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-rw-r--r-- | Lib/pydoc_data/topics.py | 802 |
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diff --git a/Lib/pydoc_data/topics.py b/Lib/pydoc_data/topics.py index ba4e290..0048f79 100644 --- a/Lib/pydoc_data/topics.py +++ b/Lib/pydoc_data/topics.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Autogenerated by Sphinx on Tue Feb 2 20:44:10 2021 +# Autogenerated by Sphinx on Mon Mar 1 16:48:51 2021 topics = {'assert': 'The "assert" statement\n' '**********************\n' '\n' @@ -2183,6 +2183,7 @@ topics = {'assert': 'The "assert" statement\n' ' | for_stmt\n' ' | try_stmt\n' ' | with_stmt\n' + ' | match_stmt\n' ' | funcdef\n' ' | classdef\n' ' | async_with_stmt\n' @@ -2681,6 +2682,737 @@ topics = {'assert': 'The "assert" statement\n' ' statement.\n' '\n' '\n' + 'The "match" statement\n' + '=====================\n' + '\n' + 'New in version 3.10.\n' + '\n' + 'The match statement is used for pattern matching. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' match_stmt ::= \'match\' subject_expr ":" NEWLINE INDENT ' + 'case_block+ DEDENT\n' + ' subject_expr ::= star_named_expression "," ' + 'star_named_expressions?\n' + ' | named_expression\n' + " case_block ::= 'case' patterns [guard] ':' block\n" + '\n' + 'Note:\n' + '\n' + ' This section uses single quotes to denote soft keywords.\n' + '\n' + 'Pattern matching takes a pattern as input (following "case") and ' + 'a\n' + 'subject value (following "match"). The pattern (which may ' + 'contain\n' + 'subpatterns) is matched against the subject value. The outcomes ' + 'are:\n' + '\n' + '* A match success or failure (also termed a pattern success or\n' + ' failure).\n' + '\n' + '* Possible binding of matched values to a name. The ' + 'prerequisites for\n' + ' this are further discussed below.\n' + '\n' + 'The "match" and "case" keywords are soft keywords.\n' + '\n' + 'See also:\n' + '\n' + ' * **PEP 634** – Structural Pattern Matching: Specification\n' + '\n' + ' * **PEP 636** – Structural Pattern Matching: Tutorial\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Overview\n' + '--------\n' + '\n' + 'Here’s an overview of the logical flow of a match statement:\n' + '\n' + '1. The subject expression "subject_expr" is evaluated and a ' + 'resulting\n' + ' subject value obtained. If the subject expression contains a ' + 'comma,\n' + ' a tuple is constructed using the standard rules.\n' + '\n' + '2. Each pattern in a "case_block" is attempted to match with ' + 'the\n' + ' subject value. The specific rules for success or failure are\n' + ' described below. The match attempt can also bind some or all ' + 'of the\n' + ' standalone names within the pattern. The precise pattern ' + 'binding\n' + ' rules vary per pattern type and are specified below. **Name\n' + ' bindings made during a successful pattern match outlive the\n' + ' executed block and can be used after the match statement**.\n' + '\n' + ' Note:\n' + '\n' + ' During failed pattern matches, some subpatterns may ' + 'succeed.\n' + ' Do not rely on bindings being made for a failed match.\n' + ' Conversely, do not rely on variables remaining unchanged ' + 'after\n' + ' a failed match. The exact behavior is dependent on\n' + ' implementation and may vary. This is an intentional ' + 'decision\n' + ' made to allow different implementations to add ' + 'optimizations.\n' + '\n' + '3. If the pattern succeeds, the corresponding guard (if present) ' + 'is\n' + ' evaluated. In this case all name bindings are guaranteed to ' + 'have\n' + ' happened.\n' + '\n' + ' * If the guard evaluates as truthy or missing, the "block" ' + 'inside\n' + ' "case_block" is executed.\n' + '\n' + ' * Otherwise, the next "case_block" is attempted as described ' + 'above.\n' + '\n' + ' * If there are no further case blocks, the match statement ' + 'is\n' + ' completed.\n' + '\n' + 'Note:\n' + '\n' + ' Users should generally never rely on a pattern being ' + 'evaluated.\n' + ' Depending on implementation, the interpreter may cache values ' + 'or use\n' + ' other optimizations which skip repeated evaluations.\n' + '\n' + 'A sample match statement:\n' + '\n' + ' >>> flag = False\n' + ' >>> match (100, 200):\n' + ' ... case (100, 300): # Mismatch: 200 != 300\n' + " ... print('Case 1')\n" + ' ... case (100, 200) if flag: # Successful match, but ' + 'guard fails\n' + " ... print('Case 2')\n" + ' ... case (100, y): # Matches and binds y to 200\n' + " ... print(f'Case 3, y: {y}')\n" + ' ... case _: # Pattern not attempted\n' + " ... print('Case 4, I match anything!')\n" + ' ...\n' + ' Case 3, y: 200\n' + '\n' + 'In this case, "if flag" is a guard. Read more about that in the ' + 'next\n' + 'section.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Guards\n' + '------\n' + '\n' + ' guard ::= "if" named_expression\n' + '\n' + 'A "guard" (which is part of the "case") must succeed for code ' + 'inside\n' + 'the "case" block to execute. It takes the form: "if" followed ' + 'by an\n' + 'expression.\n' + '\n' + 'The logical flow of a "case" block with a "guard" follows:\n' + '\n' + '1. Check that the pattern in the "case" block succeeded. If ' + 'the\n' + ' pattern failed, the "guard" is not evaluated and the next ' + '"case"\n' + ' block is checked.\n' + '\n' + '2. If the pattern succeeded, evaluate the "guard".\n' + '\n' + ' * If the "guard" condition evaluates to “truthy”, the case ' + 'block is\n' + ' selected.\n' + '\n' + ' * If the "guard" condition evaluates to “falsy”, the case ' + 'block is\n' + ' not selected.\n' + '\n' + ' * If the "guard" raises an exception during evaluation, the\n' + ' exception bubbles up.\n' + '\n' + 'Guards are allowed to have side effects as they are ' + 'expressions.\n' + 'Guard evaluation must proceed from the first to the last case ' + 'block,\n' + 'one at a time, skipping case blocks whose pattern(s) don’t all\n' + 'succeed. (I.e., guard evaluation must happen in order.) Guard\n' + 'evaluation must stop once a case block is selected.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Irrefutable Case Blocks\n' + '-----------------------\n' + '\n' + 'An irrefutable case block is a match-all case block. A match\n' + 'statement may have at most one irrefutable case block, and it ' + 'must be\n' + 'last.\n' + '\n' + 'A case block is considered irrefutable if it has no guard and ' + 'its\n' + 'pattern is irrefutable. A pattern is considered irrefutable if ' + 'we can\n' + 'prove from its syntax alone that it will always succeed. Only ' + 'the\n' + 'following patterns are irrefutable:\n' + '\n' + '* AS Patterns whose left-hand side is irrefutable\n' + '\n' + '* OR Patterns containing at least one irrefutable pattern\n' + '\n' + '* Capture Patterns\n' + '\n' + '* Wildcard Patterns\n' + '\n' + '* parenthesized irrefutable patterns\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Patterns\n' + '--------\n' + '\n' + 'Note:\n' + '\n' + ' This section uses grammar notations beyond standard EBNF:\n' + '\n' + ' * the notation "SEP.RULE+" is shorthand for "RULE (SEP ' + 'RULE)*"\n' + '\n' + ' * the notation "!RULE" is shorthand for a negative lookahead\n' + ' assertion\n' + '\n' + 'The top-level syntax for "patterns" is:\n' + '\n' + ' patterns ::= open_sequence_pattern | pattern\n' + ' pattern ::= as_pattern | or_pattern\n' + ' closed_pattern ::= | literal_pattern\n' + ' | capture_pattern\n' + ' | wildcard_pattern\n' + ' | value_pattern\n' + ' | group_pattern\n' + ' | sequence_pattern\n' + ' | mapping_pattern\n' + ' | class_pattern\n' + '\n' + 'The descriptions below will include a description “in simple ' + 'terms” of\n' + 'what a pattern does for illustration purposes (credits to ' + 'Raymond\n' + 'Hettinger for a document that inspired most of the ' + 'descriptions). Note\n' + 'that these descriptions are purely for illustration purposes and ' + '**may\n' + 'not** reflect the underlying implementation. Furthermore, they ' + 'do not\n' + 'cover all valid forms.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'OR Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'An OR pattern is two or more patterns separated by vertical bars ' + '"|".\n' + 'Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' or_pattern ::= "|".closed_pattern+\n' + '\n' + 'Only the final subpattern may be irrefutable, and each ' + 'subpattern must\n' + 'bind the same set of names to avoid ambiguity.\n' + '\n' + 'An OR pattern matches each of its subpatterns in turn to the ' + 'subject\n' + 'value, until one succeeds. The OR pattern is then considered\n' + 'successful. Otherwise, if none of the subpatterns succeed, the ' + 'OR\n' + 'pattern fails.\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms, "P1 | P2 | ..." will try to match "P1", if it ' + 'fails\n' + 'it will try to match "P2", succeeding immediately if any ' + 'succeeds,\n' + 'failing otherwise.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'AS Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'An AS pattern matches an OR pattern on the left of the "as" ' + 'keyword\n' + 'against a subject. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' as_pattern ::= or_pattern "as" capture_pattern\n' + '\n' + 'If the OR pattern fails, the AS pattern fails. Otherwise, the ' + 'AS\n' + 'pattern binds the subject to the name on the right of the as ' + 'keyword\n' + 'and succeeds. "capture_pattern" cannot be a a "_".\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms "P as NAME" will match with "P", and on success ' + 'it\n' + 'will set "NAME = <subject>".\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Literal Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A literal pattern corresponds to most literals in Python. ' + 'Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' literal_pattern ::= signed_number\n' + ' | signed_number "+" NUMBER\n' + ' | signed_number "-" NUMBER\n' + ' | strings\n' + ' | "None"\n' + ' | "True"\n' + ' | "False"\n' + ' | signed_number: NUMBER | "-" NUMBER\n' + '\n' + 'The rule "strings" and the token "NUMBER" are defined in the ' + 'standard\n' + 'Python grammar. Triple-quoted strings are supported. Raw ' + 'strings and\n' + 'byte strings are supported. Formatted string literals are not\n' + 'supported.\n' + '\n' + 'The forms "signed_number \'+\' NUMBER" and "signed_number \'-\' ' + 'NUMBER"\n' + 'are for expressing complex numbers; they require a real number ' + 'on the\n' + 'left and an imaginary number on the right. E.g. "3 + 4j".\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms, "LITERAL" will succeed only if "<subject> ==\n' + 'LITERAL". For the singletons "None", "True" and "False", the ' + '"is"\n' + 'operator is used.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Capture Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A capture pattern binds the subject value to a name. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + " capture_pattern ::= !'_' NAME\n" + '\n' + 'A single underscore "_" is not a capture pattern (this is what ' + '"!\'_\'"\n' + 'expresses). And is instead treated as a "wildcard_pattern".\n' + '\n' + 'In a given pattern, a given name can only be bound once. E.g. ' + '"case\n' + 'x, x: ..." is invalid while "case [x] | x: ..." is allowed.\n' + '\n' + 'Capture patterns always succeed. The binding follows scoping ' + 'rules\n' + 'established by the assignment expression operator in **PEP ' + '572**; the\n' + 'name becomes a local variable in the closest containing function ' + 'scope\n' + 'unless there’s an applicable "global" or "nonlocal" statement.\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms "NAME" will always succeed and it will set "NAME ' + '=\n' + '<subject>".\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Wildcard Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A wildcard pattern always succeeds (matches anything) and binds ' + 'no\n' + 'name. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + " wildcard_pattern ::= '_'\n" + '\n' + '"_" is a soft keyword.\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms, "_" will always succeed.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Value Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A value pattern represents a named value in Python. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' value_pattern ::= attr\n' + ' attr ::= name_or_attr "." NAME\n' + ' name_or_attr ::= attr | NAME\n' + '\n' + 'The dotted name in the pattern is looked up using standard ' + 'Python name\n' + 'resolution rules. The pattern succeeds if the value found ' + 'compares\n' + 'equal to the subject value (using the "==" equality operator).\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms "NAME1.NAME2" will succeed only if "<subject> ' + '==\n' + 'NAME1.NAME2"\n' + '\n' + 'Note:\n' + '\n' + ' If the same value occurs multiple times in the same match ' + 'statement,\n' + ' the interpreter may cache the first value found and reuse it ' + 'rather\n' + ' than repeat the same lookup. This cache is strictly tied to a ' + 'given\n' + ' execution of a given match statement.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Group Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A group pattern allows users to add parentheses around patterns ' + 'to\n' + 'emphasize the intended grouping. Otherwise, it has no ' + 'additional\n' + 'syntax. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + " group_pattern ::= '(' pattern ')'\n" + '\n' + 'In simple terms "(P)" has the same effect as "P".\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Sequence Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A sequence pattern contains several subpatterns to be matched ' + 'against\n' + 'sequence elements. The syntax is similar to the unpacking of a ' + 'list or\n' + 'tuple.\n' + '\n' + ' sequence_pattern ::= "[" [maybe_sequence_pattern] "]"\n' + ' | "(" [open_sequence_pattern] ")"\n' + ' open_sequence_pattern ::= maybe_star_pattern "," ' + '[maybe_sequence_pattern]\n' + ' maybe_sequence_pattern ::= ",".maybe_star_pattern+ ","?\n' + ' maybe_star_pattern ::= star_pattern | pattern\n' + ' star_pattern ::= "*" (capture_pattern | ' + 'wildcard_pattern)\n' + '\n' + 'There is no difference if parentheses or square brackets are ' + 'used for\n' + 'sequence patterns (i.e. "(...)" vs "[...]" ).\n' + '\n' + 'Note:\n' + '\n' + ' A single pattern enclosed in parentheses without a trailing ' + 'comma\n' + ' (e.g. "(3 | 4)") is a group pattern. While a single pattern ' + 'enclosed\n' + ' in square brackets (e.g. "[3 | 4]") is still a sequence ' + 'pattern.\n' + '\n' + 'At most one star subpattern may be in a sequence pattern. The ' + 'star\n' + 'subpattern may occur in any position. If no star subpattern is\n' + 'present, the sequence pattern is a fixed-length sequence ' + 'pattern;\n' + 'otherwise it is a variable-length sequence pattern.\n' + '\n' + 'The following is the logical flow for matching a sequence ' + 'pattern\n' + 'against a subject value:\n' + '\n' + '1. If the subject value is not an instance of a\n' + ' "collections.abc.Sequence" the sequence pattern fails.\n' + '\n' + '2. If the subject value is an instance of "str", "bytes" or\n' + ' "bytearray" the sequence pattern fails.\n' + '\n' + '3. The subsequent steps depend on whether the sequence pattern ' + 'is\n' + ' fixed or variable-length.\n' + '\n' + ' If the sequence pattern is fixed-length:\n' + '\n' + ' 1. If the length of the subject sequence is not equal to the ' + 'number\n' + ' of subpatterns, the sequence pattern fails\n' + '\n' + ' 2. Subpatterns in the sequence pattern are matched to their\n' + ' corresponding items in the subject sequence from left to ' + 'right.\n' + ' Matching stops as soon as a subpattern fails. If all\n' + ' subpatterns succeed in matching their corresponding item, ' + 'the\n' + ' sequence pattern succeeds.\n' + '\n' + ' Otherwise, if the sequence pattern is variable-length:\n' + '\n' + ' 1. If the length of the subject sequence is less than the ' + 'number of\n' + ' non-star subpatterns, the sequence pattern fails.\n' + '\n' + ' 2. The leading non-star subpatterns are matched to their\n' + ' corresponding items as for fixed-length sequences.\n' + '\n' + ' 3. If the previous step succeeds, the star subpattern matches ' + 'a\n' + ' list formed of the remaining subject items, excluding the\n' + ' remaining items corresponding to non-star subpatterns ' + 'following\n' + ' the star subpattern.\n' + '\n' + ' 4. Remaining non-star subpatterns are matched to their\n' + ' corresponding subject items, as for a fixed-length ' + 'sequence.\n' + '\n' + ' Note:\n' + '\n' + ' The length of the subject sequence is obtained via "len()" ' + '(i.e.\n' + ' via the "__len__()" protocol). This length may be cached ' + 'by the\n' + ' interpreter in a similar manner as value patterns.\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms "[P1, P2, P3," … ", P<N>]" matches only if all ' + 'the\n' + 'following happens:\n' + '\n' + '* "isinstance(<subject>, collections.abc.Sequence)"\n' + '\n' + '* "len(subject) == <N>"\n' + '\n' + '* "P1" matches "<subject>[0]" (note that this match can also ' + 'bind\n' + ' names)\n' + '\n' + '* "P2" matches "<subject>[1]" (note that this match can also ' + 'bind\n' + ' names)\n' + '\n' + '* … and so on for the corresponding pattern/element.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Mapping Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A mapping pattern contains one or more key-value patterns. The ' + 'syntax\n' + 'is similar to the construction of a dictionary. Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' mapping_pattern ::= "{" [items_pattern] "}"\n' + ' items_pattern ::= ",".key_value_pattern+ ","?\n' + ' key_value_pattern ::= (literal_pattern | value_pattern) ":" ' + 'pattern\n' + ' | double_star_pattern\n' + ' double_star_pattern ::= "**" capture_pattern\n' + '\n' + 'At most one double star pattern may be in a mapping pattern. ' + 'The\n' + 'double star pattern must be the last subpattern in the mapping\n' + 'pattern.\n' + '\n' + 'Duplicate key values in mapping patterns are disallowed. (If all ' + 'key\n' + 'patterns are literal patterns this is considered a syntax ' + 'error;\n' + 'otherwise this is a runtime error and will raise "ValueError".)\n' + '\n' + 'The following is the logical flow for matching a mapping ' + 'pattern\n' + 'against a subject value:\n' + '\n' + '1. If the subject value is not an instance of\n' + ' "collections.abc.Mapping", the mapping pattern fails.\n' + '\n' + '2. If every key given in the mapping pattern is present in the ' + 'subject\n' + ' mapping, and the pattern for each key matches the ' + 'corresponding\n' + ' item of the subject mapping, the mapping pattern succeeds.\n' + '\n' + '3. If duplicate keys are detected in the mapping pattern, the ' + 'pattern\n' + ' is considered invalid and "ValueError" is raised.\n' + '\n' + 'Note:\n' + '\n' + ' Key-value pairs are matched using the two-argument form of ' + 'the\n' + ' mapping subject’s "get()" method. Matched key-value pairs ' + 'must\n' + ' already be present in the mapping, and not created on-the-fly ' + 'via\n' + ' "__missing__()" or "__getitem__()".\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms "{KEY1: P1, KEY2: P2, ... }" matches only if all ' + 'the\n' + 'following happens:\n' + '\n' + '* "isinstance(<subject>, collections.abc.Mapping)"\n' + '\n' + '* "KEY1 in <subject>"\n' + '\n' + '* "P1" matches "<subject>[KEY1]"\n' + '\n' + '* … and so on for the corresponding KEY/pattern pair.\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'Class Patterns\n' + '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + '\n' + 'A class pattern represents a class and its positional and ' + 'keyword\n' + 'arguments (if any). Syntax:\n' + '\n' + ' class_pattern ::= name_or_attr "(" [pattern_arguments ' + '","?] ")"\n' + ' pattern_arguments ::= positional_patterns ["," ' + 'keyword_patterns]\n' + ' | keyword_patterns\n' + ' positional_patterns ::= ",".pattern+\n' + ' keyword_patterns ::= ",".keyword_pattern+\n' + ' keyword_pattern ::= NAME "=" pattern\n' + '\n' + 'The same keyword should not be repeated in class patterns.\n' + '\n' + 'The following is the logical flow for matching a mapping ' + 'pattern\n' + 'against a subject value:\n' + '\n' + '1. If "name_or_attr" is not an instance of the builtin "type" , ' + 'raise\n' + ' "TypeError".\n' + '\n' + '2. If the subject value is not an instance of "name_or_attr" ' + '(tested\n' + ' via "isinstance()"), the class pattern fails.\n' + '\n' + '3. If no pattern arguments are present, the pattern succeeds.\n' + ' Otherwise, the subsequent steps depend on whether keyword or\n' + ' positional argument patterns are present.\n' + '\n' + ' For a number of built-in types (specified below), a single\n' + ' positional subpattern is accepted which will match the ' + 'entire\n' + ' subject; for these types no keyword patterns are accepted.\n' + '\n' + ' If only keyword patterns are present, they are processed as\n' + ' follows, one by one:\n' + '\n' + ' I. The keyword is looked up as an attribute on the subject.\n' + '\n' + ' * If this raises an exception other than "AttributeError", ' + 'the\n' + ' exception bubbles up.\n' + '\n' + ' * If this raises "AttributeError", the class pattern has ' + 'failed.\n' + '\n' + ' * Else, the subpattern associated with the keyword pattern ' + 'is\n' + ' matched against the subject’s attribute value. If this ' + 'fails,\n' + ' the class pattern fails; if this succeeds, the match ' + 'proceeds\n' + ' to the next keyword.\n' + '\n' + ' II. If all keyword patterns succeed, the class pattern ' + 'succeeds.\n' + '\n' + ' If any positional patterns are present, they are converted ' + 'to\n' + ' keyword patterns using the "__match_args__" attribute on the ' + 'class\n' + ' "name_or_attr" before matching:\n' + '\n' + ' I. The equivalent of "getattr(cls, "__match_args__", ()))" ' + 'is\n' + ' called.\n' + '\n' + ' * If this raises an exception, the exception bubbles up.\n' + '\n' + ' * If the returned value is not a list or tuple, the ' + 'conversion\n' + ' fails and "TypeError" is raised.\n' + '\n' + ' * If there are more positional patterns than\n' + ' "len(cls.__match_args__)", "TypeError" is raised.\n' + '\n' + ' * Otherwise, positional pattern "i" is converted to a ' + 'keyword\n' + ' pattern using "__match_args__[i]" as the keyword.\n' + ' "__match_args__[i]" must be a string; if not "TypeError" ' + 'is\n' + ' raised.\n' + '\n' + ' * If there are duplicate keywords, "TypeError" is raised.\n' + '\n' + ' See also:\n' + '\n' + ' Customizing positional arguments in class pattern ' + 'matching\n' + '\n' + ' II. Once all positional patterns have been converted to ' + 'keyword\n' + ' patterns,\n' + ' the match proceeds as if there were only keyword ' + 'patterns.\n' + '\n' + ' For the following built-in types the handling of positional\n' + ' subpatterns is different:\n' + '\n' + ' * "bool"\n' + '\n' + ' * "bytearray"\n' + '\n' + ' * "bytes"\n' + '\n' + ' * "dict"\n' + '\n' + ' * "float"\n' + '\n' + ' * "frozenset"\n' + '\n' + ' * "int"\n' + '\n' + ' * "list"\n' + '\n' + ' * "set"\n' + '\n' + ' * "str"\n' + '\n' + ' * "tuple"\n' + '\n' + ' These classes accept a single positional argument, and the ' + 'pattern\n' + ' there is matched against the whole object rather than an ' + 'attribute.\n' + ' For example "int(0|1)" matches the value "0", but not the ' + 'values\n' + ' "0.0" or "False".\n' + '\n' + 'In simple terms "CLS(P1, attr=P2)" matches only if the ' + 'following\n' + 'happens:\n' + '\n' + '* "isinstance(<subject>, CLS)"\n' + '\n' + '* convert "P1" to a keyword pattern using "CLS.__match_args__"\n' + '\n' + '* For each keyword argument "attr=P2":\n' + ' * "hasattr(<subject>, "attr")"\n' + '\n' + ' * "P2" matches "<subject>.attr"\n' + '\n' + '* … and so on for the corresponding keyword argument/pattern ' + 'pair.\n' + '\n' + 'See also:\n' + '\n' + ' * **PEP 634** – Structural Pattern Matching: Specification\n' + '\n' + ' * **PEP 636** – Structural Pattern Matching: Tutorial\n' + '\n' + '\n' 'Function definitions\n' '====================\n' '\n' @@ -6197,6 +6929,28 @@ topics = {'assert': 'The "assert" statement\n' ' async elif if or yield\n' '\n' '\n' + 'Soft Keywords\n' + '=============\n' + '\n' + 'New in version 3.10.\n' + '\n' + 'Some identifiers are only reserved under specific contexts. ' + 'These are\n' + 'known as *soft keywords*. The identifiers "match", "case" ' + 'and "_" can\n' + 'syntactically act as keywords in contexts related to the ' + 'pattern\n' + 'matching statement, but this distinction is done at the ' + 'parser level,\n' + 'not when tokenizing.\n' + '\n' + 'As soft keywords, their use with pattern matching is possible ' + 'while\n' + 'still preserving compatibility with existing code that uses ' + '"match",\n' + '"case" and "_" as identifier names.\n' + '\n' + '\n' 'Reserved classes of identifiers\n' '===============================\n' '\n' @@ -9907,6 +10661,52 @@ topics = {'assert': 'The "assert" statement\n' ' statement.\n' '\n' '\n' + 'Customizing positional arguments in class pattern matching\n' + '==========================================================\n' + '\n' + 'When using a class name in a pattern, positional arguments ' + 'in the\n' + 'pattern are not allowed by default, i.e. "case MyClass(x, ' + 'y)" is\n' + 'typically invalid without special support in "MyClass". To ' + 'be able to\n' + 'use that kind of patterns, the class needs to define a\n' + '*__match_args__* attribute.\n' + '\n' + 'object.__match_args__\n' + '\n' + ' This class variable can be assigned a tuple or list of ' + 'strings.\n' + ' When this class is used in a class pattern with ' + 'positional\n' + ' arguments, each positional argument will be converted ' + 'into a\n' + ' keyword argument, using the corresponding value in ' + '*__match_args__*\n' + ' as the keyword. The absence of this attribute is ' + 'equivalent to\n' + ' setting it to "()".\n' + '\n' + 'For example, if "MyClass.__match_args__" is "("left", ' + '"center",\n' + '"right")" that means that "case MyClass(x, y)" is equivalent ' + 'to "case\n' + 'MyClass(left=x, center=y)". Note that the number of ' + 'arguments in the\n' + 'pattern must be smaller than or equal to the number of ' + 'elements in\n' + '*__match_args__*; if it is larger, the pattern match attempt ' + 'will\n' + 'raise a "TypeError".\n' + '\n' + 'New in version 3.10.\n' + '\n' + 'See also:\n' + '\n' + ' **PEP 634** - Structural Pattern Matching\n' + ' The specification for the Python "match" statement.\n' + '\n' + '\n' 'Special method lookup\n' '=====================\n' '\n' |