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diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/strptime/ b/Mac/Contrib/strptime/
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index 12b79aa..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/strptime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-""" strptime version 1.3, Time-stamp: <96/09/23 21:22:24 flognat>
- The reverse of strftime.
- Copyright (C) 1996 Andy Eskilsson,
- This is free software; unrestricted redistribution is allowed under the
- terms of the GPL. For full details of the license conditions of this
- software, see the GNU General Public License.
- And here comes the documentation:
- Throw a string and a format specification at strptime and if everything
- is ok you will get a tuple containing 9 items that are compatible with
- pythons time-module.
- interface:
- strptime(inputstring, formatstring)
- Little errorchecking... so you'd better know what you are doing.
- example:
- from strptime import *
- mktime(strptime("26/6 1973", "%d/%m %Y"))
- And voila you have the second when the author of this function was born.
- The supported format identifiers are:
- %a weekday in short text-form, e.g. Mon
- %A weekday in long text-form, e.g. Monday
- %b month in short text-form, e.g. Jul
- %B month in long text-form e.g. July
- %c the format specified by DateAndTimeRepresentation
- %d the day in month in numeric form, e.g. 24
- %H hour in 24 hour form
- %j julian day (day of year)
- %m month in numeric format
- %M minute
- %S second
- %T Time in '%H:%M:%S'-format
- %w weekday, 0=monday
- %x date in format represented by DateRepresentation
- %X time in format represented by TimeRepresentation
- %y year in short form
- %Y year in long form
- %% %-sign
- I have done some thinking here (*REALLY*) and it is possible to configure
- this module so it uses other languages by adding their names to the
- dictionaries first in the file, and setting the variable LANGUAGE.
- For your exercise I have inserted the swedish names ;-)
- The lfind, name, complex, numbers and parse functions are for internal
- use, called by strptime.
- Uh.. oh yeah.. if you want to get in touch with me.. I am reachable
- at, the newest version of this file can probably
- be found somewhere close to
- If you like it, send a postcard to Andy Eskilsson
- Kämnärsv. 3b228
- S-226 46 Lund
- Sweden
- Uhm be gentle with the bug-reports, its the first time for me ;-)
- """
-import string
-LongDayNames={ 'English' : [ 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
- 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],
- 'Swedish' : [ 'Måndag', 'Tisdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag',
- 'Fredag', 'Lördag', 'Söndag']}
-ShortDayNames={ 'English' : [ 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
- 'Swedish' : [ 'Mån', 'Tis', 'Ons', 'Tor', 'Fre', 'Lör', 'Sön']}
-LongMonthNames={ 'English' : ['none', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
- 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
- 'October', 'November', 'December'],
- 'Swedish' : ['none', 'Januari', 'Februari', 'Mars', 'April',
- 'Maj', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augusti','September',
- 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'] }
-ShortMonthNames={ 'English' : ['none', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
- 'Swedish' : ['none', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Maj', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec']}
-DateAndTimeRepresentation={ 'English' : '%a %b %d %H:%m:%S %Y',
- 'Swedish' : '%a %d %b %Y %H:%m:%S' }
-DateRepresentation = { 'English' : '%m/%d/%y',
- 'Swedish' : '%d/%m/%y'}
-TimeRepresentation = { 'English' : '%H:%M:%S',
- 'Swedish' : '%H:%M:%S'}
-BadFormatter='An illegal formatter was given'
-#Check if strinf begins with substr
-def lfind(str, substr):
- return string.lower(str[:len(substr)])==string.lower(substr)
-#atoms consisting of other atoms
-def complex(str, format, base):
- code=format[:1]
- if code=='c':
- string=DateAndTimeRepresentation[LANGUAGE]
- elif code=='T':
- string='%H:%M:%S'
- elif code=='x':
- string=DateRepresentation[LANGUAGE]
- elif code=='X':
- string=TimeRepresentation[LANGUAGE]
- return parse(str, string, base)
-#string based names
-def names(str, format, base):
- code=format[:1]
- if code=='a':
- selection=ShortDayNames[LANGUAGE]
- result='weekd'
- elif code=='A':
- selection=LongDayNames[LANGUAGE]
- result='weekd'
- elif code=='b':
- selection=ShortMonthNames[LANGUAGE]
- result='month'
- elif code=='B':
- selection=LongMonthNames[LANGUAGE]
- result='month'
- match=None
- for i in selection:
- if lfind(str, i):
- match=i
- break
- base[result]=selection.index(match)
- return len(match)
-#numeric stuff
-def numeric(str, format, base):
- code=format[:1]
- if code=='d': result='day'
- elif code=='H': result='hour'
- elif code=='j': result='juliand'
- elif code=='m': result='month'
- elif code=='M': result='min'
- elif code=='S': result='sec'
- elif code=='w': result='weekd'
- elif code=='y': result='shortYear'
- elif code=='Y': result='year'
- i=0
- while str[i] in string.whitespace: i=i+1
- j=i
- if len(format)>1:
- while not str[j] in string.whitespace and str[j]!=format[1]: j=j+1
- else:
- try:
- while not str[j] in string.whitespace: j=j+1
- except IndexError:
- pass
- # hmm could check exception here, but what could I add?
- base[result]=string.atoi(str[i:j])
- return j
-parseFuns={ 'a':names, 'A':names, 'b':names, 'B':names, 'c':complex, 'd':numeric,
- 'H':numeric, 'j':numeric, 'm':numeric, 'M':numeric, 'S':numeric,
- 'T':complex, 'w':numeric, 'x':complex, 'y':numeric, 'Y':numeric}
-# Well split up in atoms, reason to why this is separated from atrptime
-# is to be able to reparse complex atoms
-def parse(str, format, base):
- atoms=string.split(format, '%')
- charCounter=0
- atomCounter=0
- # Hey I am laazy and think that the format is exactly what the string is!
- charCounter=charCounter+len(atoms[atomCounter])
- atomCounter=atomCounter+1
- while atomCounter < len(atoms) and charCounter < len(str):
- atom=atoms[atomCounter]
- if atom=='': # escaped
- charCounter=charCounter+1
- atomCounter=atomCounter+1
- charCounter=charCounter+len(atoms[atomCounter])
- else:
- try:
- parsefunction=parseFuns[atom[:1]]
- except KeyError:
- raise BadFormatter, atom[:1]
- grabbed=apply(parsefunction, (str[charCounter:], atom, base))
- charCounter=charCounter+grabbed+len(atom)-1
- atomCounter=atomCounter+1
- return charCounter
-# Ok here we go, tadaaa --> STRPTIME <-- at last..
-def strptime(str, format):
- """Converts str specified by format to tuple useable by the time module"""
- returnTime={}
- returnTime['year']=0
- returnTime['shortYear']=None
- returnTime['month']=0
- returnTime['day']=0
- returnTime['hour']=0
- returnTime['min']=0
- returnTime['sec']=0
- returnTime['weekd']=0
- returnTime['juliand']=0
- returnTime['dst']=0
- parse(str, format, returnTime)
- if returnTime['shortYear']!=None:
- returnTime['year']=returnTime['shortYear']+1900
- return (returnTime['year'], returnTime['month'], returnTime['day'],
- returnTime['hour'], returnTime['min'], returnTime['sec'],
- returnTime['weekd'], returnTime['juliand'], returnTime['dst'])
-# just for my convenience
-def strpdebug():
- import pdb
-'strptime("% Tue 3 Feb", "%% %a %d %b")')
-def test():
- from time import *
- a=asctime(localtime(time()))
- print a
- b=strptime(a, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
- print asctime(b)
- print strptime("%% % Tue 3 Feb", "%%%% %% %a %d %b")
- print strptime('Thu, 12 Sep 1996 19:42:06 GMT', '%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT')
- print strptime('Thu, 12 Sep 1996 19:42:06 GMT', '%a, %d %b %Y %T')
- print strptime('Thu, 12 Sep 1996 19:42:06', '%a, %d %b %Y %T')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()