path: root/Tools/parser
diff options
authorGeorg Brandl <>2010-12-30 17:22:33 (GMT)
committerGeorg Brandl <>2010-12-30 17:22:33 (GMT)
commit4cf83f4d128bd40ebe3b6e59ced4895f554d18de (patch)
treeccc6e4c3e03a711c45f4badf811314231d646d95 /Tools/parser
parentd1fc34d563a9fd06a78226b1bb4e56286c70e035 (diff)
Remove some of the old demos. (Put a few somewhere else.)
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/parser')
2 files changed, 840 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/parser/ b/Tools/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d457523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import unittest
+import io
+import os
+import tokenize
+import ast
+import unparse
+def read_pyfile(filename):
+ """Read and return the contents of a Python source file (as a
+ string), taking into account the file encoding."""
+ with open(filename, "rb") as pyfile:
+ encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(pyfile.readline)[0]
+ with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as pyfile:
+ source =
+ return source
+for_else = """\
+def f():
+ for x in range(10):
+ break
+ else:
+ y = 2
+ z = 3
+while_else = """\
+def g():
+ while True:
+ break
+ else:
+ y = 2
+ z = 3
+relative_import = """\
+from . import fred
+from .. import barney
+from .australia import shrimp as prawns
+nonlocal_ex = """\
+def f():
+ x = 1
+ def g():
+ nonlocal x
+ x = 2
+ y = 7
+ def h():
+ nonlocal x, y
+# also acts as test for 'except ... as ...'
+raise_from = """\
+ 1 / 0
+except ZeroDivisionError as e:
+ raise ArithmeticError from e
+class_decorator = """\
+class Foo: pass
+elif1 = """\
+if cond1:
+ suite1
+elif cond2:
+ suite2
+ suite3
+elif2 = """\
+if cond1:
+ suite1
+elif cond2:
+ suite2
+try_except_finally = """\
+ suite1
+except ex1:
+ suite2
+except ex2:
+ suite3
+ suite4
+ suite5
+class ASTTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertASTEqual(self, ast1, ast2):
+ self.assertEqual(ast.dump(ast1), ast.dump(ast2))
+ def check_roundtrip(self, code1, filename="internal"):
+ ast1 = compile(code1, filename, "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+ unparse_buffer = io.StringIO()
+ unparse.Unparser(ast1, unparse_buffer)
+ code2 = unparse_buffer.getvalue()
+ ast2 = compile(code2, filename, "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+ self.assertASTEqual(ast1, ast2)
+class UnparseTestCase(ASTTestCase):
+ # Tests for specific bugs found in earlier versions of unparse
+ def test_del_statement(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("del x, y, z")
+ def test_shifts(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("45 << 2")
+ self.check_roundtrip("13 >> 7")
+ def test_for_else(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(for_else)
+ def test_while_else(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(while_else)
+ def test_unary_parens(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("(-1)**7")
+ self.check_roundtrip("(-1.)**8")
+ self.check_roundtrip("(-1j)**6")
+ self.check_roundtrip("not True or False")
+ self.check_roundtrip("True or not False")
+ def test_integer_parens(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("3 .__abs__()")
+ def test_huge_float(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("1e1000")
+ self.check_roundtrip("-1e1000")
+ self.check_roundtrip("1e1000j")
+ self.check_roundtrip("-1e1000j")
+ def test_min_int(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(str(-2**31))
+ self.check_roundtrip(str(-2**63))
+ def test_imaginary_literals(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("7j")
+ self.check_roundtrip("-7j")
+ self.check_roundtrip("0j")
+ self.check_roundtrip("-0j")
+ def test_lambda_parentheses(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("(lambda: int)()")
+ def test_chained_comparisons(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("1 < 4 <= 5")
+ self.check_roundtrip("a is b is c is not d")
+ def test_function_arguments(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(b = 2): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a, b): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a, b = 2): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a = 5, b = 2): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(*, a = 1, b = 2): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(*, a = 1, b): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(*, a, b = 2): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a, b = None, *, c, **kwds): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a=2, *args, c=5, d, **kwds): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(*args, **kwargs): pass")
+ def test_relative_import(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(relative_import)
+ def test_nonlocal(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(nonlocal_ex)
+ def test_raise_from(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(raise_from)
+ def test_bytes(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("b'123'")
+ def test_annotations(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a : int): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(a: int = 5): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(*args: [int]): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f(**kwargs: dict): pass")
+ self.check_roundtrip("def f() -> None: pass")
+ def test_set_literal(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("{'a', 'b', 'c'}")
+ def test_set_comprehension(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("{x for x in range(5)}")
+ def test_dict_comprehension(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("{x: x*x for x in range(10)}")
+ def test_class_decorators(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(class_decorator)
+ def test_class_definition(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip("class A(metaclass=type, *[], **{}): pass")
+ def test_elifs(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(elif1)
+ self.check_roundtrip(elif2)
+ def test_try_except_finally(self):
+ self.check_roundtrip(try_except_finally)
+class DirectoryTestCase(ASTTestCase):
+ """Test roundtrip behaviour on all files in Lib and Lib/test."""
+ # test directories, relative to the root of the distribution
+ test_directories = 'Lib', os.path.join('Lib', 'test')
+ def test_files(self):
+ # get names of files to test
+ dist_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)
+ names = []
+ for d in self.test_directories:
+ test_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, d)
+ for n in os.listdir(test_dir):
+ if n.endswith('.py') and not n.startswith('bad'):
+ names.append(os.path.join(test_dir, n))
+ for filename in names:
+ if
+ print('Testing %s' % filename)
+ source = read_pyfile(filename)
+ self.check_roundtrip(source)
+def test_main():
+, DirectoryTestCase)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_main()
diff --git a/Tools/parser/ b/Tools/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96ef54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+"Usage: <path to source file>"
+import sys
+import math
+import ast
+import tokenize
+import io
+import os
+# Large float and imaginary literals get turned into infinities in the AST.
+# We unparse those infinities to INFSTR.
+INFSTR = "1e" + repr(sys.float_info.max_10_exp + 1)
+def interleave(inter, f, seq):
+ """Call f on each item in seq, calling inter() in between.
+ """
+ seq = iter(seq)
+ try:
+ f(next(seq))
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for x in seq:
+ inter()
+ f(x)
+class Unparser:
+ """Methods in this class recursively traverse an AST and
+ output source code for the abstract syntax; original formatting
+ is disregarded. """
+ def __init__(self, tree, file = sys.stdout):
+ """Unparser(tree, file=sys.stdout) -> None.
+ Print the source for tree to file."""
+ self.f = file
+ self._indent = 0
+ self.dispatch(tree)
+ print("", file=self.f)
+ self.f.flush()
+ def fill(self, text = ""):
+ "Indent a piece of text, according to the current indentation level"
+ self.f.write("\n"+" "*self._indent + text)
+ def write(self, text):
+ "Append a piece of text to the current line."
+ self.f.write(text)
+ def enter(self):
+ "Print ':', and increase the indentation."
+ self.write(":")
+ self._indent += 1
+ def leave(self):
+ "Decrease the indentation level."
+ self._indent -= 1
+ def dispatch(self, tree):
+ "Dispatcher function, dispatching tree type T to method _T."
+ if isinstance(tree, list):
+ for t in tree:
+ self.dispatch(t)
+ return
+ meth = getattr(self, "_"+tree.__class__.__name__)
+ meth(tree)
+ ############### Unparsing methods ######################
+ # There should be one method per concrete grammar type #
+ # Constructors should be grouped by sum type. Ideally, #
+ # this would follow the order in the grammar, but #
+ # currently doesn't. #
+ ########################################################
+ def _Module(self, tree):
+ for stmt in tree.body:
+ self.dispatch(stmt)
+ # stmt
+ def _Expr(self, tree):
+ self.fill()
+ self.dispatch(tree.value)
+ def _Import(self, t):
+ self.fill("import ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.names)
+ def _ImportFrom(self, t):
+ self.fill("from ")
+ self.write("." * t.level)
+ if t.module:
+ self.write(t.module)
+ self.write(" import ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.names)
+ def _Assign(self, t):
+ self.fill()
+ for target in t.targets:
+ self.dispatch(target)
+ self.write(" = ")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ def _AugAssign(self, t):
+ self.fill()
+ self.dispatch(
+ self.write(" "+self.binop[t.op.__class__.__name__]+"= ")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ def _Return(self, t):
+ self.fill("return")
+ if t.value:
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ def _Pass(self, t):
+ self.fill("pass")
+ def _Break(self, t):
+ self.fill("break")
+ def _Continue(self, t):
+ self.fill("continue")
+ def _Delete(self, t):
+ self.fill("del ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.targets)
+ def _Assert(self, t):
+ self.fill("assert ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+ if t.msg:
+ self.write(", ")
+ self.dispatch(t.msg)
+ def _Global(self, t):
+ self.fill("global ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.write, t.names)
+ def _Nonlocal(self, t):
+ self.fill("nonlocal ")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.write, t.names)
+ def _Yield(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.write("yield")
+ if t.value:
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ self.write(")")
+ def _Raise(self, t):
+ self.fill("raise")
+ if not t.exc:
+ assert not t.cause
+ return
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.dispatch(t.exc)
+ if t.cause:
+ self.write(" from ")
+ self.dispatch(t.cause)
+ def _TryExcept(self, t):
+ self.fill("try")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ for ex in t.handlers:
+ self.dispatch(ex)
+ if t.orelse:
+ self.fill("else")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.leave()
+ def _TryFinally(self, t):
+ if len(t.body) == 1 and isinstance(t.body[0], ast.TryExcept):
+ # try-except-finally
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ else:
+ self.fill("try")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ self.fill("finally")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.finalbody)
+ self.leave()
+ def _ExceptHandler(self, t):
+ self.fill("except")
+ if t.type:
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.dispatch(t.type)
+ if
+ self.write(" as ")
+ self.write(
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ def _ClassDef(self, t):
+ self.write("\n")
+ for deco in t.decorator_list:
+ self.fill("@")
+ self.dispatch(deco)
+ self.fill("class "
+ self.write("(")
+ comma = False
+ for e in t.bases:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ for e in t.keywords:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ if t.starargs:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.write("*")
+ self.dispatch(t.starargs)
+ if t.kwargs:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.write("**")
+ self.dispatch(t.kwargs)
+ self.write(")")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ def _FunctionDef(self, t):
+ self.write("\n")
+ for deco in t.decorator_list:
+ self.fill("@")
+ self.dispatch(deco)
+ self.fill("def " + "(")
+ self.dispatch(t.args)
+ self.write(")")
+ if t.returns:
+ self.write(" -> ")
+ self.dispatch(t.returns)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ def _For(self, t):
+ self.fill("for ")
+ self.dispatch(
+ self.write(" in ")
+ self.dispatch(t.iter)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ if t.orelse:
+ self.fill("else")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.leave()
+ def _If(self, t):
+ self.fill("if ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ # collapse nested ifs into equivalent elifs.
+ while (t.orelse and len(t.orelse) == 1 and
+ isinstance(t.orelse[0], ast.If)):
+ t = t.orelse[0]
+ self.fill("elif ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ # final else
+ if t.orelse:
+ self.fill("else")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.leave()
+ def _While(self, t):
+ self.fill("while ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ if t.orelse:
+ self.fill("else")
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.leave()
+ def _With(self, t):
+ self.fill("with ")
+ self.dispatch(t.context_expr)
+ if t.optional_vars:
+ self.write(" as ")
+ self.dispatch(t.optional_vars)
+ self.enter()
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.leave()
+ # expr
+ def _Bytes(self, t):
+ self.write(repr(t.s))
+ def _Str(self, tree):
+ self.write(repr(tree.s))
+ def _Name(self, t):
+ self.write(
+ def _Num(self, t):
+ # Substitute overflowing decimal literal for AST infinities.
+ self.write(repr(t.n).replace("inf", INFSTR))
+ def _List(self, t):
+ self.write("[")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.elts)
+ self.write("]")
+ def _ListComp(self, t):
+ self.write("[")
+ self.dispatch(t.elt)
+ for gen in t.generators:
+ self.dispatch(gen)
+ self.write("]")
+ def _GeneratorExp(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.dispatch(t.elt)
+ for gen in t.generators:
+ self.dispatch(gen)
+ self.write(")")
+ def _SetComp(self, t):
+ self.write("{")
+ self.dispatch(t.elt)
+ for gen in t.generators:
+ self.dispatch(gen)
+ self.write("}")
+ def _DictComp(self, t):
+ self.write("{")
+ self.dispatch(t.key)
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ for gen in t.generators:
+ self.dispatch(gen)
+ self.write("}")
+ def _comprehension(self, t):
+ self.write(" for ")
+ self.dispatch(
+ self.write(" in ")
+ self.dispatch(t.iter)
+ for if_clause in t.ifs:
+ self.write(" if ")
+ self.dispatch(if_clause)
+ def _IfExp(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.write(" if ")
+ self.dispatch(t.test)
+ self.write(" else ")
+ self.dispatch(t.orelse)
+ self.write(")")
+ def _Set(self, t):
+ assert(t.elts) # should be at least one element
+ self.write("{")
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.elts)
+ self.write("}")
+ def _Dict(self, t):
+ self.write("{")
+ def write_pair(pair):
+ (k, v) = pair
+ self.dispatch(k)
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(v)
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), write_pair, zip(t.keys, t.values))
+ self.write("}")
+ def _Tuple(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ if len(t.elts) == 1:
+ (elt,) = t.elts
+ self.dispatch(elt)
+ self.write(",")
+ else:
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(", "), self.dispatch, t.elts)
+ self.write(")")
+ unop = {"Invert":"~", "Not": "not", "UAdd":"+", "USub":"-"}
+ def _UnaryOp(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.write(self.unop[t.op.__class__.__name__])
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.dispatch(t.operand)
+ self.write(")")
+ binop = { "Add":"+", "Sub":"-", "Mult":"*", "Div":"/", "Mod":"%",
+ "LShift":"<<", "RShift":">>", "BitOr":"|", "BitXor":"^", "BitAnd":"&",
+ "FloorDiv":"//", "Pow": "**"}
+ def _BinOp(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.dispatch(t.left)
+ self.write(" " + self.binop[t.op.__class__.__name__] + " ")
+ self.dispatch(t.right)
+ self.write(")")
+ cmpops = {"Eq":"==", "NotEq":"!=", "Lt":"<", "LtE":"<=", "Gt":">", "GtE":">=",
+ "Is":"is", "IsNot":"is not", "In":"in", "NotIn":"not in"}
+ def _Compare(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.dispatch(t.left)
+ for o, e in zip(t.ops, t.comparators):
+ self.write(" " + self.cmpops[o.__class__.__name__] + " ")
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ self.write(")")
+ boolops = {ast.And: 'and', ast.Or: 'or'}
+ def _BoolOp(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ s = " %s " % self.boolops[t.op.__class__]
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(s), self.dispatch, t.values)
+ self.write(")")
+ def _Attribute(self,t):
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ # Special case: 3.__abs__() is a syntax error, so if t.value
+ # is an integer literal then we need to either parenthesize
+ # it or add an extra space to get 3 .__abs__().
+ if isinstance(t.value, ast.Num) and isinstance(t.value.n, int):
+ self.write(" ")
+ self.write(".")
+ self.write(t.attr)
+ def _Call(self, t):
+ self.dispatch(t.func)
+ self.write("(")
+ comma = False
+ for e in t.args:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ for e in t.keywords:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.dispatch(e)
+ if t.starargs:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.write("*")
+ self.dispatch(t.starargs)
+ if t.kwargs:
+ if comma: self.write(", ")
+ else: comma = True
+ self.write("**")
+ self.dispatch(t.kwargs)
+ self.write(")")
+ def _Subscript(self, t):
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ self.write("[")
+ self.dispatch(t.slice)
+ self.write("]")
+ # slice
+ def _Ellipsis(self, t):
+ self.write("...")
+ def _Index(self, t):
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ def _Slice(self, t):
+ if t.lower:
+ self.dispatch(t.lower)
+ self.write(":")
+ if t.upper:
+ self.dispatch(t.upper)
+ if t.step:
+ self.write(":")
+ self.dispatch(t.step)
+ def _ExtSlice(self, t):
+ interleave(lambda: self.write(', '), self.dispatch, t.dims)
+ # argument
+ def _arg(self, t):
+ self.write(t.arg)
+ if t.annotation:
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(t.annotation)
+ # others
+ def _arguments(self, t):
+ first = True
+ # normal arguments
+ defaults = [None] * (len(t.args) - len(t.defaults)) + t.defaults
+ for a, d in zip(t.args, defaults):
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.dispatch(a)
+ if d:
+ self.write("=")
+ self.dispatch(d)
+ # varargs, or bare '*' if no varargs but keyword-only arguments present
+ if t.vararg or t.kwonlyargs:
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.write("*")
+ if t.vararg:
+ self.write(t.vararg)
+ if t.varargannotation:
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(t.varargannotation)
+ # keyword-only arguments
+ if t.kwonlyargs:
+ for a, d in zip(t.kwonlyargs, t.kw_defaults):
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.dispatch(a),
+ if d:
+ self.write("=")
+ self.dispatch(d)
+ # kwargs
+ if t.kwarg:
+ if first:first = False
+ else: self.write(", ")
+ self.write("**"+t.kwarg)
+ if t.kwargannotation:
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(t.kwargannotation)
+ def _keyword(self, t):
+ self.write(t.arg)
+ self.write("=")
+ self.dispatch(t.value)
+ def _Lambda(self, t):
+ self.write("(")
+ self.write("lambda ")
+ self.dispatch(t.args)
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.dispatch(t.body)
+ self.write(")")
+ def _alias(self, t):
+ self.write(
+ if t.asname:
+ self.write(" as "+t.asname)
+def roundtrip(filename, output=sys.stdout):
+ with open(filename, "rb") as pyfile:
+ encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(pyfile.readline)[0]
+ with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as pyfile:
+ source =
+ tree = compile(source, filename, "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+ Unparser(tree, output)
+def testdir(a):
+ try:
+ names = [n for n in os.listdir(a) if n.endswith('.py')]
+ except OSError:
+ print("Directory not readable: %s" % a, file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ for n in names:
+ fullname = os.path.join(a, n)
+ if os.path.isfile(fullname):
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ print('Testing %s' % fullname)
+ try:
+ roundtrip(fullname, output)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(' Failed to compile, exception is %s' % repr(e))
+ elif os.path.isdir(fullname):
+ testdir(fullname)
+def main(args):
+ if args[0] == '--testdir':
+ for a in args[1:]:
+ testdir(a)
+ else:
+ for a in args:
+ roundtrip(a)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ main(sys.argv[1:])