diff options
2 files changed, 35 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/library/safe.tcl b/library/safe.tcl
index 68d4b21..82a2780 100644
--- a/library/safe.tcl
+++ b/library/safe.tcl
@@ -769,11 +769,15 @@ proc ::safe::AliasGlob {slave args} {
while {$at < [llength $args]} {
switch -glob -- [set opt [lindex $args $at]] {
- -nocomplain - -- - -join - -tails {
+ -nocomplain - -- - -tails {
lappend cmd $opt
set got($opt) 1
incr at
+ -join {
+ set got($opt) 1
+ incr at
+ }
-types - -type {
lappend cmd -types [lindex $args [incr at]]
incr at
diff --git a/tests/safe.test b/tests/safe.test
index 6b55ef1..c250400 100644
--- a/tests/safe.test
+++ b/tests/safe.test
@@ -1354,6 +1354,15 @@ proc buildEnvironment {filename} {
set testdir2 [makeDirectory deletemetoo $testdir]
set testfile [makeFile {} $filename $testdir2]
+proc buildEnvironment2 {filename} {
+ upvar 1 testdir testdir testdir2 testdir2 testfile testfile
+ upvar 1 testdir3 testdir3 testfile2 testfile2
+ set testdir [makeDirectory deletethisdir]
+ set testdir2 [makeDirectory deletemetoo $testdir]
+ set testfile [makeFile {} $filename $testdir2]
+ set testdir3 [makeDirectory deleteme $testdir]
+ set testfile2 [makeFile {} $filename $testdir3]
#### New tests for Safe base glob, with patches @ Bug 2964715
test safe-13.1 {glob is restricted [Bug 2964715]} -setup {
set i [safe::interpCreate]
@@ -1425,7 +1434,7 @@ test safe-13.6 {as 13.4 but test silent failure when result is outside access_pa
safe::interpDelete $i
removeDirectory $testdir
} -result {}
-test safe-13.7 {mimic the glob call by tclPkgUnknown which gives a deliberate error in a safe interpreter [Bug 2964715]} -setup {
+test safe-13.7 {mimic the glob call by tclPkgUnknown in a safe interpreter [Bug 2964715]} -setup {
set i [safe::interpCreate]
buildEnvironment pkgIndex.tcl
} -body {
@@ -1437,9 +1446,25 @@ test safe-13.7 {mimic the glob call by tclPkgUnknown which gives a deliberate er
safe::interpDelete $i
removeDirectory $testdir
} -result {{EXPECTED/deletemetoo/pkgIndex.tcl}}
-# Note the extra {} around the result above; that's *expected* because of the
-# format of virtual path roots.
-test safe-13.8 {mimic the glob call by tclPkgUnknown without the deliberate error that is specific to pkgIndex.tcl [Bug 2964715]} -setup {
+# Note the extra {} around the result above; that's *expected* because the
+# tokenized paths require delimitation in the list returned by glob; the
+# braces remain after the token is replaced by EXPECTED.
+test safe-13.7a {mimic the glob call by tclPkgUnknown in a safe interpreter with multiple subdirectories} -setup {
+ set i [safe::interpCreate]
+ buildEnvironment2 pkgIndex.tcl
+} -body {
+ set safeTD [::safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i $testdir]
+ ::safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i $testdir2
+ ::safe::interpAddToAccessPath $i $testdir3
+ lsort [string map [list $safeTD EXPECTED] [$i eval [list \
+ glob -directory $safeTD -join * pkgIndex.tcl]]]
+} -cleanup {
+ safe::interpDelete $i
+ removeDirectory $testdir
+} -result {EXPECTED/deleteme/pkgIndex.tcl EXPECTED/deletemetoo/pkgIndex.tcl}
+# Cf safe-13.7 - this time there's no extra {} around the result; the list
+# operation lsort removed it.
+test safe-13.8 {mimic the glob call by tclPkgUnknown without the special treatment that is specific to pkgIndex.tcl [Bug 2964715]} -setup {
set i [safe::interpCreate]
buildEnvironment notIndex.tcl
} -body {
@@ -1477,6 +1502,7 @@ test safe-13.10 {as 13.8 but test silent failure when result is outside access_p
removeDirectory $testdir
} -result {}
rename buildEnvironment {}
+rename buildEnvironment2 {}
#### Test for the module path
test safe-14.1 {Check that module path is the same as in the master interpreter [Bug 2964715]} -setup {