path: root/tk8.6/tests/arc.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tk8.6/tests/arc.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/tk8.6/tests/arc.tcl b/tk8.6/tests/arc.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a93ea..0000000
--- a/tk8.6/tests/arc.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# This file creates a visual test for arcs. It is part of the Tk
-# visual test suite, which is invoked via the "visual" script.
-catch {destroy .t}
-toplevel .t
-wm title .t "Visual Tests for Canvas Arcs"
-wm iconname .t "Arcs"
-wm geom .t +0+0
-wm minsize .t 1 1
-canvas .t.c -width 650 -height 600 -relief raised
-pack .t.c -expand yes -fill both
-button .t.quit -text Quit -command {destroy .t}
-pack .t.quit -side bottom -pady 3 -ipadx 4 -ipady 2
-puts "depth is [winfo depth .t]"
-if {[winfo depth .t] > 1} {
- set fill1 aquamarine3
- set fill2 aquamarine3
- set fill3 IndianRed1
- set outline2 IndianRed3
-} else {
- set fill1 black
- set fill2 white
- set fill3 Black
- set outline2 white
-set outline black
-.t.c create arc 20 20 220 120 -start 30 -extent 270 -outline $fill1 -width 14 \
- -style arc
-.t.c create arc 260 20 460 120 -start 30 -extent 270 -fill $fill2 -width 14 \
- -style chord -outline $outline
-.t.c create arc 500 20 620 160 -start 30 -extent 270 -fill {} -width 14 \
- -style chord -outline $outline -outlinestipple gray50
-.t.c create arc 20 260 140 460 -start 45 -extent 90 -fill $fill2 -width 14 \
- -style pieslice -outline $outline
-.t.c create arc 180 260 300 460 -start 45 -extent 90 -fill {} -width 14 \
- -style pieslice -outline $outline
-.t.c create arc 340 260 460 460 -start 30 -extent 150 -fill $fill2 -width 14 \
- -style chord -outline $outline -stipple gray50 -outlinestipple gray25
-.t.c create arc 500 260 620 460 -start 30 -extent 150 -fill {} -width 14 \
- -style chord -outline $outline
-.t.c create arc 20 450 140 570 -start 135 -extent 270 -fill $fill1 -width 14 \
- -style pieslice -outline {}
-.t.c create arc 180 450 300 570 -start 30 -extent -90 -fill $fill1 -width 14 \
- -style pieslice -outline {}
-.t.c create arc 340 450 460 570 -start 320 -extent 270 -fill $fill1 -width 14 \
- -style chord -outline {}
-.t.c create arc 500 450 620 570 -start 350 -extent -110 -fill $fill1 -width 14 \
- -style chord -outline {}
-.t.c addtag arc withtag all
-.t.c addtag circle withtag [.t.c create oval 320 200 340 220 -fill MistyRose3]
-.t.c bind arc <Any-Enter> {
- set prevFill [lindex [.t.c itemconf current -fill] 4]
- set prevOutline [lindex [.t.c itemconf current -outline] 4]
- if {($prevFill != "") || ($prevOutline == "")} {
- .t.c itemconf current -fill $fill3
- }
- if {$prevOutline != ""} {
- .t.c itemconf current -outline $outline2
- }
-.t.c bind arc <Any-Leave> {.t.c itemconf current -fill $prevFill -outline $prevOutline}
-bind .t.c <1> {markarea %x %y}
-bind .t.c <B1-Motion> {strokearea %x %y}
-proc markarea {x y} {
- global areaX1 areaY1
- set areaX1 $x
- set areaY1 $y
-proc strokearea {x y} {
- global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
- if {($areaX1 != $x) && ($areaY1 != $y)} {
- .t.c delete area
- .t.c addtag area withtag [.t.c create rect $areaX1 $areaY1 $x $y \
- -outline black]
- set areaX2 $x
- set areaY2 $y
- }
-bind .t.c <Control-f> {
- puts stdout "Enclosed: [.t.c find enclosed $areaX1 $areaY1 $areaX2 $areaY2]"
- puts stdout "Overlapping: [.t.c find overl $areaX1 $areaY1 $areaX2 $areaY2]"
-bind .t.c <3> {puts stdout "%x %y"}
-# The code below allows the circle to be move by shift-dragging.
-bind .t.c <Shift-1> {
- set curx %x
- set cury %y
-bind .t.c <Shift-B1-Motion> {
- .t.c move circle [expr %x-$curx] [expr %y-$cury]
- set curx %x
- set cury %y
-# The binding below flashes the closest item to the mouse.
-bind .t.c <Control-c> {
- set closest [.t.c find closest %x %y]
- set oldfill [lindex [.t.c itemconf $closest -fill] 4]
- .t.c itemconf $closest -fill IndianRed1
- after 200 [list .t.c itemconfig $closest -fill $oldfill]
-proc c {option value} {.t.c itemconf 2 $option $value}
-bind .t.c a {
- set go 1
- set i 1
- while {$go} {
- if {$i >= 50} {
- set delta -5
- }
- if {$i <= 5} {
- set delta 5
- }
- incr i $delta
- c -start $i
- c -extent [expr 360-2*$i]
- after 20
- update
- }
-bind .t.c b {set go 0}
-bind .t.c <Control-x> {.t.c delete current}