path: root/tests/winFCmd.test
diff options
authorapnadkarni <>2023-03-07 02:52:26 (GMT)
committerapnadkarni <>2023-03-07 02:52:26 (GMT)
commit1f6cec5ff3943450001a29bea3371dea9f23db7f (patch)
tree1e0f72f362b61a1ec2d08040760a74d031204da5 /tests/winFCmd.test
parentfe7ee5477246fbb3f9dd369e38722690353b72f2 (diff)
Fix testchmod and associated tests that always failed on Windows
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/winFCmd.test')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/tests/winFCmd.test b/tests/winFCmd.test
index 500b114..b146253 100644
--- a/tests/winFCmd.test
+++ b/tests/winFCmd.test
@@ -47,15 +47,20 @@ proc contents {file} {
set r
+proc cleanupRecurse {args} {
+ # Assumes no loops via links!
+ # Need to change permissions BEFORE deletion
+ testchmod 0o777 {*}$args
+ foreach victim $args {
+ if {[file isdirectory $victim]} {
+ cleanupRecurse {*}[glob -nocomplain -directory $victim td* tf* Test*]
+ }
+ file delete -force $victim
+ }
proc cleanup {args} {
- foreach p ". $args" {
- set x ""
- catch {
- set x [glob -directory $p tf* td*]
- }
- if {$x != ""} {
- catch {file delete -force -- {*}$x}
- }
+ foreach p [list [pwd] {*}$args] {
+ cleanupRecurse {*}[glob -nocomplain -directory $p tf* td*]
@@ -415,12 +420,12 @@ test winFCmd-1.38 {TclpRenameFile: check rename of conflicting inodes} -setup {
} -constraints {win winNonZeroInodes notInCIenv} -body {
file mkdir td1
- foreach {a b} [MakeFiles td1] break
+ lassign [MakeFiles td1] a b
file rename -force $a $b
file exists $a
} -cleanup {
-} -result {0}
+} -result 0
test winFCmd-2.1 {TclpCopyFile: errno: EACCES} -setup {
@@ -496,11 +501,11 @@ test winFCmd-2.12 {TclpCopyFile: CopyFile succeeds} -setup {
} -constraints {win testfile} -body {
createfile tf1 tf1
- testchmod 0 tf1
+ file attribute tf1 -readonly 1
testfile cp tf1 tf2
list [contents tf2] [file writable tf2]
} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 tf1}
+ testchmod 0o660 tf1
} -result {tf1 0}
test winFCmd-2.13 {TclpCopyFile: CopyFile fails} -setup {
@@ -542,11 +547,10 @@ test winFCmd-2.17 {TclpCopyFile: dst is readonly} -setup {
} -constraints {win testfile testchmod} -body {
createfile tf1 tf1
createfile tf2 tf2
- testchmod 0 tf2
+ file attribute tf2 -readonly 1
testfile cp tf1 tf2
list [file writable tf2] [contents tf2]
} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 tf2}
} -result {1 tf1}
@@ -624,7 +628,6 @@ test winFCmd-3.11 {TclpDeleteFile: still can't remove path} -setup {
testfile rm tf1
} -cleanup {
close $fd
- catch {testchmod 0o666 tf1}
} -returnCodes error -result EACCES
@@ -664,14 +667,17 @@ test winFCmd-5.1 {TclpCopyDirectory: calls TraverseWinTree} -setup {
test winFCmd-6.1 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EACCES} -setup {
} -constraints {winVista testfile testchmod notInCIenv} -body {
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 0 td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exists td1
+ # Parent's FILE_DELETE_CHILD setting permits deletion of subdir
+ # even when subdir DELETE mask is clear. So we need an intermediate
+ # parent td0 with FILE_DELETE_CHILD turned off while allowing R/W.
+ file mkdir td0/td1
+ testchmod 0o777 td0
+ testchmod 0 td0/td1
+ testfile rmdir td0/td1
+ file exists td0/td1
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
-} -result {td1 EACCES}
+} -result {td0/td1 EACCES}
# This next test has a very hokey way of matching...
test winFCmd-6.2 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EEXIST} -setup {
@@ -679,7 +685,7 @@ test winFCmd-6.2 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EEXIST} -setup {
file mkdir td1/td2
list [catch {testfile rmdir td1} msg] [file tail $msg]
} -result {1 {td1 EEXIST}}
-test winFCmd-6.3 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EACCES} {win emptyTest} {
+test winFCmd-6.3 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno: EACCES} {win emptyTest trashSystem} {
# can't test this w/o removing everything on your hard disk first!
# testfile rmdir /
} {}
@@ -715,17 +721,7 @@ test winFCmd-6.8 {TclpRemoveDirectory: RemoveDirectory fails} -setup {
createfile tf1
list [catch {testfile rmdir tf1} msg] [file tail $msg]
} -result {1 {tf1 ENOTDIR}}
-test winFCmd-6.9 {TclpRemoveDirectory: errno == EACCES} -setup {
- cleanup
-} -constraints {winVista testfile testchmod notInCIenv} -body {
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 0 td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exists td1
-} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
- cleanup
-} -result {td1 EACCES}
+# winFCmd-6.9 removed - was exact dup of winFCmd-6.1
test winFCmd-6.11 {TclpRemoveDirectory: attr == -1} -setup {
} -constraints {win nt testfile} -body {
@@ -736,14 +732,18 @@ test winFCmd-6.11 {TclpRemoveDirectory: attr == -1} -setup {
test winFCmd-6.13 {TclpRemoveDirectory: write-protected} -setup {
} -constraints {winVista testfile testchmod notInCIenv} -body {
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 0 td1
- testfile rmdir td1
- file exists td1
-} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
- cleanup
-} -returnCodes error -result {td1 EACCES}
+ # Parent's FILE_DELETE_CHILD setting permits deletion of subdir
+ # even when subdir DELETE mask is clear. So we need an intermediate
+ # parent td0 with FILE_DELETE_CHILD turned off while allowing R/W.
+ file mkdir td0/td1
+ testchmod 0o770 td0
+ testchmod 0o444 td0/td1
+ testfile rmdir td0/td1
+ file exists td0/td1
+} -cleanup {
+ testchmod 0o770 td0/td1
+ cleanup
+} -returnCodes error -result {td0/td1 EACCES}
# This next test has a very hokey way of matching...
test winFCmd-6.15 {TclpRemoveDirectory: !recursive} -setup {
@@ -837,11 +837,12 @@ test winFCmd-7.11 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalCopy: DOTREE_PRED} -setup {
} -constraints {win testfile testchmod} -body {
file mkdir td1
createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testchmod 0 td1
+ testchmod 0o770 td1/tf1; # Else tf2 will have no ACL after td1 testchmod
+ testchmod 0o400 td1
testfile cpdir td1 td2
list [file exists td2] [file writable td2]
} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
+ testchmod 0o660 td1
} -result {1 1}
test winFCmd-7.12 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalDelete: DOTREE_PRED} -setup {
@@ -908,11 +909,12 @@ test winFCmd-7.19 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalCopy: DOTREE_POSTD} -setup {
} -constraints {win testfile testchmod} -body {
file mkdir td1
createfile td1/tf1 tf1
- testchmod 0 td1
+ testchmod 0o770 td1/tf1; # Else tf2 will have no ACL after td1 testchmod
+ testchmod 0o400 td1
testfile cpdir td1 td2
list [file exists td2] [file writable td2]
} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
+ testchmod 0o660 td1
} -result {1 1}
test winFCmd-7.20 {TraverseWinTree: call TraversalDelete: DOTREE_POSTD} -setup {
@@ -939,11 +941,12 @@ test winFCmd-8.2 {TraversalCopy: DOTREE_PRED} -setup {
} -constraints {win testfile testchmod} -body {
file mkdir td1/td2
- testchmod 0 td1
+ testchmod 0o770 td1/td2; # Else td2 will have no ACL after td1 testchmod
+ testchmod 0o400 td1
testfile cpdir td1 td2
list [file writable td1] [file writable td1/td2]
} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
+ testchmod 0o660 td1
} -result {0 1}
test winFCmd-8.3 {TraversalCopy: DOTREE_POSTD} -setup {
@@ -965,14 +968,18 @@ test winFCmd-9.1 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_F} -setup {
test winFCmd-9.3 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_PRED} -setup {
} -constraints {winVista testfile testchmod notInCIenv} -body {
- file mkdir td1/td2
- testchmod 0 td1
- testfile rmdir -force td1
+ # Parent's FILE_DELETE_CHILD setting permits deletion of subdir
+ # even when subdir DELETE mask is clear. So we need an intermediate
+ # parent td0 with FILE_DELETE_CHILD turned off while allowing R/W.
+ file mkdir td0/td1/td2
+ testchmod 0o770 td0
+ testchmod 0o400 td0/td1
+ testfile rmdir -force td0/td1
file exists td1
} -cleanup {
- catch {testchmod 0o666 td1}
+ testchmod 0o770 td0/td1
-} -returnCodes error -result {td1 EACCES}
+} -returnCodes error -result {td0/td1 EACCES}
test winFCmd-9.4 {TraversalDelete: DOTREE_POSTD} -setup {
} -constraints {win testfile} -body {
@@ -1471,7 +1478,6 @@ test winFCmd-19.9 {Windows devices path names} -constraints {win nt} -body {
# }
-# cleanup