path: root/funtools/funtest/mif4.fits
blob: 1a8bff9d0ef34e7affcc16de4008e3a082fc693b (plain)
SIMPLE  =                    T / FITS STANDARD                                  BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data                                    NAXIS   =                    0 / No image array present                         EXTEND  =                    T / Standard extensions might follow               END                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / FITS BINARY TABLE                              BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data                                    NAXIS   =                    2 / Table is a matrix                              NAXIS1  =                   20 / Width of table in bytes                        NAXIS2  =                    5 / Number of entries in table                     PCOUNT  =                    0 / Random parameter count                         GCOUNT  =                    1 / Group count                                    TFIELDS =                    7 / Number of fields in row                        EXTNAME = 'EVENTS  '           / Ext. name                                      EXTVER  =                    1 / Ext. version                                   TFORM1  = '1I      '           / Data type for field                            TFORM2  = '1I      '           / Data type for field                            TFORM3  = '1I      '           / Data type for field                            TFORM4  = '1I      '           / Data type for field                            TFORM5  = '1D      '           / Data type for field                            TFORM6  = '1I      '           / Data type for field                            TFORM7  = '1I      '           / Data type for field                            TTYPE1  = 'X       '           / Label for field                                TTYPE2  = 'Y       '           / Label for field                                TTYPE3  = 'PHA     '           / Label for field                                TTYPE4  = 'PI      '           / Label for field                                TTYPE5  = 'TIME    '           / Label for field                                TTYPE6  = 'DX      '           / Label for field                                TTYPE7  = 'DY      '           / Label for field                                TLMIN1  =                    1 / Min. axis value                                TLMIN2  =                    1 / Min. axis value                                TLMAX1  =                 1024 / Max. axis value                                TLMAX2  =                 1024 / Max. axis value                                TCTYP1  = 'RA---TAN'           / axis type (e.g. RA---TAN)                      TCTYP2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / axis type (e.g. RA---TAN)                      TCRVL1  = 3.447319000000002E2   / sky coord (deg.)                              TCDLT1  = -2.22222200000000E-3   / degrees per pixel                            TCRPX1  = 5.130000000000000E2   / pixel of tangent plane direc.                 TUNIT1  = '        '           / axis units                                     TUNIT2  = '        '           / axis units                                     TUNIT3  = '        '           / axis units                                     TUNIT4  = '        '           / axis units                                     TUNIT5  = '        '           / axis units                                     TUNIT6  = '        '           / axis units                                     TUNIT7  = '        '           / axis units                                     TCRVL2  = 5.861319000000003E1   / sky coord (deg.)                              TCDLT2  = 2.222222000000002E-3   / degrees per pixel                            TCRPX2  = 5.139999999999999E2   / pixel of tangent plane direc.                 TCROT2  = 0.000000000000000E0   / rotation angle (degrees)                      NAXLEN  =                    2  /  Number of QPOE axes                          AXLEN1  =                 1024  /  Dim. of qpoe axis 1                          AXLEN2  =                 1024  /  Dim. of qpoe axis 2                          OBJECT  = 'CTB 109 '            /  target object name                           TELESCOP= 'EINSTEIN'            /  telescope (mission) name                     INSTRUME= 'IPC     '            /  instrument (detector) name                   RADECSYS= 'FK4     '            /  WCS for this file (e.g. Fk4)                 EQUINOX =           1.950000E3  /  equinox (epoch) for WCS                      MJD-OBS =           4.442798E4  /  MJD of start of obs.                         DATE-OBS= '07/07/80'            /  date of observation start                    TIME-OBS= '23:26:57'            /  time of observation start                    DATE-END= '08/07/80'            /  date of observation end                      TIME-END= '01:37:20'            /  time of observation end                      OBS_ID  = '8102    '            /  observation ID                               OBSERVER= '        '            /  observation PI                               ROR_NUM =                  563  /  observation id                               ORIGIN  = 'USA     '            /  country where data was processed             FILTER  = 'NONE    '            /  filter id                                    OBS_MODE= 'POINTING'            /  pointing mode                                TIMEREF = 'LOCAL   '            /  timing reference system                      TIMESYS = 'UNKNOWN '            /  time coordinate system                       POISSERR=                    T  /  clock drift corrections                      MJDREFI =                43508  /  integer portion of mjd for SC clock start    MJDREFF =  0.000000000000000E0  /  fractional portion of mjd for SC clock start XS-EVREF=                    0  /  day offset from mjdrday to event start times XS-TBASE=  7.948683414530913E7  /  seconds from s/c clock start to obs start    ONTIME  =  4.440957031250007E3  /  on time (seconds)                            LIVETIME=  4.255773437500007E3  /  live time (seconds)                          DTCOR   =          9.583015E-1  /  dead time correction                         RA_NOM  =           3.447319E2  /  nominal right ascension (degrees)            DEC_NOM =           5.861319E1  /  nominal declination (degrees)                ROLL_NOM=          -5.130594E1  /  nominal roll angle (degrees)                 XS-XPT  =                  512  /  target pointing direction (pixels)           XS-YPT  =                  512  /  target pointing direction (pixels)           XS-XDET =                 1024  /  x dimen. of detector                         XS-YDET =                 1024  /  y dimen. of detector                         XS-FOV  =                    0  /  field of view (degrees)                      XS-INPXX=          2.222222E-3  /  original degrees per pixel                   XS-INPXY=          2.222222E-3  /  original degrees per pixel                   OPTAXISX=           5.145000E2  /  detector opt. axis x in detector pixels      OPTAXISY=           4.993000E2  /  detector opt. axis y in detector pixels      PHACHANS=                   16  /  number pha channels                          PICHANS =                   16  /  number pi energy channels                    MINPI   =                    0  /  min pi channels                              MAXPI   =                    0  /  max pi channels                              MINPHA  =                    0  /  min pha channels                             MAXPHA  =                    0  /  max pha channels                             FORMAT  =                    1  /  PROS/QPOE Format Number                      REVISION=                    0  /  PROS/QPOE Revision Number                    TALEN1  =                 1024  /  x axis dimension                             TALEN2  =                 1024  /  y axis dimension                             TALEN6  =                 1024  /  x axis dimension                             TALEN7  =                 1024  /  x axis dimension                             XS-SORT = 'EOF     '            /  type of event sort                           END