path: root/Tools/build/
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authorSeth Michael Larson <>2024-02-14 19:47:15 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2024-02-14 19:47:15 (GMT)
commit889cc43cb14a1b8c532a56680a93636507b9987a (patch)
treec4fd511859ab684f4c277f46f323906102271565 /Tools/build/
parent49e8fdc1df41b6547fb3255f9e3a44dfb3b81fe0 (diff)
gh-112302: Move pip SBOM discovery to release-tools (#115360)
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/build/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/build/ b/Tools/build/
index 82016dc..201c81c 100644
--- a/Tools/build/
+++ b/Tools/build/
@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ class PackageFiles(typing.NamedTuple):
# values to 'exclude' if we create new files within tracked
# directories that aren't sourced from third-party packages.
- # NOTE: pip's entry in this structure is automatically generated in
- # the 'discover_pip_sbom_package()' function below.
"mpdecimal": PackageFiles(
@@ -127,264 +125,15 @@ def filter_gitignored_paths(paths: list[str]) -> list[str]:
return sorted([line.split()[-1] for line in git_check_ignore_lines if line.startswith("::")])
-def fetch_package_metadata_from_pypi(project: str, version: str, filename: str | None = None) -> tuple[str, str] | None:
- """
- Fetches the SHA256 checksum and download location from PyPI.
- If we're given a filename then we match with that, otherwise we use wheels.
- """
- # Get pip's download location from PyPI. Check that the checksum is correct too.
- try:
- raw_text = urlopen(f"{project}/{version}/json").read()
- release_metadata = json.loads(raw_text)
- url: dict[str, typing.Any]
- # Look for a matching artifact filename and then check
- # its remote checksum to the local one.
- for url in release_metadata["urls"]:
- # pip can only use Python-only dependencies, so there's
- # no risk of picking the 'incorrect' wheel here.
- if (
- (filename is None and url["packagetype"] == "bdist_wheel")
- or (filename is not None and url["filename"] == filename)
- ):
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"No matching filename on PyPI for '{filename}'")
- # Successfully found the download URL for the matching artifact.
- download_url = url["url"]
- checksum_sha256 = url["digests"]["sha256"]
- return download_url, checksum_sha256
- except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
- # Fail if we're running in CI where we should have an internet connection.
- error_if(
- "CI" in os.environ,
- f"Couldn't fetch metadata for project '{project}' from PyPI: {e}"
- )
- return None
-def find_ensurepip_pip_wheel() -> pathlib.Path | None:
- """Try to find the pip wheel bundled in ensurepip. If missing return None"""
- ensurepip_bundled_dir = CPYTHON_ROOT_DIR / "Lib/ensurepip/_bundled"
- pip_wheels = []
- try:
- for wheel_filename in os.listdir(ensurepip_bundled_dir):
- if wheel_filename.startswith("pip-"):
- pip_wheels.append(wheel_filename)
- else:
- print(f"Unexpected wheel in ensurepip: '{wheel_filename}'")
- sys.exit(1)
- # Ignore this error, likely caused by downstream distributors
- # deleting the 'ensurepip/_bundled' directory.
- except FileNotFoundError:
- pass
- if len(pip_wheels) == 0:
- return None
- elif len(pip_wheels) > 1:
- print("Multiple pip wheels detected in 'Lib/ensurepip/_bundled'")
- sys.exit(1)
- # Otherwise return the one pip wheel.
- return ensurepip_bundled_dir / pip_wheels[0]
-def maybe_remove_pip_and_deps_from_sbom(sbom_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
- """
- Removes pip and its dependencies from the SBOM data
- if the pip wheel is removed from ensurepip. This is done
- by redistributors of Python and pip.
- """
- # If there's a wheel we don't remove anything.
- if find_ensurepip_pip_wheel() is not None:
- return
- # Otherwise we traverse the relationships
- # to find dependent packages to remove.
- sbom_pip_spdx_id = spdx_id("SPDXRef-PACKAGE-pip")
- sbom_spdx_ids_to_remove = {sbom_pip_spdx_id}
- # Find all package SPDXIDs that pip depends on.
- for sbom_relationship in sbom_data["relationships"]:
- if (
- sbom_relationship["relationshipType"] == "DEPENDS_ON"
- and sbom_relationship["spdxElementId"] == sbom_pip_spdx_id
- ):
- sbom_spdx_ids_to_remove.add(sbom_relationship["relatedSpdxElement"])
- # Remove all the packages and relationships.
- sbom_data["packages"] = [
- sbom_package for sbom_package in sbom_data["packages"]
- if sbom_package["SPDXID"] not in sbom_spdx_ids_to_remove
- ]
- sbom_data["relationships"] = [
- sbom_relationship for sbom_relationship in sbom_data["relationships"]
- if sbom_relationship["relatedSpdxElement"] not in sbom_spdx_ids_to_remove
- ]
-def discover_pip_sbom_package(sbom_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
- """pip is a part of a packaging ecosystem (Python, surprise!) so it's actually
- automatable to discover the metadata we need like the version and checksums
- so let's do that on behalf of our friends at the PyPA. This function also
- discovers vendored packages within pip and fetches their metadata.
- """
- pip_wheel_filepath = find_ensurepip_pip_wheel()
- if pip_wheel_filepath is None:
- return # There's no pip wheel, nothing to discover.
- # Add the wheel filename to the list of files so the SBOM file
- # and relationship generator can work its magic on the wheel too.
- PACKAGE_TO_FILES["pip"] = PackageFiles(
- include=[str(pip_wheel_filepath.relative_to(CPYTHON_ROOT_DIR))]
- )
- # Wheel filename format puts the version right after the project name.
- pip_version ="-")[1]
- pip_checksum_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(
- pip_wheel_filepath.read_bytes()
- ).hexdigest()
- pip_metadata = fetch_package_metadata_from_pypi(
- project="pip",
- version=pip_version,
- )
- # We couldn't fetch any metadata from PyPI,
- # so we give up on verifying if we're not in CI.
- if pip_metadata is None:
- return
- pip_download_url, pip_actual_sha256 = pip_metadata
- if pip_actual_sha256 != pip_checksum_sha256:
- raise ValueError("Unexpected")
- # Parse 'pip/_vendor/vendor.txt' from the wheel for sub-dependencies.
- with zipfile.ZipFile(pip_wheel_filepath) as whl:
- vendor_txt_data ="pip/_vendor/vendor.txt").decode()
- # With this version regex we're assuming that pip isn't using pre-releases.
- # If any version doesn't match we get a failure below, so we're safe doing this.
- version_pin_re = re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)==([0-9.]*[0-9])$")
- sbom_pip_dependency_spdx_ids = set()
- for line in vendor_txt_data.splitlines():
- line = line.partition("#")[0].strip() # Strip comments and whitespace.
- if not line: # Skip empty lines.
- continue
- # Non-empty lines we must be able to match.
- match = version_pin_re.match(line)
- error_if(match is None, f"Couldn't parse line from pip vendor.txt: '{line}'")
- assert match is not None # Make mypy happy.
- # Parse out and normalize the project name.
- project_name, project_version = match.groups()
- project_name = project_name.lower()
- # At this point if pip's metadata fetch succeeded we should
- # expect this request to also succeed.
- project_metadata = (
- fetch_package_metadata_from_pypi(project_name, project_version)
- )
- assert project_metadata is not None
- project_download_url, project_checksum_sha256 = project_metadata
- # Update our SBOM data with what we received from PyPI.
- # Don't overwrite any existing values.
- sbom_project_spdx_id = spdx_id(f"SPDXRef-PACKAGE-{project_name}")
- sbom_pip_dependency_spdx_ids.add(sbom_project_spdx_id)
- for package in sbom_data["packages"]:
- if package["SPDXID"] != sbom_project_spdx_id:
- continue
- # Only thing missing from this blob is the `licenseConcluded`,
- # that needs to be triaged by human maintainers if the list changes.
- package.update({
- "SPDXID": sbom_project_spdx_id,
- "name": project_name,
- "versionInfo": project_version,
- "downloadLocation": project_download_url,
- "checksums": [
- {"algorithm": "SHA256", "checksumValue": project_checksum_sha256}
- ],
- "externalRefs": [
- {
- "referenceCategory": "PACKAGE_MANAGER",
- "referenceLocator": f"pkg:pypi/{project_name}@{project_version}",
- "referenceType": "purl",
- },
- ],
- "primaryPackagePurpose": "SOURCE"
- })
- break
- PACKAGE_TO_FILES[project_name] = PackageFiles(include=None)
- # Remove pip from the existing SBOM packages if it's there
- # and then overwrite its entry with our own generated one.
- sbom_pip_spdx_id = spdx_id("SPDXRef-PACKAGE-pip")
- sbom_data["packages"] = [
- sbom_package
- for sbom_package in sbom_data["packages"]
- if sbom_package["name"] != "pip"
- ]
- sbom_data["packages"].append(
- {
- "SPDXID": sbom_pip_spdx_id,
- "name": "pip",
- "versionInfo": pip_version,
- "originator": "Organization: Python Packaging Authority",
- "licenseConcluded": "NOASSERTION",
- "downloadLocation": pip_download_url,
- "checksums": [
- {"algorithm": "SHA256", "checksumValue": pip_checksum_sha256}
- ],
- "externalRefs": [
- {
- "referenceCategory": "SECURITY",
- "referenceLocator": f"cpe:2.3:a:pypa:pip:{pip_version}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
- "referenceType": "cpe23Type",
- },
- {
- "referenceCategory": "PACKAGE_MANAGER",
- "referenceLocator": f"pkg:pypi/pip@{pip_version}",
- "referenceType": "purl",
- },
- ],
- "primaryPackagePurpose": "SOURCE",
- }
- )
- for sbom_dep_spdx_id in sorted(sbom_pip_dependency_spdx_ids):
- sbom_data["relationships"].append({
- "spdxElementId": sbom_pip_spdx_id,
- "relatedSpdxElement": sbom_dep_spdx_id,
- "relationshipType": "DEPENDS_ON"
- })
def main() -> None:
sbom_path = CPYTHON_ROOT_DIR / "Misc/sbom.spdx.json"
sbom_data = json.loads(sbom_path.read_bytes())
- # Check if pip should be removed if the wheel is missing.
- # We can't reset the SBOM relationship data until checking this.
- maybe_remove_pip_and_deps_from_sbom(sbom_data)
# We regenerate all of this information. Package information
# should be preserved though since that is edited by humans.
sbom_data["files"] = []
sbom_data["relationships"] = []
- # Insert pip's SBOM metadata from the wheel.
- discover_pip_sbom_package(sbom_data)
# Ensure all packages in this tool are represented also in the SBOM file.
actual_names = {package["name"] for package in sbom_data["packages"]}
expected_names = set(PACKAGE_TO_FILES)