path: root/Tools/c-analyzer/c_common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/c-analyzer/c_common/')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/c-analyzer/c_common/ b/Tools/c-analyzer/c_common/
index 411152e..85b5019 100644
--- a/Tools/c-analyzer/c_common/
+++ b/Tools/c-analyzer/c_common/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import csv
+import re
+import textwrap
from . import NOT_SET, strutil, fsutil
@@ -212,3 +214,177 @@ def _normalize_table_file_props(header, sep):
sep = None
return header, sep
+# stdout tables
+WIDTH = 20
+def resolve_columns(specs):
+ if isinstance(specs, str):
+ specs = specs.replace(',', ' ').strip().split()
+ return _resolve_colspecs(specs)
+def build_table(specs, *, sep=' ', defaultwidth=None):
+ columns = resolve_columns(specs)
+ return _build_table(columns, sep=sep, defaultwidth=defaultwidth)
+_COLSPEC_RE = re.compile(textwrap.dedent(r'''
+ ^
+ (?:
+ [[]
+ (
+ (?: [^\s\]] [^\]]* )?
+ [^\s\]]
+ ) # <label>
+ []]
+ )?
+ ( \w+ ) # <field>
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ :
+ ( [<^>] ) # <align>
+ ( \d+ ) # <width1>
+ )
+ |
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ :
+ ( \d+ ) # <width2>
+ )?
+ (?:
+ :
+ ( .*? ) # <fmt>
+ )?
+ )
+ )?
+ $
+'''), re.VERBOSE)
+def _parse_fmt(fmt):
+ if fmt.startswith(tuple('<^>')):
+ align = fmt[0]
+ width = fmt[1:]
+ if width.isdigit():
+ return int(width), align
+ return None, None
+def _parse_colspec(raw):
+ m = _COLSPEC_RE.match(raw)
+ if not m:
+ return None
+ label, field, align, width1, width2, fmt = m.groups()
+ if not label:
+ label = field
+ if width1:
+ width = None
+ fmt = f'{align}{width1}'
+ elif width2:
+ width = int(width2)
+ if fmt:
+ _width, _ = _parse_fmt(fmt)
+ if _width == width:
+ width = None
+ else:
+ width = None
+ return field, label, width, fmt
+def _normalize_colspec(spec):
+ if len(spec) == 1:
+ raw, = spec
+ return _resolve_column(raw)
+ if len(spec) == 4:
+ label, field, width, fmt = spec
+ if width:
+ fmt = f'{width}:{fmt}' if fmt else width
+ elif len(raw) == 3:
+ label, field, fmt = spec
+ if not field:
+ label, field = None, label
+ elif not isinstance(field, str) or not field.isidentifier():
+ fmt = f'{field}:{fmt}' if fmt else field
+ label, field = None, label
+ elif len(raw) == 2:
+ label = None
+ field, fmt = raw
+ if not field:
+ field, fmt = fmt, None
+ elif not field.isidentifier() or fmt.isidentifier():
+ label, field = field, fmt
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ fmt = f':{fmt}' if fmt else ''
+ if label:
+ return _parse_colspec(f'[{label}]{field}{fmt}')
+ else:
+ return _parse_colspec(f'{field}{fmt}')
+def _resolve_colspec(raw):
+ if isinstance(raw, str):
+ spec = _parse_colspec(raw)
+ else:
+ spec = _normalize_colspec(raw)
+ if spec is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'unsupported column spec {raw!r}')
+ return spec
+def _resolve_colspecs(columns):
+ parsed = []
+ for raw in columns:
+ column = _resolve_colspec(raw)
+ parsed.append(column)
+ return parsed
+def _resolve_width(spec, defaultwidth):
+ _, label, width, fmt = spec
+ if width:
+ if not isinstance(width, int):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return width
+ elif width and fmt:
+ width, _ = _parse_fmt(fmt)
+ if width:
+ return width
+ if not defaultwidth:
+ return WIDTH
+ elif not hasattr(defaultwidth, 'get'):
+ return defaultwidth or WIDTH
+ defaultwidths = defaultwidth
+ defaultwidth = defaultwidths.get(None) or WIDTH
+ return defaultwidths.get(label) or defaultwidth
+def _build_table(columns, *, sep=' ', defaultwidth=None):
+ header = []
+ div = []
+ rowfmt = []
+ for spec in columns:
+ label, field, _, colfmt = spec
+ width = _resolve_width(spec, defaultwidth)
+ if colfmt:
+ colfmt = f':{colfmt}'
+ else:
+ colfmt = f':{width}'
+ header.append(f' {{:^{width}}} '.format(label))
+ div.append('-' * (width + 2))
+ rowfmt.append(f' {{{field}{colfmt}}} ')
+ return (
+ sep.join(header),
+ sep.join(div),
+ sep.join(rowfmt),
+ )