path: root/.vsts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vsts')
10 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vsts/docs-release.yml b/.vsts/docs-release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e90428a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/docs-release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted Linux Preview
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+- script: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -qy --force-yes texlive-full
+ displayName: 'Install LaTeX'
+- task: UsePythonVersion@0
+ displayName: 'Use Python 3.6 or later'
+ inputs:
+ versionSpec: '>=3.6'
+- script: python -m pip install sphinx blurb python-docs-theme
+ displayName: 'Install build dependencies'
+- script: make dist PYTHON=python SPHINXBUILD='python -m sphinx' BLURB='python -m blurb'
+ workingDirectory: '$(build.sourcesDirectory)/Doc'
+ displayName: 'Build documentation'
+- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Publish build'
+ inputs:
+ PathToPublish: '$(build.sourcesDirectory)/Doc/build'
+ ArtifactName: build
+ publishLocation: Container
+- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Publish dist'
+ inputs:
+ PathToPublish: '$(build.sourcesDirectory)/Doc/dist'
+ ArtifactName: dist
+ publishLocation: Container
diff --git a/.vsts/docs.yml b/.vsts/docs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa1e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/docs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted Linux Preview
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ include:
+ - Doc/*
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+- task: UsePythonVersion@0
+ displayName: 'Use Python 3.6 or later'
+ inputs:
+ versionSpec: '>=3.6'
+- script: python -m pip install sphinx~=1.6.1 blurb python-docs-theme
+ displayName: 'Install build dependencies'
+- script: make check suspicious html PYTHON=python
+ workingDirectory: '$(build.sourcesDirectory)/Doc'
+ displayName: 'Build documentation'
+- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Publish build'
+ inputs:
+ PathToPublish: '$(build.sourcesDirectory)/Doc/build'
+ ArtifactName: build
+ publishLocation: Container
diff --git a/.vsts/linux-buildbot.yml b/.vsts/linux-buildbot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d75d7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/linux-buildbot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted Linux Preview
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+ # Copy-pasted from linux-deps.yml until template support arrives
+ OPENSSL: 1.1.0g
+ OPENSSL_DIR: "$(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl/openssl/$(OPENSSL)"
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+#- template: linux-deps.yml
+# See
+# For now, we copy/paste the steps
+- script: echo "deb-src xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/python.list && sudo apt-get update
+ displayName: 'Update apt-get lists'
+- script: echo ##vso[task.prependpath]$(OPENSSL_DIR)
+ displayName: 'Add $(OPENSSL_DIR) to PATH'
+- script: >
+ sudo apt-get -yq install
+ build-essential
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libbz2-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libncurses5-dev
+ libreadline6-dev
+ libsqlite3-dev
+ libssl-dev
+ libgdbm-dev
+ tk-dev
+ lzma
+ lzma-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libffi-dev
+ uuid-dev
+ displayName: 'Install dependencies'
+- script: python3 Tools/ssl/ --steps=library --base-directory $(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl --openssl $(OPENSSL) --system Linux
+ displayName: 'python'
+- script: ./configure --with-pydebug
+ displayName: 'Configure CPython (debug)'
+- script: make -s -j4
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: make pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+- script: make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
+ displayName: 'Tests'
diff --git a/.vsts/linux-coverage.yml b/.vsts/linux-coverage.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3657b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/linux-coverage.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted Linux Preview
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+ # Copy-pasted from linux-deps.yml until template support arrives
+ OPENSSL: 1.1.0g
+ OPENSSL_DIR: "$(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl/openssl/$(OPENSSL)"
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+#- template: linux-deps.yml
+# See
+# For now, we copy/paste the steps
+- script: echo "deb-src xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/python.list && sudo apt-get update
+ displayName: 'Update apt-get lists'
+- script: echo ##vso[task.prependpath]$(OPENSSL_DIR)
+ displayName: 'Add $(OPENSSL_DIR) to PATH'
+- script: >
+ sudo apt-get -yq install
+ build-essential
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libbz2-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libncurses5-dev
+ libreadline6-dev
+ libsqlite3-dev
+ libssl-dev
+ libgdbm-dev
+ tk-dev
+ lzma
+ lzma-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libffi-dev
+ uuid-dev
+ displayName: 'Install dependencies'
+- script: python3 Tools/ssl/ --steps=library --base-directory $(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl --openssl $(OPENSSL) --system Linux
+ displayName: 'python'
+- script: ./configure --with-pydebug
+ displayName: 'Configure CPython (debug)'
+- script: make -s -j4
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: ./python -m venv venv && ./venv/bin/python -m pip install -U coverage
+ displayName: 'Set up virtual environment'
+- script: ./venv/bin/python -m test.pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+- script: ./venv/bin/python -m coverage run --pylib -m test --fail-env-changed -uall,-cpu -x test_multiprocessing_fork -x test_multiprocessing_forkserver -x test_multiprocessing_spawn -x test_concurrent_futures
+ displayName: 'Tests with coverage'
+- script: source ./venv/bin/activate && bash <(curl -s
+ displayName: 'Publish code coverage results'
diff --git a/.vsts/linux-deps.yml b/.vsts/linux-deps.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6c8a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/linux-deps.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Note: this file is not currently used, but when template support comes to VSTS it
+# will be referenced from the other scripts..
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+ OPENSSL: 1.1.0g
+ OPENSSL_DIR: "$(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl/openssl/$(OPENSSL)"
+- script: echo "deb-src xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/python.list && sudo apt-get update
+ displayName: 'Update apt-get lists'
+- script: echo ##vso[task.prependpath]$(OPENSSL_DIR)
+ displayName: 'Add $(OPENSSL_DIR) to PATH'
+- script: >
+ sudo apt-get -yq install
+ build-essential
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libbz2-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libncurses5-dev
+ libreadline6-dev
+ libsqlite3-dev
+ libssl-dev
+ libgdbm-dev
+ tk-dev
+ lzma
+ lzma-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libffi-dev
+ uuid-dev
+ displayName: 'Install dependencies'
+- script: python3 Tools/ssl/ --steps=library --base-directory $(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl --openssl $(OPENSSL) --system Linux
+ displayName: 'python'
diff --git a/.vsts/linux-pr.yml b/.vsts/linux-pr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4d458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/linux-pr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted Linux Preview
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+ # Copy-pasted from linux-deps.yml until template support arrives
+ OPENSSL: 1.1.0g
+ OPENSSL_DIR: "$(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl/openssl/$(OPENSSL)"
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+#- template: linux-deps.yml
+# See
+# For now, we copy/paste the steps
+- script: echo "deb-src xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/python.list && sudo apt-get update
+ displayName: 'Update apt-get lists'
+- script: echo ##vso[task.prependpath]$(OPENSSL_DIR)
+ displayName: 'Add $(OPENSSL_DIR) to PATH'
+- script: >
+ sudo apt-get -yq install
+ build-essential
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libbz2-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libncurses5-dev
+ libreadline6-dev
+ libsqlite3-dev
+ libssl-dev
+ libgdbm-dev
+ tk-dev
+ lzma
+ lzma-dev
+ liblzma-dev
+ libffi-dev
+ uuid-dev
+ displayName: 'Install dependencies'
+- script: python3 Tools/ssl/ --steps=library --base-directory $(build.sourcesDirectory)/multissl --openssl $(OPENSSL) --system Linux
+ displayName: 'python'
+- script: ./configure --with-pydebug
+ displayName: 'Configure CPython (debug)'
+- script: make -s -j4
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: make pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+# Run patchcheck and fail if anything is discovered
+- script: ./python Tools/scripts/ --travis true
+ displayName: 'Run'
+- script: make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
+ displayName: 'Tests'
diff --git a/.vsts/macos-buildbot.yml b/.vsts/macos-buildbot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a4f6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/macos-buildbot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted macOS Preview
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+- script: ./configure --with-pydebug --with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl
+ displayName: 'Configure CPython (debug)'
+- script: make -s -j4
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: make pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+- script: make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
+ displayName: 'Tests'
diff --git a/.vsts/macos-pr.yml b/.vsts/macos-pr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a4f6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/macos-pr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted macOS Preview
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+- script: ./configure --with-pydebug --with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl
+ displayName: 'Configure CPython (debug)'
+- script: make -s -j4
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: make pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+- script: make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
+ displayName: 'Tests'
diff --git a/.vsts/windows-buildbot.yml b/.vsts/windows-buildbot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec4522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/windows-buildbot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted VS2017
+ parallel: 2
+ matrix:
+ amd64:
+ buildOpt: -p x64
+ outDirSuffix: amd64
+ win32:
+ buildOpt:
+ outDirSuffix: win32
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+ # Relocate build outputs outside of source directory to make cleaning faster
+ Py_IntDir: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\obj
+ # UNDONE: Do not build to a different directory because of broken tests
+ Py_OutDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\PCbuild
+ EXTERNAL_DIR: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\externals
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+- script: PCbuild\build.bat -e $(buildOpt)
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: python.bat -m test.pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+- script: PCbuild\rt.bat -q -uall -u-cpu -rwW --slowest --timeout=1200 -j0
+ displayName: 'Tests'
+ env:
+ PREFIX: $(Py_OutDir)\$(outDirSuffix)
diff --git a/.vsts/windows-pr.yml b/.vsts/windows-pr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec4522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vsts/windows-pr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Current docs for the syntax of this file are at:
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
+ name: Hosted VS2017
+ parallel: 2
+ matrix:
+ amd64:
+ buildOpt: -p x64
+ outDirSuffix: amd64
+ win32:
+ buildOpt:
+ outDirSuffix: win32
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ paths:
+ exclude:
+ - Doc/*
+ - Tools/*
+ # Relocate build outputs outside of source directory to make cleaning faster
+ Py_IntDir: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\obj
+ # UNDONE: Do not build to a different directory because of broken tests
+ Py_OutDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\PCbuild
+ EXTERNAL_DIR: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\externals
+- checkout: self
+ clean: true
+ fetchDepth: 5
+- script: PCbuild\build.bat -e $(buildOpt)
+ displayName: 'Build CPython'
+- script: python.bat -m test.pythoninfo
+ displayName: 'Display build info'
+- script: PCbuild\rt.bat -q -uall -u-cpu -rwW --slowest --timeout=1200 -j0
+ displayName: 'Tests'
+ env:
+ PREFIX: $(Py_OutDir)\$(outDirSuffix)