diff options
9 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/c-api/long.rst b/Doc/c-api/long.rst
index cb12d43..f48cd07 100644
--- a/Doc/c-api/long.rst
+++ b/Doc/c-api/long.rst
@@ -653,3 +653,177 @@ distinguished from a number. Use :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate.
.. versionadded:: 3.12
+Export API
+.. versionadded:: next
+.. c:struct:: PyLongLayout
+ Layout of an array of "digits" ("limbs" in the GMP terminology), used to
+ represent absolute value for arbitrary precision integers.
+ Use :c:func:`PyLong_GetNativeLayout` to get the native layout of Python
+ :class:`int` objects, used internally for integers with "big enough"
+ absolute value.
+ See also :data:`sys.int_info` which exposes similar information in Python.
+ .. c:member:: uint8_t bits_per_digit
+ Bits per digit. For example, a 15 bit digit means that bits 0-14 contain
+ meaningful information.
+ .. c:member:: uint8_t digit_size
+ Digit size in bytes. For example, a 15 bit digit will require at least 2
+ bytes.
+ .. c:member:: int8_t digits_order
+ Digits order:
+ - ``1`` for most significant digit first
+ - ``-1`` for least significant digit first
+ .. c:member:: int8_t digit_endianness
+ Digit endianness:
+ - ``1`` for most significant byte first (big endian)
+ - ``-1`` for least significant byte first (little endian)
+.. c:function:: const PyLongLayout* PyLong_GetNativeLayout(void)
+ Get the native layout of Python :class:`int` objects.
+ See the :c:struct:`PyLongLayout` structure.
+ The function must not be called before Python initialization nor after
+ Python finalization. The returned layout is valid until Python is
+ finalized. The layout is the same for all Python sub-interpreters
+ in a process, and so it can be cached.
+.. c:struct:: PyLongExport
+ Export of a Python :class:`int` object.
+ There are two cases:
+ * If :c:member:`digits` is ``NULL``, only use the :c:member:`value` member.
+ * If :c:member:`digits` is not ``NULL``, use :c:member:`negative`,
+ :c:member:`ndigits` and :c:member:`digits` members.
+ .. c:member:: int64_t value
+ The native integer value of the exported :class:`int` object.
+ Only valid if :c:member:`digits` is ``NULL``.
+ .. c:member:: uint8_t negative
+ ``1`` if the number is negative, ``0`` otherwise.
+ Only valid if :c:member:`digits` is not ``NULL``.
+ .. c:member:: Py_ssize_t ndigits
+ Number of digits in :c:member:`digits` array.
+ Only valid if :c:member:`digits` is not ``NULL``.
+ .. c:member:: const void *digits
+ Read-only array of unsigned digits. Can be ``NULL``.
+.. c:function:: int PyLong_Export(PyObject *obj, PyLongExport *export_long)
+ Export a Python :class:`int` object.
+ *export_long* must point to a :c:struct:`PyLongExport` structure allocated
+ by the caller. It must not be ``NULL``.
+ On success, fill in *\*export_long* and return ``0``.
+ On error, set an exception and return ``-1``.
+ :c:func:`PyLong_FreeExport` must be called when the export is no longer
+ needed.
+ .. impl-detail::
+ This function always succeeds if *obj* is a Python :class:`int` object
+ or a subclass.
+.. c:function:: void PyLong_FreeExport(PyLongExport *export_long)
+ Release the export *export_long* created by :c:func:`PyLong_Export`.
+ .. impl-detail::
+ Calling :c:func:`PyLong_FreeExport` is optional if *export_long->digits*
+ is ``NULL``.
+PyLongWriter API
+The :c:type:`PyLongWriter` API can be used to import an integer.
+.. versionadded:: next
+.. c:struct:: PyLongWriter
+ A Python :class:`int` writer instance.
+ The instance must be destroyed by :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Finish` or
+ :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Discard`.
+.. c:function:: PyLongWriter* PyLongWriter_Create(int negative, Py_ssize_t ndigits, void **digits)
+ Create a :c:type:`PyLongWriter`.
+ On success, allocate *\*digits* and return a writer.
+ On error, set an exception and return ``NULL``.
+ *negative* is ``1`` if the number is negative, or ``0`` otherwise.
+ *ndigits* is the number of digits in the *digits* array. It must be
+ greater than 0.
+ *digits* must not be NULL.
+ After a successful call to this function, the caller should fill in the
+ array of digits *digits* and then call :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Finish` to get
+ a Python :class:`int`.
+ The layout of *digits* is described by :c:func:`PyLong_GetNativeLayout`.
+ Digits must be in the range [``0``; ``(1 << bits_per_digit) - 1``]
+ (where the :c:struct:`~PyLongLayout.bits_per_digit` is the number of bits
+ per digit).
+ Any unused most significant digits must be set to ``0``.
+ Alternately, call :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Discard` to destroy the writer
+ instance without creating an :class:`~int` object.
+.. c:function:: PyObject* PyLongWriter_Finish(PyLongWriter *writer)
+ Finish a :c:type:`PyLongWriter` created by :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Create`.
+ On success, return a Python :class:`int` object.
+ On error, set an exception and return ``NULL``.
+ The function takes care of normalizing the digits and converts the object
+ to a compact integer if needed.
+ The writer instance and the *digits* array are invalid after the call.
+.. c:function:: void PyLongWriter_Discard(PyLongWriter *writer)
+ Discard a :c:type:`PyLongWriter` created by :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Create`.
+ *writer* must not be ``NULL``.
+ The writer instance and the *digits* array are invalid after the call.
diff --git a/Doc/data/refcounts.dat b/Doc/data/refcounts.dat
index a043af4..e78754e 100644
--- a/Doc/data/refcounts.dat
+++ b/Doc/data/refcounts.dat
@@ -1299,6 +1299,13 @@ PyLong_GetSign:int:::
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.14.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.14.rst
index b71d31f..5ce398a 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.14.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.14.rst
@@ -1018,6 +1018,17 @@ New features
(Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`107954`.)
+* Add a new import and export API for Python :class:`int` objects (:pep:`757`):
+ * :c:func:`PyLong_GetNativeLayout`;
+ * :c:func:`PyLong_Export`;
+ * :c:func:`PyLong_FreeExport`;
+ * :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Create`;
+ * :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Finish`;
+ * :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Discard`.
+ (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`102471`.)
* Add :c:func:`PyType_GetBaseByToken` and :c:data:`Py_tp_token` slot for easier
superclass identification, which attempts to resolve the `type checking issue
<>`__ mentioned in :pep:`630`
diff --git a/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h b/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h
index c60ccc4..357477b 100644
--- a/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h
+++ b/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h
@@ -139,6 +139,44 @@ _PyLong_CompactValue(const PyLongObject *op)
#define PyUnstable_Long_CompactValue _PyLong_CompactValue
+/* --- Import/Export API -------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct PyLongLayout {
+ uint8_t bits_per_digit;
+ uint8_t digit_size;
+ int8_t digits_order;
+ int8_t digit_endianness;
+} PyLongLayout;
+PyAPI_FUNC(const PyLongLayout*) PyLong_GetNativeLayout(void);
+typedef struct PyLongExport {
+ int64_t value;
+ uint8_t negative;
+ Py_ssize_t ndigits;
+ const void *digits;
+ // Member used internally, must not be used for other purpose.
+ Py_uintptr_t _reserved;
+} PyLongExport;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyLong_Export(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ PyLongExport *export_long);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyLong_FreeExport(
+ PyLongExport *export_long);
+/* --- PyLongWriter API --------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct PyLongWriter PyLongWriter;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyLongWriter*) PyLongWriter_Create(
+ int negative,
+ Py_ssize_t ndigits,
+ void **digits);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyLongWriter_Finish(PyLongWriter *writer);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyLongWriter_Discard(PyLongWriter *writer);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_capi/ b/Lib/test/test_capi/
index a770945..d45ac75 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_capi/
+++ b/Lib/test/test_capi/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ _testlimitedcapi = import_helper.import_module('_testlimitedcapi')
NULL = None
class IntSubclass(int):
@@ -714,5 +715,95 @@ class LongTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.check_long_asint(as_uint64, 0, UINT64_MAX,
+ def test_long_layout(self):
+ # Test PyLong_GetNativeLayout()
+ int_info = sys.int_info
+ layout = _testcapi.get_pylong_layout()
+ expected = {
+ 'bits_per_digit': int_info.bits_per_digit,
+ 'digit_size': int_info.sizeof_digit,
+ 'digits_order': -1,
+ 'digit_endianness': -1 if sys.byteorder == 'little' else 1,
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(layout, expected)
+ def test_long_export(self):
+ # Test PyLong_Export()
+ layout = _testcapi.get_pylong_layout()
+ base = 2 ** layout['bits_per_digit']
+ pylong_export = _testcapi.pylong_export
+ # value fits into int64_t
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(0), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(123), 123)
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(-123), -123)
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(IntSubclass(123)), 123)
+ # use an array, doesn't fit into int64_t
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(base**10 * 2 + 1),
+ (0, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]))
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(-(base**10 * 2 + 1)),
+ (1, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]))
+ self.assertEqual(pylong_export(IntSubclass(base**10 * 2 + 1)),
+ (0, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, pylong_export, 1.0)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, pylong_export, 0+1j)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, pylong_export, "abc")
+ def test_longwriter_create(self):
+ # Test PyLongWriter_Create()
+ layout = _testcapi.get_pylong_layout()
+ base = 2 ** layout['bits_per_digit']
+ pylongwriter_create = _testcapi.pylongwriter_create
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, pylongwriter_create, 0, [])
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, pylongwriter_create, -123, [])
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(0, [0]), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(0, [123]), 123)
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(1, [123]), -123)
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(1, [1, 2]),
+ -(base * 2 + 1))
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(0, [1, 2, 3]),
+ base**2 * 3 + base * 2 + 1)
+ max_digit = base - 1
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(0, [max_digit, max_digit, max_digit]),
+ base**2 * max_digit + base * max_digit + max_digit)
+ # normalize
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(0, [123, 0, 0]), 123)
+ # test singletons + normalize
+ for num in (-2, 0, 1, 5, 42, 100):
+ self.assertIs(pylongwriter_create(bool(num < 0), [abs(num), 0]),
+ num)
+ def to_digits(num):
+ digits = []
+ while True:
+ num, digit = divmod(num, base)
+ digits.append(digit)
+ if not num:
+ break
+ return digits
+ # round trip: Python int -> export -> Python int
+ pylong_export = _testcapi.pylong_export
+ numbers = [*range(0, 10), 12345, 0xdeadbeef, 2**100, 2**100-1]
+ numbers.extend(-num for num in list(numbers))
+ for num in numbers:
+ with self.subTest(num=num):
+ data = pylong_export(num)
+ if isinstance(data, tuple):
+ negative, digits = data
+ else:
+ value = data
+ negative = int(value < 0)
+ digits = to_digits(abs(value))
+ self.assertEqual(pylongwriter_create(negative, digits), num,
+ (negative, digits))
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C_API/ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C_API/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18c159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C_API/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Add a new import and export API for Python :class:`int` objects (:pep:`757`):
+* :c:func:`PyLong_GetNativeLayout`;
+* :c:func:`PyLong_Export`;
+* :c:func:`PyLong_FreeExport`;
+* :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Create`;
+* :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Finish`;
+* :c:func:`PyLongWriter_Discard`.
+Patch by Victor Stinner.
diff --git a/Modules/_testcapi/long.c b/Modules/_testcapi/long.c
index ebea090..4224302 100644
--- a/Modules/_testcapi/long.c
+++ b/Modules/_testcapi/long.c
@@ -141,6 +141,127 @@ pylong_aspid(PyObject *module, PyObject *arg)
+static PyObject *
+layout_to_dict(const PyLongLayout *layout)
+ return Py_BuildValue("{sisisisi}",
+ "bits_per_digit", (int)layout->bits_per_digit,
+ "digit_size", (int)layout->digit_size,
+ "digits_order", (int)layout->digits_order,
+ "digit_endianness", (int)layout->digit_endianness);
+static PyObject *
+pylong_export(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj)
+ PyLongExport export_long;
+ if (PyLong_Export(obj, &export_long) < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (export_long.digits == NULL) {
+ assert(export_long.negative == 0);
+ assert(export_long.ndigits == 0);
+ assert(export_long.digits == NULL);
+ PyObject *res = PyLong_FromInt64(export_long.value);
+ PyLong_FreeExport(&export_long);
+ return res;
+ }
+ assert(PyLong_GetNativeLayout()->digit_size == sizeof(digit));
+ const digit *export_long_digits = export_long.digits;
+ PyObject *digits = PyList_New(0);
+ if (digits == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < export_long.ndigits; i++) {
+ PyObject *item = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(export_long_digits[i]);
+ if (item == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (PyList_Append(digits, item) < 0) {
+ Py_DECREF(item);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(item);
+ }
+ assert(export_long.value == 0);
+ PyObject *res = Py_BuildValue("(iN)", export_long.negative, digits);
+ PyLong_FreeExport(&export_long);
+ assert(export_long._reserved == 0);
+ return res;
+ Py_XDECREF(digits);
+ PyLong_FreeExport(&export_long);
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+pylongwriter_create(PyObject *module, PyObject *args)
+ int negative;
+ PyObject *list;
+ // TODO(vstinner): write test for negative ndigits and digits==NULL
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iO!", &negative, &PyList_Type, &list)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_ssize_t ndigits = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
+ digit *digits = PyMem_Malloc((size_t)ndigits * sizeof(digit));
+ if (digits == NULL) {
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ }
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < ndigits; i++) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i);
+ long num = PyLong_AsLong(item);
+ if (num == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (num < 0 || num >= PyLong_BASE) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "digit doesn't fit into digit");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ digits[i] = (digit)num;
+ }
+ void *writer_digits;
+ PyLongWriter *writer = PyLongWriter_Create(negative, ndigits,
+ &writer_digits);
+ if (writer == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ assert(PyLong_GetNativeLayout()->digit_size == sizeof(digit));
+ memcpy(writer_digits, digits, (size_t)ndigits * sizeof(digit));
+ PyObject *res = PyLongWriter_Finish(writer);
+ PyMem_Free(digits);
+ return res;
+ PyMem_Free(digits);
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+get_pylong_layout(PyObject *module, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args))
+ const PyLongLayout *layout = PyLong_GetNativeLayout();
+ return layout_to_dict(layout);
static PyMethodDef test_methods[] = {
{"pylong_fromunicodeobject", pylong_fromunicodeobject, METH_VARARGS},
@@ -148,6 +269,9 @@ static PyMethodDef test_methods[] = {
{"pylong_fromnativebytes", pylong_fromnativebytes, METH_VARARGS},
{"pylong_getsign", pylong_getsign, METH_O},
{"pylong_aspid", pylong_aspid, METH_O},
+ {"pylong_export", pylong_export, METH_O},
+ {"pylongwriter_create", pylongwriter_create, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"get_pylong_layout", get_pylong_layout, METH_NOARGS},
{"pylong_ispositive", pylong_ispositive, METH_O},
{"pylong_isnegative", pylong_isnegative, METH_O},
{"pylong_iszero", pylong_iszero, METH_O},
diff --git a/Objects/longobject.c b/Objects/longobject.c
index 96d59f5..bd7ff68 100644
--- a/Objects/longobject.c
+++ b/Objects/longobject.c
@@ -6750,6 +6750,7 @@ PyUnstable_Long_CompactValue(const PyLongObject* op) {
return _PyLong_CompactValue((PyLongObject*)op);
PyObject* PyLong_FromInt32(int32_t value)
{ return PyLong_FromNativeBytes(&value, sizeof(value), -1); }
@@ -6815,3 +6816,122 @@ int PyLong_AsUInt64(PyObject *obj, uint64_t *value)
LONG_TO_UINT(obj, value, "C uint64_t");
+static const PyLongLayout PyLong_LAYOUT = {
+ .bits_per_digit = PyLong_SHIFT,
+ .digits_order = -1, // least significant first
+ .digit_endianness = PY_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? -1 : 1,
+ .digit_size = sizeof(digit),
+const PyLongLayout*
+ return &PyLong_LAYOUT;
+PyLong_Export(PyObject *obj, PyLongExport *export_long)
+ if (!PyLong_Check(obj)) {
+ memset(export_long, 0, sizeof(*export_long));
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "expect int, got %T", obj);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Fast-path: try to convert to a int64_t
+ int overflow;
+#if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+ long value = PyLong_AsLongAndOverflow(obj, &overflow);
+ // Windows has 32-bit long, so use 64-bit long long instead
+ long long value = PyLong_AsLongLongAndOverflow(obj, &overflow);
+ Py_BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(value) == sizeof(int64_t));
+ // the function cannot fail since obj is a PyLongObject
+ assert(!(value == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()));
+ if (!overflow) {
+ export_long->value = value;
+ export_long->negative = 0;
+ export_long->ndigits = 0;
+ export_long->digits = NULL;
+ export_long->_reserved = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ PyLongObject *self = (PyLongObject*)obj;
+ export_long->value = 0;
+ export_long->negative = _PyLong_IsNegative(self);
+ export_long->ndigits = _PyLong_DigitCount(self);
+ if (export_long->ndigits == 0) {
+ export_long->ndigits = 1;
+ }
+ export_long->digits = self->long_value.ob_digit;
+ export_long->_reserved = (Py_uintptr_t)Py_NewRef(obj);
+ }
+ return 0;
+PyLong_FreeExport(PyLongExport *export_long)
+ PyObject *obj = (PyObject*)export_long->_reserved;
+ if (obj) {
+ export_long->_reserved = 0;
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ }
+/* --- PyLongWriter API --------------------------------------------------- */
+PyLongWriter_Create(int negative, Py_ssize_t ndigits, void **digits)
+ if (ndigits <= 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "ndigits must be positive");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ assert(digits != NULL);
+ PyLongObject *obj = _PyLong_New(ndigits);
+ if (obj == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (negative) {
+ _PyLong_FlipSign(obj);
+ }
+ *digits = obj->long_value.ob_digit;
+ return (PyLongWriter*)obj;
+ *digits = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+PyLongWriter_Discard(PyLongWriter *writer)
+ PyLongObject *obj = (PyLongObject *)writer;
+ assert(Py_REFCNT(obj) == 1);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+PyLongWriter_Finish(PyLongWriter *writer)
+ PyLongObject *obj = (PyLongObject *)writer;
+ assert(Py_REFCNT(obj) == 1);
+ // Normalize and get singleton if possible
+ obj = maybe_small_long(long_normalize(obj));
+ return (PyObject*)obj;
diff --git a/Tools/c-analyzer/cpython/ignored.tsv b/Tools/c-analyzer/cpython/ignored.tsv
index 686f393..c8c30a7 100644
--- a/Tools/c-analyzer/cpython/ignored.tsv
+++ b/Tools/c-analyzer/cpython/ignored.tsv
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ Objects/exceptions.c - static_exceptions -
Objects/genobject.c - ASYNC_GEN_IGNORED_EXIT_MSG -
Objects/genobject.c - NON_INIT_CORO_MSG -
Objects/longobject.c - _PyLong_DigitValue -
+Objects/longobject.c - PyLong_LAYOUT -
Objects/object.c - _Py_SwappedOp -
Objects/object.c - _Py_abstract_hack -
Objects/object.c - last_final_reftotal -