path: root/Doc
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authorEric V. Smith <>2018-05-16 08:20:43 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2018-05-16 08:20:43 (GMT)
commit98d50cb8f57eb227c373cb94b8680b12ec8aade5 (patch)
tree374b71e8a69ae5e61104ce2f92879f16ff3c5585 /Doc
parent4cc3eb48e1e8289df5153db1c701cae263a1ef86 (diff)
bpo-32216: Add documentation for dataclasses (GH-6886)
This is an initial version that likely requires much polishing. I'm adding it lay out the structure and so we have something to start working from.
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc')
2 files changed, 589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/dataclasses.rst b/Doc/library/dataclasses.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..489dece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/library/dataclasses.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+:mod:`dataclasses` --- Dataclasses
+.. module:: dataclasses
+ :synopsis: Generate special methods and add to user-defined classes.
+.. moduleauthor:: Eric V. Smith <>
+.. sectionauthor:: Eric V. Smith <>
+**Source code:** :source:`Lib/`
+This module provides a decorator and functions for automatically
+adding generated :term:`special method`\s such as :meth:`__init__` and
+:meth:`__repr__` to user-defined classes. It was originally described
+in :pep:`557`.
+The member variables to use in these generated methods are defined
+using :pep:`526` type annotations. For example this code::
+ @dataclass
+ class InventoryItem:
+ '''Class for keeping track of an item in inventory.'''
+ name: str
+ unit_price: float
+ quantity_on_hand: int = 0
+ def total_cost(self) -> float:
+ return self.unit_price * self.quantity_on_hand
+Will add, among other things, a :meth:`__init__` that looks like::
+ def __init__(self, name: str, unit_price: float, quantity_on_hand: int=0):
+ = name
+ self.unit_price = unit_price
+ self.quantity_on_hand = quantity_on_hand
+Note that this method is automatically added to the class: it is not
+directly specified in the ``InventoryItem`` definition shown above.
+.. versionadded:: 3.7
+Module-level decorators, classes, and functions
+.. decorator:: dataclass(*, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False)
+ This function is a :term:`decorator` that is used to add generated
+ :term:`special method`\s to classes, as described below.
+ The :func:`dataclass` decorator examines the class to find
+ ``field``\s. A ``field`` is defined as class variable that has a
+ type annotation. With two exceptions described below, nothing in
+ :func:`dataclass` examines the type specified in the variable
+ annotation.
+ The order of the fields in all of the generated methods is the
+ order in which they appear in the class definition.
+ The :func:`dataclass` decorator will add various "dunder" methods to
+ the class, described below. If any of the added methods already
+ exist on the class, a :exc:`TypeError` will be raised. The decorator
+ returns the same class that is called on: no new class is created.
+ If :func:`dataclass` is used just as a simple decorator with no parameters,
+ it acts as if it has the default values documented in this
+ signature. That is, these three uses of :func:`dataclass` are
+ equivalent::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ ...
+ @dataclass()
+ class C:
+ ...
+ @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False)
+ class C:
+ ...
+ The parameters to :func:`dataclass` are:
+ - ``init``: If true (the default), a :meth:`__init__` method will be
+ generated.
+ If the class already defines :meth:`__init__`, this parameter is
+ ignored.
+ - ``repr``: If true (the default), a :meth:`__repr__` method will be
+ generated. The generated repr string will have the class name and
+ the name and repr of each field, in the order they are defined in
+ the class. Fields that are marked as being excluded from the repr
+ are not included. For example:
+ ``InventoryItem(name='widget', unit_price=3.0, quantity_on_hand=10)``.
+ If the class already defines :meth:`__repr__`, this parameter is
+ ignored.
+ - ``eq``: If true (the default), an :meth:`__eq__` method will be
+ generated. This method compares the class as if it were a tuple
+ of its fields, in order. Both instances in the comparison must
+ be of the identical type.
+ If the class already defines :meth:`__eq__`, this parameter is
+ ignored.
+ - ``order``: If true (the default is ``False``), :meth:`__lt__`,
+ :meth:`__le__`, :meth:`__gt__`, and :meth:`__ge__` methods will be
+ generated. These compare the class as if it were a tuple of its
+ fields, in order. Both instances in the comparison must be of the
+ identical type. If ``order`` is true and ``eq`` is false, a
+ :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
+ If the class already defines any of :meth:`__lt__`,
+ :meth:`__le__`, :meth:`__gt__`, or :meth:`__ge__`, then
+ :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
+ - ``unsafe_hash``: If ``False`` (the default), the :meth:`__hash__` method
+ is generated according to how ``eq`` and ``frozen`` are set.
+ If ``eq`` and ``frozen`` are both true, :func:`dataclass` will
+ generate a :meth:`__hash__` method for you. If ``eq`` is true
+ and ``frozen`` is false, :meth:`__hash__` will be set to
+ ``None``, marking it unhashable (which it is, since it is
+ mutable). If ``eq`` is false, :meth:`__hash__` will be left
+ untouched meaning the :meth:`__hash__` method of the superclass
+ will be used (if the superclass is :class:`object`, this means it will
+ fall back to id-based hashing).
+ Although not recommended, you can force :func:`dataclass` to
+ create a :meth:`__hash__` method with ``unsafe_hash=True``. This
+ might be the case if your class is logically immutable but can
+ nonetheless be mutated. This is a specialized use case and should
+ be considered carefully.
+ If a class already has an explicitely defined :meth:`__hash__`
+ the behavior when adding :meth:`__hash__` is modified. An
+ expicitely defined :meth:`__hash__` is defined when:
+ - :meth:`__eq__` is defined in the class and :meth:`__hash__` is defined
+ with any value other than ``None``.
+ - :meth:`__eq__` is defined in the class and any non-``None``
+ :meth:`__hash__` is defined.
+ - :meth:`__eq__` is not defined on the class, and any :meth:`__hash__` is
+ defined.
+ If ``unsafe_hash`` is true and an explicitely defined :meth:`__hash__`
+ is present, then :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
+ If ``unsafe_hash`` is false and an explicitely defined :meth:`__hash__`
+ is present, then no :meth:`__hash__` is added.
+ See the Python documentation for more information.
+ - ``frozen``: If true (the default is False), assigning to fields will
+ generate an exception. This emulates read-only frozen instances.
+ If either :meth:`__getattr__` or :meth:`__setattr__` is defined in
+ the class, then :exc:`ValueError` is raised. See the discussion
+ below.
+ ``field``\s may optionally specify a default value, using normal
+ Python syntax::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ a: int # 'a' has no default value
+ b: int = 0 # assign a default value for 'b'
+ In this example, both ``a`` and ``b`` will be included in the added
+ :meth:`__init__` method, which will be defined as::
+ def __init__(self, a: int, b: int = 0):
+ :exc:`TypeError` will be raised if a field without a default value
+ follows a field with a default value. This is true either when this
+ occurs in a single class, or as a result of class inheritance.
+.. function:: field(*, default=MISSING, default_factory=MISSING, repr=True, hash=None, init=True, compare=True, metadata=None)
+ For common and simple use cases, no other functionality is
+ required. There are, however, some Data Class features that
+ require additional per-field information. To satisfy this need for
+ additional information, you can replace the default field value
+ with a call to the provided :func:`field` function. For example::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ l: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
+ c = C()
+ c.l += [1, 2, 3]
+ As shown above, the ``MISSING`` value is a sentinel object used to
+ detect if the ``default`` and ``default_factory`` parameters are
+ provided. This sentinel is used because ``None`` is a valid value
+ for ``default``. No code should directly use the ``MISSING``
+ value.
+ The parameters to :func:`field` are:
+ - ``default``: If provided, this will be the default value for this
+ field. This is needed because the :meth:`field` call itself
+ replaces the normal position of the default value.
+ - ``default_factory``: If provided, it must be a zero-argument
+ callable that will be called when a default value is needed for
+ this field. Among other purposes, this can be used to specify
+ fields with mutable default values, as discussed below. It is an
+ error to specify both ``default`` and ``default_factory``.
+ - ``init``: If true (the default), this field is included as a
+ parameter to the generated :meth:`__init__` method.
+ - ``repr``: If true (the default), this field is included in the
+ string returned by the generated :meth:`__repr__` method.
+ - ``compare``: If true (the default), this field is included in the
+ generated equality and comparison methods (:meth:`__eq__`,
+ :meth:`__gt__`, et al.).
+ - ``hash``: This can be a bool or ``None``. If True, this field is
+ included in the generated :meth:`__hash__` method. If ``None`` (the
+ default), use the value of ``compare``: this would normally be
+ the expected behavior. A field should be considered in the hash
+ if it's used for comparisons. Setting this value to anything
+ other than ``None`` is discouraged.
+ One possible reason to set ``hash=False`` but ``compare=True``
+ would be if a field is expensive to compute a hash value for,
+ that field is needed for equality testing, and there are other
+ fields that contribute to the type's hash value. Even if a field
+ is excluded from the hash, it will still be used for comparisons.
+ - ``metadata``: This can be a mapping or None. None is treated as
+ an empty dict. This value is wrapped in
+ :func:`~types.MappingProxyType` to make it read-only, and exposed
+ on the :class:`Field` object. It is not used at all by Data
+ Classes, and is provided as a third-party extension mechanism.
+ Multiple third-parties can each have their own key, to use as a
+ namespace in the metadata.
+ If the default value of a field is specified by a call to
+ :func:`field()`, then the class attribute for this field will be
+ replaced by the specified ``default`` value. If no ``default`` is
+ provided, then the class attribute will be deleted. The intent is
+ that after the :func:`dataclass` decorator runs, the class
+ attributes will all contain the default values for the fields, just
+ as if the default value itself were specified. For example,
+ after::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ x: int
+ y: int = field(repr=False)
+ z: int = field(repr=False, default=10)
+ t: int = 20
+ The class attribute ``C.z`` will be ``10``, the class attribute
+ ``C.t`` will be ``20``, and the class attributes ``C.x`` and
+ ``C.y`` will not be set.
+.. class:: Field
+ :class:`Field` objects describe each defined field. These objects
+ are created internally, and are returned by the :func:`fields`
+ module-level method (see below). Users should never instantiate a
+ :class:`Field` object directly. Its documented attributes are:
+ - ``name``: The name of the field.
+ - ``type``: The type of the field.
+ - ``default``, ``default_factory``, ``init``, ``repr``, ``hash``,
+ ``compare``, and ``metadata`` have the identical meaning and
+ values as they do in the :func:`field` declaration.
+ Other attributes may exist, but they are private and must not be
+ inspected or relied on.
+.. function:: fields(class_or_instance)
+ Returns a tuple of :class:`Field` objects
+ that define the fields for this Data Class. Accepts either a Data
+ Class, or an instance of a Data Class. Raises :exc:`ValueError` if
+ not passed a Data Class or instance of one. Does not return
+ pseudo-fields which are ``ClassVar`` or ``InitVar``.
+.. function:: asdict(instance, *, dict_factory=dict)
+ Converts the Data Class ``instance`` to a dict (by using the
+ factory function ``dict_factory``). Each Data Class is converted
+ to a dict of its fields, as ``name: value`` pairs. Data Classes, dicts,
+ lists, and tuples are recursed into. For example::
+ @dataclass
+ class Point:
+ x: int
+ y: int
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ l: List[Point]
+ p = Point(10, 20)
+ assert asdict(p) == {'x': 10, 'y': 20}
+ c = C([Point(0, 0), Point(10, 4)])
+ assert asdict(c) == {'l': [{'x': 0, 'y': 0}, {'x': 10, 'y': 4}]}
+ Raises :exc:`TypeError` if ``instance`` is not a Data Class instance.
+.. function:: astuple(*, tuple_factory=tuple)
+ Converts the Data Class ``instance`` to a tuple (by using the
+ factory function ``tuple_factory``). Each Data Class is converted
+ to a tuple of its field values. Data Classes, dicts, lists, and
+ tuples are recursed into.
+ Continuing from the previous example::
+ assert astuple(p) == (10, 20)
+ assert astuple(c) == ([(0, 0), (10, 4)],)
+ Raises :exc:`TypeError` if ``instance`` is not a Data Class instance.
+.. function:: make_dataclass(cls_name, fields, *, bases=(), namespace=None, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False)
+ Creates a new Data Class with name ``cls_name``, fields as defined
+ in ``fields``, base classes as given in ``bases``, and initialized
+ with a namespace as given in ``namespace``. ``fields`` is an
+ iterable whose elements are each either ``name``, ``(name, type)``,
+ or ``(name, type, Field)``. If just ``name`` is supplied,
+ ``typing.Any`` is used for ``type``. The values of ``init``,
+ ``repr``, ``eq``, ``order``, ``unsafe_hash``, and ``frozen`` have
+ the same meaning as they do in :func:`dataclass`.
+ This function is not strictly required, because any Python
+ mechanism for creating a new class with ``__annotations__`` can
+ then apply the :func:`dataclass` function to convert that class to
+ a Data Class. This function is provided as a convenience. For
+ example::
+ C = make_dataclass('C',
+ [('x', int),
+ 'y',
+ ('z', int, field(default=5))],
+ namespace={'add_one': lambda self: self.x + 1})
+ Is equivalent to::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ x: int
+ y: 'typing.Any'
+ z: int = 5
+ def add_one(self):
+ return self.x + 1
+.. function:: replace(instance, **changes)
+ Creates a new object of the same type of ``instance``, replacing
+ fields with values from ``changes``. If ``instance`` is not a Data
+ Class, raises :exc:`TypeError`. If values in ``changes`` do not
+ specify fields, raises :exc:`TypeError`.
+ The newly returned object is created by calling the :meth:`__init__`
+ method of the Data Class. This ensures that
+ :meth:`__post_init__`, if present, is also called.
+ Init-only variables without default values, if any exist, must be
+ specified on the call to :func:`replace` so that they can be passed to
+ :meth:`__init__` and :meth:`__post_init__`.
+ It is an error for :func:`changes` to contain any fields that are
+ defined as having ``init=False``. A :exc:`ValueError` will be raised
+ in this case.
+ Be forewarned about how ``init=False`` fields work during a call to
+ :func:`replace`. They are not copied from the source object, but
+ rather are initialized in :meth:`__post_init__`, if they're
+ initialized at all. It is expected that ``init=False`` fields will
+ be rarely and judiciously used. If they are used, it might be wise
+ to have alternate class constructors, or perhaps a custom
+ ``replace()`` (or similarly named) method which handles instance
+ copying.
+.. function:: is_dataclass(class_or_instance)
+ Returns True if its parameter is a dataclass or an instance of one,
+ otherwise returns False.
+ If you need to know if a class is an instance of a dataclass (and
+ not a dataclass itself), then add a further check for ``not
+ isinstance(obj, type)``::
+ def is_dataclass_instance(obj):
+ return is_dataclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type)
+Post-init processing
+The generated :meth:`__init__` code will call a method named
+:meth:`__post_init__`, if :meth:`__post_init__` is defined on the
+class. It will normally be called as ``self.__post_init__()``.
+However, if any ``InitVar`` fields are defined, they will also be
+passed to :meth:`__post_init` in the order they were defined in the
+class. If no :meth:`__init__` method is generated, then
+:meth:`__post_init__` will not automatically be called.
+Among other uses, this allows for initializing field values that
+depend on one or more other fields. For example::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ a: float
+ b: float
+ c: float = field(init=False)
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ self.c = self.a + self.b
+See the section below on init-only variables for ways to pass
+parameters to :meth:`__post_init__`. Also see the warning about how
+:func:`replace` handles ``init=False`` fields.
+Class variables
+One of two places where :func:`dataclass` actually inspects the type
+of a field is to determine if a field is a class variable as defined
+in :pep:`526`. It does this by checking if the type of the field is
+``typing.ClassVar``. If a field is a ``ClassVar``, it is excluded
+from consideration as a field and is ignored by the Data Class
+mechanisms. Such ``ClassVar`` pseudo-fields are not returned by the
+module-level :func:`fields` function.
+Init-only variables
+The other place where :func:`dataclass` inspects a type annotation is to
+determine if a field is an init-only variable. It does this by seeing
+if the type of a field is of type ``dataclasses.InitVar``. If a field
+is an ``InitVar``, it is considered a pseudo-field called an init-only
+field. As it is not a true field, it is not returned by the
+module-level :func:`fields` function. Init-only fields are added as
+parameters to the generated :meth:`__init__` method, and are passed to
+the optional :meth:`__post_init__` method. They are not otherwise used
+by Data Classes.
+For example, suppose a field will be initialzed from a database, if a
+value is not provided when creating the class::
+ @dataclass
+ class C:
+ i: int
+ j: int = None
+ database: InitVar[DatabaseType] = None
+ def __post_init__(self, database):
+ if self.j is None and database is not None:
+ self.j = database.lookup('j')
+ c = C(10, database=my_database)
+In this case, :func:`fields` will return :class:`Field` objects for ``i`` and
+``j``, but not for ``database``.
+Frozen instances
+It is not possible to create truly immutable Python objects. However,
+by passing ``frozen=True`` to the :meth:`dataclass` decorator you can
+emulate immutability. In that case, Data Classes will add
+:meth:`__setattr__` and :meth:`__delattr__` methods to the class. These
+methods will raise a :exc:`FrozenInstanceError` when invoked.
+There is a tiny performance penalty when using ``frozen=True``:
+:meth:`__init__` cannot use simple assignment to initialize fields, and
+must use :meth:`object.__setattr__`.
+When the Data Class is being created by the :meth:`dataclass` decorator,
+it looks through all of the class's base classes in reverse MRO (that
+is, starting at :class:`object`) and, for each Data Class that it finds,
+adds the fields from that base class to an ordered mapping of fields.
+After all of the base class fields are added, it adds its own fields
+to the ordered mapping. All of the generated methods will use this
+combined, calculated ordered mapping of fields. Because the fields
+are in insertion order, derived classes override base classes. An
+ @dataclass
+ class Base:
+ x: Any = 15.0
+ y: int = 0
+ @dataclass
+ class C(Base):
+ z: int = 10
+ x: int = 15
+The final list of fields is, in order, ``x``, ``y``, ``z``. The final
+type of ``x`` is ``int``, as specified in class ``C``.
+The generated :meth:`__init__` method for ``C`` will look like::
+ def __init__(self, x: int = 15, y: int = 0, z: int = 10):
+Default factory functions
+ If a :func:`field` specifies a ``default_factory``, it is called with
+ zero arguments when a default value for the field is needed. For
+ example, to create a new instance of a list, use::
+ l: list = field(default_factory=list)
+ If a field is excluded from :meth:`__init__` (using ``init=False``)
+ and the field also specifies ``default_factory``, then the default
+ factory function will always be called from the generated
+ :meth:`__init__` function. This happens because there is no other
+ way to give the field an initial value.
+Mutable default values
+ Python stores default member variable values in class attributes.
+ Consider this example, not using Data Classes::
+ class C:
+ x = []
+ def add(self, element):
+ self.x += element
+ o1 = C()
+ o2 = C()
+ o1.add(1)
+ o2.add(2)
+ assert o1.x == [1, 2]
+ assert o1.x is o2.x
+ Note that the two instances of class ``C`` share the same class
+ variable ``x``, as expected.
+ Using Data Classes, *if* this code was valid::
+ @dataclass
+ class D:
+ x: List = []
+ def add(self, element):
+ self.x += element
+ it would generate code similar to::
+ class D:
+ x = []
+ def __init__(self, x=x):
+ self.x = x
+ def add(self, element):
+ self.x += element
+ assert D().x is D().x
+ This has the same issue as the original example using class ``C``.
+ That is, two instances of class ``D`` that do not specify a value for
+ ``x`` when creating a class instance will share the same copy of
+ ``x``. Because Data Classes just use normal Python class creation
+ they also share this problem. There is no general way for Data
+ Classes to detect this condition. Instead, Data Classes will raise a
+ :exc:`TypeError` if it detects a default parameter of type ``list``,
+ ``dict``, or ``set``. This is a partial solution, but it does protect
+ against many common errors.
+ Using default factory functions is a way to create new instances of
+ mutable types as default values for fields::
+ @dataclass
+ class D:
+ x: list = field(default_factory=list)
+ assert D().x is not D().x
diff --git a/Doc/library/python.rst b/Doc/library/python.rst
index 440dc66..f39613f 100644
--- a/Doc/library/python.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/python.rst
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ overview:
+ dataclasses.rst