path: root/tests/interp.test
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/interp.test')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/tests/interp.test b/tests/interp.test
index f428207..6ffa098 100644
--- a/tests/interp.test
+++ b/tests/interp.test
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ test interp-2.11 {anonymous interps vs existing procs} {
proc interp$thenum {} {}
set x [interp create]
regexp "interp(\[0-9]+)" $x dummy anothernum
- expr $anothernum > $thenum
+ expr {$anothernum > $thenum}
} 1
test interp-2.12 {anonymous interps vs existing procs} {
set x [interp create -safe]
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ test interp-2.12 {anonymous interps vs existing procs} {
proc interp$thenum {} {}
set x [interp create -safe]
regexp "interp(\[0-9]+)" $x dummy anothernum
- expr $anothernum - $thenum
+ expr {$anothernum - $thenum}
} 1
test interp-2.13 {correct default when no $path arg is given} -body {
interp create --
@@ -224,22 +224,22 @@ interp create a
# Part 5: Testing eval in interpreter object command and with interp command
test interp-6.1 {testing eval} {
- a eval expr 3 + 5
+ a eval expr {{3 + 5}}
} 8
test interp-6.2 {testing eval} -returnCodes error -body {
a eval foo
} -result {invalid command name "foo"}
test interp-6.3 {testing eval} {
- a eval {proc foo {} {expr 3 + 5}}
+ a eval {proc foo {} {expr {3 + 5}}}
a eval foo
} 8
-catch {a eval {proc foo {} {expr 3 + 5}}}
+catch {a eval {proc foo {} {expr {3 + 5}}}}
test interp-6.4 {testing eval} {
interp eval a foo
} 8
test interp-6.5 {testing eval} {
interp create {a x2}
- interp eval {a x2} {proc frob {} {expr 4 * 9}}
+ interp eval {a x2} {proc frob {} {expr {4 * 9}}}
interp eval {a x2} frob
} 36
catch {interp create {a x2}}
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ test interp-16.5 {testing deletion order, bgerror} {
xxx eval {proc bgerror {args} {exit}}
xxx alias exit kill xxx
proc kill {i} {interp delete $i}
- xxx eval after 100 expr a + b
+ xxx eval after 100 expr {a + b}
after 200
interp exists xxx
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ test interp-19.9 {alias deletion, renaming} {
interp create a
interp alias a foo a bar
interp eval a rename foo blotz
- interp eval a {proc foo {} {expr 34 * 34}}
+ interp eval a {proc foo {} {expr {34 * 34}}}
interp alias a foo {}
set l [interp eval a foo]
interp delete a
@@ -3171,7 +3171,7 @@ test interp-34.3.1 {basic test of limits - pure inside-command loop} -body {
# We use a time limit here; command limits don't trap this case
- $i limit time -seconds [expr {[clock seconds]+2}]
+ $i limit time -seconds [expr {[clock seconds] + 2}]
$i eval foobar
} -returnCodes error -result {time limit exceeded} -cleanup {
interp delete $i
@@ -3193,8 +3193,8 @@ test interp-34.4 {limits with callbacks: extending limits} -setup {
} -body {
interp alias $i foo {} cb1
set curlim [$i eval info cmdcount]
- $i limit command -command "cb2 [expr $curlim+100]" \
- -value [expr {$curlim+10}]
+ $i limit command -command "cb2 [expr {$curlim + 100}]" \
+ -value [expr {$curlim + 10}]
$i eval {for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {foo}}
list $a $b $c
} -result {6 4 b} -cleanup {
@@ -3222,7 +3222,7 @@ test interp-34.5 {limits with callbacks: removing limits} -setup {
} -body {
interp alias $i foo {} cb1
set curlim [$i eval info cmdcount]
- $i limit command -command "cb2 {}" -value [expr {$curlim+10}]
+ $i limit command -command "cb2 {}" -value [expr {$curlim + 10}]
$i eval {for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {foo}}
list $a $b $c
} -result {6 4 b} -cleanup {
@@ -3247,7 +3247,7 @@ test interp-34.6 {limits with callbacks: removing limits and handlers} -setup {
} -body {
interp alias $i foo {} cb1
set curlim [$i eval info cmdcount]
- $i limit command -command cb2 -value [expr {$curlim+10}]
+ $i limit command -command cb2 -value [expr {$curlim + 10}]
$i eval {for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {foo}}
list $a $b $c
} -result {6 4 b} -cleanup {
@@ -3266,7 +3266,7 @@ test interp-34.7 {limits with callbacks: deleting the handler interp} -setup {
proc cb2 {args} {
global c i curlim
set c b
- $i limit command -value [expr {$curlim+1000}]
+ $i limit command -value [expr {$curlim + 1000}]
@@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ test interp-34.7 {limits with callbacks: deleting the handler interp} -setup {
set c a
interp alias $i foo {} cb1
set curlim [$i eval info cmdcount]
- $i limit command -command cb2 -value [expr {$curlim+10}]
+ $i limit command -command cb2 -value [expr {$curlim + 10}]
$i eval {
$i eval {
@@ -3304,7 +3304,7 @@ test interp-34.7 {limits with callbacks: deleting the handler interp} -setup {
# Bug 1085023
test interp-34.8 {time limits trigger in vwaits} -body {
set i [interp create]
- interp limit $i time -seconds [expr {[clock seconds]+1}] -granularity 1
+ interp limit $i time -seconds [expr {[clock seconds] + 1}] -granularity 1
$i eval {
set x {}
vwait x
@@ -3352,8 +3352,8 @@ test interp-34.11 {time limit extension in callbacks} -setup {
} -body {
set i [interp create]
set t0 [clock seconds]
- $i limit time -seconds [expr {$t0+1}] -granularity 1 \
- -command "cb1 $i [expr {$t0+2}]"
+ $i limit time -seconds [expr {$t0 + 1}] -granularity 1 \
+ -command "cb1 $i [expr {$t0 + 2}]"
set ::result {}
lappend ::result [catch {
$i eval {
@@ -3380,8 +3380,8 @@ test interp-34.12 {time limit extension in callbacks} -setup {
} -body {
set i [interp create]
set t0 [clock seconds]
- set ::times "[expr {$t0+2}] [expr {$t0+100}]"
- $i limit time -seconds [expr {$t0+1}] -granularity 1 -command "cb1 $i"
+ set ::times "[expr {$t0 + 2}] [expr {$t0 + 100}]"
+ $i limit time -seconds [expr {$t0 + 1}] -granularity 1 -command "cb1 $i"
set ::result {}
lappend ::result [catch {
$i eval {
@@ -3615,8 +3615,8 @@ test interp-37.1 {safe interps and min() and max(): Bug 2895741} -setup {
set result {}
} -body {
interp create {a b} -safe
- lappend result [interp eval a {expr min(5,2,3)*max(7,13,11)}]
- lappend result [interp eval {a b} {expr min(5,2,3)*max(7,13,11)}]
+ lappend result [interp eval a {expr {min(5,2,3)*max(7,13,11)}}]
+ lappend result [interp eval {a b} {expr {min(5,2,3)*max(7,13,11)}}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain result
interp delete a