path: root/Lib
diff options
authorGeorg Brandl <>2008-05-20 07:23:25 (GMT)
committerGeorg Brandl <>2008-05-20 07:23:25 (GMT)
commitd66c84f63c3390f11d6dd420607b0dd958eb0476 (patch)
treea9104d473403044cb19bbac99aa1e2631fa75f46 /Lib
parent3682dfead55026016627e681cf7d376bbb053f35 (diff)
Remove rest of the tkinter package.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 902 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/tkinter/ b/Lib/tkinter/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8583cb0..0000000
--- a/Lib/tkinter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-"""File selection dialog classes.
-- FileDialog
-- LoadFileDialog
-- SaveFileDialog
-This module also presents tk common file dialogues, it provides interfaces
-to the native file dialogues available in Tk 4.2 and newer, and the
-directory dialogue available in Tk 8.3 and newer.
-These interfaces were written by Fredrik Lundh, May 1997.
-from tkinter import *
-from tkinter.dialog import Dialog
-from tkinter import commondialog
-import os
-import fnmatch
-dialogstates = {}
-class FileDialog:
- """Standard file selection dialog -- no checks on selected file.
- Usage:
- d = FileDialog(master)
- fname = d.go(dir_or_file, pattern, default, key)
- if fname is None: ...canceled...
- else: file...
- All arguments to go() are optional.
- The 'key' argument specifies a key in the global dictionary
- 'dialogstates', which keeps track of the values for the directory
- and pattern arguments, overriding the values passed in (it does
- not keep track of the default argument!). If no key is specified,
- the dialog keeps no memory of previous state. Note that memory is
- kept even when the dialog is canceled. (All this emulates the
- behavior of the Macintosh file selection dialogs.)
- """
- title = "File Selection Dialog"
- def __init__(self, master, title=None):
- if title is None: title = self.title
- self.master = master
- = None
- = Toplevel(master)
- self.botframe = Frame(
- self.botframe.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
- self.selection = Entry(
- self.selection.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
- self.selection.bind('<Return>', self.ok_event)
- self.filter = Entry(
- self.filter.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- self.filter.bind('<Return>', self.filter_command)
- self.midframe = Frame(
- self.midframe.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- self.filesbar = Scrollbar(self.midframe)
- self.filesbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
- self.files = Listbox(self.midframe, exportselection=0,
- yscrollcommand=(self.filesbar, 'set'))
- self.files.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- btags = self.files.bindtags()
- self.files.bindtags(btags[1:] + btags[:1])
- self.files.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.files_select_event)
- self.files.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.files_double_event)
- self.filesbar.config(command=(self.files, 'yview'))
- self.dirsbar = Scrollbar(self.midframe)
- self.dirsbar.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y)
- self.dirs = Listbox(self.midframe, exportselection=0,
- yscrollcommand=(self.dirsbar, 'set'))
- self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- self.dirsbar.config(command=(self.dirs, 'yview'))
- btags = self.dirs.bindtags()
- self.dirs.bindtags(btags[1:] + btags[:1])
- self.dirs.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.dirs_select_event)
- self.dirs.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.dirs_double_event)
- self.ok_button = Button(self.botframe,
- text="OK",
- command=self.ok_command)
- self.ok_button.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.filter_button = Button(self.botframe,
- text="Filter",
- command=self.filter_command)
- self.filter_button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES)
- self.cancel_button = Button(self.botframe,
- text="Cancel",
- command=self.cancel_command)
- self.cancel_button.pack(side=RIGHT)
-'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancel_command)
- # XXX Are the following okay for a general audience?
-'<Alt-w>', self.cancel_command)
-'<Alt-W>', self.cancel_command)
- def go(self, dir_or_file=os.curdir, pattern="*", default="", key=None):
- if key and dialogstates.has_key(key):
-, pattern = dialogstates[key]
- else:
- dir_or_file = os.path.expanduser(dir_or_file)
- if os.path.isdir(dir_or_file):
- = dir_or_file
- else:
-, default = os.path.split(dir_or_file)
- self.set_filter(, pattern)
- self.set_selection(default)
- self.filter_command()
- self.selection.focus_set()
- # window needs to be visible for the grab
- = None
- self.master.mainloop() # Exited by self.quit(how)
- if key:
- directory, pattern = self.get_filter()
- if
- directory = os.path.dirname(
- dialogstates[key] = directory, pattern
- return
- def quit(self, how=None):
- = how
- self.master.quit() # Exit mainloop()
- def dirs_double_event(self, event):
- self.filter_command()
- def dirs_select_event(self, event):
- dir, pat = self.get_filter()
- subdir = self.dirs.get('active')
- dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(, subdir))
- self.set_filter(dir, pat)
- def files_double_event(self, event):
- self.ok_command()
- def files_select_event(self, event):
- file = self.files.get('active')
- self.set_selection(file)
- def ok_event(self, event):
- self.ok_command()
- def ok_command(self):
- self.quit(self.get_selection())
- def filter_command(self, event=None):
- dir, pat = self.get_filter()
- try:
- names = os.listdir(dir)
- except os.error:
- self.master.bell()
- return
- = dir
- self.set_filter(dir, pat)
- names.sort()
- subdirs = [os.pardir]
- matchingfiles = []
- for name in names:
- fullname = os.path.join(dir, name)
- if os.path.isdir(fullname):
- subdirs.append(name)
- elif fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pat):
- matchingfiles.append(name)
- self.dirs.delete(0, END)
- for name in subdirs:
- self.dirs.insert(END, name)
- self.files.delete(0, END)
- for name in matchingfiles:
- self.files.insert(END, name)
- head, tail = os.path.split(self.get_selection())
- if tail == os.curdir: tail = ''
- self.set_selection(tail)
- def get_filter(self):
- filter = self.filter.get()
- filter = os.path.expanduser(filter)
- if filter[-1:] == os.sep or os.path.isdir(filter):
- filter = os.path.join(filter, "*")
- return os.path.split(filter)
- def get_selection(self):
- file = self.selection.get()
- file = os.path.expanduser(file)
- return file
- def cancel_command(self, event=None):
- self.quit()
- def set_filter(self, dir, pat):
- if not os.path.isabs(dir):
- try:
- pwd = os.getcwd()
- except os.error:
- pwd = None
- if pwd:
- dir = os.path.join(pwd, dir)
- dir = os.path.normpath(dir)
- self.filter.delete(0, END)
- self.filter.insert(END, os.path.join(dir or os.curdir, pat or "*"))
- def set_selection(self, file):
- self.selection.delete(0, END)
- self.selection.insert(END, os.path.join(, file))
-class LoadFileDialog(FileDialog):
- """File selection dialog which checks that the file exists."""
- title = "Load File Selection Dialog"
- def ok_command(self):
- file = self.get_selection()
- if not os.path.isfile(file):
- self.master.bell()
- else:
- self.quit(file)
-class SaveFileDialog(FileDialog):
- """File selection dialog which checks that the file may be created."""
- title = "Save File Selection Dialog"
- def ok_command(self):
- file = self.get_selection()
- if os.path.exists(file):
- if os.path.isdir(file):
- self.master.bell()
- return
- d = Dialog(,
- title="Overwrite Existing File Question",
- text="Overwrite existing file %r?" % (file,),
- bitmap='questhead',
- default=1,
- strings=("Yes", "Cancel"))
- if d.num != 0:
- return
- else:
- head, tail = os.path.split(file)
- if not os.path.isdir(head):
- self.master.bell()
- return
- self.quit(file)
-# For the following classes and modules:
-# options (all have default values):
-# - defaultextension: added to filename if not explicitly given
-# - filetypes: sequence of (label, pattern) tuples. the same pattern
-# may occur with several patterns. use "*" as pattern to indicate
-# all files.
-# - initialdir: initial directory. preserved by dialog instance.
-# - initialfile: initial file (ignored by the open dialog). preserved
-# by dialog instance.
-# - parent: which window to place the dialog on top of
-# - title: dialog title
-# - multiple: if true user may select more than one file
-# options for the directory chooser:
-# - initialdir, parent, title: see above
-# - mustexist: if true, user must pick an existing directory
-class _Dialog(commondialog.Dialog):
- def _fixoptions(self):
- try:
- # make sure "filetypes" is a tuple
- self.options["filetypes"] = tuple(self.options["filetypes"])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def _fixresult(self, widget, result):
- if result:
- # keep directory and filename until next time
- import os
- # convert Tcl path objects to strings
- try:
- result = result.string
- except AttributeError:
- # it already is a string
- pass
- path, file = os.path.split(result)
- self.options["initialdir"] = path
- self.options["initialfile"] = file
- self.filename = result # compatibility
- return result
-# file dialogs
-class Open(_Dialog):
- "Ask for a filename to open"
- command = "tk_getOpenFile"
- def _fixresult(self, widget, result):
- if isinstance(result, tuple):
- # multiple results:
- result = tuple([getattr(r, "string", r) for r in result])
- if result:
- import os
- path, file = os.path.split(result[0])
- self.options["initialdir"] = path
- # don't set initialfile or filename, as we have multiple of these
- return result
- if not and "multiple" in self.options:
- # Need to split result explicitly
- return self._fixresult(widget,
- return _Dialog._fixresult(self, widget, result)
-class SaveAs(_Dialog):
- "Ask for a filename to save as"
- command = "tk_getSaveFile"
-# the directory dialog has its own _fix routines.
-class Directory(Dialog):
- "Ask for a directory"
- command = "tk_chooseDirectory"
- def _fixresult(self, widget, result):
- if result:
- # convert Tcl path objects to strings
- try:
- result = result.string
- except AttributeError:
- # it already is a string
- pass
- # keep directory until next time
- self.options["initialdir"] = result
- = result # compatibility
- return result
-# convenience stuff
-def askopenfilename(**options):
- "Ask for a filename to open"
- return Open(**options).show()
-def asksaveasfilename(**options):
- "Ask for a filename to save as"
- return SaveAs(**options).show()
-def askopenfilenames(**options):
- """Ask for multiple filenames to open
- Returns a list of filenames or empty list if
- cancel button selected
- """
- options["multiple"]=1
- return Open(**options).show()
-# FIXME: are the following perhaps a bit too convenient?
-def askopenfile(mode = "r", **options):
- "Ask for a filename to open, and returned the opened file"
- filename = Open(**options).show()
- if filename:
- return open(filename, mode)
- return None
-def askopenfiles(mode = "r", **options):
- """Ask for multiple filenames and return the open file
- objects
- returns a list of open file objects or an empty list if
- cancel selected
- """
- files = askopenfilenames(**options)
- if files:
- ofiles=[]
- for filename in files:
- ofiles.append(open(filename, mode))
- files=ofiles
- return files
-def asksaveasfile(mode = "w", **options):
- "Ask for a filename to save as, and returned the opened file"
- filename = SaveAs(**options).show()
- if filename:
- return open(filename, mode)
- return None
-def askdirectory (**options):
- "Ask for a directory, and return the file name"
- return Directory(**options).show()
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# test stuff
-def test():
- """Simple test program."""
- root = Tk()
- root.withdraw()
- fd = LoadFileDialog(root)
- loadfile = fd.go(key="test")
- fd = SaveFileDialog(root)
- savefile = fd.go(key="test")
- print loadfile, savefile
- # Since the file name may contain non-ASCII characters, we need
- # to find an encoding that likely supports the file name, and
- # displays correctly on the terminal.
- # Start off with UTF-8
- enc = "utf-8"
- import sys
- # See whether CODESET is defined
- try:
- import locale
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'')
- enc = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET)
- except (ImportError, AttributeError):
- pass
- # dialog for openening files
- openfilename=askopenfilename(filetypes=[("all files", "*")])
- try:
- fp=open(openfilename,"r")
- fp.close()
- except:
- print "Could not open File: "
- print sys.exc_info()[1]
- print "open", openfilename.encode(enc)
- # dialog for saving files
- saveasfilename=asksaveasfilename()
- print "saveas", saveasfilename.encode(enc)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
diff --git a/Lib/tkinter/ b/Lib/tkinter/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa5d69..0000000
--- a/Lib/tkinter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-# An Introduction to Tkinter
-# Copyright (c) 1997 by Fredrik Lundh
-# This copyright applies to Dialog, askinteger, askfloat and asktring
-"""This modules handles dialog boxes.
-It contains the following public symbols:
-SimpleDialog -- A simple but flexible modal dialog box
-Dialog -- a base class for dialogs
-askinteger -- get an integer from the user
-askfloat -- get a float from the user
-askstring -- get a string from the user
-from tkinter import *
-from tkinter import messagebox
-import tkinter # used at _QueryDialog for tkinter._default_root
-class SimpleDialog:
- def __init__(self, master,
- text='', buttons=[], default=None, cancel=None,
- title=None, class_=None):
- if class_:
- self.root = Toplevel(master, class_=class_)
- else:
- self.root = Toplevel(master)
- if title:
- self.root.title(title)
- self.root.iconname(title)
- self.message = Message(self.root, text=text, aspect=400)
- self.message.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- self.frame = Frame(self.root)
- self.frame.pack()
- self.num = default
- self.cancel = cancel
- self.default = default
- self.root.bind('<Return>', self.return_event)
- for num in range(len(buttons)):
- s = buttons[num]
- b = Button(self.frame, text=s,
- command=(lambda self=self, num=num: self.done(num)))
- if num == default:
- b.config(relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=8)
- b.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.wm_delete_window)
- self._set_transient(master)
- def _set_transient(self, master, relx=0.5, rely=0.3):
- widget = self.root
- widget.withdraw() # Remain invisible while we figure out the geometry
- widget.transient(master)
- widget.update_idletasks() # Actualize geometry information
- if master.winfo_ismapped():
- m_width = master.winfo_width()
- m_height = master.winfo_height()
- m_x = master.winfo_rootx()
- m_y = master.winfo_rooty()
- else:
- m_width = master.winfo_screenwidth()
- m_height = master.winfo_screenheight()
- m_x = m_y = 0
- w_width = widget.winfo_reqwidth()
- w_height = widget.winfo_reqheight()
- x = m_x + (m_width - w_width) * relx
- y = m_y + (m_height - w_height) * rely
- if x+w_width > master.winfo_screenwidth():
- x = master.winfo_screenwidth() - w_width
- elif x < 0:
- x = 0
- if y+w_height > master.winfo_screenheight():
- y = master.winfo_screenheight() - w_height
- elif y < 0:
- y = 0
- widget.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- widget.deiconify() # Become visible at the desired location
- def go(self):
- self.root.wait_visibility()
- self.root.grab_set()
- self.root.mainloop()
- self.root.destroy()
- return self.num
- def return_event(self, event):
- if self.default is None:
- self.root.bell()
- else:
- self.done(self.default)
- def wm_delete_window(self):
- if self.cancel is None:
- self.root.bell()
- else:
- self.done(self.cancel)
- def done(self, num):
- self.num = num
- self.root.quit()
-class Dialog(Toplevel):
- '''Class to open dialogs.
- This class is intended as a base class for custom dialogs
- '''
- def __init__(self, parent, title = None):
- '''Initialize a dialog.
- Arguments:
- parent -- a parent window (the application window)
- title -- the dialog title
- '''
- Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
- # If the master is not viewable, don't
- # make the child transient, or else it
- # would be opened withdrawn
- if parent.winfo_viewable():
- self.transient(parent)
- if title:
- self.title(title)
- self.parent = parent
- self.result = None
- body = Frame(self)
- self.initial_focus = self.body(body)
- body.pack(padx=5, pady=5)
- self.buttonbox()
- self.wait_visibility() # window needs to be visible for the grab
- self.grab_set()
- if not self.initial_focus:
- self.initial_focus = self
- self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel)
- if self.parent is not None:
- self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+50,
- parent.winfo_rooty()+50))
- self.initial_focus.focus_set()
- self.wait_window(self)
- def destroy(self):
- '''Destroy the window'''
- self.initial_focus = None
- Toplevel.destroy(self)
- #
- # construction hooks
- def body(self, master):
- '''create dialog body.
- return widget that should have initial focus.
- This method should be overridden, and is called
- by the __init__ method.
- '''
- pass
- def buttonbox(self):
- '''add standard button box.
- override if you do not want the standard buttons
- '''
- box = Frame(self)
- w = Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.ok, default=ACTIVE)
- w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)
- w = Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.cancel)
- w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)
- self.bind("<Return>", self.ok)
- self.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel)
- box.pack()
- #
- # standard button semantics
- def ok(self, event=None):
- if not self.validate():
- self.initial_focus.focus_set() # put focus back
- return
- self.withdraw()
- self.update_idletasks()
- try:
- self.apply()
- finally:
- self.cancel()
- def cancel(self, event=None):
- # put focus back to the parent window
- if self.parent is not None:
- self.parent.focus_set()
- self.destroy()
- #
- # command hooks
- def validate(self):
- '''validate the data
- This method is called automatically to validate the data before the
- dialog is destroyed. By default, it always validates OK.
- '''
- return 1 # override
- def apply(self):
- '''process the data
- This method is called automatically to process the data, *after*
- the dialog is destroyed. By default, it does nothing.
- '''
- pass # override
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# convenience dialogues
-class _QueryDialog(Dialog):
- def __init__(self, title, prompt,
- initialvalue=None,
- minvalue = None, maxvalue = None,
- parent = None):
- if not parent:
- parent = tkinter._default_root
- self.prompt = prompt
- self.minvalue = minvalue
- self.maxvalue = maxvalue
- self.initialvalue = initialvalue
- Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title)
- def destroy(self):
- self.entry = None
- Dialog.destroy(self)
- def body(self, master):
- w = Label(master, text=self.prompt, justify=LEFT)
- w.grid(row=0, padx=5, sticky=W)
- self.entry = Entry(master, name="entry")
- self.entry.grid(row=1, padx=5, sticky=W+E)
- if self.initialvalue:
- self.entry.insert(0, self.initialvalue)
- self.entry.select_range(0, END)
- return self.entry
- def validate(self):
- try:
- result = self.getresult()
- except ValueError:
- messagebox.showwarning(
- "Illegal value",
- self.errormessage + "\nPlease try again",
- parent = self
- )
- return 0
- if self.minvalue is not None and result < self.minvalue:
- messagebox.showwarning(
- "Too small",
- "The allowed minimum value is %s. "
- "Please try again." % self.minvalue,
- parent = self
- )
- return 0
- if self.maxvalue is not None and result > self.maxvalue:
- messagebox.showwarning(
- "Too large",
- "The allowed maximum value is %s. "
- "Please try again." % self.maxvalue,
- parent = self
- )
- return 0
- self.result = result
- return 1
-class _QueryInteger(_QueryDialog):
- errormessage = "Not an integer."
- def getresult(self):
- return int(self.entry.get())
-def askinteger(title, prompt, **kw):
- '''get an integer from the user
- Arguments:
- title -- the dialog title
- prompt -- the label text
- **kw -- see SimpleDialog class
- Return value is an integer
- '''
- d = _QueryInteger(title, prompt, **kw)
- return d.result
-class _QueryFloat(_QueryDialog):
- errormessage = "Not a floating point value."
- def getresult(self):
- return float(self.entry.get())
-def askfloat(title, prompt, **kw):
- '''get a float from the user
- Arguments:
- title -- the dialog title
- prompt -- the label text
- **kw -- see SimpleDialog class
- Return value is a float
- '''
- d = _QueryFloat(title, prompt, **kw)
- return d.result
-class _QueryString(_QueryDialog):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- if kw.has_key("show"):
- self.__show = kw["show"]
- del kw["show"]
- else:
- self.__show = None
- _QueryDialog.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- def body(self, master):
- entry = _QueryDialog.body(self, master)
- if self.__show is not None:
- entry.configure(show=self.__show)
- return entry
- def getresult(self):
- return self.entry.get()
-def askstring(title, prompt, **kw):
- '''get a string from the user
- Arguments:
- title -- the dialog title
- prompt -- the label text
- **kw -- see SimpleDialog class
- Return value is a string
- '''
- d = _QueryString(title, prompt, **kw)
- return d.result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- def test():
- root = Tk()
- def doit(root=root):
- d = SimpleDialog(root,
- text="This is a test dialog. "
- "Would this have been an actual dialog, "
- "the buttons below would have been glowing "
- "in soft pink light.\n"
- "Do you believe this?",
- buttons=["Yes", "No", "Cancel"],
- default=0,
- cancel=2,
- title="Test Dialog")
- print d.go()
- print askinteger("Spam", "Egg count", initialvalue=12*12)
- print askfloat("Spam", "Egg weight\n(in tons)", minvalue=1,
- maxvalue=100)
- print askstring("Spam", "Egg label")
- t = Button(root, text='Test', command=doit)
- t.pack()
- q = Button(root, text='Quit', command=t.quit)
- q.pack()
- t.mainloop()
- test()