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-'\" Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-'\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-'\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-'\" RCS: @(#) $Id: Object.3,v 1.3 1999/04/16 00:46:32 stanton Exp $
-'\" man.macros
-.TH Tcl_Obj 3 8.0 Tcl "Tcl Library Procedures"
-Tcl_NewObj, Tcl_DuplicateObj, Tcl_IncrRefCount, Tcl_DecrRefCount, Tcl_IsShared \- manipulate Tcl objects
-\fB#include <tcl.h>\fR
-Tcl_Obj *
-Tcl_Obj *
-.AS Tcl_Obj *objPtr in
-.AP Tcl_Obj *objPtr in
-Points to an object;
-must have been the result of a previous call to \fBTcl_NewObj\fR.
-This man page presents an overview of Tcl objects and how they are used.
-It also describes generic procedures for managing Tcl objects.
-These procedures are used to create and copy objects,
-and increment and decrement the count of references (pointers) to objects.
-The procedures are used in conjunction with ones
-that operate on specific types of objects such as
-\fBTcl_GetIntFromObj\fR and \fBTcl_ListObjAppendElement\fR.
-The individual procedures are described along with the data structures
-they manipulate.
-Tcl's \fIdual-ported\fR objects provide a general-purpose mechanism
-for storing and exchanging Tcl values.
-They largely replace the use of strings in Tcl.
-For example, they are used to store variable values,
-command arguments, command results, and scripts.
-Tcl objects behave like strings but also hold an internal representation
-that can be manipulated more efficiently.
-For example, a Tcl list is now represented as an object
-that holds the list's string representation
-as well as an array of pointers to the objects for each list element.
-Dual-ported objects avoid most runtime type conversions.
-They also improve the speed of many operations
-since an appropriate representation is immediately available.
-The compiler itself uses Tcl objects to
-cache the instruction bytecodes resulting from compiling scripts.
-The two representations are a cache of each other and are computed lazily.
-That is, each representation is only computed when necessary,
-it is computed from the other representation,
-and, once computed, it is saved.
-In addition, a change in one representation invalidates the other one.
-As an example, a Tcl program doing integer calculations can
-operate directly on a variable's internal machine integer
-representation without having to constantly convert
-between integers and strings.
-Only when it needs a string representing the variable's value,
-say to print it,
-will the program regenerate the string representation from the integer.
-Although objects contain an internal representation,
-their semantics are defined in terms of strings:
-an up-to-date string can always be obtained,
-and any change to the object will be reflected in that string
-when the object's string representation is fetched.
-Because of this representation invalidation and regeneration,
-it is dangerous for extension writers to access
-\fBTcl_Obj\fR fields directly.
-It is better to access Tcl_Obj information using
-procedures like \fBTcl_GetStringFromObj\fR and \fBTcl_GetString\fR.
-Objects are allocated on the heap
-and are referenced using a pointer to their \fBTcl_Obj\fR structure.
-Objects are shared as much as possible.
-This significantly reduces storage requirements
-because some objects such as long lists are very large.
-Also, most Tcl values are only read and never modified.
-This is especially true for procedure arguments,
-which can be shared between the caller and the called procedure.
-Assignment and argument binding is done by
-simply assigning a pointer to the value.
-Reference counting is used to determine when it is safe to
-reclaim an object's storage.
-Tcl objects are typed.
-An object's internal representation is controlled by its type.
-Seven types are predefined in the Tcl core
-including integer, double, list, and bytecode.
-Extension writers can extend the set of types
-by using the procedure \fBTcl_RegisterObjType\fR .
-Each Tcl object is represented by a \fBTcl_Obj\fR structure
-which is defined as follows.
-typedef struct Tcl_Obj {
- int \fIrefCount\fR;
- char *\fIbytes\fR;
- int \fIlength\fR;
- Tcl_ObjType *\fItypePtr\fR;
- union {
- long \fIlongValue\fR;
- double \fIdoubleValue\fR;
- VOID *\fIotherValuePtr\fR;
- struct {
- VOID *\fIptr1\fR;
- VOID *\fIptr2\fR;
- } \fItwoPtrValue\fR;
- } \fIinternalRep\fR;
-} Tcl_Obj;
-The \fIbytes\fR and the \fIlength\fR members together hold
-an object's string representation,
-which is a \fIcounted\fR or \fIbinary string\fR
-that may contain binary data with embedded null bytes.
-\fIbytes\fR points to the first byte of the string representation.
-The \fIlength\fR member gives the number of bytes.
-The byte array must always have a null after the last byte,
-at offset \fIlength\fR;
-this allows string representations that do not contain nulls
-to be treated as conventional null-terminated C strings.
-C programs use \fBTcl_GetStringFromObj\fR and \fBTcl_GetString\fR to get
-an object's string representation.
-If \fIbytes\fR is NULL,
-the string representation is invalid.
-An object's type manages its internal representation.
-The member \fItypePtr\fR points to the Tcl_ObjType structure
-that describes the type.
-If \fItypePtr\fR is NULL,
-the internal representation is invalid.
-The \fIinternalRep\fR union member holds
-an object's internal representation.
-This is either a (long) integer, a double-precision floating point number,
-a pointer to a value containing additional information
-needed by the object's type to represent the object,
-or two arbitrary pointers.
-The \fIrefCount\fR member is used to tell when it is safe to free
-an object's storage.
-It holds the count of active references to the object.
-Maintaining the correct reference count is a key responsibility
-of extension writers.
-Reference counting is discussed below
-Although extension writers can directly access
-the members of a Tcl_Obj structure,
-it is much better to use the appropriate procedures and macros.
-For example, extension writers should never
-read or update \fIrefCount\fR directly;
-they should use macros such as
-\fBTcl_IncrRefCount\fR and \fBTcl_IsShared\fR instead.
-A key property of Tcl objects is that they hold two representations.
-An object typically starts out containing only a string representation:
-it is untyped and has a NULL \fItypePtr\fR.
-An object containing an empty string or a copy of a specified string
-is created using \fBTcl_NewObj\fR or \fBTcl_NewStringObj\fR respectively.
-An object's string value is gotten with
-\fBTcl_GetStringFromObj\fR or \fBTcl_GetString\fR
-and changed with \fBTcl_SetStringObj\fR.
-If the object is later passed to a procedure like \fBTcl_GetIntFromObj\fR
-that requires a specific internal representation,
-the procedure will create one and set the object's \fItypePtr\fR.
-The internal representation is computed from the string representation.
-An object's two representations are duals of each other:
-changes made to one are reflected in the other.
-For example, \fBTcl_ListObjReplace\fR will modify an object's
-internal representation and the next call to \fBTcl_GetStringFromObj\fR
-or \fBTcl_GetString\fR will reflect that change.
-Representations are recomputed lazily for efficiency.
-A change to one representation made by a procedure
-such as \fBTcl_ListObjReplace\fR is not reflected immediately
-in the other representation.
-Instead, the other representation is marked invalid
-so that it is only regenerated if it is needed later.
-Most C programmers never have to be concerned with how this is done
-and simply use procedures such as \fBTcl_GetBooleanFromObj\fR or
-Programmers that implement their own object types
-must check for invalid representations
-and mark representations invalid when necessary.
-The procedure \fBTcl_InvalidateStringRep\fR is used
-to mark an object's string representation invalid and to
-free any storage associated with the old string representation.
-Objects usually remain one type over their life,
-but occasionally an object must be converted from one type to another.
-For example, a C program might build up a string in an object
-with repeated calls to \fBTcl_AppendToObj\fR,
-and then call \fBTcl_ListObjIndex\fR to extract a list element from
-the object.
-The same object holding the same string value
-can have several different internal representations
-at different times.
-Extension writers can also force an object to be converted from one type
-to another using the \fBTcl_ConvertToType\fR procedure.
-Only programmers that create new object types need to be concerned
-about how this is done.
-A procedure defined as part of the object type's implementation
-creates a new internal representation for an object
-and changes its \fItypePtr\fR.
-See the man page for \fBTcl_RegisterObjType\fR
-to see how to create a new object type.
-As an example of the lifetime of an object,
-consider the following sequence of commands:
-\fBset x 123\fR
-This assigns to \fIx\fR an untyped object whose
-\fIbytes\fR member points to \fB123\fR and \fIlength\fR member contains 3.
-The object's \fItypePtr\fR member is NULL.
-\fBputs "x is $x"\fR
-\fIx\fR's string representation is valid (since \fIbytes\fR is non-NULL)
-and is fetched for the command.
-\fBincr x\fR
-The \fBincr\fR command first gets an integer from \fIx\fR's object
-by calling \fBTcl_GetIntFromObj\fR.
-This procedure checks whether the object is already an integer object.
-Since it is not, it converts the object
-by setting the object's \fIinternalRep.longValue\fR member
-to the integer \fB123\fR
-and setting the object's \fItypePtr\fR
-to point to the integer Tcl_ObjType structure.
-Both representations are now valid.
-\fBincr\fR increments the object's integer internal representation
-then invalidates its string representation
-(by calling \fBTcl_InvalidateStringRep\fR)
-since the string representation
-no longer corresponds to the internal representation.
-\fBputs "x is now $x"\fR
-The string representation of \fIx\fR's object is needed
-and is recomputed.
-The string representation is now \fB124\fR.
-and both representations are again valid.
-Tcl objects are allocated on the heap and are shared as much as possible
-to reduce storage requirements.
-Reference counting is used to determine when an object is
-no longer needed and can safely be freed.
-An object just created by \fBTcl_NewObj\fR or \fBTcl_NewStringObj\fR
-has \fIrefCount\fR 0.
-The macro \fBTcl_IncrRefCount\fR increments the reference count
-when a new reference to the object is created.
-The macro \fBTcl_DecrRefCount\fR decrements the count
-when a reference is no longer needed and,
-if the object's reference count drops to zero, frees its storage.
-An object shared by different code or data structures has
-\fIrefCount\fR greater than 1.
-Incrementing an object's reference count ensures that
-it won't be freed too early or have its value change accidently.
-As an example, the bytecode interpreter shares argument objects
-between calling and called Tcl procedures to avoid having to copy objects.
-It assigns the call's argument objects to the procedure's
-formal parameter variables.
-In doing so, it calls \fBTcl_IncrRefCount\fR to increment
-the reference count of each argument since there is now a new
-reference to it from the formal parameter.
-When the called procedure returns,
-the interpreter calls \fBTcl_DecrRefCount\fR to decrement
-each argument's reference count.
-When an object's reference count drops to zero,
-\fBTcl_DecrRefCount\fR reclaims its storage.
-Most command procedures do not have to be concerned about
-reference counting since they use an object's value immediately
-and don't retain a pointer to the object after they return.
-However, if they do retain a pointer to an object in a data structure,
-they must be careful to increment its reference count
-since the retained pointer is a new reference.
-Command procedures that directly modify objects
-such as those for \fBlappend\fR and \fBlinsert\fR must be careful to
-copy a shared object before changing it.
-They must first check whether the object is shared
-by calling \fBTcl_IsShared\fR.
-If the object is shared they must copy the object
-by using \fBTcl_DuplicateObj\fR;
-this returns a new duplicate of the original object
-that has \fIrefCount\fR 0.
-If the object is not shared,
-the command procedure "owns" the object and can safely modify it directly.
-For example, the following code appears in the command procedure
-that implements \fBlinsert\fR.
-This procedure modifies the list object passed to it in \fIobjv[1]\fR
-by inserting \fIobjc-3\fR new elements before \fIindex\fR.
-listPtr = objv[1];
-if (Tcl_IsShared(listPtr)) {
- listPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj(listPtr);
-result = Tcl_ListObjReplace(interp, listPtr, index, 0, (objc-3), &(objv[3]));
-As another example, \fBincr\fR's command procedure
-must check whether the variable's object is shared before
-incrementing the integer in its internal representation.
-If it is shared, it needs to duplicate the object
-in order to avoid accidently changing values in other data structures.
-Tcl_ConvertToType, Tcl_GetIntFromObj, Tcl_ListObjAppendElement, Tcl_ListObjIndex, Tcl_ListObjReplace, Tcl_RegisterObjType
-internal representation, object, object creation, object type, reference counting, string representation, type conversion