path: root/library/auto.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/auto.tcl')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/auto.tcl b/library/auto.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2050e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/auto.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# auto.tcl --
+# utility procs formerly in init.tcl dealing with auto execution
+# of commands and can be auto loaded themselves.
+# SCCS: @(#) auto.tcl 1.1 98/01/07 11:21:02
+# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# auto_execok --
+# Returns string that indicates name of program to execute if
+# name corresponds to a shell builtin or an executable in the
+# Windows search path, or "" otherwise. Builds an associative
+# array auto_execs that caches information about previous checks,
+# for speed.
+# Arguments:
+# name - Name of a command.
+if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) windows] == 0} {
+# Windows version.
+# Note that info executable doesn't work under Windows, so we have to
+# look for files with .exe, .com, or .bat extensions. Also, the path
+# may be in the Path or PATH environment variables, and path
+# components are separated with semicolons, not colons as under Unix.
+ proc auto_execok name {
+ global auto_execs env tcl_platform
+ if {[info exists auto_execs($name)]} {
+ return $auto_execs($name)
+ }
+ set auto_execs($name) ""
+ if {[lsearch -exact {cls copy date del erase dir echo mkdir md rename
+ ren rmdir rd time type ver vol} $name] != -1} {
+ return [set auto_execs($name) [list $env(COMSPEC) /c $name]]
+ }
+ if {[llength [file split $name]] != 1} {
+ foreach ext {{} .com .exe .bat} {
+ set file ${name}${ext}
+ if {[file exists $file] && ![file isdirectory $file]} {
+ return [set auto_execs($name) [list $file]]
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ set path "[file dirname [info nameof]];.;"
+ if {[info exists env(WINDIR)]} {
+ set windir $env(WINDIR)
+ }
+ if {[info exists windir]} {
+ if {$tcl_platform(os) == "Windows NT"} {
+ append path "$windir/system32;"
+ }
+ append path "$windir/system;$windir;"
+ }
+ if {[info exists env(PATH)]} {
+ append path $env(PATH)
+ }
+ foreach dir [split $path {;}] {
+ if {$dir == ""} {
+ set dir .
+ }
+ foreach ext {{} .com .exe .bat} {
+ set file [file join $dir ${name}${ext}]
+ if {[file exists $file] && ![file isdirectory $file]} {
+ return [set auto_execs($name) [list $file]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+} else {
+# Unix version.
+proc auto_execok name {
+ global auto_execs env
+ if {[info exists auto_execs($name)]} {
+ return $auto_execs($name)
+ }
+ set auto_execs($name) ""
+ if {[llength [file split $name]] != 1} {
+ if {[file executable $name] && ![file isdirectory $name]} {
+ set auto_execs($name) [list $name]
+ }
+ return $auto_execs($name)
+ }
+ foreach dir [split $env(PATH) :] {
+ if {$dir == ""} {
+ set dir .
+ }
+ set file [file join $dir $name]
+ if {[file executable $file] && ![file isdirectory $file]} {
+ set auto_execs($name) [list $file]
+ return $auto_execs($name)
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+# auto_reset --
+# Destroy all cached information for auto-loading and auto-execution,
+# so that the information gets recomputed the next time it's needed.
+# Also delete any procedures that are listed in the auto-load index
+# except those defined in this file.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+proc auto_reset {} {
+ global auto_execs auto_index auto_oldpath
+ foreach p [info procs] {
+ if {[info exists auto_index($p)] && ![string match auto_* $p]
+ && ([lsearch -exact {unknown pkg_mkIndex tclPkgSetup
+ tclMacPkgSearch tclPkgUnknown} $p] < 0)} {
+ rename $p {}
+ }
+ }
+ catch {unset auto_execs}
+ catch {unset auto_index}
+ catch {unset auto_oldpath}
+# auto_mkindex --
+# Regenerate a tclIndex file from Tcl source files. Takes as argument
+# the name of the directory in which the tclIndex file is to be placed,
+# followed by any number of glob patterns to use in that directory to
+# locate all of the relevant files. It does not parse or source the file
+# so the generated index will not contain the appropriate namespace qualifiers
+# if you don't explicitly specify it.
+# Arguments:
+# dir - Name of the directory in which to create an index.
+# args - Any number of additional arguments giving the
+# names of files within dir. If no additional
+# are given auto_mkindex will look for *.tcl.
+proc auto_mkindex {dir args} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ set oldDir [pwd]
+ cd $dir
+ set dir [pwd]
+ append index "# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0\n"
+ append index "# This file is generated by the \"auto_mkindex\" command\n"
+ append index "# and sourced to set up indexing information for one or\n"
+ append index "# more commands. Typically each line is a command that\n"
+ append index "# sets an element in the auto_index array, where the\n"
+ append index "# element name is the name of a command and the value is\n"
+ append index "# a script that loads the command.\n\n"
+ if {$args == ""} {
+ set args *.tcl
+ }
+ foreach file [eval glob $args] {
+ set f ""
+ set error [catch {
+ set f [open $file]
+ while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^proc[ ]+([^ ]*)} $line match procName]} {
+ set procName [lindex [auto_qualify $procName "::"] 0]
+ append index "set [list auto_index($procName)]"
+ append index " \[list source \[file join \$dir [list $file]\]\]\n"
+ }
+ }
+ close $f
+ } msg]
+ if {$error} {
+ set code $errorCode
+ set info $errorInfo
+ catch {close $f}
+ cd $oldDir
+ error $msg $info $code
+ }
+ }
+ set f ""
+ set error [catch {
+ set f [open tclIndex w]
+ puts $f $index nonewline
+ close $f
+ cd $oldDir
+ } msg]
+ if {$error} {
+ set code $errorCode
+ set info $errorInfo
+ catch {close $f}
+ cd $oldDir
+ error $msg $info $code
+ }