path: root/Lib/
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authorAlex Waygood <>2024-05-26 12:34:48 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2024-05-26 12:34:48 (GMT)
commit008bc04dcb3b1fa6d7c11ed8050467dfad3090a9 (patch)
tree57fde6c8cc110c90e801fc5c2bda9e7bba5928d4 /Lib/
parentb5b7dc98c94100e992a5409d24bf035d88c7b2cd (diff)
gh-119562: Remove AST nodes deprecated since Python 3.8 (#119563)
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 031bab4..c5d495e 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -508,27 +508,6 @@ class NodeVisitor(object):
elif isinstance(value, AST):
- def visit_Constant(self, node):
- value = node.value
- type_name = _const_node_type_names.get(type(value))
- if type_name is None:
- for cls, name in _const_node_type_names.items():
- if isinstance(value, cls):
- type_name = name
- break
- if type_name is not None:
- method = 'visit_' + type_name
- try:
- visitor = getattr(self, method)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- import warnings
- warnings.warn(f"{method} is deprecated; add visit_Constant",
- DeprecationWarning, 2)
- return visitor(node)
- return self.generic_visit(node)
class NodeTransformer(NodeVisitor):
@@ -597,142 +576,6 @@ _DEPRECATED_CLASS_MESSAGE = (
"use ast.Constant instead"
-# If the ast module is loaded more than once, only add deprecated methods once
-if not hasattr(Constant, 'n'):
- # The following code is for backward compatibility.
- # It will be removed in future.
- def _n_getter(self):
- """Deprecated. Use value instead."""
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- "Attribute n", message=_DEPRECATED_VALUE_ALIAS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- return self.value
- def _n_setter(self, value):
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- "Attribute n", message=_DEPRECATED_VALUE_ALIAS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- self.value = value
- def _s_getter(self):
- """Deprecated. Use value instead."""
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- "Attribute s", message=_DEPRECATED_VALUE_ALIAS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- return self.value
- def _s_setter(self, value):
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- "Attribute s", message=_DEPRECATED_VALUE_ALIAS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- self.value = value
- Constant.n = property(_n_getter, _n_setter)
- Constant.s = property(_s_getter, _s_setter)
-class _ABC(type):
- def __init__(cls, *args):
- cls.__doc__ = """Deprecated AST node class. Use ast.Constant instead"""
- def __instancecheck__(cls, inst):
- if cls in _const_types:
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- f"ast.{cls.__qualname__}",
- remove=(3, 14)
- )
- if not isinstance(inst, Constant):
- return False
- if cls in _const_types:
- try:
- value = inst.value
- except AttributeError:
- return False
- else:
- return (
- isinstance(value, _const_types[cls]) and
- not isinstance(value, _const_types_not.get(cls, ()))
- )
- return type.__instancecheck__(cls, inst)
-def _new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- for key in kwargs:
- if key not in cls._fields:
- # arbitrary keyword arguments are accepted
- continue
- pos = cls._fields.index(key)
- if pos < len(args):
- raise TypeError(f"{cls.__name__} got multiple values for argument {key!r}")
- if cls in _const_types:
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- f"ast.{cls.__qualname__}", message=_DEPRECATED_CLASS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- return Constant(*args, **kwargs)
- return Constant.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
-class Num(Constant, metaclass=_ABC):
- _fields = ('n',)
- __new__ = _new
-class Str(Constant, metaclass=_ABC):
- _fields = ('s',)
- __new__ = _new
-class Bytes(Constant, metaclass=_ABC):
- _fields = ('s',)
- __new__ = _new
-class NameConstant(Constant, metaclass=_ABC):
- __new__ = _new
-class Ellipsis(Constant, metaclass=_ABC):
- _fields = ()
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- if cls is _ast_Ellipsis:
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- "ast.Ellipsis", message=_DEPRECATED_CLASS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- return Constant(..., *args, **kwargs)
- return Constant.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
-# Keep another reference to Ellipsis in the global namespace
-# so it can be referenced in Ellipsis.__new__
-# (The original "Ellipsis" name is removed from the global namespace later on)
-_ast_Ellipsis = Ellipsis
-_const_types = {
- Num: (int, float, complex),
- Str: (str,),
- Bytes: (bytes,),
- NameConstant: (type(None), bool),
- Ellipsis: (type(...),),
-_const_types_not = {
- Num: (bool,),
-_const_node_type_names = {
- bool: 'NameConstant', # should be before int
- type(None): 'NameConstant',
- int: 'Num',
- float: 'Num',
- complex: 'Num',
- str: 'Str',
- bytes: 'Bytes',
- type(...): 'Ellipsis',
class slice(AST):
"""Deprecated AST node class."""
@@ -1884,27 +1727,12 @@ class _Unparser(NodeVisitor):
self.set_precedence(, *node.patterns)
self.interleave(lambda: self.write(" | "), self.traverse, node.patterns)
def unparse(ast_obj):
unparser = _Unparser()
return unparser.visit(ast_obj)
-_deprecated_globals = {
- name: globals().pop(name)
- for name in ('Num', 'Str', 'Bytes', 'NameConstant', 'Ellipsis')
-def __getattr__(name):
- if name in _deprecated_globals:
- globals()[name] = value = _deprecated_globals[name]
- import warnings
- warnings._deprecated(
- f"ast.{name}", message=_DEPRECATED_CLASS_MESSAGE, remove=(3, 14)
- )
- return value
- raise AttributeError(f"module 'ast' has no attribute '{name}'")
def main():
import argparse