path: root/Demo/tkinter
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authorGuido van Rossum <>1996-12-29 20:15:32 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1996-12-29 20:15:32 (GMT)
commit8de9f894e1021fc6b5799156e3be89ca35523ce8 (patch)
tree4471f8899d7ba0e3797b962bba6b2e8280c3d3f6 /Demo/tkinter
parentc17a268398da1ea85af8649e5c35ef2c4b768451 (diff)
Solitaire game, like the one that comes with Windows.
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/tkinter')
1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..311ae2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+"""Solitaire game, much like the one that comes with MS Windows.
+- No cute graphical images for the playing cards faces or backs.
+- No scoring or timer.
+- No undo.
+- No option to turn 3 cards at a time.
+- No keyboard shortcuts.
+- Less fancy animation when you win.
+- The determination of which stack you drag to is more relaxed.
+- When you double-click a card on a temp stack to move it to the suit
+stack, if the next card is face down, you have to wait until the
+double-click time-out expires before you can click it to turn it.
+I think this has to do with Tk's multiple-click detection, which means
+it's hard to work around.
+I'm not much of a card player, so my terminology in these comments may
+at times be a little unusual. If you have suggestions, please let me
+# Imports
+import math
+import random
+from Tkinter import *
+from Canvas import Rectangle, CanvasText, Group
+# Fix a bug in Canvas.Group as distributed in Python 1.4. The
+# distributed bind() method is broken. This is what should be used:
+class Group(Group):
+ def bind(self, sequence=None, command=None):
+ return self.canvas.tag_bind(, sequence, command)
+# Constants determining the size and lay-out of cards and stacks. We
+# work in a "grid" where each card/stack is surrounded by MARGIN
+# pixels of space on each side, so adjacent stacks are separated by
+# 2*MARGIN pixels.
+MARGIN = 10
+# The background color, green to look like a playing table. The
+# standard green is way too bright, and dark green is way to dark, so
+# we use something in between. (There are a few more colors that
+# could be customized, but they are less controversial.)
+BACKGROUND = '#070'
+# Suits and colors. The values of the symbolic suit names are the
+# strings used to display them (you change these and VALNAMES to
+# internationalize the game). The COLOR dictionary maps suit names to
+# colors (red and black) which must be Tk color names. The keys() of
+# the COLOR dictionary conveniently provides us with a list of all
+# suits (in arbitrary order).
+HEARTS = 'Heart'
+DIAMONDS = 'Diamond'
+CLUBS = 'Club'
+SPADES = 'Spade'
+RED = 'red'
+BLACK = 'black'
+COLOR = {}
+for s in (HEARTS, DIAMONDS):
+ COLOR[s] = RED
+for s in (CLUBS, SPADES):
+# Card values are 1-13, with symbolic names for the picture cards.
+# ALLVALUES is a list of all card values.
+ACE = 1
+JACK = 11
+QUEEN = 12
+KING = 13
+ALLVALUES = range(1, 14) # (one more than the highest value)
+# VALNAMES is a list that maps a card value to string. It contains a
+# dummy element at index 0 so it can be indexed directly with the card
+# value.
+VALNAMES = ["", "A"] + map(str, range(2, 11)) + ["J", "Q", "K"]
+# Solitaire constants. The only one I can think of is the number of
+# row stacks.
+NROWS = 7
+# The rest of the program consists of class definitions. Read their
+# doc strings.
+class Bottom:
+ """A "card-like" object to serve as the bottom for some stacks.
+ Specifically, this is used by the deck and the suit stacks.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stack):
+ """Constructor, taking the stack as an argument.
+ We displays ourselves as a gray rectangle the size of a
+ playing card, positioned at the stack's x and y location.
+ We register the stack's bottomhandler to handle clicks.
+ No other behavior.
+ """
+ self.rect = Rectangle(,
+ stack.x, stack.y,
+ stack.x+CARDWIDTH, stack.y+CARDHEIGHT,
+ outline='black', fill='gray')
+ self.rect.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', stack.bottomhandler)
+class Card:
+ """A playing card.
+ Public methods:
+ moveto(x, y) -- move the card to an absolute position
+ moveby(dx, dy) -- move the card by a relative offset
+ tkraise() -- raise the card to the top of its stack
+ showface(), showback() -- turn the card face up or down & raise it
+ turnover() -- turn the card (face up or down) & raise it
+ onclick(handler), ondouble(handler), onmove(handler),
+ onrelease(handler) -- set various mount event handlers
+ reset() -- move the card out of sight, face down, and reset all
+ event handlers
+ Public instance variables:
+ color, suit, value -- the card's color, suit and value
+ face_shown -- true when the card is shown face up, else false
+ Semi-public instance variables (XXX should be made private):
+ group -- the Canvas.Group representing the card
+ x, y -- the position of the card's top left corner
+ Private instance variables:
+ __back, __rect, __text -- the canvas items making up the card
+ (To show the card face up, the text item is placed in front of
+ rect and the back is placed behind it. To show it face down, this
+ is reversed.)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, game, suit, value):
+ self.suit = suit
+ self.color = COLOR[suit]
+ self.value = value
+ canvas = game.canvas
+ self.x = self.y = 0
+ self.__back = Rectangle(canvas, MARGIN, MARGIN,
+ outline='black', fill='blue')
+ self.__rect = Rectangle(canvas, 0, 0, CARDWIDTH, CARDHEIGHT,
+ outline='black', fill='white')
+ text = "%s %s" % (VALNAMES[value], suit)
+ self.__text = CanvasText(canvas, CARDWIDTH/2, 0,
+ anchor=N, fill=self.color, text=text)
+ = Group(canvas)
+ self.reset()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Card(game, %s, %s)" % (`self.suit`, `self.value`)
+ def moveto(self, x, y):
+ dx = x - self.x
+ dy = y - self.y
+, dy)
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ def moveby(self, dx, dy):
+ self.moveto(self.x + dx, self.y + dy)
+ def tkraise(self):
+ def showface(self):
+ self.tkraise()
+ self.__rect.tkraise()
+ self.__text.tkraise()
+ self.face_shown = 1
+ def showback(self):
+ self.tkraise()
+ self.__rect.tkraise()
+ self.__back.tkraise()
+ self.face_shown = 0
+ def turnover(self):
+ if self.face_shown:
+ self.showback()
+ else:
+ self.showface()
+ def onclick(self, handler):
+'<1>', handler)
+ def ondouble(self, handler):
+'<Double-1>', handler)
+ def onmove(self, handler):
+'<B1-Motion>', handler)
+ def onrelease(self, handler):
+'<ButtonRelease-1>', handler)
+ def reset(self):
+ self.moveto(-1000, -1000) # Out of sight
+ self.onclick('')
+ self.ondouble('')
+ self.onmove('')
+ self.onrelease('')
+ self.showback()
+class Deck:
+ def __init__(self, game):
+ = game
+ self.allcards = []
+ for suit in ALLSUITS:
+ for value in ALLVALUES:
+ self.allcards.append(Card(, suit, value))
+ self.reset()
+ def shuffle(self):
+ n = len(
+ newcards = []
+ for i in randperm(n):
+ newcards.append([i])
+ = newcards
+ def deal(self):
+ # Raise IndexError when no more cards
+ card =[-1]
+ del[-1]
+ return card
+ def accept(self, card):
+ if card not in
+ def reset(self):
+ = self.allcards[:]
+ for card in
+ card.reset()
+def randperm(n):
+ r = range(n)
+ x = []
+ while r:
+ i = random.choice(r)
+ x.append(i)
+ r.remove(i)
+ return x
+class Stack:
+ x = MARGIN
+ y = MARGIN
+ def __init__(self, game):
+ = game
+ = []
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Stack at (%d, %d)>" % (self.x, self.y)
+ def reset(self):
+ = []
+ def acceptable(self, cards):
+ return 1
+ def accept(self, card):
+ card.onclick(self.clickhandler)
+ card.onmove(self.movehandler)
+ card.onrelease(self.releasehandler)
+ card.ondouble(self.doublehandler)
+ card.tkraise()
+ self.placecard(card)
+ def placecard(self, card):
+ card.moveto(self.x, self.y)
+ def showtop(self):
+ if
+ def clickhandler(self, event):
+ pass
+ def movehandler(self, event):
+ pass
+ def releasehandler(self, event):
+ pass
+ def doublehandler(self, event):
+ pass
+class PoolStack(Stack):
+ def __init__(self, game):
+ Stack.__init__(self, game)
+ self.bottom = Bottom(self)
+ def releasehandler(self, event):
+ if not
+ return
+ card =[-1]
+ del[-1]
+ card.showface()
+ def bottomhandler(self, event):
+ cards =
+ cards.reverse()
+ for card in cards:
+ card.showback()
+ self.accept(card)
+class MovingStack(Stack):
+ thecards = None
+ theindex = None
+ def clickhandler(self, event):
+ self.thecards = self.theindex = None # Just in case
+ tags ='current')
+ if not tags:
+ return
+ tag = tags[0]
+ for i in range(len(
+ card =[i]
+ if tag == str(
+ break
+ else:
+ return
+ self.theindex = i
+ self.thecards = Group(
+ for card in[i:]:
+ self.thecards.addtag_withtag(
+ self.thecards.tkraise()
+ self.lastx = self.firstx = event.x
+ self.lasty = self.firsty = event.y
+ def movehandler(self, event):
+ if not self.thecards:
+ return
+ card =[self.theindex]
+ if not card.face_shown:
+ return
+ dx = event.x - self.lastx
+ dy = event.y - self.lasty
+ self.thecards.move(dx, dy)
+ self.lastx = event.x
+ self.lasty = event.y
+ def releasehandler(self, event):
+ cards = self._endmove()
+ if not cards:
+ return
+ card = cards[0]
+ if not card.face_shown:
+ if len(cards) == 1:
+ card.showface()
+ self.thecards = self.theindex = None
+ return
+ stack =[0])
+ if stack and stack is not self and stack.acceptable(cards):
+ for card in cards:
+ stack.accept(card)
+ else:
+ for card in cards:
+ self.placecard(card)
+ def doublehandler(self, event):
+ cards = self._endmove()
+ if not cards:
+ return
+ for stack in
+ if stack.acceptable(cards):
+ break
+ else:
+ return
+ for card in cards:
+ stack.accept(card)
+ del[self.theindex:]
+ self.thecards = self.theindex = None
+ def _endmove(self):
+ if not self.thecards:
+ return []
+ self.thecards.move(self.firstx - self.lastx,
+ self.firsty - self.lasty)
+ self.thecards.dtag()
+ cards =[self.theindex:]
+ if not cards:
+ return []
+ card = cards[0]
+ card.moveby(self.lastx - self.firstx, self.lasty - self.firsty)
+ self.lastx = self.firstx
+ self.lasty = self.firsty
+ return cards
+class TurnedStack(MovingStack):
+ y = MARGIN
+class SuitStack(MovingStack):
+ y = MARGIN
+ def __init__(self, game, i):
+ self.index = i
+ self.x = MARGIN + XSPACING * (i+3)
+ Stack.__init__(self, game)
+ self.bottom = Bottom(self)
+ bottomhandler = ""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "SuitStack(game, %d)" % self.index
+ def acceptable(self, cards):
+ if len(cards) != 1:
+ return 0
+ card = cards[0]
+ if not card.face_shown:
+ return 0
+ if not
+ return card.value == ACE
+ topcard =[-1]
+ if not topcard.face_shown:
+ return 0
+ return card.suit == topcard.suit and card.value == topcard.value + 1
+ def doublehandler(self, event):
+ pass
+ def accept(self, card):
+ MovingStack.accept(self, card)
+ if card.value == KING:
+ # See if we won
+ for s in
+ card =[-1]
+ if card.value != KING:
+ return
+class RowStack(MovingStack):
+ def __init__(self, game, i):
+ self.index = i
+ self.x = MARGIN + XSPACING * i
+ self.y = MARGIN + YSPACING
+ Stack.__init__(self, game)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "RowStack(game, %d)" % self.index
+ def placecard(self, card):
+ offset = 0
+ for c in
+ if c is card:
+ break
+ if c.face_shown:
+ offset = offset + 2*MARGIN
+ else:
+ offset = offset + OFFSET
+ card.moveto(self.x, self.y + offset)
+ def acceptable(self, cards):
+ card = cards[0]
+ if not card.face_shown:
+ return 0
+ if not
+ return card.value == KING
+ topcard =[-1]
+ if not topcard.face_shown:
+ return 0
+ if card.value != topcard.value - 1:
+ return 0
+ if card.color == topcard.color:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+class Solitaire:
+ def __init__(self, master):
+ self.master = master
+ self.buttonframe = Frame(self.master, background=BACKGROUND)
+ self.buttonframe.pack(fill=X)
+ self.dealbutton = Button(self.buttonframe,
+ text="Deal",
+ highlightthickness=0,
+ background=BACKGROUND,
+ activebackground="green",
+ self.dealbutton.pack(side=LEFT)
+ self.canvas = Canvas(self.master,
+ background=BACKGROUND,
+ highlightthickness=0,
+ height=3*YSPACING)
+ self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=TRUE)
+ self.deck = Deck(self)
+ self.pool = PoolStack(self)
+ self.turned = TurnedStack(self)
+ self.suits = []
+ for i in range(NSUITS):
+ self.suits.append(SuitStack(self, i))
+ self.rows = []
+ for i in range(NROWS):
+ self.rows.append(RowStack(self, i))
+ def win(self):
+ """Stupid animation when you win."""
+ cards = self.deck.allcards
+ for i in range(1000):
+ card = random.choice(cards)
+ dx = random.randint(-50, 50)
+ dy = random.randint(-50, 50)
+ card.moveby(dx, dy)
+ self.master.update_idletasks()
+ def closeststack(self, card):
+ closest = None
+ cdist = 999999999
+ # Since we only compare distances,
+ # we don't bother to take the square root.
+ for stack in self.rows + self.suits:
+ dist = (stack.x - card.x)**2 + (stack.y - card.y)**2
+ if dist < cdist:
+ closest = stack
+ cdist = dist
+ return closest
+ def reset(self):
+ self.pool.reset()
+ self.turned.reset()
+ for stack in self.rows + self.suits:
+ stack.reset()
+ self.deck.reset()
+ def deal(self):
+ self.reset()
+ self.deck.shuffle()
+ for i in range(NROWS):
+ for r in self.rows[i:]:
+ card =
+ r.accept(card)
+ for r in self.rows:
+ r.showtop()
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ self.pool.accept(
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+# Main function, run when invoked as a stand-alone Python program.
+def main():
+ root = Tk()
+ game = Solitaire(root)
+ root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', root.quit)
+ root.mainloop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()