path: root/Lib/idlelib
diff options
authorTerry Jan Reedy <>2014-07-01 03:52:14 (GMT)
committerTerry Jan Reedy <>2014-07-01 03:52:14 (GMT)
commit6a0fe8db197ebf9884810bfb482e0a4f5eddd5d6 (patch)
tree02adef7f3b35caddf80509997e33c5309ae42cb4 /Lib/idlelib
parent1530a822234bba10ae1211dcab5844a117abd9f8 (diff)
Issue #18592: Refactor 2 SearchDialogBase.create_(option/other)_buttons methods
to remove duplication and return info for tests. Rewrite corresponding tests. Test_create_option_buttons was not testing anything because of buggy comparisons. Use Python subscripting to get widget options.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/idlelib')
2 files changed, 70 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
index 7564f93..bc4ae6f 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -105,65 +105,44 @@ class SearchDialogBase:
def make_frame(self,labeltext=None):
"Return gridded labeled Frame for option or other buttons."
if labeltext:
- l = Label(, text=labeltext)
- l.grid(row=self.row, column=0, sticky="nw")
+ label = Label(, text=labeltext)
+ label.grid(row=self.row, column=0, sticky="nw")
- l = ''
- f = Frame(
- f.grid(row=self.row, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="nwe")
+ label = ''
+ frame = Frame(
+ frame.grid(row=self.row, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="nwe")
self.row = self.row + 1
- return l, f
+ return frame, label # label for test
def create_option_buttons(self):
"Fill frame with Checkbuttons bound to SearchEngine booleanvars."
- f = self.make_frame("Options")[1]
- btn = Checkbutton(f, anchor="w",
- variable=self.engine.revar,
- text="Regular expression")
- btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
- if self.engine.isre():
- btn = Checkbutton(f, anchor="w",
- variable=self.engine.casevar,
- text="Match case")
- btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
- if self.engine.iscase():
- btn = Checkbutton(f, anchor="w",
- variable=self.engine.wordvar,
- text="Whole word")
- btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
- if self.engine.isword():
+ frame = self.make_frame("Options")[0]
+ engine = self.engine
+ options = [(engine.revar, "Regular expression"),
+ (engine.casevar, "Match case"),
+ (engine.wordvar, "Whole word")]
if self.needwrapbutton:
- btn = Checkbutton(f, anchor="w",
- variable=self.engine.wrapvar,
- text="Wrap around")
+ options.append((engine.wrapvar, "Wrap around"))
+ for var, label in options:
+ btn = Checkbutton(frame, anchor="w", variable=var, text=label)
btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
- if self.engine.iswrap():
+ if var.get():
+ return frame, options # for test
def create_other_buttons(self):
"Fill frame with buttons tied to other options."
- f = self.make_frame("Direction")[1]
- btn = Radiobutton(f, anchor="w",
- variable=self.engine.backvar, value=1,
- text="Up")
- btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
- if self.engine.isback():
- btn = Radiobutton(f, anchor="w",
- variable=self.engine.backvar, value=0,
- text="Down")
- btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
- if not self.engine.isback():
+ frame = self.make_frame("Direction")[0]
+ var = self.engine.backvar
+ others = [(1, 'Up'), (0, 'Down')]
+ for val, label in others:
+ btn = Radiobutton(frame, anchor="w",
+ variable=var, value=val, text=label)
+ btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
+ #print(var.get(), val, label)
+ if var.get() == val:
+ return frame, others # for test
def make_button(self, label, command, isdef=0):
"Return command button gridded in command frame."
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
index 2f9118e..ed14674 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class SearchDialogBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.dialog.row = 0 = Toplevel(self.root)
label, entry = self.dialog.make_entry("Test:", 'hello')
- equal(label.cget('text'), 'Test:')
+ equal(label['text'], 'Test:')
self.assertIn(entry.get(), 'hello')
egi = entry.grid_info()
@@ -95,101 +95,68 @@ class SearchDialogBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_make_frame(self):
self.dialog.row = 0 = Toplevel(self.root)
- label, frame = self.dialog.make_frame()
+ frame, label = self.dialog.make_frame()
self.assertEqual(label, '')
self.assertIsInstance(frame, Frame)
- label, labelledframe = self.dialog.make_frame('testlabel')
- self.assertEqual(label.cget('text'), 'testlabel')
- self.assertIsInstance(labelledframe, Frame)
+ frame, label = self.dialog.make_frame('testlabel')
+ self.assertEqual(label['text'], 'testlabel')
+ self.assertIsInstance(frame, Frame)
- def btn_test_setup(self, which):
- self.dialog.row = 0
+ def btn_test_setup(self, meth): = Toplevel(self.root)
- if which == 'option':
- self.dialog.create_option_buttons()
- elif which == 'other':
- self.dialog.create_other_buttons()
- else:
- raise ValueError('bad which arg %s' % which)
+ self.dialog.row = 0
+ return meth()
def test_create_option_buttons(self):
- self.btn_test_setup('option')
- self.checkboxtests()
- def test_create_option_buttons_flipped(self):
- for var in ('revar', 'casevar', 'wordvar', 'wrapvar'):
- Var = getattr(self.engine, var)
- Var.set(not Var.get())
- self.btn_test_setup('option')
- self.checkboxtests(flip=1)
- def checkboxtests(self, flip=0):
- """Tests the four checkboxes in the search dialog window."""
- engine = self.engine
- for child in
- for grandchild in child.winfo_children():
- text = grandchild.config()['text'][-1]
- if text == ('Regular', 'expression'):
- self.btnstatetest(grandchild, engine.revar, flip)
- elif text == ('Match', 'case'):
- self.btnstatetest(grandchild, engine.casevar, flip)
- elif text == ('Whole', 'word'):
- self.btnstatetest(grandchild, engine.wordvar, flip)
- elif text == ('Wrap', 'around'):
- self.btnstatetest(grandchild, engine.wrapvar, not flip)
- def btnstatetest(self, button, var, defaultstate):
- self.assertEqual(var.get(), defaultstate)
- if defaultstate == 1:
- button.deselect()
- else:
- self.assertEqual(var.get(), 1 - defaultstate)
+ e = self.engine
+ for state in (0, 1):
+ for var in (e.revar, e.casevar, e.wordvar, e.wrapvar):
+ var.set(state)
+ frame, options = self.btn_test_setup(
+ self.dialog.create_option_buttons)
+ for spec, button in zip (options, frame.pack_slaves()):
+ var, label = spec
+ self.assertEqual(button['text'], label)
+ self.assertEqual(var.get(), state)
+ if state == 1:
+ button.deselect()
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(var.get(), 1 - state)
def test_create_other_buttons(self):
- self.btn_test_setup('other')
- self.radiobuttontests()
- def test_create_other_buttons_flipped(self):
- self.engine.backvar.set(1)
- self.btn_test_setup('other')
- self.radiobuttontests(back=1)
- def radiobuttontests(self, back=0):
- searchupbtn = None
- searchdownbtn = None
- for child in
- for grandchild in child.children.values():
- text = grandchild.config()['text'][-1]
- if text == 'Up':
- searchupbtn = grandchild
- elif text == 'Down':
- searchdownbtn = grandchild
- # Defaults to searching downward
- self.assertEqual(self.engine.backvar.get(), back)
- if back:
- else:
- self.assertEqual(self.engine.backvar.get(), not back)
+ for state in (False, True):
+ var = self.engine.backvar
+ var.set(state)
+ frame, others = self.btn_test_setup(
+ self.dialog.create_other_buttons)
+ buttons = frame.pack_slaves()
+ for spec, button in zip(others, buttons):
+ val, label = spec
+ self.assertEqual(button['text'], label)
+ if val == state:
+ # hit other button, then this one
+ # indexes depend on button order
+ self.assertEqual(var.get(), state)
+ buttons[val].select()
+ self.assertEqual(var.get(), 1 - state)
+ buttons[1-val].select()
+ self.assertEqual(var.get(), state)
def test_make_button(self): = Toplevel(self.root)
self.dialog.buttonframe = Frame(
btn = self.dialog.make_button('Test', self.dialog.close)
- self.assertEqual(btn.cget('text'), 'Test')
+ self.assertEqual(btn['text'], 'Test')
def test_create_command_buttons(self):
# Look for close button command in buttonframe
closebuttoncommand = ''
for child in self.dialog.buttonframe.winfo_children():
- if child.config()['text'][-1] == 'close':
- closebuttoncommand = child.config()['command'][-1]
+ if child['text'] == 'close':
+ closebuttoncommand = child['command']
self.assertIn('close', closebuttoncommand)