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diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
index 5940cd6..d5414dd 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.0.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
- What's New in Python 3.0
+ What's New In Python 3.0
.. XXX add trademark info for Apple, Microsoft, SourceForge.
+.. XXX turn all PEP references into :pep:`NNN` markup.
:Author: Guido van Rossum
:Release: |release|
:Date: |today|
@@ -50,10 +52,12 @@
This saves the maintainer the effort of going through the SVN log
when researching a change.
-This article explains the new features in Python 3.0, comparing to 2.6.
-In some cases it will also summarize changes since 2.5, with a reference
-to "What's New in Python 2.6" for the details. Python 2.6 was released
-on October 1 2008. Python 3.0 will be released in December 2008.
+This article explains the new features in Python 3.0, compared to 2.6.
+Python 3.0 is the first ever *intentionally incompatible* release.
+There are more changes than in a typical release, and more that are
+important for all Python users. Nevertheless, after digesting the
+changes, you'll find that Python really hasn't changed all that much
+-- by and large, we're merely fixing well-known annoyances and warts.
This article doesn't attempt to provide a complete specification of
the new features, but instead provides a convenient overview. For
@@ -75,70 +79,124 @@ rationale, refer to the PEP for a particular new feature.
Common Stumbling Blocks
-This section briefly lists the changes that are more likely to trip
-people up, without necessarily raising obvious errors. These are all
-explained in more detail below. (I'm not listing syntactic changes
-and removed or renamed features here, since those tend to produce hard
-and fast errors; it's the subtle behavioral changes in code that
-remains syntactically valid that trips people up. I'm also omitting
-changes to rarely used features.)
+This section briefly lists a few changes that are more likely to trip
+people up, without necessarily raising obvious errors. Most issues
+are explained in more detail in later sections.
+Print Is A Function
+The ``print`` statement has been replaced with a :func:`print` function,
+with keyword arguments to replace most of the special syntax of the
+old ``print`` statement (PEP 3105). Examples::
+ Old: print "The answer is", 2*2
+ New: print("The answer is", 2*2)
+ Old: print x, # Trailing comma suppresses newline
+ New: print(x, end=" ") # Appends a space instead of a newline
+ Old: print # Prints a newline
+ New: print() # You must call the function!
+ Old: print >>sys.stderr, "fatal error"
+ New: print("fatal error", file=sys.stderr)
+ Old: print (x, y) # prints repr((x, y))
+ New: print((x, y)) # Not the same as print(x, y)!
+You can also customize the separator between items, e.g.::
+ print("There are <", 2**32, "> possibilities!", sep="")
+which produces::
-* The ``print`` statement has been replaced with a :func:`print` function,
- with keyword arguments to replace most of the special syntax of the
- old ``print`` statement (PEP 3105). Examples::
+ There are <4294967296> possibilities!
- Old: print "The answer is", 2*2
- New: print("The answer is", 2*2)
- Old: print x, # Trailing comma suppresses newline
- New: print(x, end=" ") # Appends a space instead of a newline
+* The :func:`print` function doesn't support the "softspace" feature of
+ the old ``print`` statement. For example, in Python 2.x,
+ ``print "A\n", "B"`` would write ``"A\nB\n"``; but in Python 3.0,
+ ``print("A\n", "B")`` writes ``"A\n B\n"``.
- Old: print # Prints a newline
- New: print() # You must call the function!
+* Initially, you'll be finding yourself typing the old ``print x``
+ a lot in interactive mode. Time to retrain your fingers to type
+ ``print(x)`` instead!
- Old: print >>sys.stderr, "fatal error"
- New: print("fatal error", file=sys.stderr)
+* When using the ``2to3`` source-to-source conversion tool, all
+ ``print`` statements are automatically converted to :func:`print`
+ function calls, so this is mostly a non-issue for larger projects.
- Old: print (x, y) # prints repr((x, y))
- New: print((x, y)) # Not the same as print(x, y)!
+Text Strings Vs. Bytes
- You can also customize the separator between items, e.g.::
+Everything you thought you knew about binary data and Unicode has
- print("There are <", 2**32, "> possibilities!", sep="")
+* Python 3.0 uses *strings* and *bytes* instead of *Unicode strings*
+ and *8-bit strings*. The difference is that any attempt to mix
+ strings and bytes in Python 3.0 raises a TypeError exception,
+ whereas if you were to mix Unicode and 8-bit strings in Python 2.x,
+ you would only get an exception if the 8-bit string contained
+ non-ASCII values. As a consequence, pretty much all code that
+ uses Unicode, encodings or binary data most likely has to change.
+ The change is for the better, as in the 2.x world there were
+ numerous bugs having to do with mixing encoded and unencoded text.
- which produces::
+* Files opened as text files (still the default mode for :func:`open`)
+ always use an encoding to map between strings (in memory) and bytes
+ (on disk). Binary files (opened with a ``b`` in the mode argument)
+ always use bytes in memory. This means that if a file is opened
+ using an incorrect mode or encoding, I/O will likely fail. There is
+ a platform-dependent default encoding, which on Unixy platforms can
+ be set with the ``LANG`` environment variable (and sometimes also
+ with some other platform-specific locale-related environment
+ variables). In many cases, but not all, the system default is
+ UTF-8; you should never could on this default. Any application
+ reading or writing more than pure ASCII text should probably have a
+ way to override the encoding.
- There are <4294967296> possibilities!
+* XXX More below?
- Notes about the :func:`print` function:
+* See also the *Unicode HOWTO*. (XXX How to make this a link?)
+ (XXX Move to longer section below?)
- * The :func:`print` function doesn't support the "softspace" feature of
- the old ``print`` statement. For example, in Python 2.x,
- ``print "A\n", "B"`` would write ``"A\nB\n"``; but in Python 3.0,
- ``print("A\n", "B")`` writes ``"A\n B\n"``.
+Views And Interators Instead Of Lists
+Some well-known APIs no longer return lists:
+* :class:`dict` methods :meth:`dict.keys`, :meth:`dict.items` and
+ :meth:`dict.values` return "views" instead of lists. For example,
+ this no longer works: ``k = d.keys(); k.sort()``. Use ``k =
+ sorted(d)`` instead.
+* Also, the :meth:`dict.iterkeys`, :meth:`dict.iteritems` and
+ :meth:`dict.itervalues` methods are no longer supported.
+* :func:`map` and :func:`filter` return iterators. A quick fix is e.g.
+ ``list(map(...))``, but a better fix is often to use a list
+ comprehension (especially when the original code uses :keyword:`lambda`).
+ Particularly tricky is :func:`map` invoked for the side effects of the
+ function; the correct transformation is to use a for-loop.
- * Initially, you'll be finding yourself typing the old ``print x``
- a lot in interactive mode. Time to retrain your fingers to type
- ``print(x)`` instead!
+* :func:`range` now behaves like :func:`xrange` used to behave.
+ The latter no longer exists.
- * When using the ``2to3`` source-to-source conversion tool, all
- ``print`` statements are automatically converted to :func:`print`
- function calls, so this is mostly a non-issue for larger projects.
+* :func:`zip` now returns an iterator.
-* Python 3.0 uses strings and bytes instead of the Unicode strings and
- 8-bit strings. This means that pretty much all code that uses
- Unicode, encodings or binary data in any way has to change. The
- change is for the better, as in the 2.x world there were numerous
- bugs having to do with mixing encoded and unencoded text.
+* XXX More below?
-* Text files enforce an encoding; binary files use bytes. This means
- that if a file is opened using an incorrect mode or encoding, I/O
- will likely fail.
+Ordering Comparisons
+Python 3.0 has simplified the rules for ordering comparisons:
* The ordering comparison operators (``<``, ``<=``, ``>=``, ``>``)
raise a TypeError exception when the operands don't have a
meaningful natural ordering. Thus, expressions like ``1 < ''``, ``0
- > None`` or ``len < len`` are no longer valid. A corollary is that
+ > None`` or ``len <= len`` are no longer valid. A corollary is that
sorting a heterogeneous list no longer makes sense -- all the
elements must be comparable to each other. Note that this does not
apply to the ``==`` and ``!=`` operators: objects of different
@@ -146,36 +204,145 @@ changes to rarely used features.)
object always compares equal to itself (i.e., ``x is y`` implies ``x
= y``; this is true even for ``NaN``).
-* :func:`map` and :func:`filter` return iterators. A quick fix is e.g.
- ``list(map(...))``, but a better fix is often to use a list
- comprehension (especially when the original code uses :keyword:`lambda`).
- Particularly tricky is :func:`map` invoked for the side effects of the
- function; the correct transformation is to use a for-loop.
-* :class:`dict` methods :meth:`dict.keys`, :meth:`dict.items` and
- :meth:`dict.values` return views instead of lists. For example, this no
- longer works: ``k = d.keys(); k.sort()``. Use ``k = sorted(d)`` instead.
* :meth:`builtin.sorted` and :meth:`list.sort` no longer accept the *cmp*
argument providing a comparison function. Use the *key* argument
instead. N.B. the *key* and *reverse* arguments are now "keyword-only".
-* The :meth:`__cmp__` special method is no longer supported. Use :meth:`__lt__`
- for sorting, :meth:`__eq__` with :meth:`__hash__`, and other rich comparisons
- as needed.
+* The :func:`cmp` function is gone, and the :meth:`__cmp__` special
+ method is no longer supported. Use :meth:`__lt__` for sorting,
+ :meth:`__eq__` with :meth:`__hash__`, and other rich comparisons as
+ needed. if you really need the :func:`cmp` functionality, the
+ expression ``(a > b) - (a < b)`` is equivalent to ``cmp(a, b)``.
-* ``1/2`` returns a float. Use ``1//2`` to get the truncating behavior.
+* XXX More below?
-.. XXX move the next one to a later point, it's not a common stumbling block.
+* We unified the :class:`int` and :class:`long` types. All integers
+ are now of type :class:`int`.
+* ``1/2`` returns a float. Use ``1//2`` to get the truncating behavior.
+ (The latter syntax has existed for years, at least since Python 2.2.)
* The :func:`repr` of a long integer doesn't include the trailing ``L``
anymore, so code that unconditionally strips that character will
chop off the last digit instead.
+* The :data:`sys.maxint` constant was removed, since there is no
+ longer a limit to the value of ints. However, :data:`sys.maxsize`
+ can be used as an integer larger than any practical list or string
+ index. It conforms to the implementation's "natural" integer size
+ and is typically the same as :data:`sys.maxint` in previous releases
+ on the same platform (assuming the same build options).
+* XXX More below?
+Overview Of Syntactic Changes
+This section gives a brief overview of every *syntactic* change.
+Several of these are discussed at greater length later.
+XXX Did I get everything?
-Strings and Bytes
+* Function argument and return value annotations (see below). XXX
+* A lone ``*`` in a formal parameter list implies that any following
+ arguments *must* be specified in keyword form. (XXX Didn't this make
+ it into 2.6 as well?)
+* Keyword arguments are allowed after the list of base classes in a
+ class definition. This is used by the new convention for specifying
+ a metaclass, but can be used for other purposes as well, as long as
+ the metaclass supports it.
+* Tuple-unpacking assignment now has a *wildcard* syntax, e.g.::
+ (a, b, *rest) = range(5)
+ This sets *a* to 0, *b* to 1, and *rest to ``[2, 3, 4]``.
+* Dictionary comprehensions: ``{k: v for k, v in stuff}`` means the
+ same thing as ``dict(stuff)`` but is more flexible.
+* Set literals, e.g. ``{1, 2}``. Note that ``{}`` is an empty
+ dictionary; use ``set()`` for an empty set. Set comprehensions
+ are also supported; ``{x for x in stuff}`` means the same thing
+ as ``set(stuff)`` but is more flexible.
+* New octal literals, e.g. ``0o720`` (already in 2.6). The old octal
+ literals (``0720`` are gone.
+* New binary literals, e.g. ``0b1010`` (already in 2.6).
+* Bytes literals are introduced with a leading ``b`` or ``B``.
+* New :keyword:`raise` statement syntax: ``raise [expr [from expr]]``.
+* New keywords: :keyword:`as`, :keyword:`with` (already in 2.6),
+ :keyword:`None` (partially enforced in 2.6), :keyword:`True`,
+ :keyword:`False` (these were built-ins previously), and
+ :keyword:`nonlocal` (for the new ``nonlocal`` statement).
+* Change from ``except exc, var:`` to ``except exc as var:``. XXX
+* *Very* subtle changes in the syntax for list comprehensions,
+ generator expressions, :keyword:`lambda expression and :keyword:`if`
+ expressions. For example, this is valid in Python 2.6::
+ [ x for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ]
+ In Python 3.0 you'll have to add parentheses, like this::
+ [ x for x in (lambda: True, lambda: False) if x() ]
+* The *ellipsis* (``...``) can be used as an atomic expression anywhere.
+ (Previously it was only allowed in slices.)
+* Tuple parameter unpacking removed. XXX
+* Removal of backticks. XXX
+* Removal of ``<>``. Use ``!=`` instead. XXX
+* Removed keyword: :func:`exec` is no longer a keyword; it remains as
+ a function. (Fortunately the function syntax was also accepted in
+ 2.x.)
+* Integer literals no longer support a trailing ``l`` or ``L``.
+* String literals no longer support a leading ``u`` or ``U``.
+* The *ellipsis* must now be spelled as ``...``; previously it could
+ (by a mere accident of the grammar) also be spelled as ``. . .``.
+Changes Already Present In Python 2.6
+This section reminds the reader of new features that were originally
+designed for Python 3.0 but that were already introduced in Python
+2.6. The descriptions in "What's New in Python 2.6" are hereby
+included by reference.
+* XXX List each of those briefly.
+Strings And Bytes
+This section discusses the many changes in string
* There is only one string type; its name is :class:`str` but its behavior and
implementation are like :class:`unicode` in 2.x.
@@ -209,7 +376,7 @@ Strings and Bytes
-PEP 3101: A New Approach to String Formatting
+PEP 3101: A New Approach To String Formatting
* A new system for built-in string formatting operations replaces the
@@ -223,7 +390,8 @@ PEP 3101: A New Approach to String Formatting
PEP 3106: Revamping dict :meth:`dict.keys`, :meth:`dict.items` and :meth:`dict.values`
-.. XXX expand this
+.. XXX expand this (but note that the "pitfalls" section currently has
+.. XXX more detail :-)
* The :meth:`dict.iterkeys`, :meth:`dict.itervalues` and :meth:`dict.iteritems`
methods have been removed.
@@ -244,10 +412,15 @@ PEP 3107: Function Annotations
Exception Stuff
-* PEP 352: Exceptions must derive from :exc:`BaseException`. This is the root
- of the exception hierarchy.
+* PEP 352: All exceptions must be derived (directly or indirectly)
+ from :exc:`BaseException`. This is the root of the exception
+ hierarchy. Most exceptions should actually be derived from
+ :exc:`Exception`. This is not a new recommendation, but the
+ *requirement* to inherit from :exc:`BaseException` is new. (Python
+ 2.6 still allowed classic classes to be raised, and placed no
+ restriction on what you can catch.)
-* :exc:`StandardError` was removed (already in 2.6).
+* :exc:`StandardError` was removed (in 2.6, actually).
* Dropping sequence behavior (slicing!) and :attr:`message` attribute of
exception instances.
@@ -258,15 +431,14 @@ Exception Stuff
* PEP 3110: Catching exceptions. You must now use ``except SomeException as
identifier:`` instead of ``except Exception, identifier:``
-* PEP 3134: Exception chaining. (The :attr:`__context__` feature from the PEP
- hasn't been implemented yet in 3.0a2.)
+* PEP 3134: Exception chaining.
* A few exception messages are improved when Windows fails to load an extension
module. For example, ``error code 193`` is now ``%1 is not a valid Win32
application``. Strings now deal with non-English locales.
-New Class and Metaclass Stuff
+New Class And Metaclass Stuff
* Classic classes are gone.
@@ -303,7 +475,8 @@ language and built-in functions.
:class:`long` type, with the exception that the literal suffix ``L`` is
neither supported by the parser nor produced by :func:`repr` anymore.
:data:`sys.maxint` was also removed since the int type has no maximum value
- anymore.
+ anymore. Use :data:`sys.maxsize` instead.
+ XXX Is this a dupe from the intro section on integers?
* PEP 238: int division returns a float.
@@ -374,8 +547,6 @@ language and built-in functions.
* Renamed the boolean conversion C-level slot and method: ``nb_nonzero`` is now
``nb_bool`` and :meth:`__nonzero__` is now :meth:`__bool__`.
-* Removed :data:`sys.maxint`. Use :data:`sys.maxsize`.
.. ======================================================================
@@ -385,15 +556,14 @@ Optimizations
* Detailed changes are listed here.
-The net result of the 3.0 generalizations is that Python 3.0 runs the pystone
-benchmark around 33% slower than Python 2.5. There's room for improvement; we
-expect to be optimizing string and integer operations significantly before the
-final 3.0 release!
+The net result of the 3.0 generalizations is that Python 3.0 runs the
+pystone benchmark around a third slower than Python 2.5. There's room
+for improvement, but it will happen after 3.0 is released!
.. ======================================================================
-New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
+New, Improved, And Deprecated Modules
As usual, Python's standard library received a number of enhancements and bug
@@ -431,7 +601,7 @@ details.
.. ======================================================================
-Build and C API Changes
+Build And C API Changes
Changes to Python's build process and to the C API include:
@@ -465,7 +635,7 @@ Platform-specific changes go here.
.. _30section-other:
-Other Changes and Fixes
+Other Changes And Fixes
As usual, there were a bunch of other improvements and bugfixes
@@ -480,7 +650,7 @@ Some of the more notable changes are:
.. ======================================================================
-Porting to Python 3.0
+Porting To Python 3.0
This section lists previously described changes that may require
@@ -491,15 +661,8 @@ changes to your code:
* Developers can include :file:`intobject.h` after :file:`Python.h` for
some ``PyInt_`` aliases.
-.. ======================================================================
-.. _acks:
+* XXX Mention 2to3.
-The author would like to thank the following people for offering
-suggestions, corrections and assistance with various drafts of this
-article: Georg Brandl.
+* XXX Reference external doc about porting extensions?
+.. ======================================================================