diff options
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/doc/re_syntax.n b/doc/re_syntax.n
index 8d732ed..4504a58 100644
--- a/doc/re_syntax.n
+++ b/doc/re_syntax.n
@@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ treatment is as if the enclosing delimiters were
.QW \fB[.\fR \&
.QW \fB.]\fR .)
-For example, if \fBo\fR and \fB\[^o]\fR are the members of an
+For example, if \fBo\fR and \fB\(^o\fR are the members of an
equivalence class, then
.QW \fB[[=o=]]\fR ,
-.QW \fB[[=\[^o]=]]\fR ,
+.QW \fB[[=\(^o=]]\fR ,
-.QW \fB[o\[^o]]\fR \&
+.QW \fB[o\(^o]\fR \&
are all synonymous. An equivalence class may not be an endpoint of a range.
diff --git a/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl b/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl
index e207434..5b2a831 100644
--- a/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl
+++ b/tools/tcltk-man2html-utils.tcl
@@ -188,17 +188,26 @@ proc process-text {text} {
{\(bu} "•" \
{\(fm} "′" \
{\(mi} "−" \
+ {\(.i} "ı" \
+ {\(.j} "ȷ" \
+ {\(Fn} "ƒ" \
+ {\(OE} "Œ" \
+ {\(oe} "œ" \
+ {\(IJ} "IJ" \
+ {\(ij} "ij" \
+ {\(<-} "<font size=\"+1\">&larr;</font>" \
{\(->} "<font size=\"+1\">&rarr;</font>" \
{\(eu} "&euro;" \
{\fP} {\fR} \
{\.} . \
# This might make a few invalid mappings, but we don't use them
- foreach c {a c e i n o u y A C E I N O U Y} {
+ foreach c {a c e g i l n o s t u y z A C E G I L N O S T U Y Z} {
foreach {prefix suffix} {
- o ring / slash : uml ' acute ^ circ ` grave ~ tilde , cedil
+ o ring / slash : uml ' acute ^ circ ` grave ~ tilde , cedil v caron
} {
lappend charmap "\\\[${prefix}${c}\]" "&${c}${suffix};"
+ lappend charmap "\\(${prefix}${c}" "&${c}${suffix};"
lappend charmap {\-\|\-} -- ; # two hyphens