path: root/tksao/frame/prosparser.Y
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tksao/frame/prosparser.Y')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/prosparser.Y b/tksao/frame/prosparser.Y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26c62ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tksao/frame/prosparser.Y
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+// Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+%parse-param {Base* fr}
+%lex-param {prosFlexLexer* ll}
+%parse-param {prosFlexLexer* ll}
+#define YYDEBUG 1
+#define FITSPTR (fr->findFits())
+#define DISCARD_(x) {yyclearin; prosDiscard(x);}
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "base.h"
+#include "fitsimage.h"
+#include "basemarker.h"
+#undef yyFlexLexer
+#define yyFlexLexer prosFlexLexer
+#include <FlexLexer.h>
+extern int proslex(void*, prosFlexLexer*);
+extern void proserror(Base*, prosFlexLexer*, const char*);
+extern void prosDiscard(int);
+static Coord::CoordSystem globalSystem;
+static Coord::SkyFrame globalSky;
+static Coord::CoordSystem localSystem;
+static Coord::SkyFrame localSky;
+static unsigned short globalProps;
+static unsigned short localProps;
+static const char *color = "green";
+static int dash[] ={8,3};
+static const char *font = "helvetica 10 normal roman";
+static const char *text = "";
+static char localComment[80];
+static List<Vertex> polylist;
+static List<Tag> taglist;
+static List<CallBack> cblist;
+static double aAnnuli[MAXANNULI];
+static Vector aVector[MAXANNULI];
+static int aNum;
+static int aStatus;
+static Vector aCenter;
+static double aAngle;
+static unsigned short aProps;
+static char aComment[80];
+static void setProps(unsigned short* props, unsigned short prop, int value);
+static Coord::CoordSystem checkWCSSystem();
+static Coord::SkyFrame checkWCSSky();
+%union {
+#define PROSBUFSIZE 2048
+ double real;
+ int integer;
+ char str[PROSBUFSIZE];
+ double vector[3];
+%type <real> numeric
+%type <real> angle
+%type <real> optangle
+%type <real> value
+%type <vector> vvalue
+%type <real> sexagesimal
+%type <real> hms
+%type <real> dms
+%type <vector> coord
+%type <integer> coordSystem
+%type <integer> skyFrame
+%type <integer> equatorial
+%type <integer> numberof
+%token <integer> INT
+%token <real> REAL
+%token <str> STRING
+%token <real> ANGDEGREE
+%token <real> ARCMINUTE
+%token <real> ARCSECOND
+%token <real> ANGRADIAN
+%token <str> SEXSTR
+%token <str> HMSSTR
+%token <str> DMSSTR
+%token EOF_
+%token ANNULUS_
+%token B1950_
+%token BOX_
+%token CIRCLE_
+%token DEBUG_
+%token ECLIPTIC_
+%token ELLIPSE_
+%token GALACTIC_
+%token J2000_
+%token LOGICAL_
+%token N_
+%token OFF_
+%token ON_
+%token PHYSICAL_
+%token POINT_
+%token POLYGON_
+%token ROTBOX_
+%token VERSION_
+start : initGlobal commands processAnnulus
+ ;
+commands: commands command terminator
+ | command terminator
+ ;
+command : /* empty */
+ | DEBUG_ debug
+ | VERSION_ {cerr << "PROS" << endl;}
+ | coordSystem {globalSystem = (Coord::CoordSystem)$1;} comment
+ | skyFrame {globalSystem = Coord::WCS; globalSky = (Coord::SkyFrame)$1;} comment
+ | initLocal include shape
+ | generalComment
+ ;
+terminator: '\n'
+ | ';'
+ ;
+numeric : REAL {$$=$1;}
+ | INT {$$=$1;}
+ ;
+debug : ON_ {yydebug=1;}
+ | OFF_ {yydebug=0;}
+ ;
+sp : /* empty */
+ | ','
+ ;
+bp : /* empty */
+ | '('
+ ;
+ep : /* emtpy */
+ | ')'
+ ;
+optangle: /* empty */ {$$ = 0;}
+ | angle {$$ = $1;}
+ ;
+angle : numeric {$$ = degToRad($1);} /* assume degree */
+ | ANGDEGREE {$$ = degToRad($1);}
+ | ANGRADIAN {$$=$1;}
+ ;
+value : numeric {$$ = FITSPTR->mapLenToRef($1, Coord::IMAGE);}
+ | ANGDEGREE {$$ = FITSPTR->mapLenToRef($1, checkWCSSystem(), Coord::DEGREE);}
+ | ARCMINUTE {$$ = FITSPTR->mapLenToRef($1, checkWCSSystem(), Coord::ARCMIN);}
+ | ARCSECOND {$$ = FITSPTR->mapLenToRef($1, checkWCSSystem(), Coord::ARCSEC);}
+ ;
+vvalue : numeric sp numeric
+ {
+ Vector r = FITSPTR->mapLenToRef(Vector($1,$3), Coord::IMAGE);
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ {
+ Vector r=FITSPTR->mapLenToRef(Vector($1,$3),checkWCSSystem(),Coord::DEGREE);
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ {
+ Vector r=FITSPTR->mapLenToRef(Vector($1,$3),checkWCSSystem(),Coord::ARCMIN);
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ {
+ Vector r=FITSPTR->mapLenToRef(Vector($1,$3),checkWCSSystem(),Coord::ARCSEC);
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ ;
+numberof: N_ '=' INT {$$ = $3;}
+ ;
+sexagesimal: SEXSTR {$$ = parseSEXStr($1);}
+ ;
+hms : HMSSTR {$$ = parseHMSStr($1);}
+ ;
+dms : DMSSTR {$$ = parseDMSStr($1);}
+ ;
+coord : sexagesimal sp sexagesimal
+ {
+ Vector r;
+ Coord::CoordSystem sys = checkWCSSystem();
+ Coord::SkyFrame sky = checkWCSSky();
+ if (sky == Coord::GALACTIC || sky == Coord::ECLIPTIC)
+ r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), sys, sky);
+ else
+ r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1*360./24.,$3), sys, sky);
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ | hms sp dms
+ {
+ Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3),
+ checkWCSSystem(), checkWCSSky());
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ | dms sp dms
+ {
+ Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3),
+ checkWCSSystem(), checkWCSSky());
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ | numeric sp numeric
+ {
+ Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), localSystem, localSky);
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ {
+ Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3),
+ checkWCSSystem(), checkWCSSky());
+ $$[0] = r[0];
+ $$[1] = r[1];
+ $$[2] = r[2];
+ }
+ ;
+coordSystem : LOGICAL_ {$$ = Coord::IMAGE;}
+ | PHYSICAL_ {$$ = Coord::PHYSICAL;}
+ ;
+skyFrame : EQUATORIAL_ equatorial {$$ = $2;}
+ | B1950_ {$$ = Coord::FK4;}
+ | J2000_ {$$ = Coord::FK5;}
+ | GALACTIC_ {$$ = Coord::GALACTIC;}
+ | ECLIPTIC_ {$$ = Coord::ECLIPTIC;}
+ ;
+equatorial : B1950_ {$$ = Coord::FK4;}
+ | J2000_ {$$ = Coord::FK5;}
+ ;
+ // global properties
+ globalSystem = Coord::IMAGE;
+ globalSky = Coord::FK5;
+ globalProps =
+ Marker::SELECT | Marker::EDIT | Marker::MOVE |
+ Marker::ROTATE | Marker::DELETE | Marker::HIGHLITE |
+ Marker::INCLUDE | Marker::SOURCE;
+ }
+ ;
+initLocal : {
+ // reset maperr flag
+ maperr =0;
+ // global properties
+ localSystem = globalSystem;
+ localSky = globalSky;
+ localProps = globalProps;
+ strcpy(localComment,"");
+ }
+ ;
+include : /* empty */ {setProps(&localProps, Marker::INCLUDE, 1);}
+ | '+' {setProps(&localProps, Marker::INCLUDE, 1);}
+ | '-' {setProps(&localProps, Marker::INCLUDE, 0);}
+ ;
+shape :
+ CIRCLE_ bp coord sp value ep shapeComment
+ {fr->createCircleCmd(Vector($3),
+ $5,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);}
+ | ANNULUS_ bp coord sp value sp value ep shapeComment
+ {fr->createAnnulusCmd(Vector($3),
+ $5,$7,1,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);}
+ | ANNULUS_ bp coord sp value sp value sp {aNum=2;} aRads ep
+ shapeComment
+ {
+ aAnnuli[0] = $5;
+ aAnnuli[1] = $7;
+ fr->createAnnulusCmd(Vector($3),
+ aNum,aAnnuli,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);
+ }
+ | ANNULUS_ bp coord sp value sp value sp numberof ep shapeComment
+ {fr->createAnnulusCmd(Vector($3),
+ $5,$7,$9,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);}
+ | ELLIPSE_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep shapeComment
+ {
+ // for ellipse annulus
+ aStatus = 1;
+ aCenter = Vector($3);
+ aAngle = $7;
+ aVector[0] = Vector($5);
+ aNum = 1;
+ strncpy(aComment,localComment,80);
+ aProps = localProps;
+ fr->createEllipseCmd(Vector($3),
+ Vector($5),
+ $7,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);
+ }
+ | ELLIPSE_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep '&' '!'
+ ELLIPSE_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep
+ {
+ aStatus = 2;
+ aVector[aNum++] = Vector($5);
+ }
+ | BOX_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep shapeComment
+ {
+ // for box annulus
+ aStatus = 3;
+ aCenter = Vector($3);
+ aAngle = $7;
+ aVector[0] = Vector($5);
+ aNum = 1;
+ strncpy(aComment,localComment,80);
+ aProps = localProps;
+ fr->createBoxCmd(Vector($3),
+ Vector($5),
+ $7,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);
+ }
+ | ROTBOX_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep shapeComment
+ {fr->createBoxCmd(Vector($3),
+ Vector($5),
+ $7,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);}
+ | BOX_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep '&' '!'
+ BOX_ bp coord sp vvalue sp optangle ep
+ {
+ aStatus = 4;
+ aVector[aNum++] = Vector($5);
+ }
+ | POINT_ bp coord ep shapeComment
+ {fr->createPointCmd(Vector($3), Point::BOXCIRCLE, POINTSIZE,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);}
+ | POLYGON_ {polylist.deleteAll();} bp polyNodes ep shapeComment
+ {fr->createPolygonCmd(polylist,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,localProps,localComment,taglist,cblist);}
+ ;
+polyNodes : polyNodes sp polyNode
+ | polyNode
+ ;
+polyNode : coord {polylist.append(new Vertex($1));}
+ ;
+aRads : aRads sp aRad
+ | aRad
+ ;
+aRad : value {aAnnuli[aNum++] = $1;}
+ ;
+processAnnulus : /* empty */
+ {
+ switch (aStatus) {
+ case 0: // do nothing
+ break;
+ case 1: // we found just an ellipse, do nothing
+ break;
+ case 2: // ok we have an ellipse annulus
+ fr->markerDeleteLastCmd(); // delete the previous ellipse
+ fr->createEllipseAnnulusCmd(aCenter,
+ aNum,aVector,
+ aAngle,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,aProps,aComment,taglist,cblist);
+ break;
+ case 3: // we found just a box, do nothing
+ break;
+ case 4: // ok, we have a box annulus
+ fr->markerDeleteLastCmd(); // delete the previous box
+ fr->createBoxAnnulusCmd(aCenter,
+ aNum,aVector,
+ aAngle,
+ color,dash,1,font,text,aProps,aComment,taglist,cblist);
+ break;
+ }
+ aStatus = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+comment : /* empty */
+ | '#' {DISCARD_(1);} STRING
+ ;
+generalComment : '#' {DISCARD_(1);} STRING
+ ;
+shapeComment : /* empty */ processAnnulus
+ | '#' {DISCARD_(0);} STRING processAnnulus
+ {strncpy(localComment,$3,80);}
+ ;
+static void setProps(unsigned short* props, unsigned short prop, int value)
+ if (value)
+ *props |= prop;
+ else
+ *props &= ~prop;
+static Coord::CoordSystem checkWCSSystem()
+ switch (localSystem) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ return Coord::WCS;
+ default:
+ return localSystem;
+ }
+static Coord::SkyFrame checkWCSSky()
+ switch (localSystem) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ return Coord::FK5;
+ default:
+ return localSky;
+ }