- * values left from a previous packer)."
- *
- * I [D.S.] disagree with this statement. If a slave is disabled
- * (using "forget") and then re-enabled, I submit that 90% of the time
- * the programmer will want it to retain its old configuration
- * information. If the programmer doesn't want this behavior, then the
- * defaults can be reestablished by hand, without having to worry
- * about keeping track of the old state.
- */
- for (i = numWindows; i < objc; i += 2) {
- Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], optionStrings,
- sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &index);
- switch ((enum options) index) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[i+1], &tmp) != TCL_OK
- || tmp < 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad column value \"%s\": must be a non-negative integer",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "COLUMN", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (SetSlaveColumn(interp, slavePtr, tmp, -1) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[i+1], &tmp) != TCL_OK
- || tmp <= 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad columnspan value \"%s\": must be a positive integer",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "SPAN", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (SetSlaveColumn(interp, slavePtr, -1, tmp) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- case CONF_IN:
- if (TkGetWindowFromObj(interp, tkwin, objv[i+1],
- &other) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (other == slave) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "window can't be managed in itself", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GEOMETRY", "SELF", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- positionGiven = 1;
- masterPtr = GetGrid(other);
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- break;
- case CONF_STICKY: {
- int sticky = StringToSticky(Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1]));
- if (sticky == -1) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad stickyness value \"%s\": must be"
- " a string containing n, e, s, and/or w",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "STICKY", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr->sticky = sticky;
- break;
- }
- case CONF_IPADX:
- if ((Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, slave, objv[i+1],
- &tmp) != TCL_OK) || (tmp < 0)) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad ipadx value \"%s\": must be positive screen distance",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "INT_PAD", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr->iPadX = tmp * 2;
- break;
- case CONF_IPADY:
- if ((Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, slave, objv[i+1],
- &tmp) != TCL_OK) || (tmp < 0)) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad ipady value \"%s\": must be positive screen distance",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "INT_PAD", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- slavePtr->iPadY = tmp * 2;
- break;
- case CONF_PADX:
- if (TkParsePadAmount(interp, tkwin, objv[i+1],
- &slavePtr->padLeft, &slavePtr->padX) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- case CONF_PADY:
- if (TkParsePadAmount(interp, tkwin, objv[i+1],
- &slavePtr->padTop, &slavePtr->padY) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- case CONF_ROW:
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[i+1], &tmp) != TCL_OK
- || tmp < 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad row value \"%s\": must be a non-negative integer",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "COLUMN", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (SetSlaveRow(interp, slavePtr, tmp, -1) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- if ((Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[i+1], &tmp) != TCL_OK)
- || tmp <= 0) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "bad rowspan value \"%s\": must be a positive integer",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1])));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "VALUE", "SPAN", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (SetSlaveRow(interp, slavePtr, -1, tmp) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If no position was specified via -in and the slave is already
- * packed, then leave it in its current location.
- */
- if (!positionGiven && (slavePtr->masterPtr != NULL)) {
- masterPtr = slavePtr->masterPtr;
- goto scheduleLayout;
- }
- /*
- * If the same -in window is passed in again, then just leave it in
- * its current location.
- */
- if (positionGiven && (masterPtr == slavePtr->masterPtr)) {
- goto scheduleLayout;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure we have a geometry master. We look at:
- * 1) the -in flag
- * 2) the parent of the first slave.
- */
- parent = Tk_Parent(slave);
- if (masterPtr == NULL) {
- masterPtr = GetGrid(parent);
- InitMasterData(masterPtr);
- }
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr != NULL && slavePtr->masterPtr != masterPtr) {
- Unlink(slavePtr);
- slavePtr->masterPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (slavePtr->masterPtr == NULL) {
- Gridder *tempPtr = masterPtr->slavePtr;
- slavePtr->masterPtr = masterPtr;
- masterPtr->slavePtr = slavePtr;
- slavePtr->nextPtr = tempPtr;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure that the slave's parent is either the master or an
- * ancestor of the master, and that the master and slave aren't the
- * same.
- */
- for (ancestor = masterPtr->tkwin; ; ancestor = Tk_Parent(ancestor)) {
- if (ancestor == parent) {
- break;
- }
- if (Tk_TopWinHierarchy(ancestor)) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "can't put %s inside %s", Tcl_GetString(objv[j]),
- Tk_PathName(masterPtr->tkwin)));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GEOMETRY", "HIERARCHY", NULL);
- Unlink(slavePtr);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try to make sure our master isn't managed by us.
- */
- if (masterPtr->masterPtr == slavePtr) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
- "can't put %s inside %s, would cause management loop",
- Tcl_GetString(objv[j]), Tk_PathName(masterPtr->tkwin)));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GEOMETRY", "LOOP", NULL);
- Unlink(slavePtr);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tk_ManageGeometry(slave, &gridMgrType, slavePtr);
- if (!(masterPtr->flags & DONT_PROPAGATE)) {
- if (TkSetGeometryMaster(interp, masterPtr->tkwin, "grid")
- != TCL_OK) {
- Tk_ManageGeometry(slave, NULL, NULL);
- Unlink(slavePtr);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- masterPtr->flags |= ALLOCED_MASTER;
- }
- /*
- * Assign default position information.
- */
- if (slavePtr->column == -1) {
- if (SetSlaveColumn(interp, slavePtr, defaultColumn,-1) != TCL_OK){
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (SetSlaveColumn(interp, slavePtr, -1,
- slavePtr->numCols + defaultColumnSpan - 1) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (slavePtr->row == -1) {
- if (SetSlaveRow(interp, slavePtr, defaultRow, -1) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- defaultColumn += slavePtr->numCols;
- defaultColumnSpan = 1;
- /*
- * Arrange for the master to be re-arranged at the first idle moment.
- */
- scheduleLayout:
- if (masterPtr->abortPtr != NULL) {
- *masterPtr->abortPtr = 1;
- }
- if (!(masterPtr->flags & REQUESTED_RELAYOUT)) {
- masterPtr->flags |= REQUESTED_RELAYOUT;
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(ArrangeGrid, masterPtr);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now look for all the "^"'s.
- */
- lastWindow = NULL;
- numSkip = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < numWindows; j++) {
- struct Gridder *otherPtr;
- int match; /* Found a match for the ^ */
- int lastRow, lastColumn; /* Implied end of table. */
- string = Tcl_GetString(objv[j]);
- firstChar = string[0];
- if (firstChar == '.') {
- lastWindow = string;
- numSkip = 0;
- }
- if (firstChar == REL_SKIP) {
- numSkip++;
- }
- if (firstChar != REL_VERT) {
- continue;
- }
- if (masterPtr == NULL) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "can't use '^', cant find master", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "SHORTCUT_USAGE", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Count the number of consecutive ^'s starting from this position.
- */
- for (width = 1; width + j < numWindows; width++) {
- const char *string = Tcl_GetString(objv[j+width]);
- if (*string != REL_VERT) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Find the implied grid location of the ^
- */
- if (lastWindow == NULL) {
- lastRow = defaultRow - 1;
- lastColumn = 0;
- } else {
- other = Tk_NameToWindow(interp, lastWindow, tkwin);
- otherPtr = GetGrid(other);
- lastRow = otherPtr->row + otherPtr->numRows - 2;
- lastColumn = otherPtr->column + otherPtr->numCols;
- }
- lastColumn += numSkip;
- match = 0;
- for (slavePtr = masterPtr->slavePtr; slavePtr != NULL;
- slavePtr = slavePtr->nextPtr) {
- if (slavePtr->column == lastColumn
- && slavePtr->row + slavePtr->numRows - 1 == lastRow) {
- if (slavePtr->numCols <= width) {
- if (SetSlaveRow(interp, slavePtr, -1,
- slavePtr->numRows + 1) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- match++;
- j += slavePtr->numCols - 1;
- lastWindow = Tk_PathName(slavePtr->tkwin);
- numSkip = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!match) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "can't find slave to extend with \"^\"", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "SHORTCUT_USAGE", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (masterPtr == NULL) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
- "can't determine master window", -1));
- Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GRID", "SHORTCUT_USAGE", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- SetGridSize(masterPtr);
- /*
- * If we have emptied this master from slaves it means we are no longer
- * handling it and should mark it as free.
- */
- if (masterPtr->slavePtr == NULL && masterPtr->flags & ALLOCED_MASTER) {
- TkFreeGeometryMaster(masterPtr->tkwin, "grid");
- masterPtr->flags &= ~ALLOCED_MASTER;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * StickyToObj
- *
- * Converts the internal boolean combination of "sticky" bits onto a Tcl
- * list element containing zero or more of n, s, e, or w.
- *
- * Results:
- * A new object is returned that holds the sticky representation.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * none.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static Tcl_Obj *
- int flags) /* The sticky flags. */
- int count = 0;
- char buffer[4];
- if (flags & STICK_NORTH) {
- buffer[count++] = 'n';
- }
- if (flags & STICK_EAST) {
- buffer[count++] = 'e';
- }
- if (flags & STICK_SOUTH) {
- buffer[count++] = 's';
- }
- if (flags & STICK_WEST) {
- buffer[count++] = 'w';
- }
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(buffer, count);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * StringToSticky --
- *
- * Converts an ascii string representing a widgets stickyness into the
- * boolean result.
- *
- * Results:
- * The boolean combination of the "sticky" bits is retuned. If an error
- * occurs, such as an invalid character, -1 is returned instead.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * none
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
- const char *string)
- int sticky = 0;
- char c;
- while ((c = *string++) != '\0') {
- switch (c) {
- case 'n': case 'N':
- sticky |= STICK_NORTH;
- break;
- case 'e': case 'E':
- sticky |= STICK_EAST;
- break;
- case 's': case 'S':
- sticky |= STICK_SOUTH;
- break;
- case 'w': case 'W':
- sticky |= STICK_WEST;
- break;
- case ' ': case ',': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n':
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return sticky;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * NewPairObj --
- *
- * Creates a new list object and fills it with two integer objects.
- *
- * Results:
- * The newly created list object is returned.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static Tcl_Obj *
- int val1, int val2)
- Tcl_Obj *ary[2];
- ary[0] = Tcl_NewIntObj(val1);
- ary[1] = Tcl_NewIntObj(val2);
- return Tcl_NewListObj(2, ary);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * NewQuadObj --
- *
- * Creates a new list object and fills it with four integer objects.
- *
- * Results:
- * The newly created list object is returned.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static Tcl_Obj *
- int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4)
- Tcl_Obj *ary[4];
- ary[0] = Tcl_NewIntObj(val1);
- ary[1] = Tcl_NewIntObj(val2);
- ary[2] = Tcl_NewIntObj(val3);
- ary[3] = Tcl_NewIntObj(val4);
- return Tcl_NewListObj(4, ary);
- * Local Variables:
- * mode: c
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * fill-column: 78
- * End:
- */