path: root/Demo/threads
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8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1298 deletions
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index 690fadc..0000000
--- a/Demo/threads/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Coroutine implementation using Python threads.
-# Combines ideas from Guido's Generator module, and from the coroutine
-# features of Icon and Simula 67.
-# To run a collection of functions as coroutines, you need to create
-# a Coroutine object to control them:
-# co = Coroutine()
-# and then 'create' a subsidiary object for each function in the
-# collection:
-# cof1 = co.create(f1 [, arg1, arg2, ...]) # [] means optional,
-# cof2 = co.create(f2 [, arg1, arg2, ...]) #... not list
-# cof3 = co.create(f3 [, arg1, arg2, ...])
-# etc. The functions need not be distinct; 'create'ing the same
-# function multiple times gives you independent instances of the
-# function.
-# To start the coroutines running, use co.tran on one of the create'd
-# functions; e.g., co.tran(cof2). The routine that first executes
-# co.tran is called the "main coroutine". It's special in several
-# respects: it existed before you created the Coroutine object; if any of
-# the create'd coroutines exits (does a return, or suffers an unhandled
-# exception), EarlyExit error is raised in the main coroutine; and the
-# co.detach() method transfers control directly to the main coroutine
-# (you can't use co.tran() for this because the main coroutine doesn't
-# have a name ...).
-# Coroutine objects support these methods:
-# handle = .create(func [, arg1, arg2, ...])
-# Creates a coroutine for an invocation of func(arg1, arg2, ...),
-# and returns a handle ("name") for the coroutine so created. The
-# handle can be used as the target in a subsequent .tran().
-# .tran(target, data=None)
-# Transfer control to the create'd coroutine "target", optionally
-# passing it an arbitrary piece of data. To the coroutine A that does
-# the .tran, .tran acts like an ordinary function call: another
-# coroutine B can .tran back to it later, and if it does A's .tran
-# returns the 'data' argument passed to B's tran. E.g.,
-# in coroutine coA in coroutine coC in coroutine coB
-# x = co.tran(coC) co.tran(coB) co.tran(coA,12)
-# print x # 12
-# The data-passing feature is taken from Icon, and greatly cuts
-# the need to use global variables for inter-coroutine communication.
-# .back( data=None )
-# The same as .tran(invoker, data=None), where 'invoker' is the
-# coroutine that most recently .tran'ed control to the coroutine
-# doing the .back. This is akin to Icon's "&source".
-# .detach( data=None )
-# The same as .tran(main, data=None), where 'main' is the
-# (unnameable!) coroutine that started it all. 'main' has all the
-# rights of any other coroutine: upon receiving control, it can
-# .tran to an arbitrary coroutine of its choosing, go .back to
-# the .detach'er, or .kill the whole thing.
-# .kill()
-# Destroy all the coroutines, and return control to the main
-# coroutine. None of the create'ed coroutines can be resumed after a
-# .kill(). An EarlyExit exception does a .kill() automatically. It's
-# a good idea to .kill() coroutines you're done with, since the
-# current implementation consumes a thread for each coroutine that
-# may be resumed.
-import _thread as thread
-import sync
-class _CoEvent:
- def __init__(self, func):
- self.f = func
- self.e = sync.event()
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.f is None:
- return 'main coroutine'
- else:
- return 'coroutine for func ' + self.f.__name__
- def __hash__(self):
- return id(self)
- def __cmp__(x,y):
- return cmp(id(x), id(y))
- def resume(self):
- def wait(self):
- self.e.wait()
- self.e.clear()
-class Killed(Exception): pass
-class EarlyExit(Exception): pass
-class Coroutine:
- def __init__(self):
- = self.main = _CoEvent(None)
- self.invokedby = {self.main: None}
- self.killed = 0
- self.value = None
- self.terminated_by = None
- def create(self, func, *args):
- me = _CoEvent(func)
- self.invokedby[me] = None
- thread.start_new_thread(self._start, (me,) + args)
- return me
- def _start(self, me, *args):
- me.wait()
- if not self.killed:
- try:
- try:
- me.f(*args)
- except Killed:
- pass
- finally:
- if not self.killed:
- self.terminated_by = me
- self.kill()
- def kill(self):
- if self.killed:
- raise TypeError('kill() called on dead coroutines')
- self.killed = 1
- for coroutine in self.invokedby.keys():
- coroutine.resume()
- def back(self, data=None):
- return self.tran( self.invokedby[], data )
- def detach(self, data=None):
- return self.tran( self.main, data )
- def tran(self, target, data=None):
- if target not in self.invokedby:
- raise TypeError('.tran target %r is not an active coroutine' % (target,))
- if self.killed:
- raise TypeError('.tran target %r is killed' % (target,))
- self.value = data
- me =
- self.invokedby[target] = me
- = target
- target.resume()
- me.wait()
- if self.killed:
- if self.main is not me:
- raise Killed
- if self.terminated_by is not None:
- raise EarlyExit('%r terminated early' % (self.terminated_by,))
- return self.value
-# end of module
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-# Generator implementation using threads
-import _thread as thread
-import sys
-class Killed(Exception):
- pass
-class Generator:
- # Constructor
- def __init__(self, func, args):
- self.getlock = thread.allocate_lock()
- self.putlock = thread.allocate_lock()
- self.getlock.acquire()
- self.putlock.acquire()
- self.func = func
- self.args = args
- self.done = 0
- self.killed = 0
- thread.start_new_thread(self._start, ())
- # Internal routine
- def _start(self):
- try:
- self.putlock.acquire()
- if not self.killed:
- try:
- self.func(self, *self.args)
- except Killed:
- pass
- finally:
- if not self.killed:
- self.done = 1
- self.getlock.release()
- # Called by producer for each value; raise Killed if no more needed
- def put(self, value):
- if self.killed:
- raise TypeError('put() called on killed generator')
- self.value = value
- self.getlock.release() # Resume consumer thread
- self.putlock.acquire() # Wait for next get() call
- if self.killed:
- raise Killed
- # Called by producer to get next value; raise EOFError if no more
- def get(self):
- if self.killed:
- raise TypeError('get() called on killed generator')
- self.putlock.release() # Resume producer thread
- self.getlock.acquire() # Wait for value to appear
- if self.done:
- raise EOFError # Say there are no more values
- return self.value
- # Called by consumer if no more values wanted
- def kill(self):
- if self.killed:
- raise TypeError('kill() called on killed generator')
- self.killed = 1
- self.putlock.release()
- # Clone constructor
- def clone(self):
- return Generator(self.func, self.args)
-def pi(g):
- k, a, b, a1, b1 = 2, 4, 1, 12, 4
- while 1:
- # Next approximation
- p, q, k = k*k, 2*k+1, k+1
- a, b, a1, b1 = a1, b1, p*a+q*a1, p*b+q*b1
- # Print common digits
- d, d1 = a//b, a1//b1
- while d == d1:
- g.put(int(d))
- a, a1 = 10*(a%b), 10*(a1%b1)
- d, d1 = a//b, a1//b1
-def test():
- g = Generator(pi, ())
- g.kill()
- g = Generator(pi, ())
- for i in range(10): print(g.get(), end=' ')
- print()
- h = g.clone()
- g.kill()
- while 1:
- print(h.get(), end=' ')
- sys.stdout.flush()
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--- a/Demo/threads/README
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-This directory contains some demonstrations of the thread module.
-These are mostly "proof of concept" type applications:
- Generator class implemented with threads. Condition variables primitives by Tim Peters. Version of ../sockets/ using threads.
- Coroutines using threads, by Tim Peters (22 May 94) Example of above, by Tim Another example of above, also by Tim
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--- a/Demo/threads/
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-# Coroutine example: controlling multiple instances of a single function
-from Coroutine import *
-# fringe visits a nested list in inorder, and detaches for each non-list
-# element; raises EarlyExit after the list is exhausted
-def fringe(co, list):
- for x in list:
- if type(x) is type([]):
- fringe(co, x)
- else:
- co.back(x)
-def printinorder(list):
- co = Coroutine()
- f = co.create(fringe, co, list)
- try:
- while 1:
- print(co.tran(f), end=' ')
- except EarlyExit:
- pass
- print()
-printinorder([1,2,3]) # 1 2 3
-printinorder([[[[1,[2]]],3]]) # ditto
-x = [0, 1, [2, [3]], [4,5], [[[6]]] ]
-printinorder(x) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-# fcmp lexicographically compares the fringes of two nested lists
-def fcmp(l1, l2):
- co1 = Coroutine(); f1 = co1.create(fringe, co1, l1)
- co2 = Coroutine(); f2 = co2.create(fringe, co2, l2)
- while 1:
- try:
- v1 = co1.tran(f1)
- except EarlyExit:
- try:
- v2 = co2.tran(f2)
- except EarlyExit:
- return 0
- co2.kill()
- return -1
- try:
- v2 = co2.tran(f2)
- except EarlyExit:
- co1.kill()
- return 1
- if v1 != v2:
- co1.kill(); co2.kill()
- return cmp(v1,v2)
-print(fcmp(range(7), x)) # 0; fringes are equal
-print(fcmp(range(6), x)) # -1; 1st list ends early
-print(fcmp(x, range(6))) # 1; 2nd list ends early
-print(fcmp(range(8), x)) # 1; 2nd list ends early
-print(fcmp(x, range(8))) # -1; 1st list ends early
- [[[1],2],8])) # 0
- [[[1],2],8])) # 1
- [[[1],2],9])) # -1
-# end of example
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--- a/Demo/threads/
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-# A parallelized "find(1)" using the thread module.
-# This demonstrates the use of a work queue and worker threads.
-# It really does do more stats/sec when using multiple threads,
-# although the improvement is only about 20-30 percent.
-# (That was 8 years ago. In 2002, on Linux, I can't measure
-# a speedup. :-( )
-# I'm too lazy to write a command line parser for the full find(1)
-# command line syntax, so the predicate it searches for is wired-in,
-# see function selector() below. (It currently searches for files with
-# world write permission.)
-# Usage: [-w nworkers] [directory] ...
-# Default nworkers is 4
-import sys
-import getopt
-import time
-import os
-from stat import *
-import _thread as thread
-# Work queue class. Usage:
-# wq = WorkQ()
-# wq.addwork(func, (arg1, arg2, ...)) # one or more calls
-# The work is done when completes.
-# The function calls executed by the workers may add more work.
-# Don't use keyboard interrupts!
-class WorkQ:
- # Invariants:
- # - busy and work are only modified when mutex is locked
- # - len(work) is the number of jobs ready to be taken
- # - busy is the number of jobs being done
- # - todo is locked iff there is no work and somebody is busy
- def __init__(self):
- self.mutex = thread.allocate()
- self.todo = thread.allocate()
- self.todo.acquire()
- = []
- self.busy = 0
- def addwork(self, func, args):
- job = (func, args)
- self.mutex.acquire()
- self.mutex.release()
- if len( == 1:
- self.todo.release()
- def _getwork(self):
- self.todo.acquire()
- self.mutex.acquire()
- if self.busy == 0 and len( == 0:
- self.mutex.release()
- self.todo.release()
- return None
- job =[0]
- del[0]
- self.busy = self.busy + 1
- self.mutex.release()
- if len( > 0:
- self.todo.release()
- return job
- def _donework(self):
- self.mutex.acquire()
- self.busy = self.busy - 1
- if self.busy == 0 and len( == 0:
- self.todo.release()
- self.mutex.release()
- def _worker(self):
- time.sleep(0.00001) # Let other threads run
- while 1:
- job = self._getwork()
- if not job:
- break
- func, args = job
- func(*args)
- self._donework()
- def run(self, nworkers):
- if not
- return # Nothing to do
- for i in range(nworkers-1):
- thread.start_new(self._worker, ())
- self._worker()
- self.todo.acquire()
-# Main program
-def main():
- nworkers = 4
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-w:')
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt == '-w':
- nworkers = int(arg)
- if not args:
- args = [os.curdir]
- wq = WorkQ()
- for dir in args:
- wq.addwork(find, (dir, selector, wq))
- t1 = time.time()
- t2 = time.time()
- sys.stderr.write('Total time %r sec.\n' % (t2-t1))
-# The predicate -- defines what files we look for.
-# Feel free to change this to suit your purpose
-def selector(dir, name, fullname, stat):
- # Look for world writable files that are not symlinks
- return (stat[ST_MODE] & 0o002) != 0 and not S_ISLNK(stat[ST_MODE])
-# The find procedure -- calls wq.addwork() for subdirectories
-def find(dir, pred, wq):
- try:
- names = os.listdir(dir)
- except os.error as msg:
- print(repr(dir), ':', msg)
- return
- for name in names:
- if name not in (os.curdir, os.pardir):
- fullname = os.path.join(dir, name)
- try:
- stat = os.lstat(fullname)
- except os.error as msg:
- print(repr(fullname), ':', msg)
- continue
- if pred(dir, name, fullname, stat):
- print(fullname)
- if S_ISDIR(stat[ST_MODE]):
- if not os.path.ismount(fullname):
- wq.addwork(find, (fullname, pred, wq))
-# Call the main program
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--- a/Demo/threads/
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-# Coroutine example: general coroutine transfers
-# The program is a variation of a Simula 67 program due to Dahl & Hoare,
-# (Dahl/Dijkstra/Hoare, Structured Programming; Academic Press, 1972)
-# who in turn credit the original example to Conway.
-# We have a number of input lines, terminated by a 0 byte. The problem
-# is to squash them together into output lines containing 72 characters
-# each. A semicolon must be added between input lines. Runs of blanks
-# and tabs in input lines must be squashed into single blanks.
-# Occurrences of "**" in input lines must be replaced by "^".
-# Here's a test case:
-test = """\
- d = sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)
-twoa = 2*a
- L = -b/twoa
- R = d/twoa
- A1 = L + R
- A2 = L - R\0
-# The program should print:
-# d = sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c);twoa = 2*a; L = -b/twoa; R = d/twoa; A1 = L + R;
-#A2 = L - R
-# getline: delivers the next input line to its invoker
-# disassembler: grabs input lines from getline, and delivers them one
-# character at a time to squasher, also inserting a semicolon into
-# the stream between lines
-# squasher: grabs characters from disassembler and passes them on to
-# assembler, first replacing "**" with "^" and squashing runs of
-# whitespace
-# assembler: grabs characters from squasher and packs them into lines
-# with 72 character each, delivering each such line to putline;
-# when it sees a null byte, passes the last line to putline and
-# then kills all the coroutines
-# putline: grabs lines from assembler, and just prints them
-from Coroutine import *
-def getline(text):
- for line in string.splitfields(text, '\n'):
- co.tran(codisassembler, line)
-def disassembler():
- while 1:
- card = co.tran(cogetline)
- for i in range(len(card)):
- co.tran(cosquasher, card[i])
- co.tran(cosquasher, ';')
-def squasher():
- while 1:
- ch = co.tran(codisassembler)
- if ch == '*':
- ch2 = co.tran(codisassembler)
- if ch2 == '*':
- ch = '^'
- else:
- co.tran(coassembler, ch)
- ch = ch2
- if ch in ' \t':
- while 1:
- ch2 = co.tran(codisassembler)
- if ch2 not in ' \t':
- break
- co.tran(coassembler, ' ')
- ch = ch2
- co.tran(coassembler, ch)
-def assembler():
- line = ''
- while 1:
- ch = co.tran(cosquasher)
- if ch == '\0':
- break
- if len(line) == 72:
- co.tran(coputline, line)
- line = ''
- line = line + ch
- line = line + ' ' * (72 - len(line))
- co.tran(coputline, line)
- co.kill()
-def putline():
- while 1:
- line = co.tran(coassembler)
- print(line)
-import string
-co = Coroutine()
-cogetline = co.create(getline, test)
-coputline = co.create(putline)
-coassembler = co.create(assembler)
-codisassembler = co.create(disassembler)
-cosquasher = co.create(squasher)
-# end of example
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--- a/Demo/threads/
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-# Defines classes that provide synchronization objects. Note that use of
-# this module requires that your Python support threads.
-# condition(lock=None) # a POSIX-like condition-variable object
-# barrier(n) # an n-thread barrier
-# event() # an event object
-# semaphore(n=1) # a semaphore object, with initial count n
-# mrsw() # a multiple-reader single-writer lock
-# A condition object is created via
-# import this_module
-# your_condition_object = this_module.condition(lock=None)
-# As explained below, a condition object has a lock associated with it,
-# used in the protocol to protect condition data. You can specify a
-# lock to use in the constructor, else the constructor will allocate
-# an anonymous lock for you. Specifying a lock explicitly can be useful
-# when more than one condition keys off the same set of shared data.
-# Methods:
-# .acquire()
-# acquire the lock associated with the condition
-# .release()
-# release the lock associated with the condition
-# .wait()
-# block the thread until such time as some other thread does a
-# .signal or .broadcast on the same condition, and release the
-# lock associated with the condition. The lock associated with
-# the condition MUST be in the acquired state at the time
-# .wait is invoked.
-# .signal()
-# wake up exactly one thread (if any) that previously did a .wait
-# on the condition; that thread will awaken with the lock associated
-# with the condition in the acquired state. If no threads are
-# .wait'ing, this is a nop. If more than one thread is .wait'ing on
-# the condition, any of them may be awakened.
-# .broadcast()
-# wake up all threads (if any) that are .wait'ing on the condition;
-# the threads are woken up serially, each with the lock in the
-# acquired state, so should .release() as soon as possible. If no
-# threads are .wait'ing, this is a nop.
-# Note that if a thread does a .wait *while* a signal/broadcast is
-# in progress, it's guaranteeed to block until a subsequent
-# signal/broadcast.
-# Secret feature: `broadcast' actually takes an integer argument,
-# and will wake up exactly that many waiting threads (or the total
-# number waiting, if that's less). Use of this is dubious, though,
-# and probably won't be supported if this form of condition is
-# reimplemented in C.
-# + A separate mutex is not needed to guard condition data. Instead, a
-# condition object can (must) be .acquire'ed and .release'ed directly.
-# This eliminates a common error in using POSIX conditions.
-# + Because of implementation difficulties, a POSIX `signal' wakes up
-# _at least_ one .wait'ing thread. Race conditions make it difficult
-# to stop that. This implementation guarantees to wake up only one,
-# but you probably shouldn't rely on that.
-# Condition objects are used to block threads until "some condition" is
-# true. E.g., a thread may wish to wait until a producer pumps out data
-# for it to consume, or a server may wish to wait until someone requests
-# its services, or perhaps a whole bunch of threads want to wait until a
-# preceding pass over the data is complete. Early models for conditions
-# relied on some other thread figuring out when a blocked thread's
-# condition was true, and made the other thread responsible both for
-# waking up the blocked thread and guaranteeing that it woke up with all
-# data in a correct state. This proved to be very delicate in practice,
-# and gave conditions a bad name in some circles.
-# The POSIX model addresses these problems by making a thread responsible
-# for ensuring that its own state is correct when it wakes, and relies
-# on a rigid protocol to make this easy; so long as you stick to the
-# protocol, POSIX conditions are easy to "get right":
-# A) The thread that's waiting for some arbitrarily-complex condition
-# (ACC) to become true does:
-# condition.acquire()
-# while not (code to evaluate the ACC):
-# condition.wait()
-# # That blocks the thread, *and* releases the lock. When a
-# # condition.signal() happens, it will wake up some thread that
-# # did a .wait, *and* acquire the lock again before .wait
-# # returns.
-# #
-# # Because the lock is acquired at this point, the state used
-# # in evaluating the ACC is frozen, so it's safe to go back &
-# # reevaluate the ACC.
-# # At this point, ACC is true, and the thread has the condition
-# # locked.
-# # So code here can safely muck with the shared state that
-# # went into evaluating the ACC -- if it wants to.
-# # When done mucking with the shared state, do
-# condition.release()
-# B) Threads that are mucking with shared state that may affect the
-# ACC do:
-# condition.acquire()
-# # muck with shared state
-# condition.release()
-# if it's possible that ACC is true now:
-# condition.signal() # or .broadcast()
-# Note: You may prefer to put the "if" clause before the release().
-# That's fine, but do note that anyone waiting on the signal will
-# stay blocked until the release() is done (since acquiring the
-# condition is part of what .wait() does before it returns).
-# With simpler forms of conditions, it can be impossible to know when
-# a thread that's supposed to do a .wait has actually done it. But
-# because this form of condition releases a lock as _part_ of doing a
-# wait, the state of that lock can be used to guarantee it.
-# E.g., suppose thread A spawns thread B and later wants to wait for B to
-# complete:
-# In A: In B:
-# B_done = condition() ... do work ...
-# B_done.acquire() B_done.acquire(); B_done.release()
-# spawn B B_done.signal()
-# ... some time later ... ... and B exits ...
-# B_done.wait()
-# Because B_done was in the acquire'd state at the time B was spawned,
-# B's attempt to acquire B_done can't succeed until A has done its
-# B_done.wait() (which releases B_done). So B's B_done.signal() is
-# guaranteed to be seen by the .wait(). Without the lock trick, B
-# may signal before A .waits, and then A would wait forever.
-# A barrier object is created via
-# import this_module
-# your_barrier = this_module.barrier(num_threads)
-# Methods:
-# .enter()
-# the thread blocks until num_threads threads in all have done
-# .enter(). Then the num_threads threads that .enter'ed resume,
-# and the barrier resets to capture the next num_threads threads
-# that .enter it.
-# An event object is created via
-# import this_module
-# your_event = this_module.event()
-# An event has two states, `posted' and `cleared'. An event is
-# created in the cleared state.
-# Methods:
-# .post()
-# Put the event in the posted state, and resume all threads
-# .wait'ing on the event (if any).
-# .clear()
-# Put the event in the cleared state.
-# .is_posted()
-# Returns 0 if the event is in the cleared state, or 1 if the event
-# is in the posted state.
-# .wait()
-# If the event is in the posted state, returns immediately.
-# If the event is in the cleared state, blocks the calling thread
-# until the event is .post'ed by another thread.
-# Note that an event, once posted, remains posted until explicitly
-# cleared. Relative to conditions, this is both the strength & weakness
-# of events. It's a strength because the .post'ing thread doesn't have to
-# worry about whether the threads it's trying to communicate with have
-# already done a .wait (a condition .signal is seen only by threads that
-# do a .wait _prior_ to the .signal; a .signal does not persist). But
-# it's a weakness because .clear'ing an event is error-prone: it's easy
-# to mistakenly .clear an event before all the threads you intended to
-# see the event get around to .wait'ing on it. But so long as you don't
-# need to .clear an event, events are easy to use safely.
-# A semaphore object is created via
-# import this_module
-# your_semaphore = this_module.semaphore(count=1)
-# A semaphore has an integer count associated with it. The initial value
-# of the count is specified by the optional argument (which defaults to
-# 1) passed to the semaphore constructor.
-# Methods:
-# .p()
-# If the semaphore's count is greater than 0, decrements the count
-# by 1 and returns.
-# Else if the semaphore's count is 0, blocks the calling thread
-# until a subsequent .v() increases the count. When that happens,
-# the count will be decremented by 1 and the calling thread resumed.
-# .v()
-# Increments the semaphore's count by 1, and wakes up a thread (if
-# any) blocked by a .p(). It's an (detected) error for a .v() to
-# increase the semaphore's count to a value larger than the initial
-# count.
-# A mrsw lock is created via
-# import this_module
-# your_mrsw_lock = this_module.mrsw()
-# This kind of lock is often useful with complex shared data structures.
-# The object lets any number of "readers" proceed, so long as no thread
-# wishes to "write". When a (one or more) thread declares its intention
-# to "write" (e.g., to update a shared structure), all current readers
-# are allowed to finish, and then a writer gets exclusive access; all
-# other readers & writers are blocked until the current writer completes.
-# Finally, if some thread is waiting to write and another is waiting to
-# read, the writer takes precedence.
-# Methods:
-# .read_in()
-# If no thread is writing or waiting to write, returns immediately.
-# Else blocks until no thread is writing or waiting to write. So
-# long as some thread has completed a .read_in but not a .read_out,
-# writers are blocked.
-# .read_out()
-# Use sometime after a .read_in to declare that the thread is done
-# reading. When all threads complete reading, a writer can proceed.
-# .write_in()
-# If no thread is writing (has completed a .write_in, but hasn't yet
-# done a .write_out) or reading (similarly), returns immediately.
-# Else blocks the calling thread, and threads waiting to read, until
-# the current writer completes writing or all the current readers
-# complete reading; if then more than one thread is waiting to
-# write, one of them is allowed to proceed, but which one is not
-# specified.
-# .write_out()
-# Use sometime after a .write_in to declare that the thread is done
-# writing. Then if some other thread is waiting to write, it's
-# allowed to proceed. Else all threads (if any) waiting to read are
-# allowed to proceed.
-# .write_to_read()
-# Use instead of a .write_in to declare that the thread is done
-# writing but wants to continue reading without other writers
-# intervening. If there are other threads waiting to write, they
-# are allowed to proceed only if the current thread calls
-# .read_out; threads waiting to read are only allowed to proceed
-# if there are are no threads waiting to write. (This is a
-# weakness of the interface!)
-import _thread as thread
-class condition:
- def __init__(self, lock=None):
- # the lock actually used by .acquire() and .release()
- if lock is None:
- self.mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
- else:
- if hasattr(lock, 'acquire') and \
- hasattr(lock, 'release'):
- self.mutex = lock
- else:
- raise TypeError('condition constructor requires ' \
- 'a lock argument')
- # lock used to block threads until a signal
- self.checkout = thread.allocate_lock()
- self.checkout.acquire()
- # internal critical-section lock, & the data it protects
- self.idlock = thread.allocate_lock()
- = 0
- self.waiting = 0 # num waiters subject to current release
- self.pending = 0 # num waiters awaiting next signal
- self.torelease = 0 # num waiters to release
- self.releasing = 0 # 1 iff release is in progress
- def acquire(self):
- self.mutex.acquire()
- def release(self):
- self.mutex.release()
- def wait(self):
- mutex, checkout, idlock = self.mutex, self.checkout, self.idlock
- if not mutex.locked():
- raise ValueError("condition must be .acquire'd when .wait() invoked")
- idlock.acquire()
- myid =
- self.pending = self.pending + 1
- idlock.release()
- mutex.release()
- while 1:
- checkout.acquire(); idlock.acquire()
- if myid <
- break
- checkout.release(); idlock.release()
- self.waiting = self.waiting - 1
- self.torelease = self.torelease - 1
- if self.torelease:
- checkout.release()
- else:
- self.releasing = 0
- if self.waiting == self.pending == 0:
- = 0
- idlock.release()
- mutex.acquire()
- def signal(self):
- self.broadcast(1)
- def broadcast(self, num = -1):
- if num < -1:
- raise ValueError('.broadcast called with num %r' % (num,))
- if num == 0:
- return
- self.idlock.acquire()
- if self.pending:
- self.waiting = self.waiting + self.pending
- self.pending = 0
- = + 1
- if num == -1:
- self.torelease = self.waiting
- else:
- self.torelease = min( self.waiting,
- self.torelease + num )
- if self.torelease and not self.releasing:
- self.releasing = 1
- self.checkout.release()
- self.idlock.release()
-class barrier:
- def __init__(self, n):
- self.n = n
- self.togo = n
- self.full = condition()
- def enter(self):
- full = self.full
- full.acquire()
- self.togo = self.togo - 1
- if self.togo:
- full.wait()
- else:
- self.togo = self.n
- full.broadcast()
- full.release()
-class event:
- def __init__(self):
- self.state = 0
- self.posted = condition()
- def post(self):
- self.posted.acquire()
- self.state = 1
- self.posted.broadcast()
- self.posted.release()
- def clear(self):
- self.posted.acquire()
- self.state = 0
- self.posted.release()
- def is_posted(self):
- self.posted.acquire()
- answer = self.state
- self.posted.release()
- return answer
- def wait(self):
- self.posted.acquire()
- if not self.state:
- self.posted.wait()
- self.posted.release()
-class semaphore:
- def __init__(self, count=1):
- if count <= 0:
- raise ValueError('semaphore count %d; must be >= 1' % count)
- self.count = count
- self.maxcount = count
- self.nonzero = condition()
- def p(self):
- self.nonzero.acquire()
- while self.count == 0:
- self.nonzero.wait()
- self.count = self.count - 1
- self.nonzero.release()
- def v(self):
- self.nonzero.acquire()
- if self.count == self.maxcount:
- raise ValueError('.v() tried to raise semaphore count above ' \
- 'initial value %r' % self.maxcount)
- self.count = self.count + 1
- self.nonzero.signal()
- self.nonzero.release()
-class mrsw:
- def __init__(self):
- # critical-section lock & the data it protects
- self.rwOK = thread.allocate_lock()
- = 0 # number readers actively reading (not just waiting)
- self.nw = 0 # number writers either waiting to write or writing
- self.writing = 0 # 1 iff some thread is writing
- # conditions
- self.readOK = condition(self.rwOK) # OK to unblock readers
- self.writeOK = condition(self.rwOK) # OK to unblock writers
- def read_in(self):
- self.rwOK.acquire()
- while self.nw:
- self.readOK.wait()
- = + 1
- self.rwOK.release()
- def read_out(self):
- self.rwOK.acquire()
- if <= 0:
- raise ValueError('.read_out() invoked without an active reader')
- = - 1
- if == 0:
- self.writeOK.signal()
- self.rwOK.release()
- def write_in(self):
- self.rwOK.acquire()
- self.nw = self.nw + 1
- while self.writing or
- self.writeOK.wait()
- self.writing = 1
- self.rwOK.release()
- def write_out(self):
- self.rwOK.acquire()
- if not self.writing:
- raise ValueError('.write_out() invoked without an active writer')
- self.writing = 0
- self.nw = self.nw - 1
- if self.nw:
- self.writeOK.signal()
- else:
- self.readOK.broadcast()
- self.rwOK.release()
- def write_to_read(self):
- self.rwOK.acquire()
- if not self.writing:
- raise ValueError('.write_to_read() invoked without an active writer')
- self.writing = 0
- self.nw = self.nw - 1
- = + 1
- if not self.nw:
- self.readOK.broadcast()
- self.rwOK.release()
-# The rest of the file is a test case, that runs a number of parallelized
-# quicksorts in parallel. If it works, you'll get about 600 lines of
-# tracing output, with a line like
-# test passed! 209 threads created in all
-# as the last line. The content and order of preceding lines will
-# vary across runs.
-def _new_thread(func, *args):
- global TID
- tid.acquire(); id = TID = TID+1; tid.release()
- io.acquire(); alive.append(id); \
- print('starting thread', id, '--', len(alive), 'alive'); \
- io.release()
- thread.start_new_thread( func, (id,) + args )
-def _qsort(tid, a, l, r, finished):
- # sort a[l:r]; post finished when done
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'qsort', l, r); io.release()
- if r-l > 1:
- pivot = a[l]
- j = l+1 # make a[l:j] <= pivot, and a[j:r] > pivot
- for i in range(j, r):
- if a[i] <= pivot:
- a[j], a[i] = a[i], a[j]
- j = j + 1
- a[l], a[j-1] = a[j-1], pivot
- l_subarray_sorted = event()
- r_subarray_sorted = event()
- _new_thread(_qsort, a, l, j-1, l_subarray_sorted)
- _new_thread(_qsort, a, j, r, r_subarray_sorted)
- l_subarray_sorted.wait()
- r_subarray_sorted.wait()
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'qsort done'); \
- alive.remove(tid); io.release()
-def _randarray(tid, a, finished):
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'randomizing array'); \
- io.release()
- for i in range(1, len(a)):
- wh.acquire(); j = randint(0,i); wh.release()
- a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'randomizing done'); \
- alive.remove(tid); io.release()
-def _check_sort(a):
- if a != range(len(a)):
- raise ValueError('a not sorted', a)
-def _run_one_sort(tid, a, bar, done):
- # randomize a, and quicksort it
- # for variety, all the threads running this enter a barrier
- # at the end, and post `done' after the barrier exits
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'randomizing', a); \
- io.release()
- finished = event()
- _new_thread(_randarray, a, finished)
- finished.wait()
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'sorting', a); io.release()
- finished.clear()
- _new_thread(_qsort, a, 0, len(a), finished)
- finished.wait()
- _check_sort(a)
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'entering barrier'); \
- io.release()
- bar.enter()
- io.acquire(); print('thread', tid, 'leaving barrier'); \
- io.release()
- io.acquire(); alive.remove(tid); io.release()
- bar.enter() # make sure they've all removed themselves from alive
- ## before 'done' is posted
- bar.enter() # just to be cruel
-def test():
- global TID, tid, io, wh, randint, alive
- import random
- randint = random.randint
- TID = 0 # thread ID (1, 2, ...)
- tid = thread.allocate_lock() # for changing TID
- io = thread.allocate_lock() # for printing, and 'alive'
- wh = thread.allocate_lock() # for calls to random
- alive = [] # IDs of active threads
- NSORTS = 5
- arrays = []
- for i in range(NSORTS):
- arrays.append( range( (i+1)*10 ) )
- bar = barrier(NSORTS)
- finished = event()
- for i in range(NSORTS):
- _new_thread(_run_one_sort, arrays[i], bar, finished)
- finished.wait()
- print('all threads done, and checking results ...')
- if alive:
- raise ValueError('threads still alive at end', alive)
- for i in range(NSORTS):
- a = arrays[i]
- if len(a) != (i+1)*10:
- raise ValueError('length of array', i, 'screwed up')
- _check_sort(a)
- print('test passed!', TID, 'threads created in all')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
-# end of module
diff --git a/Demo/threads/ b/Demo/threads/
deleted file mode 100644
index dfe4905..0000000
--- a/Demo/threads/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Minimal interface to the Internet telnet protocol.
-# *** modified to use threads ***
-# It refuses all telnet options and does not recognize any of the other
-# telnet commands, but can still be used to connect in line-by-line mode.
-# It's also useful to play with a number of other services,
-# like time, finger, smtp and even ftp.
-# Usage: telnet host [port]
-# The port may be a service name or a decimal port number;
-# it defaults to 'telnet'.
-import sys, os, time
-from socket import *
-import _thread as thread
-BUFSIZE = 8*1024
-# Telnet protocol characters
-IAC = chr(255) # Interpret as command
-DONT = chr(254)
-DO = chr(253)
-WONT = chr(252)
-WILL = chr(251)
-def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- sys.stderr.write('usage: telnet hostname [port]\n')
- sys.exit(2)
- host = sys.argv[1]
- try:
- hostaddr = gethostbyname(host)
- except error:
- sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[1] + ': bad host name\n')
- sys.exit(2)
- #
- if len(sys.argv) > 2:
- servname = sys.argv[2]
- else:
- servname = 'telnet'
- #
- if '0' <= servname[:1] <= '9':
- port = eval(servname)
- else:
- try:
- port = getservbyname(servname, 'tcp')
- except error:
- sys.stderr.write(servname + ': bad tcp service name\n')
- sys.exit(2)
- #
- s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
- #
- try:
- s.connect((host, port))
- except error as msg:
- sys.stderr.write('connect failed: %r\n' % (msg,))
- sys.exit(1)
- #
- thread.start_new(child, (s,))
- parent(s)
-def parent(s):
- # read socket, write stdout
- iac = 0 # Interpret next char as command
- opt = '' # Interpret next char as option
- while 1:
- data, dummy = s.recvfrom(BUFSIZE)
- if not data:
- # EOF -- exit
- sys.stderr.write( '(Closed by remote host)\n')
- sys.exit(1)
- cleandata = ''
- for c in data:
- if opt:
- print(ord(c))
-## print '(replying: %r)' % (opt+c,)
- s.send(opt + c)
- opt = ''
- elif iac:
- iac = 0
- if c == IAC:
- cleandata = cleandata + c
- elif c in (DO, DONT):
- if c == DO: print('(DO)', end=' ')
- else: print('(DONT)', end=' ')
- opt = IAC + WONT
- elif c in (WILL, WONT):
- if c == WILL: print('(WILL)', end=' ')
- else: print('(WONT)', end=' ')
- opt = IAC + DONT
- else:
- print('(command)', ord(c))
- elif c == IAC:
- iac = 1
- print('(IAC)', end=' ')
- else:
- cleandata = cleandata + c
- sys.stdout.write(cleandata)
- sys.stdout.flush()
-## print 'Out:', repr(cleandata)
-def child(s):
- # read stdin, write socket
- while 1:
- line = sys.stdin.readline()
-## print 'Got:', repr(line)
- if not line: break
- s.send(line)