path: root/tk8.6/tests/bevel.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tk8.6/tests/bevel.tcl')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tk8.6/tests/bevel.tcl b/tk8.6/tests/bevel.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af60f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tk8.6/tests/bevel.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# This file creates a visual test for bevels drawn around text in text
+# widgets. It is part of the Tk visual test suite, which is invoked
+# via the "visual" script.
+catch {destroy .t}
+toplevel .t
+wm title .t "Visual Tests for Borders in Text Widgets"
+wm iconname .t "Text Borders"
+wm geom .t +0+0
+text .t.t -width 60 -height 30 -setgrid true -xscrollcommand {.t.h set} \
+ -font {Courier 12} \
+ -yscrollcommand {.t.v set} -wrap none -relief raised -bd 2
+scrollbar .t.v -orient vertical -command ".t.t yview"
+scrollbar .t.h -orient horizontal -command ".t.t xview"
+button .t.quit -text Quit -command {destroy .t}
+pack .t.quit -side bottom -pady 3 -ipadx 4 -ipady 2
+pack .t.h -side bottom -fill x
+pack .t.v -side right -fill y
+pack .t.t -expand yes -fill both
+wm minsize .t 1 1
+if {[winfo depth .t] > 1} {
+ .t.t tag configure r1 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -background #b2dfee
+ .t.t tag configure r2 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -background #b2dfee \
+ -offset 2
+ .t.t tag configure s1 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -background #b2dfee
+} else {
+ .t.t tag configure r1 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -background white
+ .t.t tag configure r2 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -background white \
+ -offset 2
+ .t.t tag configure s1 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -background white
+.t.t tag configure indent1 -lmargin1 100
+.t.t tag configure indent2 -lmargin1 200
+.t.t insert end {This display contains a bunch of raised and sunken
+regions to exercise the bevel-drawing facilities of
+DisplayLineBackground. The letters have the following
+r - should appear raised
+u - should appear raised and also slightly offset vertically
+s - should appear sunken
+S - should appear solid
+n - preceding relief should extend right to end of line.
+* - should appear "normal"
+x - extra long lines to allow horizontal scrolling.
+Try scrolling the text both vertically and horizontally to
+be sure that the bevels are still drawn correctly.
+Pass 1 (side bevels):
+.t.t insert end ****
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end uuuu r2
+.t.t insert end ************
+.t.t insert end ssssssssssssssssss s1
+.t.t insert end \n\n****************
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrn\n r1
+.t.t insert end "\nPass 2 (top bevels):\n\n"
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end rrrrr {r1 dummy}
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n************
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end ***********\n
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n\n***
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end ***********\n*
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end ********
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n\n*
+.t.t insert end *** dummy
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end n\nrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr {r1 indent1}
+.t.t insert end \n\n***
+.t.t insert end rrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n
+.t.t insert end rrrr {r1 indent1}
+.t.t insert end \n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n
+.t.t insert end "Pass 3 (bottom bevels):\n\n"
+.t.t insert end *******
+.t.t insert end ********** dummy
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end **********\n
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu r2
+.t.t insert end \n********************
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end ************\n\n*
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end ********
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n*****
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end **********\n\n
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr {r1 indent1}
+.t.t insert end \n** dummy
+.t.t insert end **
+.t.t insert end rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn\n r1
+.t.t insert end \n
+.t.t insert end rrrr {r1 indent1}
+.t.t insert end \n***
+.t.t insert end rrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n\nMiscellaneous:\n\n
+.t.t insert end rrr r1
+.t.t insert end *****
+.t.t insert end rrr r1
+foreach i {1 2 3} {
+ .t.t insert end \n
+ .t.t insert end ***
+ .t.t insert end rrrrr r1
+.t.t insert end \n
+.t.t insert end rrr r1
+.t.t insert end *****
+.t.t insert end rrr r1
+font configure TkFixedFont -size 20
+.t.t tag configure sol100 -relief solid -borderwidth 100 \
+ -foreground red -font TkFixedFont
+.t.t tag configure sol12 -relief solid -borderwidth 12 \
+ -foreground red -font TkFixedFont
+.t.t tag configure big -font TkFixedFont
+set ind [.t.t index end]
+.t.t insert end "\n\nBorders do not leak on the neighbour chars"
+.t.t insert end "\nOnly \"S\" is on dark background"
+.t.t insert end {
+ xxx
+ x} {} S sol100 {x
+ xxx}
+.t.t insert end "\n\nA very thick border grows toward the inside of the tagged area only"
+.t.t insert end "\nOnly \"S\" is on dark background"
+.t.t insert end {
+ xxxx} {} SSSSS sol100 {xxxx
+ x} {} SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS sol100 {x
+ xxx} {} SSSSSSSSS sol100 xxxx {}
+.t.t insert end "\n\nA thinner border is continuous"
+.t.t insert end {
+ xxxx} {} SSSSS sol12 {xxxx
+ xxx} {} SSSSSSSSS sol12 xxxx {}
+.t.t tag add big $ind end