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- Specifications for the Tk HTML Widget
- $Revision$
- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 D. Richard Hipp
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Author Contact Information:
- @(#) $Id$
-<title>Interface Specification For The HTML Widget</title>
-<body bgcolor=white>
-<h1>Interface Specification For The HTML Widget</h1>
-<p>This is a draft interface specification for the Tk HTML
-widget currently under development.
-Since it is still a draft, it is subject to change.
-Eventually, the interface will stabilize and this interface
-specification will morph into a manual page.</p>
-<h2>Configuration Options</h2>
-<table cellspacing=10>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-appletcommand</tt></td>
- <p>This option specifies the name of the Tcl procedure to invoke when the
- <tt>&lt;applet&gt;...&lt;/applet&gt;</tt> tag sequence is seen. The html
- widget will append two arguments to the procedure before calling it.
- The first argument is the name of a widget that the callback should
- create to hold the applet.
- The second argument is
- a list of name/value pairs which are the arguments to
- the <tt>&lt;applet&gt;</tt> tag.</p>
- <p>The text between <tt>&lt;applet&gt</tt> and <tt>&lt;/applet&gt;</tt>
- is normally suppressed.
- However, if the <tt>-appletcommand</tt> option is set to the empty string,
- the <tt>&lt;applet&gt</tt> tag is ignored and all text between
- <tt>&lt;applet&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;/applet&gt;</tt> is displayed
- normally.</p>
- <p>"&lt;embed&gt;" is treated as an alias for
- "&lt;applet&gt;&lt;/applet&gt".</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-background</tt></td>
- <p>The background color for the widget.</p>
- <p>Note that the <tt>&lt;body bgcolor=...&gt;</tt> HTML tag does not
- automatically cause the widget to change its background color. If
- you want the background color to change in response to this HTML tag,
- then your Tcl script should intercept
- the <tt>&lt;body&gt;</tt> tag using the
- ``<tt>token handler</tt>'' widget command (described below) and
- change the background color manually.</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-base</tt></td>
- <p>The base URI for the current document. This should be set to
- the URI that was used to retrieve the document before parsing
- begins.</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-bd</tt><td>An alias for <tt>-borderwidth</tt>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-bg</tt><td>An alias for <tt>-background</tt>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-borderwidth</tt></td>
- <p>The width of the 3-D border drawn around the parameter of the widget, in
- pixels.</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-cursor</tt></td>
- <p>The cursor displayed when the pointer is positioned over the HTML widget.
- If {}, the cursor reverts to its default shape.</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-exportselection</tt></td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-fontcommand</tt></td>
- <p>The name of a TCL procedure that is used to convert HTML font names
- into TCL font names. A default built-in procedure is used if the value
- of this option is {}.</p>
- <p>When the HTML widget needs a new font, it calls this procedure with
- two arguments. This first argument is the font size expressed as an
- integer between 1 and 7. The standard size is 4. The second argument
- is a set of between 0 and 3 keywords drawn from the following set:
- "bold", "italic", and "fixed". If the "bold" keyword is present in
- the second argument, the font returned should be bold. If the "italic"
- keyword is present, the font should be italic. If the "fixed" keyword
- is present, the font should be fixed-width. The TCL procedure should
- return the name of the TCL font that the HTML widget will use to render
- the given HTML font. If the TCL procedure returns an empty string,
- then the built-in default procedure is used to determine the font.</p>
- <p>Examples: This is {4 {}}. <tt>This is {4 fixed}</tt>.
- <small>This is {3 {}}</small>. <large><tt><bold>This is {5 {fixed bold}}
- </bold></tt></large></p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-fg</tt></td>
-<td>An alias for <tt>-foreground</tt>.</td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-foreground</tt></td>
- The default foreground color in which HTML text is rendered.
- The HTML can override this using the <tt>color=...</tt> attribute
- on various HTML tags.
-<tr><td valign=top>
-<code>-formcommand <var>string</var></code>
-Declares a handler for everything to do with forms within a document.
-Arguments will be appended to <var>string</var> and the result evaluated
-during parsing (for form creation) and when the widget is cleared (for
-form cleanup). The first argument is a token for
-identifying a form. The second argument selects the action to perform.
-The remaining arguments depend on the action, as follows.
-<dl><dt><code><var>string token</var> form <var>URL method attrs</var></code>
-<dd>The handler should begin taking notes for form <var>token</var>,
-especially the (resolved) <var>URL</var> of the action and the
-<var>method</var> to be applied. The raw attributes of the FORM element
-are in the pairlist <var>attrs</var>.
-<dt><code><var>string token</var> flush</code>
-<dd>When the document is cleared, the widget will destroy all the windows
-it requested. This handler should clean up anything else
-it created for that form.
-<dt><code><var>string token</var> input <var>path attrs</var></code>
-<dd>The handler should create a window named <var>path</var>
-appropriate for the element described by the <var>attrs</var>.
-The widget will map the window into its rendering appropriately.
-<p>It is not an error for the handler to return without creating such a window
-(it's natural in the case of type=hidden); the widget simply
-ignores the element in that case.
-The attributes are the raw values in the HTML, with one exception;
-a <code>src</code> will be resolved before the handler is called.
-<dt><code><var>string token</var> textarea <var>path attrs initial</var></code>
-<dd>The handler should create a window (a single Text, or a Frame with Text
-and Scrollbars, or whatever) appropriate for a &lt;textarea&gt; and
-initialise it to the <var>initial</var> string.
-<dt><code><var>string token</var> select <var>path attrs choices initial</var></code>
-<dd><em>&lt;select&gt is quite a complicated case...</em>
-The handler should create a window
-appropriate for a &lt;select&gt; of the given attributes and
-present the list of <var>choices</var>. Each choice is a pair, the
-value and its label. <var>initial</var> is a list of values initially
-selected. <em>This approach is somewhat questionable but should do
-most of the time.</em>
-Caution: Be very careful to avoid confusing HTML variables with TCL
-variables. It may be tempting to use the <code>name</code> attribute
-fairly directly to link
-together related widgets, but it will likely cause incorrect
-behaviours. Also be careful to observe the order in which the elements are
-created; this determines the order in which they must be submitted.
-A default form handler with the correct bahaviour written in TCL will be
-bundled with the widget.
-<p>The attribute names will be downcased within <var>attrs</var>.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-framecommand</tt><td>
-The script specified by this option is invoked when the HTML parser
-encounters a <tt>&lt;frameset&gt;...&lt;/frameset&gt;</tt> tag sequence.
-The arguments to the script are TBD.
-If the value of the option is the empty string, then the text within
-the <tt>&lt;noframe&gt...&lt;/noframe&gt;</tt> tag sequence is displayed.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-height</tt><td>
-Specifies the height of the area into which HTML is rendered.
-This value plus twice the <tt>-padx</tt>, <tt>-borderwidth</tt> and
-<tt>-highlightthickness</tt> values is the total height of the widget.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-highlightbackground</tt><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-highlightcolor</tt><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-highlightthickness</tt><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-hyperlinkcommand</tt></td>
- The script specified by this option is invoked whenever the user
- clicks on a hyperlink on the HTML page. Before invoking this
- script, the URI for the hyperlink is appended.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-imagecommand</tt></td>
- When a ``<tt>&lt;img src=...&gt;</tt>'' tag is encountered, the
- HTML widget invokes the script specified by this option in order to
- get the name of a Tk image object to display the HTML image.
- Before invoking the script, the following arguments are appended:
- <ol>
- <li>The value of the <tt>src=...</tt> parameter after have been
- processed by the resolver.
- <li>The value of the <tt>width=...</tt> parameter.
- <li>The value of the <tt>height=...</tt> parameter.
- <li>A list containing the names and values of all parameters.
- </ol>
- If the name returned by this script is the empty string, or if the
- script is an empty string, then the HTML widget displays the
- <tt>alt=...</tt> text of the <tt>&lt;img&gt</tt> tag instead of
- an image.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-isvisitedcommand</tt><td>
-When the HTML widget encounters a hyperlink
-(``<tt>&lt;a href=...&gt;</tt>'') it invokes the script specified
-by this option in order to determine whether or not the hyperlink
-has been visited.
-This information is needed to determine what color to use to display
-the hyperlink.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-padx</tt><td>
-The amount of extra space to insert between the 3-D border and the
-left and right sides of the document text.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-pady</tt><td>
-The amount of extra space to insert between the 3-D border and the top
-and bottom of the document text.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-relief</tt><td>
-The relief used to draw the 3-D border.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-resolvercommand</tt></td>
- <p>The name of a TCL command used to resolve URIs. If blank, a built-in
- resolver is used. If a TCL command is specified but it returns
- an empty string, the built-in resolver is used then too.
- The build-in resolver is based on the algorithm
- in section 5.2 of RFC 2396. </p>
- <p>Multiple URIs are appended to the TCL command before it is executed.
- The first URI is the BASE URI of the document (the URL that specified
- by the -base configuration option and updated according to any prior
- &lt;BASE&gt; markup). Zero or more additional URIs are
- appended to this base. The result of the script should be the resolution
- of the whole series or URIs.</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-rulerelief</tt></td>
- <p>Determines the appearance of the Horizontal Rule (&lt;HR&gt) markup.
- The default is "sunken". This can also be "raised" or "flat". If
- "flat", then the &lt;HR&gt; is drawn using a solid line in the current
- foreground color. "groove" and "ridge" are the same as "flat".</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-scriptcommand</tt></td>
- <p>Whenever &lt;SCRIPT&gt;...&lt;/SCRIPT&gt; markup is encountered in
- the input HTML, the attributes of the &lt;SCRIPT&gt; markup and
- the body of the script are appended to this string and the result
- is executed as a TCL command. If this options is the empty string,
- then the script is ignored.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-selectioncolor</tt><td>
-The background color used when drawing the selection. The
-foreground color for the selection is the same as the regular
-foreground color.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-tablerelief</tt></td>
- <p>Determines the appearance of the borders around tables.
- The default is "raised". This can also be "sunken" or "flat". If
- "flat", then the borders is drawn using solid lines in the current
- foreground color. "groove" and "ridge" are the same as "flat".</p>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-takefocus</tt><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-unvisitedcolor</tt><td>
-The foreground color used to draw hyperlinks that have not been visited.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-underlinehyperlinks</tt><td>
-Set to TRUE to cause hyperlinks to be drawn using an underlined font.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-visitedcolor</tt><td>
-The foreground color used to draw hyperlinks that have been visited.
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-width</tt><td>
-The width of the document text.
-This value does not include space allocated for
-<tt>-highlightthickness</tt>, <tt>-borderwiddth</tt> or
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-xscrollcommand</tt><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><tt>-yscrollcommand</tt><td>
-Internally, the HTML widget stores the HTML document as a list of
-Each token is either
-<li>a contiguous sequence of non-space characters (Text),
-<li>a contiguous sequence of spaces, tabs or newlines (Space),
-<li>or an HTML markup tag (such as ``<tt>&lt;em&gt;</tt>''.)
-Tokens are identified by number.
-The first token is ``1'', the second is ``2'' and so forth.
-So in its simplest form, an index is just an integer greater than 0.
-Within a single Text or Space token, individual characters are
-also identified by number, though the counting starts with 0 instead
-of 1.
-The character number is connected to the token number by a period.
-So, for example, the 4th character in the 9th token would be
-Two integers separated by a dot is called the <em>connonical</em> form
-of an index.
-Other index forms are available, including:
-<table cellspacing=10>
-<tr><td valign=top>end<td>
-The keyword ``end'' means one character past
-the last character of the last token.
-<tr><td valign=top>@X,Y<td>
-The character located at screen coordinates X,Y.
-<tr><td valign=top>*.last<td>
-The second integer can be replaced by the keyword ``last'' to mean the
-last character in the token.
-<tr><td valign=top>sel.first<td>
-This is the first character that is part of the selection.
-<tr><td valign=top>sel.last<td>
-This is the last character that is part of the selection.
-<tr><td valign=top>ins<td>
-The character immediately following the insertion cursor.
-<dt><b>html</b> <i>window</i> ?<i>options ...</i>?</dt><p>
- Create a new HTML widget instance named <i>windows</i>
-<dt><b>html</b> <b>reformat</b> <i>from to text</i><p>
-Convert text from one encoding to another. The text is given
-in the <i>text</i> argument. The current encoding of the text
-is specified by the <i>from</i> argument. This command returns
-the same text in the <i>to</i> encoding.
-<i>From</i> and <i>to</i> may be any of the following values:
-<table cellspacing=10>
-<tr><td valign=top>plain</td>
- Ordinary text with no characters escaped.
-<tr><td valign=top>http</td>
- The text is encoded in a form suitable for use with the HTTP
- protocol. Spaces are converted to "+". Special characters
- and escaped as "%aa" where "a" is a hexadecimal digit. A special
- character is anything other than an alphanumeric or one of these:
- ".", "$", "-", or "_".
-<tr><td valign=top>url</td>
- The text is encoded in a form suitable for use as a URI.
- Spaces are converted to "+". Special characters
- and escaped as "%aa" where "a" is a hexadecimal digit. A special
- character is anything other than an alphanumeric or one of these:
- ".", "$", "-", "_", or "/".
-<tr><td valign=top>html</td>
- The text is encoded in a form suitable for use within HTML.
- "&amp;" is encoded as "&amp;amp;", "&lt;" is encoded as "&amp;lt;" and so
- forth.
-This command is intended to be useful to the TCL procedures that implement
-callbacks for the HTML widget.
-<dt><b>html</b> <b>uri join</b> <i>scheme authority path query fragment</i><p>
-This command takes the five main components of a URI and joins them together
-into a complete URI. Special characters in any component are escaped.
-<dt><b>html</b> <b>uri split</b> <i>uri</i><p>
-This command takes a single URI and splits it into its five major
-components: scheme, authorithy, path, query and fragement. The command
-returns a list where each component is an element of the list.
-Components missing from the URI are represented as empty elements in
-the list.
-<h2>Widget Commands</h2>
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>cget</tt> <i>config-option</i><p>
-Return the value of a configuration option. Works just like any
-other Tk widget.
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>clear</tt><p>
-Remove all tokens and text from the HTML widget.
-The parser is reset to its initial state.
-This routine should be called to changes pages.
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>configure</tt> ?<i>args...</i>?<p>
-The standard Tk configuration command.
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>href</tt>&nbsp <i>X&nbsp Y</i><p>
-<dd>If the coordinates <i>X Y</i> define a point above a hyperlink,
-then this command will return the target URL for that hyperlink.
-The URL will be resolved using the -resolvercommand before it
-is returned.
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>index</tt>&nbsp <i>INDEX&nbsp ?COUNT&nbsp UNITS?</i></p>
-Translates <i>INDEX</i> into its connonical form.
-The connonical form of an index is two integers separated by a period.
-The optional 3rd and 4th arguments specify a displacement from <i>INDEX</i>
-to the value of the index returned.
-<i>COUNT</i> can be any integer value, including a negative number.
-<i>UNITS</i> must be either ``<tt>char</tt>'' or ``<tt>line</tt>''.
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>insert</tt>&nbsp <i>INDEX</i><p>
-Causes the insertion cursor (a flashing vertical bar) to be positioned
-immediately before the character specified by <i>INDEX</i>.
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>names</tt><p>
-This command causes the widget to scan the entire text of the document
-looking for tags of the form ``<tt>&lt;a name=...&gt;</tt>''.
-It returns a list of values of the <tt>name=...</tt> fields.
-The vertical position of the document can be moved to any of these names
-using the ``<i>WIDGET</i> <tt>yview</tt> <i>NAME</i>'' command described
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>parse</tt>&nbsp <i>HTML-TEXT</i><p>
-<dd>Adds the given HTML text to the end of any text previously received
-through the <tt>parse</tt> command and parses as much of the text as
-possible into tokens.
-Afterwards, the display is updated to show the new tokens, if they are
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>resolver</tt>&nbsp; ?<i>uri ...</i>?<p>
-<dd>The resolver specified by the -resolvercommand option
- is called with the
- base URI of the document followed
- by the remaining arguments to this commant. The result of this
- command is the result of the -resolvercommand script.<p>
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>selection</tt>&nbsp <i>subcommand args...</i><p>
-<dd>The selection widget command is used to control the selection.<p>
- <dl>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>selection clear</tt><p>
- <dd>Clear the current selection. No text will be selected after this
- command executes.<p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>selection set</tt>&nbsp <i>START&nbsp END</i><p>
- <dd>Change the selection to be all text contained within the given
- indices.<p>
- </dl>
- <p>
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>text</tt>&nbsp <i>subcommand args...</i><p>
-<dd>There are several token commands. They all have the common
-property that they directly manipulate the text that is displayed.
-These commands (none of which are currently implemented) can be used
-to build an WYSIWYG editor for HTML.<p>
- <dl>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>text ascii</tt>&nbsp <i>INDEX-1&nbsp INDEX-2</i><p>
- <dd><p>
- Returns plain ASCII text that represents all characters between
- <i>INDEX-1</i> and <i>INDEX-2</i>. Formatting tags are omitted.
- The <i>INDEX-1</i> character is included by <i>INDEX-2</i> is omitted.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>text delete</tt>&nbsp <i>INDEX-1&nbsp INDEX-2</i><p>
- <dd><p>
- All text from <i>INDEX-1</i> up to, but not including <i>INDEX-2</i> is
- removed and the display is updated accordingly.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>text html</tt>&nbsp <i>INDEX-1&nbsp INDEX-2</i><p>
- <dd><p>
- Returns HTML text that represents all characters and formatting tags
- between <i>INDEX-1</i> and <i>INDEX-2</i>.
- The <i>INDEX-1</i> character is included by <i>INDEX-2</i> is omitted.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>text insert</tt>&nbsp <i>INDEX&nbsp TEXT</i><p>
- <dd><p>
- Inserts one or more characters immediately before the character whose
- index is given.
- <p>
- </dl>
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>token</tt>&nbsp <i>subcommand args...</i><p>
-<dd>There are several token commands. They all have the common
- property that they involve the list of tokens into which the
- HTML is parsed.<p>
- Some of the following subcommands make use of indices. The
- character number of these indices is ignored since these commands
- deal only with whole tokens.
- <p>
- <dl>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>token append</tt>&nbsp;
- <i>TAG&nbsp; ARGUMENTS</i><p>
- <dd>
- The command causes a token to be appended to the current list of
- tokens in the HTML widget. This command is typically used within
- a token handler.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>token delete</tt>&nbsp;
- <i>INDEX&nbsp ?INDEX-2?</i><p>
- <dd>
- Deletes the single token indentified by the index. If a second index is
- given, the range of tokens from the first to the second index inclusive
- is deleted.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>token find</tt>&nbsp;
- <i>TAG</i><p>
- <dd>
- Locates all tokens with the given <i>TAG</i> and returns them all
- as a list.
- Each element of the returned list is a sublist containing the index
- for the token and the arguments for the token.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>token get</tt>&nbsp;
- <i>INDEX&nbsp ?INDEX-2?</i><p>
- <dd>
- Returns a list of tokens in the range of <i>INDEX</i> through
- <i>INDEX-2</i>.
- Each element of the list consists of the token tag followed by
- the token arguments.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>token handler</tt>&nbsp;
- <i>TAG&nbsp; ?SCRIPT?</i><p>
- <dd>
- This command allows special processing to occur for selected tokens
- in the HTML input stream.
- The <i>TAG</i> argument is either ``Text'' or ``Space'' or the name
- of an HTML tag (ex: ``H3'' or ``/A'').
- If a non-empty script is specified for a particular tag, then when
- instances of that tag are encountered by the parser, the parser calls the
- corresponding script instead of appending the token to the end of the
- token list. Before calling the script, three arguments are appended:
- <ol>
- <li>The token number.
- <li>The tag. (ex: <tt>H3</tt>)
- <li>A list of name/value pairs describing all arguments to the tag.
- </ol>
- An empty handler script causes the default processing to occur for
- the tag. If the script argument is omitted all together, then
- the current value of the token handler for the given tag is returned.
- <p>
- Only one handler may be defined for each token type. If a new
- handler is specified for a token type that previously had a different
- handler defined, then the old handler is overwritten by the new.
- <p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>token insert</tt>&nbsp;
- <i>INDEX&nbsp TAG&nbsp ARGUMENTS</i><p>
- <dd>
- Inserts a single token given by <i>TAG</i> and <i>ARGUMENTS</i> into
- the token list immediately before <i>INDEX</i>.
- <p>
- </dl>
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp; <tt>xview</tt>&nbsp; <i>args...</i><p>
-<dd>Used to control horizontal scrolling.<p>
- <dl>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>xview</tt><p>
- <dd>Returns a list containing two elements. The elements are a fractions
- between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the position of the left and right
- edges of
- the visible part of the document as a fraction of the whole.<p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>xview moveto</tt>&nbsp <i>FRACTION</i><p>
- <dd>Adjusts the horizontal position of the document so that
- <i>FRACTION</i> of the horizontal span of the document is off-screen
- to the left.<p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>xview scroll</i>&nbsp <i>NUMBER&nbsp WHAT</i><p>
- <dd>
- Shifts the view in the window left or right according to
- <i>NUMBER</i> and <i>WHAT</i>.&nbsp&nbsp <i>NUMBER</i> is an integer
- and <i>WHAT</i> is either <tt>units</tt> or <tt>pages</tt>.<p>
- </dl>
-<dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>yview</tt>&nbsp; <i>args...</i><p>
-<dd>Used to control the vertical position of the document.<p>
- <dl>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>yview</tt><p>
- <dd>Returns a list containing two elements. The elements are a fractions
- between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the position of the top and bottom
- edges of
- the visible part of the document as a fraction of the whole.<p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>yview</tt>&nbsp <i>NAME</i><p>
- <dd>Adjusts the vertical position of the document so that the tag
- ``<tt>&lt;a name=</tt><i>NAME</i><tt>&gt;</tt>'' is on screen,
- and preferably near the top of the screen.<p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>yview moveto</tt>&nbsp <i>FRACTION</i><p>
- <dd>Adjusts the horizontal position of the document so that
- <i>FRACTION</i> of the vertical span of the document is off-screen
- above the visible region.<p>
- <dt><i>WIDGET</i>&nbsp <tt>xview scroll</i>&nbsp; <i>NUMBER&nbsp; WHAT</i><p>
- <dd>
- Shifts the view in the window up or down according to
- <i>NUMBER</i> and <i>WHAT</i>.&nbsp&nbsp <i>NUMBER</i> is an integer
- and <i>WHAT</i> is either <tt>units</tt> or <tt>pages</tt>.<p>
- </dl>