diff options
2 files changed, 68 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
index d7006be..9946b3b 100644
--- a/docs/index.html
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -1245,13 +1245,25 @@ local-pkg-list: $(LOCAL_PKG_LIST)</pre>
$(PKG)_UPDATE</code> sections.
- To track normal release tags set:
- <pre>$(PKG)_GH_CONF := owner/repo[, tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator]</pre>
+ To track releases set:
+ <pre>$(PKG)_GH_CONF := owner/repo/releases[/latest][, tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator]</pre>
+ Releases may require setting _FILE, _SUBDIR, _URL, depending on
+ the naming convention used by the project for tarballs.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ To track tags set:
+ <pre>$(PKG)_GH_CONF := owner/repo/tags[, tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator]</pre>
+ </p>
+ <p>
To track branches, set:
<pre>$(PKG)_GH_CONF := owner/repo/branch</pre>
See the following packages for examples:
+ <a href=""></a>
+ for release tracking
+ </li>
+ <li>
<a href=""></a>
for branch tracking
diff --git a/ b/
index 07d4bef..d9327cd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
# This file is part of MXE. See for licensing information.
# Standardise GitHub downloads and updates
-# Download API has two forms:
+# Download API has three forms:
# Archive:
# url = <owner>/<repo>/archive/<ref>.tar.gz
# dir = <repo>-<ref>
# if <ref> starts with a single `v`, it is removed from dir
+# Release:
+# Manually uploaded distribution tarballs, especially useful for
+# autotools packages with generated sources. No universal convention,
+# but generally:
+# url = <owner>/<repo>/releases/downloads/<ref>/<repo>-<version>.tar.[bz2,gz,xz,...]
+# dir = <repo>-<version>
# Tarball:
# url = <owner>/<repo>/tarball/<ref>/output-file.tar.gz
# dir = <owner>-<repo>-<short sha>
-# TODO: also third api - `releases` see
-# grep -l 'MXE_GET_GITHUB\|\|*archive' src/*.mk | xargs grep -L 'GH_CONF'
+# TODO: update remaining packages
+# grep -l 'MXE_GET_GITHUB\|\|*' src/*.mk | xargs grep -L 'GH_CONF'
# Filename doesn't matter as we stream the url to a name of our choosing.
@@ -21,12 +28,17 @@
# into it without knowing the SHA beforehand, but the directory length would
# be comical in logs etc.
+# The release API is based on tags but the uploaded tarballs may use
+# any naming convention for the filename and subdir, and also other
+# archive types e.g. *.xz
# The tarball API accepts references to commits or tags, always using the
# short SHA as the directory. In this case, tag tracking packages would have
# to store the SHA (see #1002). However, this only works for lightweight
# tags, not annotated tags that most projects use for releases.
-# In summary, we have to use both.
+# In summary, we have to use all three.
# The tarball API determines the short SHA length used in the directory name.
# Chances of a collision on a "given" commit seem to decrease as the chance
@@ -41,10 +53,19 @@ GITHUB_SHA_LENGTH := 7
# updates will use the last commit from the specified branch as
# a version string and bypass `sort -V`
+# Track releases - Release API
+# GH_CONF := owner/repo/releases[/latest], tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator
+# updates can optionally use the latest non-prerelease with /latest
+# or manually specify version numbering based on:
+# <tag prefix><s/<version sep>/./version><tag suffix>
# Track tags - Archive API
-# GH_CONF := owner/repo, tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator
+# GH_CONF := owner/repo/tags, tag prefix, tag suffix, tag filter-out, version separator
# updates will construct a version number based on:
# <tag prefix><s/<version sep>/./version><tag suffix>
+# Using the third segment for api means you can't track a branch with these names:
+GH_APIS := releases tags
# common tag filtering is applied with `grep -v`:
GITHUB_TAG_FILTER := alpha\|beta\|rc
@@ -60,7 +81,9 @@ GITHUB_TAG_FILTER := alpha\|beta\|rc
GH_OWNER = $(word 1,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF)))))
GH_REPO = $(word 2,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF)))))
-GH_BRANCH = $(word 3,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF)))))
+GH_API = $(filter $(GH_APIS),$(word 3,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF))))))
+GH_BRANCH = $(filter-out $(GH_APIS),$(word 3,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF))))))
+GH_LATEST = $(word 4,$(subst /,$(space),$(word 1,$(subst $(comma),$(space),$($(PKG)_GH_CONF)))))
GH_TAG_VARS = $(call rest,$(subst $(comma),$(space)$(__gmsl_aa_magic),$(subst $(space),,$($(PKG)_GH_CONF))))
GH_TAG_PREFIX = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 1,$(GH_TAG_VARS)))
GH_TAG_SUFFIX = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 2,$(GH_TAG_VARS)))
@@ -70,6 +93,7 @@ GH_VERSION_SEP = $(subst $(__gmsl_aa_magic),,$(word 4,$(GH_TAG_VARS)))
+ $(PKG)_GH_LATEST := $(if $(GH_LATEST),/latest)
@@ -79,7 +103,9 @@ define MXE_SETUP_GITHUB
$(PKG)_FILE := $(or $($(PKG)_FILE),$(PKG)-$$($$(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)$($(PKG)_VERSION)$$($$(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX).tar.gz)
$(if $(and $(GH_BRANCH),$(GH_TAG_VARS)),\
$(error $(newline) $(PKG) specifies both branch and tag variables $(newline)))
+ $(if $(and $(GH_BRANCH),$(GH_LATEST)),\
+ $(error $(newline) $(PKG) has fragments after github branch $(newline)))
+ $(if $(GH_BRANCH),$(value MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_BRANCH),$(value MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_$(call uc,$(GH_API))))
@@ -88,13 +114,31 @@ define MXE_SETUP_GITHUB_BRANCH
$(PKG)_UPDATE := $(or $($(PKG)_UPDATE),$(call MXE_GET_GH_SHA,$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO),$($(PKG)_BRANCH)))
+ $(PKG)_SUBDIR := $(or $($(PKG)_SUBDIR),$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-$(if $(call sne,v,$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)),$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX))$(subst .,$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP),$($(PKG)_VERSION))$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX))
+ $(PKG)_TAG_REF := $(or $($(PKG)_TAG_REF),$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)$(subst .,$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP),$($(PKG)_VERSION))$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX))
+ $(PKG)_URL := $(or $($(PKG)_URL),$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)/releases/download/$($(PKG)_TAG_REF)/$($(PKG)_SUBDIR).tar.gz)
$(PKG)_SUBDIR := $(or $($(PKG)_SUBDIR),$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-$(if $(call sne,v,$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)),$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX))$(subst .,$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP),$($(PKG)_VERSION))$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX))
$(PKG)_TAR_GZ := $(or $($(PKG)_TAR_GZ),$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-$($(PKG)_TAG_PREFIX)$(subst .,$($(PKG)_VERSION_SEP),$($(PKG)_VERSION))$($(PKG)_TAG_SUFFIX))
$(PKG)_URL := $(or $($(PKG)_URL),$($(PKG)_GH_OWNER)/$($(PKG)_GH_REPO)/archive/$(subst $($(PKG)_GH_REPO)-,,$($(PKG)_TAR_GZ)).tar.gz)
+# called with owner/repo/releases[/latest],tag prefix, tag suffix, filter-out, version sep
+ $(WGET) -q -O- '$(strip $(1))' \
+ | $(SED) -n 's,.*releases/tag/\([^"]*\)".*,\1,p' \
+ | $(if $(4),grep -vi '$(strip $(4))') \
+ | $(SED) -n 's,^$(strip $(2))\([^"]*\)$(strip $(3))$$,\1,p' \
+ | tr '$(strip $(5))' '.' \
+ | $(SORT) -V \
+ | tail -1
# called with owner/repo,branch
$(WGET) -q -O- '$(strip $(1))/git/refs/heads/$(strip $(2))' \
@@ -104,8 +148,8 @@ endef
# called with owner/repo
- $(WGET) -q -O- '$(strip $(1))/git/refs/tags/' \
- | $(SED) -n 's#.*"ref": "refs/tags/\([^"]*\).*#\1#p'
+ $(WGET) -q -O- '$(strip $(1))/tags' \
+ | $(SED) -n 's#.*releases/tag/\([^"]*\).*#\1#p'
# called with owner/repo, tag prefix, tag suffix, filter-out, version sep