path: root/tksao/frame/marker.C
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tksao/frame/marker.C')
1 files changed, 2157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/marker.C b/tksao/frame/marker.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ca7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tksao/frame/marker.C
@@ -0,0 +1,2157 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+// Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+#include <tk.h>
+#include "marker.h"
+#include "fitsimage.h"
+extern "C" {
+#include "tkbltVector.h"
+static int markerSeqID = 1;
+// hard coded
+const char* Marker::analysisHistogramCB_[] = {
+ "MarkerAnalysisHistogramCB",
+ "MarkerAnalysisHistogramDeleteCB"
+const char* Marker::analysisPlot2dCB_[] = {
+ "MarkerAnalysisPlot2dCB",
+ "MarkerAnalysisPlot2dDeleteCB"
+const char* Marker::analysisPlot3dCB_[] = {
+ "MarkerAnalysisPlot3dCB",
+ "MarkerAnalysisPlot3dDeleteCB"
+const char* Marker::analysisPandaCB_[] = {
+ "MarkerAnalysisPandaCB",
+ "MarkerAnalysisPandaDeleteCB"
+const char* Marker::analysisRadialCB_[] = {
+ "MarkerAnalysisRadialCB",
+ "MarkerAnalysisRadialDeleteCB"
+const char* Marker::analysisStatsCB_[] = {
+ "MarkerAnalysisStatsCB",
+ "MarkerAnalysisStatsDeleteCB"
+// Marker Members Public
+Marker::Marker(Base* p, const Vector& ctr, double ang)
+ id = markerSeqID++;
+ type_[0] = '\0';
+ parent = p;
+ center = ctr;
+ angle = ang;
+ handle = NULL;
+ numHandle = 0;
+ colorName = dupstr("green");
+ color = parent->getColor(colorName);
+ lineWidth = 1;
+ properties = INCLUDE|SOURCE;
+ selected = 0;
+ highlited = 0;
+ dlist[0] = 8;
+ dlist[1] = 3;
+ text = dupstr("");
+ tkfont_ =NULL;
+ psfont_ =NULL;
+ initFonts("helvetica 10 normal roman");
+ comment = dupstr("");
+ display = parent->display;
+ gc = parent->markerGC;
+ gcxor = parent->markerGCXOR;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<XMLNUMCOL; ii++)
+ XMLCol[ii] = NULL;
+ doCB = 1;
+ previous_ = NULL;
+ next_ = NULL;
+ analysisHistogram_ =0;
+ analysisPlot2d_ =0;
+ analysisPlot3d_ =0;
+ analysisPanda_ =0;
+ analysisRadial_ =0;
+ analysisStats_ =0;
+Marker::Marker(Base* p, const Vector& ctr,
+ double ang,
+ const char* clr, int* dsh,
+ int w, const char* f, const char* t,
+ unsigned short prop, const char* c,
+ const List<Tag>& tg, const List<CallBack>& cb)
+ id = markerSeqID++;
+ type_[0] = '\0';
+ parent = p;
+ center = ctr;
+ angle = ang;
+ handle = NULL;
+ numHandle = 0;
+ colorName = dupstr(clr);
+ color = parent->getColor(colorName);
+ lineWidth = w;
+ properties = prop;
+ selected = 0;
+ highlited = 0;
+ dlist[0] = dsh[0];
+ dlist[1] = dsh[1];
+ text = dupstr(t);
+ tkfont_ =NULL;
+ psfont_ =NULL;
+ initFonts(f);
+ comment = dupstr(c);
+ display = parent->display;
+ gc = parent->markerGC;
+ gcxor = parent->markerGCXOR;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<XMLNUMCOL; ii++)
+ XMLCol[ii] = NULL;
+ doCB = 1;
+ tags = tg;
+ callbacks = cb;
+ previous_ = NULL;
+ next_ = NULL;
+ analysisPlot2d_ =0;
+ analysisPlot3d_ =0;
+ analysisPanda_ =0;
+ analysisRadial_ =0;
+ analysisStats_ =0;
+Marker::Marker(const Marker& a)
+ id =;
+ strcpy(type_, a.type_);
+ parent = a.parent;
+ center =;
+ bbox = a.bbox;
+ allBBox = a.allBBox;
+ angle = a.angle;
+ numHandle = a.numHandle;
+ if (numHandle) {
+ handle = new Vector[numHandle];
+ for (int i=0; i<numHandle; i++)
+ handle[i] = a.handle[i];
+ }
+ else
+ handle = NULL;
+ colorName = dupstr(a.colorName);
+ color = a.color;
+ lineWidth = a.lineWidth;
+ properties =;
+ selected = a.selected;
+ highlited = a.highlited;
+ dlist[0] = a.dlist[0];
+ dlist[1] = a.dlist[1];
+ text = dupstr(a.text);
+ tkfont_ = a.tkfont_ ? Tk_GetFont(parent->interp, parent->tkwin, Tk_NameOfFont(a.tkfont_)) : NULL;
+ psfont_ = a.psfont_ ? Tk_GetFont(parent->interp, parent->tkwin, Tk_NameOfFont(a.psfont_)) : NULL;
+ comment = dupstr(a.comment);
+ display = a.display;
+ gc = a.gc;
+ gcxor = a.gcxor;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<XMLNUMCOL; ii++)
+ XMLCol[ii] = NULL;
+ // disable Callbacks by default
+ doCB = 0;
+ tags = a.tags;
+ callbacks = a.callbacks;
+ previous_ = NULL;
+ next_ = NULL;
+ analysisPlot2d_ = a.analysisPlot2d_;
+ analysisPlot3d_ = a.analysisPlot3d_;
+ analysisPanda_ = a.analysisPanda_;
+ analysisRadial_ = a.analysisRadial_;
+ analysisStats_ = a.analysisStats_;
+ if (colorName)
+ delete [] colorName;
+ if (text)
+ delete [] text;
+ if (comment)
+ delete [] comment;
+ if (tkfont_)
+ Tk_FreeFont(tkfont_);
+ if (psfont_)
+ Tk_FreeFont(psfont_);
+ if (handle)
+ delete [] handle;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<XMLNUMCOL; ii++)
+ if (XMLCol[ii])
+ delete [] XMLCol[ii];
+ doCallBack(CallBack::DELETECB);
+void Marker::x11(Drawable drawable, Coord::InternalSystem sys,
+ int tt, RenderMode mode, HandleMode hh)
+ if (properties & HIDDEN)
+ return;
+ if (hh==HANDLES)
+ renderXHandles(drawable);
+ if (tt)
+ renderXText(drawable, sys, mode);
+ renderX(drawable, sys, mode);
+ renderXInclude(drawable, sys, mode);
+void Marker::renderXInclude(Drawable drawable, Coord::InternalSystem sys,
+ RenderMode mode)
+ if (!(properties & INCLUDE)) {
+ GC lgc = renderXGC(mode);
+ Vector ll = (handle[0]*parent->canvasToWidget).round();
+ Vector ur = (handle[2]*parent->canvasToWidget).round();
+ if (mode==SRC)
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, parent->getColor("red"));
+ XDrawLine(display, drawable, lgc, ll[0], ll[1], ur[0], ur[1]);
+ }
+void Marker::renderXText(Drawable drawable, Coord::InternalSystem sys, RenderMode mode)
+ if (text && *text && tkfont_) {
+ GC lgc;
+ switch (mode) {
+ case SRC:
+ lgc = gc;
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, color);
+ break;
+ case XOR:
+ lgc = gcxor;
+ break;
+ }
+ XSetFont(display, lgc, Tk_FontId(tkfont_));
+ Tk_FontMetrics metrics;
+ Tk_GetFontMetrics(tkfont_, &metrics);
+ int width = Tk_TextWidth(tkfont_, text, strlen(text));
+ Matrix mm;
+ Matrix nn;
+ setMatrices(sys,&mm,&nn);
+ Vector ll0 = bbox.ll*parent->canvasToRef;
+ Vector ll = ll0*mm;
+ Vector ur0 = bbox.ur*parent->canvasToRef;
+ Vector ur = ur0*mm;
+ BBox bb(ll,ur);
+ Vector bbc =;
+ Vector tt = Vector(bbc[0], bb.ll[1]) *
+ Translate(-width/2., -metrics.descent);
+ Tk_DrawChars(display, drawable, lgc, tkfont_, text, strlen(text),
+ tt[0], tt[1]);
+ }
+void Marker::renderXArrow(Drawable drawable, const Vector& p1,
+ const Vector& p2, Coord::InternalSystem sys, GC lgc)
+ Vector* vv = arrow(p1,p2,sys);
+ XPoint dd[6];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
+ dd[ii].x = (short)vv[ii][0];
+ dd[ii].y = (short)vv[ii][1];
+ }
+ XFillPolygon(display, drawable, lgc, dd, 6, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ delete [] vv;
+void Marker::renderXHandles(Drawable drawable)
+ // handles are of length 5
+ if (selected && canSelect()) {
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, color);
+ for (int ii=0; ii<numHandle; ii++) {
+ Vector vv = (handle[ii]*parent->canvasToWidget - Vector(2,2)).round();
+ XFillRectangle(display, drawable, gc, vv[0], vv[1], 5, 5);
+ }
+ }
+GC Marker::renderXGC(RenderMode mode)
+ // set width, color, dash
+ switch (mode) {
+ case SRC:
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, color);
+ if ((properties & SOURCE) && !(properties & DASH))
+ renderXLineNoDash(gc);
+ else
+ renderXLineDash(gc);
+ return gc;
+ case XOR:
+ renderXLineDash(gcxor);
+ return gcxor;
+ }
+void Marker::renderXLineDash(GC lgc)
+ char dl[2];
+ dl[0] = dlist[0];
+ dl[1] = dlist[1];
+ int ww = (highlited && canHighlite()) ? lineWidth*2 : lineWidth;
+ XSetDashes(display, lgc, 0, dl, 2);
+ XSetLineAttributes(display, lgc, ww, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter);
+void Marker::renderXLineNoDash(GC lgc)
+ int ww = (highlited && canHighlite()) ? lineWidth*2 : lineWidth;
+ XSetLineAttributes(display, lgc, ww, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);
+void Marker::ps(int mode, int tt)
+ if (properties & HIDDEN)
+ return;
+ if (tt)
+ renderPSText(mode);
+ renderPS(mode);
+ renderPSInclude(mode);
+void Marker::renderPSInclude(int mode)
+ if (!(properties & INCLUDE)) {
+ renderPSColor(mode, parent->getXColor("red"));
+ Vector ll = handle[0];
+ Vector ur = handle[2];
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << "newpath "
+ << ll.TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas) << ' '
+ << "moveto "
+ << ur.TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas) << ' '
+ << "lineto stroke" << endl << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+ }
+void Marker::renderPSText(int mode)
+ if (text && *text && psfont_) {
+ renderPSColor(mode, parent->getXColor(colorName));
+ ostringstream str;
+ const char* ff = Tk_NameOfFont(psfont_);
+ str << '/' << psFontName(ff)
+ << " findfont " << int(psFontSize(ff)*parent->getDisplayRatio())
+ << " scalefont setfont" << endl;
+ Vector bbc =;
+ Vector tt = Vector(bbc[0], bbox.ll[1]).TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas);
+ str << "gsave" << endl
+ << "newpath " << endl
+ << tt << " moveto" << endl
+ << '(' << psQuote(text) << ')' << endl
+ << "dup true charpath pathbbox " << endl
+ << "closepath " << endl
+ << "3 -1 roll sub 2.5 div " << endl
+ << "3 1 roll sub 2 div exch " << endl
+ << tt << " moveto rmoveto show " << endl
+ << "grestore" << endl;
+ str << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+ }
+void Marker::renderPSArrow(const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2,
+ Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ Vector* vv = arrow(p1,p2,sys);
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << "newpath " << endl
+ << vv[0].TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas) << " moveto" << endl;
+ for (int ii=1; ii<6; ii++)
+ str << vv[ii].TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas) << " lineto" << endl;
+ str << "closepath fill" << endl << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+ delete [] vv;
+void Marker::renderPSGC(int mode)
+ // set width, color, dash
+ renderPSColor(mode, parent->getXColor(colorName));
+ if ((properties & SOURCE) && !(properties & DASH))
+ renderPSLineNoDash();
+ else
+ renderPSLineDash();
+void Marker::renderPSLineDash()
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << lineWidth << " setlinewidth" << endl
+ << '[' << dlist[0] << ' ' << dlist[1] << "] 0 setdash" << endl
+ << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+void Marker::renderPSLineNoDash()
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << lineWidth << " setlinewidth" << endl
+ << "[] 0 setdash" << endl
+ << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+void Marker::renderPSColor(int mode, XColor* clr)
+ ostringstream str;
+ switch ((Widget::PSColorSpace)mode) {
+ case Widget::BW:
+ case Widget::GRAY:
+ psColorGray(clr, str);
+ str << " setgray";
+ break;
+ case Widget::RGB:
+ psColorRGB(clr, str);
+ str << " setrgbcolor";
+ break;
+ case Widget::CMYK:
+ psColorCMYK(clr, str);
+ str << " setcmykcolor";
+ break;
+ }
+ str << endl << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, (char*)str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+#ifdef MAC_OSX_TK
+void Marker::macosx(int tt)
+ if (properties & HIDDEN)
+ return;
+ if (tt)
+ renderMACOSXText();
+ renderMACOSX();
+ renderMACOSXInclude();
+void Marker::renderMACOSXInclude()
+ if (!(properties & INCLUDE)) {
+ macosxColor(parent->getXColor("red"));
+ Vector ll = handle[0];
+ Vector ur = handle[2];
+ macosxDrawLine(ll,ur);
+ }
+void Marker::renderMACOSXText()
+ if (text && *text && psfont_) {
+ macosxColor(parent->getXColor(colorName));
+ Tcl_DString psdstr;
+ Tcl_DStringInit(&psdstr);
+ int psSize = Tk_PostscriptFontName(psfont_, &psdstr);
+ macosxFont(Tcl_DStringValue(&psdstr), psSize);
+ Tcl_DStringFree(&psdstr);
+ Tk_FontMetrics metrics;
+ Tk_GetFontMetrics(psfont_, &metrics);
+ int width = Tk_TextWidth(psfont_, text, strlen(text));
+ Vector bbc =;
+ Vector tt = Vector(bbc[0], bbox.ll[1]) *
+ Translate(-width/2., -metrics.descent);
+ macosxDrawText(tt, 0, text);
+ }
+void Marker::renderMACOSXArrow(const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2,
+ Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ Vector* vv = arrow(p1,p2,sys);
+ Vector dd[6];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<6; ii++)
+ dd[ii] = vv[ii];
+ macosxFillPolygon(dd,6);
+ delete [] vv;
+void Marker::renderMACOSXGC()
+ // set width, color, dash
+ macosxColor(parent->getXColor(colorName));
+ if ((properties & SOURCE) && !(properties & DASH))
+ renderMACOSXLineNoDash();
+ else
+ renderMACOSXLineDash();
+void Marker::renderMACOSXLineDash()
+ macosxWidth(lineWidth);
+ macosxDash(dlist,2);
+void Marker::renderMACOSXLineNoDash()
+ macosxWidth(lineWidth);
+ macosxDash(NULL,0);
+#ifdef __WIN32
+void Marker::win32(int tt)
+ if (properties & HIDDEN)
+ return;
+ if (tt)
+ renderWIN32Text();
+ renderWIN32();
+ renderWIN32Include();
+void Marker::renderWIN32Include()
+ if (!(properties & INCLUDE)) {
+ win32Color(parent->getXColor("red"));
+ Vector ll = handle[0];
+ Vector ur = handle[2];
+ win32DrawLine(ll,ur);
+ }
+void Marker::renderWIN32Text()
+ if (text && *text && tkfont_) {
+ win32Color(parent->getXColor(colorName));
+ win32Font(tkfont_);
+ Tk_FontMetrics metrics;
+ Tk_GetFontMetrics(tkfont_, &metrics);
+ int width = Tk_TextWidth(tkfont_, text, strlen(text));
+ BBox bb = bbox;
+ Vector bbc =;
+ Vector tt = Vector(bbc[0], bbox.ll[1]) *
+ Translate(-width/2., -metrics.descent);
+ win32DrawText(tt, 0, text);
+ }
+void Marker::renderWIN32Arrow(const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2,
+ Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ Vector* vv = arrow(p1,p2,sys);
+ Vector dd[6];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<6; ii++)
+ dd[ii] = vv[ii];
+ win32FillPolygon(dd,6);
+ delete [] vv;
+void Marker::renderWIN32GC()
+ // set width, color, dash
+ win32Color(parent->getXColor(colorName));
+ if ((properties & SOURCE) && !(properties & DASH))
+ renderWIN32LineNoDash();
+ else
+ renderWIN32LineDash();
+void Marker::renderWIN32LineDash()
+ win32Width(lineWidth);
+ win32Dash(dlist,2);
+void Marker::renderWIN32LineNoDash()
+ win32Width(lineWidth);
+ win32Dash(NULL,0);
+// Support
+void Marker::updateBBox()
+ // generate handles
+ updateHandles();
+ // bound handles
+ bbox = BBox(handle[0]);
+ for (int ii=1; ii<numHandle; ii++)
+ bbox.bound(handle[ii]);
+ // make room for handles
+ bbox.expand(3);
+ // calculate overall bbox
+ calcAllBBox();
+void Marker::calcAllBBox()
+ allBBox = bbox;
+ if (text && *text && tkfont_) {
+ Tk_FontMetrics metrics;
+ Tk_GetFontMetrics(tkfont_, &metrics);
+ int width = Tk_TextWidth(tkfont_, text, strlen(text));
+ Vector bbc =;
+ Vector ll = Vector(bbc[0], bbox.ll[1]) * Translate(-width/2., 0);
+ Vector ur = ll * Translate(width, -(metrics.linespace));
+ allBBox.bound(ll);
+ allBBox.bound(ur);
+ }
+void Marker::deleteCBs()
+ callbacks.deleteAll();
+void Marker::newIdentity()
+ id = markerSeqID++;
+ doCB = 1;
+ // deleteCBs();
+ updateBBox();
+void Marker::updateCoords(const Matrix& mx)
+ center*=mx;
+ updateBBox();
+void Marker::centroid()
+ center = parent->centroid(center);
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::MOVECB);
+void Marker::moveTo(const Vector& v)
+ center=v;
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::MOVECB);
+void Marker::moveBegin()
+ doCallBack(CallBack::MOVEBEGINCB);
+void Marker::move(const Vector& v)
+ center+=v;
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::MOVECB);
+void Marker::moveEnd()
+ doCallBack(CallBack::MOVEENDCB);
+void Marker::editBegin(int)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::EDITBEGINCB);
+void Marker::edit(const Vector& v, int h)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::EDITCB);
+void Marker::editEnd()
+ doCallBack(CallBack::EDITENDCB);
+void Marker::rotateBegin()
+ doCallBack(CallBack::ROTATEBEGINCB);
+void Marker::rotate(const Vector& v, int h)
+ // v is in ref coords
+ // handles are in canvas coords
+ double a = (v * Translate(-center) * FlipY()).angle();
+ double b = ((parent->mapToRef(handle[h-1],Coord::CANVAS) * Translate(-center) * FlipY())).angle();
+ angle -= a-b;
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::ROTATECB);
+void Marker::rotateEnd()
+ doCallBack(CallBack::ROTATEENDCB);
+void Marker::select() {
+ // only call the CB if not already selected
+ if (!selected)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::SELECTCB);
+ selected = 1;
+void Marker::unselect() {
+ // only call the CB if already selected
+ if (selected)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::UNSELECTCB);
+ selected = 0;
+void Marker::toggleSelect() {
+ selected = !selected;
+ if (selected)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::SELECTCB);
+ else
+ doCallBack(CallBack::UNSELECTCB);
+void Marker::highlite() {
+ // only call the CB if not already highlited
+ if (!highlited)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::HIGHLITECB);
+ highlited = 1;
+void Marker::unhighlite() {
+ // only call the CB if already highlited
+ if (highlited)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::UNHIGHLITECB);
+ highlited = 0;
+void Marker::toggleHighlite() {
+ highlited = !highlited;
+ if (highlited)
+ doCallBack(CallBack::HIGHLITECB);
+ else
+ doCallBack(CallBack::UNHIGHLITECB);
+void Marker::key() {
+ doCallBack(CallBack::KEYCB);
+Vector Marker::getHandle(int h)
+ if (h<numHandle)
+ return handle[h];
+ else
+ return Vector();
+void Marker::setAngle(double a)
+ angle = a;
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::ROTATECB);
+void Marker::setColor(const char* clr)
+ if (colorName)
+ delete [] colorName;
+ colorName = dupstr(clr);
+ color = parent->getColor(colorName);
+ doCallBack(CallBack::COLORCB);
+void Marker::setLineWidth(int w)
+ lineWidth = w;
+ doCallBack(CallBack::LINEWIDTHCB);
+void Marker::setFont(const char* f)
+ initFonts(f);
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::FONTCB);
+void Marker::initFonts(const char* ff)
+ if (tkfont_)
+ Tk_FreeFont(tkfont_);
+ tkfont_ = NULL;
+ if (psfont_)
+ Tk_FreeFont(psfont_);
+ psfont_ = NULL;
+ const char* dd = "helvetica 9 roman normal";
+ if (!ff)
+ ff = dd;
+ psfont_ = Tk_GetFont(parent->interp, parent->tkwin, ff);
+ // determine tkfont from psfont
+ string x(ff);
+ istringstream str(x);
+ char family[16] = "";
+ int size = 0;
+ char weight[16] = "";
+ char slant[16] = "";
+ str >> family >> size >> weight >> slant;
+ // old regions files will not have a slant
+ if (strncmp(slant,"roma",4) && strncmp(slant,"ital",4))
+ strcpy(slant,"roman");
+#ifdef MAC_OSX_TK
+ size *= parent->getDisplayRatio();
+ char* ptr =NULL;
+ if (!strncmp(family,"helvetica",4))
+ ptr = parent->options->helvetica;
+ else if (!strncmp(family,"times",4))
+ ptr = parent->options->times;
+ else if (!strncmp(family,"courier",4))
+ ptr = parent->options->courier;
+ else
+ ptr = parent->options->helvetica;
+ ostringstream fstr;
+ fstr << '{' << ptr << '}' << ' '
+ << size << ' ' << weight << ' ' << slant << ends;
+ tkfont_ = Tk_GetFont(parent->getInterp(), parent->getTkwin(),
+ fstr.str().c_str());
+const char* Marker::getFont()
+ if (psfont_)
+ return Tk_NameOfFont(psfont_);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+void Marker::addTag(const char* tg)
+ Tag* t = new Tag(tg);
+ tags.append(t);
+void Marker::editTag(const char* from, const char* to)
+ // change any tags
+ {
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ while (t) {
+ if (!strcmp(t->tag(),from)) {
+ t->set(to);
+ }
+ t=t->next();
+ }
+ }
+ // now, remove duplicates
+ {
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ while (t) {
+ Tag* tt=t->next();
+ while (tt) {
+ if (!strcmp(t->tag(),tt->tag())) {
+ Tag* ntt = tags.extractNext(tt);
+ delete tt;
+ tt = ntt;
+ }
+ else
+ tt=tt->next();
+ }
+ t=t->next();
+ }
+ }
+void Marker::deleteTags()
+ tags.deleteAll();
+void Marker::deleteTag(const char* tg)
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ while (t) {
+ if (!strcmp(t->tag(),tg)) {
+ tags.extractNext(t);
+ delete t;
+ return;
+ }
+ t = t->next();
+ }
+void Marker::deleteTag(int w)
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ for (int i=0; i<w; i++)
+ if (t)
+ t = t->next();
+ else
+ break;
+ if (t) {
+ tags.extractNext(t);
+ delete t;
+ }
+const char* Marker::getTag()
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ if (t)
+ return t->tag();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+const char* Marker::getNextTag()
+ Tag* t =;
+ if (t)
+ return t->tag();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+const char* Marker::getTag(int w)
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ for (int i=0; i<w; i++)
+ if (t)
+ t = t->next();
+ else
+ break;
+ if (t)
+ return t->tag();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+int Marker::hasTag(const char* tg)
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ while (t) {
+ if (!strcmp(t->tag(),tg))
+ return 1;
+ t = t->next();
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Marker::onHandle(const Vector& v)
+ // return handle number
+ // work last to first for annuli
+ for (int ii=numHandle-1; ii>=0; ii--) {
+ BBox bb(handle[ii]);
+ bb.expand(parent->markerEpsilon);
+ if (bb.isIn(v))
+ return ii+1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Marker::getProperty(unsigned short which)
+ return (properties & which) ? 1 : 0;
+void Marker::setText(const char* str)
+ if (text)
+ delete [] text;
+ text = dupstr(str);
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::TEXTCB);
+void Marker::setProperty(unsigned short prop, int value)
+ if (value)
+ properties |= prop;
+ else
+ properties &= ~prop;
+ if (prop == FIXED) // bbox will change
+ updateBBox();
+ doCallBack(CallBack::PROPERTYCB);
+int Marker::addCallBack(CallBack::Type t, const char* proc, const char* arg)
+ CallBack* cb = new CallBack(parent->interp, t, proc, arg);
+ if (cb) {
+ callbacks.append(cb);
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+void Marker::deleteCallBack(CallBack::Type t)
+ CallBack* cb = callbacks.head();
+ while (cb) {
+ if (cb->type() == t) {
+ CallBack* next = callbacks.extractNext(cb);
+ delete cb;
+ cb = next;
+ }
+ else
+ cb = cb->next();
+ }
+int Marker::deleteCallBack(CallBack::Type t, const char* proc)
+ CallBack* cb = callbacks.head();
+ while (cb) {
+ if (cb->type() == t && (!strcmp(cb->proc(), proc))) {
+ callbacks.extractNext(cb);
+ delete cb;
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ cb = cb->next();
+ }
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+int Marker::isIn(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ Vector rr = parent->mapToRef(vv,sys);
+ Vector ss = parent->mapFromRef(rr,Coord::CANVAS);
+ return bbox.isIn(ss);
+// assume Coord::REF
+int Marker::isIn(const Vector& vv, const Matrix& bck)
+ Vector ss = parent->mapFromRef(vv,Coord::CANVAS);
+ return bbox.isIn(ss);
+int Marker::isVisible(const BBox& b)
+ // assume visible, prove otherwise
+ // all coords are in canvas coords
+ BBox bb(b);
+ return
+ !((allBBox.ur[0] < bb.ll[0]) ||
+ (allBBox.ll[0] > bb.ur[0]) ||
+ (allBBox.ur[1] < bb.ll[1]) ||
+ (allBBox.ll[1] > bb.ur[1]));
+void Marker::doCallBack(CallBack::Type t)
+ if (!doCB)
+ return;
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << id << ends;
+ CallBack* cb=callbacks.head();
+ while (cb) {
+ if (cb->type() == t)
+ if (cb->eval(str.str().c_str())) {
+ ostringstream estr;
+ estr << "Unable to eval Marker CallBack "
+ << cb->proc() << " : " << Tcl_GetStringResult(parent->interp) << ends;
+ internalError(estr.str().c_str());
+ }
+ cb=cb->next();
+ }
+double Marker::calcAngle()
+ switch (parent->getOrientation()) {
+ case Coord::NORMAL:
+ case Coord::XY:
+ return angle + parent->getRotation();
+ case Coord::XX:
+ case Coord::YY:
+ return -angle + parent->getRotation();
+ }
+Vector Marker::modifyArrow(const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2,
+ Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ const int tip = 6; // length from end of line to tip of arrow
+ Vector aa = parent->mapFromRef(p1,sys);
+ Vector bb = parent->mapFromRef(p2,sys);
+ Vector nn = (bb-aa).normalize();
+ double ll = (bb-aa).length();
+ return nn * Scale(ll-tip) * Translate(aa);
+Vector* Marker::arrow(const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2, Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ Vector p3;
+ if (((p2-p1)[0]) == 0)
+ p3 = p1+Vector(1,0);
+ else
+ p3 = p1+Vector(0,1);
+ Vector3d aa = parent->mapFromRef3d(p1,sys);
+ Vector3d bb = parent->mapFromRef3d(p2,sys);
+ Vector3d cc = parent->mapFromRef3d(p3,sys);
+ const int tip = 6; // length from end of line to tip of arrow
+ const int tail = 2; // length from end of line to tails of arrow
+ const int wc = 2; // width of arrow at end of line
+ const int wt = 3; // width of arrow at tails
+ // build in Y-Z plane, align on z axis
+ Vector3d vv[6];
+ vv[0] = Vector3d(0,0,tip);
+ vv[1] = Vector3d(0,-wc,0);
+ vv[2] = Vector3d(0,-wt,-tail);
+ vv[3] = Vector3d(0,0,0);
+ vv[4] = Vector3d(0,wt,-tail);
+ vv[5] = Vector3d(0,wc,0);
+ Vector3d l1 = (aa-bb).normalize();
+ Vector3d l2 = (aa-cc).normalize();
+ Vector3d rz = -l1;
+ Vector3d rx = (cross(l1,l2)).normalize();
+ Vector3d ry = cross(rz,rx);
+ Matrix3d rr(rx,ry,rz);
+ Matrix3d mm =
+ Translate3d(0,0,-tip) *
+ Scale3d(1.5) *
+ rr.invert() *
+ Translate3d(bb);
+ Vector* ww = new Vector[6];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<6; ii++)
+ ww[ii] = vv[ii]*mm;
+ return ww;
+void Marker::analysisXYEEResult(char* xname, char* yname,
+ char* xcname, char* ycname,
+ double* x, double* y,
+ double* xc, double* yc, int num)
+ Blt_Vector* xx;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), xname, &xx);
+ Blt_ResetVector(xx, x, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+ Blt_Vector* yy;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), yname, &yy);
+ Blt_ResetVector(yy, y, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+ Blt_Vector* xxc;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), xcname, &xxc);
+ Blt_ResetVector(xxc, xc, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+ Blt_Vector* yyc;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), ycname, &yyc);
+ Blt_ResetVector(yyc, yc, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+void Marker::analysisXYResult(char* xname, char* yname, double* x, double* y,
+ int num)
+ Blt_Vector* xx;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), xname, &xx);
+ Blt_ResetVector(xx, x, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+ Blt_Vector* yy;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), yname, &yy);
+ Blt_ResetVector(yy, y, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+void Marker::analysisXYEResult(char* xname, char* yname, char* ename,
+ double* x, double* y, double* e, int num)
+ Blt_Vector* xx;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), xname, &xx);
+ Blt_ResetVector(xx, x, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+ Blt_Vector* yy;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), yname, &yy);
+ Blt_ResetVector(yy, y, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+ Blt_Vector* ee;
+ Blt_GetVector(parent->getInterp(), ename, &ee);
+ Blt_ResetVector(ee, e, num, num*sizeof(double), TCL_DYNAMIC);
+void Marker::analysisXYEResult(double* x, double* y, double* e, int num)
+ for (int ii=0; ii<num; ii++) {
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << x[ii] << ' ' << y[ii] << ' ' << e[ii] << endl << ends;
+ Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL);
+ }
+Matrix Marker::fwdMatrix()
+ return Rotate(angle) * FlipY() * Translate(center);
+Matrix Marker::bckMatrix()
+ return Translate(-center) * FlipY() * Rotate(-angle);
+Vector Marker::fwdMap(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ return
+ parent->mapFromRef(vv * Rotate(angle) * FlipY() * Translate(center),sys);
+Vector Marker::bckMap(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem sys)
+ return
+ parent->mapToRef(vv,sys) * Translate(-center) * FlipY() * Rotate(-angle);
+void Marker::setMatrices(Coord::InternalSystem sys, Matrix* fwd, Matrix* bck)
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::WIDGET:
+ *fwd = parent->refToWidget;
+ *bck = parent->widgetToRef;
+ break;
+ case Coord::CANVAS:
+ *fwd = parent->refToCanvas;
+ *bck = parent->canvasToRef;
+ break;
+ case Coord::WINDOW:
+ *fwd = parent->refToWindow;
+ *bck = parent->windowToRef;
+ break;
+ case Coord::MAGNIFIER:
+ *fwd = parent->refToMagnifier;
+ *bck = parent->magnifierToRef;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // na
+ break;
+ }
+// list
+void Marker::listRADEC(FitsImage* ptr,
+ const Vector& vv, Coord::CoordSystem sys,
+ Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format)
+ char buf[64];
+ ptr->mapFromRef(vv,sys,sky,format,buf);
+ string x(buf);
+ istringstream wcs(x);
+ wcs >> ra >> dec;
+void Marker::listRADECPros(FitsImage* ptr,
+ const Vector& vv, Coord::CoordSystem sys,
+ Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format)
+ char buf[64];
+ char decc[32];
+ ptr->mapFromRef(vv,sys,sky,format,buf);
+ string x(buf);
+ istringstream wcs(x);
+ wcs >> ra >> decc;
+ if (decc[0]=='+')
+ strncpy(dec,decc+1,32);
+ else
+ strncpy(dec,decc,32);
+void Marker::listPre(ostream& str, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky,
+ FitsImage* ptr, int strip, int hash)
+ // no props for semicolons
+ if (!strip) {
+ FitsImage* fits = parent->findFits();
+ if (fits && fits->nextMosaic()) {
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ str << "# tile " << parent->findFits(ptr) << endl;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!parent->findFits()->hasWCSCel(sys))
+ str << "# tile " << parent->findFits(ptr) << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hash)
+ str << "# ";
+ }
+ if (!(properties&INCLUDE))
+ str << '-';
+void Marker::listPost(ostream& str, int conj, int strip)
+ // no props for semicolons
+ if (!strip) {
+ if (conj)
+ str << " ||";
+ listProperties(str,1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (conj)
+ str << "||";
+ else
+ str << ';';
+ }
+void Marker::listProperties(ostream& str, int hash)
+ if (strncmp("green",colorName,5) ||
+ dlist[0] != 8 ||
+ dlist[1] != 3 ||
+ (lineWidth != 1) ||
+ strncmp("helvetica 10 normal roman",getFont(),25) ||
+ (text && *text) ||
+ !(properties&SELECT) ||
+ !(properties&HIGHLITE) ||
+ (properties&DASH) ||
+ (properties&FIXED) ||
+ !(properties&EDIT) ||
+ !(properties&MOVE) ||
+ !(properties&ROTATE) ||
+ !(properties&DELETE) ||
+ !(properties&SOURCE) ||
+ (tags.count() > 0) ||
+ (comment && *comment)) {
+ if (hash)
+ str << " #";
+ listProps(str);
+ }
+ str << endl;
+void Marker::listProps(ostream& str)
+ if (strncmp("green",colorName,5))
+ str << " color=" << colorName;
+ if (dlist[0] != 8 || dlist[1] != 3)
+ str << " dashlist=" << dlist[0] << ' ' << dlist[1];
+ if (lineWidth != 1)
+ str << " width=" << lineWidth;
+ if (strncmp("helvetica 10 normal roman", getFont(), 25))
+ str << " font=\"" << getFont() << '"';
+ if (text && *text) // only list text if there is something to list
+ str << " text={" << text << '}';
+ if (!(properties&SELECT))
+ str << " select=0";
+ if (!(properties&HIGHLITE))
+ str << " highlite=0";
+ if (properties&DASH)
+ str << " dash=1";
+ if (properties&FIXED)
+ str << " fixed=1";
+ if (!(properties&EDIT))
+ str << " edit=0";
+ if (!(properties&MOVE))
+ str << " move=0";
+ if (!(properties&ROTATE))
+ str << " rotate=0";
+ if (!(properties&DELETE))
+ str << " delete=0";
+ if (!(properties&SOURCE))
+ str << " background";
+ // tags
+ Tag* t = tags.head();
+ while (t) {
+ str << " tag={" << t->tag() << '}';
+ t = t->next();
+ }
+ if (comment && *comment)
+ str << ' ' << comment;
+void Marker::listCiaoPre(ostream& str)
+ if (!(properties&INCLUDE))
+ str << '-';
+void Marker::listCiaoPost(ostream& str, int strip)
+ str << (strip ? ';' : '\n');
+void Marker::listProsPost(ostream& str, int strip)
+ str << (strip ? ';' : '\n');
+void Marker::listSAOtngPre(ostream& str, int strip)
+ if (!strip && text && *text)
+ str << '#' << text << endl;
+ if (properties&INCLUDE)
+ str << '+';
+ else
+ str << '-';
+void Marker::listSAOtngPost(ostream& str, int strip)
+ if (!strip) {
+ str << " # ";
+ if (comment && *comment)
+ str << comment;
+ else if (!(properties&SOURCE))
+ str << "background";
+ else
+ str << colorName;
+ }
+ str << (strip ? ';' : '\n');
+void Marker::listSAOimagePre(ostream& str)
+ if (!(properties&INCLUDE))
+ str << '-';
+void Marker::listSAOimagePost(ostream& str, int strip)
+ str << (strip ? ';' : '\n');
+void Marker::listXY(ostream& str, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky,
+ Coord::SkyFormat format, int strip)
+ FitsImage* ptr = parent->findFits();
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ str << setprecision(8) << ptr->mapFromRef(center,sys);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys)) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case Coord::DEGREES:
+ str << setprecision(10) << ptr->mapFromRef(center,sys,sky);
+ break;
+ case Coord::SEXAGESIMAL:
+ listRADEC(ptr,center,sys,sky,format);
+ str << ra << ' ' << dec;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ str << setprecision(8) << ptr->mapFromRef(center,sys);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ str << (strip ? ';' : '\n');
+void Marker::XMLRowInit()
+ for (int ii=0; ii<XMLNUMCOL; ii++) {
+ if (XMLCol[ii])
+ delete [] XMLCol[ii];
+ XMLCol[ii] = NULL;
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRow(XMLColName col, int val)
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << val << ends;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRow(XMLColName col, int* val, int cnt)
+ ostringstream str;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ str << val[ii];
+ if (ii!=cnt-1)
+ str << ' ';
+ else
+ str << ends;
+ }
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRow(XMLColName col, double val, int prec)
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << setprecision(prec) << val << ends;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRowARCSEC(XMLColName col, double val)
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << setprecision(3) << fixed << val << ends;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRow(XMLColName col, double* val, int cnt, int prec)
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << setprecision(prec);
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ str << val[ii];
+ if (ii!=cnt-1)
+ str << ' ';
+ else
+ str << ends;
+ }
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRowARCSEC(XMLColName col, double* val, int cnt)
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << setprecision(3) << fixed;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ str << val[ii];
+ if (ii!=cnt-1)
+ str << ' ';
+ else
+ str << ends;
+ }
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRow(XMLColName col, char* val)
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(val);
+void Marker::XMLRow(XMLColName col, char** val, int cnt)
+ ostringstream str;
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ str << val[ii];
+ if (ii!=cnt-1)
+ str << ' ';
+ else
+ str << ends;
+ }
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+void Marker::XMLRowProps(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys)
+ // tile
+ {
+ ostringstream str;
+ XMLColName col = XMLTILE;
+ FitsImage* fits = parent->findFits();
+ if (fits && fits->nextMosaic()) {
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ str << parent->findFits(ptr) << ends;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!parent->findFits()->hasWCSCel(sys))
+ str << parent->findFits(ptr) << ends;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // color
+ {
+ XMLColName col = XMLCOLOR;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(colorName);
+ }
+ // width
+ {
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << lineWidth << ends;
+ XMLColName col = XMLWIDTH;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // text
+ if (text && *text) {
+ XMLColName col = XMLTEXT;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(text);
+ }
+ // font
+ {
+ XMLColName col = XMLFONT;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(getFont());
+ }
+ // dashlist
+ {
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << dlist[0] << ',' << dlist[1] << ends;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // tags
+ {
+ ostringstream str;
+ Tag* start = tags.head();
+ Tag* ptr = start;
+ while (ptr) {
+ if (ptr != start)
+ str << ' ';
+ char* tag = (char*)ptr->tag();
+ while (*tag) {
+ if (*tag == ' ')
+ str << "&#160;";
+ else
+ str << *tag;
+ tag++;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next();
+ }
+ str << ends;
+ XMLColName col = XMLTAG;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // comment
+ if (comment && *comment) {
+ XMLColName col = XMLCOMMENT;
+ if (XMLCol[col])
+ delete [] XMLCol[col];
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr(comment);
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowEnd(ostream& str)
+ str << "<TR>";
+ for (int ii=0; ii<XMLNUMCOL; ii++) {
+ str << "<TD>";
+ if (XMLCol[ii]) {
+ char* ss = XMLQuote(XMLCol[ii]);
+ str << ss;
+ delete [] XMLCol[ii];
+ delete [] ss;
+ XMLCol[ii] = NULL;
+ }
+ str << "</TD>";
+ }
+ str << "</TR>" << endl;
+void Marker::XMLRowProp(XMLColName col, Property prop)
+ if (properties & prop)
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr("1");
+ else
+ XMLCol[col] = dupstr("0");
+void Marker::XMLRowPoint(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys,
+ Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format,
+ Vector vv)
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapFromRef(vv,sys);
+ XMLRow(XMLX,v[0],8);
+ XMLRow(XMLY,v[1],8);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys)) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case Coord::DEGREES:
+ {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapFromRef(vv,sys,sky);
+ XMLRow(XMLX,v[0],10);
+ XMLRow(XMLY,v[1],10);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Coord::SEXAGESIMAL:
+ listRADEC(ptr,vv,sys,sky,format);
+ XMLRow(XMLX,ra);
+ XMLRow(XMLY,dec);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapFromRef(vv,sys);
+ XMLRow(XMLX,v[0],8);
+ XMLRow(XMLY,v[1],8);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowPoint(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys,
+ Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format,
+ Vector* vv, int cnt)
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ {
+ double xx[cnt];
+ double yy[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapFromRef(vv[ii],sys);
+ xx[ii] = v[0];
+ yy[ii] = v[1];
+ }
+ XMLRow(XMLXV,xx,cnt,8);
+ XMLRow(XMLYV,yy,cnt,8);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys)) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case Coord::DEGREES:
+ {
+ double xx[cnt];
+ double yy[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapFromRef(vv[ii],sys,sky);
+ xx[ii] = v[0];
+ yy[ii] = v[1];
+ }
+ XMLRow(XMLXV,xx,cnt,10);
+ XMLRow(XMLYV,yy,cnt,10);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Coord::SEXAGESIMAL:
+ {
+ char* xx[cnt];
+ char* yy[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ listRADEC(ptr,vv[ii],sys,sky,format);
+ xx[ii] = dupstr(ra);
+ yy[ii] = dupstr(dec);
+ }
+ XMLRow(XMLXV,xx,cnt);
+ XMLRow(XMLYV,yy,cnt);
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ delete [] xx[ii];
+ delete [] yy[ii];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ double xx[cnt];
+ double yy[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapFromRef(vv[ii],sys);
+ xx[ii] = v[0];
+ yy[ii] = v[1];
+ }
+ XMLRow(XMLXV,xx,cnt,8);
+ XMLRow(XMLYV,yy,cnt,8);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowRadiusX(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Vector vv)
+ double rr = ptr->mapLenFromRef(vv[0],sys,Coord::ARCSEC);
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ XMLRow(XMLR,rr,8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys))
+ else
+ XMLRow(XMLR,rr,8);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowRadiusX(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys,
+ Vector* vv, int cnt)
+ double rr[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++)
+ rr[ii] = ptr->mapLenFromRef(vv[ii][0],sys,Coord::ARCSEC);
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ XMLRow(XMLRV,rr,cnt,8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys))
+ else
+ XMLRow(XMLRV,rr,cnt,8);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowRadius(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Vector vv)
+ Vector v = ptr->mapLenFromRef(vv,sys,Coord::ARCSEC);
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ XMLRow(XMLR,v[0],8);
+ XMLRow(XMLR2,v[1],8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ XMLRow(XMLR,v[0],8);
+ XMLRow(XMLR2,v[1],8);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowRadius(FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys,
+ Vector* vv, int cnt)
+ double rr[cnt];
+ double rr2[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++) {
+ Vector v = ptr->mapLenFromRef(vv[ii],sys,Coord::ARCSEC);
+ rr[ii] = v[0];
+ rr2[ii] = v[1];
+ }
+ switch (sys) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ XMLRow(XMLRV,rr,cnt,8);
+ XMLRow(XMLRV2,rr2,cnt,8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ptr->hasWCS(sys)) {
+ if (ptr->hasWCSCel(sys)) {
+ XMLRowARCSEC(XMLRV2,rr2,cnt);
+ }
+ else {
+ XMLRow(XMLRV,rr,cnt,8);
+ XMLRow(XMLRV2,rr2,cnt,8);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void Marker::XMLRowAng(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky)
+ XMLRow(XMLANG, radToDeg(parent->mapAngleFromRef(angle,sys,sky)),8);
+void Marker::XMLRowAng(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky,
+ double* ang, int cnt)
+ double aa[cnt];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<cnt; ii++)
+ aa[ii] = radToDeg(parent->mapAngleFromRef(ang[ii],sys,sky));
+ XMLRow(XMLANGV,aa,cnt,8);
+char* Marker::XMLQuote(char* src)
+ char* dest = new char[strlen(src)*7+1];
+ char* sptr = src;
+ char* dptr = dest;
+ while (sptr && *sptr) {
+ if (*sptr == '&') {
+ // special case, char entities
+ if (*(sptr+1) == '#') {
+ *dptr++ = *sptr;
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(dptr,"&amp;",5);
+ dptr += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*sptr == '<') {
+ memcpy(dptr,"&lt;",4);
+ dptr += 4;
+ }
+ else if (*sptr == '>') {
+ memcpy(dptr,"&gt;",4);
+ dptr += 4;
+ }
+ else if (*sptr == '\'') {
+ memcpy(dptr,"&apos;",6);
+ dptr += 6;
+ }
+ else if (*sptr == '"') {
+ memcpy(dptr,"&quot;",6);
+ dptr += 6;
+ }
+ else
+ *dptr++ = *sptr;
+ sptr++;
+ }
+ *dptr = '\0';
+ return dest;
+// special composite funtionallity
+void Marker::setComposite(const Matrix& mx, double aa)
+ center *= mx;
+ angle += aa;
+ updateBBox();
+void Marker::setComposite(const char* clr, int w, int h)
+ lineWidth = w;
+ if (colorName)
+ delete [] colorName;
+ colorName = dupstr(clr);
+ color = parent->getColor(colorName);
+ highlited = h;