path: root/libtommath/makefile
diff options
authorjan.nijtmans <>2017-04-12 12:00:11 (GMT)
committerjan.nijtmans <>2017-04-12 12:00:11 (GMT)
commitece45e7fb6469e3ee3ad49f168f8711fb36f93ce (patch)
treedb4a77927de2a4d6c6cf2bc672ebda4098b9b1a0 /libtommath/makefile
parent6f3388528ef453d29fbddba3f5a054d2f5268207 (diff)
parent473bfc0f18451046035f638732a609fc86d5a0aa (diff)
merge trunkinitsubsystems
Diffstat (limited to 'libtommath/makefile')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/libtommath/makefile b/libtommath/makefile
index 70de306..f90971c 100644
--- a/libtommath/makefile
+++ b/libtommath/makefile
@@ -2,98 +2,66 @@
#Tom St Denis
-#version of library
-CFLAGS += -I./ -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare
-ifndef MAKE
- MAKE=make
-#for speed
-CFLAGS += -O3 -funroll-loops
-#for size
-#CFLAGS += -Os
-#x86 optimizations [should be valid for any GCC install though]
-CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
-#CFLAGS += -g3
-#install as this user
- GROUP=wheel
+ifeq ($V,1)
- USER=root
+%.o: %.c
+ifneq ($V,1)
+ @echo " * ${CC} $@"
+ ${silent} ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} $^ -o $@
#default files to install
ifndef LIBNAME
-default: ${LIBNAME}
-HEADERS=tommath.h tommath_class.h tommath_superclass.h
-#LIBPATH-The directory for libtommath to be installed to.
-#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtommath.
-#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
-OBJECTS=bncore.o bn_mp_init.o bn_mp_clear.o bn_mp_exch.o bn_mp_grow.o bn_mp_shrink.o \
-bn_mp_clamp.o bn_mp_zero.o bn_mp_set.o bn_mp_set_int.o bn_mp_init_size.o bn_mp_copy.o \
-bn_mp_init_copy.o bn_mp_abs.o bn_mp_neg.o bn_mp_cmp_mag.o bn_mp_cmp.o bn_mp_cmp_d.o \
-bn_mp_rshd.o bn_mp_lshd.o bn_mp_mod_2d.o bn_mp_div_2d.o bn_mp_mul_2d.o bn_mp_div_2.o \
-bn_mp_mul_2.o bn_s_mp_add.o bn_s_mp_sub.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_digs.o \
-bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.o bn_s_mp_sqr.o \
-bn_mp_add.o bn_mp_sub.o bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.o bn_mp_mul.o bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.o \
-bn_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_div.o bn_mp_mod.o bn_mp_add_d.o bn_mp_sub_d.o bn_mp_mul_d.o \
-bn_mp_div_d.o bn_mp_mod_d.o bn_mp_expt_d.o bn_mp_addmod.o bn_mp_submod.o \
-bn_mp_mulmod.o bn_mp_sqrmod.o bn_mp_gcd.o bn_mp_lcm.o bn_fast_mp_invmod.o bn_mp_invmod.o \
-bn_mp_reduce.o bn_mp_montgomery_setup.o bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.o \
-bn_mp_exptmod_fast.o bn_mp_exptmod.o bn_mp_2expt.o bn_mp_n_root.o bn_mp_jacobi.o bn_reverse.o \
-bn_mp_count_bits.o bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_read_signed_bin.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.o \
-bn_mp_to_signed_bin.o bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.o bn_mp_signed_bin_size.o \
-bn_mp_xor.o bn_mp_and.o bn_mp_or.o bn_mp_rand.o bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o \
-bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.o bn_prime_tab.o bn_mp_prime_fermat.o bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.o \
-bn_mp_prime_is_prime.o bn_mp_prime_next_prime.o bn_mp_dr_reduce.o \
-bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.o bn_mp_dr_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_setup.o \
-bn_mp_toom_mul.o bn_mp_toom_sqr.o bn_mp_div_3.o bn_s_mp_exptmod.o \
-bn_mp_reduce_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.o \
-bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o \
-bn_mp_radix_smap.o bn_mp_read_radix.o bn_mp_toradix.o bn_mp_radix_size.o \
-bn_mp_fread.o bn_mp_fwrite.o bn_mp_cnt_lsb.o bn_error.o \
-bn_mp_init_multi.o bn_mp_clear_multi.o bn_mp_exteuclid.o bn_mp_toradix_n.o \
-bn_mp_prime_random_ex.o bn_mp_get_int.o bn_mp_sqrt.o bn_mp_is_square.o bn_mp_init_set.o \
-bn_mp_init_set_int.o bn_mp_invmod_slow.o bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o \
-bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.o
+coverage: LIBNAME:=-Wl,--whole-archive $(LIBNAME) -Wl,--no-whole-archive
+include makefile.include
+LCOV_ARGS=--directory .
+OBJECTS=bncore.o bn_error.o bn_fast_mp_invmod.o bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.o \
+bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_2expt.o bn_mp_abs.o bn_mp_add.o bn_mp_add_d.o \
+bn_mp_addmod.o bn_mp_and.o bn_mp_clamp.o bn_mp_clear.o bn_mp_clear_multi.o bn_mp_cmp.o bn_mp_cmp_d.o \
+bn_mp_cmp_mag.o bn_mp_cnt_lsb.o bn_mp_copy.o bn_mp_count_bits.o bn_mp_div_2.o bn_mp_div_2d.o bn_mp_div_3.o \
+bn_mp_div.o bn_mp_div_d.o bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.o bn_mp_dr_reduce.o bn_mp_dr_setup.o bn_mp_exch.o \
+bn_mp_export.o bn_mp_expt_d.o bn_mp_expt_d_ex.o bn_mp_exptmod.o bn_mp_exptmod_fast.o bn_mp_exteuclid.o \
+bn_mp_fread.o bn_mp_fwrite.o bn_mp_gcd.o bn_mp_get_int.o bn_mp_get_long.o bn_mp_get_long_long.o \
+bn_mp_grow.o bn_mp_import.o bn_mp_init.o bn_mp_init_copy.o bn_mp_init_multi.o bn_mp_init_set.o \
+bn_mp_init_set_int.o bn_mp_init_size.o bn_mp_invmod.o bn_mp_invmod_slow.o bn_mp_is_square.o \
+bn_mp_jacobi.o bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.o bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.o bn_mp_lcm.o bn_mp_lshd.o bn_mp_mod_2d.o \
+bn_mp_mod.o bn_mp_mod_d.o bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.o \
+bn_mp_montgomery_setup.o bn_mp_mul_2.o bn_mp_mul_2d.o bn_mp_mul.o bn_mp_mul_d.o bn_mp_mulmod.o bn_mp_neg.o \
+bn_mp_n_root.o bn_mp_n_root_ex.o bn_mp_or.o bn_mp_prime_fermat.o bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.o \
+bn_mp_prime_is_prime.o bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.o bn_mp_prime_next_prime.o \
+bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o bn_mp_prime_random_ex.o bn_mp_radix_size.o bn_mp_radix_smap.o \
+bn_mp_rand.o bn_mp_read_radix.o bn_mp_read_signed_bin.o bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_reduce_2k.o \
+bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o bn_mp_reduce.o \
+bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_setup.o bn_mp_rshd.o bn_mp_set.o bn_mp_set_int.o \
+bn_mp_set_long.o bn_mp_set_long_long.o bn_mp_shrink.o bn_mp_signed_bin_size.o bn_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_sqrmod.o \
+bn_mp_sqrt.o bn_mp_sqrtmod_prime.o bn_mp_sub.o bn_mp_sub_d.o bn_mp_submod.o bn_mp_toom_mul.o \
+bn_mp_toom_sqr.o bn_mp_toradix.o bn_mp_toradix_n.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.o \
+bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.o bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.o bn_mp_xor.o bn_mp_zero.o \
+bn_prime_tab.o bn_reverse.o bn_s_mp_add.o bn_s_mp_exptmod.o bn_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o \
+bn_s_mp_sqr.o bn_s_mp_sub.o
- ranlib $@
+ $(RANLIB) $@
#make a profiled library (takes a while!!!)
# This will build the library with profile generation
# then run the test demo and rebuild the library.
# So far I've seen improvements in the MP math
make CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -fprofile-arcs -DTESTING" timing
@@ -101,35 +69,42 @@ profiled:
rm -f *.a *.o ltmtest
make CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -fbranch-probabilities"
-#make a single object profiled library
+#make a single object profiled library
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fprofile-arcs -DTESTING -c mpi.c -o mpi.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTESTING -DTIMER demo/timing.c mpi.o -o ltmtest
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTESTING -DTIMER demo/timing.c mpi.o -lgcov -o ltmtest
rm -f *.o ltmtest
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fbranch-probabilities -DTESTING -c mpi.c -o mpi.o
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBNAME) mpi.o
- ranlib $(LIBNAME)
+ ranlib $(LIBNAME)
install: $(LIBNAME)
- install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
- install -d -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
- install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
- install -g $(GROUP) -o $(USER) $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
+ install -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
+ install -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
+ install -m 644 $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
+ install -m 644 $(HEADERS_PUB) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
test: $(LIBNAME) demo/demo.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) -o test
-mtest: test
- cd mtest ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mtest.c -o mtest
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) $(LFLAGS) -o test
+test_standalone: $(LIBNAME) demo/demo.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) demo/demo.o $(LIBNAME) $(LFLAGS) -o test
+.PHONY: mtest
+ cd mtest ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -O0 mtest.c $(LFLAGS) -o mtest
timing: $(LIBNAME)
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTIMER demo/timing.c $(LIBNAME) -o ltmtest
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTIMER demo/timing.c $(LIBNAME) $(LFLAGS) -o ltmtest
+coveralls: coverage
+ cpp-coveralls
# makes the LTM book DVI file, requires tetex, perl and makeindex [part of tetex I think]
docdvi: tommath.src
- cd pics ; MAKE=${MAKE} ${MAKE}
+ cd pics ; MAKE=${MAKE} ${MAKE}
echo "hello" > tommath.ind
latex tommath > /dev/null
@@ -139,17 +114,37 @@ docdvi: tommath.src
# poster, makes the single page PDF poster
poster: poster.tex
+ cp poster.tex poster.bak
+ touch --reference=poster.tex poster.bak
+ (printf "%s" "\def\fixedpdfdate{"; date +'D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%:z' -d @$$(stat --format=%Y poster.tex) | sed "s/:\([0-9][0-9]\)$$/'\1'}/g") > poster-deterministic.tex
+ printf "%s\n" "\pdfinfo{" >> poster-deterministic.tex
+ printf "%s\n" " /CreationDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> poster-deterministic.tex
+ printf "%s\n}\n" " /ModDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> poster-deterministic.tex
+ cat poster.tex >> poster-deterministic.tex
+ mv poster-deterministic.tex poster.tex
+ touch --reference=poster.bak poster.tex
pdflatex poster
- rm -f poster.aux poster.log
+ sed -b -i 's,^/ID \[.*\]$$,/ID [<0> <0>],g' poster.pdf
+ mv poster.bak poster.tex
+ rm -f poster.aux poster.log poster.out
# makes the LTM book PDF file, requires tetex, cleans up the LaTeX temp files
docs: docdvi
dvipdf tommath
rm -f tommath.log tommath.aux tommath.dvi tommath.idx tommath.toc tommath.lof tommath.ind tommath.ilg
cd pics ; MAKE=${MAKE} ${MAKE} clean
#LTM user manual
mandvi: bn.tex
+ cp bn.tex bn.bak
+ touch --reference=bn.tex bn.bak
+ (printf "%s" "\def\fixedpdfdate{"; date +'D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%:z' -d @$$(stat --format=%Y bn.tex) | sed "s/:\([0-9][0-9]\)$$/'\1'}/g") > bn-deterministic.tex
+ printf "%s\n" "\pdfinfo{" >> bn-deterministic.tex
+ printf "%s\n" " /CreationDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> bn-deterministic.tex
+ printf "%s\n}\n" " /ModDate (\fixedpdfdate)" >> bn-deterministic.tex
+ cat bn.tex >> bn-deterministic.tex
+ mv bn-deterministic.tex bn.tex
+ touch --reference=bn.bak bn.tex
echo "hello" > bn.ind
latex bn > /dev/null
latex bn > /dev/null
@@ -159,28 +154,36 @@ mandvi: bn.tex
#LTM user manual [pdf]
manual: mandvi
pdflatex bn >/dev/null
+ sed -b -i 's,^/ID \[.*\]$$,/ID [<0> <0>],g' bn.pdf
+ mv bn.bak bn.tex
rm -f bn.aux bn.dvi bn.log bn.idx bn.lof bn.out bn.toc
- rm -f *.bat *.pdf *.o *.a *.obj *.lib *.exe *.dll etclib/*.o demo/demo.o test ltmtest mpitest mtest/mtest mtest/mtest.exe \
- *.idx *.toc *.log *.aux *.dvi *.lof *.ind *.ilg *.ps *.log *.s mpi.c *.da *.dyn *.dpi tommath.tex `find . -type f | grep [~] | xargs` *.lo *.la
- rm -rf .libs
- cd etc ; MAKE=${MAKE} ${MAKE} clean
- cd pics ; MAKE=${MAKE} ${MAKE} clean
-#zipup the project (take that!)
+#\zipup the project (take that!)
no_oops: clean
- cd .. ; cvs commit
+ cd .. ; cvs commit
echo Scanning for scratch/dirty files
find . -type f | grep -v CVS | xargs -n 1 bash
-zipup: clean manual poster docs
- perl ; mv mpi.c pre_gen/ ; \
- cd .. ; rm -rf ltm* libtommath-$(VERSION) ; mkdir libtommath-$(VERSION) ; \
- cp -R ./libtommath/* ./libtommath-$(VERSION)/ ; \
- tar -c libtommath-$(VERSION)/* | bzip2 -9vvc > ltm-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 ; \
- zip -9 -r ltm-$(VERSION).zip libtommath-$(VERSION)/* ; \
- mv -f ltm* ~ ; rm -rf libtommath-$(VERSION)
+.PHONY: pre_gen
+ perl
+ sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]*$$//' mpi.c > pre_gen/mpi.c
+ rm mpi.c
+ rm -rf ../libtommath-$(VERSION) \
+ && rm -f ../ltm-$(VERSION).zip ../ltm-$(VERSION).zip.asc ../ltm-$(VERSION).tar.xz ../ltm-$(VERSION).tar.xz.asc
+ git archive HEAD --prefix=libtommath-$(VERSION)/ > ../libtommath-$(VERSION).tar
+ cd .. ; tar xf libtommath-$(VERSION).tar
+ MAKE=${MAKE} ${MAKE} -C ../libtommath-$(VERSION) clean manual poster docs
+ tar -c ../libtommath-$(VERSION)/* | xz -9 > ../ltm-$(VERSION).tar.xz
+ find ../libtommath-$(VERSION)/ -type f -exec unix2dos -q {} \;
+ cd .. ; zip -9r ltm-$(VERSION).zip libtommath-$(VERSION)
+ gpg -b -a ../ltm-$(VERSION).tar.xz && gpg -b -a ../ltm-$(VERSION).zip
+ bash
+ perl