path: root/Doc/howto
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authorVinay Sajip <>2022-07-04 08:09:40 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2022-07-04 08:09:40 (GMT)
commit8fe0b1d8fa3451e923d7632263be6145a0734468 (patch)
treeeee705e8cea1312df4c4a67097cbd7d3beaf05f8 /Doc/howto
parent1e7efbc449cc56d567948d74c3c38236b407b690 (diff)
[3.11] Update logging documentation: change cross-reference and add webapp r… (GH-94541)
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/howto')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/howto/logging-cookbook.rst b/Doc/howto/logging-cookbook.rst
index 45b48fc..7f4fe3a 100644
--- a/Doc/howto/logging-cookbook.rst
+++ b/Doc/howto/logging-cookbook.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Logging Cookbook
:Author: Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at red-dove dot com>
This page contains a number of recipes related to logging, which have been found
-useful in the past.
+useful in the past. For links to tutorial and reference information, please see
.. currentmodule:: logging
@@ -713,6 +714,254 @@ which, when run, produces something like:
2010-09-06 22:38:15,301 d.e.f DEBUG IP: User: fred A message at DEBUG level with 2 parameters
2010-09-06 22:38:15,301 d.e.f INFO IP: User: fred A message at INFO level with 2 parameters
+Use of ``contextvars``
+Since Python 3.7, the :mod:`contextvars` module has provided context-local storage
+which works for both :mod:`threading` and :mod:`asyncio` processing needs. This type
+of storage may thus be generally preferable to thread-locals. The following example
+shows how, in a multi-threaded environment, logs can populated with contextual
+information such as, for example, request attributes handled by web applications.
+For the purposes of illustration, say that you have different web applications, each
+independent of the other but running in the same Python process and using a library
+common to them. How can each of these applications have their own log, where all
+logging messages from the library (and other request processing code) are directed to
+the appropriate application's log file, while including in the log additional
+contextual information such as client IP, HTTP request method and client username?
+Let's assume that the library can be simulated by the following code:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #
+ import logging
+ import time
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ def useful():
+ # Just a representative event logged from the library
+ logger.debug('Hello from webapplib!')
+ # Just sleep for a bit so other threads get to run
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+We can simulate the multiple web applications by means of two simple classes,
+``Request`` and ``WebApp``. These simulate how real threaded web applications work -
+each request is handled by a thread:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #
+ import argparse
+ from contextvars import ContextVar
+ import logging
+ import os
+ from random import choice
+ import threading
+ import webapplib
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ root = logging.getLogger()
+ root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ class Request:
+ """
+ A simple dummy request class which just holds dummy HTTP request method,
+ client IP address and client username
+ """
+ def __init__(self, method, ip, user):
+ self.method = method
+ self.ip = ip
+ self.user = user
+ # A dummy set of requests which will be used in the simulation - we'll just pick
+ # from this list randomly. Note that all GET requests are from 192.168.2.XXX
+ # addresses, whereas POST requests are from 192.16.3.XXX addresses. Three users
+ # are represented in the sample requests.
+ Request('GET', '', 'jim'),
+ Request('POST', '', 'fred'),
+ Request('GET', '', 'sheila'),
+ Request('POST', '', 'jim'),
+ Request('GET', '', 'fred'),
+ Request('POST', '', 'sheila'),
+ ]
+ # Note that the format string includes references to request context information
+ # such as HTTP method, client IP and username
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(threadName)-11s %(appName)s %(name)-9s %(user)-6s %(ip)s %(method)-4s %(message)s')
+ # Create our context variables. These will be filled at the start of request
+ # processing, and used in the logging that happens during that processing
+ ctx_request = ContextVar('request')
+ ctx_appname = ContextVar('appname')
+ class InjectingFilter(logging.Filter):
+ """
+ A filter which injects context-specific information into logs and ensures
+ that only information for a specific webapp is included in its log
+ """
+ def __init__(self, app):
+ = app
+ def filter(self, record):
+ request = ctx_request.get()
+ record.method = request.method
+ record.ip = request.ip
+ record.user = request.user
+ record.appName = appName = ctx_appname.get()
+ return appName ==
+ class WebApp:
+ """
+ A dummy web application class which has its own handler and filter for a
+ webapp-specific log.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ handler = logging.FileHandler(name + '.log', 'w')
+ f = InjectingFilter(self)
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ handler.addFilter(f)
+ root.addHandler(handler)
+ self.num_requests = 0
+ def process_request(self, request):
+ """
+ This is the dummy method for processing a request. It's called on a
+ different thread for every request. We store the context information into
+ the context vars before doing anything else.
+ """
+ ctx_request.set(request)
+ ctx_appname.set(
+ self.num_requests += 1
+ logger.debug('Request processing started')
+ webapplib.useful()
+ logger.debug('Request processing finished')
+ def main():
+ fn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
+ adhf = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=adhf, prog=fn,
+ description='Simulate a couple of web '
+ 'applications handling some '
+ 'requests, showing how request '
+ 'context can be used to '
+ 'populate logs')
+ aa = ap.add_argument
+ aa('--count', '-c', default=100, help='How many requests to simulate')
+ options = ap.parse_args()
+ # Create the dummy webapps and put them in a list which we can use to select
+ # from randomly
+ app1 = WebApp('app1')
+ app2 = WebApp('app2')
+ apps = [app1, app2]
+ threads = []
+ # Add a common handler which will capture all events
+ handler = logging.FileHandler('app.log', 'w')
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ root.addHandler(handler)
+ # Generate calls to process requests
+ for i in range(options.count):
+ try:
+ # Pick an app at random and a request for it to process
+ app = choice(apps)
+ request = choice(REQUESTS)
+ # Process the request in its own thread
+ t = threading.Thread(target=app.process_request, args=(request,))
+ threads.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ break
+ # Wait for the threads to terminate
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ for app in apps:
+ print('%s processed %s requests' % (, app.num_requests))
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+If you run the above, you should find that roughly half the requests go
+into :file:`app1.log` and the rest into :file:`app2.log`, and the all the requests are
+logged to :file:`app.log`. Each webapp-specific log will contain only log entries for
+only that webapp, and the request information will be displayed consistently in the
+log (i.e. the information in each dummy request will always appear together in a log
+line). This is illustrated by the following shell output:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ python
+ app1 processed 51 requests
+ app2 processed 49 requests
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ wc -l *.log
+ 153 app1.log
+ 147 app2.log
+ 300 app.log
+ 600 total
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ head -3 app1.log
+ Thread-3 (process_request) app1 __main__ jim POST Request processing started
+ Thread-3 (process_request) app1 webapplib jim POST Hello from webapplib!
+ Thread-5 (process_request) app1 __main__ jim POST Request processing started
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ head -3 app2.log
+ Thread-1 (process_request) app2 __main__ sheila GET Request processing started
+ Thread-1 (process_request) app2 webapplib sheila GET Hello from webapplib!
+ Thread-2 (process_request) app2 __main__ jim GET Request processing started
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ head app.log
+ Thread-1 (process_request) app2 __main__ sheila GET Request processing started
+ Thread-1 (process_request) app2 webapplib sheila GET Hello from webapplib!
+ Thread-2 (process_request) app2 __main__ jim GET Request processing started
+ Thread-3 (process_request) app1 __main__ jim POST Request processing started
+ Thread-2 (process_request) app2 webapplib jim GET Hello from webapplib!
+ Thread-3 (process_request) app1 webapplib jim POST Hello from webapplib!
+ Thread-4 (process_request) app2 __main__ fred GET Request processing started
+ Thread-5 (process_request) app1 __main__ jim POST Request processing started
+ Thread-4 (process_request) app2 webapplib fred GET Hello from webapplib!
+ Thread-6 (process_request) app1 __main__ jim POST Request processing started
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ grep app1 app1.log | wc -l
+ 153
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ grep app2 app2.log | wc -l
+ 147
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ grep app1 app.log | wc -l
+ 153
+ ~/logging-contextual-webapp$ grep app2 app.log | wc -l
+ 147
+Imparting contextual information in handlers
+Each :class:`~Handler` has its own chain of filters.
+If you want to add contextual information to a :class:`LogRecord` without leaking
+it to other handlers, you can use a filter that returns
+a new :class:`~LogRecord` instead of modifying it in-place, as shown in the following script::
+ import copy
+ import logging
+ def filter(record: logging.LogRecord):
+ record = copy.copy(record)
+ record.user = 'jim'
+ return record
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s from %(user)-8s')
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ handler.addFilter(filter)
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+'A log message')
.. _multiple-processes:
@@ -3164,3 +3413,23 @@ the :ref:`existing mechanisms <context-info>` for passing contextual
information into your logs and restrict the loggers created to those describing
areas within your application (generally modules, but occasionally slightly
more fine-grained than that).
+.. _cookbook-ref-links:
+Other resources
+.. seealso::
+ Module :mod:`logging`
+ API reference for the logging module.
+ Module :mod:`logging.config`
+ Configuration API for the logging module.
+ Module :mod:`logging.handlers`
+ Useful handlers included with the logging module.
+ :ref:`Basic Tutorial <logging-basic-tutorial>`
+ :ref:`Advanced Tutorial <logging-advanced-tutorial>`