path: root/tests/compile.test
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diff --git a/tests/compile.test b/tests/compile.test
index fb9a87a..4d57549 100644
--- a/tests/compile.test
+++ b/tests/compile.test
@@ -466,6 +466,67 @@ test compile-13.1 {testing underestimate of maxStackSize in list cmd} {exec} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] << $script} msg] $msg
} {0 OK}
+# Tests of nested compile (body in body compilation), should not generate stack overflow
+# (with abnormal program termination), bug [fec0c17d39]:
+proc _ti_gencode {} {
+ # creates test interpreter on demand with [gencode] generator:
+ if {[interp exists ti]} {
+ return
+ }
+ interp create ti
+ ti eval {proc gencode {nr {cmd eval} {nl 0}} {
+ set code ""
+ set e ""; if {$nl} {set e "\n"}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $nr} {incr i} {
+ append code "$cmd \{$e"
+ }
+ append code "lappend result 1$e"
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $nr} {incr i} {
+ append code "\}$e"
+ }
+ #puts [format "%% %.40s ... %d bytes" $code [string length $code]]
+ return $code
+ }}
+test compile-13.2 {TclCompileScript: testing expected nested scripts compilation} -setup {
+ _ti_gencode
+ interp recursionlimit ti [expr {10000+50}]
+ ti eval {set result {}}
+} -body {
+ # Test different compilation variants (instructions evalStk, invokeStk, etc),
+ # with 2000 (1000 in debug) nested scripts (bodies). If you get SO/SF exceptions on some low-stack
+ # boxes or systems, please don't decrease it (either provide a constraint)
+ ti eval {foreach cmd {eval "if 1" try catch} {
+ set c [gencode [expr {![::tcl::pkgconfig get debug] ? 2000 : 1000}] $cmd]
+ if 1 $c
+ }}
+ ti eval {set result}
+} -result {1 1 1 1}
+test compile-13.3 {TclCompileScript: testing check of max depth by nested scripts compilation} -setup {
+ _ti_gencode
+ interp recursionlimit ti 100
+ ti eval {set result {}}
+} -body {
+ # Test different compilation variants (instructions evalStk, invokeStk, etc),
+ # with 500 nested scripts (bodies). It must generate "too many nested compilations"
+ # error for any variant we're testing here:
+ ti eval {foreach cmd {eval "if 1" try catch} {
+ set c [gencode [expr {![info exists ::tcl_platform(debug)] ? 2000 : 1000}] $cmd]
+ lappend errors [catch $c e] $e
+ }}
+ #puts $errors
+ # all of nested calls exceed the limit, so must end with "too many nested compilations"
+ # (or evaluations, depending on compile method/instruction and "mixed" compile within
+ # evaliation), so no one succeeds, the result must be empty:
+ ti eval {set result}
+} -result {}
+# clean up:
+if {[interp exists ti]} {
+ interp delete ti
+rename _ti_gencode {}
# Tests compile-14.* for [Bug 599788] [Bug 0c043a175a47da8c2342]
test compile-14.1 {testing errors in element name; segfault?} {} {
catch {set a([error])} msg1